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  • Unemployment Essay


Essay on Unemployment

The three basic needs of human beings are - food, home and clothing. All these needs can be properly fulfilled only if a person has money. And to earn this money, the person must be employed, that is, he or she must have a paid occupation. However, there are many people in the world and our country too who have failed to secure a job. As a result, they have an insignificant source of income. This state of joblessness is called unemployment.

Why Unemployment is a Serious Issue?

To live a dignified life, people need to earn money and fulfil their basic needs. Unemployment snatches this right from them and their standard of life gets degraded. 

The lack of money due to unemployment leads to the lack of nutritious food. The health of the unemployed is bound to deteriorate. The children of unemployed people cannot get the proper diet. Hence, they suffer from various illnesses. Their quality of life reduces drastically over time.

An unemployed parent cannot give proper education to his child. As a result, the child too will not be able to get a good job once he grows up. Thus, unemployment breeds unemployment.

Unemployment and Social Instability

An unemployed person is open to doing socially unacceptable work to get money. Thus, very often in a society where there are a huge number of unemployed people, there will be a great proliferation of thieves, snatchers, bank-robbers and much more serious anti-social elements. 

Covid-19 & Unemployment in India and the World

In March 2020, India entered into lockdown to stop the spread of Coronavirus. While the lockdown was effective, hundreds of people got jobless because of the prolonged shutdown of the offices. The unemployment rate has climbed up to 27.1% in April. Sure, once the offices are opened, this rate will come down. However, this grim scenario will haunt us for at least one year.

The situation in other countries is the same. 30 million people in the US have filed unemployment claims. The unemployment rate, there, is 14.7%. In the UK the number of unemployment claims has shot up by 70%.

How Can We Come Out of The Muck?

1. Self-Dependence

As the Prime Minister of India proclaimed, the Indians need to be self-dependent. We need more vocational training. Gone are the days when being employed meant being an engineer or a doctor. A farmer is an employed person. He produces his food and that of the others. There is no shame in being a farmer. We have to stop depending on foreign countries for IT work - Let us open more startups. Why do we depend on China for Diwali firecrackers or Holi colors - We can make them ourselves. Self-help is the best help.

2. Shifting The Manufacturing To India

To create more jobs, India needs to make more manufacturing hubs in the country. Let us not just assemble the Smartphone parts, let us scour the mineral-rich country and take out silicon to make circuit boards.

3. Educating The Women 

There is a real connection between the lack of education and unemployment. To educate the children of the country, we first need to educate the women of the country. Only then can the children be educated properly.

4. Stopping Politics Based On Religion And Region

Stopping petty politics is the need of the hour. The politicians need to work in a concerted way to make Indians employed.

As Charlie Chaplin said, there is no glory in poverty. Let us not pride ourselves on being compromising. Let us remain hungry for a better life. Let’s get employed.


FAQs on Unemployment Essay

1. What are the types of unemployment prevalent in the world?

Unemployment is a serious issue across the globe and is of four major different types, that is, demand deficient unemployment, frictional unemployment, structural unemployment, and voluntary unemployment.

Demand deficient unemployment: it is the biggest form of unemployment occurring generally during a recession. A recession is a period when the demand for a certain product in the market decreases, and in reaction to that company reduces its production and cuts down on the workforce.

Frictional unemployment: it is a stage of unemployment where the worker by his own will is searching for a job that is more suitable for his/ her skills and also pays him equal to or more than what he was getting in his previous workplace.

Structural unemployment: In this particular unemployment, geographical location acts as a barrier or the skill set of a worker is not following the skills desired by the jobs available in the market.

Voluntary unemployment: this type of unemployment is by the will of the worker because the worker leaves his/ her job on his own because the pay he is getting is less than his cost of living.

2. What are the causes of unemployment?

Unemployment is a global concern across the globe. Unemployment can be due to any possible reason. Unemployment doesn’t need to be from the employer side only, it can even be from the demand side, that is the demand of the product is low, therefore production is reduced due to which the workforce is also cut down. Unemployment is also from the worker side, that is, the current job doesn't pay him well according to his skill set or the current job is not much of his desired skills. In both these cases, the worker himself leaves his job.

3. What is meant by long-term unemployment and short-term unemployment?

Long-term unemployment refers to the phase of unemployment that lasts for more than 27 weeks, that is 189 days. Short-term unemployment refers to a state where the individual is not unemployed for more than a month and gets a new job very quickly. Long-term unemployment is very dangerous as compared to short-term unemployment and has adverse effects on the economic condition of an individual because of obvious reasons. The main effects of long-term unemployment on an employee are:

There is a significant decrease in the net worth reported in almost 56% of the long-term unemployment cases.

Unemployment not only affects the financial status but family relations as well, 46% of the cases of unemployment experienced strained family relationships.

Unemployment also poses an adverse effect on the career growth of individuals. Almost 43% of the long-term unemployed have observed a drastic effect on their ability to achieve their desired career goals.

Apart from financial and effect on career, long-term unemployment also affects the self-respect of individuals that was reported among approximately 38% of cases of long-term unemployment. Out of these 38% cases, 24% cases required professional help to come back to normal.

4. What are the major reasons that cause unemployment?

Unemployment can persist in a country due to many different reasons. 

One of the main reasons for unemployment is population growth because an exponential increase in population has given rise to higher rates of unemployment. After all, the number of people looking for a job is increasing but the jobs available in the market are constant or are not increasing significantly as compared to the rate of population growth. 

Due to the rapid growth of technology on a global scale, most of the work that was done through human interference is now carried out through machines and technologies. The advancement in technology has completely replaced the unskilled and low-skilled labourers in factories and companies. All factories now prefer technology over labour simply because technologies are more accurate and fast. 

Lack of education and desired skills is another major cause of unemployment. Currently, with technologies driving the world, the demand for skilled and educated workers has increased and the employment opportunities for people without adequate education have decreased, raising the unemployment rate of the country. 

Also, the rising pay scale sometimes makes it difficult for companies to hire employees and pay them the optimum salary.

5. What are the initiatives taken by the government to deal with increasing rates of unemployment?

The government has taken the issue of unemployment very seriously. There are various programs, schemes, and initiatives taken by the government to deal with this situation efficiently. Some of the schemes started by the government to reduce unemployment are Integrated Rural Development Program (IRDP), Drought Prone Area Program (DPAP), Employment Assurance Scheme, Jawahar Rozgar Yojna, Nehru Rozgar Yojna (NRY), Prime Minister’s Integrated Urban Poverty Eradication Program (PMIUPEP), Jawahar Gram Samridhi Yojna, employment guarantee scheme, employment exchange, promoting small and cottage industries and development of the organized sector. There are many more schemes launched by the government apart from the ones mentioned here. Also, apart from schemes, the government has launched training for self-employment and skill India program, to help individuals learn skills which can help them in finding a satisfactory job for themselves and their families.

Essay on Unemployment

Here we have shared the Essay on Unemployment in detail so you can use it in your exam or assignment of 150, 300, 500, or 1000 words.

You can use this Essay on Unemployment in any assignment or project whether you are in school (class 10th or 12th), college, or preparing for answer writing in competitive exams. 

Topics covered in this article.

Essay on Unemployment in 150-250 words

Essay on unemployment in 300-500 words, essay on unemployment in 500-1000 words.

Unemployment is a pressing issue that affects individuals and societies globally. It refers to the state of being without a job or a source of income despite actively seeking employment. Unemployment poses significant challenges, both economic and social, for individuals and communities.

The consequences of unemployment are far-reaching. Financial instability decreased living standards, and a loss of self-esteem and confidence are common outcomes. Individuals may face difficulties in meeting their basic needs, providing for their families, and planning for the future. Moreover, unemployment can lead to social unrest, increased crime rates, and a strain on public resources.

Addressing unemployment requires a multifaceted approach. It involves creating favorable economic conditions, promoting job growth through investment and entrepreneurship, and providing individuals with the necessary skills and training for employment opportunities. Furthermore, social safety nets, such as unemployment benefits and job placement services, play a crucial role in supporting those who are unemployed.

Efforts to reduce unemployment should also focus on addressing structural issues in the labor market, promoting fair employment practices, and encouraging inclusive growth. Additionally, fostering a supportive environment for innovation, research, and development can stimulate job creation and economic prosperity.

In conclusion, unemployment is a complex issue with wide-ranging implications for individuals and societies. It demands comprehensive strategies that encompass economic policies, skill development, and social support systems. By addressing unemployment effectively, we can strive towards a society where individuals have access to fulfilling work opportunities and can contribute to the overall well-being and prosperity of their communities.

Title: Unemployment – The Economic and Social Challenge

Introduction :

Unemployment is a pressing issue that affects individuals, families, and societies worldwide. It refers to the state of being without a job or a viable source of income despite actively seeking employment. High levels of unemployment have significant economic and social consequences, making it a critical challenge to address.

Causes of Unemployment

Unemployment can stem from various factors. Economic downturns and recessions often result in job losses as businesses struggle to sustain their operations. Technological advancements and automation have also led to job displacement, particularly in industries that rely heavily on manual labor. Globalization and outsourcing practices have contributed to the relocation of jobs to countries with lower labor costs, creating unemployment in certain regions.

Impact of Unemployment

Unemployment has far-reaching implications. Financial instability resulting from joblessness can lead to increased poverty rates, limited access to healthcare, and housing insecurity. It also strains social cohesion, as unemployed individuals may experience psychological distress, low self-esteem, and a loss of purpose. Moreover, long-term unemployment can lead to skills deterioration and a loss of work experience, making it increasingly difficult for individuals to re-enter the labor market.

Addressing Unemployment

Addressing unemployment requires a multi-faceted approach:

Economic Policies: Governments should implement policies that promote economic growth, investment, and job creation. This includes fostering a business-friendly environment, reducing bureaucratic barriers, and providing incentives for entrepreneurship and innovation. Additionally, targeted industry development strategies can identify sectors with growth potential and encourage job creation in those areas.

Education and Skills Development: Investing in education and skills development is crucial to equip individuals with the necessary competencies for available job opportunities. Collaboration between educational institutions, employers, and government agencies can help bridge the skills gap and ensure that individuals are prepared for the changing demands of the labor market. Upskilling and reskilling programs can help unemployed individuals acquire new skills and improve their employability.

Job Creation Initiatives: Governments should prioritize job creation initiatives, particularly in sectors with high growth potential. This can be achieved through infrastructure projects, green technology investments, and support for small and medium-sized enterprises. Public-private partnerships can also play a significant role in stimulating job creation and economic development.

Social Safety Nets: Establishing robust social safety nets is crucial to support those facing unemployment. Unemployment benefits, healthcare coverage, and access to retraining programs can help individuals meet their basic needs and regain economic stability while actively seeking employment. Such support systems alleviate the financial burden and provide a safety net during challenging times.

Conclusion :

Unemployment is a complex and persistent socioeconomic challenge that demands comprehensive solutions. By implementing effective economic policies, investing in education and skills development, promoting job creation, and providing social safety nets, societies can mitigate the impacts of unemployment and strive toward a more equitable and prosperous future. It is essential to address this issue with urgency, as reducing unemployment rates not only improves individual well-being but also fosters economic growth and social cohesion.

Title: Unemployment – A Dual Crisis of Economic Stability and Human Dignity

Unemployment is a complex and pervasive issue that affects individuals, families, and societies at large. It refers to the state of being without a job or a viable source of income despite actively seeking employment. High levels of unemployment have severe economic and social consequences, making it a pressing challenge that demands effective solutions and interventions. This essay aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of the causes, impacts, and potential remedies for unemployment, recognizing its multifaceted nature and the need for a holistic approach.

I. Understanding Unemployment

Unemployment can be classified into various types based on its causes and duration. Structural unemployment arises from shifts in the economy, such as technological advancements or changes in market demand, rendering certain jobs obsolete. Cyclical unemployment, on the other hand, is caused by economic downturns and fluctuations in business cycles. Frictional unemployment occurs when individuals are between jobs or in transition, while seasonal unemployment is linked to seasonal variations in certain industries.

II. Economic Implications

Unemployment poses significant challenges to the economy at both micro and macro levels. At an individual level, it leads to a loss of income and financial instability, making it difficult for individuals to meet their basic needs, contribute to the economy, and plan for the future. Moreover, the lack of economic opportunities leads to a decrease in consumer spending, which negatively impacts businesses and reduces their profitability. This, in turn, can trigger downsizing, closures, and a negative cycle of job losses, further exacerbating the unemployment crisis.

On a macroeconomic scale, high unemployment rates hinder economic growth and development. The decline in consumer spending decreases demand for goods and services, creating a ripple effect throughout the economy. Governments also face challenges in generating tax revenues, leading to reduced public investment in infrastructure, education, and healthcare. Additionally, increased government spending on unemployment benefits and social support places a strain on public finances, potentially leading to higher budget deficits or cuts in other areas.

III. Social Consequences

Unemployment not only impacts individuals’ economic well-being but also has profound social implications. Financial instability resulting from joblessness can lead to increased poverty levels, housing insecurity, and limited access to healthcare, further exacerbating social inequalities. The psychological toll of unemployment cannot be overlooked, as individuals may experience feelings of anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, and a loss of purpose. This can strain relationships, lead to social isolation, and create a sense of hopelessness among the unemployed.

Furthermore, long-term unemployment can result in skills deterioration and a loss of work experience, making it increasingly difficult for individuals to re-enter the labor market. This perpetuates a cycle of unemployment and hinders upward social mobility, reinforcing existing inequalities and social divisions.

IV. Causes of Unemployment

Unemployment is influenced by a combination of economic, structural, and policy-related factors. Economic downturns, such as recessions or financial crises, can lead to widespread job losses as businesses struggle to stay afloat. Technological advancements and automation also contribute to job displacement, particularly in industries that rely heavily on manual labor. Globalization and outsourcing practices can result in the relocation of jobs to countries with lower labor costs, further aggravating unemployment in certain regions.

Inadequate education and skills training also contribute to unemployment. Rapid changes in the labor market demand individuals with up-to-date skills and knowledge. Failure to adapt and provide relevant training can leave individuals ill-equipped to secure employment in sectors with higher demand.

V. Addressing Unemployment

Effectively addressing unemployment requires a comprehensive approach that combines economic policies, education and skills development, job creation initiatives, and social safety nets. Some potential strategies include:

  • Economic Policies
  • Education and Skills Development
  • Job Creation and Support
  • Social Safety Nets

Economic Policies:

Governments should implement policies that foster a conducive business environment, promote investment, and stimulate job creation. This may involve reducing bureaucratic barriers, providing incentives for entrepreneurship and innovation, and investing in infrastructure projects to generate employment opportunities.

Education and Skills Development:

A focus on education and skills training is crucial to equip individuals with the necessary competencies for available job opportunities. Collaboration between educational institutions, employers, and government agencies can help bridge the skills gap and align education with labor market needs. Upskilling and reskilling programs should be promoted to ensure individuals can adapt to evolving job requirements.

