opening lines for a wedding speech

Best Wedding Speech Opening Lines

If you have read our Ultimate Guide To Writing & Delivering A Great Wedding Speech or Toast post, then you know that adding a little bit of humor can really help break the ice and calm your nerves. If you are drowning in the sea of wedding speech examples online and need help writing a speech that you can be proud of- you’re in the right place.

The key to delivering a great wedding speech is how it begins and ends. So today, we’ve rounded up some great opening lines that will have the guests praising your witty wordsmithing. And the great news is these can work for any type of wedding speech ( Father of the Bride , Best Man , Groom , and more).

How you open your wedding speech is critical because you only have 30 seconds to capture the guests’ attention and intrigue them enough to listen. Kicking off your wedding speech with one of these gems, and you’ll have a terrific speech.

Man in tuxedo at microphone giving speech with champagne glass in hand

Spice Up The Introduction

Ditch the old boring introduction “For those who don’t know me; I am – blah, blah, blah” by adding a little spice and humor. Here are a few examples.

“Hi, Ladies & gentlemen. If you’re in this room tonight and don’t know me, you’re probably at the wrong wedding. I am, of course, [NAME] I’ve been [GROOM’S NAME] wingman for 25 years.”

“Hello and welcome to this evening’s reception, [BRIDE’S NAME]; YOU truly are MY biggest fan. Wait, that didn’t come outright. As I was saying….”

Address the Nerves

We know delivering a speech in front of a crowd of people has a way of bringing on nerves, anxiety, and downright fear for many. The fact that you are nervous can be a great way to open your wedding speech while also helping you to relax.

“Good evening, everyone. I am [NAME], I am the best man this evening and must say – I’m pretty nervous up here. So, I will rely on that expert advice of “picture the crowd naked” to get over it. And I must say…bridesmaids, you look incredible this evening.”

Add a Little Humor; Corny Jokes Are OK

Pretty sure most will agree that there is no better way to start a wedding speech than a well-delivered joke . But when deciding which jokes you can include, make sure to consider your audience. One of the biggest wedding speech gaffes you could make is to offend the Mr. & Mrs. or the guests, so keep it PG. With that said, if you can get them to laugh in the first 30 seconds, you’re going to kill the speech.

“Hello, I’m the father of the bride [NAME]. This entire day has been beautiful, romantic, and emotional so far. In fact, I’m getting emotional. The wedding cake has me in TIERS. (looking at a 3-tiered cake).”

Bride laughing hilariously at wedding speech

Deliver a Hilarious Joke With a Straight Face

Saying something downright hilarious and absurd with a straight face will always get the crowd to laugh (and sometimes cheer). If you can pull this off, you’re on your way to an unforgettable wedding speech.

“As Abraham Lincoln once said, [say something outrageous than Lincoln never said—an inspirational quote, movie line, piece of advice, etc.] … and that’s what brings us all together tonight to celebrate [COUPLE’S NAMES].” ( source )

“Thank you all for joining us here to celebrate the joining of two beautiful souls. I promise my toast is going to be like a mini-skirt, long enough to cover the goods but short enough to hold your attention.”

History in the Making

Here’s a simple and funny opening line that is appropriate for any presenter and any type of wedding.

“Family and friends, today we are witnessing a unique event in history – it’s the first, and probably the last time anyone will trust me to give a speech!”

Add Something Funny About The Previous Speech

Ok, hear us out on this one because this could really turn disastrous. If you are not first in the speech order, your opening line can be to say something funny about the previous presenter or speech. Just make sure it is not derogatory or insulting. Keep it clean, or you’ll make a few enemies. Here’s a great way to do it!

“I just want to start by congratulating (PREVIOUS PRESENTERS NAME) on their incredible wedding speech tonight. I knew that speech would be hard to follow and I was right; I couldn’t follow a word of it.”

Relationship Advice

“I’d like to begin my speech this evening by giving the happy couple some relationship advice. Unfortunately, I’m single and spend the majority of my time dressing my dog in cute outfits and trying to get their photos viral on Instagram.”

Just Be Yourself

The pressure is undoubtedly on when you have been asked to present a wedding speech. And while you may be tempted to WOW the guests and couple with witty jokes and charming sentiments, the best advice is just to be yourself. And you can even use this as your opening line. Here’s how.

“(NAME) knows that I’m am incredibly nervous about this speech, so they gave me some great advice. They said, ‘Don’t try to be too witty, charming, or intellectual… just be yourself!'”

We hope that you enjoyed this guide to the best wedding speech opening lines. If you need more guidance on wedding speech examples or wedding toast inspiration, we have you covered. Visit our Complete Guide To Wedding Speeches & Toasts . You’ll be writing a killer wedding speech in no time.

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In This Article

  • 3 Ways How To Start A Speech
  • Tips On How To Start A Speech
  • Things to Avoid

Important Questions To Answer Before You Start

  • Examples To Find Inspiration
  • Wedding Party & Reception

How to Start a Wedding Speech: Captivating Openings

Natalia Bayeva

nagi.graphy via Instagram

If you’re not used to public speaking it would be easy to get stuck on how to start a wedding speech. However, the good thing is once you start, once you get out that door, you are on a roll. So, as long as you can get that part out of the way, you can be sure to hit your home run.


Giving wedding speeches can be nerve-wracking sometimes, and if you find yourself fussed about your opening or closing lines. Or even a tad worried about the speech, we’re here to guide you.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What goes first in a wedding speech.

The common opening line for wedding speeches is a greeting and introduction. So, something like, “Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. I’m (name) and delighted to welcome you all here tonight.”

Who speaks first in wedding speeches?

In the traditional wedding speech order, the father of the bride speaks first, followed by the groom, and then the best man before others.

3 Ways How To Start A Speech For A Wedding

how to start wedding speech groom

If you are thinking about how to start a speech for a wedding, well, it’s important to keep the type of event in mind. There are several factors that can determine the way you start your speech, the type of speech that you give, and how you close it. This would include:

  • The general mood of the event (formal, informal, relaxed, etc).
  • The time of the wedding event.
  • The location.
  • And, your part in the wedding.

Start With An Introduction Of Yourself In A Usual Manner

Although how to start a wedding speech for father of the bride would be different from if you’re the best man. It is always great to start with an introduction. And so, no matter your part in the wedding, introducing yourself would be the polite way to start.

Smile as you do it and make a bit of a joke if you feel tense, or reference how important the day is if you don’t feel like joking.

Start With A Joke

Start with a quote.

Whether you’re thinking about how to start a wedding speech for a sister or a friend, you cannot go wrong with a good quote. If you have a sentimental quote about love, or a favorite quote you both share, this will always be a good idea. And whether you choose to give a quote or a joke, always remember to smile.

Tips On How To Start A Speech At A Wedding

how to start wedding speech bride

With the right tips on hand, you wouldn’t need to worry much about how to start a speech at a wedding. Use this guide to get your nerves in check. Start strong, and finish well. With the right guidance you’ll do well whether you’re making a speech for a friend, your child or the love of your life.

  • Get ready beforehand: If you are worried about how to start a wedding speech as a maid of honor or best man, the last thing you want to do is wing it. To fail to prepare is to prepare to fail, so be sure to get ready well ahead of time.
  • Don’t think you need to know your whole speech off by heart: While you might have a good memory, do not rely completely on it. Prepare your speech and write it out in handy notes. You don’t need to write all of it, you could just make cue cards to help with each point.
  • Practice in advance including reading aloud: Whether you’re figuring out how to start a speech of best man at wedding or a bridesmaid, you need to rehearse. Practice as much as you can in advance.
  • Record yourself to listen how you sound: Recording yourself in audio or videotape will help as well. While it might be a tad uncomfortable, you will get a better idea of any improvements you’d need to make as you practice more.
  • When giving your speech – always make eye contact: When you’re wondering how to start a wedding speech for a brother or friend, remember about eye contact. Eye contact connects you to the audience.
  • Be yourself: Try to relax, don’t fret and share your perspective on the couple. Just be yourself and the message will be passed across easily. If you are anxious, the guests will feel it too.
  • Emotions are ok: It is okay to tell a story that means something to you, and if it does, it is also okay to show emotion. Be it tears or laughter, emotions add feeling to your words.
  • Tears are ok: A wedding is a celebration of love, and happy tears are always welcome. So, don’t feel the need to hide those emotions if they rise to the surface.
  • Improvisation is ok: You might consider improvising if your nerves threaten to get the best of you. In the end there is no hard and fast rule for giving your speech.

Things to Avoid When Starting Your Wedding Speech

how to start a wedding speech guests table setting

tweedcoastweddings via Instagram

  • Rambling or Going Off on Tangents: It’s important to stay focused and concise when delivering your wedding speech. Avoid rambling or going off on unrelated tangents that could lose the attention of your audience.
  • Prolonged Stories or Anecdotes: While sharing a brief and meaningful story can enhance your speech, be cautious not to go into excessive detail or share prolonged anecdotes. Keep your speech engaging and to the point, ensuring that it doesn’t drag on for too long.
  • Mentioning Past Relationships or Exes: It’s best to avoid bringing up past relationships or mentioning exes in your wedding speech. Focus on celebrating the love and joy of the couple’s present relationship, rather than delving into the past.
  • Overindulging in Alcohol before the Speech: It’s essential to maintain a clear and coherent delivery during your wedding speech. Avoid overindulging in alcohol before your speech to ensure that you speak confidently and coherently.
  • Insults or Negative Remarks: Steer clear of making any negative or insulting remarks during your wedding speech. It’s a time to celebrate and uplift the couple, so focus on expressing your love, support, and well wishes for their future.

Remember, a well-crafted and heartfelt wedding speech will be appreciated by the couple and their guests, so it’s important to avoid these common pitfalls to ensure a memorable and positive experience for everyone involved.

how to start wedding speech newlyweds

sirpillasoirees via Instagram

Knowing the answers to a few questions can be helpful if you’re struggling with how to start a wedding speech for a groom or bride. The answers to these simple questions could as well help you create your speech. For instance:

  • Who will speak before you? This could influence the content of your speech or toast. You might want to pick up where they left off, say a few words about them, or thank them for introducing you.
  • When will you speak? The timing of your speech could also decide the type of speech that you give. If it’s early in the day, you might consider something more formal and quick. If it’s late in the day during dinner, a more relaxed, fun and cheerful speech would be nice.
  • Is there a memory the couple would want to share? If there is anything specific the couple would like you to mention, it would be a good idea to find that out beforehand and include it in your speech.
  • How much time do you have? Most speeches don’t go above 5 mins. Being aware of how much time you have to speak, will also help you in drafting your speech and deciding what should be said and what should be left out.

How To Start A Wedding Speech: Examples To Find Inspiration

How to start a wedding speech for mother.

There are several ways to start your wedding speech as the mother of the bride or groom. If you are worried about how to start a wedding speech for your daughter or son, the examples below can inspire you.

Hi everybody! I am the mother of our wonderful bride. I am very happy that so many people joined the celebration of our special day today!
Good evening! Who does not know me yet, I am the mother of the bride, _. It’s hard for me to hide my emotions on this wonderful day and I would like to thank all our guests for being with us today!
My name is _. Who does not know – I am the mother of the groom. I am glad to welcome you all here tonight.

