Easy Stories in English

The podcast that will take your English from OK to Good and from Good to Great!

The three goats.

Welcome to Easy Stories in English, the podcast that will take your English from OK to Good, and from Good to Great.

I am Ariel Goodbody, your host for this show. Today’s story is for beginners. The name of the story is The Three Goats . You can find a transcript of the episode at EasyStoriesInEnglish.com/ThreeGoats . That’s EasyStoriesInEnglish.com/ThreeGoats . There, you can also download the episode as a PDF.

OK, I’ll just explain some words that are in today’s story.

essay on goat in english for class 3

Goats are a short, white animal that go ’Meeeh!’. Goats are very good at climbing mountains. Goats can be used to make milk, cheese and meat.

The eldest is the oldest brother or sister in a family. For example, my brother is older than me and my sister, so he is the eldest. In the past and in many cultures generally, the eldest child was often very important.

A middle child is a child who is not the youngest and not the eldest. I have an older sister and an older brother. My brother is the eldest, and my sister is the middle child – she is older than me and younger than my brother. There is a stereotype that middle children try to make peace between their older and younger brothers and sisters.

Someone who is greedy wants to have lots of food or lots of money. Children are often greedy because they want to eat lots of sweets. Maybe they steal food from other children because they are so greedy. Usually, when adults are greedy, it means that they want more and more money.

Water flows – it moves smoothly. If you have water in a sink, it doesn’t flow, because it is not moving, but when water is in a river, it flows down the river. Water in the sea doesn’t flow so much – it jumps onto the beach very dramatically. But if you pour water slowly from a glass, it will flow.

People who are silly say stupid things and like to make lots of jokes. Usually, young children are quite silly, because they like to have lots of fun and aren’t very serious. I think we should all be a bit more silly.

When someone drowns , they fall into water and die. If you can swim, then it is harder to drown, because you can swim out of the water. But maybe the water is very deep, or you are in the sea and the land is far away, or you are very hurt. In those cases, you might drown. You can also drown another person, but I don’t recommend it!

Narrow means not wide. Something can be narrow but very tall, or narrow but short. If a street is narrow, there might not be enough room for a car to drive down it.

One by one means one after the other. If you really enjoy M&Ms, you might eat them one by one, instead of eating five at once. If you are working on some very difficult mathematics, you will probably have to answer the questions one by one. When you go to the doctor’s, the doctor talks to patients, sick people, one by one.

essay on goat in english for class 3

Trolls are big, ugly monsters. Trolls often appear in stories from Northern Europe. An internet troll is someone who likes to make other people angry on the internet. Hopefully, none of you are internet trolls, because they are not nice people!

When someone is annoying , they do lots of things you don’t like. For example, if your younger sister is very loud, steals your food and wakes you up in the morning, she’s probably quite annoying. In my opinion, people who have very loud phone conversations on the train are very annoying.

OK, so listen and enjoy!

Once, there were three goats. The three goats were sisters, and each sister was bigger than the other. The youngest sister was the smallest, the middle child was normal-sized, and the eldest goat was the biggest.

One day, the three goats were happily eating grass in the field. They had eaten grass there for many years, but now there was not much grass left.

‘Oh no!’ said the youngest goat. ‘There is no grass left. What will we eat now?’

‘It’s because you ate all the grass!’ said the middle child. ‘You’re such a greedy little goat. You think because you’re the youngest that you can eat all the grass.’

‘Stop!’ said the eldest goat. ‘This has happened before, but you two are probably too young to remember. There is another field we can go to, where there will be lots more grass. Follow me.’

The eldest goat took her two sisters through the field to a big bridge. The bridge went over a river, and the water under the river flowed quickly.

‘What’s that?!’ said the youngest goat. ‘That’s not grass!’

‘Ha, silly sister!’ said the middle child. But she also didn’t know what it was.

‘It is a bridge,’ explained the eldest. ‘It will take us to the other field where all the grass is.’

‘But why can’t we just swim?’ said the youngest.

‘Don’t be silly! Can’t you see how fast that water is flowing? If we went into that water, we would drown .’

‘Very true,’ said the eldest goat, who thought the middle goat was much sillier than the youngest. ‘Now, the bridge is quite narrow , so we must walk across it one by one .’

‘I’ll go first!’ said the middle goat.

‘No, no,’ said the eldest. ‘Let the youngest go first. If the bridge is broken, then she won’t fall in. But we are bigger, and we could easily fall in the water.’

So the youngest goat was the first to cross the bridge. The bridge was not broken, and she did not fall in. She walked across the narrow bridge, and soon she could not see or hear her sisters. But before she could cross to the other side, there was a horrible noise.


A troll jumped out in front of the goat.

‘Ah!’ cried the youngest goat. ‘You’re not grass!’

‘No, I’m a troll!’ said the troll.

‘Oh,’ said the goat. ‘I’m glad. I wouldn’t eat you if you were grass.’

‘Uh, aren’t you afraid of me?’ said the troll.

‘Not really,’ said the goat. ‘Why? Should I be afraid?’

‘Yes, yes you should!’ said the troll. ‘I’m a big, hungry troll, and do you know what trolls eat?’

‘Grass?’ said the youngest goat. ‘We eat grass, and it’s very nice, so I think –’

‘NO!’ said the troll. ‘I eat goats .’

‘Oh. But you’re not going to eat me, are you? I’m so young! I want to live a long life!’

‘Well, too bad!’ said the troll. ‘Because I’m going to eat you, and there’s nothing you can do to stop me.’

‘But really…’ said the goat. ‘You said you’re big and hungry, but I’m just a little goat. If you eat me, you’ll still be hungry. My sister will be coming soon, and she’s bigger than me, so you can eat her instead.’

‘And why don’t I just eat you and your sister?’ said the troll.

‘Well, that would be greedy! But also, if you try to eat me, I’ll make lots of noise and my sisters will know not to cross the bridge!’

‘Fine, fine,’ said the troll. ‘Hopefully, your sister is less annoying …’

‘Yay! Thank you, Mr. Troll!’

The youngest sister crossed to the other side.

Next, the middle goat crossed the narrow bridge. She worried that the bridge might break, but it didn’t. When the troll jumped out, she was quite surprised.

‘Oh! I thought the bridge was breaking, but it’s just a rabbit or something.’

‘A rabbit ?’ said the troll. ‘I’m not a rabbit!’

‘Alright, alright. Maybe a cat? Look, we live in a small field. I don’t know what other animals look like!’

‘That doesn’t matter!’ said the troll. ‘Because I’m going to eat you!’

‘Oh!’ said the middle goat. ‘Please tell me you ate my younger sister? She’s so annoying.’

‘I did not!’ said the troll. ‘Because I am going to eat YOU! And I can see that you are bigger than your sister, and so I will not be hungry afterwards.’

‘Oh, you poor thing!’ said the goat. ‘You must have so little food. You think I will be enough food for you? You probably have been eating too little all your life. Listen, my older sister is coming after me, and she’s really fat. She’s the biggest goat I’ve ever seen! She would really make a better meal.’

‘And why can’t I eat you both?’ said the troll.

Right now, he was thinking that maybe he should start eating grass. Grass didn’t talk when you tried to eat it. Grass wasn’t annoying like these goats. And his stomach was so empty…

‘Well, first, that would be greedy. But also, my older sister is very fast. If you eat me, you’ll be tired, and my sister will be too fast for you. But if you wait for her, you’ll be able to catch her! Also, I ate some really bad grass earlier, so you really don’t want to eat me.’

‘Fine, fine ,’ said the troll. ‘Go on.’

‘Thanks!’ said the middle goat. She crossed over the bridge.

Finally, the eldest goat crossed the narrow bridge. The bridge made some noises, but it did not break. When the troll jumped out, the eldest goat was not surprised.

‘I remember you!’ she said. ‘It’s been years, hasn’t it?’

‘I don’t know what you’re talking about!’ said the troll. ‘I’ve never met you.’

‘Oh, silly me. It was your mother I killed, wasn’t it? You were just a little baby then.’

‘What are you talking about?’ said the troll.

But it was too late for him. The eldest goat jumped and hit the troll with her head. The troll fell off the bridge and into the river.

‘Ahh!’ cried the troll.

‘Bye!’ said the eldest goat. ‘Oh, and if you have any babies, I’ll kill them, too! I’ll drown them one by one!’

The waters flowed quickly, and the troll drowned. But at least his stomach wasn’t empty. It was full of water!


The eldest goat crossed the bridge and found her sisters.

‘Oh,’ said the middle goat. ‘What did you tell the troll? Did you tell him that another troll was coming?’

‘Oh, don’t worry,’ said the eldest goat. ‘I was very nice to him.’

