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Karl Kahler

Masters cover letter example

Masters cover letter example

Cover letter header: How to reach you

Cover letter greeting: make it personal, cover letter introduction: hook your reader, cover letter middle part (body): details, please, conclusion and sign-off: a call to action.

Counting kindergarten, you’ve probably spent at least 19 years getting your master’s degree. Now it’s worth spending 15 minutes to learn how to write an outstanding master’s cover letter. 

This writing guide and its adaptable master’s cover letter examples will cover most of what you need to know to showcase your postgraduate degree, including:

  • Is it master’s, masters, Master’s, Masters or Master?
  • The best format for a master’s cover letter
  • The six elements of a winning master’s cover letter

Common mistakes to avoid

Resume.io is a leading global provider of occupation-specific job-search advice. For more writing and formatting tips, take some time to review our 125+ cover letter examples and writing guides.

Mastering how to write ‘master’s’

Despite their advanced education, many people with master’s degrees are unsure how to say so in writing. Styles are all over the map on this, but most expert sources (including the Associated Press stylebook ) offer the following rules:

  • As a general rule, “master’s degree” and “bachelor’s degree” should be written with lowercase letters and an apostrophe. So “masters degree” (with no apostrophe) is always wrong, and most experts would say “Master’s Degree” (capitalized) is also always wrong.
  • However, when spelling out the full degree (like “Master of Science in Mathematics”), all the larger words should be capitalized. But note that the word “Master” is not a possessive, so don’t write “Master’s of Science in Mathematics.”
  • In general, capitalize the field of study only when using the full, formal name of the degree, as in “Master of Science in Computational Science and Engineering.” But if you use the word “degree,” the words should be lowercase, as in “master’s degree in public administration.”

Best format for a master’s cover letter

Proper formatting for a cover letter involves issues of structure, design and layout. First, be aware that in almost all cases, your cover letter should be one page only. In rare cases, a two-page cover letter may be considered acceptable, but it’s risky. In most cases, you’ll need to trim the fat from your letter so that it fits onto that first page.

Every cover letter should contain six essential components:

  • Introduction
  • Sign-off and signature

Also, the final product needs to be visually appealing, so you need to pay attention to formatting issues like appropriate cover letter fonts, font sizes, margins and use of white space. Your letter should also strive for visual balance, meaning the elements are evenly distributed on the page. For more formatting tips, take a look at our comprehensive guide to cover letter writing.

Here is a master’s cover letter example you can use as a guide to create your own. 

Dear Professor Morrison, As my bachelor’s degree in sports science comes to an end, I am excited to pursue the possibility of completing my master’s degree at Jamesville. My educational and sports experience thus far has been fantastic, but I feel that I have much more to learn. I have been an active member of both local football and basketball programs, winning two State championships with the football team and seeing a number of my basketball players go on to play division I sports. One of proudest academic moments was when my paper on cruciate ligament rehabilitation techniques received national acclaim after three of our players recovered in record time using my techniques. I am a sports scientist, but also a sports fan. My hunger to know more is deeper than ever. I am currently in the top 5% of my class at Jamesville and my professors have put me forward to continue my education in the sports science master’s program here. I enclose a selection of my coursework and some references from the players and coaches that I have worked with. I feel that my work in industry has reflected well on Jamesville, and hope that my master’s studies will give me the knowledge to do even better work with local sports teams. Sincerely, Simon Kroll

The cover letter header, which used to be called a letterhead, should include your name, occupation, address, phone number and email. It may also include a link to a website that highlights your professional achievements, such as a LinkedIn page.

The header should be attractively designed, making your letter look great at a glance. The header gives you an opportunity for stylish design and creative use of typography, layout and color. 

If you’re not an expert designer, you may want to eliminate the risk for formatting mistakes by using a professionally-designed cover letter template . You’ll be able to customize certain features of the layout while saving more time to focus on the writing.

“To Whom It May Concern” is never an acceptable cover letter greeting. Always try to find out the name of the hiring manager who is processing applications for the job you’re seeking. Address this person by last name, preceded by a “Mr.,” “Ms.” or “Dr.” 

Job listings often don’t tell you the person you should be writing to, but it’s worth doing some legwork to find out. If online sleuthing can’t answer this question, consider calling the company and just asking. If this information is simply unavailable, then you’ll need to use a more generic greeting like “Dear [Company Name] Hiring Manager.” 

Here is the greeting from our master’s cover letter sample:

Dear Professor Morrison,

The cover letter introduction should use original, compelling language to make a strong opening statement about your qualifications for the job you’re seeking. Avoid cliches, bland language and “fluff” that sounds fancy but says nothing.

The introduction should generally lead with your greatest strength, which may be your years of job experience. But if you’ve spent all your time lately in school obtaining your master’s degree, that may be your best hook. See the introduction of our cover letter sample here:

As my bachelor’s degree in sports science comes to an end, I am excited to pursue the possibility of completing my master’s degree at Jamesville. My educational and sports experience thus far has been fantastic, but I feel that I have much more to learn.

The middle part of your cover letter, known as the body, must cover the bases of your primary job qualifications. Again, this may be about your job-related experience, it may be about your educational credentials, or it may focus on your special skills.

Be specific, telling the reader about your main achievements on the job, your exceptional GPA or any certifications you hold in your field. See the cover letter example below.

I have been an active member of both local football and basketball programs, winning two State championships with the football team and seeing a number of my basketball players go on to play division I sports. One of proudest academic moments was when my paper on cruciate ligament rehabilitation techniques received national acclaim after three of our players recovered in record time using my techniques. I am a sports scientist, but also a sports fan. My hunger to know more is deeper than ever. I am currently in the top 5% of my class at Jamesville and my professors have put me forward to continue my education in the sports science master’s program here.

The cover letter conclusion, your final paragraph, may serve as a wrap-up and a thank you, but it should also include a call to action. You want the reader to do something as a result of your letter and not just lay it aside. 

Tell the recruiter that you look forward to a reply, and you’re always reachable at the contact info provided. You might want to say you’d be delighted to schedule an interview, in person or remotely, or you would welcome even an informal phone call. 

You want to project confidence and competence, without sounding arrogant or presumptuous. Find the right tone, one that makes you sound eager but not desperate. And remember that you want to come across as likeable. Nobody wants to hire someone they don’t like.

End with a sign-off like “Sincerely,” “All my best” or another appropriate close. Then add a space below that and type your full name. See our master’s cover letter sample below.

I enclose a selection of my coursework and some references from the players and coaches that I have worked with. I feel that my work in industry has reflected well on Jamesville, and hope that my master’s studies will give me the knowledge to do even better work with local sports teams. Sincerely, Simon Kroll

  • Typos, misspelled words, bad grammar and other writing mistakes are often cited as the No. 1 reason that cover letters and resumes are rejected.
  • Do not mass-mail the same cover letter to multiple employers. Customize each letter for each job you’re seeking.
  • An ugly, poorly designed cover letter will turn off hiring managers at a glance.

Key takeaways

  • In case you’ve been wondering, the correct spelling is “master’s degree.”
  • Make sure to create an attractive header to house your contact details.
  • Focus on creating an energetic and effective introduction since many hiring managers make a decision about whether to continue reading after just the first sentence.
  • Check out our master’s cover letter example for more ideas on creating a great page layout.

For more tips to craft a great application, review some of our related education cover letter examples:

  • Graduate cover letter example
  • Student cover letter example
  • University cover letter sample
  • Teacher cover letter sample
  • Scholarship cover letter sample

Best of luck in putting your master’s degree to good use!

Free professionally designed templates

  • Graduate School

Graduate School Cover Letter Examples

With writing tips and a step-by-step guide.

Graduate School Cover Letter Examples

Looking at graduate school cover letter examples is a good idea if you plan on applying to a graduate school program, as you may be required to include a cover letter with your  CV for graduate school  and other application components. Even though it is not a required document for all grad school programs, a well-written graduate school cover letter can help you stand out to the admissions committee and improve your chances of being accepted into your chosen program. This is especially true if you are applying to a highly selective institution or trying to  get into graduate school with a low GPA.

This blog will discuss everything you need to know about writing a cover letter for graduate school. You will learn why cover letters are important, learn tips to make your graduate school cover letter stand out, and you will get to review cover letter samples that will inspire you to write your own. 

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Article Contents 10 min read

What is a graduate school cover letter.

A graduate school cover letter is a brief letter that applicants attach to their graduate school application. Much like a work cover letter, such as a  research assistant cover letter , for example, graduate school cover letters are meant to introduce you and your application to the reader. They give you an opportunity to make an excellent first impression, tell the admission committee that you are interested in their graduate school program and why you believe it is a good fit for you. 

Graduate school cover letters have become less popular as graduate schools typically ask students to fill out their personal information and submit materials online. If you are sending specific application materials or your entire application by mail, then you will need to include a graduate school cover letter. Additionally, a few institutions, like the University of Illinois graduate college, for example, require students to submit a graduate school cover letter with their application, even when it is online. 

Furthermore, even when a graduate program does not explicitly ask for a cover letter, including a well-written and informative letter can help differentiate you from the other students by leaving a lasting impression on the admission committee, thus increasing your chances of admission. That said, before you start writing a cover letter for such a program, you should verify the school's admissions website to ensure that the school accepts additional documents. 

It should also be noted that many graduate students look for work and research opportunities at the school that they will be attending. If that is the case for you, then you will need a graduate school cover letter with your application for that school-related internship, job, or research opportunity. For example, if you’re interested in conducting research with a specific professor while you complete your master’s, then it would be a good idea to send them your application with a cover letter attached so that you can communicate your suitability for their research project.

Graduate school cover letters are academic letters, meaning that they need to be formatted in a way that is professional, clear, and concise. Your graduate school cover letter should be no longer than a page, written in a classic font that is easy to read, such as Times New Roman or Calibri, sized 11 or 12.

The text of your letter should be organized and separated into paragraphs. Keep in mind that your letter may go through several readers, and not all of them may be experts in the field you intend to study, so do not use overly technical language or industry-specific jargon. Keep your language succinct, clear, and consistent throughout the letter.

Lastly, your letter needs to provide a quick introduction to you as a candidate and pique the reader's interest so that they want to read the rest of your application. This means that you should not use your cover letter to list all of the experiences and skills that make you perfect for this graduate program. Simply express your interest in the program, select one or two experiences, skills, or values to focus on, and relate those to your suitability for the program you're applying for.

Wondering how to get into grad school with a lower GPA?

Step 1: Brainstorm & plan 

The first thing you want to do before you start working on your cover letter, or any graduate school admission essay, is make a plan. Think about what you want to say in your cover letter and write it down. Remember that you only have a few paragraphs to work with, and you do not want to repeat information from your personal statement or other application components. 

Once you know what you want your cover letter to say, organize it so that it flows nicely, and it is easy to follow. Your graduate school cover letter should follow the structure of a typical letter. It should have an introductory paragraph, the main body, and a closing paragraph. 

Step 2: Address your letter 

As mentioned earlier, your graduate school cover letter is, in fact, a letter! Therefore, you should begin by addressing it the way you would in a formal letter. Write your full name and mailing address at the very top. We also recommend including your email address and phone number, but this is optional. On the following line, write out the date, and then write the recipient's name (typically, this is the name of the head of the department or just the name of the school you are applying to) and their address. You should verify the school's admissions webpage for this information. If it is unclear and you are unsure whom to address in the letter, contact the school and ask for this information to ensure that your documents get to the right person. 

This first section of your letter should follow this template:

1234 Imaginary Lane

NameofCity, TN 34421

December 12, 20XX

Dr. John Smith

Department of Psychology

BeMo Academic University

66 University Circle

NameofCity, TN 34457

Once again, because this is a formal letter, you want to open your letter with the appropriate greeting or a personal salutation. If you have the name of a specific recipient, you can use the most common salutation for graduate school cover letters, which is "Dear [recipient's name]." Do not forget to include the recipient's title if you have it. If you do not have the name of a specific recipient, then you can simply address the letter "To Whom It May Concern". 

Step 4: Introduce yourself and express your interest in the graduate program

The reader will already have your name at the top of the page, but your introductory paragraph should tell them why you're writing this graduate school cover letter. You should use it to state your interest in your chosen graduate program and briefly mention your academic background and accomplishments thus far. 

Take a look at this example for context: 

I am pleased to submit my application for the Master of Applied Psychology program at X university. As a recent psychology graduate of YZ university, this graduate program is the perfect next step toward achieving my goal of becoming a clinical psychologist. 

Step 5: Talk about your suitability for this program

This is the main body of your graduate school cover letter. You should try to limit this to one paragraph, but you can use up to two of them if necessary. You should briefly touch on why you chose this particular school and program, what skills you have that have prepared you for this program, and what makes you an ideal applicant. 

You can talk about what you intend to do after this degree or specific professors and faculty members you wish to work with. The information you share here will be personal, so there is no golden template. Just ensure that it is written in an organized fashion that is easy to read and understand. 

Step 6: Conclude and close your letter 

In your last paragraph, make sure you thank the recipient for their time and consideration. You should also encourage them to reach out to you if they need additional information, or if they have any questions. Then finally, You can close your cover letter with a warm, professional closing salutation. "Sincerely" or "Warm Regards" followed by your name are some acceptable closing salutations you can use.

Step 7: List enclosed documents

This section of your graduate school cover letter will look different depending on the school you are applying to, and the application format used. If you are applying by mail, you should list the enclosed documents in the same envelope as your cover letter. If you are applying online or by email, verify that all of the documents listed on your cover letter are attached and ready to send. 

This section should be at the very bottom of the page. It should list the documents in a bullet point format, in the order in which they are enclosed. The list should look something like this: 


Jane Doe 

  • Program application form 
  • Statement of purpose
  • Academic transcripts

Letters of recommendation

Graduate school cover letter examples 

Graduate school cover letter example #1.

