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Real Estate Agent Business Plan Template

Written by Dave Lavinsky

Business Plan Outline

  • Real Estate Agent Business Plan Home
  • 1. Executive Summary
  • 2. Company Overview
  • 3. Industry Analysis
  • 4. Customer Analysis
  • 5. Competitive Analysis
  • 6. Marketing Plan
  • 7. Operations Plan
  • 8. Management Team
  • 9. Financial Plan

Real Estate Agent Business Plan & Example

You’ve come to the right place to create your real estate agent business plan.

We have helped over 100,000 entrepreneurs and business owners create business plans and many have used them to start or grow their real estate agencies.

Real Estate Business Plan Example

Below are links to each section of your real estate agent business plan template:

  • Executive Summary – The Executive Summary is the most important part of your business plan. It is a brief overview of your real estate agency, its products and services, niche market opportunity, and competitive advantage.
  • Company Overview – In the Company Overview, you will provide a detailed description of your real estate agency, its products and services, company structure, management team, and Founders.
  • Industry Analysis – The Industry Analysis is a critical part of your real estate business plan. Here, you will provide an in-depth analysis of the industry in which your real estate agency operates. You will cover topics such as industry trends, major players in the industry, market size and growth, and profitability.
  • Customer Analysis – In the Customer Analysis, you will identify your target market and provide insights into their needs and buying habits. You will also segment your target market and discuss your marketing strategy for reaching them.
  • Competitive Analysis – In the Competitive Analysis, you will identify your competition and provide insights into their strengths and weaknesses. You will also discuss your competitive advantage and how you plan to stay ahead of the competition.
  • Marketing Plan – In the Marketing Plan, you will discuss your marketing strategy and tactics. You will also provide a sales forecast and budget for your marketing activities.
  • Operations Plan – In the Operations Plan, you will discuss your business’s day-to-day operations. You will also provide business milestones that you plan to achieve and a budget for your operational expenses.
  • Management Team – In the Management Team section, you will provide an overview of your management team and their experience in the real estate industry.
  • Financial Plan – In the Financial Plan, you will provide a three-year financial projection for your real estate agency. This will include your income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statement.

Next Section: Executive Summary >

Real Estate Business Plan FAQs

What is a real estate business plan.

A real estate business plan is a plan to start and/or grow your real estate business. Among other things, it outlines your business concept, identifies your target customers, presents your marketing plan and details your financial projections.

You can  easily complete your real estate business plan using our Real Estate Business Plan Template here .

What Are the Main Types of Real Estate Businesses?

The most commonly known type of real estate business is residential real estate sales. This involves the sale and purchase of homes. The other type of real estate business is commercial real estate, where businesses focus on commercial properties.  Other types are real estate investors, lease companies and property management.

What Are the Main Sources of Revenues and Expenses for a Real Estate Business?

The main source of revenue for a real estate business are commissions earned from client real estate sales and rentals fees. Other revenue generated in this business are profit income, interest income and dividend income.

The key expenses for property management companies are salaries and wages, advertising, travel and supply costs for each transaction.

How Do You Get Funding for Your Real Estate Business Plan?

Real estate businesses are typically funded through small business loans, personal savings and credit card financing.

What are the Steps To Start a Real Estate Business?

Starting a real estate business can be an exciting endeavor. Having a clear roadmap of the steps to start a business will help you stay focused on your goals and get started faster.

1. Develop A Real Estate Business Plan - The first step in starting a business is to create a detailed real estate business plan that outlines all aspects of the venture. This should include potential market size and target customers, the services or products you will offer, pricing strategies and a detailed financial forecast.  

2. Choose Your Legal Structure - It's important to select an appropriate legal entity for your real estate business. This could be a limited liability company (LLC), corporation, partnership, or sole proprietorship. Each type has its own benefits and drawbacks so it’s important to do research and choose wisely so that your real estate business is in compliance with local laws.

3. Register Your Real Estate Business - Once you have chosen a legal structure, the next step is to register your real estate business with the government or state where you’re operating from. This includes obtaining licenses and permits as required by federal, state, and local laws. 

4. Identify Financing Options - It’s likely that you’ll need some capital to start your real estate business, so take some time to identify what financing options are available such as bank loans, investor funding, grants, or crowdfunding platforms. 

5. Choose a Location - Whether you plan on operating out of a physical location or not, you should always have an idea of where you’ll be based should it become necessary in the future as well as what kind of space would be suitable for your operations. 

6. Hire Employees - There are several ways to find qualified employees including job boards like LinkedIn or Indeed as well as hiring agencies if needed – depending on what type of employees you need it might also be more effective to reach out directly through networking events. 

7. Acquire Necessary Real Estate Equipment & Supplies - In order to start your real estate business, you'll need to purchase all of the necessary equipment and supplies to run a successful operation. 

8. Market & Promote Your Business - Once you have all the necessary pieces in place, it’s time to start promoting and marketing your real estate business. This includes creating a website, utilizing social media platforms like Facebook or Twitter, and having an effective Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategy. You should also consider traditional marketing techniques such as radio or print advertising. 