‘Really?’ said the youngest goat. ‘Is he still on the bridge?’

‘No, no,’ said the eldest. ‘We decided that he should leave. He lives somewhere much… wetter now. Now come on, we’ve got all this grass to eat! You won’t grow up to be big and strong like me if you don’t eat your grass.’

Now there were no trolls on the bridge, so the three goats could cross it easily. When there was no more grass in the field, the three goats crossed the bridge one by one and went to the other field. And so they happily ate grass for the rest of their lives.

If you enjoyed today’s episode and want to be able to read my stories in a physical format, then good news! I have a book of ten short stories called, well, Easy Stories in English . Get it on Amazon, Apple Books or Google Books, or go to EasyStoriesInEnglish.com/Book to find out all the places it’s available. Thank you for listening, and see you in two weeks!

26 responses to “The Three Goats”

Equita avatar

Hi Ariel! such a good story, keep it up!

Ariel Goodbody avatar

Thank you so much, Equita! 🙂

Mehmet avatar

The story iş very goog, thank you so much. We are waiting fot othrer story

Glad you liked it, Mehmet! 🙂

Alaa avatar

I am Alaa from Iraq I would to learn English

Well, you’re in the right place, Alaa! Keep listening and learning 🙂

IVAN avatar

Thanks, Ivan! 🙂

Anahita avatar

Im from iran I recently found your website. Im so happy . I just started learning English. My country is embargoed and I can’t pay to see and lisen your stories, our banks are blocked. But 1 month is free, thank you so much .

I know it’s very difficult in Iran with the sanctions. Thank you for listening and thank you for your kind comment 🙂

Fereshteh avatar

hi Ariel.that was great. and your storytelling was wonderfull.thank you.

Thank you so much, Fereshteh! 🙂

Rupa avatar

Good stories for learning English

Thanks, Rupa!

Aida avatar

It is really amazing, this really help those people who are beginner and want to learn English

I’m glad you think so, Aida 🙂

Meyra avatar

It’s an amazing story and the teaching way is very funny. Thankss

Thanks, Meyra!

Kaan Başar avatar

This is a very good stories, ( I remember ‘The Goat’, it reminded me of a Lionel Messi ) Thank you dude !

Aha yes, GOAT is a popular slang term now. I didn’t realise people applied it to Lionel Messi as well 🙂

Wei Leng avatar

Hi~Ariel,the dubbing for this story feels like listening to a Disney cartoon,sounds very happy, I love it ! Thanks! 😀

Thanks, Wei Leng! 🙂

ibrahim bahri avatar

haw can i get this stories like a pdf

Click ‘Download this episode as a PDF.’ at the top of the transcript 🙂

Abdullh avatar

This is a great story , thank you .

You’re welcome, Abdullh 🙂

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10 Lines on Goat for Students and Children in English

March 29, 2023 by Prasanna

10 Lines on Goat:  A domesticated animal which has been our friend and a saviour to human Civilization from thousands of years is the goat. Goat is found in almost all parts of the world irrespective of the climatic and geographical condition and that is what makes it suitable to human civilization. And its usefulness in terms of its skin or milk makes it one of the most preferred animals to domesticate in the world.

In this article on 10 lines on goat in English, we shall be talking about the various aspects of how goat been associated with human civilization for years, what are the importance of goats for the survival of our ecosystem.

You can read more  10 Lines  about articles, events, people, sports, technology many more.

Set 1 – 10 Lines on Goat for Kids

Set 1 is helpful for students of Classes 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.

  • Goats are domesticated animals which are tamed by human beings for various need
  • There are more than 300 breeds of goat that are known to human beings
  • A goat has a lifespan of 15 to 18 years depending on the climatic conditions and how well it is domesticated
  • The male goat is called a buck while a female goat is known as doe
  • To domesticate goats, one needs more than 5 kgs of fodder to keep it healthy
  • Goat farming is a billion-dollar industry around the world
  • A large number of goats are domesticated and bred healthily and are  then sold in the market
  • Given the importance of Goat for our civilization, there are many artificial technique to breed a healthy goat
  • Goat is a herbivorous animal which eats mainly fodder
  • India has around 140 million goats across the country.

10 Lines on Goat for Kids

Set 2 – 10 Lines on Goat for School Students

Set 2 is helpful for students of Classes 6, 7 and 8.

  • There are more than 400 million goats around the world
  • A group of goats is known as herd
  • Goat have horns on their head which they used to attack when in danger
  • It has four legs, a small tail and two horns over its head depending on the species
  • Goat can be tamed and trained well to listen to human beings and understand human voices
  • Goats are also considered as religious animals in Hinduism and Islam
  • Certain goats can climb mountains and steep thorny regions
  • The main use of Goat for human beings are milk, meat and skin
  • Goat are bred in goat farms and is a profitable business when they are sold at a profit in the market
  • Bleet is a word that refers to the sound that Gods make

Set 3 – 10 Lines on Goat for Higher Class Students

Set 3 is helpful for students of Classes 9, 10, 11, 12 and Competitive Exams.

  • Goats milk is considered to be very nutritious and has the power to cure certain diseases
  • Goat milk is fed to newborn babies to develop immunity against certain viruses and bacteria
  • Goats are not only used for their milk meat but are also used to carry goods from one region to another
  • Mountain goats are used as instruments of  logistics to transport goods in difficult terrains
  • Goats are considered to be very smart and intelligent animals
  • Goats are not very fast animals and run at a speed of 24 kilometres per hour
  • It is found out that goat does not like water and hop across puddles to cross from one point to another
  • The memory power of Goats are usually equal to that of a small child and they can remember voices and faces for as long as 10 months
  • There are more than 300 distinct breeds of goat around the world
  • God is a member of the animal family known as Bovidae and the subfamily caprinae.

10 Lines on Goat for Higher Class Students

FAQ’s on 10 Lines on Goat in English

Question 1. How many goats are there in the whole world?

Answer: There are more than 300 million goats around the whole world

Question 2. What is the lifespan of a goat?

Answer: The lifespan of a goat is somewhere between 15 years and 18 years

Question 3. What is the scientific name of the goat?

Answer: Capra aegagrus hircus is the scientific name of the goat

Question 4. Since how many years are goats being domesticated by human beings?

Answer: For more than 9000 years goats are domesticated by human beings

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Reading Comprehension Class 3 Passages CBSE with Answers

essay on goat in english for class 3

The Reading Comprehension Class 3 Passages for CBSE with Answers provide engaging content to enhance students’ reading skills. Each passage offers questions to test comprehension, fostering a deeper understanding of the material. This resource helps students develop critical thinking and analytical skills through interactive learning.

The process to solve Reading Comprehension Class 3 Passages CBSE

  • Read Carefully: 
  • Identify Key Information: 
  • Answer Questions Sequentially: 
  • Eliminate Incorrect Options:
  • Refer Back to the Text: 

Reading Comprehension Class 3 Passages 1:

Read the passage carefully and answer the question that follows.

To keep yourself clean, you take a bath or a shower . Animals too need to keep themselves clean. How do animals keep themselves? Cats lick themselves to keep their fur clean. Have you ever watched a pet cat clean itself? Elephants take baths as much as you do. But instead of hopping into the tub, they walk into a river or lake. Birds clean themselves in many ways. Sometimes they wash in water.

That’s why some people put birdbaths in their yard. At other times birds take dust baths, just like wombats. Birds also use their beaks to keep their feathers clean. They use their beaks the way you use a comb. Sometimes a bird has itchy bugs in its feathers. Birds may use ants to help them clean off the bugs. A bird will lie down on an ant nest. Then the ants will crawl on the bird. The ants make a kind of bug spray on the feathers. Then the itchy bugs die!

A. Answer the following questions:

1. How do cats keep their fur clean?

2. How do elephants take baths?

B. Multiple Choice Type Questions:

3. what do birds use to keep their feathers clean.

c) Both a and b

d) None of the above

4. How do birds get rid of itchy bugs in their feathers?

a) Using a special bird spray

b) Lying down on an ant nest

c) Taking a dust bath

d) Using their beaks as combs

C. Fill in the blanks:

5. Instead of hopping into the tub, elephants walk into a __________ or __________.

6. Birds sometimes take __________ baths, just like wombats.

D. Complete the following sentence:

7. Birds use their beaks to keep their feathers clean, using them in a similar way that humans use a __________.

E. True or False:

8. Elephants take dust baths. 

9. Birds use ants to create a bug spray on their feathers.

10. Find a similar meaning from the passage: ‘a brief fall of rain’

11. Find the opposite meaning from the above passage: ‘give’

12. Complete spelling: c___e___n

13. Complete word: c ___ ___ b

14. Make sentence: ‘beak ‘

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Reading Comprehension Worksheet

Reading Comprehension Class 3 Passages 2:

There lived two silly goats in a village. There was a narrow bridge over a river in the village. One day, the goats wanted to cross the bridge. One silly goat was on one side. The other one was on the other side. One of them said, “I shall go first. Allow me to pass.” The other goat said, “No. I must cross first. You move aside .” Neither of them yielded. At last, they came to the middle of the bridge. They began to fight terribly. As they were fighting, both of them fell into the river and were drowned.