How To Start A Wedding Speech For Father Of The Bride

A wedding celebration is not just about the couple, but also about their loved ones. As father of the bride or groom, you would be feeling a lot of emotions on such a big day. You can start your wedding speech by introducing yourself, expressing those emotions, and telling everyone how much this day means to you.

You should probably all know who I am, and if you don’t – I _, the bride’s dad. Welcome to our celebration!
The highest happiness on earth is the happiness of marriage. And today we are all here to congratulate our beautiful newlyweds.
Wedding is the most important day in every girl’s life, welcome to my beautiful daughter’s wedding. If someone does not know me, I am the father of the bride, _.

How To Start A Wedding Speech Maid Of Honor

As maid of honor you would have lots of material for a wedding speech. Just deciding how to start your wedding speech and how to organize all of the words can get you on your way.

Hi all! I am _, a bridesmaid. I am so happy that _ got married today. It is such a joyous event for all of us.
You probably know me as a bridesmaid, _. But today you will also recognize me as the queen of the dance floor, because the bride warned that there would be dancing until the morning! Jo, I’m just kidding!
Today is a special day and we are here to celebrate with our newlyweds! We have been preparing for a long year and now this day has come!

How To Start A Speech Of Best Man At Wedding

Whether you have a joke, a quote, or a story to share, as the best man everyone would be interested in what you have to say. So, try to be yourself and read out the words as you have planned and rehearsed.

My dear, _! I’m so happy that you found the girl of your dreams and today is your wedding, but I’m so sad that now you will stop hanging out with me like we did at the university. Okay, I’m kidding! I’m still very happy!
Hi everybody! I’m best man, my name is _, and who doesn’t know I’m a single – this is information for the table where the bridesmaids are. I would like to congratulate our dear newlyweds on this wonderful day!
Good evening everyone! When I was preparing this speech, I was thinking how I can fit my attitude towards _ and our 20 years of friendship into 7 minutes. But, I found a way out – we have the whole night ahead!

How To Start A Wedding Speech For Sister

As the sister of the groom or bride, you won’t need to worry about how to start a bride’s wedding speech. There are many paths to follow. After introducing yourself you could tell a joke about your sibling, tell a story about the couple, or talk about your joy at seeing them hitched finally.

My dear sister! You are so beautiful today! I am so glad that there are so many people here today, and we all gathered to congratulate you and _ on such a special day!
Hi everybody! I am the groom’s sister, _. I would like to say a few words about my brother and welcome his new wife to our family.
I’m _, the groom’s younger sister! All my life I wanted to have not only a brother, but also a sister. How happy I am that now my dreams have come true! _, welcome to our family.

How To Start A Wedding Speech For Brother

Sometimes you feel as if you cannot find the right words, or your nerves get the best of you. However, with preparation, there are more than enough words to express your joy for your brother on his wedding day.

As the brother of the groom, I would like to say a few words about him. I remember when I was 9 and he was 7, we promised each other never to mess with girls. And today we are at his wedding!
Today our family has become bigger! And I’m incredibly happy for these two so happy! I have always been protective of my little sister and only wanted her to date a nice guy. And it happened just like that!
Hello everyone, I’m _. According to most studies, people’s number one fear is public speaking. And I totally agree. So sorry, but I’ll be brief.

How to Start a Wedding Speech for a Best Friend

Starting a wedding speech for your best friend requires a heartfelt and personal approach. Here’s an example of how you could begin:

Good evening, everyone. For those who don’t know me, my name is [Your Name], and I have the incredible honor and privilege of standing here today as [Best Friend’s Name]’s best friend. First and foremost, I want to express my deepest gratitude to [Couple’s Names] for allowing me to share in this joyous celebration of their love. Today is not only a celebration of their union but also a testament to the unbreakable bond of friendship that [Best Friend’s Name] and I have shared throughout the years.

How To Start A Bride’s Wedding Speech

As a bride, you wouldn’t need to start your wedding speech with an introduction since everyone attending would no doubt know who you are. Your speech would mostly be one of thanks to your guests, love for your partner a story or two if you like, and an overall expression of joy for such a special day.

I’m so happy to welcome all of you here today to celebrate our wedding and thank you for choosing to spend the day with us!
I want to thank everyone who is with us today – thanks to you this day has become even more special. It will be such a pleasure to see all the photos and videos from our holiday as soon as possible, I’m sure they will be amazing!
I Will Always Love You – Whitney Houston created just the best song. And I will always love you too, my dear husband.

How To Start A Wedding Speech For Groom

Just like the bride, the groom would not need any introduction. The groom’s speech could begin with supporting the words of the bride or be totally different.

I would like to join all the words of my wife! Thank you for being with us today on this special day.
If someone does not know me, I _, groom. Or already a husband. Haha, I’m kidding. Today was just the best day, I did not even imagine that everything would be like this.
Hi all! I‘d like to add a few words to my wife’s speech. Like most men, I don’t like attention, photo shooting, etc. But today it wasn’t stressful, it was so relaxed and easy-going thanks to everyone who was with us!

It’s quite common to fret about how to start a wedding speech. However, with some inspirational examples, banging tips and a strong start, you can tackle any wedding speech successfully whether you are the best man, groom, or even mother of the bride.

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25 funny opening lines for wedding speeches.

opening lines for a wedding speech

W edd ing speeches are an important part of any wedding celebration . They provide an opportunity for the couple to thank their family and friends and express their love for one another . But , it can be difficult to come up with the perfect opening line for your speech .

Never fear ! We ’ ve compiled a list of 25 funny opening lines for wedding speeches that are sure to get your guests laughing . From classic one - liners to pun s and jokes , these lines will give you the perfect start to your speech .

1 . “ Good evening everyone , I have a few words to say , so I ’ m going to make like a tree and leave . ”

2 . “ I wanted to start my speech with a joke , but I couldn ’ t find one that was appropriate for a wedding . So , I ’ ll just say congratulations ! ”

3 . “ If I had a dollar for every time I ’ ve heard a wedding speech , I ’ d be rich . ”

4 . “ I ’ ve been told I have to give a speech , so here goes nothing . ”

#5 . “ I ’ m not here to give a speech , I ’ m here to give a toast ! ”

6 . “ I ’ m not sure what I ’ m supposed to say , but I ’ m sure it ’ ll come to me eventually . ”

7 . “ I ’ m not sure how to start this speech , so I ’ ll just say congratulations to the happy couple ! ”

8 . “ I was going to start my speech with a joke , but then I remembered that I ’ m not a comedian . So , congratulations ! ”

9 . “ I ’ ve been asked to give a speech and I have no idea what to say , so I ’ m just going to wing it . ”

10 . “ I was about to give a speech , but then I remembered I don ’ t actually have anything to say . So , here ’ s to the happy couple ! ”

11 . “ I ’ m not sure what I ’ m supposed to say , but I ’ m sure it ’ ll come to me in a moment . So , in the meantime , here ’ s to the happy couple ! ”

12 . “ I ’ m not sure what I ’ m supposed to say , so I ’ m just going to start off by saying congratulations ! ”

13 . “ I didn ’ t plan on giving a speech , but here I am . So , here ’ s to the happy couple ! ”

14 . “ I ’ m not sure what to say , but I ’ m sure it ’ ll come to me … eventually . ”

15 . “ I don ’ t know what to say , so I ’ m just going to say “ che ers ” to the happy couple ! ”

16 . “ I ’ m not sure what to say , so I ’ m just going to say “ cong ratulations ” to the happy couple ! ”

17 . “ I was trying to think of something to say , but then I realized that I don ’ t have to say anything . So , cheers to the happy couple ! ”

18 . “ I was going to say something funny , but then I realized that this is a wedding and not a comedy show . So , congratulations ! ”

19 . “ I was going to start my speech with a joke , but then I realized that I don ’ t actually know any jokes . So , here ’ s to the happy couple ! ”

20 . “ I was going to start my speech with a joke , but then I remembered that this is a wedding and not a comedy club . So , congratulations ! ”

21 . “ I was going to start my speech with a joke , but then I remembered this isn ’ t a roast . So , here ’ s to the happy couple ! ”

22 . “ I was going to start my speech with a joke , but then I realized I don ’ t actually know any jokes . So , here ’ s to the happy couple ! ”

23 . “ I was going to start my speech with a joke , but then I remembered that this is a wedding and not a stand - up comedy show . So , congratulations ! ”

24 . need 24 and 25 24 . “ I was going to start my speech with a joke , but then I realized I don ’ t have any jokes that are appropriate for a wedding . So , here ’ s to the happy couple ! ”

25 . “ I was looking for the perfect joke to start my speech with , but then I realized that nothing I could say could measure up to the happiness of this day . So , congratulations ! ”

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  • Wedding Resource

How to Start a Wedding Speech – Perfect Opening Lines

May 19, 2024 moneyspeech Wedding Resource

How to start wedding speech

Embarking on the journey of delivering a  wedding speech  can often stir up a mix of excitement and nerves. Knowing how to start a wedding speech can set the tone for the entire delivery, making it a crucial step in speech preparation. Whether it’s captivating wedding quotes, humorous  wedding jokes , or heartfelt stories, the opening lines play a key role in connecting with the wedding guests and honoring the wedding couple. Crafting a message that resonates with the wedding day’s celebration, aligns with the wedding style, and embraces wedding traditions can transform a simple speech into a memorable highlight.

This article endeavors to guide readers through crafting a personalized introduction, setting a strong tone right from the beginning, incorporating effective body language, and managing stage nerves for a confident delivery. It will also explore ways to conclude with impact, ensuring the speech for the wedding leaves a lasting impression. From selecting the perfect wedding quotes to navigating through wedding nerves, this guide provides a roadmap for delivering a speech that not only aligns with the wedding celebration’s spirit but also resonates with the wedding audience, making your message an integral part of the ceremony’s joy and the couple’s story.

Table of Contents

Understand Your Audience

Assessing the crowd.

Before diving into the heart of your wedding speech, take a moment to gauge the audience. Understanding the general mood and expectations of the crowd is crucial. If the guests lean towards a more serious demeanor, aim for a conservative and tasteful speech. On the other hand, a relaxed audience might appreciate a bit more playfulness and a few calculated risks. This initial assessment will guide you in choosing the right  tone and content  for your speech, ensuring it resonates well with everyone present.

Familiarizing Yourself with Guests

Getting to know the guests can significantly enhance the connection you establish during your speech. A helpful tip is to read the wedding website ahead of time. Often, couples share their love story, details about the bridal party, and other fun facts that can serve as excellent conversation starters or even elements to incorporate into your speech. This background knowledge not only helps in personalizing your message but also in making the guests feel seen and appreciated. Remember, a wedding speech is not just about addressing the couple but also about engaging with the entire gathering.

Adjusting Tone Based on the Audience

The tone of your speech plays a pivotal role in how well it is received. The “Grandmother Test” is a simple yet effective way to ensure appropriateness. If an anecdote or joke you plan to share wouldn’t be appreciated if heard by the couple’s grandmother, it’s probably best left unsaid. Moreover, keep your speech concise—aim for no more than five minutes—to maintain the audience’s attention. Making eye contact with the couple and various guests throughout your speech can help create a more intimate and engaging experience. Remember, the goal is to complement the joyous atmosphere of the wedding day, not to overshadow it.