Job Creation and Support:

Governments should prioritize job creation initiatives in sectors with growth potential, such as renewable energy, healthcare, technology, and infrastructure development. This can be achieved through investment incentives, public-private partnerships, and targeted industry development strategies. Additionally, providing job placement services, vocational training, and financial assistance to unemployed individuals can enhance their employability and facilitate their transition back into the workforce.

Social Safety Nets:

Establishing robust social safety nets is essential to provide temporary relief and assistance to those facing job loss. Unemployment benefits, healthcare coverage, and support for retraining can help individuals meet their basic needs and regain economic stability while actively seeking employment. Such measures help alleviate the negative impacts of unemployment and support individuals during periods of transition.

Unemployment is a dual crisis of economic stability and human dignity, impacting individuals and societies on multiple levels. The economic and social consequences of unemployment demand comprehensive and coordinated efforts to address its causes and mitigate its impacts. By implementing effective economic policies, investing in education and skills development, promoting job creation, and providing robust social safety nets, societies can strive towards reducing unemployment rates and creating a more inclusive and prosperous future for all.

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One of the major hindrances in the growth of any country is unemployment. Unemployment is a serious issue in India. Lack of education, lack of employment opportunities and performance issues are some of the factors that lead to unemployment. The government of India must take effective steps to eliminate this problem. One of the main problems faced by the developing countries is unemployment. It is not only one of the major obstacles in the country’s economic growth but also has several other negative repercussions on the individual as well as the society as a whole.

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Long and Short Essay on Unemployment in English

We have provided below short and long essay on unemployment in English for your knowledge and information. These essays have been written in simple and impressive language to convey the message with minimum effort.

After going through these Essays on Unemployment you will know about the factors leading to unemployment in India; what are the possible solutions for the eradication of unemployment; different types of unemployment; initiatives taken by the government to reduce unemployment; unemployment statistics in India etc.

These Unemployment essay will be useful in your school/college events of essay writing, speech giving or debate.

Unemployment Essay 1 (200 words)

People who are willing to work and are earnestly looking for job but are unable to find one are said to be unemployed. It does not include people who are voluntarily unemployed as well as those who are unable to seek job due to certain physical or mental health problem.

There are various factors that lead to the problem of unemployment in the country. These include:

  • Slow Industrial Growth
  • Rapid Increase in Population
  • Focus on Theoretical Education
  • Fall in Cottage Industries
  • Lack of alternative employment opportunities for the agricultural workers
  • Technological Advancement

Unemployment does not impact only the individuals but also the growth of the country. It has a negative impact on social and economic growth of the country. Here are some of the consequences of unemployment:

  • Increase in crime rate
  • Poor standard of living
  • Loss of skill
  • Political instability
  • Mental health issues
  • Slow economic growth

Surprisingly, despite the negative repercussions it has on the society, unemployment is one of the most overlooked issues in India. The government has taken certain steps to control the problem; however, these have not been effective enough. The government should not just initiate programs to control this problem but also keep a check on their effectiveness and revise them if need be.

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Unemployment Essay 2 (300 words)


Unemployment is a curse to the society. It does not only impact the individuals but also the society as a whole. There are a number of factors that lead to unemployment. Here is a look at these factors in detail and also the possible solutions to control this problem.

Factors Leading to Unemployment in India

  • Growth in Population

The rapid growth in the population of the country is one of the leading causes of unemployment.

  • Slow Economic Growth

Slow economic growth of the country results in lesser employment opportunities for people, thereby leading to unemployment.

  • Seasonal Occupation

Large part of the country’s population is engaged in the agricultural sector. With this being a seasonal occupation, it provides work opportunity only for a certain part of the year.

  • Slow Growth of Industrial Sector

The growth of industrial sector in the country is slow. Thus, the employment opportunities in this sector are limited.

  • Fall in Cottage Industry

The production in cottage industry has fallen drastically and this has left several artisans unemployed.

Possible Solutions to Eradicate Unemployment

  • Population Control

It is high time the government of India should take stern steps to control the population of the country.

  • Education System

The education system in India focuses majorly on the theoretical aspects rather than skill development. The system must be improved to generate skilled manpower.

  • Industrialization

The government must take steps to boost the industrial sector to create greater opportunities for people.

  • Overseas Companies

The government must encourage foreign companies to open their units in the country to generate more employment opportunities.

  • Employment Opportunities

Employment opportunities must be created in rural areas for seasonally unemployed people.

The problem of unemployment in the country has persisted since long. While the government has launched several programmes for employment generation, desirable progress has not been achieved. The policy-makers and the citizens should make collective efforts in creating more jobs as well as acquiring the right skill-set for employability.

Unemployment Essay 3 (400 words)

Unemployment in India can be divided into many categories including disguised unemployment, open unemployment, educated unemployment, cyclic unemployment, seasonal unemployment, technological unemployment, underemployment, structural unemployment, frictional unemployment, chronic unemployment and casual unemployment. Before leaning about these types of unemployment in detail let us understand as to who exactly is said to be unemployed. It is basically a person who is willing to work and is seeking an employment opportunity, however, is unable to find one. Those who choose to remain unemployed voluntarily or are unable to work due to some physical or mental health issue are not counted as unemployed.

Here is a detailed look at the different types of unemployment:

Disguised Unemployment

When more than the required numbers of people are employed at a place, it is said to be disguised unemployment. Removing these people does not impact the productivity.

Seasonal Unemployment

As the term suggests, this is the type of unemployment that is seen during certain seasons of the year. The industries mostly affected by seasonal unemployment include the agricultural industry, resorts and ice factories, to name a few.

Open Unemployment

This is when a vast number of labourers are unable to seek a job that provides them regular income. The problem occurs as the labour force increases at a much greater rate compared to the economy’s growth rate.

Technological Unemployment

The use of technological equipments has also led to unemployment by reducing the requirement of manual labour.

Structural Unemployment

This kind of unemployment occurs because of a major change in the country’s economic structure. This is said to be a result of technological advancement and economic development.

Cyclic Unemployment

A reduction in the overall level of business activities leads to cyclic unemployment. However, the phenomenon is short-run.

Educated Unemployment

Inability to find a suitable job, lack of employable skill and flawed education system are some of the reasons why the educated lot remains unemployed.


In this kind of unemployment people either take up a job on part time basis or take up work for which they are over-qualified.

Frictional Unemployment

This occurs when the demand of labour force and its supply are not synced appropriately.

Chronic Unemployment

This is long-term unemployment that continues in a country due to the rapid increase in population and low level of economic development.

Casual Unemployment

This may occur because of a sudden fall in demand, short-term contracts or shortage of raw material.

Though the government has launched several programmes to control each type of unemployment, however, the results are far from satisfactory. The government needs to devise more effective strategies for employment generation.

Unemployment Essay 4 (500 words)

Unemployment is a serious problem. There are a number of factors including lack of education, lack of employment opportunities, lack of skill, performance issues and increasing population rate that lead to this issue in India. Unemployment has a number of negative repercussions on the individuals as well as the country as a whole. The government has taken several initiatives to control this problem. Some of these are mentioned here in detail.

Government Initiatives to Reduce Unemployment

  • Training for Self Employment

Launched in 1979, the program was named, National Scheme of Training of Rural Youth for Self Employment (TRYSEM). It is aimed at reducing unemployment among the youth in the rural areas.

  • Integrated Rural Development Programme (IRDP)

In the year 1978-79, the Indian government launched the Integrated Rural Development Programme to ensure full employment opportunities in rural areas. A sum of Rs. 312 crore was spent on this programme and as many as 182 lakh families benefited from it.

  • Employment in Foreign Countries

The government helps people get employment in overseas companies. Special agencies have been established to hire people for work in other countries.

  • Small and Cottage Industries

In an attempt to reduce the issue of unemployment, the government has also developed small and cottage industries. Several people are making their living with this initiative.

  • The Swaran Jayanti Rozgar Yojana

This program is aimed at providing self-employment as well as wage-employment opportunities to the urban population. It includes two plans:

  • Urban Self-Employment Programme
  • Urban Wage Employment Programme
  • Employment Assurance Scheme

The program was launched in as many in 1994 in as 1752 backward blocks in the country. It provided unskilled manual work for 100 days to the poor unemployed people living in rural areas.

  • Drought Prone Area Programme (DPAP)

The program was started in 13 states and covered as many as 70 drought-prone districts with an aim to remove seasonal unemployment. In its seventh plan, the government spent Rs. 474 crore.

  • Jawahar Rozgar Yojana

The program launched in April 1989 aimed at providing employment to a minimum of one member in each poor rural family for a period of fifty to hundred days a year. The employment opportunity is provided in the person’s vicinity and 30% of these opportunities are reserved for women.

  • Nehru Rozgar Yojana (NRY)

There are a total of three schemes under this program. Under the first scheme, the urban poor are given subsidy to establish micro enterprises. Under the second scheme, wage-employment is arranged for labourers in cities having a population of less than 10 lakh. Under the third scheme, urban poor in the cities are given employment opportunities matching their skills.

  • Employment Guarantee Scheme

Unemployed people are provided economic assistance under this scheme. It has been launched in a number of states including Kerala, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, etc.

Apart from this, many other similar programs have been launched to reduce unemployment.

Though the government has been taking several measures to control the problem of unemployment in the country a lot still needs to be worked upon in order to curb this problem in true sense.

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Unemployment Essay 5 (600 words)

Unemployment is a grave issue. There are a number of factors that lead to it. Some of these include lack of proper education, lack of good skill set, inability to perform, lack of good employment opportunities and rapidly increasing population. Here is a look at the unemployment statics in the country, the consequences of unemployment and the measures taken by the government to control it.

Unemployment: Statistics in India

The Ministry of Labour and Employment of India keeps the records of unemployment in the country. The measure of unemployment is calculated based on the number of people who had no work for a substantial amount of time during the 365 days preceding the date of collation of data and are still seeking employment.

India saw an average of 7.32 percent unemployment rate from 1983 to 2013 with a highest of 9.40 percent in the year 2009 and a record low of 4.90 percent in 2013. In the year 2015-16, the unemployment rate shot up significantly with 8.7 per cent for women and 4.3 per cent for men.

Consequences of Unemployment

Unemployment leads to serious socio-economic issues. It does not only impact the individuals but the society as a whole. Shared below are some of the major consequences of unemployment:

  • Increase in Poverty

It goes without saying that increase in unemployment rate results in increase in the rate of poverty in the country. Unemployment is largely responsible for hampering the economic growth of the country.

  • Increase in Crime Rate

Unable to find a suitable job, the unemployed lot usually takes the path of crime as this seems to be an easy way of making money. One of the main causes of rapidly increasing cases of theft, robbery and other heinous crimes is unemployment.

  • Exploitation of Labour

Employees usually take advantage of scarcity of jobs in the market by offering low wages. Unable to find a job matching their skill people usually settle for a low-paying job. Employees are also forced to work for more than the set number of hours each day.

  • Political Instability

Lack of employment opportunities results in loss of faith in the government and this often leads to political instability.

  • Mental Health

The dissatisfaction level among unemployed people increases and it can gradually lead to anxiety, depression and other mental health problems.

  • Loss of Skill

Staying out of job for long period of time makes one dull and eventually results in the loss of skill. It also lowers a person’s self confidence to a large extent.

The government of India has taken several initiatives to reduce the problem of unemployment as well as to help the unemployed lot in the country. Some of these include the Integrated Rural Development Programme (IRDP), Jawahar Rozgar Yojana, Drought Prone Area Programme (DPAP), Training for Self-Employment, Nehru Rozgar Yojna (NRY), Employment Assurance Scheme, Prime Minister’s Integrated Urban Poverty Eradication Program (PMIUPEP) Development of Organized Sector, Employment Exchanges, Employment in Foreign Countries, Small and Cottage Industries, Employment Guarantee Scheme and Jawahar Gram Samridhi Yojana, to name a few.

Besides offering employment opportunities by way of these programs, the government is also sensitizing the importance of education and providing skill training to the unemployed people.

Unemployment is the root cause of various problems in the society. While the government has taken initiatives to reduce this problem, the measures taken are not effective enough. The various factors causing this problem must be studied well to look for effective and integrated solutions for the same. It is time the government should recognize the sensitivity of the matter and take some serious steps to reduce it.

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Essay on Unemployment for Students in English | 500 Words Essay

December 20, 2020 by Sandeep

Essay on Unemployment: It is a serious social issue in India and a big global concern too. There are thousands of people who are not employed owing to the rising population and a steady decline in jobs, leading to unemployment. Automation of jobs, illiteracy, stiff competition, unavailability of resources, unqualified, political factors, etc. has given way to unemployment. Unemployment causes financial distress in families, hampers mental health and causes depression, anxiety, stress and other physical ailments.

Essay on Unemployment 500 Words in English

Below we have provided Unemployment Essay in English, suitable for class 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 school students.

There is saying that “Give a man a fish, and he will be hungry again tomorrow; teach him to catch a fish, and he will be richer for all his life.” The importance of jobs in life is very significant to afford a good quality of life. Due to the increasing population and high competition, people are not able to grab jobs. This has led to recession and burden on the economy.

What is Unemployment: It is defined as a situation in which a person who is willing to do a job fails to find a job that earns him/her a living. It does not include people who are not looking for jobs.

Types of Unemployment

The unemployment rates are increasing, showing the slowdown in the economy. Unemployment can be classified mainly in two categories one in urban areas and others in rural areas. The major part of India’s population lives in rural areas.  There are different types of unemployment – open, disguised, and seasonal. In Urban areas, the infrastructure is well developed, and there are a lot of advancements in technology. The main types of unemployment here are Industrial, educated, and technological development.

  • Open – It is a case in which there is no work to do. People are willing to work, but there is no work available.
  • Disguised – It is a situation in which some individuals are noticeably employed but are literally unemployed. It is in the agricultural sector where there are way more people working than required.
  • Seasonal – It means the needs of the workers are only in particular seasons. It points to a time period where there is less requirement than normal season.
  • Industrial – The illiterate people who can work in manufacturing industries are eager to do work but not getting any work in urban areas. It is called Industrial unemployment
  • Educated – When the person is educated but not able to find a job according to his academic qualifications. Then, it is called educated unemployment.
  • Technological – Technological unemployment happens because of the advancement in technology. It has a significant impact on the organization, as productivity increases and efficiency enhances.

The most common types of unemployment in India is seasonal and disguised unemployment.

Reasons for Unemployment

  • There are multiple reasons causing a great jump in the rate of unemployment. The biggest reason is the increasing rate of population. There is consistent growth in the population of India. The greater the population, the more the demands of the job seekers, but the advancement in technology causes a decrease in the labour force required.
  • Another reason is the lack of education and skills among the youth. Job seekers are more, and well-skilled people are very less for the country. It is also called structural unemployment, where the skills needed for the job do not match the skills of the worker.
  • The advancement in technology in this modern era is also taking away the jobs that can be handled by machines and systems. It has replaced unskilled labour, and the results are more effective and accurate. The production is faster, and the cost is minimised.
  • Lack of capital threatens companies to pay for its operations. It makes it difficult to prepare for emergencies and sometimes difficult to pay its employees.