1. Where did the two silly goats live?

2. What was the reason for the goats falling into the river?

3. What was there over the river in the village?

a) A narrow bridge

c) A tunnel

4. Where did the goats fall while fighting?

a) In a field

b) Into the river

c) On a mountain

d) In a forest

5. There was a narrow bridge over a river in the __________.

6. The goats fell into the __________ while fighting.

7. The goats began to fight terribly when they reached the __________ of the bridge.

8. The goats yielded and allowed each other to pass.

9. The goats fought at the beginning of the bridge.

10. Find a similar meaning from the passage: ‘childish’

11. Find the opposite meaning from the above passage: ‘under’

12. Complete spelling: a___i___e

13 . Complete word: ___ri___g___

14. Make sentence: ‘move ‘

Reading Comprehension Class 3 Passages 3:

Fluffy was a little pink rabbit. He lived in a burrow at the bottom of a tree in a park. He had many

friends. He liked making friends. Every evening, little boys and girls came to play in the park. They called out to Fluffy to play with them. Fluffy hopped, rolled, and ran about to see the children. The children loved running behind Fluffy and feeding him carrots and spinach leaves.

1. Where did Fluffy live?

2. What did the children feed Fluffy?

3. Where did Fluffy live?

a) In a nest

b) In a burrow at the bottom of a tree

c) In a cave

d) In a house

4. What did the children feed Fluffy?

a) Apples and bananas

b) Carrots and spinach leaves

c) Candy and chocolate

d) Pizza and burgers

5. Fluffy lived in a burrow at the bottom of a tree in a __________.

6. The children loved running behind Fluffy and feeding him __________ and __________.

7. Fluffy liked making friends, and every evening, he hopped, rolled, and ran about on seeing the children because __________.

8. Fluffy lived in a cave.

9. The children fed Fluffy with pizza and burgers.

10. Find a similar meaning from the passage: ‘a hole or tunnel’

11. Find the opposite meaning from the above passage: ‘boys’

12. Complete spelling: b___r___o___

13 . Complete word: b___h___n___

14. Make sentence: ‘hop ‘

Reading Comprehension Class 3 Passages 4:

Once upon a time, there was a small hill. A path went up the hill. It went through thick and lovely woods of pine and fir trees. People often walked on it to a holy place. One day when the sun shone high in the sky, many people were seen climbing up the hill. They were climbing slowly and carefully. A girl also climbed the hill with them. Her name was Meena. Meena was twelve years old. She carried a small boy on her back. He was four years old.

1. Where did the path go in the story?

2. Who was Meena carrying on her back while climbing the hill?

3. What kind of trees were on the hill?

a) Mango and apple trees

b) Pine and fir trees

c) Oak and maple trees

d) Palm and coconut trees

4. Why were many people climbing the hill on that day?

a) It was a race

b) They were going for a picnic

c) To reach a holy place

d) They were lost

5. The path went up the hill through thick and lovely woods of pine and __________ trees.

6. Meena was carrying a small __________ on her back.

7. People often walked on the path up the hill to reach a holy place because __________.

8. The hill had thin and unattractive woods.

9. Meena was climbing the hill alone.

10. Find a similar meaning from the passage: ‘not large’

11. Find the opposite meaning from the above passage: ‘low’

12. Complete spelling: t___e___v___

13 . Complete word: ___r___e___

14. Make sentence: ‘slowly ‘

Reading Comprehension Class 3 Passages 5:

In a jungle near a river, a mommy tiger and her little cub lived together. The cub always stayed close to its mom when they went out at night. When it got dark, the mom tiger went hunting for deer and pig to eat. There was a smart monkey called Langur who would shout loudly when he saw the tiger, saying, “Be careful! A tiger is coming!” When the tiger heard this, the deer and other animals in the jungle would make loud sounds to warn each other. Sometimes, the animals managed to run away. But the tiger didn’t give up. She changed her plan and started hunting for different animals like birds and frogs, or she went to the river to catch fish. The interesting thing is that she didn’t hunt every night, which helped the jungle stay balanced. 

1. What did the mommy tiger go hunting for at night?

2. Why did the Langur monkey shout a warning?

3. What did the mommy tiger mainly hunt for?

a) Fish and frogs

b) Birds and deer

c) Deer and pig

d) Monkeys and rabbits

4. Why did the animals in the jungle make loud sounds when the Langur monkey warned them?

a) To welcome the tiger

b) To warn each other

c) To scare the tiger away

d) To invite the tiger to play

5. The mommy tiger went hunting for __________ and __________ to eat.

6. Langur would shout loudly when he saw the tiger, saying, “Be careful! A tiger is __________!”

7. The mommy tiger changed her hunting plan and started hunting for different animals like __________ and __________.

8. The mommy tiger hunted every night.

9. Langur monkey stayed silent when he saw the tiger.

10. Find a similar meaning from the passage: ‘quick or prompt’

11. Find the opposite meaning from the above passage: ‘day’

12. Complete spelling: c ___t ___h

13 . Complete word: c ___r ___f ___l

14. Make sentence: ‘jungle ‘

Reading Comprehension Class 3 Passages 6:

There was once a proud elephant who always bullied smaller animals. He would go to the ant hill near his home and spray water at the ants. The ants, with their size could do nothing but cry.

One day, the ants decided to teach the elephant a lesson. They went straight into the trunk of

elephant and started biting him. The elephant could only howl in pain. Such a big animal could

not do anything to get the tiny ants out. He realized his mistake and apologized to ants. The moral of the story is – Never underestimate and hurt anyone.

1. What did the proud elephant do to the ants?

2. How did the ants teach the elephant a lesson?

3. What did the ants do to the elephant as revenge?

a) Threw water at him

b) Climbed on his back

c) Went into his trunk and bit him

d) Ignored him

4. Why did the elephant apologize to the ants?

a) Because he wanted to play with them

b) Because he realized his mistake

c) Because he was afraid of the ants

d) Because the ants asked for an apology

5. The proud elephant would go to the ant hill and spray water at the __________.

6. The ants went straight into the trunk of the elephant and started __________ him.

7. The moral of the story is – __________ and hurt anyone.

8. The elephant never realized his mistake.

9. The ants taught the elephant a lesson by throwing water at him.

10. Find a similar meaning from the passage: ‘glad’

11. Find the opposite meaning from the above passage: ‘laugh’

12. Complete spelling: e___e___h___n___

13 . Complete word: s___o___y

14. Make sentence: ‘lesson ‘

Reading Comprehension Class 3 Passages 7:

Once a man was eating a banana. A monkey also found a banana. It started eating the banana. The monkey kept watching the man. The man also kept on looking at the monkey. While eating the banana, the man was making funny faces. The monkey also started making funny faces. The monkey copied every action of the man. When the man finished eating the banana, he threw the peel on the ground. The monkey looked at the peel in its hand. It climbed down the tree. It then quickly ran near the dustbin and threw the peel in it. How ashamed the man was!

1. What did the man do after finishing the banana?

2. How did the monkey react when it saw the banana peel on the ground?

3. What did the monkey do after the man finished eating the banana?

a) Climbed down the tree

b) Made funny faces

c) Threw the peel in the dustbin

d) Ate another banana

4. How did the man feel when the monkey threw the peel in the dustbin?

5. The man and the monkey both started making __________ faces.

6. After eating the banana, the monkey climbed down the tree and threw the peel in the __________.

7. The man felt __________ when he saw the monkey throwing the peel in the dustbin.

8. The monkey ate the banana peel.

9. The man was proud of the monkey’s action.

10. Find a similar meaning from the passage: ‘began’

11. Find the opposite meaning from the above passage: ‘lost’

12. Complete spelling: m___n___ ___y

13 . Complete word: d___s___b___n

14. Make sentence: ‘banana ‘

15. Give a suitable title to the story.

Reading Comprehension Class 3 Passages 8:

The Kangaroo is an herbivorous animal. They fill their stomach by eating grass, leaves fruits, etc. The kangaroos walk by jumping on two legs. Kangaroos can make very long jumps. The kangaroo has a pouch on its stomach. The young one of a kangaroo is called Joey. They hide

their child in this pouch and feed them milk. Kangaroo is the national animal of Australia.

