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22 Baby Shower Speech Examples

Your best friend is having a baby shower and she’s asked you to speak. You want to make a good impression and give a great speech, but you’re terrified of not knowing what to say.

When it comes to baby showers, one of the most commonly asked questions is “What do I say in a baby shower speech?” While there is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, there are a few things that you can do to make sure that your speech is both memorable and meaningful.

In this blog post, we will provide a bunch of baby shower speech examples that you can use as inspiration. We will also provide some tips on how to deliver your speech effectively. So don’t stress – just follow these simple guidelines and you’ll be ready to go!

What do I say in a baby shower speech?

If you’ve been asked to give a baby shower speech, you may be feeling a little overwhelmed. What should you say? What do other people talk about when they give speeches at baby showers ? Don’t worry – we’re here to help!

Timing is everything

When it comes to baby shower speeches, timing is everything. You don’t want your speech to be too long or too short. We recommend keeping your speech to around five minutes. This will give you enough time to say what you need to say without boring the guests!

baby shower hug -  - 22 Baby Shower Speech Examples

Also choosing when to give your speech can be helpful as well. If you are nervous, you may want to wait until after the baby shower games have been played and everyone has had a chance to eat. This way, people will be more likely to be in a good mood and ready to listen to your speech!

I’ve found that just before  the baby presents are opened is a great time to give a baby shower speech. This way people are already seated and comfortable, and they can listen to your speech while they wait for the presents to be opened.

Pick a theme

The best baby shower speeches are personal, funny, and heartfelt. When you’re planning your baby shower speech, it can be helpful to start by thinking about what theme you want to focus on . Are you going to talk about the joys of parenthood? The challenges of parenting? The excitement of becoming a parent? Once you’ve decided on a theme, you can start brainstorm specific examples and stories that fit within that theme.

For example, let’s say you’ve decided to focus on the joys of parenthood. You might want to tell a story about the first time you held your baby, or how you felt when you found out you were going to be a parent. You could also talk about what it’s like to watch your baby grow and develop over time.

Personalize it

Once you have an overall theme, try to personalize your speech as much as possible. Share stories about the expectant parents, or about your own experience as a parent . This will help to create a connection with the audience and make your speech more relatable.

blue and yellow baby shower -  - 22 Baby Shower Speech Examples

If you’re struggling to personalize your speech, try thinking of specific examples that illustrate the point you’re trying to make. For example, if you want to talk about how parenting is a joy, you could share a story about a time when you and the parents to be laughed together, or about a time when you saw the expectant parents being particularly loving with each other.

If you’re feeling nervous about giving a baby shower speech, one of the best ways to ease your nerves is to use humor. Share a funny story about parenting , or make a joke about the terrible baby showers ideas the parents had. Just be sure not to overdo it – you don’t want your speech to come across as insensitive or offensive and nobody wants to listen to a longwinded joke that goes nowhere.

End on a positive note

When you’re wrapping up your baby shower speech, try to end on a positive and uplifting note. This could be a fun or sentimental prediction about the baby , or a story about the expectant parents that highlights their strength and resilience . Whatever you choose to say, make sure it leaves the audience feeling happy and excited for the new arrival!

baby shower gifts -  - 22 Baby Shower Speech Examples

Offer some words of wisdom or advice that the expectant parents can take with them on their journey into parenthood. Congratulations and best wishes are always welcome, too!

Baby Shower Speech Examples

If you’re still feeling stuck, here are 20 baby shower speech examples that you can use for inspiration:

“Welcome everyone! I’m so excited to be here today to celebrate the impending arrival of baby [name]. I can’t think of two people who deserve this more than [parents’ names].”

“I remember when I found out that I was going to be a parent. It was one of the most exciting and scary moments of my life! But I also knew that I was going to love this baby with all my heart, no matter what.”

“Parenting is one of the most rewarding experiences I’ve ever had. It’s also one of the hardest. But I can’t imagine my life without my [child/children’s names].”

“I’m so excited to meet baby [name]! I can already tell that s/he is going to be such a special little human.”

“To the expectant parents: parenthood is going to be the best and hardest thing you’ve ever done. But it will also be so worth it. I can’t wait to watch you both grow as parents.”

“[Parents’ names], I’m so happy for you! I can’t wait to see all the wonderful things you do as parents.”

“I know that becoming a parent is going to be a life-changing experience for you. It’s definitely not always easy, but it’s so worth it.”

“Best wishes to you both on this joyous occasion. May your baby be blessed with good health, happiness, and lots of love.”

“There’s no manual for parenting, but if there was I’m pretty sure it would say ‘be prepared for anything and everything.'”

“The best thing about being a parent is watching your baby grow and change every day.”

“The hardest thing about being a parent is never knowing if you’re doing it right.”

“There will be times when you feel like you’re failing as a parent, but those times are what make you stronger.”

“No matter what challenges you face as parents, always remember that your love for each other and your baby will see you through.”

“Parenthood is full of ups and downs, but the love between a parent and child is always constant.”

“Parenting is one of the hardest jobs in the world, but it’s also one of the most rewarding. Congratulations to you both on becoming parents!”

“Babies are such a special blessing. They fill our lives with joy, laughter, and unconditional love. Congratulations on your new arrival!”

“Having a baby is one of the most amazing things that can happen to you. It’s a time filled with love, laughter, and lots of new experiences. I wish you all the best on this new journey!”

“Parenthood is an incredible adventure. There will be ups and downs, but as long as you work together as a team, you’ll be able to get through anything.”

“Having a baby is such an exciting time! I can’t wait to see what the future holds for your family.”

“Babies bring so much joy into our lives. They’re little miracles that remind us of what’s important in life. Congratulations on your new arrival!”

“Parenting is a beautiful journey. It’s filled with love, laughter, and learning. I wish you all the best on this new adventure!”

“Congratulations on your new baby! I can’t wait to meet him or her and to watch your family grow.”

These are just a few baby shower speech examples to get you started. Remember to personalize your speech as much as possible, and to have fun with it! The expectant parents will appreciate your words of wisdom and support. Best of luck!

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how to write a baby shower speech

Baby Shower Speech: 27 Creative Tips and Ideas

Baby Shower Speech

A baby shower speech is a heartfelt expression of joy and anticipation for the arrival of a new family member. Throughout history, baby shower speeches have been a cherished tradition, dating back to ancient times when communities would gather to celebrate and offer well-wishes to expectant mothers. Crafting a memorable speech requires thoughtfulness and preparation, as it serves as a meaningful way to convey love and support to the parents-to-be.

Preparing for a your speech is essential, as it provides an opportunity to share personal anecdotes, offer words of encouragement, and express excitement about the upcoming arrival. In this post, we’ll delve into the significance of baby shower speeches, provide examples that capture their essence, and highlight why thoughtful preparation is key in delivering an impactful speech that resonates with the parents-to-be.

Table of contents

Why give a baby shower speech, crafting a memorable baby shower speech, practicing delivery and maintaining brevity, baby shower welcome speech, baby shower speech wording and phrases, baby shower toast etiquette, baby shower speech faqs.

Why Give A Baby Shower Speech

Expressing Love and Support

Giving a baby shower speech is an excellent way to express your love and support for the parents-to-be. It’s a chance to convey heartfelt sentiments and show that you’re there for them during this significant life event. It allows you to share personal stories and well-wishes with the expectant parents and demonstrates your excitement for their new journey into parenthood.

Creating Lasting Memories

When you give a baby shower speech, you contribute to creating lasting memories for the expectant parents. Your words become part of an unforgettable moment in their lives, something they can look back on with joy and nostalgia.

A Baby Shower Speech is an Opportunity To Share Fun Stories

A baby shower speech is a wonderful opportunity to share fun stories about the parents-to-be and their journey to parenthood. Take this chance to reminisce about funny or heartwarming moments you’ve shared with the couple, or share amusing anecdotes from your own experiences as a parent. These stories can bring laughter and joy to the event, creating a warm and celebratory atmosphere for everyone involved.

Fostering a Sense of Community and Celebration

Speaking at a baby shower fosters a sense of community and celebration. It brings people together to share in the joy of welcoming a new life into the world, creating an atmosphere of warmth, camaraderie, and unity. It encourages collective participation in celebrating the upcoming arrival of the baby and also strengthens bonds among family members, friends, and loved ones through shared experiences.

Words For A Baby Shower Speech

Preparing a speech for a baby shower requires a blend of warmth, humor, and sincerity. In our guide, we’ll show you how to craft a memorable speech that truly resonates. You’ll learn how to personalize your message, infuse it with lighthearted humor, and share touching stories, all to celebrate this joyous occasion in a way that honors the parents-to-be and delights the audience.

Personal Touch

Bringing a personal touch to your baby shower speech is crucial. Share stories about the parents-to-be and their journey into parenthood. Highlight their unique qualities and express your excitement for this new chapter in their lives.

Adding Humor

Infusing humor into your speech can lighten the atmosphere and bring smiles to everyone’s faces. Share lighthearted moments or funny experiences related to parenting, but remember to keep it tasteful and respectful.

Sharing Heartfelt Stories

Sharing heartfelt stories creates an emotional impact. Reflect on touching moments you’ve shared with the parents-to-be, expressing how these experiences have shaped your admiration for them as they embark on this new journey.


When crafting the perfect baby shower speech, two critical aspects to focus on are practicing your delivery and ensuring brevity. These guidelines will help you strike the perfect balance between eloquence and succinctness, making your speech memorable for all the right reasons.

Practice Makes Perfect

Rehearse your speech multiple times to feel confident and natural when delivering it. This will help you avoid stumbling over words and maintain a smooth flow throughout.