Learn more about how to start a successful real estate business:

  • How to Start a Real Estate Business

Where Can I Get a Real Estate Business Plan PDF?

You can download our free real estate business plan template PDF here . This is a sample real estate business plan template you can use in PDF format.


Ultimate Guide: 11 Points to Writing a Real Estate Business Plan

Ultimate Guide: 11 Points to Writing a Real Estate Business Plan

Failing to plan is planning to fail. Your business plan is the GPS for success. Instead of wandering, push towards your goals and objectives with clear direction. Developing a real estate business plan is critical to forming a healthy and sustainable business. 

A real estate business plan is an important step for any real estate agent looking to build a successful career in the industry. While there is no one-size-fits-all approach, there are certain key elements that should be included in any plan. First and foremost, it is essential to set clear goals and objectives.

A study of 2,877 business owners found that companies are twice as likely to secure loans and funding if they have a business plan and 75% more likely to grow. Another study showed that 64% of companies who created a plan increased their businesses, compared to 43% of companies that hadn't yet finished a plan. 

Your own business plan is an essential tool for any business, small or large. Real estate agents use business plans to map their marketing strategies, target their advertising, and track their progress. A business plan helps agents set goals and stay on track throughout the year. It is also a valuable reference point when meeting with clients and potential investors. 

While there are many different ways to create a real estate business plan, certain elements should be included in every scenario. These elements include an overview of the business, the company's goals and objectives, a marketing strategy, and a financial analysis. By having these key components, companies can ensure that their real estate business plan is comprehensive and will help them achieve their desired results.

Harvard Business Review (HBR) stated that the chances of success rose by 12% for those that spent no longer than three months on their plan . With any longer proving futile. So, how do you write a business plan for your real estate business without getting bogged down in the details? In this post, we'll look at actionable steps agents and brokers can take to outline, execute and measure the performance of a business plan.

As a real estate agent, you know that the housing market can be unpredictable. You need to be prepared for the ups and downs of the market, and one way to do that is to have a business plan. Your business plan will help you set goals and track your progress. It will also force you to think about the costs of running your business and how you will generate leads. There are many online resources that can help you write a business plan, but the most important thing is to get started. By taking the time to write a plan, you will ensure that your business is ready for whatever the housing market throws your way.

What is a real estate business plan?

A business plan is a written document that captures the future of your business. It details what you plan and how you plan to do it.

Real estate business plans are essential for two reasons. First, they provide a road map for agents to follow as they work to build their businesses. Second, they force agents to think through all the crucial aspects of their business, such as their marketing efforts, target market, and financial goals. 

By taking the time to write a Real Estate Business Plan, agents can ensure that they are taking all the necessary steps to build a successful business.

A Real Estate Business Plan is an essential tool for any business, whether you are just starting or have been in business for years. There are many benefits to creating a Real Estate Business Plan, including: 

  • Having a Real Estate Business Plan forces you to take a step back and assess your business as a whole. It allows you to see where your business stands, and identify any areas that need improvement.
  • A Real Estate Business Plan provides a roadmap for your business. It can help you to set goals and track your progress over time.
  • A Real Estate Business Plan can help secure your business funding. If you seek investment from Venture Capitalists or Banks, they will often require a copy of your business plan before considering your request.
  • A Real Estate Business Plan can help you to attract and retain top talent. If you are looking to hire employees or contractors, having a well-crafted business plan can be a significant selling point.
  • A Real Estate Business Plan can be a valuable tool for managing day-to-day operations. A clear and concise plan can help you better decide where to allocate resources and how to utilize your team's time and talents best.
  • A Real Estate Business Plan can help you to measure and track your marketing efforts. By setting specific goals and objectives, you can more effectively gauge the success of your marketing campaigns and make necessary adjustments along the way.
  • A Real Estate Business Plan can serve as a valuable sales tool. A professional business plan can give you a significant competitive advantage if you are looking to sell properties or convert leads into clients.
  • A Real Estate Business Plan helps to keep you organized and on track. Trying to run a successful real estate business without a plan is like trying to drive from New York to Los Angeles without a map - chances are, you'll get lost along the way!

Having a Real Estate Business Plan gives you credibility in the eyes of others. If you are working with other professionals such as lenders, appraisers, or title companies, having a well-developed business plan shows that you are serious about your business and increases the likelihood that they will want to work with you in the future.

Last but not least, creating a Real Estate Business Plan is empowering! Taking the time to develop a comprehensive plan shows that you believe in yourself and your business and sets the foundation for long-term success.        

Precisely, it conveys your business goals, the strategies and tactics you'll use to achieve them, potential problems you may run into along the way and how to overcome them, roles and responsibilities, SWOT analysis, and measurement strategies.

business plan for an estate agent

What should a real estate business plan include?

Real estate business plans are different from traditional business plans. 

Real estate agents need to focus on their target market, their uniqueness, and how they will succeed against the competition. Real estate business plans should also include an analysis of the current market conditions and the potential for growth in the future. In addition, real estate agents should outline their marketing strategy and have a budget for advertising and promotions. By taking the time to create a comprehensive business plan, real estate agents can increase their chances of success in this competitive industry.