Consequences of Unemployment

There are severe consequences of unemployment, causing the economy to suffer. Mainly the people who are affected by it have to go through it. It causes an increase in suicide cases, stress levels boost up, crime rates surge, etc.  Unemployed people get demotivated and degrade their skills, which is bad for the economy. There are big impacts which include the loss of productive labour force in the country, which can help in growing GDP. It deteriorates the growth of businesses as well.

As many unemployed people cannot afford basic commodities, it causes fewer sales in businesses.  Social causes of long term employment are very substantial. It affects the health of individuals and their families. There is less consumption of nutritious diet, including fruits and vegetables. It can stop their physical and mental development. Again, not creating a valuable asset for the economy in the long run.

Initiative by Government

The government has taken several steps to solve this significant issue. Some initiatives were launched to curb this problem of unemployment. These initiatives include IRDP (Integrated Rural Development Programme), training for self-employment, NRY (Nehru Rozgar Yojana), Drought Prone area program, PMGSY (Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana), Employment Guarantee Scheme and more.

The Employment Guarantee Scheme ensures a minimum of 100 working days with wages to do unskilled work. Training for self-employment aims at reducing employment among the youth. Moreover, the government is spending on irrigation, farms, and roads, etc. The government can take some more steps to reduce unemployment like population control, more Small- medium enterprises, good education system and improvement in agriculture.

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Download Essay on Unemployment in PDF from this page. Here we have provided the essay on the problem of unemployment for class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 to 12. As everyone in this country should know about the consequences of being unemployed in a country. Also, multiple instances of essay like 100 words, 200 words or 10 lines are provided here to everyone.

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Short and Long Essay on Unemployment

Unemployment is one of the major obstacles in the development of any country. Unemployment is a serious issue in India. Lack of education, lack of employment opportunities and performance problems are some of the factors that lead to unemployment. The Government of India needs to take effective steps to eliminate this problem. One of the main problems facing developing countries is unemployment. It is not only one of the major hindrances in the economic development of the country, but also has many negative effects on the individual and the whole society simultaneously. 

Essay on Unemployment

Essay on Unemployment in 300 words for class 3, 4, 5

Unemployment is a curse for society. This not only has a bad effect on individuals but unemployment also affects the whole society. There are many factors that lead to unemployment. Here these factors were explained in detail and possible solutions have been suggested to control this problem.

Factors that can increase unemployment in India

  • Increase in population

The rapid increase in the country’s population is one of the major causes of unemployment.

  • Manda Economic Development

The slow economic growth of the country results in fewer employment opportunities for people, leading to unemployment.

  • Seasonal business

A large part of the country’s population is involved in agriculture. Being a seasonal business it only provides work opportunities for a certain time of the year.

  • The slow growth of the industrial sector

The growth of the industrial sector in the country is very slow. Thus employment opportunities in this sector are limited.

  • The decline in cottage industry

Production in the cottage industry has fallen drastically and due to this many artisans have become unemployed.

Essay on Unemployment in English (All Class) 1500+ words

Possible solutions to end unemployment

  • Population control

This is the right time when the Indian government takes drastic steps to control the population of the country.

  • Education system

The education system in India focuses on theoretical aspects rather than skill development. The system has to be improved to generate skilled manpower.

  • Industrialization

The government should take steps to promote the industrial sector to create more employment opportunities for people.

  • foreign companies

The government should encourage foreign companies to open their units in the country to create more employment opportunities.

  • Job opportunities

Employment opportunities should be created in rural areas for those who remain unemployed for the rest of the time by working at a certain time.

Essay on Unemployment in English (All Class) 1500+ words

The problem of unemployment in the country has been around for a long time. Although the government has initiated several programs for employment generation, desirable progress has not yet been achieved. Policymakers and citizens should make collective efforts to create more jobs as well as to acquire the right skills for employment. 

Essay on Unemployment 400 words for class 6, 7, 8

Unemployment in India can be divided into several categories including disguised unemployment, open unemployment, educated unemployment, cyclical unemployment, seasonal unemployment, technical unemployment, structural unemployment, long term unemployment, frictionless unemployment and casual unemployment. Before reading about all these types of unemployed in detail, we have to understand what exactly is called unemployment? Basically, unemployed is a person who is ready to work and is looking for an employment opportunity but is unable to find employment. Those who remain unemployed voluntarily or are unable to work due to some physical or mental health problems are not counted as unemployed.

Here’s a detailed look at the different types of unemployment:

Hidden unemployment

When people more than required is hired for a job. This condition is called as the hidden unemployment as removing these people will not affect the work. 

sessional Unemployment

As the name suggests this type of Unemployment is only in a specific season of the year. Usually works related to agriculture, Ice factory, resorts and sports industries are affected by this.

Open Unemployment

This means when labour in large number is not able to get a job which provides them with regular income. This situation arises when physical labour increases more as compared to the economy

Technical Unemployment

This situation arises due to the increasing technical machines and instrument to replace human work.

Structural  Unemployment

This type of unemployment occurs due to a major change in the economic structure of the country. It is the result of technological advancement and economic development.

cyclical unemployment

A decrease in the overall level of business activity leads to cyclical unemployment. However, this incident is only for a short time.

Educated unemployment

Inability to find a suitable job, lack of employable skills and faulty education system are some of the reasons that educated unemployed remain.

Contract unemployment

In this type of unemployment, people either work on a part-time basis or do the kind of work for which they are more qualified.

Preventive unemployment

This occurs when the demand for the labour force and its supply are not properly coordinated.

Long term unemployment

Long term unemployment is one that continues in the country due to rapid growth in population and low level of economic growth.

Sudden unemployment

Such unemployment occurs due to a sudden drop in demand, short term contracts or shortage of raw materials.

Although the government has launched several programs to control all types of unemployment, the results have not yet been satisfactory. The government needs to devise more effective strategies for generating employment. 

Essay on Unemployment in 500 words for class 9, 10

Unemployment is a serious problem. Several factors, including lack of education, lack of employment opportunities, skills shortage, performance issues and growing population contribute to this problem in India. The negative effects of this problem can be seen on the entire society along with the personal effects. The government has taken several steps to control this problem. Some of these are mentioned in detail as follows.

Government initiative to reduce unemployment

  • Self-employment training

The program, started in 1979, was called the National Scheme of Training of Rural Youth for Self Employment (TRYSEM). It aims to reduce unemployment among youth in rural areas.

  • Integrated Rural Development Program (IRDP)

To ensure full employment opportunities in rural areas in the year 1978-79, the Government of India launched the Integrated Rural Development Program. 312 crores were spent on this program and 182 lakh families benefited from it.

  • Employment in foreign countries

The government helps people in getting employment in foreign companies. Special agencies have been set up in other countries to hire people.

  • Small and cottage industries

In an effort to reduce the issue of unemployment, the government has also developed small and cottage industries. Many people are earning their living with this initiative.

  • Golden jubilee employment scheme

The program aims to provide self-employment and wage-employment opportunities to the urban population. It consists of two schemes:

  • Urban self-employment program
  • Urban wage employment program
  • Employment assurance scheme

This program was started in 1994 for 1752 backward classes in the country. Poor unemployed people living in rural areas were provided unskilled manual work for 100 days under this scheme.

  • Drought prone area program (DPAP)

The program was launched in 13 states and covered 70 drought-prone districts with the aim of eliminating seasonal unemployment. The government spent Rs 474 crore in its seventh plan.

  • Jawahar Rozgar Yojana

The program, launched in April 1989, was intended to provide at least one member in each poor rural family with the employment of fifty to one hundred days for a year. Employment opportunities are provided in the vicinity of the individual and 30% of these opportunities are reserved for women.

  • Nehru Rozgar Yojana (NRY)

There are a total of three schemes under this program. Under the first scheme, the urban poor is subsidized to set up micro-enterprises. Under the second scheme, wage-employment is arranged for labourers in cities with a population of less than 10 lakh. Under the third scheme, the urban poor in cities is given employment opportunities matching their skills.

  • Employment guarantee scheme

The unemployed people are provided financial assistance under this scheme. It has been started in many states including Kerala, Maharashtra, Rajasthan etc.

Apart from this, several other programs have been launched by the government to reduce unemployment.

Although the government is taking several measures to control the problem of unemployment in the country, a lot still needs to be done to prevent this problem in the true sense.

Essay on Unemployment in 600 words for class 11, 12

Unemployment is a serious issue. There are many factors which are responsible for this. Some of these include lack of proper education, lack of good skills and skills, inability to perform, lack of good employment opportunities and rapidly growing population. A look at unemployment stability, unemployment consequences and measures taken by the government to control it further.

Unemployment related statistics in India

The Ministry of Labor and Employment in India maintains unemployment records in the country. Unemployment figures are calculated based on the number of people who had no work for a substantial period of time during the 365 days prior to the date the figures were matched and are still seeking employment.

From 1983 to 2013, the unemployment rate in India was the highest at 9.40% with an average of 7.32 percent and in 2013 it was a record of 4.90%. In the year 2015-16, the unemployment rate was 8.7% for women and 4.3 percent for men.

Result of unemployment

There are serious socio-economic issues due to unemployment. This affects not only one person but the whole society. Some of the major consequences of unemployment are explained below:

  • Rise in poverty

This statement is absolutely true that the increase in the unemployment rate has increased the poverty rate in the country. Unemployment is mainly responsible for inhibiting the economic development of the country.

  • Crime rate increase

Unemployed unable to find a suitable job usually takes the path of crime as it is an easy way to make money. Unemployment is one of the main causes of the rapidly increasing cases of theft, robbery and other heinous crimes.

  • Exploitation of labour

Employees generally take advantage of the lack of jobs in the market by offering lower wages. People unable to find a job linked to their skills usually settle for a low-paid job. Employees are also forced to work for a specified number of hours each day.

  • political instability

Lack of employment opportunities results in a lack of trust in the government and this situation often leads to political instability.

  • mental health

The level of dissatisfaction increases among unemployed people, which gradually leads to anxiety, depression and other mental health problems.

  • Loss of skill

Staying out of a job for a long period of time leads to dull life and loss of skills. This reduces a person’s confidence to a great extent.

The Government of India has started several programs to reduce the problem of unemployment as well as to help the unemployed in the country. Some of these include Integrated Rural Development Program (IRDP), Jawahar Rozgar Yojana, Drought Prone Areas Program (DPAP), Training for Self-Employment, Nehru Rozgar Yojana (NRY), Employment Assurance Scheme, Prime Minister’s Integrated Urban Poverty Alleviation Program (PMIUPEP), employment offices, employment in foreign countries, development of small and cottage industries, employment guarantee scheme and Jawahar Gram Samridhi Yojana etc. Not.

Apart from providing employment opportunities through these programs, the government is also sensing the importance of education and providing skill training to unemployed people.

Unemployment is the root cause of various problems in society. Although the government has taken the initiative to reduce this problem, the measures taken are not effective enough. Due to this problem, various factors need to be studied thoroughly to see effective and integrated solutions. It is time that the government should recognize the sensitivity of the matter and take some serious steps to reduce it.

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Unemployment In India Essay - 100, 200, 500 Words

  • Essay on Unemployment in India-

Unemployment is the inability to obtain a job in a well-established organisation despite repeated attempts. This issue has become critical in the twenty-first century due to various issues, such as a lack of human capital, illiteracy, resource availability, crime rate, mental stress, and even the effect of political considerations. One of the biggest concerns in the working field is the exploitation of people, making them lose hope in their profession. They are subjected to unequal wage distribution by their employer.

100 Words Essay on Unemployment in India

200 words essay on unemployment in india, 500 words essay on unemployment in india.

Unemployment In India Essay - 100, 200, 500 Words

Unemployment is when a person is willing to work but cannot find a job. In India, unemployment is a big problem because there are not enough jobs for everyone. Unemployment is a big problem in India that affects many people. It is caused by a lack of job opportunities, a mismatch between the skills of the workforce and the needs of employers, and a rapidly growing population .

The Indian government is trying to help by creating more jobs through schemes like the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) and the Pradhan Mantri Rojgar Protsahan Yojana (PMRPY) . These schemes provide employment opportunities for people living in rural areas and also encourage employers to provide more jobs for new job seekers.

“We need to give importance to skill development because this way we can end unemployment.” - Narendra Modi

Unemployment is a severe problem in India that affects millions of people. It is defined as a situation where a person is able and willing to work but cannot find a job. Unemployment can lead to poverty, social unrest and other negative effects on individuals and society.

Causes Of Unemployment

One of India's leading causes of unemployment is the lack of job opportunities . This can be due to various factors, such as a slow-growing economy, a need for more investment in specific industries, and education and training for certain jobs. Additionally, the population in India is growing rapidly, and there needs to be more jobs to keep up with the increasing number of people entering the workforce.

Another cause of unemployment in India is the mismatch between workforce skills and employers' needs. Many people in India need to gain the skills or education required for the available jobs, making it difficult for them to find work. Furthermore, many jobs in India require specific skills or qualifications that are not widely available. However, the Indian Government is taking steps to tackle unemployment through schemes and policies, as well as by encouraging investment and education.

Unemployment is a significant problem. If a country has an unemployment problem, that country will be unable to expand swiftly. Different difficulties will occur in such a situation; if individuals do not have jobs, they will engage in various improper actions that will damage the country.

Because of unemployment, many young people become involved in criminal activity. The country must bear this. Because of the increase in unemployment, significant crimes such as theft, dacoity, murder, and kidnapping have surged throughout the country. The best way to reduce these atrocities is to employ young people.

Causes of Unemployment in India

Population | India's fast-growing population contributes significantly to the country's high unemployment rate. Because as a country's population grows, so does the number of people working there, and as a result, competition among the people grows, and there is no assurance that everyone will receive a job.

Youth are the country's future, and if they do not have jobs, they will engage in other illicit and criminal actions, which can hinder the country's development. In such a situation, India will have to control its population rate and promote the Startup India scheme. Only then can the problem of unemployment in the country be ended.

Lack of technical education | Most colleges and universities in India still provide traditional, outmoded curricula. Students cannot acquire jobs with these courses in today's market. Because today's world is technical, and if the technical world wants to gain a job, then it is vital to have technical education.

So technical education has to be emphasised in India, and all youngsters have to be provided technical education early so they may acquire jobs easily after growing up.

Economic Growth is Slowing

Because the economy is developing slowly, the country's unemployment problem may worsen. As a result, if the government wants to solve the unemployment problem, it must accelerate economic development; only then will new job opportunities become accessible in the country.

Seasonal business of India: - Much of India's business is seasonally dependent, such as farming, which creates employment prospects once a year.

The decline in the industrial sector: - The country's industrial sector is growing at a glacial pace. As a result, career chances in this industry are restricted.