Incorporating these strategies into your preparation will not only help you better understand your audience but also empower you to deliver a speech that’s memorable, respectful, and engaging.

Crafting a Personalized Introduction

Creating a personalized introduction for a wedding speech requires a blend of authenticity, humor, and a deep understanding of your relationship with the couple. It’s the perfect opportunity to set the tone for your speech, making it memorable and engaging for all the guests. Below are key strategies to craft an introduction that stands out and resonates with everyone present at the wedding celebration.

Breaking Away from Cliches

To make your wedding speech memorable, start by moving away from overused phrases and generic quotes. Instead of relying on terms like “soulmate” or describing the couple as “beautiful,” try to find unique descriptors that truly capture their essence. For instance, comparing your friend to a blend of Audrey Hepburn’s elegance and Debbie Harry’s cool factor not only avoids cliches but also adds a personal touch that’s both vivid and endearing. Remember, the goal is to wake the audience up with fresh language that paints a clear picture of the couple’s unique qualities.

Incorporating Humor and Warmth

Humor is a fantastic way to connect with the audience and break the ice. Opening with a light-hearted joke, such as a playful set of “rules” for the guests or a humorous observation about the wedding day, immediately engages the audience. However, it’s essential to balance humor with warmth to ensure your speech feels genuine and heartfelt. Sharing a funny story about your first impression of the couple or a memorable moment you’ve shared with them can beautifully blend humor with warmth, showcasing your affection for the couple while keeping the mood light and joyful.

Highlighting Your Relationship to the Couple

Your relationship with the couple is the cornerstone of your speech. Begin by clearly introducing yourself and explaining your connection to the bride, groom, or both. This not only helps set the context for your speech but also personalizes your message. Sharing anecdotes that highlight the couple’s qualities, such as their shared love for board games or how they’ve supported you during a tough time, further personalizes your introduction. These stories not only entertain but also deepen the guests’ understanding of the couple’s character and the bond you share with them.

By focusing on these aspects, your introduction will not only capture the audience’s attention but also pave the way for a speech that’s both memorable and deeply meaningful. Remember, the best wedding speeches are those that reflect your genuine feelings for the couple and your excitement to celebrate their love and union.

Setting the Tone with a Strong Opening

Setting the tone with a strong opening is crucial for a memorable wedding speech. It’s your opportunity to capture the attention of the wedding guests and set the stage for your message. Here are some strategies to achieve that:

Using Anecdotes or Quotes

  • Incorporate Memorable Quotes : Begin your speech with a famous quote that resonates with the theme of love and marriage. For example, “It’s so great to find that one special person you want to annoy for the rest of your life.” — Rita Rudner. This can immediately engage your audience and set a lighthearted tone.
  • Share a Personal Anecdote : Relate a brief story about your relationship with the bride or groom, or a moment you witnessed between the couple that left an impression on you. This personal touch can create a connection with the audience and add depth to your speech.

Starting with Gratitude or Compliments

  • Express Your Gratitude : Acknowledge the couple for inviting you to play a significant role in their special day. A simple expression of thanks can warm the hearts of the couple and the guests.
  • Compliment the Couple : Highlight the qualities you admire in the bride and groom. For instance, “I’ve always admired [bride’s] strength and [groom’s] sense of humor. Together, they make an unstoppable team.”

Incorporating Humor Appropriately

  • Choose Humor Wisely : Humor is a fantastic way to engage your audience, but it’s essential to tread lightly. Opt for light-hearted jokes that are inclusive and won’t offend anyone. A safe bet is self-deprecating humor, such as, “I’m the guy who hasn’t gone 4 feet from the bar all evening. I’m also the best man, but mostly the guy at the bar.”
  • Avoid Sensitive Topics : Steer clear of jokes about the couple’s past relationships or anything that might cause discomfort. Remember, the goal is to celebrate and uplift, not embarrass.
  • Test Your Material : If you’re unsure about a joke or story, run it by someone close to the couple. They can provide valuable feedback on what will resonate well with the couple and their guests.

By starting your wedding speech on the right note, you can create an atmosphere of warmth, celebration, and inclusivity. Whether you choose to open with a poignant quote, a heartfelt anecdote, or a tasteful joke, the key is to be authentic and speak from the heart. This approach will not only set the tone for your speech but also contribute to the joy and love that defines the wedding day.

Incorporating Body Language and Eye Contact

When delivering a wedding speech, the power of body language and eye contact cannot be overstated. These non-verbal cues play a significant role in how the message is received by the audience, making them essential tools for a speaker. Below are strategies to effectively use body language and make eye contact to connect deeply with wedding guests.

Engaging with the Audience through Body Language

Body language is a powerful aspect of communication, conveying emotions and intentions beyond what words can express. When standing before an audience, holding the microphone in one hand and a toasting glass in the other can seem like a balancing act. However, this setup can actually work to your advantage. By holding the mic in one hand and placing the toasting glass on a nearby table, you free up one hand to gesture. This allows for more animated expressions, making your speech more engaging. Gesturing with your hands can help emphasize key points and make your stories more vivid and memorable. Remember, an active speaker who uses their body to communicate leaves a much stronger impression than one who remains static.

Making Eye Contact to Build Rapport

Eye contact is a crucial element in establishing a connection with your audience. It conveys confidence, sincerity, and engagement. When speaking, aim to make eye contact with different people throughout the room, including the wedding couple and guests. This practice not only personalizes the experience for each listener but also helps in managing nerves, as connecting with individuals can make the vast audience seem more approachable. Moreover, eye contact can intensify the emotional impact of your words, making your speech more impactful.

Utilizing Gestures for Emphasis

Gestures are a natural part of communication, enhancing the delivery of your speech. They can be used to highlight important points, convey emotions, and keep the audience engaged. For example, using open hand gestures can signify honesty and openness, helping to foster a connection with the audience. However, it’s important to use gestures that feel natural and are appropriate to the content of your speech. Overdoing gestures or using them inappropriately can distract from the message. Practice your speech and experiment with different gestures to find what works best for conveying your message effectively.

In conclusion, incorporating body language and eye contact into your wedding speech plays a vital role in how your message is received. These non-verbal cues enhance the overall impact of your words, making your speech more engaging and memorable. By engaging with the audience through body language, making eye contact to build rapport, and utilizing gestures for emphasis, you can deliver a wedding speech that truly resonates with the wedding guests and honors the wedding couple.

Managing Nerves and Delivery

Managing nerves  and ensuring smooth delivery are critical aspects of giving a wedding speech that often go overlooked. However, with the right preparation and mindset, anyone can overcome these challenges and deliver a speech that is both memorable and impactful. Below are practical tips and strategies to help manage nerves, maintain an appropriate speaking pace, and deal with unexpected emotions during the speech.

Practical Tips for Calming Nerves

  • Understand the Source of Nerves : Recognize that the fear often stems from the possibility of embarrassment rather than the act of speaking itself. Knowing that the audience is supportive and not looking for you to fail can help alleviate some of this anxiety.
  • Prepare Thoroughly : Practicing your speech multiple times will boost your confidence. Familiarity with your speech allows you to focus on delivery rather than memorization.
  • Breathing Techniques : Learn diaphragmatic breathing to calm your nerves. Practicing the 4-7-8 breathing technique before going on stage can help relax your body and mind.
  • Positive Visualization : Imagine yourself delivering the speech confidently. Positive affirmations can transform your mindset and reduce negative thoughts.
  • Physical Preparation : Eating a banana before your speech can help with nerves due to its potassium content, which has a calming effect.

Speaking Pace and Pausing

  • Practice with a Timer : This helps you get a realistic idea of how long your speech will be and allows you to adjust your pace accordingly.
  • Mark Pauses in Your Speech : Identify moments in your speech where a pause for effect or for audience reaction would be appropriate. This helps in pacing your delivery and engaging with your audience.
  • Speak Slowly and Clearly : Nervousness can make you speak faster. Make a conscious effort to slow down, which will make your speech more understandable and impactful.

Dealing with Unexpected Emotions

  • Stay Grounded : Remember that feeling nervous is natural. Focus on the support you have from the ground beneath your feet and the room around you.
  • Allow Yourself to Be Authentic : It’s okay to show emotion. If you feel tears coming, let them. Authenticity resonates more with the audience than a perfectly delivered but emotionless speech.
  • Prepare for the Unexpected : Be open to deviating slightly from your prepared speech if the moment calls for it. Your preparation will give you the confidence to trust your instincts.
  • Connect with Your Audience : Making eye contact and connecting with the audience can help manage nerves. Seeing friendly faces in the crowd can reassure you and make the experience more personal.

By incorporating these strategies into your preparation and delivery, you can effectively manage nerves and deliver a wedding speech that is both heartfelt and memorable. Remember, the wedding guests are there to celebrate, and they are on your side. With the right mindset and preparation, you can turn your speech into a highlight of the wedding celebration.

Concluding with Impact

Concluding a wedding speech  with impact not only leaves a lasting impression on the couple but also on all the guests. It’s the final chance to encapsulate your feelings, wishes, and hopes for the newlyweds in a memorable manner. Here are strategies to ensure your conclusion resonates with everyone.

Ending on a Memorable Note

To leave your audience with something to remember, consider ending with a powerful quote or a personal anecdote that highlights the couple’s journey or your relationship with them. For instance, using a quote like, “May ‘for better or worse’ be far better than worse,” not only adds a touch of humor but also conveys heartfelt wishes for the couple’s future. Alternatively, sharing a personal memory that reflects the couple’s love and resilience can deeply touch the hearts of the listeners, making your speech unforgettable.

Encouraging Applause or a Toast

Inviting the guests to join you in a toast is a traditional and effective way to conclude. This gesture not only signals the end of your speech but also unites everyone in a shared moment of celebration. You might say, “Let’s raise our glasses to the happy couple and wish them a lifetime of love and happiness.” This encourages a collective participation, turning your concluding words into an interactive and inclusive celebration of the couple’s love.

Wrapping up with Well-Wishes for the Couple

Concluding with well-wishes is a heartfelt way to wrap up your speech. Expressing hopes and dreams for the couple’s future not only leaves them with your blessings but also resonates with the guests’ sentiments. Phrases like, “May all your hopes and dreams come true, and may the memory of this day become dearer with each passing year,” beautifully encapsulate the essence of your wishes for the newlyweds. This not only provides a touching end to your speech but also reinforces the joyous atmosphere of the occasion.

By incorporating these elements into the conclusion of your wedding speech, you ensure that your final words are impactful, memorable, and filled with warmth. It’s a beautiful way to honor the couple’s journey, celebrate their love, and wish them well as they embark on their new life together.

Key Takeaways and Next Steps

A truly good wedding speech is one that is heartfelt, engaging, and memorable. To achieve this, certain elements are crucial, including a personal touch, a blend of emotions, a well-structured format, and appropriate humor. Additionally, warmth, positivity, and thorough  practice  play significant roles in delivering a speech that resonates with the wedding guests and honors the couple. Keeping the speech concise and engaging the audience further ensures that your message is well-received. Here, we summarize these main points and provide encouragement and inspiration for making your wedding speech uniquely memorable.