Real estate business plans vary in length and complexity, but all should include the following elements: 

  • An overview of the real estate market 
  • A description of the agent's target market 
  • A marketing plan 
  • A financial plan 
  • A discussion of the agent's competitive advantages 

Real estate business plans provide a roadmap for agents to achieve their goals. They should include specific strategies for generating leads, marketing properties, and closing deals. The business plan should also outline the agent's budget and target income. Additionally, the real estate business plan should set forth a schedule for prospecting, listing appointments, and open houses. By following a real estate business plan, agents can increase their chances of success in real estate.

How do you assemble a real estate business plan?

A business plan is essential for any real estate business, whether you're just starting out or have been in the industry for years. It provides a roadmap for your business, laying out your goals and strategies for achieving them. But how do you go about assembling a business plan?

First, you'll need to identify your target market. Who are you trying to reach with your real estate business? Once you know your target market, you can start developing your marketing strategy. What methods will you use to get potential clients? How will you differentiate yourself from other real estate businesses in your area?

Next, you'll need to put together a financial plan. What are your revenue sources? How much money do you expect to bring in each month? What are your expenses? How much do you need to save for a rainy day? A clear financial picture will help you make sound decisions for your business.

Lastly, don't forget to include a personal development plan. What skills do you need to improve to succeed in the real estate business? What classes or training programs can you take to close more deals and earn more commissions? A well-rounded business plan will help ensure your real estate business is booming.

Writing a Real Estate Business Plan in 11 Easy Steps

1. write a detailed business description.

There's a story and context behind your business, and the business description is where that should shine. Write a brief overview of your Real Estate business. Include your business goals and how you plan on achieving them. Then create a description of your company, including its history, structure, and other relevant information.

The mission statement is part of the business description — which helps keep the rest on the track. Many mission statements follow a familiar format, like:

"To be the best, full-service Real Estate company in the Triangle and to enhance our quality of life through active community involvement.".

In a microstudy of 200 mission statements, it was found that mission statements most often talk about the company's dedication to customers (85%), shareholders (37%), employees (21%), and society (3%).

As well as a defined mission statement, make sure to include:

  • When you were founded
  • Where you are located
  • Who the leaders are
  • Special advantages/partnerships
  • Market opportunities
  • Legal structure

A very brief real estate business description example is:

"Norris & Company Real Estate is Vero Beach's premier upscale real estate firm. They specialize in luxury waterfront homes and condominiums, particularly in Vero Beach and Indian River County, FL."

2. Market Analysis

Research the Real Estate market in your area and identify any trends or opportunities. Include this information in your business plan.

Real estate agents must constantly be aware of the market conditions in their area to serve their clients best. Agents can provide expert guidance and advice by understanding the trends and opportunities.

When writing your Real Estate business plan, including a comprehensive analysis of the market conditions in your area. It will help you better understand your client's needs and identify potential opportunities.

Your market analysis should include:

  • An overview of the Real Estate market in your area
  • Identification of any trends or opportunities
  • An explanation of how you will address these trends or options in your business plan

By including this information in your Real Estate business plan, you will be able to show potential clients that you are knowledgeable and prepared to help them navigate the Real Estate market.

3. Perform a SWOT Analysis

A SWOT analysis is a technique used to identify and define several key characteristics that will impact your business: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats.

Think of it this way:

Strengths and Weaknesses are internal. Threats and Opportunities are external.

An analysis can be as simple as making lists of items under each category.

For example, a strength could be a solid and experienced sales team, while a weakness might be that your business is expensive to run because you haven't nurtured supplier relations.

It could be as simple as filling four sheets of paper with descriptions of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats — collaboratively or alone. To make the answers clearer and the exercise more manageable, you can use questions like:

  • What do our competitors do better than us? Threat .
  • What's our unique selling point? Strength .
  • Why have customers churned in the past? Weakness .
  • Which markets are underserved in your territory? Opportunities .

4. List Your #1 SMART Goal

It's great to be ambitious, but focusing on one goal makes it easier to stay motivated, track progress, and see the measurable effect of achieving it. Even better if that goal is a SMART Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timed – goal.

Examples of SMART goals you might set for your growing real estate business are:

  • Build a new real estate website in the next three months
  • Hire and onboard three new SDRs in the next six months
  • Increase monthly leads by 50% by next year
  • Sell ten houses in the Dallas metro area in the next 30 days.

Pick one at a time and focus on it! Sticking to an achievable goal with a time limit makes it more likely to come to fruition. And, even just writing it down makes you 42% more likely to attain it.

5. Identify Your Market Niche

Before setting out your facts and figures, it's essential to spotlight your target market and how you'll serve this niche. It helps you decide what's realistic and feasible to achieve in your business plan.

Determining your market niche is a fancier way of saying: Who are your services best suited to? While honing in on a narrow target seems a little exclusionary, niche marketing can save you time, effort, and money on marketing.