1. What do kangaroos eat to fill their stomach?

2. What is the young one of a kangaroo called?

3. What is the primary diet of kangaroos?

a) Insects and worms

b) Grass, leaves, and fruits

c) Fish and meat

d) Berries and nuts

4. How do kangaroos move around?

a) Crawling on all fours

c) Jumping on two legs

d) Swimming

5. Kangaroos fill their stomach by eating __________, __________, and __________.

6 . The young one of a kangaroo is called a __________.

7. Kangaroos can make very long jumps because they walk by __________ on two legs.

8. Kangaroos have pouches on their backs.

9. The young kangaroo, Joey, is fed with leaves.

10. Find a similar meaning from the passage: ‘feeding on grass’

11. Find the opposite meaning from the above passage: ‘short’

12. Complete spelling: a___i___ ___l

13 . Complete word: p___u___h

14. Make sentence: ‘milk ‘

Reading Comprehension Class 3 Passages 9:

Ram went to the railway station with his father to go to Delhi. Many people were standing and talking in groups at the railway station. He took the window seat. The train started its journey with a loud whistle. He enjoyed the sight of big and small trees, hills, rivers,s, etc. He enjoyed this train journey very much.

1. Where did Ram go with his father?

2. What did Ram enjoy during the train journey?

3. Where did Ram take a seat in the train?

a) Aisle seat

b) Middle seat

c) Window seat

d) Standing

4. What did Ram enjoy the sight of during the train journey?

a) Buildings

c) Trees, hills, and rivers

5. Ram went to the railway station with his __________ to go to Delhi.

6. The train started its journey with a loud __________.

7. Ram enjoyed the sight of big and small trees, hills, rivers, etc. during the train journey because __________.

8. Ram took the aisle seat in the train.

9. The train journey was not enjoyable for Ram.

10. Find a similar meaning from the passage: ‘traveling from one place to another’

11. Find the opposite meaning from the above passage: ‘big’

12. Complete spelling: s___a___i___n

13 . Complete word: w___i___t___e

14. Make sentence: ‘people ‘

Reading Comprehension Class 3 Passages 10:

Read the passage and answer the questions :

Humming birds are tiny birds that can fly forward and backward. They are called humming birds because when they fly, their wings often make a humming sound. Their tiny wings beat about 55 to 75 times each second. The biggest humming bird is the Giant Humming bird. The smallest humming bird is the Bee Humming bird, which is about the size of a bee. They live for 3-4 years.

1. Why are hummingbirds called humming birds?

2. What is the lifespan of hummingbirds?

3. What sound do hummingbirds make when they fly?

a) Whistling

b) Chirping

4. How many times do their tiny wings beat each second?

a) 20-30 times

b) 40-50 times

c) 55-75 times

d) 80-90 times

5. Hummingbirds are called humming birds because their wings often make a __________ sound.

6. The Bee Hummingbird is about the size of a __________.

7. The Giant Hummingbird is the __________ humming bird.

8. Hummingbirds can only fly forward.

9. The lifespan of hummingbirds is 6-7 years.

10. Find a similar meaning from the passage: ‘small’

11. Find the opposite meaning from the above passage: ‘backward’

12. Complete spelling: s___c___n___

13 . Complete word: w___i___h

14. Make sentence: ‘wings ‘

Reading Comprehension Class 3 Answer Key 1:

1. Cats keep their fur clean by licking themselves.

2. Elephants walk into a river or lake to take baths.

3. c) Both a and b

4. b) Lying down on an ant nest

5. river, lake

14. The bird used its beak to preen and clean its feathers.

Reading Comprehension Class 3 Answer Key 2:

1. The two silly goats lived in a village.

2. The reason for the goats falling into the river was their fighting on the bridge.

3. a) A narrow bridge

4. b) Into the river

7. The goats began to fight terribly when they reached the middle of the bridge.

14. Let’s move forward.

Reading Comprehension Class 3 Answer Key 3:

1. Fluffy lived in a burrow at the bottom of a tree.

2. The children fed Fluffy with carrots and spinach leaves.

3. b) In a burrow at the bottom of a tree

4. b) Carrots and spinach leaves

6. carrots, spinach leaves

Complete the following sentence:

7. ……. he enjoyed their company.

14. Fluffy loved to hop and play with the children in the park.

Reading Comprehension Class 3 Answer Key 4:

1. The path went up the hill.

2. Meena was carrying a small boy on her back while climbing the hill.

3. b) Pine and fir trees

4. c) To reach a holy place

7. ……… it was considered sacred.

14. The old man walks slowly.

Reading Comprehension Class 3 Answer Key 5:

1. The mommy tiger went hunting for deer and pig at night.

2. The Langur monkey shouted a warning to alert others about the approaching tiger.

3. c) Deer and pig

4. b) To warn each other

5. deer, pig

7. birds and frogs.

13. Careful

14. Langur’s loud warning helped the animals in the jungle stay safe from the approaching tiger.

Reading Comprehension Class 3 Answer Key 6:

1. The proud elephant sprayed water at the ants.

2. The ants went into the trunk of the elephant and started biting him.

3. c) Went into his trunk and bit him

4. b) Because he realized his mistake

7. The moral of the story is – Never underestimate and hurt anyone.

13. dustbin

14. I am learning my lesson.

Reading Comprehension Class 3 Answer Key 7:

1. The man threw the peel on the ground.

2. The monkey threw the peel in the dustbin when it saw it on the ground.

3. c) Threw the peel in the dustbin

4. c) Ashamed

7. The man felt ashamed when he saw the monkey throwing the peel in the dustbin.

10. started

14. I like to eat banana.

15. The Monkey and the Banana: A Tale of Copying and Cleaning Up

Answer Key 8:

1. Kangaroos eat grass, leaves, and fruits to fill their stomach.

2. The young one of a kangaroo is called a joey.

3. b) Grass, leaves, and fruits

4. c) Jumping on two legs

5. grass, leaves, fruits

7. jumping 

10. herbivorous

14. Milk is a nutritious drink.

Answer Key 9:

1. Ram went to the railway station with his father.

2. Ram enjoyed the sight of big and small trees, hills, rivers, etc. during the train journey.

3. c) Window seat

4. c) Trees, hills, and rivers

7. …….. it was a scenic view.

10. journey

12. station

13. whistle

14. I saw many people there.

Answer Key 10:

1. Hummingbirds are called humming birds because their wings often make a humming sound.

2. Hummingbirds live for 3-4 years.

3. c) Humming

4. c) 55-75 times

7. The Giant Hummingbird is the biggest humming bird.

11. forward

14. Birds have wings.

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20 Lines on Goat in English for Class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

20 lines on goat in english.

Hello Student, Here in this post, we have posted 20 lines on Goat in English . Students (Class 1 to 8) who want to know a detailed knowledge about Goat, then here we have given a detailed view about 20 Lines Paragraph on Goat in English. This Paragraph is very Simple.

20 Lines Paragraph on Goat in English

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Synctech Learn: Helping Students in, Nibandh,10 lines essays

10 lines on Goat in English - Short essay on goat ( Few lines about Goat )

Today, we are sharing ten lines essay on Goat . This article can help the students who are looking for information about Goat in English . This essay is very simple and easy to remember. The level of this essay is moderate so any students can write on this topic. This article is generally useful for class 1, class 2, and class 3 .

short essay on Goat

10 lines on Goat in English

  • Goat is a common pet animal found all over the world.
  • Goat is a vegetarian, and it fills its stomach by eating grass leaves, etc.
  • These are creatures of a very calm nature.
  • Many different species of goat are found all over the world.
  • Goats are found in different colors and sizes.
  • They have four slender legs, two eyes, two big ears, two small horns, and a short tail.
  • Goat has thick hair all over the body, this hair protects them from changes in weather like the sun in summer and cold in winter.
  • Goat's milk is very useful, its milk is considered very nutritious.
  • Goat's milk is considered very beneficial for the newborn baby.
  • Goat's milk is also used to cure many diseases.

essay on goat in english for class 3

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Domestic Animals Essay

essay on goat in english for class 3


In the early days, our mother milking the cows and goats was a usual sight in households. Even now, maybe you will be waking up to the call of roosters and having eggs for breakfast. If the ancient houses have cows, buffaloes, sheep and goats, most of our homes today have many pets like dogs, cats, parrots etc. All these are called domestic animals, and we will be discussing their role in the domestic animals essay.

As domestic animals can be seen around us, it is necessary to teach our kids about them. We keep domestic animals at home either for pleasure or livelihood. The domestic animals essay in English will be useful for them to familiarise themselves with a variety of domestic animals and their importance. In this way, children will appreciate their value and become their companions.