The decline in the cottage industry: - The cottage industry's output has plummeted, and as a result, many artisans have lost their jobs. In such a case, the country's unemployment crisis will worsen when the number of industries is reduced. As a result, the government must encourage the cottage sector to develop more job prospects and potential.

Increasing unemployment breeds poverty: - People who do not have jobs will commit crimes to meet their necessities.

How to Reduce Unemployment

The measures to address the unemployment problem are as follows:

The government should endeavour to regulate the population so that the number of new entrants to labour can be controlled.

India's education system must be modified to solve the unemployment problem. Education should change its focus from theory to practice.

To provide income and job opportunities, agricultural operations should be diversified into fisheries, livestock husbandry, horticulture, etc.

The government should make reasonable efforts to encourage the development of cottage and small industries in rural and urban regions. These industries require more labour per unit of capital.

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Unemployment In India Essay | Essay on Unemployment In India for Students and Children in English

February 14, 2024 by Prasanna

Unemployment In India Essay:  Creating new jobs is a crucial task and plays an important role in the economy. The economic crises has become a social crises for most countries leading to a high unemployment rate. Unemployment is a state when people have the potential and ability to work and earn but finds no remunerative work. It can also be stated as “condition of involuntary idleness.”

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Long and Short Essays on Unemployment In India for Kids and Students in English

Given below are two essays in English for students and children about the topic of ‘Unemployment In India’ in both long and short form. The first essay is a long essay on Unemployment In India of 400-500 words. This long essay about Unemployment In India is suitable for students of class 7, 8, 9 and 10, and also for competitive exam aspirants. The second essay is a short essay on Unemployment In India of 150-200 words. These are suitable for students and children in class 6 and below.

Long Essay on Unemployment In India 500 Words in English

Below we have given a long essay on Unemployment In India of 500 words is helpful for classes 7, 8, 9 and 10 and Competitive Exam Aspirants. This long essay on the topic is suitable for students of class 7 to class 10, and also for competitive exam aspirants.

The recent trillion dollar meltdown of US, the Eurozone crises have changed the economic landscape of the world. Many developed countries that were doing well, suddenly are grappling with pilling debt, a banking crises and a slowdown. So, unemployment which is bothering India, is infact a global issue effecting lots of countries together.

Unemployment records in India are kept by the Ministry of Labour and Employment of India. From 1983 till 2011, unemployment rate in India averaged 7.6% reaching all time high in December 2010 and a record low of 3.8% in December 2011. A large pool of youth in the age group of 18-25 years, despite being skilled, are facing unemployment since there are not enough opportunities for them. Interestingly, the gap between rural and urban employment rate is also not very wide. But since India has the largest population of youth in the world, the impact of declining financial market is worst in India.

Unemployment may be classified as rural, urban, seasonal, cyclical or technological. Seasonal unemployment is found mostly in the agricultural sector and manufacturing units like sugar or ice factories. Cyclical unemployment is caused due to the ups and downs in trade. When the entrepreneurs compensate their loss by cutting down on their number of workers, it is termed as cyclical unemployment.

As the term itself suggests, technological unemployment occurs when introduction of technology displaces manpower. Factors like lack of capital, lack of investment, low production, decline in business cycle, dislocation of industries, deflation, use of technology etc., are the basic causes of unemployment. Besides these economic causes, unemployment can be caused due to various social factors too, like geographical immobility, rapid growth of population, defective system of education, lack of experience, lack of vocational training, illness or disability. Another very important social factor is the demand for certain white collar jobs and the attitude of the society to look down upon certain jobs such as teaching or salesmanship, which also causes unemployment. The desire for social acceptance through made-up social status too causes unemployment.

Unemployment, thus causes disillusionment, frustration and dissatisfaction. This gives rise to cynicism and dissipates the energy of the youth in destructive directions. Thus, they resort to crime, violence, anti-social activities or even worse they try to take a short cut to achieve the much sought after social status. This explains the number of bank robberies, online money/financial frauds etc. Even suicidal tendencies are on a rise due to social humiliation and deprivation.

These crises have taken its toll so much that various movies on this subject have also been produced. Movies like ‘Wolf of Wall Street’, ‘Badmaash Company’ and ‘Desi Boyz’ are examples of such movies depicting how market slowdown has taken people to wrong places, even to committing crimes. Though education level in recent years has increased but skill development is still a crucial issue. Moreover, poverty, limited access to skill based education, work experience are some of the major factors that lead to unemployment and under-employment. Current Prime Minister Narendra Modi too has emphasised on skill development of youth so that they would be able to fulfil the mission of nation building.

Government should set-up their efforts to support skill and retraining activities to address the gaps between demand and supply of work skills and qualifications. The country needs to take a serious look at its present scenario and think of some serious remedial measures to face the mammoth problem of unemployment.

Unemployment In India Essay

Short Essay on Unemployment In India 200 Words in English

Below we have given a short essay on Unemployment In India is for Classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. This short essay on the topic is suitable for students of class 6 and below.

The society has to change its outlook on white collar and blue collar jobs, along with a change in education system and needs to create more opportunities of self-employment. Stress on vocational training is needed urgently. Then only we can overcome the growing problem of unemployment in the country.

The Government of India has taken several steps to decrease the unemployment rate like launching Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme which guarantees a 100 day employment to an unemployed person in a year. The scheme of unemployment allowance was launched by Samajwadi Party wherein Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav distributed allowance of ₹ 1000 per month to the unemployed youths in the age group of 25-40.

Drought Prone Area Programme proved fruitful particularly in removing seasonal unemployment in about 13 states. Self-employment training was also given to young men along with which financial assistance from the bank was also extended. Government also helps people to get employment abroad. With the recent development, wherein Prime Minister Narendra Modi is calling foreign investors to set up industries in India, soon the problem of unemployment would be seen as a thing of the past.

Unemployment In India Essay Word Meanings for Simple Understanding

  • Remunerative – financially rewarding, earning a salary
  • Involuntary – unintentional, done without will
  • Grappling – engage in a close fight, struggle without weapons
  • Entrepreneurs – a person who organises and manages any enterprise, an employer
  • Compensate – balance, reduce or correct by exerting an effect
  • Disillusionment – lack of expectation, disappointment
  • Cynicism – an inclination to believe that people are motivated purely by self-interest, doubt,
  • Dissipates – waste, drive away, scatter
  • Depravation – to make morally bad or evil, corrupt
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Essay on Unemployment For Students and Children in 1000 Words

We have written an essay on unemployment for students and children in 1000 words. It includes meaning, problems in India, reasons, effect, 10 lines, and tips for tackling unemployment.

Table of Contents

Essay on Unemployment (1000 words)

Higher governmental borrowing needs derive from lower consumption of products and services and lower tax payments. Individuals and households are substantially reducing their expenditure to satisfy financial obligations as a result of unemployment. 

This paper provides a summary of the societal impacts of unemployment as well as the issues that the situation will face in the future.

Unemployment Problem in India

The reasons behind unemployment , effects of unemployment.

Unemployment has the following economic consequences in any country:

Tips for Tackling Unemployment

More help for self-employed individuals: In India, the majority of people are self-employed. Individuals work in agriculture, trading, handicrafts, small-scale enterprises, and other fields. These people need money, as well as raw materials and help learning how to do things.

Population regulation: In an attempt to alleviate the issue of unemployment, the overall population increase should be controlled. The family management programme ought to be extensively and efficiently implemented.

10 Lines on Essay on Unemployment

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Essay on Unemployment

We always used to refer youths as the future of the nation, but what about their future? Every human wants to live a luxurious and peaceful life. All his dreams can only come true when they will be able to earn a healthy livelihood. Every student wishes to get a high-paying job after their studies. But what if they don’t get jobs? Today, the youth are facing the problem of unemployment. This not only affects youths and their family but the entire nation as a whole.

Short and Long Unemployment Essay in English

To highlight the growing issue of unemployment and its consequences, today we will discuss Unemployment in detail. Here, we are presenting short and long essays on Unemployment in English for students under word limits of 100 – 150 Words, 200 – 250 words, and 500 – 600 words. This topic is useful for students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 in English. These provided essays on Unemployment will help you to write effective essays, paragraphs, and speeches on this topic.

Unemployment Essay 10 Lines (100 – 150 Words)

1) Unemployment is when qualified people are looking for work but unable to find it.

2) Unemployment is primarily due to the scarcity of job opportunities.

3) Unemployment is one of the biggest things that keep a country from growing.

4) When there is unemployment in society, people lose their skills.

5) Unemployment is caused by several things that work in different ways.

6) Changes in technology cause people to lose their jobs, which leads to unemployment.

7) The country’s industrial sector is growing slowly which can result in unemployment.

8) Unemployment is a big problem in places that haven’t developed much yet.

9) A country with a high unemployment rate faces social and economic problems.

10) We need to plan if we want to get rid of unemployment in the country.

Short Essay on Unemployment (200 – 250 Words)


The problem of unemployment is growing drastically. However, it is a bad thing for everyone. Unemployment happens when someone who is actively looking for work can’t find a job. However, the unemployed are those people who want to work but can’t find work. In almost every country, unemployment has become a big problem.

Unemployment: The Serious Issue

Unemployment is a problem in a lot of places around the world. When people lose their jobs, they lose self-confidence, get angry, and have bad feelings about everyday things. When unemployment is high, people buy fewer goods and services and pay less in taxes. This means that the government has to manage the nation’s expenses. When there are more people out of work, there are more crimes. Unemployment not only affects the people who are out of work, but also the growth of the country as a whole.

Reasons of Unemployment

Several things can be blamed for unemployment. First of all, the status of the education sector is getting down. Students have more theoretical knowledge but lack practical knowledge. An unhealthy work environment is another reason that can lead to unemployment in the end. As technology gets better, more tasks are done by machines instead of people, making it unnecessary to hire people.

Unemployment is a big problem that must be fixed in any way possible. This is a problem that needs to be fixed by the government. Policymakers and people should work together to make more jobs and learn the right skills to get hired. To find effective and integrated solutions to this problem, it is important to study the different things that are causing it.

Long Essay on Unemployment (500 Words)

Our country has a lot of good schools, colleges, and universities. Thousands of students graduate from there every year. Then also, the number of people without jobs is going up every day. Unemployment arises when people who want to work but don’t find proper jobs. It doesn’t count people who are voluntarily unemployed or who can’t look for work because of illness.

Types of Unemployment

There are different kinds of unemployment, including:

  • Hidden unemployment: When people are working less than their potential or their skills are unutilized but counted as employed falls in this category.
  • Cyclical unemployment: When the overall amount of business activity goes down, this causes cyclical unemployment.
  • Seasonal unemployment: It happens in jobs like construction, farming, and the tourist trade, where the weather or the calendar determines the demand for work.
  • Long-term unemployment: It occurs when someone has been out of work for a year or more.
  • Underemployment: It occurs when a person is overqualified for work or works part-time.
  • Hardcore unemployment: Hardcore unemployment is a term for people who have been out of work for a long time.
  • Structured unemployment : It happens when there are too many unemployed people for the number of open jobs.
  • Frictional unemployment: It happens when there aren’t enough people to fill jobs in the same jobs and the same places.

Causes of Unemployment

The first reason for unemployment is the growing population. This is also because of how our education system works. Our schools and colleges focus more on theoretical knowledge than practical training for jobs. Changes in technology are one of the most important reasons why people lose their jobs. Many employees are unhappy with their jobs. When companies treat people differently based on their caste, religion, race, etc, they make it harder for people to work there.

Effects of Unemployment

Having no job means not having a way to make money. Unemployment is a big problem that slows down both individual and national progress. When people can’t get enough work to meet their needs, crime rates go up. The number of people who are homeless and who are mentally or physically sick is going up. If you don’t have a job for a long time, you get bored and eventually lose your skills.

Unemployment in India

India is a developing country with an economy that isn’t as strong as it could be. Unemployment in India is different from unemployment in developed economies. India’s unemployment problem is not caused by a lack of effective demand. Instead, it is caused by a lack of capital equipment and other resources, along with a high rate of population growth. India has a bigger problem with underemployment than it does with unemployment.

Unemployment is a big problem for all economies. For a developing economy, both the government and individuals need to take steps to increase productivity and raise the standard of living.

I hope the above provided essay on Unemployment will be helpful in understanding the effects and causes of unemployment in a country.

FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions on Unemployment

Ans. The unemployment rate can be defined as the percentage of persons who are actively seeking employment but are unable to find it.

Ans. From April to June 2022, the unemployment rate in urban centers of India was 7.6%.

Ans. Rajasthan is the highest unemployed state in India.

Ans. Maharashtra has the highest employment in India as per 2022 records.

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Essay on Unemployment: 100 to 300 Words

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  • Mar 30, 2024

Essay on Unemployment

Writing an essay on unemployment provides an opportunity to explore a critical issue affecting societies worldwide. Unemployment, a multifaceted problem, has far-reaching consequences that touch upon various aspects of individuals, families, and nations. In this essay, we will delve into the complexities of unemployment, examine its causes and consequences, discuss government initiatives, and shed light on potential solutions.

essay on unemployment class 6

Table of Contents

  • 1 What is Unemployment?
  • 2 Essay on Unemployment in 100 words
  • 3 Essay on Unemployment in 200 words
  • 4 Essay on Unemployment in 300 words
  • 5 Tips to Ace in Writing An Essay

Must Read: The Beginner’s Guide to Writing an Essay

What is Unemployment?

Lack of jobs leads to unemployment. It is a very serious economic and social concern that is happening all around the globe leading to many social ills. This issue is a major one and hence many governments are trying to address it. When people of a nation are employed, that leads to the economic and social well-being of that nation. To address it, the education system needs to be modeled differently so as to increase the employability of people. In democracies, political parties use unemployment as a core issue in their election manifestos.

Essay on Unemployment in 100 words

Unemployment refers to the condition when individuals, capable and willing to work, are unable to secure gainful employment. It is a pervasive issue across the globe, with varying degrees of impact on societies. Unemployment results in financial instability, and emotional distress, and hampers individual growth. Governments and organizations must collaborate to create opportunities for employment through skill development and policy implementation.

Essay on Unemployment in 200 words

Unemployment, a pressing concern globally, stems from multiple factors that hinder the workforce’s engagement in productive activities. It affects both developed and developing nations, contributing to economic imbalances and social disparities. The consequences of unemployment include reduced income levels, increased poverty rates, and strained government resources. Moreover, the psychological toll it takes on individuals and families can be severe, leading to stress, depression, and strained relationships.

Essay on Unemployment in 300 words

The intricate web of unemployment is spun from a mix of causes, ranging from economic fluctuations to structural shifts in industries. Cyclical unemployment, driven by economic downturns, and structural unemployment, resulting from a mismatch between skills and job openings, are widespread forms. Additionally, technological advancements lead to technological unemployment as machines replace human labour.