Keeping It Brief

While it’s important to include meaningful content, keeping your speech concise is key. Aim for a duration that holds attention without becoming lengthy or drawn out.

Woman Microphone Yellow

Crafting a memorable ‘Baby Shower Welcome Speech’ involves balancing heartfelt gratitude for guests, celebrating the expecting family, and outlining the event sequence in an engaging manner. This approach ensures your speech sets a warm, inviting tone for the joyous occasion.

Gratitude Towards Guests

Express heartfelt gratitude for the presence of each guest, emphasizing how their support means the world to the expectant parents. Mention specific guests by name and share a brief anecdote or memory to make them feel special.

Celebrate the Expecting Family

It’s important to celebrate the expecting family in your speech. You can do this by acknowledging their joy and excitement about welcoming a new member. Share your congratulations and show your support for the expecting parents as they start this new journey. Tell them they have friends and loved ones who are there for them. Being a parent is hard, but remind them they’re not alone. Celebrate the expecting family by giving them love, positivity, and good wishes for the future.

Share The Event Sequence

Outline the sequence of events in an engaging manner, such as starting with games or activities followed by food and then gift opening. Keep it light-hearted and fun, ensuring that everyone knows what to expect without giving away too many details.

Woman Speaking

To deliver a memorable baby shower speech, consider the following tips to ensure your words resonate with both parents-to-be and the audience.

Using Language That Celebrates Both Parents

  • Address both parents in your speech, acknowledging their roles and expressing excitement for their journey ahead.
  • Incorporate phrases like “you two” or “both of you” to emphasize inclusivity and unity as they embark on this new chapter.
  • Avoid gender-specific language and instead focus on celebrating the couple’s partnership in welcoming their little one.

Avoiding Clichés and Incorporating Original Sentiments

  • Steer clear of overused clichés and opt for original sentiments that reflect your genuine feelings towards the parents-to-be.
  • Share personal anecdotes or unique memories to add a heartfelt touch to your speech, making it more meaningful for the recipients.
  • Use specific examples or inside jokes that resonate with the couple, showcasing your thoughtfulness and consideration.

Balancing Sentimentality with Lightheartedness

  • Strike a balance between sentimental moments and lighthearted humor to keep the speech engaging and enjoyable for everyone present.
  • Share heartwarming wishes for the baby’s future while infusing light humor to create an uplifting atmosphere during your address.
  • Consider incorporating playful anecdotes or amusing observations about parenthood to bring smiles to the faces of the expectant parents.

Crafting a baby shower speech that effectively captures the essence of celebration requires thoughtful consideration. By using inclusive language, avoiding clichés, and striking a balance between sentimentality and lightheartedness, you can deliver a heartfelt address that truly resonates with both parents-to-be and attendees. Remember, authenticity is key when expressing your well-wishes for the growing family.

Baby Shower Toast

Mastering baby shower toast etiquette is crucial for a memorable and respectful toast. These key pointers will help you deliver a thoughtful and appropriate speech that enhances the special occasion.

Understanding Appropriate Timing

It’s crucial to consider the timing of your speech. Typically, speeches are given after guests have arrived and had some time to socialize, but before any games or activities begin. This ensures that everyone is present and attentive.

Offering Congratulations

When congratulating the expectant parents, be genuine and heartfelt. Express your joy for them and offer well-wishes for their journey into parenthood. Including personal anecdotes or stories can add a special touch to your congratulations.

Respecting Culture and Religion

Be mindful of cultural and religious sensitivities when crafting your speech. Avoid topics or language that may be offensive or inappropriate within the context of the event. If you’re unsure about certain customs or traditions, it’s best to do some research or ask someone knowledgeable in advance.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long should my baby shower speech be?

Your speech should ideally be around 3-5 minutes long. It’s important to keep it concise while still conveying your heartfelt sentiments.

Should I memorize my baby shower speech?

While it’s great to be familiar with your speech, it’s perfectly fine to refer to notes if needed. The most important thing is that your words come across as sincere and genuine.

How to write a speech for your daughter’s baby shower

When you write a speech for your daughter’s baby shower, tell her how much you love and are excited about the new baby. Share special memories of her growing up and give her some good advice and support as she becomes a mom. Show how happy you are about the new grandbaby and wish for an easy and healthy delivery. And, most importantly, make sure your daughter knows how much you love and support her as she gets ready to welcome the new baby.

Is humor appropriate in a baby shower speech?

A touch of lighthearted humor can add warmth and charm to your speech, but be mindful of the audience’s sensibilities and avoid anything that could potentially cause offense.

What if I get emotional during my speech?

It’s completely natural to feel emotional when expressing such heartfelt sentiments! Take a deep breath, embrace those emotions, and know that tears of joy are often the most touching part of any heartfelt speech.

Should I address specific individuals in my baby shower speech?

Absolutely! Personalizing your remarks by addressing specific family members or friends adds an extra special touch to your speech.

What to say at a baby shower speech

When you give your speech, be happy for the soon-to-be parents. Say nice things and give them good wishes. You can tell funny or sweet stories, give advice, and show your love for the family. Keep it happy and real, and say congrats!

How do you start a baby shower speech

When you start your speech, make sure to show how happy and excited you are for the soon-to-be parents. You can share a story about them or just say how special the occasion is. Also, thank the guests for coming. This will help create a nice atmosphere for the rest of the shower.

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Baby Shower Speech Ideas For 2023

This blog post is all about baby shower speech.

Throwing a baby shower is a time-honored tradition that celebrates the arrival of a new little bundle of joy. It’s a special event for the soon-to-be parents and their friends and family to come together, share in the excitement, and offer their good wishes for the newborn.

If you’re planning a baby shower and looking for inspiration, you’ve come to the right place. In this blog post, we’ll share some ideas and tips saying the best baby shower toast. We will provide great speech examples for the expectant mom, dad, and guest for this special day.

bridal shower speech

Baby Shower Speech Outline

  • Introduce yourself and share how you know expectant parents.
  • Express how happy and excited you are about the arrival of the new baby.
  • Thank the parents-to-be for all the work they put into preparing for the arrival of the new child.
  • Thank all the family and friends who have shown their support and help to the expectant parents.
  • Share advice and/or personal stories that you have on being a new parent or motherhood/fatherhood.
  • Conclude with congratulations and best wishes to the soon-to-be parents.

Be mindful that this is just a general overview and common outline. You can personalize your speech to fit your own style and circumstances. The most essential thing is to speak from the heart and express your joy for the new baby.

Baby Shower Speech Example For Guest

Here is a baby shower speech sample a close friend of the couple or family member could use as inspiration for their toast.

Hi everyone,

I am so excited to be here today to recognize the arrival of a new baby. As [mom/dad]’s [friend/sister/etc.], I’ve watched [mom/dad] grow and transform over time, and I am certain that they will be very loving and nurturing parents.

The care and anticipation that [mom/dad] has already shown for their child are truly inspiring, and I know that they are going to do everything they can to give their baby the best life possible.

I am so excited to meet this little one and be a part of their future. I am honored to be a part of their life, even this early on. So let’s toast to [mom/dad] and their bundle of joy– may their life be full of love and light that a new life brings

Congratulations [mom/dad] – you are going to be amazing parents! Cheers to your growing family!

Baby Shower Speech Example For Parent

Hello everyone,

I am so grateful to be here today to celebrate the arrival of the new addition to our family. It’s truly an exciting occasion, and I can’t wait to meet the little ones and see their little face and watch them grow.

I want to take this time to thank the parents-to-be for their hard work and preparation for this new chapter in their lives. Raising a child is something no one could be 100% prepared for, but I have no doubt that they will be pretty well in the journey of parenthood.

I also want to thank everyone who has shown up for the parents-to-be not only today but throughout this whole journey. From the friends who have given advice already, to the family members who will help with everything from diaper changes to future babysitting, your love and support mean so much.

As we all look forward to the arrival of this new bundle of joy, let’s take a moment to appreciate the beauty and wonder of new life. Let’s also remember to offer our thoughts and well wishes to the parents-to-be as they continue on this incredible journey of parenthood.

Congratulations to the beautiful couple, and here’s to a lifetime of love, laughter, and moments to cherish with the newest member of our family.

Baby Shower Speech Example For Mom-to Be

Thank you all so much for coming out. I am truly touched by all of the excitement and positive energy that has been shown to me and my family during this special time in our lives. I can’t wait for the day when get to meet the little one. More importantly, I’m eager to see what kind of person they’ll grow up to be.

I want to thank my husband for being patient with all of my enthusiasm and emotions throughout this pregnancy and for being an outstanding partner and father-to-be. I also want to thank my family and friends for their blessing, advice, and all of the diapers and baby wipes.

As we get close to the arrival of our child, I am filled with so many feelings – excitement, nervousness, and a ton of love. But I know that with the help and encouragement of all of you, we will be able to raise a happy, healthy child.

Thank you all for being a part of this new chapter in our lives. I can’t wait to see what the future holds for our growing family.


This blog post was all about baby shower speech examples.

bridal shower speech example

How to Give a Great Baby Shower Toast

Typically, it is the hostess that gives the toast, or the daddy-to-be, if he is attending the baby shower. A baby shower toast is just a quick speech that is a wish of luck and happiness to the parents or the mommy-to-be and the new baby that is going to be joining them soon.

A great baby shower toast is one that has the perfect words in just the right length of time and just the right amount of time. While it's not that easy, it will be a relief to the person giving the toast that anything thirty seconds or less is just perfect.

When concocting your toast, it's nicest to share a few words about a significant memory that you share with the new family. Whether you make the toast humorous or poignant is up to you. Don't be too deliberate here, an ill-timed joke can easily fall flat on its face and put you off proposing any toasts for a long time.