Summarizing Main Points

  • Personal Touch : Share personal anecdotes and memories that highlight your unique relationship with the couple. This adds authenticity and depth to your speech.
  • Emotion : Balance humor with sentimentality and sincerity. A mix of emotions keeps the audience engaged and makes your speech more impactful.
  • Structure : Organize your speech with a clear introduction, body, and conclusion. This helps in delivering a coherent and compelling message.
  • Humor : Use light-hearted jokes and funny anecdotes judiciously to entertain the audience without overshadowing the essence of the occasion.
  • Warmth and Positivity : Express your genuine love and support for the couple, sharing hopes and best wishes for their future.
  • Practice : Rehearse your speech multiple times to enhance your confidence and ensure smooth delivery on the big day.
  • Respectful Length : Aim for a speech duration of 3 to 5 minutes to respect the event’s flow and other speakers.
  • Engage the Audience : Make eye contact, speak clearly, and use appropriate body language to connect with your listeners.

Encouragement to Practice and Personalize

To ensure your speech is both memorable and impactful, practice is key. Begin crafting your speech early, allowing ample time for revisions and rehearsal. Use tools like recording yourself to identify and improve upon any distracting mannerisms. Practice in front of a mirror or with a friend to gain feedback and make necessary adjustments. Remember, the more familiar you are with your speech, the more confidently you can deliver it, making eye contact and engaging with your audience effectively.

Inspiration to Make the Speech Unique

Incorporating unique elements into your speech can make it stand out. Consider reversing the chronological order of your storytelling, starting from the present day and moving backward to when you first met the couple. Utilize music snippets from significant years, modify well-known songs with personalized lyrics, or include interactive elements like a quick-fire quiz about the couple. Embracing your personal style, whether it’s humorous or sincere, ensures your speech reflects your genuine sentiments. Always aim for authenticity, focusing on the couple’s journey and your relationship with them.

By keeping these key takeaways and next steps in mind, you’re well on your way to delivering a wedding speech that not only captures the essence of the couple’s relationship but also leaves a lasting impression on all the guests. Remember, this is a celebration of love, and your speech is a tribute to the couple’s special day. With preparation, personalization, and a touch of creativity, you can create a speech that is both meaningful and memorable.

Through the journey from starting a wedding speech to its impactful conclusion, this guide has walked readers through every crucial aspect, ensuring a speech that not just resonates but warmly lingers in the memories of the couple and guests alike. By weaving together personal anecdotes, a  balanced tone of humor and sincerity , alongside a well-structured format, speakers are equipped to deliver messages that harmonize perfectly with the joyous essence of the occasion. The emphasis on thorough practice and engaging storytelling serves as the backbone for delivering a speech that stands out as a highlight of the wedding celebration.

As we reflect on the elements that contribute to a heartfelt and memorable wedding speech, it’s clear that authenticity, emotional intelligence, and a keen understanding of the audience play pivotal roles. Encouragement to personalize your message, paired with the inspiration to infuse your unique style, underlines the importance of making each word count. With this foundation, speakers are poised to not only capture the essence of the couple’s story but to also enhance the celebratory atmosphere of the day, leaving an indelible mark on this significant chapter of their lives.

How Should I Kick Off a Wedding Speech?

To initiate a wedding speech on a high note, consider beginning with a heartfelt greeting such as, “Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. As [name’s] friend/relative, I’m thrilled to have you all here tonight.” Alternatively, if you’re responding to an introduction, you might say, “Thank you so much, [name], for such a wonderful introduction. I only hope I can live up to your kind words!”

What Are the Best Ways to Start a Wedding Ceremony Introduction?

When it comes to the opening words of a wedding ceremony, you have a few options depending on the tone and style you prefer:

  • For a  Generic Introduction : “Dear friends and family of the Bride and Groom, we welcome and thank you for being part of this significant occasion.”
  • For an  Intercultural Setting : “Today is a day to celebrate.”
  • For a  Religious Ceremony : “Dear family and friends, we are here to witness [Name Of Bride] and [Name Of Groom], as they exchange their vows of marriage.”

What Makes an Ideal Welcome Speech at a Wedding?

An excellent welcome speech for a wedding warmly greets the bride and groom along with their families, expressing gratitude to everyone for their presence. It highlights the joy of the occasion and the efforts of the couple in organizing a memorable ceremony, with a message like, “A warm welcome to the bride and groom and their families. We thank you all for being a part of this celebration. I hope everybody enjoys the ceremony, lovingly prepared by the wonderful couple we’re here to celebrate today.”

What Should Be Said at the Start of a Wedding Ceremony?

The beginning of a wedding ceremony traditionally involves seating the guests, followed by the bridal party’s entrance. A common opening statement is, “Dearly beloved, we are gathered here in the presence of God, family, and friends to witness a joyous occasion—the union of [Name] and [Name] in holy matrimony. Who gives [Name] to be married to [Name]?” This sets the stage for a solemn and celebratory union.

opening lines for a wedding speech

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30 Brilliant Opening Lines for Your Best Mans Speech

Author: Hollie Bond

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Looking for the perfect best man speech opening lines to delight wedding guests? We’ve rounded up 30 of the funniest opening lines for every style of best man speech here.

Staring at a blank piece of paper with no idea of how to start your best man speech ? It’s a situation that pretty much every best man before you has been in before, so you’re certainly not alone. The beginning of a speech is always the hardest bit to get right, but once you’ve nailed that first sentence and won over the wedding guests it’s all plain sailing from there.

It’s important to spend some time and effort thinking about your audience, the happy couple, and the sort of icebreaker that will work best for them and you. Remember to play to your strengths. If you’re not a natural comedian then steer clear of too many best man speech jokes and opt for something charming, self-deprecating, or heartfelt instead.

Whatever type of best man wedding speech you’re hoping to deliver for your best friend, there’s an icebreaker to suit. We’ve compiled 30 of our favorites below that work at all types of weddings. Choose one of these best man speech openers to get your speech started in style and then read our ultimate guide to writing a best man speech to ensure the rest of your speech is as brilliant as that opening sentence.

Best Man Speech Openers

1. Ladies and gentlemen, before I start just some quick housekeeping. Firstly, if you’ve got your mobile phone on you please make sure to keep it switched ON during the speech, for your own entertainment. Secondly, if you see any good jokes in your scrolling, be sure to forward them on to me.

2. I’d like to offer a toast to the bride and groom [*Pull a piece of toast out your pocket and give it to them*]

3. Hi everyone, I’m (your name). I’m here to tell you about (groom’s name) and how truly special, talented, good looking and… sorry mate, I’m struggling to read your handwriting here.

4. I’d like to start by congratulating the groom on his excellent taste in best men. He’s really outdone himself this time.

5. The bride and groom have asked that I don’t share any embarrassing stories, stag do pranks or crude jokes in my best man’s speech… so that’s it from me! Thanks for listening.

6. A wedding is such an emotional day for everyone. Even the cake is in tiers.

7. For those of you who can’t hear me at the back, you should be reassured by the complete silence in the front row here that you’re really not missing much.

8. To start this speech, I searched online for ‘the perfect best man speech’, but you had to pay to read the examples and I didn’t think it was worth it, so I’m just going to wing it.

9. If there’s anyone here this afternoon who’s feeling nervous and queasy at the thought of what lies ahead, it’s probably because you’ve just married (groom’s name).

10. All those among you who really know the bride will know that she is a wonderful person who deserves a good husband. Thank god (groom’s name) married her before she found one.

11. Loyal, caring, sincere, honest, good looking, and a great man. But enough about me…!

12. Those of you that know me, know that I’m not big on making speeches [*sit down*]

13. My only wish for the bride and groom is that each day of their marriage is better than the previous so that they can look back on today, their wedding day, and say that it was the worst day of their lives.

14. (Groom’s name) knows his wife so well. When I asked him what her favourite flower was, he replied “self-raising”.

15. Good evening. I’m so happy to preside over the only five minutes that the bride didn’t plan. Of course, I’m only joking. She went over the speech with me half an hour ago in the bar.

16. I just heard there was a competitive sweepstake on how long the best man speech should last. I put my money on 45 minutes, so make yourselves comfortable…

17. I’ve been told I can’t get away with a few thank yous and a quick toast in this best man speech. Apparently, I’m supposed to sing the groom’s praises and talk about all his good qualities. Unfortunately, I can’t sing and I don’t like lying.

18. You’ve got no idea how much I’ve been looking forward to today. After all the years I’ve been friends with the groom, he has finally admitted that I am in fact the best man.

19. I don’t believe in roasting the groom on his wedding day. Therefore this speech won’t contain anything embarrassing about (groom’s name). Instead I’ll refer only to the kind and funny side of his character. Thank you and goodnight.

20. A best man is similar to a dead body at a funeral. You’re expected to be there, but if you say too much, people start freaking out.

21. A wise man once told me that a best man speech is like a miniskirt. It should be short enough to be interesting, but long enough to cover the goods.

22. Ladies and gentlemen before I start the venue owner has asked me to request that, for reasons of health and safety, none of you get up on top of the chairs and tables during my standing ovation.

23. I’ll try to keep my speech short, because every minute I speak is an extra minute’s delay in witnessing how the groom’s dance lessons worked out.

24. (Groom’s name) had the honour of being my best man. He spent months writing a perfect, tender and charming speech. Everyone agreed it was funny and beautiful. Unfortunately I’m a married man, so I haven’t had the time to do all that.

25. I would like to start by saying what a pleasure it is to be best man at (bride and grooms’ names) wedding. (Groom’s name) made me compete for this honour today, but I was able to beat the barman over there in rock-paper-scissors, so here I am!

26. I’ve been worried about giving this speech for a while now. Fortunately last night I slept like a baby. Waking up every two hours and bawling my eyes out.

27. I didn’t really want to do this speech, but I thought it might be the only chance I’ll get to have a meal and some drinks paid for by (groom’s name).

28. I always knew the groom’s speech would be hard to follow. In fact, I couldn’t understand a word of it.

29. Ladies and gentlemen, we’ve now reached the point in the proceedings when we all get to see the groom shift uncomfortably in his seat and grip the tablecloth in nervous anticipation. That’s right, I’ve been asked to give him the drinks bill.

30. I read somewhere that the perfect best man speech should last as long as it takes for the groom to make love. So please could everyone raise a glass to the happy couple!

Now you’ve chosen your opening line you’ll want to include some other best man speech jokes throughout your speech to keep your guests entertained. Read our guide to hilarious best man speech jokes here .

Hollie Bond

Hollie is a lifestyle journalist with over ten years’ experience working in the wedding industry as Lifestyle Editor for You & Your Wedding magazine Also a Regional Editor for Muddy Stilettos, Hollie has written for Square Meal magazine, Family History Monthly, BBC History magazine and Homes & Antiques. In her spare time you can find Hollie in a dance studio practising ballet…

Learn more about Hollie Bond


Best Opening Lines for a Wedding Speech

What is the best opening line for a wedding speech? Starting your wedding speech off strong is truly important. This blog explores the art of crafting captivating opening lines for your wedding speech. Whether you’re the bride, groom, father of the groom, or maid of honour, these versatile opening lines are tailored for anyone to use. Uncover a collection of both simple yet impactful and funny opening lines. As we delve into this discussion, remember that the beginning sets the tone, so start your speech with strength and finish even stronger.