One tool to help you define your market is a buyer persona. A persona is a fictional typification of your ideal customer, with information that enables you to steer your sales and marketing in the right direction.

It's essential to assess your niche and ensure it is consistent with the market in your area.

For example, if you've decided to focus on first-time buyers, do some research to look at relevant stats and figures:

  • What percentage of sales in your market were to first-time buyers in the last 12–14 months?
  • What was the average sales price to first-time buyers?

Also, assess how competitive this market is:

  • Are you the only agent catering to the young first-timer?
  • Are you competing with well-known heavy hitters?

A competitive SEO audit can be a helpful starting point in finding your competitors in the online space, where almost all leads will turn at some point in the buying process.

6. Implementation Plan

Before you can begin implementing your real estate business plan, you must clearly understand your goals and objectives. What are you trying to achieve with your business? Are you looking to buy and hold properties for long-term appreciation, or are you more interested in flipping houses for a quick profit? 

Once you have a good idea of your goals, you can start to put together a plan for how to achieve them. For example, if you're interested in buying and holding properties, you'll need to generate enough income from rentals to cover the mortgage and other expenses. If you're more interested in flipping properties, you'll need to find motivated sellers and then negotiate deals that provide you with a healthy profit margin. 

Regardless of your goals, careful planning is essential for success in the real estate business.

Breaking your goals into action steps makes them more tangible and ensures you're making strides to fulfill them. Here are some keys to converting your real estate business plan into actual business practices.

7. Monitoring & Evaluation

Successful real estate businesses have a plan to monitor and evaluate their progress. This plan includes setting clear goals, measuring progress against those goals, and making adjustments as needed. Without this proactive approach, it can be challenging to identify areas of improvement or stagnation. 

Additionally, a well-executed monitoring and evaluation plan can help to keep employees focused and on track. By regularly assessing performance and goal progress, businesses can ensure that they are making the most of their resources and achieving their desired results. Ultimately, a sound monitoring and evaluation plan are crucial for any real estate business that wants to stay ahead of the competition.

8. Risk Management

Real estate investing comes with a certain amount of risk. But with a well-thought-out risk management strategy, you can minimize the potential for loss and maximize your chances for success.

One of the most critical aspects of risk management is diversification. Investing in various property types in different markets spreads your risk and increases your chances of finding a profitable investment.

Another critical element of risk management has a solid business plan. Thoughtfully consider each step of the real estate investing process, from finding deals to financing them to managing the properties. Have a clear exit strategy for each investment to know when to sell or refinance. And always remember to stay within your comfort level; don't let greed or fear make decisions for you.

With careful planning and discipline, you can create a real estate investment portfolio that withstands market fluctuations and generates long-term wealth.

9. Financial Plan

Having a sound financial plan for your business is essential. To assist you, we've created spreadsheets you can use to estimate goals, income, and expenses. You will find specific instructions in the spreadsheets, but here are some guidelines for creating a financial plan:

To create your plan, determine what your expenses will be.

Here are three main areas your expenses may fall into:

  • Licensing: These expenses will include training, state exam fees, etc.
  • Personal: This can consist of your wardrobe, technology fees (like computer and phone), and car fees.
  • Business: Business expenses include broker fees, website and MLS fees, marketing, advertising, etc.

Our template divides these expenses into the startup and yearly costs to help you discern which payments will recur and which are one-time-only. Here's an example of what your startup expenses might look like.

Yearly expenses might include recurring costs like office rent, electricity bills, and annual license fees.

Estimating income is the biggest concern for most new agents. To do this, you must decide how much money you need to make in your first year and how much you would like that figure to grow. You will also need to research some basic statistics for your market, like the average sale price for homes.

Use our business plan template to help calculate these numbers.

Transactions and Leads 

To meet your income goals and cover expenses, you'll need to conduct a certain number of transactions. And, to complete a certain number of transactions, you'll need to work a set number of leads. There's no need to work this figure out by hand. ‍

Our template will automatically calculate the number of transactions and leads you will probably need to meet your goals. Still, you will have to assess these figures to decide whether they are reasonable. For example, if you plan to work part-time as an agent in your first year but need to close 20 transactions to meet your goals, you are unlikely to have enough time.

10. Create a Personal Development Plan

A personal development plan is an essential tool for any real estate business. By taking the time to assess your strengths and weaknesses, set goals, and create a roadmap for success, you can ensure that your business is on track to reach its full potential. While it may seem daunting, creating a personal development plan is simple. 

Start by taking stock of your current situation. What are your strengths and weaknesses? What are your goals for the future? Once you clearly understand where you are starting, you can begin to map out a plan of action. Set realistic goals and create a timeline for achieving them. Put together a resources list and ensure you have everything you need to reach your goals. Finally, implement your plan and monitor your progress along the way.

Remember, your development plan should be flexible and adapt as your needs change over time. With some planning and effort, you can create a roadmap for success that will help you achieve your long-term goals in the real estate business.

11. Write an Executive Summary that Captures the Vision

Your executive summary is an anchor point you can use to understand the overall goals, cement the parameters of your target market, and make decisions aligned with your plan. It's also a way to get inspired by your original vision.