Candice Williams

1234 Dream St. 

Winnipeg, MB R3J 8T6

[email protected]


August 12, 20xx

Dr. Trevor Thorne

Department of English, Theatre, Film & Media

Toronto, ON M4C 2Y9

Dear Dr. Thorne,

I am excited to submit my application for consideration for the English literature master's program at BeMo Academic University. I have spent the past four years learning the basics of literature analysis through my bachelor's degree in the field, and I am eager to take this next step in my educational journey in order to further my training.

My undergraduate studies allowed me to explore and learn about different forms of literature from around the world. Still, I often found myself drawn to the impressive works of Shakespeare, Milton, Bronte, and many other great English writers. I had the opportunity to study in London for a year, where I attended a seminar on the impact of Charlotte Bronte's work on modern feminism led by none other than Prof. Jane Smith. She is one of the many brilliant professors in the English, Theatre, Film & Media department at BeMo that I hope to learn from. 

You will find enclosed the required application documents, including my academic CV, which provides more information on the research I have been able to do and publish so far in my short academic career. I am especially interested in the role that authors such as William Shakespeare played in the development of modern English, and I wish to explore that further through research. I feel that the rigorous curriculum this program offers will inform my future writing and research efforts, and allow me to achieve my goals. 

Thank you for your time, attention, and consideration. It is truly appreciated. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require any additional information. 

Program application form

Statement of purpose 

Graduate CV

Official undergraduate transcripts

Angela Wong

102-9876 Mainland Rd.

New Haven, CT 44567

[email protected]  

April 8, 20XX

University of BeMo

175 Academy lane

New York, NY 34567

To whom it may concern,

It is my pleasure to submit my application for the Master's degree in Early Childhood Development in the Psychology department at The University of BeMo. I am currently completing my bachelor's degree in psychology and plan to graduate in the fall. Since my goal is to pursue a career as an educational psychologist, this particular program is the perfect next step toward achieving my goal. 

My undergraduate degree includes coursework in childhood psychology, special needs education, school and family crisis intervention, and many other courses that have given me the basics required to keep up with the thorough coursework that awaits me in your rigorous program. 

I have also gained valuable knowledge in the field through shadowing and internships in different schools in my community. Observing other child educators at work confirmed that this is the right career path for me, and it motivated me anew to learn how I can best help children develop a love of learning from the early stages of their educational careers. I know that there is only so much I can learn from observing, and the fact that this program provides six months of hands-on training is one of the many reasons why I am hoping to be a student at BeMo next year. 

Thank you for your time and consideration. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require any additional information or documents. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Research Interest Statement

Cover letters are supposed to be a brief introduction to your application, so unless otherwise specified by the school, they should not be longer than one page. We recommend sticking to three to four paragraphs, as this is long enough to share substantial information without losing your audience. Keep in mind that your reader will also be reviewing your other application components, so you do not need to address everything in this one letter. The information in your other application components, such as your  statement of purpose , will complement your cover letter. So, treat your cover letter like a summary of your candidacy; keep it short but impactful.

Be genuine & professional

The individual or committee that will review your application will probably be people that help run the program you're applying to. It is, therefore, best that they get a sense of who you genuinely are. Communicate honestly and let your personality shine through. This will help make your cover letter more memorable. That said, keep in mind that this is a professional document and that genuine does not mean informal or unprofessional. Your tone should still be courteous and consistent throughout the letter.

Proofread & edit carefully

We cannot stress how important this is. Remember that your graduate school cover letter will be one of, if not the first, document that the admissions committee will see from your application. You do not want their first impression of you to be negative. Your letter should be easy to read and follow, and it should be error-free.

Take the time to review your letter multiple times and edit for flow, grammar, spelling, punctuation, and typos. Better yet, reach out to a  grad school essay tutor  for assistance. They can review your cover letter and help you edit it to make sure it is up to par.

Grad school essay tutors can also help you with other tricky written application components, such as  grad school career goals statements . So, do not hesitate to contact one if you need  grad school application help. ","label":"Bonus tip","title":"Bonus tip"}]" code="tab1" template="BlogArticle">

It is a brief letter that you attach to your graduate school application. This letter should state your interest in the program, and briefly explain why you chose it, as well as why you are a good fit for it.

Many programs do not request graduate school cover letters, but they are more common than most people think. Additionally, several programs accept grad school cover letters even when not required, so you can still submit a cover letter to help your application stand out.

That depends on the program that you are applying to. Some schools may request a cover letter for online applications, and others may not require one, but they allow students to submit them as an optional component.

Graduate school cover letters are not replacements for admission essays like a personal statement or  statement of intent . So if your school requires a graduate school cover letter, do not assume that this means you will not have to write any grad school admission essays.

Unless you are given the name of a specific member of the admission committee, you should address your graduate school cover letter to the "Admissions team," "[subject] Head of Department," or "To Whom It May Concern."

You can make your graduate school cover letter stand out by making sure your personality shines through in your writing, telling a short anecdote or interesting fact about you in the body of the letter, and detailing your relevant skills and experience.

Graduate school can be pretty competitive, but the level of competition depends on the specific program you will be applying to. Some programs have acceptance rates as high as 60%, while others admit less than 10% of applicants.

Graduate school advisors are admission experts who help students plan and prepare for graduate school applications.

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how to write a cover letter for a masters

How to write a flawless Cover Letter for Master’s applications! | Brive

How to write a flawless Cover Letter for Master’s applications!

is most definitely a process. Thousands of applications flood in every round. So, if you are wondering how to make your application stand out, then the answer is one: a killer !

A cover letter can either your chances of success or them completely. It allows you to provide your chosen university with a taste of your and convince them that you are for the program. Moreover, the cover letter for master's application forms the , which is particularly important, especially on . For that reason, keeping a should be your top priority.

So, how can you write the perfect that will give you the to your goals? Let’s take a look at some on creating a truly outstanding piece.

First of all, like any other formal letter, your master’s application cover letter should contain your name, professional title, and contact details at the top of the page. When it comes to the main body, it should be organized in several short, but compelling paragraphs. Cover letters should be between half a page to one full page in length. An average of 400 words is just about right.

Your master’s application should contain your cover letter, CV, academic transcripts, a couple of references, and a research proposal (if required). In regards to the cover letter, its most essential part is content. For most applicants, composing a letter to present themselves and their accomplishments could be a real struggle, but it could be also the first step to their success!

Think of the as an invitation to the admission committee to get to know who you are. Instead of just listing your achievements, write about what and make you an ideal candidate for your chosen degree. Present concrete examples and evidence about your and that reflect what kind of student you are. You can also share some of your future .

The first paragraph of your is your opportunity to grab your reader’s attention from the very beginning. Utilize that part to briefly introduce yourself and mention what program you’re applying for. Also, clearly state why you’re interested in this program.

The second paragraph is ideal for summarizing your and for this master’s program. Present relevant skills and experiences that make you an ideal applicant. You can also mention relevant in the field, as well as any knowledge of .

You could use the third paragraph to outline the reasons that make you a good fit for this postgraduate program and describe what attracted you to the institution you are applying to. Demonstrate your for the program and explain how this degree could help you achieve your long-term and your .
Additionally, you can gain some extra bonus points by explaining how your can to the future of the program.

To summarize, in cover letter for master's application, paragraphs 2 and 3 are all about presenting why you are a perfect fit for this postgraduate program, as well as why it is perfect for you!

The final paragraph of your master’s application cover letter is a short concluding paragraph in which you thank your reader and provide additional information, if necessary. It’s always preferable if you could also give a list of your application’s .

For example:

The job of an is to select candidates that could really make a contribution to their department or their institution as a whole. For that reason, your , and can, sometimes, be more significant than your grades. Last but certainly not least, don’t forget to personalize each cover letter according to each program’s and to make sure you are relevant.

: proofread and spell check many times to make sure paragraphs flow well together. Also, ensure that you haven’t made any glaring grammar, spelling, or formatting errors.

: there is no need to exaggerate about your skills and accomplishments. The truth always comes out sooner or later.

: you should always use a well-crafted cover letter that is uniquely tailored to every program.

: keep it simple, brief, and relevant. Remember, cover letters should never extend beyond one page.

…be positive and honest! On your master’s application cover letter, you should outline your strengths and focus on what you’re good at and proud of. Most importantly, you should show a genuine interest in the postgraduate degree you’re applying for. If you’re truly passionate about the program you want to study in your cover letter for master's application, chances are you’ve already been chosen!



Writing a Cover Letter for Master’s Degree Applications

Cover letters are an important part of any Master’s Program application. In this blog, we explore how to craft a cover letter for a Master's programs.

how to write a cover letter for a masters

Melissa Vitiello

Jan 16, 2023

Writing a Cover Letter for Master’s Degree Applications


Cover letters are an important part of any Master’s Program application. They help ensure that the recipient really knows who you are and what makes you qualified for the position. That's why it's important to write a cover letter when applying for anything related to work or school.

How do I write a cover letter for a Master’s Degree Application?

Cover letters are typically used to introduce yourself and highlight your skills, particularly those relevant to the position you are applying for. When applying for a Master’s program, it is important to include some basic information in your letter.

how to write a cover letter for masters degree

The first part of the cover letter should include:

  • Your contact details (name, address and telephone number)
  • The name of the department you are applying to
  • The name of the course or program that you would like to complete your studies in

The second part of this section should discuss basic information about your academic record and past accomplishments as well as any experience that might be relevant to the topic.

State your interest in the study program

The cover letter should also provide information about your thesis ideas and a description of your interest in studying in the program. This description should be short but informative enough to convince the reader that you understand what is required of you and that you are capable of doing a good job.

Furthermore, if you have gaps in your academic record, including an explanation for these can help demonstrate that you have taken steps to improve yourself since those points in time.

Make the cover letter about them

In order to do that, you'll need to know who they are and how they like to be addressed. This is where research comes in handy.

Using their name and title is always a good move—and it's an easy way to make your cover letter more personal and memorable. If you're still not sure what their name or title actually is, try searching through the website of the institution (or even just Google) to find out more information on them. You'll likely find that information included in bios or other publications online where the institution has mentioned its staff members in writing before.

If it is possible, reference the organization or some project associated with it – especially if there is something distinct about what your research will add that is not already mentioned in your CV/resume (ie: if it is something particularly noteworthy).

Include a strong greeting and identifiers

Include a strong greeting and identifiers. The first paragraph of your letter should be written in a friendly tone, and it's crucial that you include an introduction that is personal but brief. 

In your introductory paragraph, state how you learned of the programme—whether it was through an alumni network or through word-of-mouth. Be specific and highlight what drew your interest toward this opportunity over others that might have also been advertised at around the same time period. You can also bring up any other details regarding why this particular programme appeals to you; perhaps there are qualities within this study that align with several interests on your resume (such as education) or perhaps there are certain aspects which differ from previous positions held throughout schooling (such as responsibilities).

Tips to writing a better cover letter for Master’s Applications

Now, we move onto certain tips that will make your cover letter stand out from the crowd. Follow these steps to add some flair into your cover letter.

cover letter for master programs

Highlight Your Skills, Past Experiences and How They Can Bring Value

This is one of the most important parts of your letter, as it will tell the reader what you can bring to their institution and how you plan to excel in your studies. 

Be specific about your skills and mention how they will help you excel in this particular Master’s degree by citing examples from past academic experience that demonstrate those skills. Make sure you are talking about the company and its goals, not just yourself. Show that you have done research on them by mentioning something unique or interesting about them in your cover letter.

Do your research about the institution

Investigating the school, its alumni, teachers, and their work can give you insight into how to utilize them in an advantageous way in your cover letter. To make your cover letter stand out from the multitude of others, you must include important specifics that are associated with your statement.

If they also happen to have some interview process after the applications, these details and your research will be helpful at those stages.

Include details that shows you have done your research

If you are hoping to be admitted to the Master’s program, then making sure your cover letter is detailed with the information on your prior research is important. This is because the admissions committee will be looking for qualities that match their institution, and the more detail you can provide, the easier it will be for them to see that you put actual effort into your cover letter.

Additionally, providing specific examples of your accomplishments or experiences will make your application more memorable and help you stand out from the rest. So be sure to include as many relevant details as possible in your cover letter!

How you should conclude your cover letter

You should close your cover letter with a call to action and express appreciation for their time. Thank them again for taking the time to read your application, and let them know that you look forward to hearing from them soon.

Cover Letter Examples for Master’s Degree Applications

Here are some of our selections of cover letter templates for master's program applications. Feel free to use them and make edits on them according to your needs.

cover letter examples for masters degree applications

[Your first name] [your last name]

[Your street address]

[City], [state] [zip code]

[First and last name of the head of admissions]

[University Name]

[College address]

Dear [Mr. or Ms.] [last name of the head of admissions],

I am writing to apply to [University Name & Master’s program name]. I have been a student at [Your previous degree] for the past [X] years and I am very excited to continue my education at the postgraduate level.

[University name] has always been my top choice for several reasons. First and foremost, the school has an excellent academic reputation. I have always been a very good student and I know that I will be able to thrive in the challenging environment of your institution.

My education has allowed me to have first-hand experience with the field I am interested in and the challenges that come with it: [examples].

I am currently looking to begin my studies in [field] in order to complete a program that will allow me to pursue my goal of becoming a [job title]. I believe that [University Name] can provide me with the best education and opportunity to reach my objectives.

I am an ambitious individual who is always looking to learn and grow in my field of interest. I am very passionate about my work, and I believe that by continuing to expand my knowledge and skills, I can make a significant impact on [field] in a positive way.

I am grateful for the opportunity to apply to be a part of your student body and I will work diligently to uphold the standards of your school. If admitted, I pledge to be a respectful and contributing member of the community and I promise to take advantage of all that your school has to offer and make the most of my time here. I have included all of the required documentation and my application form. If you have any further questions, I would be happy to provide additional information.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Sincerely, [Your first name] [your last name]

This letter is a formal request for admission to [name of the university & master’s degree]. 