Simple & Genuine Opening Lines for Wedding Speeches

“Good evening, everyone. Today, we gather not just to celebrate a union but to embark on a journey of love and joy together.”

“Hello, friends and family. As we raise our glasses, let’s toast to the beautiful couple whose love story we are all witnesses to today.”

“Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for joining us on this special day. As we share in the joy of [couple’s names], let’s reflect on the magic that brought us all together.”

“To love, laughter, and happily ever after! I stand before you honoured to speak on behalf of [couple’s names] as they begin this wonderful chapter of their lives.”

“Good afternoon, everyone. Today is not just a day of celebration but a day to honour the incredible love story unfolding right before our eyes.”

“Friends, family, and cherished guests thank you for being here to witness the union of two souls deeply in love. Let’s embark on this journey of celebration together.”

“As the sun sets on this beautiful day, we gather to celebrate the love between [couple’s names]. I am honoured to share a few words as we toast to their new beginning.”

“Greetings to all the wonderful people who have gathered here. Today, we don’t just witness a marriage; we become a part of a love story that will be cherished for a lifetime.”

“Hello, everyone. Today, we join hearts and hands to celebrate the union of [couple’s names]. Let’s kick off this joyous occasion with love, laughter, and some heartfelt words.”

“A warm welcome to each and every one of you. Today, we are not just attending a wedding; we are writing a chapter in the love story of [couple’s names]. Here’s to a day filled with love and unforgettable memories.”

what are the best opening lines for a wedding speech

Funny Opening Lines for Wedding Speeches

“Ladies and gentlemen, if my speech is as good as the open bar, we’re in for a great time!”

“Hello, everyone! Today, I’m not just here to talk, but to give a public performance that may or may not end up on YouTube.”

“Good evening! I must warn you, I’ve been practising this speech in front of my bathroom mirror for weeks, and even it laughed at me.”

“Greetings, friends and family! I’ve been designated the official speaker because apparently, ‘the person who knows the most embarrassing stories’ wasn’t an acceptable title.”

“Hey, everyone! I’ve been given the task of making a speech today, so if it goes well, credit goes to me; if not, blame the person who assigned me this job.”

“Good afternoon, beautiful people! I was asked to make a funny speech, so I brought my sense of humor and a backup plan – just in case.”

“Howdy, folks! I was told the key to a great speech is to imagine everyone in their underwear. So, if I start laughing uncontrollably, you’ll know why.”

“Greetings, esteemed guests! As the designated speaker, I’d like to assure you that my jokes are like fine wine – they get better with time. So, by the end of this speech, we should all be rolling on the floor.”

“Hello, wonderful people! Today, I stand before you with the daunting task of making you laugh, cry, and wonder why on earth they chose me for this job.”

“Good evening, everyone! I’m here to say what we’re all thinking but are too polite to mention. Let’s see if I can make it through this speech without getting disowned.”

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How To Write A Wedding Speech: The Ultimate Guide For Do’s, Don’ts, and Delivery PART 1/3: Do’s

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Holiday Wedding Pros And Cons

how to write a wedding speech dont's

How To Write A Wedding Speech: The Ultimate Guide For Do’s, Don’ts, and Delivery PART 2/3: Don’ts

opening lines for a wedding speech

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  • bridesmaid speech
  • how to write a wedding speech
  • wedding planning
  • wedding speech

how to write a wedding speech dos

how to write a wedding speech dos

Someone you love is getting married, and you’ve just been asked to give a speech at the wedding. What an honor! But also, if you’re not used to giving speeches, what a nightmare! Public speaking can be scary , which is why many people prefer to avoid it. But when your bestie asks you to make a speech at his or her wedding, it’s time to rally. But now you’re wondering if you even know how to write a wedding speech! What makes some wedding speeches fun and memorable, and what makes others cringy and fall flat? We’ve got you. We’ve put together the ultimate guide for how to write a wedding speech, focusing on things you definitely should do, things you definitely should NOT do, and then how to deliver your killer wedding speech like a pro.

If you’re wondering how to write a wedding speech, here are a few “Do’s” to keep in mind.

  • Start planning early
  • Introduce yourself and how you know the bride and groom
  • Thanks to hosts, guests, and wedding party; congratulate the couple
  • Make it personal
  • Think of 3 traits with 3 stories
  • Talk about the couple
  • Have a beginning, middle, and end
  • Consider your audience
  • Keep it short and sweet
  • It’s okay to be simple and meaningful

1. Start planning early

If you don’t know how to write a wedding speech but the bride just asked you to give one, this is not a time to procrastinate. Public speaking is one of the number one fears many people have, so it’s likely you’ve avoided giving too many public speeches before this. And unless you’re a performer or a veteran improv comedian, you might not do too well winging this one. If you get nervous in front of an audience (as most of us do), the best defense against freezing up when you take the mic is being prepared. 

As soon as you know you’ve been asked to give a speech at the wedding, begin jotting down notes immediately. Whenever you’re inspired by a thought of the couple or remember an anecdote that might be worth retelling, make note of it. This will help to give you a pool of ideas to draw from when you start writing down the speech.

Begin gathering ideas and writing the speech a couple of weeks to a month before the wedding. You’ll need time to edit, fine-tune it, and make it concise. And as wedding showers, bachelorette parties, and other wedding festivities begin, you might find there are entertaining stories from these events you want to add as well. If you want to write it all at once, you can do that too. However, make sure to sleep on it and come back with fresh eyes. You don’t want just “okay,” you want your speech to be heartfelt and meaningful.

You will also want to begin early to give yourself time to practice and rehearse your speech plenty of times.

2. Introduce yourself and how you know the bride and groom

No matter how large or small the wedding is, it’s likely you will not be familiar with many of the guests on one or both sides. And they won’t be familiar with you either. So don’t leave them guessing! 

Make sure when you start to write a wedding speech to introduce yourself and mention how you know the couple. This will help them understand the context of your speech, which will also help it to be more well-received. 

3. Thank hosts, guests, and wedding party; congratulate the couple

It’s also courteous to take this time to thank the hosts and other members of the wedding party for all the hard work that went into the event, and to thank guests for being there to support the newlyweds, especially those who had to travel far. 

It’s also a good time to officially congratulate the newlyweds and offer them your personal well-wishes for their future. It is imperative that you don’t forget this part, because they are the whole reason you’re there and giving a speech!

4. Make it personal

Whether you are the maid of honor, the best man, father of the bride, or just a friend, you were asked to give a speech because of your close connection and relationship with either the bride or groom (or both). 

And since you know your friend as well as you do, you probably have plenty of stories to share; so the next tip for how to write a wedding speech is don’t hesitate to make it personal and share those stories! This will also help guests get to know the other half of the couple they might not know as well or are just meeting for the first time. And those guests who do know them will love hearing some entertaining stories they might not have heard yet.

5. Think of 3 traits with 3 stories

If you’re finding it difficult to come up with anything, a useful approach for how to write a wedding speech is to think of 3 positive defining traits or qualities of the bride or groom and recount three stories or examples that illuminate a time they exhibited these traits. These stories could be comedic, heartwarming, or both. Just make sure they are relevant and entertaining!

6. Talk about the couple

If you’re the maid of honor and have been chatting up the bride for the whole speech, part of how to write a wedding speech is to make sure at some point it circles around to the groom, too, and to the two of them as a couple.  

Recount the time you met him, or how you remember talking about him with the bride in the beginning stages of their relationship. If you don’t know the groom all that well, talk about how good they are as a couple and about how happy he makes her. 

And If you’re not a fan of the groom, this is not the time to air your grievances. Always keep it positive. 

7. Have a beginning, middle, and end

All good speeches have a good flow and take the audience along with it. 

Don’t let your speech fall flat or jumble together in a haphazard confusion of disconnected anecdotes. Give it the structure of an overarching theme, with a beginning, a middle, and an end. 

We are not talking about a novel here, just make sure there is a direction to where the speech is going, and that the destination, end, or sentiment is achieved. It doesn’t need to be Charlie Chaplin in The Great Dictator, but a three-act structure does help keep you grounded. Most people also follow a story easier when there is a clear direction for a story or speech. 

8. Consider your audience

The next thing to keep in mind when considering how to write a wedding speech is to make sure you consider who your audience is. 

This is not the bachelor or bachelorette party. There will be a wide range of people present from children to the elderly, and from close friends of the bride and groom to casual acquaintances and coworkers. Make sure your speech is free of any crudeness that might not be fit for such a varied audience. Also, this isn’t the time to take a shot at any of the religious cermonies.

Be considerate and keep it positive and use language everyone can relate to. 

9. Keep it short and sweet

You want your speech to be meaningful and memorable; but the wedding is not about you, and yours is not the only speech. 

No one ever complains about a speech being too short, but they do begin to grumble if it runs on too long. A good rule of thumb to keep in mind when figuring out how to write a wedding speech is to keep your speech between 2-5 minutes long. Any longer than 5 minutes and you’ll lose everyone to thoughts of cake and whether or not to Cupid Shuffle later. 

10. Add humor

Don’t be afraid to be funny! Another tip for how to write a wedding speech is that if you’ve got a lighthearted, creative, joking side, use it and add humor to your speech! Everyone likes to be entertained. 

This doesn’t mean you should scour the internet for generic wedding-themed jokes, but if you’ve got some good original material to use that helps relate a story about the bride or groom in a comedic way, do it. As long as you’re not making fun of the couple but having fun with them, jokes are great. Or you can even poke fun at yourself to illuminate a higher quality in your bestie. It’s all about making the newlyweds shine. 

If you’re creative and have other talents, use them! If you are musical, bust out your instrument and/or vocal cords and make the speech in the form of a song! Use props, and get the other guests involved! The newlyweds will feel special because you created something for them, and the guests will love joining in the fun.

11. It’s okay to be simple and meaningful

If entertaining isn’t your thing, that’s okay! Don’t force it – just be yourself. It’s okay to be simple and meaningful with your speech. Always keep in mind when you go to write a wedding speech that what’s important is that you are genuine and speak from the heart.

Hopefully, you found these tips for how to write a wedding speech helpful, and can start writing today! And stay tuned to our blog for the next part in this ultimate guide for how to write a wedding speech where we highlight a few things you should definitely avoid.

Love this content and want more? Read more about weddings on our blog ! Involved in the wedding planning process and the bride is still looking for a venue ? Give us a call today and we’ll help you find the perfect place!

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I need an example of a good wedding speec for the bride.Its my first time.