It's best to steer your toast to the safer middle ground between jokes and emotional sharings. You should actually give your toast in the same manner you speak. Don't change your tone or the words you use too much or it will sound really put on and not natural. If you're known for cracking a joke or two, then by all means do so. Otherwise, this is not the time to try it out.

Great toasts can be borrowed, too. Just be sure not to plagiarize by saying who you got your quote from! There's no worse feeling than having your friends thinking you were really clever and then have them hunt you down after a few months just to tell you, “I thought what you said was something you really came up with but I came across so-and-so on the net and look what I found!”

You could order a custom toast if you like, but it's not really necessary. As long as it is a genuine and sincere wish, it is perfect.

The usual recipe for a toast is to start with a little personal feeling or thought on the pregnancy, share a little incident on the past, and then inviting everyone to raise their glasses to the future family or mommy-to-be. Any good wishes for the future, a quote from a poem about parenthood, motherhood, or new babies, or your own personal thoughts form the basis of a terrific toast. For example, a search of Irish Blessings led to this toast for the new baby:

“May flowers always line your path And sunshine light your day May songbirds serenade you Every step along the way May a rainbow run beside you In a sky that's always blue And may happiness fill your heart Each day your whole life through.”

Baby Shower

These baby shower messages are perfect to write in a card or gift for baby.

55 Baby Shower Messages To Write In A Card Or Gift For Baby

Use these well wishes for inspiration when writer’s block strikes.

I love baby showers. Like, I really love them. There is just nothing better than celebrating a new bundle of joy with friends and family. The games, the gifts, the gathering — perfection. It’s also the perfect time to tell the parents-to-be how much you love them and cherish them, and especially the perfect time to write a sweet baby shower message for the new little one.

From funny to sweet and sentimental, there’s plenty of inspiration here to choose from. You can write them in a book as a keepsake, inside a card, or right on the gift’s wrapping if that’s your style. As a self-proclaimed baby shower aficionado, I’m fairly certain that wherever you write them, these well-wishes will garner lots of oohs and aahs from the mom-to-be. (And maybe even a few coos from her new baby soon, too.)

Sentimental Baby Shower Messages

  • “The biggest blessings come in the smallest packages.”
  • “Soak up the joy in this very moment and each one that comes after — it all goes by so fast.”
  • “The biggest adventure of your life is about to begin and we are thrilled for you!”
  • “Your baby will be in your arms for a short while, but in your heart forever. Savor every moment.”
  • “Welcome to the world, little one. It’s better here because of you.”
  • “Here’s to parenting! It’s one of life’s greatest treasures.”
  • “Congratulations on your newest miracle.”
  • “A new baby makes love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, savings smaller, and homes happier.”
  • “All you need to know to be a parent is that you’re doing a great job — and you already are.”
  • “Wishing you so much happiness in the wonder-filled times ahead.”
  • “Savor every snuggle, keep every kiss, and enjoy everything there is about this special time with your new baby.”

Funny Baby Shower Messages

  • “You can’t drink yet, so I’ll raise two glasses to you and your new bundle of joy.”
  • “So happy you’re having a baby. Even happier that I’m not. Congratulations!”
  • “Having a baby means you’ll finally get excited when your in-laws come over.”
  • “May your bundle of joy bring more than just sleepless nights.”
  • “Parenthood is the scariest hood you’ll ever go through — enjoy the ride.”
  • “Your new baby is going to be the cutest thing to ever puke on you.”
  • “Welcome to the circus, enjoy your little monkey.”
  • “I’m so happy to finally have a baby to snuggle and love on... and then give back to you when they cry.”
  • “Your newest tax deduction is on the way and we couldn’t be happier for you!”
  • “You’ll be elbow deep in Pampers soon, but don’t forget to pamper yourself, too.”
  • “Remember this time forever. It’s one of the last showers you’ll get to enjoy in peace.”
  • “Celebrate! Nobody’s allowed to make even one comment about your snacks.”
  • “Say hello to your precious babe and goodbye to sleep forever. (Well, for a while!)”

These baby shower messages to write in a card or gift for baby are sweet, funny, and sentimental.

Simple Baby Shower Card Messages

  • “I am so happy for you!”
  • “Best wishes with your new bundle.”
  • “So excited to meet you, baby!”
  • “Wishing you and your baby all the best.”
  • “Cherish these memories, mama.”
  • “Congratulations to you and yours!”
  • “It’s a joy to watch your family grow.”
  • “Cheers to your little one!”
  • “You are going to be the best mom.”
  • “Welcome to mommyhood!”

Messages For A Baby Boy

  • “Boy, oh boy! This little one is sure to be a joy!”
  • “Sorry dad, this boy is about to steal mom’s heart.”
  • “Snips and snails, and puppy dogs' tails; That's what little boys are made of.”
  • “Wishing you a lifetime of love, laughter, and lots of sticky fingers with your baby boy.”
  • “Dear baby boy, welcome to the world. May your life be the biggest gift of all.”
  • “Little hands, little feet, and a little trouble along the way. Boys are the best.”
  • “Here’s to lots of love and joy with your little boy!”

Messages For A Baby Girl

  • “A baby girl is the world’s most beautiful miracle. Cherish every second of it and best wishes to you both.”
  • “Boss ladies raise boss babies.”
  • “Though she be but little, she is fierce.” — A Midsummer Night’s Dream
  • “May your baby girl’s life be filled with grace, beauty, and strength.”
  • “Baby girl, we are tickled pink to meet you.”
  • “10 tiny fingers and 10 tiny toes, all topped off with a pretty pink bow.”

Messages For Twins

  • “Sometimes miracles come in pairs.”
  • “Twins means double the diapers, but also double the love. Congratulations on double the blessings.”
  • “A pair of gummy baby grins means your family will never be short on smiles.”
  • “With four arms for hugging instead of two, you’ll be held all your life.”
  • “Wishing you double the congratulations!”
  • “Just imagine how many hugs you’ll get with those four little arms.”
  • “One baby is a blessing, but two babies gives you double the reasons to smile.”
  • “Double the giggles, double the grins, congratulations on having twins!”

This article was originally published on June 1, 2021

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Speech on Baby Shower

A baby shower is a joyful celebration, isn’t it? You gather with friends and family to honor the upcoming arrival of a new baby. It’s a time filled with laughter, love, and gifts for the expectant parents. This event is a tradition steeped in love and anticipation, a beautiful way to welcome a new life into the world.

1-minute Speech on Baby Shower

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, we are here today for a special celebration. We call it a Baby Shower. This is a way to show love and support to a mom-to-be. We shower her with blessings, gifts, and lots of joy. We hope to make her journey to motherhood as beautiful as it can be.

A Baby Shower is not just a party. It is more than that. It’s a time when family and friends come together. They share stories, give advice, and make the mom-to-be feel loved. It’s a way to tell her that she is not alone in this journey. She has a whole team cheering for her.

But, a Baby Shower is not just about gifts. It’s also about creating memories. We play games, laugh, and have fun. We take lots of pictures. These are moments that the mom-to-be will remember forever. They will bring a smile to her face even on tough days.

In the end, a Baby Shower is a celebration of life. It’s about welcoming a new baby into the world. It’s about love, joy, and togetherness. So, let’s celebrate this day with all our hearts. Let’s make it a day to remember!

2-minute Speech on Baby Shower

Good afternoon, everyone!

Today, we’re going to talk about a very special event – a baby shower. It’s a beautiful tradition that brings people together to celebrate the upcoming arrival of a new baby. It’s a time of joy, laughter, and shared excitement. But what makes it so special?

A baby shower is special because it’s all about love and support. When a family is about to welcome a new baby, they need lots of both. The baby shower is a chance for friends and family to show their love. They give gifts, share advice, and offer their help. It’s a way to let the parents-to-be know that they’re not alone in this journey.

This event is also a celebration of new life. A new baby is a miracle, a tiny bundle of joy that brings hope and happiness. The baby shower is a way to honor that miracle. It’s a time to share joy and excitement about the new life that’s about to join the family.

But a baby shower isn’t just about the baby. It’s also about the parents. Becoming a parent is a big change. It’s exciting, but it can also be a little scary. The baby shower is a way to honor the parents-to-be and their journey into parenthood. It’s a chance to show them that they’re loved and supported, and that they’re going to be amazing parents.

And let’s not forget about the fun! A baby shower is a party, after all. There are games, laughter, and lots of good food. It’s a chance to relax and enjoy each other’s company. And it’s a chance to make memories that will last a lifetime.

In conclusion, a baby shower is more than just a party. It’s a celebration of love, life, and community. It’s a chance to show support and make memories. And most importantly, it’s a way to welcome a new baby into the world with joy and excitement. So let’s celebrate this beautiful tradition and all the joy it brings!

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Baby shower wishes: what to write in a baby shower card.

baby shower card

Of all the kinds of parties there are, baby showers are pretty much the sweetest. And the cutest. And the most likely to involve impossibly tiny socks. When you’re invited to an occasion this happy, you’ll definitely want to come prepared—not only with a gift , but also with all your warmest wishes in a baby shower card .

When you go to sign a baby shower card, there’s a little added pressure, because your card will likely be read aloud or passed around among guests. And after the shower, it’s likely to be keep-saked and read again. But don’t sweat it—there are plenty of things you can write that will add to the joy of the occasion. In the tips and ideas that follow, we hope you’ll find some inspiration that fits your style just right.