I am a recent [Your previous University name & degree name] graduate and I am interested in studying [subject area] in [postgraduate degree program] with the hope of obtaining a [job title] after graduation. 

I have always enjoyed [activity] and am confident that I would excel in [Master’s program] at [University Name]. I am passionate about [topic] and believe that I would be a valuable asset to your [University Name] community.

I am enclosing my transcripts, test scores, and letters of recommendation. I would be happy to answer any questions you may have about my qualifications.

[College name]

I am applying to the [season] semester of the [university name] Master's program. I am very proud of the [program name] and believe that I would be a great fit for it. Thank you for considering me!

Over the past few years, I've researched many universities that offer a Master’s degree in [program name], but have ultimately chosen [institution] because of [reasons]. The opportunity to join your top-level institution and become part of its alumni is one of my greatest goals. I am confident that my education in [subject area] and [work/volunteer experience] make me a valuable asset and an ideal candidate for admission into the program. My educational experience has given me the opportunity to [insert your previous experiences] and face the challenges that come with [field name]. 

I am currently looking to begin my Master’s degree, with a goal of completing the [program] at [institution]. Upon graduation, I wish to become [job title] to [career goals]. I believe the [college name] can provide me with the best education and opportunity to pursue my objectives.

I have enclosed all of the necessary documentation and application form for your consideration. If you have any further questions, I will be happy to provide you with more information. Thank you for your time and consideration.

We trust that this article has given you some thoughts concerning composing a cover letter for your master's program application. Bear in mind, the most significant thing is to stay positive and sure of what you have accomplished so far, as well as what will drive you enough to keep on working on this project.

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how to write a cover letter for a masters

How to write a cover letter for a master's degree

05 Dec 2023


Etudiants & apprenants

To gain access to certain courses , a covering letter is an essential step. This is especially true in business , where the cover letter is the first contact you make with the teaching staff . It can help you stand out from the other applicants . IPAG Business School takes a look at how to write a convincing masters cover letter .

Is a covering letter necessary for admission to a Master's programme?

The cover letter plays a crucial role in your application to a Master's programme . It enables you to apply for a Master's degree at the university or school of your choice, while showing that you have given careful thought to your career plans .

This letter shows that you have considered the Grande École programme that interests you and that you have understood how these courses will help you in your future career .

While the cover letter is sometimes a compulsory prerequisite , it is also a tool for the student . It's the ideal opportunity to highlight your personality , your uniqueness and your experience . It allows you to stand out from any competitors and ensures that your application is validated. The admissions panel can learn more about you, your background and your vision for your future career.

As well as being a true testamen t to your intentions, the cover letter is also an indirect way of demonstrating your written communication skills .

Far from being a mere administrative formality , it can be the key to securing an interview with a view to your admission to a Master's programme .

What research should I do before writing a cover letter for a Masters course?

Before you start writing your letter , start by finding out about the specifics of the school and programme you are applying for. This will make your letter more consistent with your CV and your career plan .

It's very important to tailor your cover letter to the school and Master's programme you're applying for. Do not send a single standard letter to all the universities or schools you have selected. The worst idea would be to download a model letter from the Internet and send it en masse to the schools and masters courses that really interest you!

For example, you don't apply for a master's in corporate finance in exactly the same way as for a master's in supply chain . Show that your choice has been carefully thought through and that you have considered each programme . Show the jury that this is the right school for you to enter the job market .

What should your cover letter for a Masters course contain?

Writing a cover letter for a course is not always easy. You need to be both precise and concise. It should summarise your orientation , your career path and your ideas for the future. This letter complements your CV by adding a personal touch and responding to certain codes .

Take a look at this information:

  • your studies and education (if you feel it is worth mentioning) ;
  • any associative experience you may have
  • your professional experience ;
  • your personal skills and abilities ;
  • your career objectives .

How should a cover letter for a Master's degree be structured?

The header of the cover letter for a master's degree.

Address your cover letter correctly. You need to make a good impression from the very first words. This will show that you are capable of paying attention to detail.

Example: "For the attention of Mr or Mrs XXX": as far as possible, mention the name of the head of the department of your chosen course. If you don't have the name, write "Service XXX" or "École XXX". Also include the address.

Next, add a subject to your letter. Example: "Subject: Application for Master's degree XXX".

Follow this with a simple, classic opening line : "Mr XXX", "Mrs XXX", or "Dear Sir/Madam" if you don't know the name of the person you are addressing .

The body of the cover letter for a Master's degree

1. The first part should be about you. Present your profile and background, and explain why you have chosen to apply.

2. The second part focuses on the educational establishment , and more specifically on the Master's degree you wish to enter. In this section, focus on what the institution offers and what you are aiming for. List the reasons why the programme interests you and highlight the information you have gathered in your preliminary research.

3. The third part should summarise your views on your future relationship with the educational establishment. Talk about why you think you are a good fit for the programme and what this course will enable you to achieve in the future.

The conclusion of your masters application letter

The conclusion is crucial, and it's best not to rush it. Be persuasive , indicating that you are awaiting a positive response and that you are ready to commit yourself to the course.

Don't forget to say thank you and choose a polite formula . You can find inspiration on the Internet to write the most appropriate formula.

A few tips to follow when writing your cover letter for a master's degree

Whether you're looking to get into a digital marketing master's , an entrepreneurship master's or any other master's , here are a few tips for writing a powerful cover letter for your training application.

Don't hesitate to include a few concrete examples in your cover letter. This is another way of ensuring that it complements your CV and makes the members of the selection panel want to know more about you.

Avoid clichés , generalities , phrases that use a lot of emphasis or the use of many superlatives. This weighs down the message more than anything else. Your style should be both effective and punchy. Don't hesitate to ask for help and get someone else to read it for you . This outsider will be able to give you an objective opinion.

Write your letter and allow a little time to pass before rereading it. Mistakes and language errors will be easier to spot.

What are the mistakes to avoid in a cover letter for a master's degree?

In all cover letters, you should :

  • Avoid adopting an arrogant or overly modest tone .
  • Take care with the formatting of the letter and show that you have an eye for detail.
  • Identify and correct grammatical and spelling errors .
  • Avoid repeating everything on your CV .

You now have all the tools you need to apply for the Master's programme of your choice with a solid, high-quality cover letter. This will enable you to get an interview with a business school as quickly as possible. University Masters, business school... use these few tips to apply with peace of mind. Don't hesitate to contact the business school that interests you for more information and advice. Want to go further? Find out now how to find an internship for your course.

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Graduate Cover Letter

Find your perfect postgrad program search our database of 30,000 courses.

One vital part of the job application process, especially online job applications is the graduate cover letter. This is your real first impression – something beyond a standard form CV – that will let you show off what you can bring to the company and what you’re hoping they can give to you.

But how exactly should you go about writing a cover letter? After all, surely everything important has been said in your CV ? Not true! Think of your CV as a list of all the necessary points, and the graduate cover letter as someone taking a highlighting, picking pertinent points, and then writing more about them. You can also highlight things that might not have made it to the CV, but that are still relevant – maybe a particular hobby , or general skill gained outside of work.

Remember, your cover letter shouldn’t be too long, and should be quick and interesting to read. It’s not an essay, it’s a brief introduction to the most important and relevant parts of you. With that in mind, let’s take a look at some of the basics...

Graduate cover letter examples

Generally, there’s a set way you want to write a cover letter, just as there is with CV s. This doesn’t mean that you can’t be original or unique in the content, just that there are certain things you should aim to get in. Generally the follow pattern is good to follow:

Dear [Name],

Graduate Cover Letter

Paragraph detailing your skills – those mentioned on the CV, but giving more detail and talking about specific achievements.

Paragraph explaining why the company appeals to you – try to be specific ‘because this particular area...’, rather than a general ‘because it’s a world-leader’.

Conclusion, pointing out again your commitment to the role, and a suggestion for them to get in touch.

Yours Sincerely,

[Your Name]

[Method of communication - email/phone/etc]

However, don’t be afraid to change some aspects of this if the job requires it. For instance, a speculative application requires a very different style of opening paragraph, and a graduate cover letter for a more creative job may have a bit more room to break the format. In general though, this is a good template to follow.

An example of this template filled in:

Dear Mr Smith,

I am writing with regards to [job role] advertised on [website]. Please find attached my CV, which shows I have the necessary qualifications and experience in the workplace.

Second paragraph, no work experience

My degree course  has prepared me well for this position. During my dissertation, I was required to do a lot of independent research, which required self-motivation, and the ability to organise and work on a long term project. In particular, [module] has helped prepare me by [talk about skills gained].

Second paragraph, add on if have work experience

In addition, I have worked at [company], as [role]. This role required [discuss skills]. In particular, [highlight one example of a specific event/project/incident that required certain skills and what you did].

I’m attracted to this role, because [reasons specific to that company, not general ones] and I hope that I can demonstrate to you that I would be a good fit for this company, with my proven skills, commitment to the role, and enthusiasm to learn.

I am available to start [when?]. Please do get in touch if you have any questions,

Yours sincerely,

[email protected]

How to write a graduate cover letter

So now we’ve looked at some templates, let’s look at some brief tips on how to write a graduate cover letter:

#1 Point out where your degree is relevant Don’t just assume having a degree will sell you, instead you need to point out just why it makes you useful. This is slightly easier for say, a marketing job with a marketing degree, but you can work it with any. For instance, applying for a journalist role with a philosophy degree? Point out how you’ve learned to condense lots of information into clear, understandable forms, and how you also touched on things such as politics and scientific ethics.

#2 Don’t be general about skills, give examples Never just say ‘I am good at communicating’. Everyone says this. Show us how! Did you have a fundraising job and participate in the university’s highest raising campaign? Mention it. Or maybe you worked in customer service and got given more responsibilities due to your skills. Definitely worth saying! Concrete examples of your skills will look much more impressive than a generic ‘I can do [x]’.

#3 Highlight relevant non-paid activities If you have a non-paid role that taught you relevant skills, throw it in there. Things such as being the treasurer of a society, or volunteering at children’s events can teach you things, and show that you didn’t just do your degree – you made the effort to do additional things too.

#4 Show commitment to the role Remember – you’re not applying to jobs you’re applying to this particular job. So talk about what you’d like to do with this company, and where you’d like to be in this company – not in general.

#5 Do your research! Make sure you know about the company, and can point out specifically why you want to work there. No ‘because it’s well-known’. For example, if you’re applying for a role at Lush, it goes without saying that Lush is well known for its ethical campaigning, so rather than saying ‘because Lush is ethical’, you would say ‘because [x] campaign really stood out to me, because [reasons]’. This shows you’re interested in working for them, not just a general company.

Bearing these points in mind, and following the general method shown above, you’ll have a great graduate cover letter in no time.

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Recent Graduate Cover Letter Examples and Templates for 2024

Recent Graduate Cover Letter Examples and Templates for 2024

Frank Hackett

  • Cover Letter Examples

How To Write a Recent Graduate Cover Letter

  • Cover Letter Text Examples

A great recent graduate cover letter can help you differentiate yourself from the competition during the job search. Even if you lack hands-on experience, you can still make a lasting impression on prospective employers by highlighting your academic achievements and industry knowledge. This guide provides examples and expert tips to help you build a winning recent graduate cover letter and land your first entry-level job.

Recent Graduate Cover Letter Templates and Examples

  • Entry-Level
  • Senior-Level


To write a great recent graduate cover letter that can truly help you break into your industry, the key is to show the most compelling aspects of your academic career and internships. Carefully analyze the role you’re applying for and identify how your unique skill sets align with the company’s needs. By tailoring your document towards individual opportunities, you’ll maximize your chances of landing an entry-level position. Below, we’ll walk you through each step of building your recent graduate cover letter:

1. Contact information and salutation

List all essential contact information at the top of your recent graduate cover letter, including your name, phone number, email, and LinkedIn URL. Be sure to address the hiring manager by name — Mr. or Ms. [Last Name]. If you can’t find the hiring manager’s name, use a variation of “Dear Hiring Manager.” This is preferable to salutations such as “To Whom It May Concern,” as these types of greetings are largely considered outdated.

2. Introduction

Open your recent graduation cover letter with a powerful introduction to grab the hiring manager’s attention and convey your interest in the job. Feature an eye-catching achievement from your resume and highlight key skills the organization is looking for. If you don’t have an internship you can point to, showcase academic achievements that demonstrate your qualifications for the job.

In the example below, the candidate has a unique advantage due to their experience interning at a large financial institution. This adds a certain level of credibility to the knowledge and skills they gained. That said, even if you haven’t had a similar opportunity, you can still hook the reader in the opening paragraph of your recent graduate cover letter by carefully tailoring it toward the job description.

During my internship with Brooklyn Financial Services, I interacted with a team of financial analysts to evaluate investment opportunities for a multimillion-dollar firm. This experience gave me valuable knowledge of business models, product use cases, and financial forecasting, which makes me the ideal candidate for the financial analyst position with your company.

3. Body paragraphs

In the body paragraphs of your recent graduate cover letter, continue to focus on achievements from your internships. If you haven’t had the opportunity to work in your field, draw attention to your academic projects. Using a list of bullet points to break up the monotony of the text on the page is helpful here, as this will improve the overall readability of your document. It’s also important to mention the organization’s reputation or mission statement and how it aligns with your background and professional values.