Unemployment has cascading effects on societies. Diminished purchasing power affects market demand, thereby impacting economic growth. As unemployment rates rise, so does the burden on social welfare programs and the healthcare system. The phenomenon also fuels social unrest and political instability, making it a challenge governments cannot ignore.

Governments worldwide have initiated strategies to tackle unemployment. Skill development programs, vocational training, and entrepreneurship initiatives are designed to equip individuals with market-relevant skills. Furthermore, promoting labour-intensive industries and investing in sectors with growth potential can generate employment opportunities.

In conclusion, unemployment is a complex issue that necessitates a multi-pronged approach. Governments, industries, and individuals must collaborate to alleviate its impact. Effective policy implementation, education reforms, and the cultivation of entrepreneurial spirit can pave the way towards reducing unemployment rates and fostering a more stable and prosperous society.

Tips to Ace in Writing An Essay

Before we dive into the specifics of unemployment, let’s briefly discuss some tips to enhance your essay-writing skills:

  • Understand the Prompt: Ensure a clear understanding of the essay prompt to address all its components effectively.
  • Research Thoroughly: Gather relevant information from credible sources to build a comprehensive and informed essay.
  • Organize Your Thoughts: Create an outline to structure your essay logically, allowing your ideas to flow coherently.
  • Introduction and Conclusion: Craft a compelling introduction to engage your readers, and a succinct conclusion to summarize your key points.
  • Use Clear Language: Express your ideas using clear and concise language, avoiding jargon or overly complex vocabulary.
  • Provide Examples: Illustrate your points with real-life examples to enhance understanding and credibility.
  • Edit and Proofread: Revise your essay for grammar, punctuation, and coherence to ensure a polished final draft.

Also Read: Unemployment v/s Underemployment – What’s Worse?

Related Reads:-     

Unemployment refers to the state in which individuals who are willing and able to work are without gainful employment opportunities. It is a condition where individuals seek jobs but are unable to secure them, leading to financial instability and societal challenges.

Unemployment, as discussed in the essay, is a multifaceted issue encompassing the lack of employment opportunities for willing and capable individuals. It explores various forms of unemployment, its causes, far-reaching consequences on economies and societies, and the role of governments in implementing solutions to mitigate its impact.

Unemployment is the term used to describe the situation where individuals of working age are actively seeking employment but are unable to find suitable job opportunities. It signifies a gap between the available workforce and available jobs, often leading to economic and social challenges within a society.

Unemployment emerges as a prominent thread, influencing economic, social, and psychological realms. As we’ve explored in this essay, comprehending the causes and consequences of unemployment is pivotal in devising solutions. Governments, institutions, and individuals must strive collectively to unravel this issue’s complexities and weave a fabric of employment opportunities, stability, and progress. We hope that this essay blog on Unemployment helps. For more amazing daily reads related to essay writing , stay tuned with Leverage Edu .

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Manasvi Kotwal

Manasvi's flair in writing abilities is derived from her past experience of working with bootstrap start-ups, Advertisement and PR agencies as well as freelancing. She's currently working as a Content Marketing Associate at Leverage Edu to be a part of its thriving ecosystem.

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10 Lines on Unemployment

Unemployment is the situation of a person who neither has any job nor is he self-employed and he is actively searching for job. Unemployment is one of the biggest issues which India is facing for many years. Government launches many schemes but still they are unable to fulfill the increasing demands of the youths of the country.

Providing jobs and guaranteeing employment to youths were the steps to be taken for abolishing poverty but neither poverty was abolished nor the youths became employed. It is very important for the country to provide employment to the people for its overall development and equal distribution of wealth.

Ten Lines on Unemployment in English

We have provided 10 lines, 5 lines, 20 lines, few lines and sentences on unemployment in English for Class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. You can add these lines in your essays and paragraph writing in your exam as well as in the school competition. This will also help you to write essay on unemployment, speech on unemployment, few lines on unemployment or few sentences on unemployment for class 1, 2, 3 and 4.

10 Lines of Unemployment

1) Unemployment is a curse to the society which slows the economic growth of a country.

2) It not only affects individual but also affects society and the nation.

3) Unemployment is a situation when a person does not have a paid job and seeking one.

4) Unemployment mostly occurs to a certain age group of 15-18 or 60-65 years.

5) Rapid growth of population is one of the leading factors of unemployment.

6) Slow economic growth also leads a country towards unemployment.

7) Slow growth in industrial sector is also one of the factors responsible for unemployment.

8) Unemployment leads to increase in poverty and hampers economic growth.

9) Due to unemployment the misguided youth might also indulge themselves in criminal activities.

10) Many employers also take undue advantage of labor force due to scarcity of jobs in country.

10 Lines and Sentences on Unemployment

1) Unemployment in India is one of the major crises which is affecting the lives of several people and their families.

2) The problem of unemployment must be considered as very serious and government must resolve this burning issue.

3) The education system in India provides ineffective and age old conventional education to youths which does not prepare students industry-ready.

4) Fall down in major sectors in India has also led to the result of less job creation and employment opportunities to youth.

5) Migration of people from rural to urban areas in search of jobs is also a reason since the jobs are less but demand is more.

6) Unemployment might also cause tensed situation and depression in youths which can prove troublesome for them.

7) Unemployment misguides youth and they might also become addicted to drugs and involve in criminal activities.

8) Government and societies must focus on population control so that better living conditions can be provided to people.

9) The need of hour says that education system of India must be improved with a stress on employment and research-based education.

10) Development of each corner of the country should be the prime focus of India as it will remove regional disparity and migration.

5 Lines of Unemployment

1) It means lack of jobs for skilled people.

2) It harms the development of the country.

3) It is due to many reasons.

4) It is also harmful to individuals.

5) Unemployment is high in India.

20 Lines of Unemployment

1) Unemployment refers to a situation when able people can’t find a suitable job to sustain their lives.

2) Over population is one of the main factors for unemployment as it leads to less jobs, more applicants.

3) Illiteracy is also one main factor behind unemployment, as illiterate person fails to acquire skills.

4) Industrialization, projects are some of the remedies by which unemployment can be controlled.

5) There is a need to generate new job opportunities in both government and private sectors.

6) Government should provide tax rebates, subsidies to private employers, to encourage hiring.

7) Necessary skills must be taught to the unemployed, to increase their employability.

8) People should be trained and financially supported in a particular trade to start their own business.

9) Unemployment causes poor social and financial growth of a nation, and must be dealt with strictly.

10) Unemployment also forces people towards criminal activities like theft, robbery and illegal trades.

11) Unemployment means an inability to earn livelihood to sustain one’s needs and family.

12) Unemployment isn’t only faced by poor, but also by educated persons unable to secure a job.

13) An unemployed person leads a socially deplorable life and is seen by others as a liability or a burden.

14) Unemployment is said to be a curse because it implies a sorry state of inability to meet bare needs.

15) Governments must be instrumental in promoting and generating new employment opportunities.

16) Employment opportunities must be generated also for those who never had any formal education.

17) Those without any formal education must be trained in crafts, agriculture and other skills.

18) Unemployment may lead to homelessness as the person is unable to pay the rent.

19) Unemployment also causes poor health and diseases not only for the sufferer but the family as well.

20) Unemployment also causes poor living standard and social status for the unemployed and his family.

Unemployment is a curse on India as a nation as well as on society. Many youths are wandering without any job and aim. They feel that their studies, education and qualifications all have gone in vein. Unemployment leads to many types of issues and troubles like suicides, crimes, drug addiction etc.

Government needs to address this at a war level and also must do efforts for job creation, simplifying the rule and laws and promoting self-employment.

Related Information:

Essay on Unemployment

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  • Unemployment and Employment Generation

Did you know India has one amongst the highest unemployment rates in Asia? In 2017 it was at 3.4%. One of the most crucial concerns of any economy is unemployment. This lesson elaborates on the concept and calculation of unemployment rate, its causes and how it differs in rural and urban India.

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Unemployment: definition and calculation.

Unemployment is a regularly used term and normally refers to those who are ‘out of work’. In strictly economic terms, the unemployed include all those who are able and willing to work but cannot find work. This includes the pool of persons who seek work through employment exchanges, friends, relatives and other contacts and express their willingness to get employed, owing to the lack of work. Economists define an unemployed person as one who is unable to get work for even one hour during half a day.

The three major sources of official data on employment in India include:

  • The National Sample Survey Organization
  • Census of India
  • Directorate General of Employment and Training Data of Registration with Employment Exchanges

essay on unemployment class 6

(Source: Press Information Bureau)

We use the following formula to calculate it:

Unemployment Rate = (No. of Unemployed Persons / Total Labourforce) x 100

Here, labour force refers to all those persons willing and able to engage in productive activity or work.

Types of Unemployment

Rural unemployment.

India has roughly 70% of its population living in rural areas. Agriculture forms the mainstay of the rural population. But, not enough employment is available for all those living in the rural areas. This leads to unemployment, which can take three forms open, seasonal and disguised.

Open Unemployment

This refers to the situation in rural areas where people who are willing and actually able to work cannot find any work .

Disguised Unemployment

This particularly plagues the Indian agrarian scenario. In this case, more workers than required are engaged on the farm, where not all of them are actually productively contributing to creating output. Thus, the marginal physical productivity of many workers is zero. This happens when almost the entire family engages in farm production .

Seasonal Unemployment

The case with this is that workers remain out of work for a particular season. For example, workers hired only for the harvest season remain unemployed for the remaining part of the year. Or, if the industry itself is seasonal, workers naturally remain unemployed during the off-season.

Urban Unemployment

The unemployed in the urban areas have increased considerably over the years. Normally, the number of the urban unemployed is registered with unemployment exchange boards. It can also take various forms, as under-

Industrial Unemployment

Those illiterate persons who are willing and able to work in factories or industries in urban areas but cannot find work fall in this category. As rural-urban migration increases, urban unemployment also does.

Educated Unemployment

The most horrifying kind of unemployment is when the educated youth are unable to find appropriate jobs to suit their qualifications. With an improvement in education over time, skilled workers have increased in number but the number of available jobs has not increased correspondingly. This causes educated unemployment.

Technological Unemployment

This type of unemployment takes place every time technology upgrades and the existing workforce are unable to cope with the new technology. If the skills required to meet the new technology do not match the existing skill-sets of the employed workers and they cannot adapt, they become unemployed. Upgradation is a natural process, with cyclical obsolescence as one set of technology becomes irrelevant and gets replaced by another.

essay on unemployment class 6

(Source: The Hindu)

Causes of Unemployment

To be able to deal with the problem of unemployment, it is now necessary for you to understand its causes in a country like ours. A slow rate of economic growth would mean that the national output is not increasing by much. It indicates that not enough jobs are being created to absorb the workers able and willing to work. Put simply, labour supply far exceeds existing job opportunities.

Another reason particular to India is its population growth rate . The number of people looking for jobs has multiplied manifold over the years as the population growth rate has soared high. The rising population proves to be a burden on the number of jobs that can actually be created in an economy with its limited resources. The recent population explosion is a contributing factor to decreased employment in the country.

Over-dependence on technology , domestic or foreign, has led to technological unemployment. This is because of less requirement of manual labour to accomplish tasks with greater dependence on machines and technology.

The lack of adequate fund-allocation and financial resources to curb unemployment is also leading it to rise. Proper governmental programs targeting the unemployed population, if not well-implemented, harm the employment situation of the country. Lack of committed support to deal with the job crisis causes employment to fall.

Employment Generation

The government has a key role to play in employment generation in the country. In fact, it must persevere to increase the employment levels of the country. In the light of this, governments in the past have acted to deal with unemployment in India. The National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (NREGA) was passed in 2005. The NREGA seeks to provide 100 days of guaranteed wage employment to rural households willing to perform unskilled manual work. It makes special provisions for women and for the distance within which the job must be available to job-seekers for convenience.

State and federal governments, over the years, have played a key role in enacting other social security programmes, providing unemployment allowances and conducting training programmes and encouraging on-the-job training to absorb more skilled labour into jobs.

The government has also strived to provide direct employment in government departments and offices at various positions and levels. It also helps in indirect employment through the production of goods and services that aid the ability of the private sector to invite more job applicants and create opportunities. One of the main allied objectives of these policy programmes is the idea of poverty alleviation , with other emphases on health, nutrition, a standard of living, education, road-building, infrastructure and rural development.

Solved Example for You

Question: Sanjeev gets work for two hours a day. For the rest of the day, he is looking for work. Can you classify him as an unemployed person?

Answer: Yes, Sanjeev is unemployed. This is as per the economists’ definition of unemployment that if a person does not get employment for even one hour during half a day, he is called ‘unemployed’. Sanjeev is employed for only two hours during a day and spend the remaining part of the day looking for work. So, he can be called unemployed.

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5 responses to “Unemployment and Employment Generation”

Why unemployment rate is inceresed

bro first go and learn the spellings of increase

The unemployed beasts of yore Are not bred any more; They are a hindrance roaming around Where mechanical beasts abound!

The unemployed brains of today Are kindly kept at bay; They are a nuisance hanging around Where electronic brains abound!

Boghos Artinian MD

We can find most populas country in Asia and have low rate of people unemployment and are exporter is many diverse product range. It’s a hint, reader may understand what I mean. Employment with huge population is achievable, population itself is not a problem. It creates immense demand to give thrust for economic activities. Other countries (technology advances, devloped countries ) sees Bharat,India as a huge market to sell their technologically produced surplus output, to get maximum wealth.

Our economy is getting more and more technology driven. And economic power is going to holder of technology post liberalisation. (Import of ferign technology and interference of heigh devloped countries).For example digitalisation, it will help govt only to achieve minimum government (less people ) maximum governance (more control) objective. If one get a lesson on any subject over YouTube or over net why would there be a need of teacher then. If meetings can be done in conferences and work can be done at home, then why there is need of buildings for offices, chairs, and more utilities. And why there is employment for those people who deliver such utilities. Technological advancement be encouraged to places where human requirement is not needed( places where human life may be threaten or at risk). For instance, Technologically driven swearage sytem. technology if so devloped in our country should be exported to country where human capital is less and it’s use in our country be made limited.

Privatisation: there is sole difference of motive of private and government organisations. Where government firms motive is for welfare of public, on the other hand private firm objective is to exploite to get maximum profit. With liberalisation of economy and government encouraging privatisation/giving more power to private sector in country. Private sector has free choice in using techniques of production either capital incentive or labour avoiding and labour intensive techniques. Private sector in order to get maximum profit choose capital incentive techniques, resulting in less and less human employment.

There is no skill gap I believe and our education system is unnecessarily been blamed for it. Post liberalisation brought many diverse form work/services that where not know before. It is mainly a tail work which arises after adoption of technology derived from different avenues of different culture or countries.

Unidirectional policy of govt to pertucular sector develops a rat race among huge population. It caused a lot of talent drain and wastage of human efforts. This time to technology which will increase demand for technocrats. Huge population of Youth will divert there efforts to be become technology holder or to get fit into market demand despite having other apptitute.