[…] infusing genuine emotion into your wedding speech is essential for creating a heartfelt connection with the audience. Expressing warmth, sincerity, […]

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  • Who Gives a Speech at a Wedding Reception? How to Write a Wedding Toast Tips for the Father of the Bride Speech How to Write a Best Man Toast Advice for the Maid of Honor Speech What to Know About a Newlywed Toast Public Speaking Experts' Wedding Speech Tips 60 Quotes to Use for Your Wedding Toast

Public Speaking Experts Share Their Top Tips for Giving an Amazing Wedding Speech

Check out their best examples and advice to learn how to knock it out of the park.

opening lines for a wedding speech

Photo by Kurt Boomer

In This Article

Most people would agree that public speaking isn't easy, and this is especially true when you're feeling the added pressure that comes along with giving a speech at a loved one's wedding. Not only do you have the attention of dozens (if not hundreds!) of guests you probably don't know, but you're also trying to appeal to a group of people in a wide range of ages from all different phases of the couple's lives. What's more, you want your speech to delight the couple of the hour and be as appealing to your group of friends as it to the newlyweds' grandparents. All in all, it's a tough task.

Before you panic, know that we're here to help. Ahead, we're sharing a comprehensive guide on what you should include in your speech , how to nail your delivery, and questions to consider to get the brainstorming process started—all from noteworthy speakers, well-established speechwriters, and wedding planners (who have seen it all).

Wedding Speech Template

Every great wedding speech has one thing in common: the right flow. Factor in these guidelines to help you find your own organic rhythm.

Open With a Statement or Question

Don't lead with a joke or a reference to how nervous you are. "The goal is to engage your audience, not make it a boring one-way message," says award-winning motivational speaker Jaime Pfeffer . "You'll lose them if you do this."

Introduce Yourself

After your opener, introduce yourself, says Fallon Carter , a wedding planner, even designer, and professional speaker. "A lot of times, people don't know who is speaking, and they don't know their relationship to the bride or the groom," she says. "It's really important to identify yourself, so make sure you've prepared something."

Address Your Audience

As speaker and life strategy coach Mark Black, CSP , points out, focusing on yourself only enhances nerves. "Instead, concentrate on your audience and how you want them to feel. This will help you to speak from the heart, allowing your speech to do what it's supposed to do: Make the couple feel special while also engaging the audience."

Focus on a Few Points

Seasoned speaker Susan Bender Phelps, CEO of Odyssey Mentoring & Leadership , says her top guideline is to select one to three aspects of the newlyweds that you love and appreciate, along with no more than three short stories to illustrate each of these points (or that one point). "The simple, succinct story or stories where the bride and groom are the hero will work best." This is an excellent way to structure your speech and keep your message focused.

How Long Wedding Speeches Should Be

The ideal length for a speech is three to five minutes, with five minutes being the absolute maximum you should speak for. That's it. "I’ve never been to a wedding where anyone said, 'That was a great wedding, but the best man speech was just too short and that  ruined  it,'" says David Litt , the speechwriter for former President Barack Obama and author of Thanks, Obama .

Carter agrees: "I always say anywhere between two and five minutes—and no more than five minutes," she says. "You want to keep things short and sweet." It's just as important to keep in mind when the speech will take place when determining length, since toasts are often timed with meal courses: "Be mindful of how long a course generally takes or how long it takes people to eat," Carter adds, noting that most courses last between 15 and 20 minutes and that several speeches have to fit inside each window. "If there are other people speaking, you want to be mindful and give them space."

Wedding Speech Tips

Now that you've established the right framework for your words, take note of these essential tips for acing the delivery from a few speaking pros.

Rehearse Regularly

The better prepared you are, the more confident you'll be and the better your speech will be, says author and professional speaker Barry Maher . A good rule of thumb is to practice the speech enough that you can remember the points you want to make and the order in which you want to make them. That way, you can look out to the crowd and make eye contact every so often.

Record Yourself Practicing

Use your phone to take a video of yourself practicing, suggests Kate Kenfield , speaker and sex educator. "It can be a little uncomfortable to watch yourself, but you'll be able to identify distracting mannerisms, such as the verbal pauses 'um,' 'uh,' and 'like'." It's also a good idea to practice your speech in front of someone else. "A second opinion can help you craft your piece and make it that much stronger," she says.

Don't forget body language! Rehearse the speech in front of a mirror and notice things like your facial expression, eye contact, and hand position.

Avoid Alcohol

Although it may be tempting to look for some liquid courage, alcohol definitely won't do you any favors, warns keynote speaker Amy Morin , author of 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don't Do . "It may cause you to slur your speech and forget your lines, so wait until after your toast to celebrate," she advises. If you need a drink to loosen up the nerves or can't refrain from participating in a toast without being rude, stick to one glass of Champagne before you address the crowd.

Use Nerves to Your Advantage

A little nervousness can actually liven up your speech. "I get worried if I'm not a little nervous," says Maher. "I'll actually try to make myself a little tense to get my energy level up." The key is to harness that energy and communicate it in a positive, genuine way; tensing up to the point that you forget your words or panic won't make for a great presentation.

Be Yourself

Keep in mind that you're not putting on a show, only sharing your personal perspective. Trying too hard to force the funny can yield the opposite of the desired effect, cautions Matt Dalley, co-founder of Simply Eloped . "I've noticed that keeping it short and sweet, heartfelt and warm, and coming across as authentic and focused on the couple is something we are all capable of and generates some very wonderful moments," he says.

Never Embarrass the Newlyweds

It's a wedding toast, not a roast. While this should go without saying, keep the bachelor or bachelorette party jokes out of it, and remember that grandma and possibly a few colleagues are in the audience, notes Laurie Battaglia , a keynote speaker and workplace strategist. "It's okay to look back at childhood and refer to something funny, but ask yourself if you'd like 200-plus of your closest friends knowing that story about you."

Use Your Notes

Reading your speech straight from a piece of paper is a big no-no. However, having a couple of note cards handy is encouraged. "You're likely to be nervous, excited, and exhausted, which can make you forget your lines," explains Morin. "The audience won't care if you glance at your notes. In fact, there's a good chance they won't even notice."

Wedding Speech Brainstorm Ideas

Need some inspiration? Ask yourself these questions to get the brainstorming process going.

  • Who will speak before you? After you? How will this affect the content of your toast? (Perhaps you want to include a reference to their speech, thank them for an introduction, or introduce the next speaker).
  • Is there someone you should thank for making the event possible and inviting you to speak?
  • What would you want to hear in this speech if you were in the audience?
  • Is there a favorite story or memory that the couple would want you to share with their friends and family?

Wedding Speech Examples to Make Your Own

So, what does it look like when all these elements come together? Wedding vow and speechwriter Katelyn Peterson , owner and creator of Wedding Words , offered us three examples of successful toasts to inspire your own.

Maid of Honor Wedding Speech Example

"Hi, I’m Maya, the bride’s older sister . With Lucy being three years younger, we fell right into our respective roles as sister-rivals growing up. We constantly fought over stolen clothes, monopolizing the phone back when landlines were a thing, and what boy band to blare from the car speakers. I’m still Team Backstreet Boys while Lucy is forever indebted to NSYNC.

Looking back on those memories, I should have stepped up and granted Lucy permission to wear my favorite sweater for picture day, to hand her the phone once in a while, and to let her play, 'Bye Bye Bye.' Even I can admit that’s a good one. But despite Lucy being the younger sister, she has always been more patient, more accommodating, and more thoughtful than me. And that’s because when it comes to the people she loves, she’s all in.

She’s the one to prioritize their desires. She’s the one to compromise first. And, she’s the one to support their dreams as if they were her own. 

This is why it makes me so happy to know that Lucy has found a home in David. He matches her in compassion, thoughtfulness, and warmth. And I know he’ll spend his life prioritizing her desires, being ready to compromise, and supporting her dreams as his own.

Cheers to Lucy and David! May you always feel loved because you always put each other first."

Best Man Wedding Speech Example

"Hello, everyone. My name is Luke and I’m the best man . I met Robert eight years ago when I became his neighbor. His reputation preceded him as I had heard about the 'Block Party King' before my closing papers were inked. 

Rob has never been the guy to wear fancy clothes. In fact, I’m still in shock seeing him in that tux tonight. And he’s never been the guy to show off even though the work he’s put into his vintage Mustang could make Henry Ford himself envious.

But when it comes to cooking, he should receive an award. His pulled pork is a staple at our summer block parties and his homemade barbeque sauce has remained our neighborhood’s best-kept secret. But the most satisfying part about his delicious dishes is that there’s always plenty to go around. And Rob makes sure your plate is never empty. I have no idea how he pulls it off, but Rob has a covert ability to scoop seconds onto your plate without you ever seeing him do it. I hope you all came hungry tonight, folks. You’ve been warned! 

The first time I met Jasmine I could immediately tell she was an amazing person. She laughed at his jokes which I never thought anyone would get. She supported his career and the nonstop travel involved. But most importantly, whenever we’re all hanging out, Jasmine is the one always topping off Rob’s plate with more pasta, more chicken, more of everything. When she’s around, it’s never empty. 

And that’s when I saw what a perfect match they were for each other. I know they will always put each other first, make sure their needs are met, and will never allow the other to go hungry.

So let’s raise our glasses to toast the newlyweds! As you begin this next chapter together, may your plates and your hearts always remain full."

Father of the Bride Wedding Speech Example

"Good evening, family, and friends. I’m Daniel Lee, the father of the bride. I’d like to welcome you to this special occasion where we get to celebrate the love between my daughter Allison and her new wife, Kristin. 

Standing up here today, I’m reminded of all the moments that led to this significant one. The dance recitals that ended with standing ovations and the soccer games that concluded with winning scoreboards. 

But, while those were fun and rewarding times, those aren’t the moments I cherish most with Allison. The memories that make me smile the brightest are those in-between the big stuff moments. It’s the makeshift magic shows in our living room using a bedsheet that Allison confiscated from our linen closet to convert into a curtain. It’s the countless tea parties she hosted with exclusive invitations just for me and her beloved stuffed bear, Buttons. And it’s the way she’d beg to stay up for just five more minutes but was asleep on the couch by minute number two.

Those everyday, blink-and-you’ll-miss-them moments with Allison are the ones that gave color to my life and filled my heart with a happiness I never knew could exist.

So, my beautiful daughter, as you begin your life with Kristin today, I have one wish for you: May your warmest memories come from the ordinary moments throughout your marriage, and may those moments give you a reason to smile brighter every day. Cheers! I love you both." —Daniel

What Not to Say in a Wedding Speech

Your job when delivering a wedding speech is to keep things light—tell an anecdote, make an emotional connection, then wish the couple well before you close out. Anything that doesn't feel definitively positive should be avoided. "I would advocate against bringing up negative details, specifically past relationships or past spouses," says Carter. "Skip anything that you wouldn't want to be physically recorded and played over and over again—this is a rule of thumb."

Keep it light, delicate, and present- and future-focused, Carter adds. "If you're going to go into the past, make those stories really intentional," she says. "Bring those stories back to who they are now. Your mission is to create a great environment and vibe and to potentially give some information about one of the newlyweds, so that it's enlightening for all guests."

A Guide to Wedding Reception Toasts

  • Who Gives a Speech at a Wedding Reception?
  • How to Write a Wedding Toast
  • Tips for the Father of the Bride Speech
  • How to Write a Best Man Toast
  • Advice for the Maid of Honor Speech
  • What to Know About a Newlywed Toast
  • currently on Public Speaking Experts' Wedding Speech Tips
  • 60 Quotes to Use for Your Wedding Toast

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opening lines for a wedding speech

15 Examples Of The Best Opening Line For A Wedding Speech

Weddings are meant to be the next source of joy and memories. This means that it requires spot-on preparation in all the events that will be carried out. 