New England Marketing Inc.’s reputation for driving customer success draws me to apply for this position. My expertise in brand messaging and social media marketing will allow me to provide valuable contributions to your organization based on my career achievements:

  • Supported the marketing team in executing social media campaigns on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter platforms and utilized Hootsuite to schedule posts based on KPIs, resulting in a 500% increase in followership on LinkedIn
  • Collaborated with copywriters and SEO specialists to create engaging copy and brand messaging, which resulted in a 10% increase in page views for a customer website
  • Served on a student marketing team to manage Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn social media pages for Columbia University under the supervision of the marketing manager

4. Recent graduate cover letter skills and qualifications

To compensate for a lack of hands-on industry experience, leverage the skills and knowledge you’ve gained from your academic career in your recent graduate cover letter. Instead of providing a comprehensive list, focus on integrating relevant key terms from the job description into your paragraph. Emphasize how you’ve utilized these skill sets in your internships and academic projects. Below, you’ll find a range of potential skills across a variety of industries:

Key Skills and Qualifications
Academic research Analytical
Business analysis Business strategy
Client relations Cloud technology
Communication Computer science
Content writing Cross-functional collaboration
Data analysis Data analytics
Financial analysis Marketing
Nursing Patient care
Sales Team leadership

5. Closing section

Include a call to action in the conclusion of your recent graduate cover letter. Invite the hiring manager to bring you in for an interview or reach out for more information on your background. Emphasize how your skill sets can translate effectively to a professional industry setting. Be sure to thank the hiring manager for their time and consideration in the last sentence.

I look forward to speaking with you further regarding how my application development experience can aid Solaris Software Inc. in continuing to create value for users. You may contact me via phone or email at your earliest convenience. I appreciate your time and consideration.

Curtis Jones

Recent Graduate Cover Letter Tips

1. leverage your internships.

One of the best ways to grab the hiring manager’s attention is by leveraging your internships. This shows potential employers you’ve acquired hands-on experience, which can be exactly the type of information that advances you to the next phase of the hiring process. Be sure to provide context and numbers for any notable achievements, as this will heighten the impact of your positive contributions.

2. Feature academic achievements and certifications

If you haven’t had the opportunity to pursue an internship, you can still make a strong impression on the hiring manager by featuring your academic achievements. Instead of only mentioning coursework, call out impressive projects that demonstrate how you’ve applied industry skills while completing your degree.

3. Showcase volunteerism and community service

Another way to compensate for a lack of hands-on work experience is by highlighting community service and volunteerism on your cover letter. Even if this isn’t relevant to your field, in some instances, this can help show potential employers you’re the right culture fit for their organization. It also sends a positive message in regard to your personal values.

Recent Graduate Text-Only Cover Letter Templates and Examples

Curtis Jones Software Developer | [email protected] | (123) 456-7890 | Portland, OR 12345 | LinkedIn

Jan. 1, 2024

Caroline Matthews Hiring Manager Solaris Software Inc. (987) 654-3210 [email protected]

Dear Ms. Matthews,

As an intern at Portland Technology Inc., I collaborated with a dynamic team of software developers and engineers to design innovative mobile applications for the education industry. While supporting the development of three separate applications, I gained valuable knowledge and training in Agile methodology and software development lifecycles. My internship and academic experience will allow me to deliver valuable contributions to your organization.

Solaris Software Inc.’s reputation for creating value for users draws me to apply for this position. My bachelor’s degree in software engineering from the University of Portland and my experience as a software developer intern will allow me to aid your teams in designing scalable applications based on the following achievements from my career:

  • Supported the software development team in designing a mobile Android application to aid college students in comparing prices for used college textbooks and subscription services, which garnered over 500,000 downloads following the launch
  • Executed an academic project to design an application platform for users to improve vocabulary across 10 different languages by providing a database of common colloquial phrases
  • Completed coursework in Python, Ruby on Rails, SQL, Jira, and JavaScript, graduated with summa cum laude distinction, and achieved a 3.8 GPA

Jessica Adams Financial Analyst | [email protected] | (123) 456-7890 | New York, NY, 12345 | LinkedIn

Raymond Johnson Hiring Manager Cohen Financial Partners (987) 654-3210 [email protected]

Dear Mr. Johnson,

Cohen Financial Partners has a reputation for ethical business practices, which strongly aligns with my core values as a finance professional. I can continue to help your organization grow your investment portfolio based on my previous achievements from my work experience and academic career:

  • Conducted financial analysis of investment opportunities for new products in coordination with a team of economists and analysts, which included evaluating long-term financial outlook, product use cases, and long-term growth potential
  • Supported the team in creating financial models and PowerPoint presentations on investments
  • Wrote a 15-page research paper evaluating financial projections for the housing market and the impact of COVID-19 on first-time homebuyers

I would like to schedule an interview to discuss further how my experience in financial analysis and risk management can benefit your organization. Feel free to contact me at your earliest convenience with any additional questions you may have about my background. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Jessica Adams

Arthur Morris Marketing Professional | [email protected] | (123) 456-7890 | Boston, MA 12345 | LinkedIn

January 1, 2024

Sarah Taylor Hiring Manager New England Marketing Inc. (987) 654-3210 [email protected]

Dear Ms. Taylor,

As a marketing intern with the Falmouth Marketing Consulting Agency, I coordinated with a team of specialists to enhance social media presence and web marketing for clients. I also attended meetings with creative teams to define brand messaging based on target audiences. Through these experiences, I developed an advanced understanding of social media marketing, which will allow me to thrive in the marketing specialist position with your organization.

  • Supported the marketing team in executing social media campaigns on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter platforms and utilized Hootsuite to schedule posts based on key performance indicators (KPIs), resulting in a 500% increase in followership on LinkedIn
  • Collaborated with copywriters and search engine optimization (SEO) specialists to create engaging copy and brand messaging for clients, which resulted in a 10% increase in page views for a customer website
  • Served on a student marketing team to manage Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn social media pages for the University of Columbia under the supervision of the marketing manager

I hope to speak with you further regarding my expertise in social media marketing and how it can benefit your organization. You may contact me via phone or email at your convenience. I appreciate your time and consideration.

Arthur Morris

Recent Graduate Cover Letter FAQs

Why should i include a recent graduate cover letter -.

While not every job will require a cover letter during the application process, including one can help bolster your chances of landing the interview, especially as a recent graduate. This allows you to make a strong introduction and display your most relevant qualifications using a more personal approach than you would on your resume.

How do I make my cover letter stand out? -

To make your cover letter stand out, carefully research the company you’re applying to. Think about how your academic background and experience match the needs of the organization. Mention something specific about the company and why it drew you to pursue the opportunity. This shows you’re a serious candidate who’s truly engaged in the hiring process.

How long should my cover letter be? -

Keep your cover letter concise and focused, limited to no more than three or four paragraphs. This ensures your document is centered on your most relevant academic achievements, internships, and industry-related skills. Avoid padding your cover letter with fluff and generic buzzwords, as this doesn’t provide any valuable information that would interest the hiring manager.

Craft a new cover letter in minutes

Get the attention of hiring managers with a cover letter tailored to every job application.

Frank Hackett

Frank Hackett

Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW)

Frank Hackett is a professional resume writer and career consultant with over eight years of experience. As the lead editor at a boutique career consulting firm, Frank developed an innovative approach to resume writing that empowers job seekers to tell their professional stories. His approach involves creating accomplishment-driven documents that balance keyword optimization with personal branding. Frank is a Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW) with the Professional Association of Resume Writers and Career Coaches (PAWRCC).

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Writing A Cover Letter For Graduate Program (No Experience)

Amina ibrahim.

Your cover letter for the graduate program is your story. It reveals what truly inspired you to become what you are and showcases what makes you stand out – beyond what a resume can tell. 

Writing a cover letter can feel like leaping into the unknown. It is exciting, nerve-wracking, and often, a big step without much professional experience to show. So if you are not sure of how to direct the cover letter that goes in your favour, here is our unsurpassed approach that you need to follow for the best outcome. 

We will reveal a 10-step process to write the perfect cover letter for any graduate program and let you onto the best practices along with some examples. Read on because it is time you showcase to the employer that you may not have experience but you have everything else they need.

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A cover letter for a graduate program is a formal letter that accompanies your resume when applying for a specific graduate position or program within a company or institution. It is a one-page document where you introduce yourself to the hiring team and highlight your skills, experiences, and reasons why you are a good fit for the specific position you are applying to.

Now the cover letter for a graduate program is quite different from the graduate school cover letter . They vary in what they emphasize and how they are approached. A cover letter for a graduate job focuses on showcasing your relevant skills and experiences and how your background aligns with the job requirements and company culture.

On the other hand, a grad school cover letter is part of your graduate school application and addresses the admissions committee. It is a key component where you mention your academic interests, career goals, and reasons for applying to specific graduate schools or programs. 

Instead of emphasizing work experiences, graduate school applications highlight your academic achievements , research interests, and how a particular program aligns with your career aspirations.

How to Write a Cover Letter for Graduate Program if You Don’t Have Any Work Experience?

Many dread writing a cover letter , causing them to procrastinate. Writing it for the first time can be hard especially when you don't have any guidance. To ease things for you, here is our 10-step process to write a cover letter that will showcase the best of you.

1. Address the letter to a specific person

Finding the right person to address your cover letter to can make a huge difference. It shows that you did your homework and have a genuine interest in the program. Search the company's website, LinkedIn, or even contact the organization to identify the HR program coordinator or team member who might be overseeing the hiring process. 

If you can't find a specific name, a general salutation like "Dear Hiring Manager" is acceptable.

2. Start with a strong opening paragraph

Your opening paragraph sets the tone . Instead of generic statements like "I am applying for the position of...", start by expressing your interest in the job and the company. 

You can mention something specific about the company that resonates with you . For instance, you could mention a recent project or development the company was involved in and how that inspired you to apply.

3. Explain your academic background & achievements

When talking about your academic background, be specific . Mention your degree, major, and any relevant coursework that directly relates to the job . If you have a high GPA or received academic honors, highlight those.

Simply listing your achievements won’t work; explain how they demonstrate your skills or suitability for the role . Using the STAR (Situation, Task, Action, and Result) framework can help you illustrate your achievements more effectively. Let's see how you can achieve it. 

  • Situation : Describe the context or situation in which you were involved. 
  • Task : Outline the specific tasks or responsibilities assigned to you within that situation. What were you expected to accomplish or contribute to the project or activity?
  • Action : Detail the actions you took to fulfil your responsibilities. Emphasize how you approached challenges and the strategies you employed to overcome them.
  • Result : Finally, explain the outcomes or results of your actions. Discuss the impact of your contributions, any measurable achievements, and what you learned from the experience.

4. Highlight relevant experiences & skills

Even without traditional work experience, you likely have experiences from internships , volunteer work , projects, or extracurricular activities that polished your skills. Identify those experiences that align with the job you are applying for. 

For example, if you volunteered for an organization where you developed communication or leadership skills, highlight that. Don't underestimate the value of these experiences – they demonstrate qualities like teamwork, problem-solving, or adaptability.

5. Connect your skills to the program's requirements

Carefully review the job program's requirements and job description. Identify the key skills and qualities they are looking for in candidates. Then, align your skills and experiences with these requirements.

For instance, if the program emphasizes teamwork, discuss a project where you successfully collaborated with others to achieve a goal. Be specific and provide examples to explain how your background aligns with what they are looking for.

6. Show your enthusiasm & interest in the program

Express your genuine interest in the program and the company or organization. Research the company thoroughly and mention what specifically attracts you to it. Is it their values, their innovative approach, or the impact they make? 

Also, explain why you are passionate about the field or industry. Maybe you have a personal story or an inspiring moment that sparked your interest. Express enthusiasm and genuine interest to compensate for the lack of formal experience.

7. Address lack of experience positively

It is okay not to have traditional work experience. Instead of seeing your lack of work experience as a disadvantage, frame it as an opportunity . Acknowledge it in your cover letter but focus on what you do have to offer.

Highlight your enthusiasm to learn and your willingness to bring fresh perspectives. Emphasize your academic achievements, extracurricular activities, internships, or any relevant projects that showcase your skills and eagerness to contribute. You can also mention any industry-related events , seminars, or workshops you attended.

8. Customize & personalize

Generic cover letters rarely stand out. Tailor each cover letter to the specific job program you are applying for. Customize it by mentioning the program's name and its unique aspects that attract you. 

Showcase your understanding of the program's goals and how you see yourself contributing. Use the language and keywords from the job description to demonstrate your fit for the role.

9. Close the letter with a call to action

Your conclusion matters just as much as the introduction. End your cover letter with a strong closing that includes a call to action. Express your gratitude for the opportunity to apply and reiterate your interest in the program. 

Politely request an interview or meeting to discuss how you can contribute further. Provide your contact information and indicate your willingness to provide additional information if needed.

10. Proofread & edit for clarity & accuracy

Once you have written your cover letter, proofread it carefully. Check for grammatical errors and spelling mistakes and make sure the language is clear and professional. Read it aloud to catch any awkward phrases or errors that might have slipped through. You can also use online tools like Grammarly or ProWritingAid, or ask a friend to review it for feedback.

Pay attention to formatting and make sure the layout is clean and easy to read. Use a standard font and keep the length to one page . Aim for a professional and concise tone throughout the letter.

6 Best Practices For Writing A Cover Letter For Graduate Program

When it comes to applying for graduate programs, your cover letter can make all the difference. To help you master this essential part of your application, here are 6 expert-backed practices for creating the perfect cover letter that will increase your chances of securing the dream opportunity.

I. Research the program & understand the requirements

Before you start writing, get familiar with the graduate program you are applying to. Visit their website and understand their mission , values, and the specific requirements for the program. Take note of what they are looking for in candidates. 

Understanding these details helps you customize your cover letter to align with what the program is seeking. It allows you to emphasize your relevant skills , experiences, and passions that resonate with their expectations.

II. Avoid repeating information from your resume

Your cover letter shouldn’t echo your resume. Instead, use it as an opportunity to expand on certain aspects of your background that might not be fully explained in your resume. It is your chance to showcase your personality, your motivations, and how your experiences shaped your interest in the program .

Share anecdotes or examples that show your skills and character, making you stand out beyond what is listed in your CV.

III. Quantify achievements when possible

When discussing your achievements or experiences, whenever you can, add numbers or figures to quantify your impact. This helps to give a clearer picture of what you accomplished. 