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Unemployment Essay

One of the major hindrances in the growth of any country is unemployment. Unemployment is a serious issue in India. Lack of education, lack of employment opportunities and performance issues are some of the factors that lead to unemployment. The government of India must take effective steps to eliminate this problem. One of the main problems faced by the developing countries is unemployment. It is not only one of the major obstacles in the country’s economic growth but also has several other negative repercussions on the individual as well as the society as a whole.

Long and Short Essay on Unemployment in English

We have provided below short and long essay on unemployment in English for your knowledge and information. These essays have been written in simple and impressive language to convey the message with minimum effort.

After going through these Essays on Unemployment you will know about the factors leading to unemployment in India; what are the possible solutions for the eradication of unemployment; different types of unemployment; initiatives taken by the government to reduce unemployment; unemployment statistics in India etc.

These Unemployment essay will be useful in your school/college events of essay writing, speech giving or debate.

Unemployment Essay 1 (200 words)

People who are willing to work and are earnestly looking for job but are unable to find one are said to be unemployed. It does not include people who are voluntarily unemployed as well as those who are unable to seek job due to certain physical or mental health problem.

There are various factors that lead to the problem of unemployment in the country. These include:

  • Slow Industrial Growth
  • Rapid Increase in Population
  • Focus on Theoretical Education
  • Fall in Cottage Industries
  • Lack of alternative employment opportunities for the agricultural workers
  • Technological Advancement

Unemployment does not impact only the individuals but also the growth of the country. It has a negative impact on social and economic growth of the country. Here are some of the consequences of unemployment:

  • Increase in crime rate
  • Poor standard of living
  • Loss of skill
  • Political instability
  • Mental health issues
  • Slow economic growth

Surprisingly, despite the negative repercussions it has on the society, unemployment is one of the most overlooked issues in India. The government has taken certain steps to control the problem; however, these have not been effective enough. The government should not just initiate programs to control this problem but also keep a check on their effectiveness and revise them if need be.

Unemployment Essay 2 (300 words)


Unemployment is a curse to the society. It does not only impact the individuals but also the society as a whole. There are a number of factors that lead to unemployment. Here is a look at these factors in detail and also the possible solutions to control this problem.

Factors Leading to Unemployment in India

  • Growth in Population

The rapid growth in the population of the country is one of the leading causes of unemployment.

  • Slow Economic Growth

Slow economic growth of the country results in lesser employment opportunities for people, thereby leading to unemployment.

  • Seasonal Occupation

Large part of the country’s population is engaged in the agricultural sector. With this being a seasonal occupation, it provides work opportunity only for a certain part of the year.

  • Slow Growth of Industrial Sector

The growth of industrial sector in the country is slow. Thus, the employment opportunities in this sector are limited.

  • Fall in Cottage Industry

The production in cottage industry has fallen drastically and this has left several artisans unemployed.

Possible Solutions to Eradicate Unemployment

  • Population Control

It is high time the government of India should take stern steps to control the population of the country.

  • Education System

The education system in India focuses majorly on the theoretical aspects rather than skill development. The system must be improved to generate skilled manpower.

  • Industrialization

The government must take steps to boost the industrial sector to create greater opportunities for people.

  • Overseas Companies

The government must encourage foreign companies to open their units in the country to generate more employment opportunities.

  • Employment Opportunities

Employment opportunities must be created in rural areas for seasonally unemployed people.

The problem of unemployment in the country has persisted since long. While the government has launched several programmes for employment generation, desirable progress has not been achieved. The policy-makers and the citizens should make collective efforts in creating more jobs as well as acquiring the right skill-set for employability.

Unemployment Essay 3 (400 words)

Unemployment in India can be divided into many categories including disguised unemployment, open unemployment, educated unemployment, cyclic unemployment, seasonal unemployment, technological unemployment, underemployment, structural unemployment, frictional unemployment, chronic unemployment and casual unemployment. Before leaning about these types of unemployment in detail let us understand as to who exactly is said to be unemployed. It is basically a person who is willing to work and is seeking an employment opportunity, however, is unable to find one. Those who choose to remain unemployed voluntarily or are unable to work due to some physical or mental health issue are not counted as unemployed.

Here is a detailed look at the different types of unemployment:

Disguised Unemployment

When more than the required numbers of people are employed at a place, it is said to be disguised unemployment. Removing these people does not impact the productivity.

Seasonal Unemployment

As the term suggests, this is the type of unemployment that is seen during certain seasons of the year. The industries mostly affected by seasonal unemployment include the agricultural industry, resorts and ice factories, to name a few.

Open Unemployment

This is when a vast number of labourers are unable to seek a job that provides them regular income. The problem occurs as the labour force increases at a much greater rate compared to the economy’s growth rate.

Technological Unemployment

The use of technological equipments has also led to unemployment by reducing the requirement of manual labour.

Structural Unemployment

This kind of unemployment occurs because of a major change in the country’s economic structure. This is said to be a result of technological advancement and economic development.

Cyclic Unemployment

A reduction in the overall level of business activities leads to cyclic unemployment. However, the phenomenon is short-run.

Educated Unemployment

Inability to find a suitable job, lack of employable skill and flawed education system are some of the reasons why the educated lot remains unemployed.


In this kind of unemployment people either take up a job on part time basis or take up work for which they are over-qualified.

Frictional Unemployment

This occurs when the demand of labour force and its supply are not synced appropriately.

Chronic Unemployment

This is long-term unemployment that continues in a country due to the rapid increase in population and low level of economic development.

Casual Unemployment

This may occur because of a sudden fall in demand, short-term contracts or shortage of raw material.

Though the government has launched several programmes to control each type of unemployment, however, the results are far from satisfactory. The government needs to devise more effective strategies for employment generation.

Unemployment Essay 4 (500 words)

Unemployment is a serious problem. There are a number of factors including lack of education, lack of employment opportunities, lack of skill, performance issues and increasing population rate that lead to this issue in India. Unemployment has a number of negative repercussions on the individuals as well as the country as a whole. The government has taken several initiatives to control this problem. Some of these are mentioned here in detail.

Government Initiatives to Reduce Unemployment

  • Training for Self Employment

Launched in 1979, the program was named, National Scheme of Training of Rural Youth for Self Employment (TRYSEM). It is aimed at reducing unemployment among the youth in the rural areas.

  • Integrated Rural Development Programme (IRDP)

In the year 1978-79, the Indian government launched the Integrated Rural Development Programme to ensure full employment opportunities in rural areas. A sum of Rs. 312 crore was spent on this programme and as many as 182 lakh families benefited from it.

  • Employment in Foreign Countries

The government helps people get employment in overseas companies. Special agencies have been established to hire people for work in other countries.

  • Small and Cottage Industries

In an attempt to reduce the issue of unemployment, the government has also developed small and cottage industries. Several people are making their living with this initiative.

  • The Swaran Jayanti Rozgar Yojana

This program is aimed at providing self-employment as well as wage-employment opportunities to the urban population. It includes two plans:

  • Urban Self-Employment Programme
  • Urban Wage Employment Programme
  • Employment Assurance Scheme

The program was launched in as many in 1994 in as 1752 backward blocks in the country. It provided unskilled manual work for 100 days to the poor unemployed people living in rural areas.

  • Drought Prone Area Programme (DPAP)

The program was started in 13 states and covered as many as 70 drought-prone districts with an aim to remove seasonal unemployment. In its seventh plan, the government spent Rs. 474 crore.

  • Jawahar Rozgar Yojana

The program launched in April 1989 aimed at providing employment to a minimum of one member in each poor rural family for a period of fifty to hundred days a year. The employment opportunity is provided in the person’s vicinity and 30% of these opportunities are reserved for women.

  • Nehru Rozgar Yojana (NRY)

There are a total of three schemes under this program. Under the first scheme, the urban poor are given subsidy to establish micro enterprises. Under the second scheme, wage-employment is arranged for labourers in cities having a population of less than 10 lakh. Under the third scheme, urban poor in the cities are given employment opportunities matching their skills.

  • Employment Guarantee Scheme

Unemployed people are provided economic assistance under this scheme. It has been launched in a number of states including Kerala, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, etc.

Apart from this, many other similar programs have been launched to reduce unemployment.

Though the government has been taking several measures to control the problem of unemployment in the country a lot still needs to be worked upon in order to curb this problem in true sense.

Unemployment Essay 5 (600 words)

Unemployment is a grave issue. There are a number of factors that lead to it. Some of these include lack of proper education, lack of good skill set, inability to perform, lack of good employment opportunities and rapidly increasing population. Here is a look at the unemployment statics in the country, the consequences of unemployment and the measures taken by the government to control it.

Unemployment: Statistics in India

The Ministry of Labour and Employment of India keeps the records of unemployment in the country. The measure of unemployment is calculated based on the number of people who had no work for a substantial amount of time during the 365 days preceding the date of collation of data and are still seeking employment.

India saw an average of 7.32 percent unemployment rate from 1983 to 2013 with a highest of 9.40 percent in the year 2009 and a record low of 4.90 percent in 2013. In the year 2015-16, the unemployment rate shot up significantly with 8.7 per cent for women and 4.3 per cent for men.

Consequences of Unemployment

Unemployment leads to serious socio-economic issues. It does not only impact the individuals but the society as a whole. Shared below are some of the major consequences of unemployment:

  • Increase in Poverty

It goes without saying that increase in unemployment rate results in increase in the rate of poverty in the country. Unemployment is largely responsible for hampering the economic growth of the country.

  • Increase in Crime Rate

Unable to find a suitable job, the unemployed lot usually takes the path of crime as this seems to be an easy way of making money. One of the main causes of rapidly increasing cases of theft, robbery and other heinous crimes is unemployment.

  • Exploitation of Labour

Employees usually take advantage of scarcity of jobs in the market by offering low wages. Unable to find a job matching their skill people usually settle for a low-paying job. Employees are also forced to work for more than the set number of hours each day.

  • Political Instability

Lack of employment opportunities results in loss of faith in the government and this often leads to political instability.

  • Mental Health

The dissatisfaction level among unemployed people increases and it can gradually lead to anxiety, depression and other mental health problems.

  • Loss of Skill

Staying out of job for long period of time makes one dull and eventually results in the loss of skill. It also lowers a person’s self confidence to a large extent.

The government of India has taken several initiatives to reduce the problem of unemployment as well as to help the unemployed lot in the country. Some of these include the Integrated Rural Development Programme (IRDP), Jawahar Rozgar Yojana, Drought Prone Area Programme (DPAP), Training for Self-Employment, Nehru Rozgar Yojna (NRY), Employment Assurance Scheme, Prime Minister’s Integrated Urban Poverty Eradication Program (PMIUPEP) Development of Organized Sector, Employment Exchanges, Employment in Foreign Countries, Small and Cottage Industries, Employment Guarantee Scheme and Jawahar Gram Samridhi Yojana, to name a few.

Besides offering employment opportunities by way of these programs, the government is also sensitizing the importance of education and providing skill training to the unemployed people.

Unemployment is the root cause of various problems in the society. While the government has taken initiatives to reduce this problem, the measures taken are not effective enough. The various factors causing this problem must be studied well to look for effective and integrated solutions for the same. It is time the government should recognize the sensitivity of the matter and take some serious steps to reduce it.

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Unemployment In India Essay

Unemployment In India Essay | Essay on Unemployment In India for Students and Children in English

Unemployment In India Essay:  Creating new jobs is a crucial task and plays an important role in the economy. The economic crises has become a social crises for most countries leading to a high unemployment rate. Unemployment is a state when people have the potential and ability to work and earn but finds no remunerative work. It can also be stated as “condition of involuntary idleness.”

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Long and Short Essays on Unemployment In India for Kids and Students in English

Given below are two essays in English for students and children about the topic of ‘Unemployment In India’ in both long and short form. The first essay is a long essay on Unemployment In India of 400-500 words. This long essay about Unemployment In India is suitable for students of class 7, 8, 9 and 10, and also for competitive exam aspirants. The second essay is a short essay on Unemployment In India of 150-200 words. These are suitable for students and children in class 6 and below.

Long Essay on Unemployment In India 500 Words in English

Below we have given a long essay on Unemployment In India of 500 words is helpful for classes 7, 8, 9 and 10 and Competitive Exam Aspirants. This long essay on the topic is suitable for students of class 7 to class 10, and also for competitive exam aspirants.

The recent trillion dollar meltdown of US, the Eurozone crises have changed the economic landscape of the world. Many developed countries that were doing well, suddenly are grappling with pilling debt, a banking crises and a slowdown. So, unemployment which is bothering India, is infact a global issue effecting lots of countries together.

Unemployment records in India are kept by the Ministry of Labour and Employment of India. From 1983 till 2011, unemployment rate in India averaged 7.6% reaching all time high in December 2010 and a record low of 3.8% in December 2011. A large pool of youth in the age group of 18-25 years, despite being skilled, are facing unemployment since there are not enough opportunities for them. Interestingly, the gap between rural and urban employment rate is also not very wide. But since India has the largest population of youth in the world, the impact of declining financial market is worst in India.

Unemployment may be classified as rural, urban, seasonal, cyclical or technological. Seasonal unemployment is found mostly in the agricultural sector and manufacturing units like sugar or ice factories. Cyclical unemployment is caused due to the ups and downs in trade. When the entrepreneurs compensate their loss by cutting down on their number of workers, it is termed as cyclical unemployment.

As the term itself suggests, technological unemployment occurs when introduction of technology displaces manpower. Factors like lack of capital, lack of investment, low production, decline in business cycle, dislocation of industries, deflation, use of technology etc., are the basic causes of unemployment. Besides these economic causes, unemployment can be caused due to various social factors too, like geographical immobility, rapid growth of population, defective system of education, lack of experience, lack of vocational training, illness or disability. Another very important social factor is the demand for certain white collar jobs and the attitude of the society to look down upon certain jobs such as teaching or salesmanship, which also causes unemployment. The desire for social acceptance through made-up social status too causes unemployment.

Unemployment, thus causes disillusionment, frustration and dissatisfaction. This gives rise to cynicism and dissipates the energy of the youth in destructive directions. Thus, they resort to crime, violence, anti-social activities or even worse they try to take a short cut to achieve the much sought after social status. This explains the number of bank robberies, online money/financial frauds etc. Even suicidal tendencies are on a rise due to social humiliation and deprivation.

These crises have taken its toll so much that various movies on this subject have also been produced. Movies like ‘Wolf of Wall Street’, ‘Badmaash Company’ and ‘Desi Boyz’ are examples of such movies depicting how market slowdown has taken people to wrong places, even to committing crimes. Though education level in recent years has increased but skill development is still a crucial issue. Moreover, poverty, limited access to skill based education, work experience are some of the major factors that lead to unemployment and under-employment. Current Prime Minister Narendra Modi too has emphasised on skill development of youth so that they would be able to fulfil the mission of nation building.