Importance of Domestic Animals

Domestic animals are an important part of our lives. We depend on them for meeting our several needs and help each other in ways we can never think of. Children also find these domestic animals amusing, as they get to keep themselves entertained by the cuteness and naughtiness of these animals. Moreover, children will learn to care for and protect animals if they are given a domesticated animal. This will make them more humane as they grow up.

We will see the special connection that humans have with domestic animals in this short essay on domestic animals. People often talk to domestic animals as if they were real human beings. There is an intimate relationship between domestic animals and humans that we cannot imagine living without.

Types of Domestic Animals

Domestic animals can be tamed and made to work for us. They are also kept as pets and reared for food. There are different varieties of domestic animals, and we will be discussing the most important ones in this domestic animals essay. You can also use this to write about my pet animal essay .

Cows, buffaloes, and goats are the most domesticated animals that can be found in many of our homes. They give us milk, and cows and buffaloes are used in farming to plough the land. So, they are considered as farmer’s friends. Sheep is another domestic animal that gives us wool. Sheep have thick fur from where we get wool, which is then used for making clothes. We also get meat from these domestic animals.

In addition, dogs and cats are also the most popular domestic animals that we can see even inside our homes. Dogs are considered to be man’s loyal companions because they protect our house and property from thieves and burglars. They are so faithful that they warn us of any danger by barking. Cats entertain us, and they keep our house free from rats and rodents.

Horses and donkeys were used for carrying heavy loads from one town to another in the early days. But now, horses can be mainly seen in racing. Rabbits, pigeons and parrots are other types of domestic animals and birds that simply bring us joy. The domestic animals essay in English will make our kids understand that they are friendly and they work for us without any tiredness or complaint. As they are reliable and devoted to us, we must take extreme care of them.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the main uses of domestic animals.

Domestic animals are primarily used for domestic and agricultural purposes. Along with giving us milk and wool, domestic animals provide excellent manure for the soil. They are also used for transportation purposes.

How should we care for domestic animals?

As domestic animals are useful for us in many ways, we must take care of them. By giving them proper food and shelter, we can ensure their survival. If they have any injuries, they must be treated immediately. There are chances that we get infected by disease-causing germs from them, so it is advised to clean them and their shelters regularly.

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The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats

The short stories for children are compiled to deliver life lessons. The life lessons are revealed at the end of the stories.

Reading short stories will help children to increase their vocabulary.

They will learn life lessons from such stories.

The Short Story of the Seven Little Goats and the Wolf - Introduction

The story about an evil wolf and seven little goats is about how an evil deed is punished. The wolf was punished by the mother goat. What did he do? Why was he punished? Read the story to find out how the little goats survived.

Once upon a time, a mother goat lived with her seven beautiful little goats. They came to graze in the pastures every day with their mother and returned before sunset. Her mother was aware of the wild animals lurking in the jungle and told the kids to stay safe.

One day, they were grazing in the pasture. A wolf was passing by. He saw the little goats and decided to eat them.

He hid in the bushes and waited till the sunset. He did not want to attack the little goats as they would flee and he would not be able to catch them all.

As the sun came down in the evening, their mother told the goats, “Let us return to our house.”

The goats followed their mother and returned to their home.

They did not know that the wolf was stealthily following them to their address.

The Wolf Following The Goats

The Wolf Following The Goats

The Evil Deed of the Wolf

The mother goat said to the kids, “Don’t go outside without me. I have some work to do. Do not leave home until I return.” She also said, “Do not open the door if someone unknown knocks.”

All the little goats nodded. The mother goat left and they remained inside. The wolf was waiting for his turn. When the mother left, he approached the door and knocked.

The kids answered, “Who is it?” The wolf replied mimicking the voice of the mother goat, “It’s me. Open the door.”

The kids opened the door and the wolf pounced on them. He gobbled six of them and left one alone and afraid.

He then left the home and went to rest under a tree. His stomach was full. The little goat followed him in fear. He located him and went back to his house.

The Revenge of the Mother Goat

The mother goat returned to find that six of her children had been missing. Only one was left alone and frightened. She asked her, “Where are your brothers and sisters?”

The little goat replied, “All of them were eaten by a wolf. He is resting under the big tree.”

The mother goat was furious but did not do anything out of anger. She took a scissor, a needle, and threads.

The Mother Goat Took Revenge

The Mother Goat Took Revenge

She silently approached the wolf sleeping under the tree. He was snoring. She took out her scissor and cut open his belly. She took out the little goats one by one. Every one of them was safe. She then put some stones inside the wolf’s stomach and sewed.

The Wolf’s Fate

The wolf woke up and felt thirsty. He went to a well to drink water. He did not know that his stomach had stones. He could not maintain his balance, fell into the well and drowned.

The mother goat had her revenge.

The Moral of the Story Wolf and Seven Little Goats

The moral according to The Wolf And The Seven Little Goats summary is the wicked ones should always be punished for their deeds. It also explains that if one does bad to others, bad will happen to him too.

Tips for Parents

Explain the story with The Wolf And The Seven Little Goats pictures. Kids will understand the story well and will also get the hidden message properly. They will learn the moral of this story and will follow it.

FAQs on The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats

1. Why did the little goat open the door?

The wolf mimicked the mother goat’s voice. The little ones were tricked to open the door.

2. Why did the wolf leave one little goat behind?

He was full after eating six of the seven little goats. He could not eat one more.

3. Why did the wolf drown?

The stones inside his stomach did not let him swim in the well.

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Short Essay on 'Goat' (100 Words)

essay on goat in english for class 3

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Engaging 10 Lines, Short and Long Essay on National Space Day 2024

National space day essay 2024: as national space day is today (august 23), we have provided 10 lines, informative short, long essays and interesting facts that students can use on the occasion. students can utilize these essays for school competitions. celebrate india’s stellar contributions to the world.

Garima Jha

Essay on National Space Day for School Children: The first National Space Day (also known as ISRO Day) will be celebrated on August 23 this year. National Space Day is an occasion to recognize important achievements in the field of space exploration and advancements in space technology. The purpose behind observing this event is to develop interest in space science and technology among students and inspire future generations. 

August 23 was declared as National Space Day last year by the government. This was done to highlight the glorious achievements of our country’s space missions. It was also announced with the aim to honour the remarkable success of the Chandrayaan-3 mission, which achieved a safe and soft landing of the Vikram Lander at the 'Shiv Shakti' point and deployed the Pragyaan Rover on the lunar surface on August 23, 2023. 

Also Check: National Space Day 2024: CBSE Guidelines and Activities For Schools

10 Lines on National Space Day 

6.The theme for this year’s celebration is ‘Touching Lives while Touching the Moon: India’s Space Saga’.
7.Another reason behind observing this day is to honour the remarkable success of the Chandrayaan-3 mission.

National Space Day Essay in 100 Words

India’s inspiring journey in space exploration will be celebrated in the form of National Space Day on August 23, 2024. This will be the first time that this event will be observed. This day will honour our country’s progress in space exploration and technology. The government established this day last year on August 23, 2023 to mark the successful landing of the Chandrayaan-3 on the Moon.

The scientists of the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) devoted all their time and energy to make the Chandrayaan-3 mission a success after the failure of Chandrayaan-2. National Space Day commemorates this historic achievement. 

National Space Day Essay in 200 Words 

National Space Day will be observed on August 23, 2024. This year will mark the first celebration of this day. National Space Day is also known as ISRO Day. On National Space Day, people will come together to celebrate India’s glorious achievements in the areas of space missions and explorations. It was on August 23, 2023 that National Space Day was established to honour the contributions of the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO). 

On this day last year, India achieved the historic feat of becoming the first nation to land near the lunar South Pole. The Chandrayaan-3 mission achieved a safe and soft landing of the Vikram Lander at the 'Shiv Shakti' point and deployed the Pragyaan Rover on the lunar surface on August 23. National Space Day highlights India’s dedication towards space research. 

The importance of National Space Day lies in the extraordinary success of the Chandrayaan-3 mission and the devotion of the ISRO scientists. The theme for the celebration of National Space Day is ‘Touching Lives while Touching the Moon: India’s Space Saga’.

This day is an opportunity to pay heartfelt tribute to India’s efforts in space missions. On this National Space Day, we should promote national pride. 

National Space Day Essay in 500 Words 

National Space Day will be observed on August 23, 2024. It recognizes the achievements that India has achieved in space exploration and the advancements she has made in space technology. It was on August 23, 2023 that the government announced that from 2024, this day will be celebrated as National Space Day. 