For instance, instead of saying, “I led a project”, you could say, “I led a team of 10 members to successfully complete a project that resulted in a 20% increase in efficiency”. Numbers make your achievements more tangible and highlight your contributions effectively.

IV. Keep the letter concise & focused 

When crafting your cover letter, balance between being informative and concise . Keep it focused on the most relevant points. You want the reader to get a clear picture of your qualifications and motivations without overwhelming them with unnecessary details . Stick to a single page and use clear, direct language to convey your message.

V. Incorporate keywords from the job description

Make your cover letter stand out by aligning it with the language used in the job description or program requirements . Highlight your skills, experiences, and achievements that directly relate to the keywords or phrases mentioned in the description. 

This shows that you understand what they are looking for and also helps your application pass through any automated screening systems that scan for specific keywords.

VI. Get feedback from mentors or career advisors before finalizing

Before sending your cover letter, get feedback from mentors , career advisors, professors, or anyone with experience in the field you are applying to. They can provide valuable insights, catch errors you might have missed , and offer suggestions to strengthen your letter. 

Their feedback can help you refine your message and ensure that your cover letter effectively highlights your strengths and aligns with the expectations of the program.

2 Examples of Cover Letters for Graduate Program

Creating a standout cover letter that distinguishes you among thousands of graduate job seekers and catches the eye of potential employers can be the key. To give you a head start, we have prepared 2 compelling cover letter examples. 

These sample cover letters are made specifically for graduate programs and will give you practical insights into how you can effectively showcase your skills, experiences, and enthusiasm to secure the position.

Sample Cover Letter 1 for Graduate Program

Emma Thompson                                                                       

22 Koala Street                                                                                                    0412 345 678

Sydney, NSW 2000

    16 December 2023


Dear Ms. Davis,

I am writing to express my genuine enthusiasm for the Marketing Associate position at GreenSolutions Pty Ltd. Your commitment to sustainable practices and innovative solutions resonates deeply with my values and aspirations.

My educational background in Marketing and Communications from the University of Sydney has equipped me with a strong foundation in strategic planning, market research, and digital media. Courses like Strategic Brand Management and Digital Marketing Strategies honed my ability to analyze market trends and develop comprehensive marketing campaigns.

Furthermore, I actively pursued opportunities to expand my skill set. My involvement in the Sydney Marketing Club and internships at local NGOs allowed me to cultivate hands-on experience in social media marketing and content creation. These experiences instilled in me a passion for using marketing strategies to drive positive social change.

I am particularly drawn to GreenSolutions Pty Ltd because of its reputation for fostering a collaborative work environment that promotes creativity and innovation in sustainable solutions. I am eager to contribute my enthusiasm, adaptability, and fresh perspective to your team.

Outside of academics, I am passionate about environmental conservation and have volunteered with organizations focused on promoting eco-friendly initiatives. This further fueled my desire to contribute my skills to a company like GreenSolutions Pty Ltd that shares my commitment to environmental sustainability.

I am excited about the opportunity to further discuss how my skills and eagerness to learn can benefit GreenSolutions Pty Ltd. Thank you for considering my application. I am looking forward to the possibility of contributing to your esteemed team and am available at your earliest convenience for an interview.


Warm regards,

Emma Thompson

Sample Cover Letter 2 for Graduate Program


42 Jacaranda Avenue  |  Melbourne, VIC 3000  |    |  0412 345 678


Dear Ms. Johnson,

I am writing to express my sincere interest in the Junior Accountant position at ABC Accounting Firm, as advertised on Prosple. As a recent graduate from The University of Sydney, where I attained a Bachelor of Commerce in Accounting, I am excited about the prospect of contributing my knowledge and dedication to your esteemed company.

During my academic journey, I diligently pursued coursework that honed my accounting skills and provided a robust foundation for practical application. My coursework included modules in Financial Accounting, Managerial Accounting, Taxation, Auditing, and Business Law. Through these courses, I developed a comprehensive understanding of accounting principles and their real-world implications, achieving an average GPA of 6.5.

While my professional experience may be limited, I have actively engaged in extracurricular activities that fortified my skills and commitment to the field. As a member of the University Accounting Society, I collaborated with peers on accounting case studies, fostering teamwork and problem-solving abilities. 

Additionally, my role as a volunteer in Financial Minds Australia allowed me to manage finances and budgets effectively, demonstrating my practical understanding of financial management. I am eager to apply these technical skills in a professional setting and further expand my knowledge under the guidance of seasoned professionals at ABC Accounting Firm.

I am drawn to ABC Accounting Firm because of its reputation for innovative accounting practices and commitment to ethical standards. I am particularly impressed by the company's recent achievement in streamlining financial processes, and I am enthusiastic about the possibility of contributing to similar successes.

I am confident that my academic background, coupled with my enthusiasm for accounting and willingness to learn, make me a strong candidate for this position. I am excited about the opportunity to discuss how my skills align with the needs of ABC Accounting Firm and how I can contribute to your team’s success.

Thank you for considering my application. I am looking forward to the possibility of discussing my application in further detail.


Warm regards,

Isabella Clarke

Exploring Graduate Programs With Prosple Australia: Simplifying The Search

Prosple is the ultimate go-to platform for finding graduate jobs in Australia. With thousands of job listings, we cater to all industries – from renowned giants to startups . Whether you are in engineering , accounting , law , or any other field, there is something for everyone.  

Let’s discuss in detail how Prosple Australia can simplify your search for graduate program jobs:

  • With Prosple, you get an advanced and easy-to-use dashboard where you can track applications, save content, and manage your job hunt in one convenient place.
  • No need to constantly check for updates. Prosple sends you instant notifications tailored to your interests. That means you are the first to know about new opportunities in your desired field.
  • With Prosple, you get access to expert career guidance to navigate the job search process. From refining your resume to acing interviews , we provide valuable insights every step of the way.
  • We designed Prosple with you, the students, in mind. It provides a personalized career matchmaker with a powerful search engine to help tailor job suggestions based on your preferences and qualifications.
  • Australia's Top 100 Graduate Employers , including big names like Deloitte , PwC , and BHP , regularly post openings on Prosple. Landing a job with these household names becomes more accessible through our platform.
  • We don't just stop at job listings. Prosple keeps you in the loop with the latest articles and advice relevant to your career aspirations – a personalized newsfeed for career growth.

You know that you are perfect for that job but your confidence won't shine through unless you articulate your strengths. That is where a cover letter comes in. It is a great way to spruce up your resume for a job application and let the potential employer know what you are made of. 

Writing a cover letter for a graduate program is all about expressing your dedication and enthusiasm to learn and how you can contribute to the dynamic company culture. Remember, this is your moment to make a lasting impression. Be concise, be genuine, and be specific about what you bring to the table.

When it comes to launching your career after graduation, Prosple stands out as your ultimate ally. With an advanced platform connecting students and graduates with top-tier employers across Australia, we open doors to coveted opportunities. 

Don't miss out on your chance to land your dream job. Join Prosple today and take the first step towards a fulfilling career journey.

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StandOut CV

Graduate cover letter examples

Andrew Fennell photo

As a recent graduate, you need to effectively showcase your degree and relevant skills on your CV and cover letter.

But when you’re just starting out in your career, it can be tough to know where to begin.

In the guide below, we’ll teach you how to create a clear, concise and professional application using our graduate cover letter examples and handy top tips.

CV templates 

Graduate cover letter example 1

Graduate cover letter 1

Graduate cover letter example 2

Graduate cover letter 2

Graduate cover letter example 3

Graduate cover letter 3

These 3 Graduate cover letter examples will provide you with some good ideas on how to format a cover letter, along with the type of message you should be trying to put across to recruiters .

To further understand exactly how you can write a cover letter that will get you noticed, check out our further guidance.

How to write a Graduate cover letter

Here’s how to write your own winning Graduate cover letter

How to write a cover letter

Write your cover letter in the body of an email/message

When writing your Graduate cover letter, it’s best to type the content into the body of your email (or the job site messaging system) and not to attach the cover letter as a separate document.

This ensures that your cover letter gets seen as soon as a recruiter or employer opens your message.

If you attach the cover letter as a document, you’re making the reader go through an unnecessary step of opening the document before reading it.

If it’s in the body of the message itself, it will be seen instantly, which hugely increases the chances of it being read.

Write cover letter in body of email

Start with a friendly greeting

Cover letter address

To kick your cover letter off, start with a friendly greeting to build rapport with the recruiter instantly.

Your greeting should be personable but professional. Not too casual, but not too formal either

Go with something like…

  • Hi [insert recruiter name]
  • Hi [insert department/team name]

Avoid old-fashioned greetings like “Dear sir/madam ” unless applying to very formal companies.

How to find the contact’s name?

Addressing the recruitment contact by name is an excellent way to start building a strong relationship. If it is not listed in the job advert, try these methods to find it.

  • Check out the company website and look at their  About page. If you see a hiring manager, HR person or internal recruiter, use their name. You could also try to figure out who would be your manager in the role and use their name.
  • Head to LinkedIn , search for the company and scan through the list of employees. Most professionals are on LinkedIn these days, so this is a good bet.

Identify the role you are applying for

Once you’ve opened up the cover letter with a warm greeting to start building a relationship, it is time to identify which role you want to apply for.

Recruiters are often managing multiple vacancies, so you need to ensure you apply to the correct one.

Be very specific and use a reference number if you can find one.

  • I am interested in applying for the position of *Graduate position* with your company.
  • I would like to apply for the role of Sales assistant (Ref: 406f57393)
  • I would like to express my interest in the customer service vacancy within your retail department
  • I saw your advert for a junior project manager on Reed and would like to apply for the role.

See also: CV examples – how to write a CV – CV profiles

Highlight your suitability

The sole objective of your cover letter is to motivate recruiters into to opening your CV. And you achieve this by quickly explaining your suitability to the roles you are applying for.

Take a look at the job descriptions you are applying to, and make note of the most important skills and qualifications being asked for.

Then, when crafting your cover letter, make your suitability the central focus.

Explain why you are the best qualified candidate, and why you are so well suited to carry out the job.

This will give recruiters all the encouragement they need to open your CV and consider you for the job.

Cover letter tips

Keep it short and sharp

A good cover letter is short and sharp, getting to the point quickly with just enough information to grab the attention of recruiters.

Ideally your cover letter should be around 4-8 sentences long – anything longer will risk losing the attention of time-strapped recruiters and hiring managers .

Essentially you need to include just enough information to persuade the reader to open up your CV, where the in-depth details will sit.

Sign off professionally

To round of your CV, you should sign off with a professional signature.

This will give your cover letter a slick appearance and also give the recruiter all of the necessary contact information they need to get in touch with you.

The information to add should include:

  • A friendly sign off – e.g. “Kindest regards”
  • Your full name
  • Phone number (one you can answer quickly)
  • Email address
  • Profession title
  • Professional social network –  e.g. LinkedIn

Here is an example signature;

Warm regards,

Jill North IT Project Manager 078837437373 [email protected] LinkedIn

Quick tip: To save yourself from having to write your signature every time you send a job application, you can save it within your email drafts, or on a separate documents that you could copy in.

Email signatures

What to include in your Graduate cover letter

Here’s what kind of content you should include in your Graduate cover letter…

The exact info will obviously depend on your industry and experience level, but these are the essentials.

  • Your relevant experience – Where have you worked and what type of jobs have you held?
  • Your qualifications – Let recruiters know about your highest level of qualification to show them you have the credentials for the job.
  • The impact you have made – Show how your actions have made a positive impact on previous employers; perhaps you’ve saved them money or helped them to acquire new customers?
  • Your reasons for moving – Hiring managers will want to know why you are leaving your current or previous role, so give them a brief explanation.
  • Your availability – When can you start a new job ? Recruiters will want to know how soon they can get you on board.

Don’t forget to tailor these points to the requirements of the job advert for best results.

Graduate cover letter templates

Copy and paste these Graduate cover letter templates to get a head start on your own.

I hope you’re well.

I am excited to apply for the Graduate Structural Engineer position at Stainton Energy and I believe my strong academic background and onsite experience makes me a suitable candidate for this role.

Throughout my master’s degree at the University of Glasgow, I have engaged in large-scale installation projects, feasibility studies, and audits for civil and renewable energy construction companies. Notably, I contributed to a site audit that identified a significant submerged rock area, leading to critical modifications in project plans. Additionally, my Certified AutoCAD Professional status has enabled me to implement cost-effective materials and conduct comprehensive end-to-end component design. Throughout my academic journey, I excelled in modules encompassing Feasibility Study, Geotechnical Design, Renewable Energy Systems, and more. My final project, “A digital model of soil mechanics in an urban environment,” showcased my prowess in complex data analysis and computer modelling.

I am available for an interview at your earliest convenience and eager to discuss how my skills can contribute to the company’s success. Thank you for considering my application.

Kind regards,

Leila Marker ¦ 07777777777 ¦ [email protected]

Dear Frances,

I am excited to apply for the Graduate Research Chemist position at Helmer Laboratories as it perfectly aligns with my passion for analytical chemistry and expertise in organic synthesis.

As a detail-oriented Chemistry graduate currently pursuing my master’s in Analytical Chemistry, I possess technical proficiency in HPLC and GC-MS, enabling precise quality checks and chemical identification. My problem-solving skills and meticulous approach have streamlined workflows in a professional research laboratory and, during my internship at Lab Solutions Ltd, I contributed to significant cost savings through process optimisation and validation of an in-house HPLC method.

Throughout my academic journey, I excelled in modules covering Analytical Techniques, Advanced Organic Synthesis, and Chemical Analysis and Quality Control. My forthcoming thesis, ‘Analysis of Drug Metabolites in Urine using GC-MS,’ demonstrates my commitment to cutting-edge research.