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  • Simple Wishes
  • Funny Wishes
  • Focus on the Gift
  • Focus on the Gathering
  • Focus on the Parents-to-Be
  • After Baby Arrives
  • 2nd Baby and Beyond
  • When You Cannot Make It
  • Twins and Multiples
  • Sharing Quotes
  • Warm Closings

Simple Wishes  

Babies are short and sweet, and your baby shower wishes can be, too

  • “So happy for you.”
  • “Wishing all the best for you and your baby-to-be.”
  • “Wishing you sweet times ahead…”
  • “Can’t wait to meet baby!”
  • “Your family is about to get even cuter.”
  • “Blessings to baby and you.”
  • “Praying for a safe and healthy delivery for both you and baby.”

Pro tip: Steal these messages Many of the same wishes you might write in a baby congratulations card also work well in a baby shower card. Check out this baby congrats article for even more message ideas.

Funny Wishes  

If you’re someone who likes to joke around, and you know the parents-to-be well, it’s fine to go lighter (or even lol funny) with your baby shower message.

  • “Have a nice baby. ☺”
  • “Don’t worry. It gets easier after the first 18 years.”
  • “Hello, sweet baby days…Bye-bye, big nights out!”
  • “So many exciting changes ahead…Most will be sweet, but some will be stinky and require eight baby wipes and a whole new outfit.”
  • “Awww…I can’t wait to see what a little-bitty you-guys is going to look like.”
  • “Sleep all you can before baby comes. In fact, don’t get up for anything short of labor.”
  • “Wow, Smith Baby #4! You guys do know what causes them, right?”

Pro tip: Know your audience You might put your funny writing idea through the Great Grandma Test before you write it in your card. If it’s read aloud, is it likely to shock and scandalize Great Grandma? When in doubt, pull it back and tone it down.

Focus on the Gift  

Because gifts are such a big part of baby showers, it makes perfect sense that your personal message might refer to your gift in some way.

  • “Be warned: I almost died of cuteness overload when I was wrapping your gift.”
  • “So happy to ‘shower’ you with a few fun things for baby!”
  • “I don’t know much about babies, but I hope the gift card will help you buy something you can use.”
  • “I think you’re going to like what I got you—it’s straight from your registry!”
  • “Hoping this gift will come in handy for you. When my kids were little, it was a lifesaver.”
  • “Yay! So happy to share in your shower and bring a little something to help you gear up for baby.”
  • “We wanted to make sure you get everything you need, so we all chipped in on this. Enjoy!”

Pro Tip : Explain yourself If your gift happens to be a family heirloom, or if it’s handmade with love, it’s great to mention that in your card, too.

Focus on the Gathering  

It truly is a privilege to celebrate with someone you care about at one of the happiest times in their life. And maybe that’s what you really want to express in your baby-shower message.

  • “I’m so happy I could be here to share this exciting time with you.”
  • “It means so much to be here with you as you get ready to welcome a precious new life.”
  • “Your baby shower is a celebration I wouldn’t have missed for the world!”
  • “Blessings to you and your baby-to-be on this happy day.”
  • “Thanks for making me part of your special day. Let the shower games begin!”
  • “They say it takes a village. As you look at all the smiling faces surrounding you today, I hope you know that’s us. We are your village, and we’ll always be here for you as you raise this precious child.”

Pro Tip: Call the baby names Want to call baby something a little cuter than just “baby”? Try one of these: cutie, cutie pie, sweetie, sweetie pie, sweet pea, precious one, little one, little love, little spud, cuddle bug, snuggle bug.

Focus on the Parents-to-Be  

A baby shower card is also a great place to encourage and express confidence in the parents-to-be.

  • “You two are going to make wonderful parents!”
  • “Your baby is going to be so blessed to have you.”
  • “What a lucky baby, to be born into a family so full of love.”
  • “Relax and go with the flow…You’re going to be a natural.”
  • “You’ve got all the love and wisdom you need to be an amazing mom.”
  • “With two loving dads like you, your baby boy is going to have it all.”
  • “Best wishes for this adventure called parenthood. You’ll be great!”

Pro tip: Be supportive Especially for first-time parents, there really is a little nervousness mixed in with the excitement. The more support and enthusiasm you can send their way, the better.

After Baby Arrives  

Most of the message ideas so far assume that the shower is happening before baby arrives. But when he or she is already here, it opens up even more possibilities for what you might write…

  • “I’ve loved seeing all the pictures, but it’s so fun to finally be meeting baby Jake today!
  • “See? I knew she’d be adorable.”
  • “So excited to be at your shower—and to get in a little baby holding while I’m at it. Your little guy is adorable!”
  • “Love the name you chose! Evelyn Rose—such a beautiful name for a beautiful girl.”
  • “Welcome, sweet baby Jack. So happy to join in your big hello party!”
  • “It’s so much fun showering you and little Emma with love today.”

Pro Tip: Add insider info In addition to baby’s name, a post-arrival shower means you’ll also know the birth date, length, weight, and maybe even who baby looks most like. You might choose to incorporate any of these in your card’s message (and/or on a monogrammed gift). New parents will also appreciate some extra help once the baby has arrived. Here’s some ideas for things you could do.

2nd Baby and Beyond  

Many of the message examples so far are more geared toward first babies, for whom baby showers are a little more common. But you can use your handwritten message to make your shower card more relevant to a family that already has a kiddo or two.

  • “So excited for you and your growing family!”
  • “To Sean, Laura, and big-sister-to-be Maddie—Here’s to the new baby boy in your future. He’s going to love you so much!”
  • “Your family is about to get even more awesome. Congrats to all of you!”
  • “Best wishes to the whole lucky family. This time around, you’ll be baby pros, so you can just focus on enjoying him!”
  • “Well, with the addition of this baby, you’re going to be officially outnumbered. Time to switch to zone defense!”
  • “Isn’t it amazing how the love just keeps growing?”

Pro Tip: Complement the parenting Whether first-timers or old hands, parents of newborns watch their worlds become unpredictable and hectic. There’s no better time for a reminder that they’re doing a great job with their kids.

When You Cannot Make It  

A baby shower card is still a good way to be there in thought when you can’t be there in person.

  • “I’m so sorry to miss your baby shower, but I’m with you in spirit…and in happy anticipation!”
  • “I wish I could be there celebrating with you today. Thinking warm thoughts for baby and you…”
  • “So bummed I couldn’t be at your shower. Post lots of pictures!”
  • “Just wanted to send a little gift and lots of love for your baby shower. Wish I were there with you.”
  • “Happy Baby Shower Day! Love you and miss you!”

Pro tip: Leave some things out If you’d rather not call out the fact that you’re not there, then don’t even mention it. A simple warm wish will do just fine.

Twins and Multiples  

You won’t always find a baby shower card specific to expecting multiples. But that’s no problem—you can personalize your card for twins and beyond with what you write.

  • “Here’s to your babies-to-be!”
  • “A double-dose of baby love! What could be sweeter?”
  • “Twins! Wow! Sending you twice the love and best wishes times two.”
  • “It’s going to take a lot of gear to outfit THREE babies. I hope this little gift helps!”
  • “Can’t wait to help with counting all those fingers and toes.”
  • “Good things come in threes!”
  • “Double-cuteness runs in our family. Congrats on keeping the tradition going!”
  • “If Daenerys Targaryen can raise three fire-breathing dragons, then you can totally handle human triplets. So thrilled for you all!”

Pro tip: Be sensitive Multiple births are more likely to come with health complications for mom and babies. If you need message ideas for a complicated pregnancy or birth, take a look at this article’s section on Difficult Circumstances.


With adoption, the way the child becomes part of the family may be different, but the joy is the same, and the same kinds of warm words and happy wishes apply.

  • “This precious little boy was meant for you, and you for him. Warmest congratulations to your beautiful family.”
  • “She simply couldn’t have picked a better family. Congratulations!”
  • “A new little person. (Excellent choice!)”
  • “Celebrating with you as you welcome this little one into your lives and hearts. Here’s to all the wonder that’s coming your way. Congratulations!”
  • “I love seeing your dream come true like this. She was definitely worth the wait!”

Pro Tip: Finding the words For adoption, remember to steer clear of references to giving birth, or to baby inheriting mom’s eyes or dad’s long legs. If the couple is adopting a toddler or older child, consider bypassing the baby shower cards and going for a general congratulations or a beautiful blank card you know they would love.

Sharing Quotes  

Got a favorite quote about babies or parenting? Why not share it when you sign your card?

  • “As you welcome your new baby girl, remember: ‘Though, she be but little, she is fierce!’ — Shakespeare Can’t wait till she arrives!”
  • “‘Every child born into the world is a new thought of God, an ever-fresh and radiant possibility.’ — Kate Douglas Wiggin
 So happy for you,”
  • “’Babies are such a nice way to start people.’ —Don Herold Congrats on your new little person!”
  • “’Anything can happen, child. Anything can be.’ —Shel Silverstein Can’t wait to see all your little boy will be! ”

Pro tip: Add a quote You can draw baby and parenting quotations from children’s books, poetry, Scripture, songs, movie dialogue, Pinterest and more. You can include your quotation in the body of your written message, or you can write the quote on the blank side or top panel.

Warm Closings  

A warm closing before your signature is like the bow on top of your message. Choose one of ours, or come up with one of your own.

  • Lots of love,
  • Love always,
  • Much love to you,
  • All my/our love,
  • Love and cuddles,
  • Hugs and kisses,
  • All the best,
  • Sweet dreams,
  • Happy snuggling,
  • Cootchie-coo,
  • Over the moon,
  • Tickled pink,
  • So thrilled,
  • Wishing you sweet times,
  • Rock-a-bye and rock on,
  • greeting card messages

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Here’s Exactly What to Write in a Baby Shower Card

Sharing is caring!

You’ve been invited to a baby shower and you want to buy the perfect card. What should you write?

Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

Whether you’re looking for something cute, funny, or touching, we’ve got you covered.

Keep reading for our top tips on what to write in a baby shower card, as well as some great examples and quotes to help you get started!