For real estate, it would include points on:

  • Target neighborhoods and price ranges
  • Target clients and a brief description of the persona
  • Brief marketing plan overview
  • Market threats and opportunities

Think of the executive summary as the section of your business plan you would explain to a friend a football game when asked how you plan to make money as an agent or broker in your local town/ city or state.

Note: due to the specific details in the executive summary, this part of the business is typically one of the last completed items.

Real Estate Business Plan Template

If you're considering starting a real estate business, you'll need to create a business plan template. Here's a basic template that you can use to get started. Remember that your business plan should be tailored to your specific business and industry.

  • Executive Summary

The executive summary is a brief overview of your business plan. It should include your company's mission statement and an overview of your products or services, target market, and growth strategy.

  • Company Description

This section will provide an overview of your company, including its history, structure, and team. Be sure to include information on your company culture and values.

  • Mission statement

In this section, you will summarize the reason for being and the guiding principles of your organization. For example: "We are a nonprofit that provides free legal aid to those in need." You can also provide a brief overview of what we want them (the users) to come into contact with. 

Why should they care about our mission or message by telling them why it is vital to their lives now and later down the line?

  • Company goals

This section will provide a high-level overview of your company's top business goals for its first years in operation.

  • Market Analysis

In this section, you will need to analyze your target market thoroughly. It should include information on your customers, your competition, and the overall industry.

  • Product or Service

In this section, you will need to describe your product or service. Be sure to include information on your pricing strategy and any unique features or benefits your product or service offers.

  • Marketing and Sales Strategy

In this section, you will need to outline your marketing and sales strategy. It should include information on how you plan to generate leads and convert them into customers.

  • Operational Plan

This section will need to provide an overview of your business operations. It should include your production process and distribution and fulfillment strategy.

This section will briefly describe what your company offers to customers.

  • Target customer

To effectively reach the people we want as customers, you must provide a clear overview of who they are and how your product or service can benefit them. In this section, I'll go over some questions worth asking yourself when determining who your potential clients may be. 

  • Best Practices

Write out your ideal practices for how you'll deal with qualified leads versus unqualified leads, how quickly you'll follow up with interested parties, your methods for helping a leader throughout the final steps of the sales process, and how you'll stay in touch with customers after papers have been signed.

  • Financial Plan

In this section, you will need to provide detailed financial information for your business. It should include your income, balance, and cash flow statements. The following will include startup expenses, assets, liabilities, capital, break-even analysis, and loan repayment.

  • Exit Strategy

This section will need to provide an overview of your exit strategy. It should include information on how you plan to sell or exit your business in the future.

Individual Agent Real Estate Business Plan

Real estate agents need a business plan like any other entrepreneur. A real estate business plan outlines your goals, strategies, and how you plan on achieving them. It is essential to have a business plan because it will help you stay focused and on track. Real estate is a competitive industry, so you need to be able to stand out from the rest.

A business plan will also be helpful if you ever need to seek funding for your business. Investors and lenders will want to see that you have a well-thought-out plan before they give you money. 

Creating a Real Estate Business Plan is essential if you want to build a successful career in real estate. With our easy-to-use template, you can get started today and be on your way to achieving your long-term goals.

There are many benefits to creating a Real Estate Business Plan, including:

  • Clarifying your goals and strategies
  • Mapping out a clear road map for your business
  • Identifying potential obstacles and solutions
  • Helping you stay organized and on track
  • Increasing your chances of success

So, if you are considering starting a real estate business, sit down and write a business plan. It will be worth it in the long run!

Real Estate Team Business Plan

Before you start your real estate team, it's essential to have a business plan in place. It will help you define your goals, map your strategies, and track your progress over time. While there is no one-size-fits-all approach to creating a business plan, certain key elements should be included. Here are a few of the most important things to keep in mind:

  • Your team's mission statement: What sets your team apart from the competition? Why do you exist?
  • Your target market: Who are you trying to reach with your services? What needs do they have that you can address?
  • Your marketing strategy: How will you get your target market and communicate the benefits of working with your team?
  • Your financial goals: How much revenue do you hope to generate? What are your expenses? How will you fund your business?

By thoughtfully developing your real estate team business plan, you'll increase your chances of success in an increasingly competitive industry.

Real Estate Brokerage Business Plan

A real estate brokerage business plan is a document that outlines the goals, strategies, and financial projections of a real estate brokerage business . It should include an executive summary, market analysis, business model, operational plan, and financial plan. The executive summary should briefly describe the company, its target market, and its competitive advantages. The market analysis should assess the size and growth potential of the target market. 

The business model should describe how the real estate brokerage plans to generate revenue. The operational plan should outline the business's day-to-day operations, including staffing and marketing initiatives. Finally, the financial plan should provide detailed information on the anticipated costs and revenues of the company. A well-crafted real estate brokerage business plan can be valuable for attracting investors and achieving long-term success.

Remember that your business plan is a living document that should be updated as your company grows and evolves. Regularly reviewing and revising your business plan ensures that your real estate brokerage is always moving in the right direction.