A speech is one of those important areas that will make the memorable moments of this special day. Your wedding speech needs to be captivating from the beginning for your audience to remain hooked. 

People use different ways of delivering, writing, and reading the speech to make it more memorable. There are so many methods to explore based on your personality, character, and the nature of your audience. In this article, we will show you how to make your speech’s opening outstanding.

Understand your Audience 

This means that you should know the guests. Start by ensuring that you understand the bride and groom’s Family dynamics. Some family members may or may not be okay with hearing some jokes or opinions about something. 

They may also not appreciate some stories about the bride or groom that you may add to the speech, maybe for comedic effect. Make an effort to also have sufficient knowledge of their cultural background and age group, so that you will not sound offensive or unintentionally come out as rude. Doing this will spare the newlyweds, yourself, and other people any awkwardness or backlash.

From the introduction, we mentioned how important the opening line of your speech is. Tailoring the opening line to resonate with the audience will make your speech interesting to listen to and will be in many stories about the wedding afterward. You can make your opening line capture your audience by having a funny greeting, saying a joke or pun, or telling a short story. Add the appropriate emotions to this and the crowd will yearn to hear what you have to say.

Types of Opening Lines

opening lines for a wedding speech

Opening lines can carry a variety of feelings that shape them into their different types. We will discuss the types of opening lines with you below.

  • Humorous Openings

For a humourous opening, you can use a light-hearted joke or anecdote to break the ice. You can identify a fun part of the wedding to take a joke from, or just base your joke on your personal experience with the wedding guests. Those are the best places to derive a joke from because it will have better context since the guests will likely relate. An example is, “The last time I ate this much cake was in my dream when I was six years old.”

  • Sentimental Opening

Here, you will have to give a heartfelt expression of love or joy. Seeing a lifelong union happening to someone close to you can already bring up feelings of love and even pride for them, what you need to do is to verbalize them. Such speeches sound better when they are spoken on the spot and not prewritten. This is because people appreciate raw unfiltered love more than a scripted one when it comes to sentiments. A great example of a sentimental opening would be, “Today is when I prove to myself and all of you that whatever makes you happy makes me happy too.”

Another way to open your speech would be with a relevant and inspiring quote. It could be one about love, marriage, or commitment. An example would be, “True love begins at the end of a rainbow of infatuation. Making the effort afterward is what is celebrated.”

  • Interactive Opening

You can also engage the audience with a question or a toast such as, “To the bride and groom’s love and their decision to love each other for life.” An interactive opening will prevent your audience from being bored making it a common wedding opening. If your speaking voice is monotone or less loud, consider going for this type of wedding opening.

  • Storytelling

With storytelling, your speech will begin with a short, captivating story about the couple. The fact that I hey have selected you to give their wedding speech shows that they consider you close and they share experiences with you. You can think of a moment that shaped their marriage or first meet-up. It can also carry a lesson or something you observed about their shared love and personalities. You can use this, “The first time the groom told me that he had found love, I had already seen it from a mile away. Small cute mannerisms that he never had began and they gave him a lot of joy. True love can transform. They have given me a template that I can use for comparison to identify true love.”

Examples of Humorous Opening For A Wedding Speech

opening lines for a wedding speech

  • Toast to the bride and groom, which is what you do a lot of times in your first months of marriage as you adapt to each other.
  • How many of you have ever seen a feeling? Most of you will say that feelings are only felt not seen but the love between the bride and groom is so evident that it may progress to the next level and be touched.
  • The concept of weddings has always been a subject that I never understood. But now I understand that loving someone to the point of sharing the rest of your life with them is not only crazy and unhinged but beautiful.

Examples of Sentimental Opening For A Wedding Speech

  • I’ve known the bride and groom for a very long time. Seeing them get married makes me feel proud like a parent. I should have walked you down the aisle.
  • Today I have been reminded of the true definition of friendship, being happy for each other when you see them happy.
  • We often underestimate the power of love. People have based religions on this feeling, it has stopped wars, hate, and genocides. That powerful feeling is now being shared between these two lovely people, and that makes them very powerful.

Examples of Quotations For A Wedding Speech

  • True love is many things. It can be a weapon to fight off any negative emotion. It can be a shield from the same emotions. It can also be a rock on which you should base your marriage.
  • Many people have different definitions of love. Many too believe it doesn’t exist. But what I know is that all the good virtues of the world put together, from selflessness to patience, form this amazing feeling.
  • Some people would be right to call love a super feeling. It has different explanations, branches, and versions. And feeling and sharing it can change the world. That is what the bride and groom have today, this is why their wedding is so special.

Examples of Interactive Opening For A Wedding Speech

  • People say feelings are only felt, but the truth is that all your other senses can feel it when you love someone. Every time we were with the groom and bride, he smiled a lot, told jokes, and was a different person out of his comfort zone. Only love can make you feel so safe, and that is what the newlyweds have between them.
  • How many people here have ever believed in love? I doubted the existence of true love until I saw firsthand what the bride and groom share. They are kind, loving, empathetic, and forgiving of each other. They have shown us what true love is, and I don’t blame anyone who would want to hold on to that for the rest of their lives.
  • Years ago I used to wonder why people would sacrifice everything for love. Who else? But something so beautiful only shows up once in your life, and assuring each other of that is a reflection of God teaching us how to love beautifully.

Examples of Storytelling For A Wedding Speech

  • I remember that I was the one who introduced the bride and groom and the fact that I’m at their wedding a few months later makes me feel warm inside. I feel identified by the universe because every day after that I have fought for their love as if mine, without any regrets. That’s why I told the groom that if he ever messes this up, I might unalive him.
  • When you think about it, the bride and groom’s love story can be made into a Disney movie. They met abruptly almost mistakenly, got obsessed with each other, helped each other overcome a big obstacle then got married. Med school feels like the fire that refined their love and helped them prove a point to each other. Their sacrifice to make time for each other, spend money on each other even while being broke, and always be on each other’s side just shows how far they’ll go for each other.
  • Marriage is scary but shouldn’t be if you’ve already been doing the best for each other before. The bride and groom had already found their dynamic and how to coexist. They worked like a well-oiled machine or switching gears. This kind of partnership and selflessness towards each other assures me that they are not one bit scared about being a part of each other for the rest of their lives.


We hope that this article has helped you figure out the right words to put together for an awesome opening for your wedding speech. Simply shape them into having your additional details or edits to them. Remember to also observe the right gestures and expressions to make your speech vibrant. The bride and groom will always appreciate a wedding speech that isn’t boring or typical.

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Vincent Otieno

Vincent Otieno is a passionate jewelry enthusiast and writer at Getnamenecklace, an e-commerce store dedicated to offering exquisite jewelry and thoughtful gifts for your loved ones. With a keen eye for detail and a deep appreciation for the art of gift-giving, Vincent curates a collection that celebrates the beauty of craftsmanship and the joy of making family moments unforgettable.

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25 Famous Marriage Advice Quotes For a Wedding Speech

From audrey hepburn to rumi, a list of our favourite famous quotes about love....

opening lines for a wedding speech

There's a lot of things to consider when it comes to preparing a wedding speech for your friend or family member's special day. Will you make it funny ? What do you open with? Should you take a sentimental route? There are so many directions you can go with writing a speech!

For those wanting to tug at the heartstrings, a bit of sweet advice for the happy couple can make for a great addition and make a memorable speech. To make things a tad easier, we've compiled 25 of our favourite famous marriage advice quotes for wedding speeches to help you do just that!

Famous Marriage Advice Quotes for Wedding Speeches

Famous Marriage Advice Quotes

1. “When you give each other everything, it becomes an even trade. Each wins all." - Lois McMaster Bujold

2. “In every marriage more than a week old, there are grounds for divorce. The trick is to find, and continue to find, grounds for marriage." - Robert Anderson

3. “Ultimately the bond of all companionship, whether in marriage or in friendship, is conversation." - Oscar Wilde

4. "Is the love good?" "Is the silence good?" - Pavarotti

opening lines for a wedding speech

5. “The secret of a happy marriage is finding the right person. You know they’re right if you love to be with them all the time.” - Julia Child

6. “Marriage is a risk; I think it’s a great and glorious risk, as long as you embark on the adventure in the same spirit.” - Cate Blanchett

7. “What greater thing is there for two human souls, than to feel that they are joined for life- to strengthen each other in all labor, to rest on each other in all sorrow, to minister to each other in all pain, to be one with each other in silent unspeakable memories at the moment of the last parting?”- George Eliot

8. “To find someone who will love you for no reason, and to shower that person with reasons, that is the ultimate happiness.” - Robert Brault

9. "The great marriages are partnerships. It can't be a great marriage without being a partnership." - Helen Mirren

opening lines for a wedding speech

10. “A happy marriage is the union of two good forgivers.” - Ruth Bell Graham

11. “To get the full value of joy you must have someone to divide it with.” - Mark Twain

12. “The greatest marriages are built on teamwork. A mutual respect, a healthy dose of admiration, and a never-ending portion of love and grace.” - Fawn Weaver

13. "Marriage has no guarantees. If that's what you're looking for, go live with a car battery." - Erma Bombeck

opening lines for a wedding speech

14. "A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person." - Mignon McLaughlin

15. "Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength while loving someone deeply gives you courage."- Lao Tzu

16. “It is not a lack of love, but a lack of friendship that makes unhappy marriages.” - Friedrich Nietzsche

17. "Marriage is not a noun; it's a verb. It isn't something you get. It's something you do. It's the way you love your partner every day." - Barbara De Angelis

opening lines for a wedding speech

18. “A great marriage is not when the ‘perfect couple’ comes together. It is when an imperfect couple learns to enjoy their differences.” - Dave Meurer

19. “A good marriage is one which allows for change and growth in the individuals and in the way they express their love.” - Pearl S. Buck

20. “Love doesn’t just sit there, like a stone, it has to be made, like bread; remade all the time, made new.” - Ursula K. LeGuin, The Lathe of Heaven

21. “The best thing to hold onto in life is each other.” - Audrey Hepburn

Groom bride at table speeches speech microphone wine

22. “Where there is love there is life.” - Mahatma Gandhi

23. “You don't marry the person you can live with—you marry the person you can't live without.” - Unknown

24. “Love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking outward together in the same direction.” - Antoine de Saint-Exupery

25. "May this marriage be full of laughter, our every day in paradise.” - Rumi

Looking for more ideas on how to write a great wedding speech? Check out our ultimate groom's wedding speech checklist or 30 funny opening lines for wedding speeches .

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Love and marriage quotes for your wedding speeches and vows

Easy Weddings

love and marriage quotes

If you’re writing your wedding speech or wedding vows and are suffering from writer’s block, there’s no need to re-invent the wheel. Why not just ‘borrow’ a little inspiration from writers, actors, poets and, even, politicians of years gone by?

Here are some of our favourite love and marriage quotes that you can pepper around your vows and speeches.