From funny baby shower messages to heartfelt messages, here’s our ultimate guide to baby shower card messages!

how to write a baby shower speech

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  • Quick Ideas

In a rush? Here are some quick tips and ideas on what to write in a baby shower card:

Sending you lots of love as you welcome your baby.

Wishing you a lifetime of joy with your new little one.

Congratulations on the newest member of your family!

May this special moment bring you nothing but happiness.

You’re both going to be amazing parents. All the best!

Wishing you all the joy in the world with your newest addition.

Congratulations on such a precious gift! May it bring lots of love and happiness into your lives.

What to Write in a Baby Shower Card

When to give a baby shower card, where to buy cards, how to address a baby shower card, simple wishes, funny wishes, quotes to use, baby boy wishes, baby girl wishes, cute wishes, heartfelt wishes, religious wishes, twins and multiples, second and third babies, signing the card, what to avoid writing in a baby shower card, baby shower card tips and tricks, do you write a baby shower card to both parents, what should i write in a baby shower card to a coworker, final thoughts, pin for later.

When choosing the perfect words for a baby shower card, think about the relationship you have with the parents-to-be. Are they close friends or family members? How long have you known them?

If it’s a close friend or family member, try to choose something personal and heartfelt that reflects your relationship.

For example, you could say “I’m so thrilled to be part of this special time in your life. I can’t wait to meet your new little bundle of joy, and I promise to love them as if they were my own!”

For a more distant acquaintance or co-worker, try writing something encouraging that acknowledges the exciting journey that lies ahead for the parents-to-be.

You could say “Congratulations to both of you on this incredible new adventure! Wishing you all the best as you become parents and watch your family grow.”

You can also add a quote or saying that reflects your feelings about the couple and their growing family. You could also keep it simple, and just write a few words of congratulations.

No matter what you choose to write, make sure it expresses your excitement and happiness for the parents-to-be as they prepare to become new parents.

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it's a girl balloon with a baby shower in the background

It’s most common to give a baby shower card at the baby shower.

However, if you’re unable to attend the baby shower, you can still send a baby shower card. You can either send the card along with a gift or just send the card with well wishes.

You can find baby shower cards at most local retail stores – like Target or Walmart – or online retailers such as Etsy and Amazon.

If you’re crafty, you can also make your own baby shower card with supplies from a craft store!

When addressing a baby shower card, it’s best to address the card to both of the parents-to-be.

You can either write “Dear Mom and Dad” or use their first names.

Writing the Card

Now that we’ve covered sending and addressing the card, it’s time to write the actual card. Make sure to include a heartfelt message that expresses your joy for their new baby.

Here are some examples of what to write in a baby shower card:

Wishing you all the best as you become parents!

Congratulations on this special time in your lives.

So excited for your new little one to arrive!

Congratulations on your little bundle of joy!

Congratulations on your baby!

teddy bear in a box

Best of luck on surviving parenthood!

Welcome to the world of poopy diapers and sleepless nights.

Congratulations on adding a tiny new boss to your family.

Hello baby! Goodbye sleep!

“A baby is a blessing. A gift from heaven above, a precious little angel to cherish and love.”

“Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body.” – Elizabeth Stone

“A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier, clothes shabbier, the past forgotten, and the future worth living for.” – Anonymous

Wishing you lots of love and cuddles with your little boy.

Wishing your family lots of joy as you welcome the newest member of your family, a sweet baby boy.

Sending our heartfelt congratulations as you become parents to a beautiful little girl.

May she bring you lots of love and laughter! Congrats on your new little girl!

Sugar and spice and everything nice- that’s what your new baby girl will be made of! Congrats on the arrival of your sweet baby girl.

I’m tickled pink for you! Congrats on your new precious baby!

May the stars align and your little one have a smooth journey into this world!

Sending you lots of love and cuddles as you prepare for your new bundle of joy.

Wishing your family all the joy in the world with your newest family member.

Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart. Congratulations on your new baby!

Related Post: What to Write in Baby Shower Thank You Cards

What a wonderful blessing for you both!

May your little one bring you an abundance of joy.

Abundant blessings to you and your growing family!

Best wishes to you and your new baby!

Boxes with baby shower favors and Thank you cards on table

God bless your little one with a lifetime of joy and love.

May your family grow in faith and togetherness as you welcome this special little one.

Wishing you lots of blessings as you embark on the journey of parenting.

Congratulations on becoming twice as blessed.

Wishing you extra strength, love, and joy as you become parents to two little ones.

Sending our warm wishes for a lifetime of love and happiness with your adorable twins/triplets.

Double the love, double the  joy – Congratulations on your new family of four!

Having twins is double the trouble, but it’s also double the fun!

Celebrating the beautiful addition to your family.

Welcome to your new little one! Wishing you a lifetime of joy, love and happiness.

Congratulation on the special journey you’re embarking on together as a family.

Wishing you lots of joy and love as your family grows with a new addition.

Congratulations on the newest member of your family! May your little one bring lots of happiness to you all.

Sending our love and wishes for a lifetime of joy for your growing family!

Once you have your card filled out, it’s time to sign the baby shower card!

It’s best to sign off with your name, followed by your wishes for the parents-to-be.

Here are some examples:

With love and joy,

Wishing you all the best,

Sending hugs and blessings,

Best wishes,

Congratulations on your new baby!

Wishing you an easy delivery,

Hugs and kisses!

We can’t wait to meet your little one!

While you really can’t go wrong with you baby shower wishes, there are still a few things you might want to avoid writing.

Avoid being too personal and uncomfortable.

Don’t make jokes that could be misconstrued or offensive.

Stay away from cliches and generic phrases like “you’ll be the best parents!” or “can’t wait to see you!”.

Don’t write anything that might embarrass the expecting parents or their family. You never know if the baby shower card message will be read aloud at the baby shower

Refrain from making any negative comments or judgements.

If you’re unsure of the gender of the baby, default to a generic phrase like “little one” or “little baby”

Lastly, while it may be tempting to give unsolicited parenting advice – refrain from doing so in a baby shower card.

pink cupcake with baby shoes on top

Now that we’ve covered all there is to baby shower card messages, here are our top tips and tricks to

Choose a card that best reflects the parents-to-be. If you know the theme of the baby shower,try to match the theme the best you can!

Pay attention the the baby shower invite and see if the expectant parents request books instead of cards .

If you can’t be there in person, send the card a few days before the baby shower so it arrives on time.

Let your words come from the heart and make sure to express your excitement for their new arrival.

Don’t forget to sign off with your name!

We recommend writing the baby shower card message to whomever is listed on the baby shower invitation.

However, if you know both parents then you could include both on the baby shower card.

If you’re writing a card for a coworker, keep it professional yet personal.

Acknowledge the new chapter they are embarking on and wish them the best in parenting.

You could say “Congratulations on this exciting time! Wishing you all the joys of parenthood as you start this special journey together. ”

Sending a baby shower card is a wonderful way to congratulate the parents-to-be on the arrival of their little one.

Make sure to include thoughtful and meaningful messages that express your excitement for them as they embark on this new journey together.

Don’t forget to sign off with your name and best wishes!

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how to write a baby shower speech

Ali Van Straten is a journalist and a mom of two. Ali writes about baby showers and helps mom to be and family plan the perfect baby shower with game ideas, party inspiration, food ideas, and more. She is a mom of two and loves event planning!

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55 Ideas for What to Write in a Baby Shower Card

The social anxiety that comes with knowing what to write for a baby shower card message may seem disproportionate to the task. But believe us, it’s not. For the parents-to-be on the other side of that card, your baby shower card message may well mean a whole lot.

They’re about to embark on one heck of a ride, and knowing that their loved ones have their back and wish the best for them and their baby is lovely to know.

That all said and done, when it comes to baby shower wishes, what on earth do you actually write?

It’s a baby! What do you write to a baby?!

Especially one that hasn’t even been born yet.

You don’t want to be too generic, but you don’t want to be too out there.

You want to show how significant the moment is, but you don’t want to terrify them.

You want to show that you’re there for them, but you also want them to know that they’ve got this.

Whether it’s your bestie, your sister, or a coworker that you’ve only ever spoken to when your coffee breaks happen to coincide, knowing how to write right is easier said than done.

So, without further ado, let’s find out together what to write in a baby shower card .

What to say in a baby shower card?

What to write in a baby shower card for…, what to write in a baby shower book, baby shower quotes, ideas for letters for baby shower, baby shower poem ideas, baby shower advice cards ideas, how to address a baby shower card.

At the risk of sounding corny, the “best” baby shower card message is probably the most heartfelt one. This can mean a bunch of things:

  • If humor is a pillar of your relationship, a sprinkle of silliness will go a long way.
  • If you need to tell them how much you mean to them, this is your moment to give that short powerful speech about what a wonderful mama they’re going to be.
  • If they’re the kind of parents who would appreciate some inspiration and encouragement, you may want to include some inspirational baby shower quotes.

If you’re totally at a loss, never fear.

We’re about to give you some baby shower wishes to use as-is, or adapt to your fancy.

Just a bit of inspiration to get you started.

We’ve broken down our suggestions for what to write in a baby shower card for lots of different circumstances and relationships, so take your pick:

What to write in a baby shower card for family?

Expecting another addition to your family? Whether you’re welcoming a niece, nephew, grandchild, cousin, or even a little brother or sister, here are a few ideas of what to write for their baby shower card message:

  • We had some pretty awesome parenting role models. You’re going to be amazing at this.
  • Thank you so much for making me an auntie. This is the absolute best gift in the whole wide world. I can’t wait to meet my niece/nephew.
  • We can’t wait to welcome our baby’s baby into the world!
  • Welcome to the family, little one.
  • I’ll be the best big brother/sister if you promise to be the best little brother/sister.