Government should set-up their efforts to support skill and retraining activities to address the gaps between demand and supply of work skills and qualifications. The country needs to take a serious look at its present scenario and think of some serious remedial measures to face the mammoth problem of unemployment.

Short Essay on Unemployment In India 200 Words in English

Below we have given a short essay on Unemployment In India is for Classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. This short essay on the topic is suitable for students of class 6 and below.

The society has to change its outlook on white collar and blue collar jobs, along with a change in education system and needs to create more opportunities of self-employment. Stress on vocational training is needed urgently. Then only we can overcome the growing problem of unemployment in the country.

The Government of India has taken several steps to decrease the unemployment rate like launching Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme which guarantees a 100 day employment to an unemployed person in a year. The scheme of unemployment allowance was launched by Samajwadi Party wherein Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav distributed allowance of ₹ 1000 per month to the unemployed youths in the age group of 25-40.

Drought Prone Area Programme proved fruitful particularly in removing seasonal unemployment in about 13 states. Self-employment training was also given to young men along with which financial assistance from the bank was also extended. Government also helps people to get employment abroad. With the recent development, wherein Prime Minister Narendra Modi is calling foreign investors to set up industries in India, soon the problem of unemployment would be seen as a thing of the past.

Unemployment In India Essay Word Meanings for Simple Understanding

  • Remunerative – financially rewarding, earning a salary
  • Involuntary – unintentional, done without will
  • Grappling – engage in a close fight, struggle without weapons
  • Entrepreneurs – a person who organises and manages any enterprise, an employer
  • Compensate – balance, reduce or correct by exerting an effect
  • Disillusionment – lack of expectation, disappointment
  • Cynicism – an inclination to believe that people are motivated purely by self-interest, doubt,
  • Dissipates – waste, drive away, scatter
  • Depravation – to make morally bad or evil, corrupt

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Unemployment Essay

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Unemployment can be defined as the condition where citizens of a country are jobless and have in the recent past been involved in searching work without a success. Unemployment rate can be defined as the prevalence of unemployment opportunities in a country. The unemployment index is calculated by dividing the number of unemployed individuals by the number of individuals in the labour force (Arestis & John 15).

I have chosen the unemployment situation because of the increasing and prevalent unemployment rates in various countries.

Recent statistics indicate that, the rate of unemployment is on the increase and there is a lot of information to cover the complex area of unemployment. There are various reasons which cause unemployment in a country. The following are some of the reasons that cause unemployment rate in a country (Arestis & John 20).

  • Advances in new technologies. New technologies to a large extent replace the human labour force which renders most human beings as unemployed.
  • Population increase. The level of unemployment is believed to go up as population in a country increases. Increase in population leads to an increased pressure on the available resources. These limited resources are few and cannot accommodate the increasing demands of the population
  • National policies. Some countries have stringent national policies that favour the increase in the unemployment levels in a country. These national policies will always restrict the participation of certain gender groups in specific employment sectors. For example, some countries restricts the participation of women in many employment sectors especially the building, and construction sector.
  • Political environments also play a major role towards increasing the rate of unemployment. Political environments that increase the rate of unemployment are quite dominant especially in the developing countries. Such environments will enhance political vices such as nepotism and corruption which undermines the possibility of having fair distribution of employment opportunities to citizens.
  • Economic depression. Economic depression is a form of economic recession that is long-term which is characterized by a downturn in the various economic activities in a country.

In analyzing this complex situation of unemployment, it is of vital importance to consider the application of various system analyzing tools such as “tools, methods, methodology and many techniques”. This will make the analysis of the complex situation being analyzed to be understood easily.

In my research I will analyze the complex process of unemployment with the aim of creating a sustainable environment in the employment sector.

The research will encompass the various causes of unemployment rates, the challenges being encountered in the process of reducing unemployment rates. The research will critically analyze the various types of unemployment and, the mechanisms which can be adopted in order to reduce the prevalent rates of unemployment.

Unemployment is a complex problem facing many countries presently. The process of reducing unemployment rates can be a daunting process fraught with disappointments. As a summary of the major findings of the research, the major cause of unemployment is lack of information among citizens, and poor governance policies in a country (Arestis & John 30).

Various citizens are ignorant on how to effectively utilize the available natural and human resources to create employment. They lack a sense of creativity which could possibly create employment opportunities. Also, most citizens are ignorant on how to effectively participate in democratic governance process.

This ignorance eventually creates autocratic governance regimes which fosters nepotism and corruption. These political vices reduce the availability of employment opportunities in a country, leading to unemployment (Arestis & John 15).

One key requirement of a good system practitioner is the ability of the system practitioner to apply the various models, methods and theories of system practitioner into the real life.

My undertaking of this project will assist me to apply the various system practitioner concepts learnt in class to the real life complex scenario of unemployment (Jacques & Stephen, 1994, pg. 21). In analyzing the complexity associated with unemployment, I will consider the various theories of complex management which I will discuss along with the development of this paper.

Applying hard systems method

Before analyzing the complex process of unemployment, it is important to make a distinction between hard and soft systems. Hard systems can be defined as those problems that deal with the “how” questions. For example, the question of how to increase the rate of employment is an example of a hard problem.

A hard problem is always characterized by the fact that there is a distinct solution, and there are a number of defined goals that are well defined which should be accomplished. On the other hand, a soft system is a problem that encompasses both the “how” and “what” questions (Jacques & Stephen, 1994, pg. 27)

The complex process of unemployment could be well analyzed using the hard system method of approach. The hard system method tries to analyze a complex problem through many stages which will be discussed in this paper.

There are various advantages that are associated with the use of the hard system methodology of concept analysis. The following are some of the advantages of using the hard system method (Jacques & Stephen, 1994, pg. 35)

  • It provides a deeper understanding and analysis of the problem of unemployment and answers the question of how to mitigate the unemployment problem.
  • Hard system analysis provides answers to other complex problems related to unemployment like how to use technology to increase the rate of employment.

The following diagram indicates the application of hard system in the analysis of unemployment.

the application of hard system in the analysis of unemployment

The above diagram indicates the various processes that will be undertaken in the analysis of the unemployment problem.

Stage 1. System description

System description will always indicate the current position and status of the problem being analyzed. Currently we are experiencing a high rate of unemployment which is characterized by the increasing population rate. The world population is estimated at 7 billion people.

The available limited employment resources are not sufficient to carter for the demands of the 7 billion individuals. This eventually piles up pressure on the resources that could be used to create employment opportunities, hence leading to an increased level of unemployment (Steger, Maznevski & Wolfgang 39).

The following table illustrates the world population by continent by 2011.

Population by continent

The alarming increase in the level of unemployment creates a need for analyzing the complex concept of unemployment with the aim of unmasking the strategies to be adopted in order to reduce unemployment rates (Arestis & John 55).

The following table indicates the world top ten countries by unemployment rate

CountryUnemployment rate in %year
Zimbabwe952009 estimate
Nauru902004 est.
Liberia852003 est.
Burkina Faso772004

The above data directly underpins the fact that unemployment is a complex prevalent issue. If much is not done to contain the issue, then, the issue will become out of control and cause adverse effects to the limited human, and natural resources available (Arestis & John 60).

Stage 2. Identification of constraints and objectives

The main objective of this sturdy is to identify the various causes of unemployment and any relevant measure that can be adopted to mitigate the problem of unemployment. Also, the sturdy is aimed at identifying the reasons as to why there is a huge gap between the unemployment rates in developed countries and the developing countries (Steger, Maznevski & Wolfgang 40).

The major projected constrain is the political environments and government policies and ideologies governing the utilization of resources, and the creation of employment opportunities.

Stage 3. Generation of routes to objectives

  • Governments and relevant stakeholders should ensure that, there is gender equity and equality in the allocation of employment opportunities.
  • Governments should adopt various strategies that will involve the citizens in the creation of employment opportunity for self-sustainability. A self-sustenance economy should be adopted which can be achieved through promotion of innovation and creativity.
  • Removal of political and governance ideologies that promote nepotism, and corruption.
  • Creation of public awareness and increased public participation in the governance process.

Stage 4. Formulating measures for performance

Measures of performance will measure to what extent has the research objectives been met. In order to measure the performance, the unemployment index will be recorded for the next five years after the activities stipulated in the routes to objectives have been undertaken.

The unemployment index obtained will then be compared to unemployment index done before undertaking this research. The comparison will give vital information as to whether there is been an improvement in the unemployment index after the adoption of the routes to objectives (Zimmer & Jake 44).

Stage 5. Modeling

The modeling process will involve those activities that are geared towards determining the outcomes of the research (Zimmer & Jake 51). In order to identify the outcomes, a survey will be carried out after every year for the next five years to find out the rate of unemployment.

This will be calculated by dividing the number of employed individuals by the number of unemployed individuals. The index obtained will then be compared in order to determine whether there is an improvement or a decline in the unemployment rate (Arestis & John 31).

Stage 6. Evaluation

The evaluation stage is the most important stage in the analysis of the complex issue. Evaluation will involve the analysis of the outcomes obtained from the modelling stage. The evaluation will involve the analysis of the disparities that will be recorded in the research.

This will involve the sturdy of what factors are causing the disparity and how to re-align and reconfigure the process routes in order to achieve the research objectives. Evaluation process might also include the prototyping technique where the routes are tested, and retested in order to determine their viability before being fully implemented (Zimmer & Jake 71).

Stage 7. Selecting the best routes to objectives

After the evaluation process, the best route towards achieving the objectives should be selected. The route chosen should ensure that the research objectives have been met to a large extent. In the analysis of unemployment, the best route that was identified was the creation of awareness and involving the individuals in the governance process (Steger, Maznevski & Wolfgang 59).

This route will increase the level of democracy in a country hence creating equal employment opportunities for both women and men. Also, creating public awareness will ensure that citizens are well equipped with knowledge of how to effective utilize resources and create employment opportunities.

Also, public participation in the governance process will ensure that the governance policies adopted foster democracy which is a key ingredient towards reducing the rate of unemployment (Arestis & John 75).

Stage 8. Implementation of the selected routes

The implementation process will involve the process of adopting and enrolling the best selected route. In the case of unemployment, the selected route of creating awareness and increasing public participation in the governance process will be adopted.

Creating awareness will involve conducting of seminars to enlighten the public on how to effectively use the available resources, and how to create employment opportunities through innovation (Steger, Maznevski & Wolfgang 69).

Public participation in the process of policy formulation will be achieved through promotion of civic education among citizens on how to carefully vote and chose leaders with integrity.

Also, the civic education will be aimed at increasing public participation in government related projects, and governance processes starting from the grassroots government structures. Also, the civic education will aim at educating citizens on how they can get access to public funds and amenities.

Stakeholders involved

Stakeholders can be described as those people who are in one way or the other affected by the problem of unemployment. Also, stakeholders in one way or the other affect the entire problem of unemployment. Stakeholders can negatively or positively be affected by the unemployment concept.

On the other hand, stakeholders can positively or negatively influence the prevalence of unemployment concept (Jacques & Stephen, 1994, pg. 75)

The following tables indicates a summary of the how stakeholders are affected/affect the unemployment concept

Private employers
Unemployed citizens
increases reduces
Government increases
Private investors increases
Unemployed citizens increases

Ethicality statement

As a system practitioner I fully commit myself to the various ethical guidelines that should be followed whenever undertaking any research work. I will consider the following ethical consideration I my research undertaking:

  • The data collected will be solely used for the purpose of the research, and no client data will be used for any other purposes not stipulated in the research.
  • The clients will be fully informed on the purpose of the research, and the duration the research is going to take.
  • The participation of subjects in the research will be voluntary, and out of consent. Where approval is required, then, the relevant approving bodies will be sought.

Conclusion and recommendations

In conclusion, it is evident from the research that unemployment is a complex issue that can be solved abstractly. With the increasing levels of unemployment, much has to be done in order to mitigate and reduce the rate of unemployment. This calls for public awareness, and participation in the entire process of creating employment. Such a complex issue should not be entrusted in the hands of greedy and selfish leaders.

Project log

The entire project will be spread over a period of six weeks with the first two weeks dealing with the preparation process and the last four weeks dealing with the data collection and analysis. The five weeks have been broken into three phases.

The following table indicates the project log phases.

Week 1 & week 2Preparation and identification of sturdy areas
Week 3 & week 4 and Week 5Data collection
Week 6Data analysis and findings

Week 1 and week 2

During the first two weeks, I was involved in the process of consulting my colleagues and tutor to try and sought out their opinion about the topic. This gave a chance to discuss the various available methodologies that could be used in the sturdy. Also, this gave a chance to identify whether unemployment is a complex process or not.

Also, during the first week, I was able to undertake a literature review in order to determine what other researchers have done about the unemployment concept. The literature review sufficed me with relevant information about the unemployment concept.

Also, the information obtained was useful in avoiding mistakes done by previous researchers. The literature review involved researching the relevant literature materials like the internet, books, journals, and articles. I also obtained a chance of visiting various libraries in order to find out more information about the unemployment concept.

Week 3, 4 and 5

Most of the research work was conducted during the third, fourth and the fifth week. Various data was collected about the unemployment rate of individuals. Also, clients were required to fill in a survey form and a questionnaire in order to determine the causes of unemployment. Also, the subjects were required to give their individual opinions about what could be done in order to reduce the rate of unemployment.

Various data collections methods were employed in the process of data collection which includes the following methods; survey forms, questionnaires, and interviews.

Subjects were required to fill in questionnaires which sought to find out what were the causes of unemployment and what could be done to reduce the unemployment rates. Subjects were also required to fill in a survey form to determine whether the government is doing much to contain the problem of unemployment.

A series of interviews were also conducted with the aim of finding more first-hand information about the problem of unemployment. A total of three interviews were conducted during the entire period of the project. The following are the interviews that were conducted during the time of research.

Ministry of labour officialsWeek 1
A prominent private investorWeek 2
A low income workerWeek 3

The sixth week of the research was purely dedicated to data analysis and the sturdy of the findings. The data collected was analyzed and compared to previous data that was collected by other researchers on the same subject. The data analysis stage involved the application of the hard system on the complex process of unemployment. Various stages of the hard system methodology were studied in respect to unemployment.

Also, the compilation of the results obtained was done on the sixth week. This was the last week of the project undertaking, and due consultation was made to ensure that the project is up to date and with the relevant requirements.

I also, spent some time with my project supervisor in order to discuss the application of TMA in the complex process of unemployment. My supervisor advice helped a lot in the development of the project in the sense that, the information I was given largely assisted in the ensuring the realization of the research objectives.

Summary of the project log

In this section of the report, I will cover a brief summary of what I have been able to undertake during my six weeks of undertaking the project.

Undertaking the T306 course has largely helped build more on the concept that I learnt in my previous course, T205-An approach to system thinking. Managing complexity has equipped me with knowledge of how to apply various managing complexity theories, systems, and methodology in analyzing complex situations.

During the first five weeks of my project undertaking, I was extensively involved in the process of data collection and literature review. This introduced me to a number of literature and concept regarding the problem of unemployment. It also introduced me to a wide range of knowledge regarding data collection methods like interviews, questionnaires, and surveys.