Ready. Set. Plan

Whether you've got a ready-to-execute business plan or it's still being drafted, the most important thing is to start now — and fast.

At its core, a real estate business plan should outline the steps necessary to achieve specific goals, such as increasing sales or expanding into new markets. It should also identify potential obstacles preventing the business from achieving its objectives. By taking the time to create a comprehensive business plan, real estate businesses can increase their chances of weathering storms and coming out on top in the long run.

A business plan puts you on a clear track that makes your business 75% more likely to grow.

By following the above points, you'll be well on writing a comprehensive Real Estate Business Plan.


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10 Things Your Real Estate Business Plan Needs (FREE Template)

A real estate agent business plan is essential for success in today’s competitive market. It helps you set clear goals, define your vision, and outline the steps to achieve short-term and long-term objectives. As a real estate professional, having a well-crafted business plan can be the difference between being a top producer and struggling to make ends meet.

In your business plan, you’ll want to start by creating a vision statement that outlines the purpose of your real estate business and reflects your values. Setting firm goals will help you stay accountable and focused, allowing you to adapt to market changes or growth and remember that your business plan should be fluid and up-to-date to stay aligned with your ultimate objectives.

Your real estate agent business plan should be thorough, covering various aspects such as market analysis, organization structure, and marketing strategies. By having a comprehensive plan, you’ll be better equipped to navigate the challenges and seize the opportunities that come your way, ensuring your real estate business flourishes.

Understanding Your Target Market

Identifying your ideal client.

Understanding your target market is crucial to establish a successful real estate business plan. Begin by identifying your ideal client. Consider factors that may define your target clients, such as age, income level, family status, and property preferences. Reflect on your strengths as an agent and which clients you connect best with. This will help you focus your marketing efforts and create tailored strategies for your target audience.

Market Segmentation

Market segmentation divides your target market into smaller, more specific groups based on shared characteristics. In real estate, you can segment your market into categories such as:

  • First-time homebuyers
  • Empty nesters

By segmenting your market, you can tailor your services and communication strategies according to the unique needs of each group. This will lead to more effective marketing efforts and a better understanding of your potential clientele.

Analyzing Local Market Trends and Opportunities

Gather data on your local real estate market to identify trends and opportunities for your business. Analyze factors like:

  • Market growth
  • Market saturation
  • Local property values
  • Employment rates
  • Infrastructure development
  • Population demographics

business plan for an estate agent

By analyzing local market trends, you can identify areas with potential growth or areas that are becoming overly saturated. Use this information to adapt your services and expertise to market conditions, helping you stand out among competitors and position yourself as an expert in your niche.

Remember, a comprehensive understanding of your target market is essential for shaping your real estate agent business plan. By identifying your ideal clients, segmenting the market, and analyzing local market trends and opportunities, you’ll be better equipped to create tailored marketing strategies and make informed business decisions. This will ultimately contribute to the success and growth of your real estate business.

Lead Generation Strategies

Building an online presence.

To create a robust lead generation plan, build a strong online presence. A real estate agent must have a well-designed and user-friendly website to capture leads. Keep these factors in mind:

  • Make sure your website reflects your branding and expertise
  • Optimize your site for search engines to enhance its visibility in search results
  • Include clear calls-to-action (CTAs), so potential clients can easily contact you
  • Utilize high-quality images and videos to showcase properties
  • Share helpful and informative content through a blog or resources section

You can also leverage social media channels to expand your reach and showcase your expertise in the industry. Focus on the platforms most relevant to your target audience and share valuable content related to real estate, local events, or home improvement tips.

business plan for an estate agent

Networking and Referrals

Building a strong professional network is essential for generating quality leads. Here are some strategies to boost your referral pipeline:

  • Attend networking events, conferences, or workshops in your area. Engage with professionals in real estate or related industries
  • Establish relationships with local businesses and community organizations
  • Hold open houses or host educational seminars to engage potential clients in person
  • Develop relationships with past clients and ensure you stay top of mind so they recommend you to their connections

Additionally, create a referral program that rewards clients and other referrers for sharing your services with their network. This will incentivize them to talk about you and help expand your reach.

Traditional Marketing Methods

Despite the increasing importance of digital marketing, traditional methods still have their place in generating leads for real estate agents:

  • Send direct mail campaigns, like newsletters or postcards, to targeted neighborhoods, highlighting your strengths and successes
  • Advertise in local print media, such as newspapers or specialized real estate publications
  • List your services and properties in industry-specific directories, both online and offline
  • Design and distribute eye-catching flyers, brochures, and business cards
  • Participate in community events or sponsor local charities to enhance your company’s reputation and visibility

business plan for an estate agent

Make sure to keep track of the effectiveness of each lead generation method and evaluate their strengths and weaknesses. This will help refine and improve your overall marketing strategy and ensure you invest resources into the most productive channels.

Lead Conversion Techniques

Building rapport and trust.

To build rapport and trust, focus on the following:

  • Be genuine and authentic with your prospects, showcasing your expertise and knowledge.
  • Listen actively, taking the time to understand their concerns and needs.
  • Display empathy towards their situation, offering tailored solutions for their specific problems.
  • Stay engaged through the entire process, from the first interaction to closing.