What to write in a baby shower card for friends?

For friends who you giggle non-stop with:

  • You’re the only person I know who can be smeared in a combo of poop, pee, and a little bit of throw-up, and somehow make it look good. Go forth and be gross.
  • I know what you were up to approximately ___ months and ___ weeks ago. Awesome.
  • [Your name] is a great name. Just sayin’.
  • See you in 18 years.
  • 9 month forecast: a ‘shower’ followed by a sunny baby.

For friends who you know are freaking out right now:

  • Dear Baby ___________, you are the luckiest in the world to have the parents that you have.
  • You were born to do this—and I’ll be right by your side through all of it. Sending you and the wee one inside you all the love in the world.
  • You’re in good hands, baby.
  • The best things come in the smallest packages.
  • The world’s better now you’re here, little one.

What to write in a baby shower card for a coworker?

Seriously . What do you write in a card for a coworker baby?

While it is probably safest to go for the more generic, you may want to add a touch of personalization.

Is there a specific memory/moment you shared? Something you know about them?

Here are some quick options:

  • Wishing you and your little one a whole lifetime of happiness together.
  • Congratulations are in order! We can’t wait to meet your little bundle.
  • Welcome to the world, Baby _____! You chose a great mama.
  • Let the adventure begin!
  • Welcome to the [company name] family, little one!

What to write in a baby shower card for twins?

How about someone who’s expecting twice the niceness?

  • Now you have two reasons to smile each day.
  • Move over, Mary-Kate and Ashley ‒ there are new twins in town!
  • What’s better than one baby? Two!
  • Twice as nice! Welcome to the world, little ones!
  • All the best things come in twos.

Baby shower wishes in Spanish

Writing in a Spanish friend or family member’s baby shower card?

Try these baby shower card messages in Spanish:

  • ¡Felicidades por el nuevo integrante de la familia! Congratulations on the new arrival in your family!
  • ¡Bienvenida al mundo, niña/niño! Welcome to the world, baby girl/baby boy!
  • No puedo esperar para conocerte, niña/niño. I can’t wait to meet you, baby girl/baby boy.
  • Deseándote a ti y a tu pequeño toda una vida de felicidad juntos. Wishing you and your little one a whole lifetime of happiness together.
  • ¡Que comience la aventura! Let the adventure begin!

“Sorry” message for not attending baby shower

Not able to make the baby shower but still want to send your baby shower wishes?

Here are a few ideas of what to write for your “sorry for not attending” baby shower card message:

  • Sorry we can’t be there in person, but we’re there in spirit ‒ can’t wait to meet Baby _____!
  • Sending all the happy baby vibes to you from _____, looking forward to finally meeting Baby ____!
  • Sorry to miss your baby shower, send lots of pictures! Love to all three of you!
  • Welcome to the family, Baby ___! Love and hugs from ______.
  • I’m so sorry that I couldn’t make it to your baby shower, but I’m sending all the love and good wishes for you and the little one. You’re going to be great , all of you.

Some parents prefer opting for a book instead of card for baby shower ‒ but what to write?

Or, they might prefer books for baby instead of cards, with your thoughtful baby shower message written inside.

It’s a beautiful idea, but it can be a little daunting when you have to think about what you’re doing to write for your baby shower book message.

Here are a few ideas to get your creative juices flowing for baby book inscriptions, and some examples of what to write in a baby shower book:

  • Here’s to new life, new adventures, and many firsts!
  • I feel so blessed to watch you grow up.
  • It takes a village to raise a child, and I’m so proud to be a part of your village.
  • Welcome to the world little one. I hope this book reminds you how special and loved you truly are.
  • Dear Baby ______, may your life be full of magical bedtime stories, the coziest cuddles, and many, many smiles.

How about drawing some inspiration from one of the greats? There are lots of meaningful baby shower quotes to choose from, like:

  • “And though she be but little, she is fierce.” — Shakespeare
  • “A new baby is like the beginning of all things ‒ wonder, hope, a dream of possibilities.” —Eda J. Le Shan
  • “Like stars are to the sky, so are the children to our world. They deserve to shine!” — Chinonye J. Chidolue
  • “Wherever you fly you’ll be the best of the best. Wherever you go you will top all the rest.” — Dr Seuss
  • “Children see magic because they look for it.” — Christopher Moore

How about some of these funny baby shower quotes?

  • “If evolution really works, how come mothers only have two hands?” —Milton Berle
  • “A baby changes your dinner party conversation from politics to poops.” — Maurice Johnston
  • “You can learn many things from children. How much patience you have, for instance.” — Franklin P. Jones
  • “Sleep when your baby sleeps. Everyone knows this classic tip, but I say why stop there? Scream when your baby screams. Take Benadryl when your baby takes Benadryl. And walk around pantless when your baby walks around pantless.” — Tina Fey
  • “The worst feature of a new baby is its mother’s singing.” — Kin Hubbard

Sometimes, a few words in a card or a book just won’t cut it.

If you’re keen to write baby a longer letter for their baby shower message, go for it!

How about some advice for baby as they grow up?

You could always break it down into sections ‒ maybe even a short paragraph of advice for each year of their life?

Or, (if you don’t feel like writing a novel), you could just stick to the key moments in their life as they grow up, like:

  • Their first word
  • Their first Christmas
  • When they learn to read
  • Their first day of school
  • Their first day of high school
  • The day they get their driver’s license
  • Their high school graduation
  • The day they move out of their parents’ home
  • Their wedding day

They grow up so fast!

Feeling creative ? If you want to give baby (or mom and dad) something more memorable as their baby shower message, why not write them an original and heartfelt baby shower poem?

Need a little more inspiration? Don’t worry, we’ve got you ‒ here are a few lines to get you started:

  • In the blink of an eye, you’re finally here, We can’t wait to meet you, we’re always near. From the moment we heard, we loved you from the start We just know you’ll have the most beautiful heart.

What about baby shower poems for girls? Check these out:

  • We’re tickled pink to meet you, Gorgeous baby girl, You’ve sent us all a-flutter, Our hearts are in a whirl.
  • Sugar, spice, and all things nice Make baby girls, it’s true, Now you’re nearly here ‒ We simply can’t wait to meet you!

And baby shower poems for boys:

  • Boy, oh boy, we were so pleased when we heard A baby boy added to the ______ herd, We wish you love, laughter, and all the good things, And we’ll watch you take flight and stretch your wings.
  • Slugs, snails, and puppy-dog tails, Are how a baby boy is made, We’ve waited so long to meet you, Oh, how we’ve hoped and prayed.

Another sweet idea is to write some baby shower advice cards for the parents-to-be.

Whether you’re a parent yourself, or you just have some words of wisdom, why not share them for what to write in a baby shower card?

Now this is the question: do you write the baby shower card for the baby, or the parents?

Do you write a baby shower card to both parents? Or just the mama-to-be?

There is no “right” answer ‒ write your baby shower card message to whomever you want!

Why not write a baby shower card message to both baby and the parent(s)?

It’s pretty awesome to be able to share in this momentous moment for the parents-to-be.

Now you know exactly what to write in a baby shower card ‒ don’t forget to pack tissues, they’ll either be laughing with joy or tearing up at your beautifully-written words.

Want to test your ideas for baby shower card messages with other mamas-to-be? Share them on Peanut!

💡 More baby shower tips: What to Wear to a Baby Shower 17 Beautiful Baby Shower Themes 10 Baby Shower Themes for Boys 10 Baby Shower Themes for Girls 12 Baby Shower Food Ideas When to Send Out Baby Shower Invites Baby Shower Etiquette: 7 Guidelines The Best Baby Shower Invitation Wording Ideas Baby Shower Favors: Ideas, Cost, and More 15 Baby Shower Games 10 of the Most Fun Virtual Baby Shower Games When to Have a Baby Shower 50 Best Gender Reveal Ideas: Balloons, Cakes & More! 7 Fun & Memorable Gender Reveal Games Virtual Baby Shower Ideas What is a Baby Sprinkle? Invitations, Games & Gifts Fun Baby Shower Cake Ideas The Ultimate Baby Shower Playlist Pregnancy Must-Haves: Top 10 Pregnancy Products by Peanut Best Baby Registries: Tried & Tested How to Make a Diaper Cake 28 Show-Stopping Maternity Photoshoot Dresses 25 Baby Shower Decorations Ideas: Costs, Etiquette & Inspo

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What to Write in a Baby Shower Card for the Happy Mama-To-Be

"Mommyhood looks great on you." 😊

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Enter: the baby shower.

It's probably the last social gathering new parents will have for a while and the perfect opportunity to share in their joy. Those closest to the family might help plan baby shower games to celebrate the mom-to-be or a cake made from scratch . No matter what though, cute baby shower gifts and cards are in order. Now, as for what to write in a baby shower card? That part might leave anyone a bit stuck. The best new baby wishes can be poignant, heartfelt, full of advice, or just a funny note to alleviate any stress. You can also personalize the card with baby girl wishes or baby boy wishes. Whichever route you choose, know that the parents-to-be will appreciate knowing that their loved ones care. 🤗

General New Baby Wishes

what to write in a baby shower card

  • Wishing you all of the blessings a new baby brings!
  • Can't wait to meet those tiny little feet!
  • Celebrating you and the sweet little someone who's on the way.
  • This little one is so blessed to have you as a mom!
  • I'm so excited to "shower" your little one with love.
  • Cheers to the many wonder-filled moments that await you.
  • From small beginnings come great things. Congratulations!
  • They don't know it yet, but this little smoosh has the best parents.
  • May God bless you and your precious miracle.
  • Wishing you many nights of bedtime stories and warm cuddles.
  • Your little family is about to get a lot cuter!
  • Wishing you an easy birth, a quick recovery, and a healthy little munchkin.
  • Happiness is coming your way. Now pencil us in for some play dates.
  • Here's to embarking on life's greatest adventure! Enjoy the surprises.
  • It doesn't matter who they are or where they go—all they need is love to grow.
  • A cradle full of wishes for your new baby girl/boy!
  • Little feet make big imprints. Congrats!
  • Your little lovebug definitely won the parent lottery. I can't wait to see your family grow!
  • Mommyhood looks great on you. I know you'll be fantastic.
  • Babies don't come with instruction manuals but know that's half the fun. Best wishes on your adventure!
  • One baby smile is worth 1,000 dirty diapers. You can do this.
  • A miracle from above, a beautiful child to cherish and love.