The last week of the project was dedicated to data analysis. During this period of data analysis, various data analysis techniques were employed to analyze the data. This introduced me to a wide range of scientific data analysis methods of analyzing data.

Client report

The major client in the above research is the unemployed citizen or individual. They are the ones who are largely affected by the rising unemployment rate. Most of the unemployed individuals or citizens have the common ideology that it is the responsibility of government and private sectors to create employment.

Such an ideology is wrong because the process of creating employment opportunities is neither a government responsibility nor the responsibility of the private sector. It is a collective responsibility that has to be done by the collaboration of the citizens, the private sector, and the government.

There are various forms of employment that currently exists. One can be self employed which means that, they are their own employers. This form of employment fosters renovation and a spirit of entrepreneurship among citizens. This spirit eventually promotes innovation and creativity which eventually creates employment opportunities.

Also, citizens should be made to understand that, democracy plays a major role towards creation of employment opportunities. Democracy ensures accountability and transparency towards the use of resources, hence creating avenues for more employment opportunities. On the other hand, corruption, nepotism, and violence lead to misuse of resources which eventually blocks avenues for creating employment opportunities.

In order to reduce the adverse effects associated with unemployment, citizens should engage in innovation and creative activities. This will enhance the proper utilization of resources and eventually creating employment opportunities. One major desirable aspect of a good economy is the ability to be self sustainable.

A self sustainable economy will ensure that citizens have the services and products they require. One way of ensuring a self sustaining economy is by having citizens engage in innovative and creative activities. Such activities will lead to specialization, and creation of more job, and employment opportunities.

Works Cited

Arestis, Philip & McCombie, John. Unemployment: Past and Present . Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009. Print.

Jaques, Elliott, and Stephen, Clement. Executive Leadership: A Practical Guide to Managing Complexity . Malden, Mass: Blackwell, 1994. Print.

Steger, Ulrich & Maznevski, Martha & Wolfgang, Amann. Managing Complexity in Global Organizations . Chichester, West Sussex, England: John Wiley & Sons, 2007. Print.

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IvyPanda. (2019, May 21). Unemployment.

"Unemployment." IvyPanda , 21 May 2019,

IvyPanda . (2019) 'Unemployment'. 21 May.

IvyPanda . 2019. "Unemployment." May 21, 2019.

1. IvyPanda . "Unemployment." May 21, 2019.


IvyPanda . "Unemployment." May 21, 2019.

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Essay Writing Topics For Class 6

Essay Writing Topics For Class 6 Format, Examples, Topics, Exercises

Essay writing topics for class 6 in english.

Writing essays is a crucial part of the academic curriculum for students of all ages. As students progress through their academic journey, the complexity and length of essays increase. Class 6 students are typically expected to write essays that are between 500 and 1000 words long. The essays are usually written in a five-paragraph format and include an introduction, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion. In this article, we will discuss some essay writing topics for class 6 students, along with the English Grammar , format, and examples.

Also Read: Essay Writing For Class 8

Format Of Class 6 Essays:

Before we start discussing the essay topics, let’s take a look at the format of class 6 essays.


The introduction should be a brief paragraph that provides an overview of the topic. It should include a thesis statement that tells the reader what the essay is about.

Body Paragraphs:

The body paragraphs should be three in number, and each paragraph should focus on a specific idea related to the topic. Each paragraph should have a topic sentence that introduces the idea and supporting details that explain and support the topic sentence.


The conclusion should be a summary of the main points discussed in the essay. It should restate the thesis statement and provide a final thought on the topic.

Essay Writing Topics For Class 6:

1. My Favorite Season 2. My Favorite Animal 3. My Best Friend 4. My Favorite Sport 5. My Favorite Food 6. My School Life 7. My Family 8. The Importance of Reading 9. My Favorite Movie 10. My Favorite Book 11. My Hobby 12. My Role Model 13. The Importance of Discipline 14. My Dreams and Aspirations 15. The Importance of Education 16. My Favorite Holiday 17. My Favorite Teacher 18. My Favorite Place 19. My Favorite Subject 20. My Favorite Color

Examples Of Essay Writing Topics For Class 6:

1. My Favorite Season:

My favorite season is winter. I love the cold weather, and I get excited when the first snowfall arrives. I enjoy making snowmen and having snowball fights with my friends. I also love the holidays that come during winter, such as Christmas and New Year’s. During winter break, my family and I like to go skiing, and we have a lot of fun together.

2. My Best Friend:

My best friend’s name is Sarah. We have been friends since kindergarten, and we have a lot in common. We both love animals and enjoy playing video games together. We also enjoy playing soccer and often compete against each other. Sarah is always there for me when I need her, and I feel lucky to have her as my best friend.

3. The Importance of Reading:

Reading is very important because it helps improve our vocabulary and comprehension skills. It also stimulates our imagination and creativity. By reading, we can learn about different cultures and explore new ideas. Reading is also a great way to relax and escape from our daily stresses.

Recommended Reading: Essay Writing Topics For Class 6

Conclusion On Essay Writing Topics For Class 6:

Writing essays is an essential skill for students to develop, and by practicing writing on different topics, students can become better writers. The above essay topics can be a starting point for class 6 students, and by following the essay format, they can write well-structured essays that effectively communicate their ideas.

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The Editorial Board

To Serve His Country, President Biden Should Leave the Race

President Biden standing behind a lectern with CNN’s name appearing repeatedly beyond him.

By The Editorial Board

The editorial board is a group of opinion journalists whose views are informed by expertise, research, debate and certain longstanding values . It is separate from the newsroom.

President Biden has repeatedly and rightfully described the stakes in this November’s presidential election as nothing less than the future of American democracy.

Donald Trump has proved himself to be a significant jeopardy to that democracy — an erratic and self-interested figure unworthy of the public trust. He systematically attempted to undermine the integrity of elections. His supporters have described, publicly, a 2025 agenda that would give him the power to carry out the most extreme of his promises and threats. If he is returned to office, he has vowed to be a different kind of president, unrestrained by the checks on power built into the American political system.

Mr. Biden has said that he is the candidate with the best chance of taking on this threat of tyranny and defeating it. His argument rests largely on the fact that he beat Mr. Trump in 2020. That is no longer a sufficient rationale for why Mr. Biden should be the Democratic nominee this year.

At Thursday’s debate, the president needed to convince the American public that he was equal to the formidable demands of the office he is seeking to hold for another term. Voters, however, cannot be expected to ignore what was instead plain to see: Mr. Biden is not the man he was four years ago.

The president appeared on Thursday night as the shadow of a great public servant. He struggled to explain what he would accomplish in a second term. He struggled to respond to Mr. Trump’s provocations. He struggled to hold Mr. Trump accountable for his lies, his failures and his chilling plans. More than once, he struggled to make it to the end of a sentence.

Mr. Biden has been an admirable president. Under his leadership, the nation has prospered and begun to address a range of long-term challenges, and the wounds ripped open by Mr. Trump have begun to heal. But the greatest public service Mr. Biden can now perform is to announce that he will not continue to run for re-election.

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Map shows states where fireworks are legal or illegal on July 4, 2024

By Emily Mae Czachor

Updated on: July 4, 2024 / 10:12 PM EDT / CBS News

Fireworks have become a staple of July Fourth celebrations across the United States, where towns and cities often host professional shows to mark the occasion each year. In some areas, smaller displays of less powerful fireworks pop up at private holiday parties. For people wondering where fireworks are legal —and where they're illegal— nationwide, here's what to know.

Full list of U.S. states where some fireworks are legal

The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission has banned several types of fireworks —like M-80s, cherry bombs and anything else that contains more than 50 milligrams of pyrotechnic material— at the federal level, but state and local regulations can be more complicated. To varying degrees, certain types of fireworks are legal in 49 states, plus Washington, D.C. 

Here's the full list:

  • Connecticut
  • Mississippi
  • New Hampshire
  • North Carolina
  • North Dakota
  • Pennsylvania
  • Rhode Island
  • South Carolina
  • Washington, D.C.
  • West Virginia

The one U.S. state where all private fireworks are illegal

Massachusetts is the only state in the U.S. where it is illegal to sell, use or otherwise possess fireworks of any kind as a private citizen. Many communities across the state  host public fireworks displays at their July Fourth celebrations . But without a license and permit, the statewide law prohibits fireworks of all kinds, including sparklers, firecrackers and any other comparable device that's been designed to produce "a visible or audible effect," according to the state government .

The fireworks show in Marblehead, Mass. was canceled because the fireworks barge caught fire in the early morning hours Thursday. No one was aboard the barge at the time and there were no injuries, officials said. 

"There was a fire on the barge in the middle of the night," organizers said in a statement. "The fire marshal won't allow our vendor to perform any fireworks until determination of how the barge was able to catch fire."  

The ban has existed since 1943 , when state legislators amended an earlier set of statutes that previously allowed civilians to buy, sell and use certain kinds of fireworks for displays. When they enacted the fireworks ban, it was among an overhaul of measures enacted in response to World War II, some of which were billed as "emergency" orders meant specifically to remain effective as long as there was a potential enemy threat. But the the consumer fireworks law stayed in place after the war.

Despite periodic calls from within Massachusetts to lift the ban, officials say it continues to be necessary and have ramped up enforcement in recent years because illegal fireworks are prevalent. Between 2013 and 2022, Massachusetts fire departments reported almost 1,000 fires linked to illegal fireworks displays, in addition to 47 injuries — the majority to firefighters — and $2.5 million in damages, according to the state .

Spectators watch the fireworks show on July 4th in Washington, D.C.

States where some fireworks are legal but many are restricted

Numerous states and Washington, D.C., restrict the sale, possession and use of consumer fireworks, even though professional fireworks displays are allowed with the appropriate licenses and permits. Those states are:

Illinois and Vermont have stricter laws than the rest of the U.S. In those states, only sparklers and "novelty" smoke devices are up for sale to the general public. A "novelty" device is one that contains "small amounts of pyrotechnic and/or explosive composition" but does not technically meet requirements to be considered a consumer firework, according to the  American Pyrotechnic Association .

In  Illinois , novelties include snakes, glow worm pellets, smoke devices, party poppers, snappers, trick matches, and "other devices in which paper or plastic caps containing twenty-five hundredths grains or less of explosive compound are used," per the state law banning most consumer fireworks.

The laws are similar in Vermont, where certain sparklers and novelty devices are allowed, provided that the sparklers contain 20 grams or less of pyrotechnic materials and the novelties contain 0.25 grains or less of explosive mixture, according to the  Office of the State Fire Marshal .

States that let counties determine fireworks laws

Hawaii, Nevada and Wyoming allow counties to determine whether fireworks are legal or not within their individual jurisdictions, as well as which kinds of fireworks are allowed and exactly when and where people can buy, sell and use them. 

In Hawaii, concerns over public safety prompted legislators in 2010 to pass a law that gave counties the authority to set stricter regulations for consumer fireworks than the ones established at the state level. It allowed, for instance, the City and County of Honolulu to broadly prohibit the sale, possession and use of all consumer fireworks except fire crackers — which can be obtained with a permit. But the ordinance doesn't apply to other counties.

Similar laws have been passed by state legislatures in Nevada  and Wyoming to give local officials control over fireworks in their areas. In those states, consumer fireworks may be legal in one county and banned in another, and some counties restrict buying, selling and using fireworks to specific times on designated days of the year.

Even when consumer fireworks are generally regulated by the state, people may find themselves in a town or city in Arizona, California, Colorado, Maryland, Nevada or Ohio that has more stringent fireworks laws than its neighbors. And, in places like Illinois, setting off fireworks is only allowed in counties that have passed an ordinance to permit it, including on private property. 

What are non-aerial and non-explosive fireworks?

Most of the states where some but not all fireworks are legally accessible to civilians limit what's allowed to non-aerial and non-explosive fireworks only. Sometimes called "safe and sane" fireworks, these typically refer to devices that don't explode or fly. Because they contain lower amounts of combustible material than other fireworks, officials say they are also less likely to cause injuries or damage to property.

In wildfire-prone California, purchasing fireworks is illegal unless their packaging explicitly bears a "safe and sane" seal. A  fireworks education site operated by the California fire marshal's office lists sky rockets, bottle rockets, Roman candles, aerial shells and firecrackers as a few examples of fireworks that have been banned statewide in accordance with "safe and sane" standards, along with "other fireworks that explode, go into the air, or move on the ground in an uncontrollable manner." 

A growing number of California counties have outlawed fireworks altogether . Violators could faces fines and or jail time.

Why do some states ban certain fireworks?

Most states that place restrictions for civilians on the sale, possession and use of fireworks say the risks of injuries and property damages are their main reasons for doing so. In a number of those states, officials also cite the increased likelihood of wildfires sparking and potentially spreading in an area where fireworks have been set off. 

In California, as the weather remains hot and dry this week, fire officials are issuing warnings about the use of fireworks, which are illegal in several counties. At least two brush fires in the Bay Area may have been caused by illegal fireworks in the past few days. In San Francisco, all fireworks are illegal.

The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission said it received reports of eight deaths and an estimated 9,700 injuries related to fireworks in 2023 alone. Of the eight deaths, five were associated with fireworks misuse, two with device malfunction and one was unknown.

How to report illegal fireworks

States and counties across the country encourage people to report any instances where they suspect illegal fireworks are involved, and many ask their residents to file those reports to their local fire departments or law enforcement agencies. People can also report illegal fireworks activity to a hotline at the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms , which is responsible for regulating all explosives, including fireworks.

Emily Mae Czachor is a reporter and news editor at She covers breaking news, often focusing on crime and extreme weather. Emily Mae has previously written for outlets including the Los Angeles Times, BuzzFeed and Newsweek.

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  21. Unemployment

    Unemployment rate can be defined as the prevalence of unemployment opportunities in a country. The unemployment index is calculated by dividing the number of unemployed individuals by the number of individuals in the labour force (Arestis & John 15). Get a custom Essay on Unemployment. 809 writers online.

  22. essay on unemployment class 6

    What points are to be added to an essay topic on Unemployment? ; Maths Formulas For Class 10 · Working Model Of Science For Class 6 ; CBSE Learning Apps · Science... Short Essay on Unemployment (200 - 250 Words) ... The problem of unemployment is growing drastically. However, it is a bad thing for everyone.... Paragraph on Unemployment ...

  23. Essay Writing Topics For Class 6 Format, Examples, Topics, Exercises

    Examples Of Essay Writing Topics For Class 6: 1. My Favorite Season: My favorite season is winter. I love the cold weather, and I get excited when the first snowfall arrives. I enjoy making snowmen and having snowball fights with my friends. I also love the holidays that come during winter, such as Christmas and New Year's.

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    The fireworks show in Marblehead, Mass. was canceled early Thursday because the fireworks barge caught fire. The town explained on X that, "There was a fire on the barge in the middle of the night ...