I am confident that these collective skills make me and asses for your team and I am available for an interview at your earliest convenience to discuss them further.

Giles Stevens ¦ 07777777777 ¦ [email protected]

I am writing to apply for the Graduate Software Developer position at your esteemed organisation, as it presents an exciting opportunity to leverage my passion for programming and problem-solving.

As a Computer Science graduate, I possess a strong background in object-oriented design principles and technical solution development. My proficiency in Java, C++, and Python has allowed me to develop and deploy software updates for enterprise-level applications, ensuring seamless user experiences. During my undergraduate studies I excelled in modules covering Software Development, Data Structures and Algorithms, and Artificial Intelligence. During my summer internship at Sky Blue Solutions, I collaborated with multidisciplinary teams to deliver high-quality software products. I also successfully implemented a new update deployment process, improving efficiency by 14%, and contributing to the development of an e-commerce application, increasing user engagement by 23%.

I am excited about the opportunity to further discuss my qualifications and how my skills can contribute to your organisation’s success. I am available for an interview at your earliest convenience.

Mason Harley ¦ 07777777777 ¦ [email protected]

Writing an impressive cover letter is a crucial step in landing a Graduate job, so taking the time to perfect it is well worth while.

By following the tips and examples above you will be able to create an eye-catching cover letter that will wow recruiters and ensure your CV gets read – leading to more job interviews for you.

Good luck with your job search!

The Graduate College at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Writing academic cover letters.

The purpose of a cover letter is to introduce yourself and demonstrate the fit between your background and the advertised position. A cover letter must accompany and be tailored to any application you submit.

Take this opportunity to:

  • Briefly tell your story, explaining why you are applying for this position and will be a good fit.
  • Guide the reader’s attention to the most significant portions of your CV.
  • Explain how your particular experiences and education have provided you with the skills and experiences you need to be successful in the position.
  • Convey enthusiasm for the position for which you are applying.
  • Focus on your potential contributions to this institution—not just on why you need or want the job.
  • Answer any questions they might have. For example, “When will you complete your degree?” or “When are you available?”

What to Write About

Although most cover letters follow a similar structure, you should tailor each one for the job to which you are applying. STEM letters should typically be one page, and letters for the humanities and social sciences should not exceed two pages. Sample academic cover letter can demonstrate the basic structure.

Research each institution to which you are applying, especially its philosophy, mission statement, size, and internal structure. The Carnegie Classifications website is a great tool to assist your research. Identify the areas you find most interesting and think about ways in which you could make a contribution to the department and/or institution as a whole. Work this information into your letter. This research personalizes your letter and demonstrates your sincere interest and potential fit.

  • Address the letter to the person named in the job description, or with “Dear Members of the Search Committee.”
  • Proofread and spell check!
  • Your cover letter is a writing sample. Write concisely and effectively.
  • Single-space text with a line of space between paragraphs.

Opening paragraph

  • Introduce yourself: Mention the university you attend, your degree program, and when you expect to graduate.
  • Refer to the specific position for which you are applying.
  • Briefly, but specifically, describe what attracted you to the position and institution to which you are applying.
  • Demonstrate your enthusiasm and include a thesis statement outlining the reasons why you are a good fit for this position.

Body paragraphs

  • Use these paragraphs to paint a picture of yourself in this position.
  • Highlight your achievements and qualifications, your interest in the position, and match your skills, experiences, and philosophy to the position. Support your statements with specific examples of your skills.
  • Tailor to each application. For instance, if you are applying to a teaching-focused institution, lead with one or more paragraphs about your teaching experience and commitment. (In a letter to a more research-focused institution, these paragraphs may instead come at the end of your letter.)
  • Indicate your knowledge of the institution and perhaps give examples of how you could fit in there. For example, if there are faculty or research centers that are potential collaborators, mention these.

Concluding paragraph

  • Reinforce your interest in the position and enthusiasm for the institution.
  • Take care of any final business matters, such as indicating that letters of recommendation are being sent under separate cover (and from whom).
  • Offer to provide extra materials or additional information if necessary.
  • Indicate what you would like to see as next steps. For example, you look forward to speaking with the search committee.
  • Thank them for their time and consideration.
  • End with a professional closing, such as “Sincerely” or “Kind Regards” and your full name.

Emailing Application Materials

  • If email application is encouraged, send documents as attachments.
  • Use a short email message to indicate your application materials are attached. Then attach your cover letter and other materials as PDF document(s).
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How to Create a Master Cover Letter for Your Job Search

Forbes Coaches Council | January 7, 2019

Featured image for How to Create a Master Cover Letter for Your Job Search.

Forbes Coaches Council member Wendi Weiner , creatively known as The Writing Guru, is an accomplished attorney, former college writing professor, 4X certified executive resume writer and career transition coach, and award-winning career expert.

As a job seeker, your goal for a cover letter is simple: you want others to see just how much your skills match the position you are applying to, but you also want them to get a flavor for your personality. While a good portion of the cover letter is about you and the value you can bring, it also needs to align with the company’s focus and needs and explain how you match those needs.

In today’s times, with only seconds to grab the reader’s attention with your resume, you should always include a cover letter. I am a proponent of a cover letter that is 250 words or less because chances are your cover letter is being read on a smartphone, so it must be succinct and to the point.

Not everyone applying to the position will submit a cover letter. They will buy in to the idea that not all cover letters are read by prospective employers. What if the employers you are sending your resume to are the ones who do read cover letters? How can you be certain that your cover letter won’t be read?

Better to be prepared than be one of the applicants whose resume is tossed in the trash because you didn’t attach your cover letter. The best part about a cover letter is that once you have the skeletal framework, you can re-use the same cover letter for other job applications while simply tweaking a few things. Here are some helpful tips to get you started on creating a master cover letter.

Open With Intrigue and a Punch

Greet your reader by the correct salutation, followed by the last name. Remember, do not address the person on a first-name basis unless you already know that person. If you do not know the name of your reader, and you haven’t been able to locate him or her on LinkedIn, then it is suggested to write “Dear Hiring Manager.” In my case, it was “Dear Hiring Partner.”

Your high school English teacher always said, “The opening paragraph of your essay must grab the reader’s attention.” Grab the prospective employer’s attention by explaining why you are pursuing this position. Don’t be afraid to list some core competencies that evidence your abilities and how they align with the role and needs of the company. Consider what intrigued you about the job posting and the company. Is there something in particular that made you want to apply to work for that company? If so, state it clearly from the start.

Provide Some Examples of Your Career Wins and Connect Them to the Company's Needs

Once you have introduced yourself to your reader, or, as I like to call them, your future employer, it’s time to provide a few sentences of your biggest career wins and the career trajectory that points to those wins. Look at your resume. What sales goals have you met? Have you been promoted? Look to the key achievements and results that have shaped your roles.

This paragraph should define some examples of the work performed and results achieved. It should connect the reader. Cover some key competencies that you feel define your success and make the reader want to head over to your resume, but also answer the question of what you can do for the company, and how your background as a whole can help the company progress in its goals and objectives. Maybe you are switching careers or to another area of law. Perhaps you handled a research project that is now key to the position you are applying to. These are all important items for consideration. Do you have recommendation letters that have noted your ambition, dedication or supervisory role?  State those achievements and how they can meet the goals of the prospective employer.

Request a Meeting and Appreciate the Consideration

Like any good essay, your closing paragraph should re-state your thesis: your interest in the company and what you have to offer. Close the letter by advising that your resume is enclosed and ask to set up a meeting to discuss your qualifications. Always thank them for their interest in you.

Utilizing the above structure, you can easily craft a creative master cover letter to use for each job you apply to while also tweaking it slightly for a different role.

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Top 5 Tips For Creating a Winning Cover Letter

Mastering the art of cover letters: expert tips to elevate your job application.

Cover letters can be a powerful way to add a compelling narrative about your skills to your job application, but like all things career-related, they need to be done effectively.

A cover letter should never be an afterthought. The goal is for your cover letter to enhance your chances of getting an interview, but when done incorrectly, they have the exact opposite effect! 

Here are the top 5 tips for creating a winning cover letter.

1) Tell Me Why You Are The Best Candidate: Cover Letters are written in 1st person, which provides the opportunity to really sell yourself to that company. Hiring managers want to hear that you are the best candidate and the perfect fit for that Company and position, so focus your cover letter on making that specific case, i.e. find the match between your education and past experience and the employer’s specific needs. I advise students to target their cover letters based on what the reader wants to hear. Dedicate a paragraph to a description of what makes that company unique or special, followed immediately by a paragraph that demonstrates that your interests, skills and abilities (just so) happen to be a perfect match for that environment! You can even paraphrase some of the language in the job description to highlight your own skills and experience.

2) Generic Templates: I cannot tell you how many times I have seen generic cover letters sent to multiple companies, where the writer has changed only the relevant contact information. Again, the goal of your cover letter is to describe why you are perfect fit for the specific position and that company. There is no way a generic format can accomplish that. Write an individually tailored cover letter for each job application that describes your qualifications and fit for that position.

3) To Whom It May Concern: One of the quickest ways to ensure that your cover letter and resume are ignored is by including the generic and impersonal “To Whom It May Concern” line. If you can, try to find the name of the hiring manager so you can address him or her specifically. Most companies are very good at hiding that information, so instead of “To Whom It May Concern (or its close cousin, “Dear Sir or Madam”) try to target your cover letter with something more specific and personable like “Dear Hiring Manager” or “Dear Human Resources Professional.” 

4) A Warm Lead: If you know someone at that company, reach out to him or her and ask if he would submit your resume and cover letter on your behalf, or at the very least, if you can use his or her name on your cover letter. Companies love internal referrals, so nothing beats a current employee submitting on your behalf. When that is not possible, being able to add a line (with permission) like “Chaim Shapiro, Assistant Director of Career Services at Touro recommended that I apply for this position,” lends credibility and can be a powerful way to get your application noticed and moved to the next level of review. 

5) Should I even bother? This may be a bit controversial, but I usually advise students to only include a cover letter when the application requires it specifically. Why? Cover Letters are a powerful tool that can enhance your chances at landing the job but, I have found that most applicants do not take their Cover Letters seriously. Most students do not have 2-3 hours to invest in a targeted cover letter for each of their applications, so they revert to a generic format that ends up doing a lot more harm than good. Do not make that mistake. Write a targeted cover letter for each job, or just let your resume do your talking!

By Chaim Shapiro, Touro's Director of the Office for Student Success


How to Start a Cover Letter To Keep Recruiters Reading

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Writing a good cover letter starts with the first word, so you need to know how to start a cover letter right.

Starting a cover letter on the right note is crucial to grab the recruiter’s attention. Whether you’re struggling with a blank document or have a solid foundation, a cover letter needs a punchy opening to make an impact on the hiring team.

What are the key ingredients to starting the perfect cover letter?

Here’s what we’ll cover in this article:

  • What to include in your cover letter header.
  • How to start a cover letter greeting.
  • How to write an impressive cover letter opening paragraph.
  • How to start a cover letter off strong.
  • Examples of how to start a cover letter.

Each puzzle piece of your cover letter opener creates a detailed picture of who you are as a candidate. It proves to the recruiter that you’re worth contacting for a job interview . Make a standout first impression with your cover letter by including:

  • A header with your contact information.
  • A personalized greeting.
  • A powerful opening statement.

how to write a cover letter for a masters

Create your cover letter with AI to customize it for the job description. Optimize your cover letter and resume with Jobscan to get more interviews.

What to include in a cover letter header

The top of your cover letter should include a header with your critical contact information, like:

  • Your name and professional title.
  • Your phone number.
  • Your email address.
  • Your LinkedIn profile link.

You can also include other relevant links. These could be to your portfolio website, GitHub, Medium profile, or other industry-specific resources. They will help the recruiter understand your skills.

Include the date, the recipient, the company name, and the address or location of the organization. (This will depend on whether it’s an in-person, hybrid, or remote environment.)

Below is an example of a cover letter including personal information in the header with the date and company information below. This example was created with the Jobscan Cover Letter Generator .

a screenshot of a cover letter header with personal information and contact details

Use our Cover Letter Generator to save yourself time writing your cover letter. The header section will auto-populate based on your resume, so all the details match perfectly.

How to write a cover letter greeting

If you usually start your cover letters with “Dear Sir/Madam” or “To whom it may concern,” it’s time to reinvent your greetings. Not only is this a boring way to start a cover letter, it can come across as lazy.

With a little investigation, it’s easier than ever to find the names of the recruiters or hiring teams. By taking a little time, you can personalize your greeting to boost your chances of a recruiter reading your cover letter from start to finish.

Beat out the 84% of job seekers who don’t find the hiring manager’s name to personalize their applications and go the extra mile.

How can you find the right person to address in your cover letter?

Turn to LinkedIn or the organization’s website.

On LinkedIn, you can either search for the company’s recruiter or talent acquisition team members. Or you can go to the “People” tab of their LinkedIn page to explore the current employees.

Suppose you’re looking for a job at PCL Construction and want to find the name of the recruiter who will likely be reading your cover letter. You can go to the search bar and find the recruiter managing that department by city.

With just a quick search, you’ll find the hiring team members in charge of the role you’re applying for!

A screenshot of a LinkedIn search for a recruiter

You can also go directly to a company’s website and look for the “Team” or “About Us” page for information.

Targeting a greeting to a specific person is easier to do in smaller organizations. If you’re applying for a role at a large company, you can still write an engaging but more general greeting on your cover letter, such as:

  • Dear [Department] Hiring Manager,
  • Dear [Department] Team,
  • Dear [Director of or Head of] Department,
  • Dear [Company Name] Hiring Manager,

How to write a powerful cover letter opening paragraph

Recruiters spend just seven seconds scanning a candidate’s application , so it’s critical to capture their attention in the first line.

Be concise in your cover letter and choose your words with the desired impact in mind. Avoid falling into the old traps of opening your cover letter by stating what role you’re applying for and how you found it. Remember, you have a precious few seconds to illustrate how you can help the organization fulfill its needs, so make every sentence count.