New Baby Boy Wishes

what to write in a baby shower card

  • Congrats, and be careful when you change those diapers!
  • Little boys will keep you on your toes. Wishing you all the energy in the world!
  • I can't wait to see the boy he'll become. May your handsome little dude bring you joy and happiness.
  • Here comes a new little boy to fill your hearts with love and joy.
  • The end zone is in sight. Three cheers for the arrival of your future QB!
  • Wishing you strong feet for all of the Legos and toy cars you're about to step on.
  • I hope your little dude is as handsome as his pops!

New Baby Girl Wishes

what to write in a baby shower card

  • The princess has entered the building! Wishing you warmth and patience.
  • Congrats on your new mini-me!
  • So excited to see the woman your little girl grows up to be. Wishing you the best!
  • May you welcome a healthy little girl who will one day share your shoe size.
  • Congratulations! Just four more and you'll have the spice girls.
  • Wishing you a baby girl as sweet as her mama.
  • A little girl is the only other lady who can make a dad's heart grow.

Funny Baby Shower Messages

what to write in a baby shower card

  • Congrats on your bundle of poops... I mean, joy!
  • Enjoy every minute of these next few months—it will be your last quiet ones for a while!
  • Congrats on the birth of your tiny Overlord!
  • Congratulations on embarking on the craziest journey two people can go on!
  • Well done on creating a mini version of you two.
  • Hello baby, goodbye sleep. My rate is $20 an hour!
  • A baby makes love stronger, days shorter, savings smaller, and homes happier.
  • Genes so nice, they made them twice!
  • May they inherit your husband's good looks, your brains, and my sense of humor.
  • Get ready to spend a whole lot more time with the in-laws!
  • You can't return them when they break your stuff, but you can always drop them off with us!
  • Enjoy today's shower, it will be your last for a while!
  • Dearest little one, Please sleep through the night and nurse easy. Love, your mom's BFF
  • Remember our wild nights staying up till dawn? That was your training. I know you'll do great!

Headshot of Micaela Bahn

Micaela Bahn is a freelance editorial assistant and recent graduate from Carleton College, where she majored in English literature. She loves running, photography, and cooking the best new recipes.

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Baby Shower Etiquette: The Ultimate Guide to Getting It Right

As a fomer educator and mom blogger who's a mother of four, Kristin shares helpful tips and advice on a variety of topics.

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Baby showers have changed a lot over time, but baby shower etiquette standards have remained fairly constant. Use this guide to baby shower etiquette to help you plan a great shower or be the best baby shower guest you can be.

Baby Shower Etiquette for the Hostess With the Mostess

While there is no standard of who is allowed to host a baby shower, the hard and fast etiquette rule is that you don't host your own. The point of a baby shower is for friends and family to shower you and your baby with love and supplies, so it might appear greedy if you host your own. Don't fret over who is going to take the reins here. Chances are, friends and family will be fighting over who gets this esteemed honor.

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  • Baby Shower Speech Examples to Make Hosting & Toasting a Breeze

Who Hosts and Who Pays for the Baby Shower?

A close female family member or friend of the mom-to-be is usually the one to host. Sometimes, several ladies band together to serve as hostesses and share the duties. Once you've announced your pregnancy, wait for someone to ask about hosting a shower for you. If you get to about three or four months before the baby's due and no one has asked, it's okay for you to ask someone if they'd host a shower for you.

The hostess typically pays for the entire shower, but she can ask for financial assistance from the mom-to-be's closest friends or family members if needed. Splitting costs is another reason that groups of ladies choose to take on hosting duties together. Showers do not have to cost an arm and a leg. Costs can be kept down by:

  • Sharing the hostessing duties
  • Making meals a potluck
  • Work in groups to make beautiful decorations
  • Hold the shower at someone's home as opposed to renting a space

Aside from planning and setting up the shower, the hostess is responsible for greeting guests and leading the events at the shower. After the shower ends, hostesses clean up the event space and help carry gifts to the mom-to-be's vehicle.

Fast Facts on How Many Showers a Mama Can Have

Most people know that a shower for a first baby is common practice, but what about subsequent pregnancies, and what about different groups of people wanting to celebrate your baby at different times?

How Many Baby Showers Can You Have for One Child?

If you have a wide social circle, you might have a few showers for one baby. The mom-to-be's family may throw one shower, the dad-to-be's family may throw one shower, and your co-workers may throw one shower. Whenever possible, you should combine groups into one shower. You can't always make this magic happen, but when you can, do it.

Can You Have a Baby Shower for a Second or Third Child?

You can have a baby shower for each of your children if desired. General etiquette suggests you do not have a shower for a second or third child if they are born very soon after your last child. For example, if you find out you're pregnant 2-6 months after the first baby, you wouldn't have a shower for the next baby. Sometimes ladies who find that they are expecting again have smaller gatherings to celebrate another baby called baby sprinkles .

Baby Shower Etiquette to Help Planning Go Off Without a Hitch

Planning a traditional baby shower should be a collaborative effort between the mom-to-be and her hostess or hostesses. Use a party planning checklist to help make sure you've got everything right.

Choosing the Baby Shower Theme

The mom-to-be should choose the shower theme if she wants to. Often, the shower theme will match her chosen nursery theme, but this is not a hard rule. Hostesses should ask the mom-to-be what theme she would like for the shower and follow her wishes. If the mom-to-be does not want to choose a theme and permits it, the hostess can choose a theme.

Creating a Baby Shower Timeline

Baby showers are usually held about 4-6 weeks before the baby is due. You should start planning the shower at least six weeks before it is held. If factors like travel or religious beliefs dictate a different time for the shower, that is fine as long as the mom-to-be agrees on the date. Other considerations sometimes affect the shower timeline, specifically issues involving the mother or baby's health.

Baby Shower Invitation Etiquette

The hostess and mom-to-be will need to work together to handle baby shower invitations .

The ABS's of Baby Shower Invites?

Baby shower invitations should include all the information guests need to find the event and feel prepared for it. You should always include:

  • The directions to the shower and maybe a map for harder-to-find places are good additions.
  • The names of the stores where the mom-to-be has registered, and information for accessing the registry should be included.
  • Add the gender of the baby if it is known.
  • If the mom-to-be has special requests like using baby books in place of baby shower cards, make that clear.
  • Be clear about whether a meal or snacks will be served.

Regarding who gets an invitation, this largely depends on the parents of the new baby. It also depends on whether the shower is the only shower that is being thrown or if there will be separate showers for different groups of people in the parents-to-be's life.

Make sure you get invitations out at least a month in advance so guests can plan ahead. Provide an RSVP number that is easily reached. The new mom will likely provide addresses for all guests while the hostess physically puts the invitations together and mails them out. While the traditional method is to mail invitations, it is also acceptable to hand-deliver them or email paperless invitations.

Baby Shower Thank You Etiquette

The mom-to-be should always thank her guests and hostess formally after the shower. Any guest who attends the shower or gives a gift should receive a thank you note from the mom-to-be. All hostesses typically receive a small gift and thank you note from the mom-to-be. Thank-you notes to guests, and the hostess should be sent within three weeks after the shower if possible. If a baby's birth interferes with this, it's acceptable to send the thank-you notes as soon as you can. Make sure someone at the shower is designated to write down who gives the parents what, and pass this information along to the mother-to-be so that she can include it in the thank-you card.

Be On Your Best Baby Shower Behavior

Anytime you participate in an event, shower, or otherwise, you'll want to know the do's and don't of how to act.

Etiquette for the Mom-to-Be

While the mom-to-be isn't expected to do much aside from having a good time, she does have a few key duties. She should:

  • Provide the hostess with information for the guest list, invitations, theme and design, food, and location preferences.
  • Complete a gift registry before the invitations get mailed if gifts are desired.
  • Sit in the best seat in the house, preferably at the front of the venue where everyone can see her.
  • Be gracious and thank everyone at the shower.
  • Write and send "thank you" notes after the shower.

Etiquette for Men at a Baby Shower

With a traditional shower, it is customary to invite the dad-to-be for the end of the shower, where gifts are opened. He can then help load them into their vehicle. If you are having a co-ed baby shower, the dad-to-be should be treated the same as the mom-to-be in all aspects, and all-male guests should be treated the same as female guests.

Baby Shower Gift Etiquette

One of the key points of a baby shower is to help prepare the new parents, so gifts are an important part of showers.

Do You Have to Bring a Gift to the Shower?

In general, you should always bring a gift to the shower. If the invitation explicitly asks for no gifts, do not bring a gift.

  • If the invitation says to bring a baby board book in place of a card, honor those wishes.
  • If the invitation includes a baby registry link, purchase an item from the registry as the mom-to-be has hand-picked the items.
  • Your relationship with the new mom suggests the amount of money you should spend on a gift, but the thought really counts more than the cost.
  • Guests can pool their money to buy large, expensive items to give as a group gift as long as all names are included on the card.
  • If you can not make the shower you were invited to, it is up to you whether you want to give a gift to the parents and the new baby.