Qualifying Leads

When it comes to qualifying leads:

  • Ask open-ended questions to gauge their needs, timeline, and motivation for buying or selling
  • Inquire about their financial situation and any potential barriers they may have
  • Learn more about their preferred neighborhoods, housing type, and other preferences
  • Prioritize leads based on their level of interest and readiness to move forward

Effective Communication and Follow-Up Strategies

For better communication and follow-up:

  • Establish a consistent schedule for checking in on leads, such as every few days or weekly
  • Personalize your communication, tailoring messages to each lead’s unique situation and preferences
  • Practice active listening and respond thoughtfully to their questions or concerns
  • Utilize several communication channels, including email, phone calls, text messages, and social media

business plan for an estate agent

Utilizing CRM Systems for Lead Management

Leveraging CRM systems can help you organize and optimize your lead management process:

  • Track important lead information and interaction history in a centralized location
  • Set reminders for follow-up tasks, appointments, or important milestones
  • Analyze your leads’ behavior to understand their needs better and provide personalized service
  • Create targeted marketing campaigns to engage your leads and nurture them toward conversion

By implementing these techniques and focusing on leads, marketing strategies, and communication, you’ll be well on your way to creating a thriving real estate agent business.

Closing Deals and Earning Commissions

Negotiation tactics.

When closing deals, it’s crucial to employ effective negotiation tactics to help both you and your client reach a favorable outcome. Some negotiation tactics include:

  • Understanding the market: Know the local market trends and use this information when discussing price adjustments or concessions.
  • Compromise: Find common ground and offer reasonable solutions to meet both parties’ needs.
  • Leverage: Use your expertise in the real estate industry to highlight your client’s strengths and make convincing arguments.

Handling Objections and Overcoming Challenges

As a real estate agent, you’ll encounter objections and challenges in closing deals. To address them efficiently, consider the following points:

  • Listen to the client’s concerns and empathize with their situation.
  • Identify the objection: Determine the root cause of the objection and respond with a compelling solution.
  • Maintain professionalism: Stay calm and composed, avoiding confrontational behavior.

business plan for an estate agent

Preparing and Presenting Offers

Presenting a well-prepared offer is vital to increasing the chances of closing a deal. Keep in mind:

  • Research: Analyze comparable properties in the area to establish a competitive price for the offer.
  • Documentation: Ensure that all necessary documents, such as pre-approval letters and proof of funds, are in order.
  • Presentation: Employ clear and concise communication when presenting the offer, highlighting its benefits to the seller.

Managing the Transaction Process and Paperwork

Effectively managing the transaction process and paperwork helps keep the deal on track, which includes:

  • Organization: Maintain an organized system for tracking important deadlines and required documents.
  • Communication: Regularly update all parties involved in the transaction, ensuring they know the progress and address any concerns.
  • Attention to detail: Ensure all forms, contracts, and other documents are accurate and complete.

By successfully closing deals, you’ll earn commissions based on your agreed split with your broker. For instance, if you close a deal worth $350,000 with a 6% commission rate, the gross commission income will be $21,000. If your commission split with your broker is 70/30, you’ll earn $14,700 while your broker receives $6,300. Utilizing the strategies discussed in this section will help you maximize your commission income and prove beneficial to your real estate business plan.

Client Retention and Building Repeat Business

Maintaining client relationships after closing.

Building lasting relationships with your clients is essential for repeat business and referrals. After closing a deal, continue to provide value by offering support with any post-closing issues, such as paperwork or maintenance concerns. Keep in touch with your clients and remember important milestones, such as anniversaries or birthdays. Show appreciation for their trust in you by sending thoughtful gifts or cards or simply checking in periodically.

business plan for an estate agent

Asking for Referrals and Testimonials

Word-of-mouth marketing is an incredibly powerful tool in the real estate industry. Encourage your satisfied clients to share their positive experiences with friends and family. To achieve this, be proactive in asking for testimonials and reviews, which you can later showcase on your website, social media, and other marketing materials. Here are some strategies to obtain them:

  • Reach out via email or phone, and kindly request a testimonial or referral
  • Provide a simple template to make it easy for clients to write a review
  • Offer incentives, such as discounts on future services or gift cards, to show gratitude for their time and effort

Staying Top-of-Mind Through Regular Communication and Updates

Establish regular communication with your past clients to stay top-of-mind and generate repeat business. Keep them informed about the latest market trends, neighborhood developments, or listings that interest them. Here are some communication tactics you can employ:

  • Send personalized monthly or quarterly e-newsletters
  • Share relevant content, such as articles or videos, on your social media platforms
  • Organize events, like client appreciation parties or educational seminars, to maintain connections and foster new ones

Maintaining client relationships, requesting referrals, and staying top-of-mind through regular updates will strengthen your real estate business with repeat clients and new prospects. Remember, satisfied customers are the key to long-term success in the real estate industry.

Measuring Success and Adjusting Your Strategies

Setting goals and key performance indicators (kpis).