Read the examples below and ask which one will have a greater impact on employers.

“I am thrilled to apply for the Research Analyst position at YouGov, where my experience in leading market research projects that boosted client engagement by 25% and my expertise in data interpretation have consistently delivered actionable insights and strategic recommendations. Using my skills in analyzing primary research data, I’m looking forward to helping your organization make data-backed decisions to drive growth and profitability in your projects.”

“I am excited to apply for the Research Analyst position at YouGov, an esteemed global online research company well-known for its accurate data and market insights. With my background in managing market research projects, interpreting data, and delivering actionable recommendations, I believe I can contribute significantly to your team.”

The point of your cover letter isn’t just to restate your skills from your resume . You need to prove the impact of your skills and how you’ll bring that impact to the organization.

It’s not about you, it’s about the company’s needs.

a breakdown of a cover letter template

Tips for writing a strong cover letter opener

Now that you know what puzzle pieces you need to start a cover letter right, here are some tips to help wow the recruiter with its content.

1. Let your enthusiasm and passion shine through

Your resume illustrates your skills and qualifications , but your cover letter is the place to tell a story. Share what company qualities excite you, what draws you to the organization’s mission or values, and what direct experience you have with the company’s product or service.

Communicating your enthusiasm gives the recruiter an idea of how engaged and dedicated you’ll be to your performance.

With over five years of hands-on experience in property management, I am deeply passionate about creating exceptional living experiences for residents. Your industry-leading services and premium standards in property management systems make me excited about the opportunity to bring my dedication and expertise to your esteemed team.

2. Mention any mutual connections

If you have a professional connection in the company or were referred to a position, name-drop that connection at the top of your cover letter. A connection can help boost your chances of getting an interview, especially if that person can act as a reference.

Give your connection a heads-up if you discovered the opportunity on your own without a referral. That way, if they’re asked about you informally by the hiring team, they’ll know to expect questions.

If you want to give your cover letter a boost with a connection, you can reach out to someone in the company before you apply. Be genuine and try to connect with someone on the team you would be working with. Ask an authentic question or reach out to discuss their experience in the company. Tell them you want to apply for an opening. But don’t try to reach out to anyone just to get a name to plug in your cover letter. It can come across as disingenuous.

My interest in the Health Systems Analyst role was significantly piqued after speaking with Jane Doe, an eHealth Policy Analyst at your organization. Jane highlighted the cutting-edge technology initiatives and collaborative atmosphere within your IT department, which align perfectly with my 7 years of experience in healthcare IT, focusing on electronic health records (EHR) systems and data security.

3. Incorporate your company research

Writing a compelling cover letter requires that you do some research to show the recruiter that you’re aligned with the company’s values, mission, and culture. You need to express to the recruiter why you want to work at their specific organization .

Keep an eye on industry news and learn about the company’s latest projects. By incorporating details about what the organization is currently achieving, you position yourself as a better interview candidate over other applicants.

Your recognition as an industry leader, demonstrated by winning the Best Employer Award for three consecutive years and your successful launch of the community outreach initiative, highlights [Company Name]’s dedication to both employee well-being and social responsibility. I have a track record of increasing employee satisfaction by 20% through strategic wellness programs and look forward to contributing to your continued success.

4. Highlight your most impressive achievement

A well-written resume illustrates your achievements , but your cover letter is the best vehicle to add context and tell a compelling story to show off your impact. You can directly tie it into the role you’re applying for and help the recruiter forge connections between what you have accomplished in the past to what you can achieve for the future—particularly for their company.

In my previous role as a project manager at Apex Management Co, I spearheaded a comprehensive cost-reduction initiative that saved $500,000 annually by optimizing supply chain operations and renegotiating vendor contracts. This accomplishment directly relates to the efficiency and budget management skills required for the Operations Manager position at your organization, where I am eager to contribute to your mission of streamlining processes and enhancing operational efficiency.

5. Clearly state your unique value

In a sea of applicants, it can feel difficult to set yourself apart. But the truth is, no one has the same combination of experience or skills you do. The key to standing out is learning how to frame your unique value to solve a company’s problems. Expand on the key skills listed in the job description and draw on your research of the organization to explicitly spell out how you’ll benefit the team.

With a unique blend of creative and technical skills, I designed a user interface for the HealthCo App that increased user engagement by 40% through user-centered design principles and rigorous usability testing. I am looking forward to bringing this expertise to your organization as a UX Designer, addressing your need for more engaging and intuitive user experiences, particularly as you expand your digital offerings.

6. Keep your cover letter short

Remember that you want the recruiter to read your cover letter from start to finish, so make sure every sentence is meaningful and cut out the fluff. There should be plenty of white space to break up the text and not overwhelm the reader.

Reference our cover letter examples for inspiration on crafting the perfect cover letter.

Let AI write your cover letter for you

Jobscan’s premium Power Edit includes a cover letter generator that harnesses the power of AI to write a customized cover letter based on your tailored resume and the job description. With one click, you’ll generate a cover letter that follows best practices.

You can use it as a framework to defeat blank page syndrome and include anecdotes, details about your mutual connections, and bits of information from your research to impress the hiring team. You can make any alterations in Power Edit and download the PDF when it’s done and ready to be attached to your tailored resume.

A screenshot of the cover letter generator in power edit

Key takeaways

Your cover letter could be the key to landing the interview. By following these essential tips on how to start a cover letter, you’ll capture the attention of the hiring team from the first sentence.

Remember these cover letter rules as you start your writing.

  • Make a clear opening statement that shows passion, knowledge, and your unique value.
  • Keep your cover letter short—stick to a few concise paragraphs to make it readable.
  • Be specific and clear about what you’ll bring to the role.
  • Stay away from humor—the tone can be difficult to read.
  • Avoid reusing the same cover letter and write a custom cover letter for each job.
  • Don’t overinflate your accomplishments or lie about connections that don’t exist.

When including your contact information on a cover letter or resume, make sure to provide the following details: Full Name: Your first and last name. Phone Number: A number where you can be easily reached. Make sure your voicemail is professional. Email Address: Use a professional email address, preferably one that includes your name. Mailing Address: Include your current street address, city, state, and zip code. LinkedIn Profile: If you have a LinkedIn profile that is up-to-date and professional, include the URL. Professional Website or Portfolio: If applicable, include a link to your personal website or online portfolio showcasing your work. This ensures potential employers have multiple ways to reach you and can view your professional online presence.

A good opening sentence for a cover letter can grab the reader’s attention and introduce your purpose for writing. Here are a few examples: For a job application: “I am excited to apply for the [Job Title] position at [Company Name], as advertised on [where you found the job posting]. With my background in [your field or relevant experience ], I am eager to bring my skills and passion to your team.” For a career change: “With a strong foundation in [current field], I am thrilled to apply for the [Job Title] role at [Company Name] to leverage my skills in [new field].” For a specific achievement: “Having recently led a successful [project or achievement], I am enthusiastic about applying for the [Job Title] position at [Company Name] to bring my expertise in [specific skill or area] to your innovative team.” For expressing enthusiasm: “I have long admired [Company Name]’s commitment to [specific value or mission], and I am excited to apply for the [Job Title] position to contribute to your impactful work with my experience in [relevant experience or field].” For a networking referral: “After speaking with [Referrer’s Name], I am inspired to apply for the [Job Title] position at [Company Name] where I can utilize my skills in [specific skill or area] to further your goals.” These starters aim to make a strong first impression by highlighting your enthusiasm, relevant skills, and connection to the company.

Your cover letter opening should contain the following key elements: Your Enthusiasm for the Position: Show genuine excitement and interest in the role you are applying for. This sets a positive tone and captures the reader’s attention. Specific Mention of the Job Title and Company Name: Clearly state the position you are applying for and the name of the company. This ensures the reader knows exactly what role you are interested in. Brief Introduction of Yourself: Include a concise introduction that highlights who you are and what you bring to the table. This can include your current role, relevant experience, or a key achievement. Connection to the Company: Mention something specific about the company that resonates with you, such as their mission, values, recent achievements, or reputation in the industry. This demonstrates that you have researched the company and are genuinely interested in working there. A Hook or Key Strength: Highlight a key skill or accomplishment that makes you a strong candidate for the position. This can be a significant achievement, a unique skill set, or relevant experience that sets you apart from other applicants. Here is an example that incorporates all these elements: “I am excited to apply for the Marketing Manager position at XYZ Company, where I can combine my passion for innovative marketing strategies with my skills in digital advertising. With over five years of experience in driving successful campaigns that increased brand awareness and sales, I am eager to bring my expertise to your dynamic team. I have long admired XYZ Company’s commitment to sustainability and innovative product development, and I am thrilled at the opportunity to contribute to your impactful work. My recent achievement in boosting social media engagement by 40% through targeted campaigns is a testament to my ability to drive results and my dedication to excellence.”

To start a cover letter greeting effectively, follow these guidelines: Address the Hiring Manager by Name: Whenever possible, find out the name of the hiring manager or the person responsible for hiring. Addressing the letter to a specific person shows that you have done your research and adds a personal touch. Use a Professional Salutation: Use a formal greeting such as “Dear” followed by the person’s title (Mr., Ms., Dr., etc.) and last name. Avoid using first names or informal greetings. When You Don’t Know the Name: If you cannot find the hiring manager’s name, use a general but professional greeting such as “ Dear Hiring Manager ” or “Dear [Department] Team.” Avoid Outdated Phrases: Refrain from using outdated or overly formal phrases like “To Whom It May Concern.” A modern, professional greeting is more effective. Examples: When you know the hiring manager’s name: “Dear Ms. Smith,” When you know the hiring manager’s title and department: “Dear Marketing Team Lead,” When you don’t know the hiring manager’s name: “Dear Hiring Manager,” When applying to a specific department: “Dear Marketing Team,” Starting your cover letter with a proper greeting sets a professional tone and demonstrates your attention to detail.

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Kelsey is a Content Writer with a background in content creation, bouncing between industries to educate readers everywhere.

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How to Write a Good Cover Letter

by Karien de Villiers

  • Cover letter
  • · July 05 2024
  • · 7 min read

Good Cover Letter Examples

Table of contents

Like a good CV , a cover letter is an important part of a job application that offers further insight into your skills, experiences, and motivation for the role. A good cover letter should emphasise your fit for the position, showcase your understanding of the company, and express your enthusiasm for the job.

In this article, we cover:

What makes a good cover letter?

Cover letter sections.

Tips on how to write a cover letter.

Examples of good cover letters.

Let CVMaker guide you through the CV writing process, offering a professional first CV template to highlight your strengths.

Land more interviews with a good cover letter

A good cover letter is essential to a strong job application, providing additional details about your skills, experiences, and motivation for the role.

Clear structure : Maintain a well-organised format that is easy to follow. This applies to both letters of interest and shorter cover letters.

Tailored content : Customise the content to highlight your suitability for the specific position and company.

Professional tone : Use a professional and positive tone throughout the letter.

Key sections of a good cover letter

good cover letter sturcture

By following this cover letter structure and ensuring your cover letter is tailored to the specific job and company, you can create a strong application.

5 tips for how to write a cover letter

A well-structured cover letter is essential. By following the tips below, you can enhance your chances of securing more interviews.

1. Tailor your cover letter to the job

Customise your cover letter for each application to align with the specific requirements and responsibilities of the position. Address the company by name and, if possible, the hiring manager personally to show genuine interest.

Care assistant cover letter example:

Dear Hiring Manager, I am writing to express my interest in the Team Lead position at Special Care Group, which I found listed on your website. Currently employed as a care assistant, I am actively pursuing opportunities within this location following my relocation to Scotland. As a dedicated care assistant, I have honed my abilities in effectively communicating with patients, collaborating with multidisciplinary teams, and implementing personalised care plans. My leadership style is guiding and supporting individuals to achieve personal and professional growth, fostering a sense of community within the caregiving team. In my past positions as a Care Assistant, I have consistently showcased my dedication to delivering compassionate and top-notch care to individuals, cultivating a positive and supportive atmosphere. My proficiency in mental health and elderly care positions me well to cater to the distinct needs of each person, fostering their well-being and elevating their quality of life. I am eager to explore how my skills and experiences can positively impact the success of Special Care Group.   Thank you for reviewing my application. I anticipate the opportunity for an interview to delve deeper into how my background aligns with the requirements of your organisation. Sincerely, Emma Thompson Attached: CV & references

For the full CV writing guide, check out the care assistant cover letter example.

Retail cover letter example:

Dear Hiring Manager, I am writing to express my strong interest in the Retail Store Manager position at H&M. With a proven track record in retail management and a passion for driving success; I believe I would be a valuable addition to your team. My background in retail management spans over five years, including my most recent role as a Retail Store Manager at Ralph Lauren. During my tenure, I honed my skills in leadership, sales, and customer service, which I am confident can directly benefit H&M. Having progressed through a series of roles and responsibilities; my experience has equipped me with the ability to navigate high-pressure and fast-paced environments while consistently delivering positive results. I take pride in my sales techniques and am known for inspiring and motivating colleagues to maximise their performance. I am committed to fostering a customer-centric approach and driving the store's growth. With a keen eye for detail and a dedication to excellence, I am confident I can meet and exceed your expectations in this role. H&M's mission and values resonate with my professional goals, making this opportunity exciting. I am confident that my communication skills, attention to detail, and resultsoriented mindset will contribute to the continued success of your company. Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to hearing back from you! Sincerely, William Evans Attached: CV and references

Are you a student seeking a part-time job? Explore the guides below or discover the best jobs for students.

Retail cover letter.

Student cover letter.

Graduate cover letter.