Does the Mom-to-Be Have to Open Gifts at the Shower?

Baby shower gift opening etiquette dictates that the mom-to-be opens all her gifts at the shower where everyone can see. When the mom-to-be is opening gifts, watch attentively and express positive reactions to each gift. Shy women and some modern moms choose not to open gifts at the shower to save time and any embarrassment from bad gift reactions. If the new mom doesn't open gifts at the shower and you really want to see her reaction, you can ask her to open it privately with you another time.

Baby Shower Activities Etiquette

Traditional baby showers include food and beverages to keep guests comfortable and include games to encourage interaction.

Baby Shower Seating Etiquette

Baby showers are all about the mom-to-be, but they also celebrate all the important people in the new baby's life. Assigned seating is not necessary, but certain people should have reserved seating with the mom-to-be. If this is not her first child, her other children should sit with her. Any woman who will be closely involved in the baby's life, such as Great-Grandma, Grandma, and the mom-to-be's mother-in-law, should be seated with the guest of honor.

Baby Shower Meal and Game Etiquette

You don't have to serve a full meal at a baby shower, but you should at least have various snacks. Plan for more food than is needed to feed guests and create a baby shower menu that covers special dietary restrictions. The mom-to-be and anyone seated at her table should be the first to go through the buffet or be served their meal and dessert. Baby shower etiquette for grandmothers, particularly the grandmothers of the mom-to-be, suggests hostesses serve their drinks and food.

Baby showers games are a part of traditional showers because they make the event more fun, encourage interaction, and help you get to know the baby or the mom-to-be. If there are games and special activities at the shower, all guests should participate in all activities.

Minding Your Manners

Every woman, family, and baby shower is unique, but most run under the assumption everyone will use their best manners to make the day special for the mom-to-be. Don't get caught up in the etiquette details. Instead, mind your manners and try to have a good time as a group.


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  2. Fillable Online Baby shower speeches examples Fax Email Print

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  3. Baby Shower Speech or Toast for My Daughter: How to Comfortably Write a

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  4. Baby Shower Speech Ideas For 2023

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  5. Baby Shower Speech

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  6. Inspirational Baby Shower Speeches

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  1. Baby Shower Speech♥️

  2. Baby Shower and Surprise proposal speech

  3. Baby shower speech by dad


  1. Baby Shower Speech Examples and Templates

    Here's a template that you can use to fill in the blanks with your own personal details. Simply replace the bolded words with your own names and personal stories. Hello everyone, I am so honored to be here today celebrating the upcoming arrival of [baby's name or baby girl/boy or baby family's last name].

  2. Baby Shower Speech Examples to Make Hosting & Toasting a Breeze

    A baby shower is an important event in the life of the mom-to-be, so it's frequently the setting of a special speech. Whether you're the mother-to-be, the hostess, or a guest with something special to say, using a sample can help you with writing the baby shower speech and presenting your words.

  3. 22 Baby Shower Speech Examples

    Congratulations on your new arrival!". "Parenting is a beautiful journey. It's filled with love, laughter, and learning. I wish you all the best on this new adventure!". "Congratulations on your new baby! I can't wait to meet him or her and to watch your family grow.". These are just a few baby shower speech examples to get you ...

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    Speaking at a baby shower fosters a sense of community and celebration. It brings people together to share in the joy of welcoming a new life into the world, creating an atmosphere of warmth, camaraderie, and unity. It encourages collective participation in celebrating the upcoming arrival of the baby and also strengthens bonds among family ...

  5. Baby Shower Speech

    The main points that you have to put in your speech would be to thank everyone for coming, thank the people that helped you out, and say a few thoughts on how you felt when you heard the mommy-to-be was pregnant. You could also talk a little bit of an experience you both shared regarding children. When you're the mommy-to-be giving your baby ...

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  7. Baby Shower Speech Ideas For 2023

    Baby Shower Speech Outline. Introduce yourself and share how you know expectant parents. Express how happy and excited you are about the arrival of the new baby. Thank the parents-to-be for all the work they put into preparing for the arrival of the new child. Thank all the family and friends who have shown their support and help to the ...

  8. Baby Shower Speech or Toast for My Daughter: How to Comfortably Write a

    Thank you or gratitude baby shower speech or toast: If you are the main speaker, you can simply give a special shout to certain individuals whose love and support has brought your daughter thus far. That's all you have to do. Welcome baby shower speech or toast: If you are lucky to host this very special occasion, you can simply thank and ...

  9. Creative Baby Shower Toasts

    Baby Shower Toast Poem. For the new parents, I give you this toast: T is for all the tiny things about to enter your home. O is for the only one you'll see. A is for the Aha! moments you'll have in years to come. S is for all the snuggles you're about to receive. T is for time, and here's to us wishing you all the time in the world as a new family!

  10. Baby Shower Toasts

    A baby shower toast is just a quick speech that is a wish of luck and happiness to the parents or the mommy-to-be and the new baby that is going to be joining them soon. A great baby shower toast is one that has the perfect words in just the right length of time and just the right amount of time. ...

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    Simple Baby Shower Card Messages. "I am so happy for you!". "Best wishes with your new bundle.". "So excited to meet you, baby!". "Wishing you and your baby all the best ...

  12. Baby Shower Wishes: What to Write in a Baby Shower Card

    Add one of the following baby shower quotes to class up what to write in a baby shower card and take the pressure of the pen off of you. "We never know the love of a parent until we become parents ourselves." —Henry Ward Beecher. "Children are the anchors that hold a mother to life" —Sophocles.

  13. Baby shower speech

    Baby shower speech. Wish all the best for the baby on the way with a heartfelt baby shower speech. What a marvelous gift for the preparing parents or the mother to be! A baby shower is a wonderful mix of good wishes and practical gifts. What more could you add, other than a beautiful expression of glad tidings and hopes for the future?

  14. Speech on Baby Shower

    1-minute Speech on Baby Shower. Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, we are here today for a special celebration. We call it a Baby Shower. This is a way to show love and support to a mom-to-be. We shower her with blessings, gifts, and lots of joy. We hope to make her journey to motherhood as beautiful as it can be.

  15. Baby Shower Speech or Toast

    How to write a unique baby shower speech or toast by mom-to-be; Ideas to help you put together your random thoughts into a beautiful baby shower speech; Baby shower speech thank you examples or samples you can model your speech after First and foremost, let me say congratulations on your impending arrival!

  16. Baby shower wishes: What to write in a baby shower card

    Examples. "You two are going to make wonderful parents!". "Your baby is going to be so blessed to have you.". "What a lucky baby, to be born into a family so full of love.". "Relax and go with the flow…You're going to be a natural.". "You've got all the love and wisdom you need to be an amazing mom.".

  17. Baby Shower Speech

    Bridal Shower Toast, May 2019 It was just past midnight and it was time to start pushing. My doula was on my right and Sunny was on my left, holding my leg in the air, my parts laid bare. That's probably all you need to know about our friendship right there.

  18. Baby Shower Poems to Share Your Love

    A Collection of Baby Shower Poems. The following poems could be nice to read or include in a speech at a baby shower or share with the expectant parent(s) or guests in another way. Perhaps one expresses what you'd like to say. Related Articles. 8 Baby Shower Alternatives to Celebrate the Growing Family

  19. Here's Exactly What to Write in a Baby Shower Card

    Now that we've covered all there is to baby shower card messages, here are our top tips and tricks to. Choose a card that best reflects the parents-to-be. If you know the theme of the baby shower,try to match the theme the best you can! Pay attention the the baby shower invite and see if the expectant parents request books instead of cards.

  20. 55 Ideas for What to Write in a Baby Shower Card

    Dear Baby ___________, you are the luckiest in the world to have the parents that you have. You were born to do this—and I'll be right by your side through all of it. Sending you and the wee one inside you all the love in the world. You're in good hands, baby. The best things come in the smallest packages.

  21. What to Write in a Baby Shower Card

    Congrats on the birth of your tiny Overlord! Congratulations on embarking on the craziest journey two people can go on! Well done on creating a mini version of you two. Hello baby, goodbye sleep. My rate is $20 an hour! A baby makes love stronger, days shorter, savings smaller, and homes happier.

  22. "Sisters"

    Like blowing bubbles in my drink. Writing on walls. Picking all Dad's carrots out of the vegie patch! And climbing the Cupboard that held the Christmas presents. More than Santa Claus, your sister knows when you've been bad and good. ~Linda Sunshine. The Christmas Present Cupboard wasn't all she snooped in.

  23. 39+ Inspiring Ideas on What to Write on a Baby Shower Card

    Quotes to Write in a Baby Shower Card. Adding a thoughtful quote to your baby shower card can make your message even more special. Here are some beautiful and meaningful quotes to inspire you: "A baby is God's opinion that the world should go on." — Carl Sandburg "Every child begins the world anew." — Henry David Thoreau

  24. Baby Shower Etiquette: The Ultimate Guide to Getting It Right

    Creating a Baby Shower Timeline. Baby showers are usually held about 4-6 weeks before the baby is due. You should start planning the shower at least six weeks before it is held. If factors like travel or religious beliefs dictate a different time for the shower, that is fine as long as the mom-to-be agrees on the date.

  25. 70+ Adorable Examples of What to Write in a Baby Shower Book

    Quick Tip. If you know the baby's name already, use it in the inscription. If not, you can simply say "baby" or "little one." Be sure to sign your name and add the date you're giving the book.

  26. 55 Things to Know About JD Vance, Trump's VP Pick

    But then I started writing little things here and there," he has said. 19. Another significant moment of his time at Yale: meeting Usha Chilukuri, his future wife and the mother of his three ...