“Where there is love there is life.” – Mahatma Gandhi

“To be fully seen by somebody, then, and be loved anyhow–this is a human offering that can border on miraculous.” – Elizabeth Gilbert, Committed: A Skeptic Makes Peace with Marriage

“If I get married, I want to be very married.”  Audrey Hepburn

“I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where. I love you simply, without problems or pride: I love you in this way because I do not know any other way of loving but this, in which there is no I or you, so intimate that your hand upon my chest is my hand, so intimate then when I fall asleep your eyes close.”

– Pablo Neruda, 100 Love Sonnets

“You know you’re in love when you can’t fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams. ”

– Dr. Seuss

“Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope.” – Maya Angelou

“A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person.” – Mignon McLaughlin

“I am nothing special, of this I am sure. I am a common man with common thoughts and I’ve led a common life. There are no monuments dedicated to me and my name will soon be forgotten, but I’ve loved another with all my heart and soul, and to me, this has always been enough.” – Nicholas Sparks, The Notebook

“If I had a flower for every time thought of you… I could walk through my garden forever.” – Alfred Tennyson

“Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.” – Lao Tzu

“We’re all a little weird. And life is a little weird. And when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall into mutually satisfying weirdness–and call it love–true love.”

– Robert Fulghum, True Love

“Nobody has ever measured, not even poets, how much the heart can hold.” – Zelda Fitzgerald

“What greater thing is there for two human souls, than to feel that they are joined for life–to strength each other in all labor, to rest on each other in all sorrow, to minister to each other in silent unspeakable memories at the moment of the last parting?” – George Eliot

“We loved with a love that was more than love.” – Edgar Allan Poe

“Every heart sings a song, incomplete, until another heart whispers back. Those who wish to sing always find a song. At the touch of a lover, everyone becomes a poet.” – Plato

“When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible.” – When Harry Met Sally

“I’m selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can’t handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don’t deserve me at my best.”

– Marilyn Monroe

“Love doesn’t just sit there, like a stone, it has to be made, like bread; remade all the time, made new.” – Ursula K. Le Guin, The Lathe of Heaven

“Let there be spaces in your togetherness, And let the winds of the heavens dance between you. Love one another but make not a bond of love: Let it be rather a moving sea between the shores of your souls.” – Kahlil Gibran, The Prophet

“What is Love? I have met in the streets a very poor young man who was in love. His hat was old, his coat worn, the water passed through his shoes and the stars through his soul.” – Victor Hugo

“When I saw you I fell in love, and you smiled because you knew.” – Arrigo Boito

“Who, being loved, is poor?” – Oscar Wilde

“A great marriage is not when the ‘perfect couple’ comes together. It is when an imperfect couple learns to enjoy their differences.” – Dave Meurer

“There is no more lovely, friendly, and charming relationship, communion or company than a good marriage.” – Martin Luther

“There is no remedy for love but to love more.” – Henry David Thoreau

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Independence Day 2024: 5 inspiring short Speech ideas for students to deliver in schools, colleges

Get ready for independence day 2024 with these five inspiring short speech ideas perfect for students to deliver in schools and colleges. capture the essence of freedom and patriotism with powerful, memorable messages..

Independence Day 2024

1. The Power of Unity

Opening Line: "Unity is the strength of a nation."

Idea: Highlight the importance of unity in achieving freedom and maintaining a strong nation. Share examples of how coming together can overcome challenges and how this spirit of unity is essential for progress. Encourage students to work together towards common goals, just as the leaders of the independence movement did.

2. Honouring the Unsung Heroes

Opening Line: "Not all heroes wear capes; some wear simple uniforms and work tirelessly behind the scenes."

Idea: Focus on the lesser-known figures who played significant roles in the struggle for independence. This could include local leaders, freedom fighters, or ordinary citizens who made extraordinary sacrifices. Emphasize how everyone’s contributions are valuable and worthy of recognition.

3. Embracing Freedom Through Responsibility

Opening Line: "Freedom comes with the responsibility of making a positive difference."

Idea: Discuss how freedom is not just a privilege but also a responsibility to contribute to society. Encourage students to use their talents and skills to address current issues and make meaningful changes in their communities. Highlight how responsible actions can honor the legacy of those who fought for independence.

4. Reflecting on Progress and Challenges

Opening Line: "As we celebrate our freedom, let’s reflect on how far we’ve come and the road ahead."

Idea: Reflect on the progress made since independence, including achievements in various fields, but also acknowledge the challenges that remain. This speech can inspire students to appreciate the journey while motivating them to contribute to ongoing efforts for national development.

5. The Role of Youth in Nation Building

Opening Line: "The future of our nation lies in the hands of its youth."

Idea: Emphasize the crucial role that young people play in shaping the future of the country. Encourage students to take an active role in community service, leadership, and innovation. Highlight how their energy and ideas are vital for continuing the legacy of independence and building a better future.

Each of these speech ideas can be adapted to fit different lengths and styles, ensuring that every student has a chance to deliver a memorable and impactful message on Independence Day 2024.

ALSO READ:  Independence Day 2024: 5 easy DIY Tricolor crafts ideas for kids to decorate their living space

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What To Know About The Olympics Closing Ceremony: What Time—And Who’s Performing

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This weekend’s Olympics closing ceremony is expected to include more than 100 acrobats and aerial performers, award the final Olympic champions their medals and include a sneak peak of what’s to come for the 2028 games in Los Angeles—which will reportedly feature an action movie-worthy stunt from Hollywood star Tom Cruise.

The Eiffel Tower and the Place Du Trocadero during the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games Paris ... [+] 2024 on July 26, 2024.

On Thursday, Team USA announce that swimmer Katie Ledecky and rower Nick Mead will carry the American flags at the closing ceremony.

Grammy winning artist H.E.R. is set to perform the U.S. national anthem, multiple outlets confirmed, as part of the hand-off to the 2028 Los Angeles games, and rumors are flying about what other big-name acts will make an appearance.

Tony Estanguet, president of the Paris 2024 committee, said the ceremony will be "solemn and emotional, but it will also be a time for celebration... Innovative, surprising and brilliant, these ceremonies already promise to be very powerful."

Other than promises of a dazzling stage performance and hints about several pre-filmed Cruise stunts, most of the ceremony remains shrouded in mystery.

What Time Is The Olympics Closing Ceremony—and Where Will It Air?

The closing ceremony will start at 3 p.m. EDT at the Stade de France, the country’s national stadium, where rugby sevens and track and field events have been hosted, and broadcast live on Peacock, with an edited version airing at 7 p.m. on NBC.

Get Forbes Breaking News Text Alerts: We’re launching text message alerts so you'll always know the biggest stories shaping the day’s headlines. Text “Alerts” to (201) 335-0739 or sign up here .

When And Where Can You Watch The Olympic Closing Ceremony?

Live coverage will start at 2 p.m. EDT on Sunday, Aug. 11 and the closing ceremony will start at 3 p.m. It will be broadcast on NBC and Peacock and re-broadcast during primetime coverage at 7 p.m. EDT on NBC and Peacock.

What Will Happen At The Closing Ceremony?

Thomas Jolly, the same creative director who managed the much-buzzed about opening ceremony, has named the closing show " Records ." Performers will include acrobats, circus artists, dancers, gymnasts and aerial ballet dancers who are expected to perform atop metal structures representing the Olympic rings. The ceremonies will also include the traditional parade of flags and athletes, speeches, a final medal ceremony and the extinguishing of the Olympic flame before the Olympic flag is ceremoniously handed over to Los Angeles, which will host the summer games in 2028. Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass will attend the ceremony.

Who Will Perform?

"World-renowned singers" will take the stage, according to the official Olympics website . American R&B singer H.E.R., an Oscar and five-time Grammy winner, is set to sing the American national anthem. Variety on Thursday reported —citing multiple anonymous sources—that Billie Eilish, Snoop Dogg and the Red Hot Chili Peppers are among those will will take the stage. The artists will be seen in a mix of live and pre-taped performances, according to the report.

Why Is Tom Cruise Involved?

This week it was reported that Cruise, who is filming “Mission: Impossible 8” in Europe, will perform a stunt at the closing ceremony. A clip of the movie star skydiving to the Hollywood sign is expected to play a role in the handoff to Los Angeles for the 2028 Olympics, according to The Hollywood Reporter , and Cruise was reportedly spotted filming a scene—possibly for the ceremony—in May that included a motorcycle and large flag.

Will Beyoncé Perform At The Olympics Closing Ceremony?

There’s no evidence to support this rumor. Hosts of Britain's " This Morning ," Craig Doyle and Jordan North, said on-air Thursday that they'd heard Beyoncé may perform at the closing ceremony. "Don't quote me on that," North said, to which Doyle responded, "I can double up on that rumor, I did hear that as well." The claim has since circulated on social media, but no performers have been confirmed for the event. Rumors spread for weeks that Celine Dion or Lady Gaga were planning to perform at the opening ceremony in Paris before the pair dueted “L'Hymne à l'amour” by French singer Édith Piaf.

Who Will Carry The U.s. Flag At The Closing Ceremony?

Ledecky hit major career milestones in Paris, winning gold in the 800m and 1500m freestyles, silver in the 4x200m relay and bronze in the 400m free. Along the way, she became the the most-decorated U.S. female Olympian ever and the second-most decorated U.S. Olympian of all time, behind Michael Phelps. Mead, a former Princeton rower, is a two-time Olympian who won his first gold medal in the men's four rowing competition in Paris this year.

Who Is Hosting The Closing Ceremony?

Jimmy Fallon of "The Tonight Show" and longtime sports reporter Mike Tirico will co-host the ceremony. Former Olympians Johnny Weir and Tara Lipinski—who have built a loyal fan base as commentators since they retired—and NBC Sports' Terry Gannon will be commentating .

What Medals Are Given Out At The Olympics Closing Ceremony?

The final medal ceremony is expected to award winners in the women’s marathon from earlier in the day.

Why Is The Romanian Prime Minister Boycotting The Closing Ceremony?

Marcel Ciolacu said he will not attend the Olympic closing ceremony after a last-minute score change kept Romanian gymnast Ana Barbosu from winning bronze in the women's floor exercise. Celebrating of the medalists had already begun Monday—Barbosu was proudly carrying a Romanian flag—when coaches for Jordan Chiles, an American, made an appeal to judges to raise her score. The judges did so, and the 0.1-point boost was enough to push Chiles to bronze and knock Barbosu off the podium. Ciolacu said the Romanian athlete was "treated in an absolutely dishonorable manner" and promised Romania would honor her as an Olympic medalist. “To withdraw a medal earned for honest work on the basis of an appeal … is totally unacceptable!” he said on Facebook .

Further Reading

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    Simple & Genuine Opening Lines for Wedding Speeches. "Good evening, everyone. Today, we gather not just to celebrate a union but to embark on a journey of love and joy together.". "Hello, friends and family. As we raise our glasses, let's toast to the beautiful couple whose love story we are all witnesses to today.".

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    Another way to open your speech would be with a relevant and inspiring quote. It could be one about love, marriage, or commitment. An example would be, "True love begins at the end of a rainbow of infatuation. Making the effort afterward is what is celebrated.". Interactive Opening.

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