 India became the first nation to land near the lunar South Pole on August 23, 2023. National Space Day celebrates the success of the Chandrayaan-3 mission which achieved a safe and soft landing of the Vikram Lander at the 'Shiv Shakti' point and deployed the Pragyaan Rover on the lunar surface. Behind the success of this mission, lies the hardwork and dedication of the scientists of the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO). 

ISRO was initially the Indian National Committee for Space Research (INCOSPAR), established in 1962. ISRO, formed on August 15, 1969, superseded INCOSPAR. Chandrayaan-3 came after the failure of Chandrayaan-2. Chandrayaan-2 was launched on July 22, 2019. In September, ISRO lost contact with the Vikram lander as it crashed. This happened due to the high velocity of the lander. 

Chandrayaan-3 displayed India’s commitment to space exploration and to unravel the mysteries of the Moon. Chandrayaan-3 consisted of an indigenous Lander module (LM), Propulsion module (PM) and a Rover with the purpose of developing and demonstrating new technologies needed for Inter planetary missions. The rover's purpose was to carry out in-situ chemical analysis of the lunar surface. 

Also Check: चंद्रयान 3 पर हिंदी निबंध और भाषण: Chandrayaan 3 Essay in Hindi for School Students

Chandrayaan 3 was launched at 2:35 pm on July 14, 2023 from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre. The rover made a successful soft landing on the Moon at 6:30 pm on August 24, 2023. It was put to sleep in September. 

The objectives of the mission were to demonstrate safe and soft landing on the lunar surface, to demonstrate rover roving on the Moon and to conduct in-situ scientific experiments.

Chandrayaan-3 focused on- to carry out the measurements of thermal properties of lunar surface near polar region, to derive the chemical composition and infer mineralogical composition, to determine the elemental composition of lunar soil and rocks etc. 

 It will also help in the future discoveries of smaller planets in reflected light which will allow us to probe into a variety of Exo-planets which would qualify for the presence of life. Apart from this, ISRO has launched many missions such as the Aditya-L1 mission (September 2, 2023). It is the first space based Indian mission to study the Sun. 

Few of the prominent future missions of ISRO are- Gaganyaan-1 (demonstration of human spaceflight capability by launching crew of 3 members to an orbit of 400 km for a 3 days mission and bring them back safely), NISAR (being developed by ISRO with NASA, first dual frequency radar imaging mission), Shukrayaan (mission to study Venus), Mangalyaan-2 (India’s second mission to Mars). 

Interesting Facts For National Space Day 

You can use these additional facts to add value to your essay. 

1. Space research activities began in India in the early 1960’s. 

2.Dr. Vikram Sarabhai was the founding father of the Indian space programme.

 3.The first ‘Experimental Satellite Communication Earth Station (ESCES)’ located in Ahmedabad was operationalized in 1967. It also acted as a training centre for the Indian as well as International scientists and engineers.

4.ISRO’s first satellite, Aryabhatta, was launched in 1975. 

5.Chandrayaan-1 made India the fourth nation to hoist its flag on the Moon. 

6.ISRO’s Mars Orbiter Mission made India the first nation to reach its orbit in the first attempt itself.

Students use these essays to commemorate India's achievements in space and inspire all to reach for the stars. 

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10 Lines on Mahatma Gandhi

Mahatma Gandhi was the greatest leader of his time and millions of people used to respect and follow him. He completely changed his attire and wore a simple loincloth, which, he thought, would let him connect to the Indian poor. He took an active part in the Indian Independence Movement and led India to the path of Independence through truth and righteousness.

Ten Lines on Mahatma Gandhi in English

I have provided here 10 lines, 5 lines, 20 lines, a few lines, and sentences on Mahatma Gandhi for my dear children and students of Classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. Just go through these lines to find the best one for you:

1) Mahatma Gandhi had born in a Hindu family on 2nd October 1869 at Porbandar in Gujarat.

2) His father Karamchand Uttamchand Gandhi was Diwan of Porbandar.

3) Mahatma Gandhi married Kasturbai Makhanji Kapadia in May 1883.

4) On 4th September 1888, he left for London for higher studies.

5) He was a civil right activist in South Africa from 1893 to 1914, fighting against color discrimination.

6) He returned to India in 1915 and joined the Indian National Congress.

7) Gandhi ji started the first movement against British rule, Champaran Satyagraha in 1917.

8) He launched the non-cooperation movement on 01 August 1920 after Jallianwala Bagh Massacre.

9) He started Salt/Dandi March on 12th March 1930 and continued till 06th April 1930.

10) Nathuram Godse, a right-wing advocate of Hindu Nationalism, assassinated Gandhi on 30th January 1948 at Birla House, New Delhi.

10 Lines and Sentences on Mahatma Gandhi

1) Mahatma Gandhi was the leader of the Indian Independence Movement against British rule.

2) He inspired civil rights and freedom movements across the world.

3) The title “Mahatma” was given to him in South Africa in 1914.

4) In India, Mahatma Gandhi was fondly called Bapu and Gandhi Ji.

5) Mahatma Gandhi belonged to a merchant caste family from coastal Gujarat in India.

6) He returned to India in 1915 and started mobilizing farmers against excessive taxes.

7) He was imprisoned on several occasions for many years in South Africa and India.

8) Mahatma Gandhi wore simple yarn clothes woven with yarn hand-spun on a charkha.

9) He was strict a vegetarian and undertook fasts for protests and self-purification.

10) Mahatma Gandhi undertook his last fast on 12th January 1948 at the age of 78.

5 Lines on Mahatma Gandhi

1) Mahatma Gandhi was a great Indian freedom fighter.

2) He started many freedom movements in India.

3) He was a supporter of Ahinsa (non-violence).

4) He is also renowned as the “Father of the Nation”.

5) Today also, people follow his teachings and beliefs.

10 Lines on Mahatma Gandhi

20 Lines on Mahatma Gandhi

1) He was a great follower of truth and non-violence and supported them throughout his life.

2) Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was an Indian lawyer, active politician, and freedom fighter.

3) The main campaign run by Gandhi Ji during freedom struggles are Champaran Satyagraha, Kheda Satyagraha, Non-cooperation Movement, Salt Satyagraha, etc.

4) Gandhi Ji pursued his degree in law from London University.

5) Mahatma Gandhi joined the Indian National Congress in 1920.

6) Despite being nominated 5 times, Gandhi Ji had never won the Nobel (Peace) Prize.

7) Gandhi Ji was the winner of the ‘ Time Magazine of the Year ’ award in 1930.

8) Gandhi Ji had died at Gandhi Smriti formerly known as Birla House.

9) India celebrates his birthday as the Gandhi Jayanti every year.

10) The Indian Government has declared 30 January as Martyrs’ Day.

11) Mahatma Gandhi was the greatest freedom fighter of India ever born.

12) His policy of non-violence made him an instant hit among the Indian masses.

13) The policy of non-violence gave people a way to fight for freedom without being subject to violence.

14) His simple living and high thinking made him fondly called Bapu.

15) Though he went to imprisonment several times, it couldn’t deter him from his freedom struggle.

16) Gandhi Ji’s last fast was to pressurize India for handing over cash assets to Pakistan.

17) Kasturbai Makhanji Kapadia was 1-year older than Mahatma Gandhi.

18) Mahatma Gandhi had four sons – Harilal, Manilal, Ramdas, and Devdas.

19) Before leaving for Africa, Gandhi promised his mother that he would abstain from liquor and women.

20) His birthday on 2nd October is observed worldwide as the international day of non-violence.

Mahatma Gandhi had shown the path to millions towards independence and self-rule using policies of non-violence and civil disobedience. He was the greatest freedom fighter who proved to the world that the greatest of battles could be fought and won by applying peaceful methods. We all must take active participation in celebrating Gandhi Jayanti, commemorating the birth of India’s Greatest Leader and freedom fighter, and must remember his teachings and beliefs.

Related Information:

10 Lines on Gandhi Jayanti

10 Lines on Mahatma Gandhi’s Educational Philosophy

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NCERT Class 3 English Book

NCERT Class 3 English Marigold Book PDF Download [Updated 2021-22]

NCERT Books Class 3 English : The National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) publishes English textbooks for Class 3. The NCERT Class 3rd English textbooks are well known for it’s updated and thoroughly revised syllabus. The NCERT English Books are based on the latest exam pattern and CBSE syllabus.

NCERT keeps on updating the English books with the help of the latest question papers of each year. The Class 3 English books of NCERT are very well known for its presentation. The use of NCERT Books Class 3 English is not only suitable for studying the regular syllabus of various boards but it can also be useful for the candidates appearing for various competitive exams, Engineering Entrance Exams, and Olympiads.