2. Showcase your achievements

Use specific examples to demonstrate your accomplishments and skills. Quantify achievements to provide concrete evidence of your impact. For additional examples and guides on writing cover letters, refer to the following:

1. Engineer:

In my previous role as a Software Developer , I developed an automated testing framework that reduced the time spent on manual testing by 50%, which significantly improved the team's efficiency and product release timelines.

As a Civil Engineer , I managed a construction project that was completed three months ahead of schedule and 10% under budget, resulting in substantial savings for the client.

2. Accountant:

In my role as a Senior Accountant, I implemented a new accounting software system that streamlined our financial reporting process, reducing the time required to generate monthly reports by 30%.

As a Tax Accountant, I identified tax savings opportunities for clients, resulting in a cumulative tax savings of £200,000 over two years.

3. Architect:

While working as an Architect , I led the design of a sustainable office building that achieved LEED Platinum certification, which reduced the building's energy consumption by 25%.

As a Landscape Architect, I designed a public park that increased community engagement and was recognised with a national award for innovative design.

4. Marketing Manager:

As a Marketing Manager, I launched a social media campaign that increased our brand's online engagement by 60% and led to a 25% increase in sales over six months.

In my previous role, I developed and executed a content strategy that boosted website traffic by 40% and generated an additional £500,000 in annual revenue.

5. Project Manager:

As a Project Manager , I successfully led a cross-functional team to complete a £2 million project on time and within budget, resulting in a 15% profit margin increase for the company.

In my role, I implemented a new project management software that improved team collaboration and reduced project completion time by 20%.

6. Human Resources Manager:

As a Human Resources Manager, I developed a talent acquisition strategy that reduced the average hiring time by 25% and improved employee retention rates by 15%.

In my previous role, I introduced an employee wellness program that led to a 20% reduction in absenteeism and increased overall employee satisfaction.

7. Data Analyst:

In my position as a Data Analyst, I created a dashboard that provided real-time insights, reducing the decision-making time by 35% and enabling more strategic business actions.

As a Data Scientist, I developed a predictive model that improved customer retention rates by 18%, directly contributing to a 10% increase in revenue.

8. Teacher:

As a high school Math Teacher , I introduced a new curriculum that improved student test scores by 20% and increased overall class engagement.

In my role, I led an after-school tutoring program that helped struggling students improve their grades by an average of one letter grade.

9. Customer Service Manager:

As a Customer Service Manager, I implemented a new customer feedback system that reduced response times by 50% and increased customer satisfaction scores by 30%.

In my previous role, I trained a team that improved first-call resolution rates by 15%, leading to a significant increase in customer loyalty.

10. Sales Manager:

As a Sales Manager, I developed a new sales training program that boosted team productivity by 25% and increased quarterly sales by £1 million.

In my previous role, I led a team that expanded our client base by 20%, resulting in a 30% increase in annual revenue.

If you have no experience , refer to how to write a cover letter with no experience.

Customise one of our cover letter examples

3. keep it concise.

A good cover letter is typically one page long. Be concise and focus on the most relevant information, avoiding unnecessary details or overly complex language. For more information, refer to how to write a short cover letter.

With over five years of experience in project management, I have consistently delivered projects on time and within budget, leveraging my strong organisational skills and attention to detail.

4. Use a professional tone

Maintain a professional yet friendly tone in your cover letter. Avoid jargon or overly formal language, and proofread carefully to ensure it is error-free and reflects your communication skills.

I am confident that my background in customer service, combined with my dedication to delivering exceptional experiences, aligns perfectly with the customer-focused culture at Creative Sparks.

5. End with a strong closing

Summarise your key points and express your eagerness to discuss how your skills and experiences align with the job. Include a call to action, such as requesting an interview or a follow-up meeting.

good cover letter conclusion tips

For additional tips and examples, take inspiration from guides on how to end a cover letter, or explore our extensive collection of cover letter examples.

Key takeaways

A good cover letter is tailored, concise, professional, and highlights your achievements. Customise each letter to the specific job and company. Provide concrete examples of your skills and accomplishments. Maintain a professional tone and end with a strong conclusion.

Next steps?

Refine your CV effortlessly using our user-friendly builder, which offers a diverse array of templates. For impeccable results, consider our professional CV Writing Service . Utilise our CV examples to save time, emphasise important sections, and help hiring managers grasp your distinctive professional strengths more easily.

What is in a good cover letter?

A good cover letter includes a tailored introduction, highlights of your relevant skills and experiences, specific achievements, and a strong conclusion.

What is a good cover letter format?

A good cover letter format includes your contact information, the employer’s contact information, a personalised salutation, an engaging introduction, a body with relevant details, and a strong closing.

What is the ideal length of a good cover letter?

The ideal length of a good cover letter is one page, typically 250-400 words. Refer to our guide on cover letter length for more information.

What makes a good cover letter intro?

A good cover letter intro grabs the employer's attention by mentioning the job you are applying for, where you found the job listing, and a brief statement about why you are interested and qualified. Refer to how to start a cover letter for more tips.

Do employers read cover letters in the UK?

Yes, many employers in the UK read cover letters as they provide additional context about the candidate’s skills and motivations. Although practices may vary depending on the employer.

What is an example of a good covering letter?

An example of a good covering letter includes a tailored introduction, specific achievements relevant to the job, a professional tone, and a strong closing that calls for further action, such as an interview . Examples are provided in the sections above for various job roles.

Start creating your CV

Create a professional CV quick and easy with our advanced CV Builder

Updated July 05 2024

Karien has established herself as a leading figure in the career services industry, crafting over 800 professional documents and assisting job seekers globally with reviews such as "I'd hire me". Renowned for her expertise, she continues to empower individuals, specialising in creating resources to aid job seekers in securing employment and staying ahead in the ever-evolving job market. Start here today!

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7 Essential Tips on How to Format a Cover Letter

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7 Essential Tips on How to Format a Cover Letter was originally published on Resume.io .

how to write a cover letter for a masters

When you come to writing one of the most important letters in your life, you may need a few ground rules to help you to get started with the format of your cover letter.

That blank page can look awfully daunting otherwise.

Here are some must-follow tips around the structure and content of your cover letter:

Well-designed header

The header section of the cover letter should be attractive and space efficient. Graduates might be tempted to select a header design that reduces the amount of space that they need to fill for their cover letter, but you will have more to say than you think.

The header should contain all essential contact details (in addition to those on your resume) – full name, email, and mobile. You don’t have to include your full address and you definitely don’t have to include the “inside address” of your employer.

Mouthwatering intro

The intro of a recent grad or early career cover letter should be far more than a “this is what I want out of my career.” The hiring manager understands that you want the job – applicants need to prove to them that they are worthy of it. Make a compelling case.

The cover letter introduction should lead with your most relevant accomplishment for the role in question, with a hint of personality around how you achieved it. Avoid a generic cover letter that you send to everyone – you might not have much experience, but you should still strive to be as selective as possible.

Only relevant career stories with context

The length and content of your cover letter should be dictated by the amount of relevant experience that you have to share. Do not feel that you need to fill a page by parroting the responsibilities of the role or long lists of skills and personality traits without evidence.

Empty space is better than empty words – employers will value quality over quantity for the early career professional. What they want to understand in the cover letter is that you understand the demands of the role and can justify why you think you will do a good job.

Conclusion with call-to-action

End the conclusion of the early-career cover letter with a final detail about your personality and motivation and share your interest in learning more about the role. Saying that you hope to have the opportunity of an interview to learn more about the role is a powerful call-to-action which demonstrates your belief in yourself. Remember to keep the tone hopeful.

After the raw content come the syntax and visual choices:

Powerful action verbs

When you only have a certain number of sentences to create a favorable impression, your choice of verb can have a surprising impact on how your messages are received. Insightful action verbs can add a new level of meaning. Did you “manage” or “orchestrate” a project?

A word of warning: sprinkle action verbs and other buzzwords liberally. The cover letter should read like a conversation starter, so ensure that it sounds natural enough.

Impactful fonts, sensible sizes, and shot paragraphs

Increasingly the font size to take up more space on the page will fool no one. Stick with a standard 10 or 12 size and choose a suitable professional font that is easy to read.

Use short 2-4-line non-indented paragraphs and leave a line between each one. Give the reader a natural break between each of your career stories and consider using bullet points for your greatest accomplishments (the ones that you can ideally quantify with numbers). The cover letter should be strictly no more than one page – ideally aim for 3/4 of a page.

Right choice of template

Finally, very few cover letters or resumes are send as a blank word document these days. There are a wide choice of resume and cover letter templates – it is a great idea to use the same visual look for both your cover letter and resume. When a hiring manager is viewing a large number of candidates, this association will stick in their minds.

There is a subtle art to writing a persuasive cover letter when you do not have experience.

Strike a balance between outlining hopes for the future and sharing the greatest hits from your past. Your future employer will want to understand both.

If you are curious to explore further (you should be), the following article from Resume.io provides substantial further food for thought: “ How to Format a Cover Letter in 2022: Examples and Tips ”

How to Write An Internship Cover Letter: Tips and Examples

Learn how to write a compelling internship cover letter with our comprehensive guide, featuring tips, examples, and answers to common questions.

How to Write An Internship Cover Letter: Tips and Examples

Kate Windsor

Jul 4, 2024

How to Write An Internship Cover Letter: Tips and Examples


A strong cover letter is crucial when applying for internships , as it provides an opportunity to showcase your skills, experiences, and enthusiasm for the position. In this comprehensive guide, we'll walk you through the process of crafting a compelling internship cover letter that will help you stand out from the competition and increase your chances of landing your dream internship.

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Understanding the Basics of an Internship Cover Letter

What is a cover letter.

A cover letter is a document that accompanies your resume when applying for a job or internship . It serves as an introduction to your resume and highlights your most relevant qualifications for the position.

Key elements of a successful cover letter

A successful internship cover letter should:

  • Demonstrate your knowledge of the company and industry
  • Highlight your relevant skills and experiences
  • Explain how you can contribute to the company's success
  • Convey your enthusiasm for the position and the company

Differences between an internship cover letter and a regular job cover letter

While the general structure and purpose of an internship cover letter are similar to those of a regular job cover letter, there are a few key differences to keep in mind:

  • Internship cover letters may focus more on academic achievements and coursework, as you may have limited professional experience
  • Internship cover letters should emphasize your eagerness to learn and grow within the company
  • Internship cover letters may be slightly longer than regular job cover letters, as you may need to provide more context for your experiences

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Preparing to Write an Internship Cover Letter

Research the company and internship position.

Before you start writing your cover letter, conduct thorough research on the company and the specific internship position. This will help you tailor your letter to the company's needs and demonstrate your genuine interest in the opportunity.

Identify your relevant skills and experiences

Review the internship description carefully and identify the skills and experiences that make you a strong candidate for the position. These may include:

  • Academic achievements and coursework
  • Extracurricular activities and volunteer work
  • Part-time jobs or freelance projects
  • Technical skills and certifications

Gather necessary information

Make sure you have all the necessary information before you start writing, including:

  • The company's address and contact information
  • The hiring manager's name and title (if available)
  • The specific internship title and reference number (if applicable)

Structuring Your Internship Cover Letter

Header and salutation.

Start your cover letter with a professional header that includes your contact information and the date. Then, address the letter to the hiring manager or internship coordinator by name, if possible. If you can't find a specific name, use a general salutation like "Dear Hiring Manager."

Opening paragraph

In your opening paragraph, grab the reader's attention by expressing your enthusiasm for the internship opportunity. Mention the specific internship you're applying for and briefly state why you're interested in the position and the company.

Body paragraphs

In the body of your cover letter, focus on highlighting your relevant skills and experiences. Use specific examples to demonstrate how your qualifications align with the internship requirements. Show your knowledge of the company and industry, and explain how you can contribute to the company's success.

Closing paragraph

In your closing paragraph, reiterate your interest in the internship and thank the reader for their time and consideration. Express your desire for an interview and provide your contact information.

Signature and sign-off

End your cover letter with a professional sign-off, such as "Sincerely" or "Best regards," followed by your full name.

Tips for Writing an Effective Internship Cover Letter

  • Tailor your letter to the specific internship and company
  • Use a professional and enthusiastic tone
  • Keep your letter concise and to the point, ideally no more than one page
  • Use specific examples to demonstrate your qualifications
  • Proofread and edit your letter carefully to avoid spelling and grammar errors

Common Mistakes to Avoid

  • Generic or copy-pasted letters that don't demonstrate genuine interest in the company
  • Focusing too much on yourself and not enough on how you can contribute to the company
  • Simply rehashing your resume without adding new information or context
  • Submitting a cover letter with spelling, grammar, or formatting errors

Internship Cover Letter Examples

To help you get started, here are a few examples of effective internship cover letters:

how to write a cover letter for a masters

Frequently Asked Questions

How long should an internship cover letter be.

An internship cover letter should typically be no more than one page in length, or around 300-400 words.

Should I mention my academic achievements in my cover letter?

Yes, it's a good idea to highlight relevant academic achievements, such as coursework, projects, or awards, especially if you have limited professional experience.

Is it okay to apply for an internship without prior experience?

Absolutely! Many internships are designed for students or recent graduates who may not have extensive professional experience. Focus on transferable skills and academic achievements in your cover letter.

Should I follow up after submitting my internship application?

It's generally a good idea to follow up on your internship application after a week or two if you haven't heard back from the company. Send a polite email to the hiring manager or internship coordinator, reiterating your interest in the position.

Writing a compelling cover letter for an internship is essential for standing out in a competitive job market and securing the internship of your dreams. By following the tips and examples provided in this guide, you'll be well on your way to crafting a cover letter that showcases your skills, experiences, and enthusiasm for the position. Remember to tailor your letter to the specific internship and company, highlight your most relevant qualifications, and convey your genuine interest in the opportunity.

With a strong internship cover letter in hand, you'll be one step closer to launching your career and gaining valuable real-world experience. Now that you know how to write a cover letter, it's time to start crafting your own and take the first step towards landing your dream internship!

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