NCERT Class 3 English Books in English PDF Download

NCERT Class 3 English Books are provided in PDF form so that students can access it at any time anywhere. Class 3 NCERT English Books are created by the best professors who are experts in English and have good knowledge in the subject.

NCERT Books for Class 3 English

The name of the NCERT English book for Class 3 is Marigold and it has a total of 10 chapters. The book contains “Reading is Fun”, “Talk time”, “Word building”, “Team time”, “Song time” and “Let’s write” where you need to fill the answers for all the questions asked. This book will help the Class 3 students in developing good grammar and conversation skill. Students will become better interacting in the English language and he/she will learn new words and will develop the ability to think. You can download the NCERT Book for Class 3 English from below.

  • Class 3 English NCERT Book PDF Download
  • Class 3 English Chapter 1
  • Class 3 English Chapter 2
  • Class 3 English Chapter 3
  • Class 3 English Chapter 4
  • Class 3 English Chapter 5
  • Class 3 English Chapter 6
  • Class 3 English Chapter 7
  • Class 3 English Chapter 8
  • Class 3 English Chapter 9
  • Class 3 English Chapter 10

Download the Latest NCERT Solutions for Class 3 English explained Step by Step and are curated to train you for both board and competitive exams.

  • NCERT Books for Class 3 English Marigold

The NCERT syllabus mainly focuses on this book to make it student-friendly to make it useful for both the students and the competitive exam aspirants. The book covers a detailed English based on the syllabuses of various boards. NCERT English Books for Class 3 is perfectly compatible with almost every Indian education state and central boards.

We hope that this detailed article on NCERT Books Class 3 English helps you in your preparation and you crack the Class 3 exams or competitive exams with excellent scores.

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Essay On Dog for Children and Students – 10 Lines, Short & Long Essay

Shaili Contractor

Key Points To Remember When Writing Essay On Dog

  • Characteristics Of Dogs

Benefits Of Dogs

Most popular dog breeds, 10 lines on dog, a paragraph on dog, short essay on dog, long essay on dog for kids, some interesting facts about dogs, what will your child learn from the dog essay.

Do you know that dogs are among the most common pet animals today? We have all grown up with one in our homes or fed several street strays. Humans and dogs have lived happily, side by side, for more than 40,000 years. They have had all kinds of roles, starting from hunting partners to being loving companions, earning them the title “man’s best friend ”. A dog essay in English is a common writing activity for children of all ages in schools. Considering how common dogs are in our world, children should be able to write a good essay on the topic without much difficulty. As a source of reference in this article, we present an essay on dogs for classes 1, 2 and 3 in long and short forms.  

Here are a few valuable tips on how to write an essay about a dog:    

  • A good essay on dogs can involve a proper balance of factual information and personal thoughts about the subject.  
  • Short essays can cover the physical characteristics of dogs, such as their breeds, lifespan, and relevance to human societies.  
  • Long essays should start with introductory paragraphs about dogs and end with a heartfelt description of how they are helpful and loved by all. This will leave the reader feeling appreciative and affectionate toward these beautiful creatures. If you have a dog as a pet, your personal experience can provide unique insights for your essay and make it more relatable to readers.  

Characteristics Of Dogs  

Here are some characteristics of dogs that are useful for writing essays. We will cover the physical and behavioural attributes of dogs in this section:    

Dogs are descendants of wolves that were domesticated by early hunter-gatherer tribes. They are four-legged mammals that give birth to several puppies at a time. Hundreds of dog breeds have different qualities and are adapted to other environments. Dogs are intelligent, have an excellent sense of smell, and are omnivorous animals that can thrive in the wild or among humans. Dogs are clever enough to be trained to obey simple commands or even perform complicated tasks, such as caring for people with disabilities. Dogs are highly loyal to their owners, and some breeds are known to defend their owners ferociously from all kinds of threats.

Dogs are beneficial to humans in many different ways. Here are a few:  

  • Dogs have plenty of psychological benefits as pets. Spending time with dogs reduces stress and anxiety in most people. Dogs are also very playful, which helps improve people’s moods.  
  • Service dogs are trained to help people who are disabled. They are trained to assist in many ways, including recognising medical emergencies.  
  • Dogs have always acted as guard animals that protect people and property from harm.  
  • Dogs are often used as hunting partners by people who live in forests.  

There are hundreds of dog breeds worldwide. Below is a list of some popular ones:  

  • Golden Retrievers: A favourite of most people, golden retrievers are friendly dogs who are always happy and playful. They are great watchdogs and adorable pets.  
  • Labrador Retrievers: These dogs have an even temper, making them good watchdogs. Labradors are also highly intelligent and can be trained as service dogs.  
  • German Shepherd: As the name suggests, German shepherds are sheepdogs. These highly intelligent dogs make excellent guard dogs and are also part of police K9 units.  
  • Rottweiler: This breed is brilliant and aggressive and known for being a fierce guard dog.  
  • Beagles: These are small, friendly dogs well known for their affectionate nature. They are also popular in movies.  

Writing a dog essay in 10 lines is simple, making it a great place to start writing an essay. Here is an example of a simple 10-line essay on dogs for classes 1 and 2:

  • Dogs are four-legged mammals that are popular domestic animals.
  • They are highly faithful and loyal to their owners.
  • Dogs are descendants of wolves. Their scientific name is Canis Lupus.
  • Dogs have an excellent sense of smell. They can also hear sound frequencies that are too high for humans.
  • Dogs are the most popular pets around the world. They have a life span of 10-15 years.
  • Dogs fulfil many purposes, from pet companions to guarding and serving animals.
  • Females give birth to four to six puppies at a time. They nurture them until they are a few months old.
  • Dogs have been alongside humankind for 40,000 years. Their unmatched loyalty earns them the title “Man’s best friend”.
  • Dogs bark loudly to ward off danger and to communicate.
  • There are hundreds of breeds of dogs around the world.

A single-paragraph essay is a good practice exercise before attempting longer essays. Here is an example of a dog paragraph for classes 1, 2 and 3:  

Dogs are very faithful pet animals that have been our companions for ages. They are descendants of wolves but have adapted to people over time. Dogs are fast on their feet, and several breeds are aggressive hunting dogs. Their sense of hearing and smell is incredible. Traditionally, dogs were domesticated to hunt and guard animals. In the modern-day, they are popular as pets and service animals. There are hundreds of different breeds of dogs around the world that are bred for specific qualities. Dogs, on average, have a lifespan of 10-15 years and are often the first choice for pet animals.  

Writing short essays lays down the skills required for composing long essays. Below is an example of a short essay on a dog:  

Dogs, these domesticated mammals, are not just pets, but intelligent beings that have been by our side for more than 40,000 years. Their intelligence is remarkable, and they can be trained to perform specific tasks or behave in a socially acceptable manner. People breed dogs for different purposes. Some are used for hunting; some are guard dogs, while most breeds are meant to be pets. Dogs are highly loyal animals that bond with their owners.  

Dogs are highly adaptable creatures. Many working breeds, such as Huskies and German shepherds, are also kept as pets in homes where they become loving family members. Their loyalty and allegiance to humans have earned them the title “man’s best friend.”  

A long descriptive essay about a dog is frequently asked for as an assignment. Here is an example of the dog essay for class 3:

The dog is a well-known animal that is popular as a pet worldwide. They come in various breeds with different qualities, physical characteristics, and colours. They are four-legged mammals that are descendants of wolves in the wild. When early man domesticated wolves for hunting, they adapted to human groups and evolved alongside to become close to people. They are very good at sensing human emotions such as love, hostility and fear and respond to people accordingly.

In general, dogs have an outstanding sense of smell. Breeds such as bloodhounds are explicitly employed for hunting and tracking animals and people. They also have excellent hearing power and can hear sound frequencies from 67 Hz to 45,000 Hz. What makes dogs so valuable is that they can be trained to perform various tasks. Service dogs can assist blind people daily, while emotional support dogs are excellent at comforting people who are feeling anxious. As part of K9 units, Sniffer dogs are also used in search and rescue and detecting faint scents that machines cannot.  

Despite all the beautiful ways dogs help people, they have a short lifespan of only about 10-15 years. While they have value in terms of service, most dogs are cherished as loving family members worldwide.

Dogs have long been cherished companions, and their fascinating traits never fail to captivate us. Explore some of the most intriguing facts about these beloved animals and uncover what makes them so remarkable.

  • Oldest Dog Breed:  The Saluki is the oldest dog breed, dating back to ancient Egypt.
  • Unique Nose Prints:  A dog’s nose print is unique, similar to human fingerprints, and can be used for identification.
  • Dogs Can Dream:  Dogs experience dreams, helping them process daily experiences and emotions.
  • Communication Through Expressions:  Dogs have over 100 facial expressions to convey their feelings and intentions.
  • Understanding Human Words:  Dogs can learn more than 100 words and gestures, comparable to a two-year-old child’s intelligence.
  • Sense of Direction:  Dogs may use the Earth’s magnetic field to navigate outdoors.
  • Health Benefits:  Interacting with dogs can lower blood pressure and reduce stress, improving mental well-being.
  • Chocolate is Toxic:  Dogs cannot metabolize theobromine in chocolate, making it highly toxic to them.
  • Sense Of Time:  Dogs can perceive the passage of time and anticipate regular events like meals and walks.
  • Wet Noses:  A dog’s wet nose helps enhance its sense of smell by trapping scent particles.

The dog essays above have plenty of information on the history of dogs and how they are helpful to humankind. Children can use the essays as a reference for their compositions on the topic.

1. What Is the Life Span of a Dog?

On average, dogs live for about 10 to 15 years, depending on the breed.

2. How Do Dogs Communicate With Each Other?

Dogs communicate through barking and howling.

3. What is the origin of the word ‘dog’?

The word ‘dog’ comes from the Latin word ‘canis’.

4. How many different breeds of dogs are there?

There are over 400 different breeds of dogs in the world.

5. How many muscles do dogs use to move their ears?

Dogs have 18 different muscles that they use to move their ears.  

Dogs are loyal animals that will go to great lengths to please their owners. They are faithful and, indeed, “man’s best friend.” Through this exercise of writing a dog essay in English, children can not only learn how to write about dogs but also appreciate these beautiful creatures.  

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Essay On Winter Season For Class 3

In temperate and polar zones(winter does not occur in most of the tropical zone) winter is the coldest season of the year. It happens before spring and after autumn every year. The axis of the Earth being oriented away from the Sun in that hemisphere is the cause of winter.

We are providing two essay samples for students of class 3 on the topic ‘Winter Season’ for reference.

Short Essay on Winter Season of 100 Words

In India from the beginning of November till the end of February Winter Season is felt. It covers the two months named Magha and Pausha according to Hindu Calendar. In the winter season, the days are short and nights are long.

In the winter season, the sky remains foggy in the morning. The weather is also cold. The weather is quite pleasant. The sun usually appears very late in the morning. The rays of the sun are also not very hot. People often light fires to save them from the extreme cold. In winter season we get varieties of fruits and vegetables.

Engage your kid into diverse thoughts and motivate them to improve their English with our  Essay for Class 3  and avail the Simple Essays suitable for them.

Long Essay on Winter Season of 150 Words

Among the four major seasons in India, Winter season is one of them. It lasts from the month of November to February. I like the feel of cold, so winter is favoured the most by me. It is the time when nights become very long and the days are short. On December 21, Winter solstice falls during this season.

During this season, it is en­joyable have a winter afternoon lunch spread on the lawn grass or to go for sunny picnics. The garden is usually full with the seasonal -blooms of dahlias,  chrysanthemums, sweet peas, colourful roses’, flocks.

The pleasure of eating ice creams is found during the winters only. In the evenings, munching popcorns, we can have bon­fires at home with all the family gathered together and sipping hot cof­fee and other tidbits. I believe that winter is the most colourful and wonderful of all the seasons, and it fills me with an in­describable warmth.

10 Lines on Winter Season in English

  • After the rainy weather the season of winter comes.
  • The weather remains cold in this time.
  • Usual blow of cold wind is found in winter.
  • To survive the cold people wears warm clothes.
  • The nights become longer while the day become very short.
  • People prefer hot coffee and tea.
  • We get fruits like oranges, apples and grapes.
  • At this season, people usually go for family picnics.
  • Many winter flowers like petunia, marigold are found at this time.
  • Sometime winter brings pain to the living world.

Frequently Asked Questions on Winter Season Essay

Question: How do you describe winter season?

Answer: In temperate and polar zones(winter does not occur in most of the tropical zone) winter is the coldest season of the year. It happens before spring and after autumn every year. The axis of the Earth being oriented away from the Sun in that hemisphere is the cause of winter.

Question: Why is winter my favourite season?

Answer: The winter season has a week full of festivities and we get our vacations at that time so it is my favourite season. For Christmas and New Year our school closes for a vacation of two weeks. In the winter season, people put on woollens and warm clothes to save themselves from the severe cold.

Question: What are the specific things we see in winter season?

Answer: During winter season,the nights become longer while the day become very short, to survive the cold people wears warm clothes.We get fruits like oranges, apples and grapes.Many winter flower like petunia, marigold are found at this time.People prefer hot coffee and tea.

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  12. Short Essay on 'Goat' (100 Words)

    Short Essay on 'Goat' (100 Words) Adya Dixit. The 'Goat' is a very useful animal. Goats are among the earliest animals domesticated by humans. They have a four-chambered stomach consisting of the rumen, the reticulum, the omasum, and the abomasum. They have horizontal slit-shaped pupils, an adaptation which increases peripheral depth perception.

  13. Essay for Class 3 Students and Children

    Essay on Television for Class 3. Essay on National Flag for Class 3. Essay on Good Habits for Class 3. Republic Day Essay for Class 3. Essay on My Father for Class 3. Essay on Winter Season for Class 3. Essay on Earth Day for Class 3. My PET Dog Essay for Class 3. Independence Day Essay for Class 3.

  14. Cow Essay for Class 3

    Cow Essay for Class 3 in 500 Words in English. Explore the multifaceted world of cows in this comprehensive Class 3 essay, covering their physical characteristics, social behavior, role in dairy farming, and the symbiotic relationship they share with humans in an engaging and educational narrative. Cows have been cherished companions to humans ...

  15. English essays for class 3

    Essays English Grade 3 | 0 |. The Zoo English essay (1) There is a big zoo in Dehiwala. (2) There are tigers, monkeys, rabbits,... Our Home garden English essay (1) There are various types of colourful flowers in our garden. (2)... My Father English essay (1) My Father's name is Dileepa.

  16. Long and Short National Space Day Essays in English for School Students

    National Space Day Essay in English 2024: Students get here engaging and informative 10 lines, short and long essays in English for the occasion of National Space Day 2024.

  17. 10 Lines on Mahatma Gandhi for Children and Students of Class 1, 2, 3

    5 Lines on Mahatma Gandhi. 1) Mahatma Gandhi was a great Indian freedom fighter. 2) He started many freedom movements in India. 3) He was a supporter of Ahinsa (non-violence). 4) He is also renowned as the "Father of the Nation". 5) Today also, people follow his teachings and beliefs.

  18. My School Essay for Class 3 Students in 10 Lines & Paragraph

    10-Line Essay on My School for Class 3 Kids. Short Paragraph on My School for Class 3. Long Essay on My School In English for Grade 3. What Your 3rd Grader Will Learn From My School Essay. Class 3 students get plenty of benefits from writing essays on topics like 'My School'. It improves their thought process as they write on the given topic.

  19. NCERT Class 3 English Marigold Book PDF Download [Updated 2021-22]

    The name of the NCERT English book for Class 3 is Marigold and it has a total of 10 chapters. The book contains "Reading is Fun", "Talk time", "Word building", "Team time", "Song time" and "Let's write" where you need to fill the answers for all the questions asked. This book will help the Class 3 students in ...

  20. Essay on Dog in English for Class 1, 2 & 3: 10 Lines, Short & Long

    Writing a dog essay in 10 lines is simple, making it a great place to start writing an essay. Here is an example of a simple 10-line essay on dogs for classes 1 and 2: ADVERTISEMENTS. Dogs are four-legged mammals that are popular domestic animals. They are highly faithful and loyal to their owners. Dogs are descendants of wolves.

  21. unit test english 9b Flashcards

    Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like what should be written in a formal style, Read this student essay written about Greek mythology. 1.The Greek god of sheep and shepherds was Pan. 2. Pan had the body of a man, with the horns, legs, and tail of a goat. 3. He played the pan flute, which he made of hollow reeds. 4. Pan became a popular character in art and literature ...

  22. My Best Friend Essay for Class 3

    My best friend's name is Aditi Singh. She and I go to the same school, and she also studies in class 3 in my section. We have been friends since the first day of school. We used to sit next to each other from the very first class. Aditi is a very nice person and is always there for me. She is tall and beautiful, and everybody in the class ...

  23. Essay On Winter Season For Class 3

    In the winter season, the days are short and nights are long. In the winter season, the sky remains foggy in the morning. The weather is also cold. The weather is quite pleasant. The sun usually appears very late in the morning. The rays of the sun are also not very hot. People often light fires to save them from the extreme cold.