To measure the success of your real estate agent business plan, start by setting SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound). These can serve as benchmarks for success and provide direction on areas to focus your efforts. Consider setting goals for various aspects of your business, such as sales volume, new client acquisition, and customer satisfaction.

business plan for an estate agent

In addition to your goals, establish key performance indicators (KPIs) to track your progress. KPIs are quantifiable metrics that help you evaluate the effectiveness of your strategies. Examples of KPIs for a real estate agent business plan include:

  • Number of new leads generated per month
  • The conversion rate of leads to clients
  • Average days on market for properties
  • Percentage of listings sold

Tracking and Analyzing Results

With your goals and KPIs established, continually collect and analyze data to track your progress. Regularly monitoring your results allows you to identify trends, spot potential problems, and evaluate the effectiveness of your marketing efforts. Some methods to track your data include:

  • Using a CRM system to manage client relationships and interactions
  • Employing analytics tools to evaluate the success of digital marketing campaigns
  • Conducting a SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) to identify areas where you excel or need improvement

Pay close attention to competitor performance and market trends to better understand how your strategies compare and identify any gaps you may need to address.

Adapting and Optimizing Your Strategies Based on Data

Once you’ve gathered and analyzed your data, use insights to adapt and optimize your strategies. Make data-driven decisions to improve your marketing efforts, streamline processes, and better allocate resources. Some steps you can take include:

  • Adjusting your marketing budget and tactics based on your marketing ROI
  • Revisiting your goals and KPIs to ensure they still align with your overall business objectives
  • Fine-tuning your pricing strategies or the type of properties you focus on to meet market demand better

business plan for an estate agent

Maintaining a proactive approach to adjusting your strategies will keep your business plan agile and responsive to the changing real estate market. This will go a long way in helping you achieve the success you envision for your real estate agent business.

Time Management and Organization

Prioritizing tasks and setting a daily schedule.

In your real estate agent business plan, it’s crucial to have a time management and organization strategy. Start by prioritizing tasks that align with your [business goals]. Break down tasks into daily, weekly, and monthly goals. Then, create a daily schedule following the block scheduling method:

  • List your key tasks for the day.
  • Assign specific time blocks for each task.
  • Stick to the schedule and avoid multitasking.

You’ll notice increased productivity and improved time management with this approach.

Using Productivity Tools and Apps

Take advantage of productivity tools and apps to help you stay organized and manage your time efficiently. Some popular tools for real estate agents include:

  • Calendars: Apps like Google Calendar or Outlook can help schedule appointments and manage deadlines.
  • Task Managers: Utilize tools like Trello, Asana, or Todoist to manage your projects and collaborate with your team.
  • Time Tracking: Apps such as Toggl or Harvest provide insights into your work habits, helping you identify areas for improvement.

business plan for an estate agent

Remember to limit the number of tools you use to avoid digital clutter and duplicate information.

Delegating and Outsourcing Tasks When Necessary

As a real estate agent, delegating and outsourcing non-core tasks is essential to focus on your primary responsibilities. Here are some tasks you can consider delegating:

TaskPotential Delegate
Transaction ManagementTransaction Manager
Advertising Advertising Agency
Administrative WorkVirtual Assistant
Social MediaSocial Media Manager
Graphic DesignProfessional Graphic Designer
Website MaintenanceWeb Developer
Content CreationAI Tools (AI Manager)
Photography & VideoLocal Photographer / Videographer

Identify areas where your expertise may not be as strong or where your time can be better spent, and consider outsourcing those tasks to professionals. This approach will help you manage your workload and improve the quality of your services.

Ongoing Education and Professional Development

Staying up-to-date with industry trends and changes.

To stay competitive in the real estate market, you must keep up with industry trends and changes. By monitoring resources like the National Association of Realtors (NAR), California Association of Realtors (CAR), and multiple listing services (MLS), you can stay informed about the latest developments in your field. Set aside time to read industry publications, attend webinars, listen to podcasts, and follow industry-leading professionals on social media.

business plan for an estate agent

Pursuing Relevant Certifications and Designations

Continuing education is crucial for staying current in the fast-paced real estate industry. Pursue relevant certifications and designations to add credibility and value to your practice. Organizations like NAR and CAR offer various designations demonstrating your expertise and commitment to professionalism to clients and colleagues.

Examples of real estate certifications and designations include:

  • Accredited Buyer’s Representative (ABR)
  • Certified Residential Specialist (CRS)
  • Green Designation (Green)
  • Seniors Real Estate Specialist (SRES)

To obtain these certifications, you must complete specific coursework, pass exams, and maintain membership in the relevant organizations.

Participating in Networking and Learning Events

Engaging in networking and learning events within the real estate community can help you build relationships, share ideas, and learn from the experiences of others. Attend conferences, workshops, and local meetups relevant to your niche, region, or areas of interest. Not only will this enhance your industry knowledge and skills, but it can also be an opportunity to form valuable connections that will benefit your business growth.

In summary, staying up-to-date with industry trends, pursuing certifications and designations, and participating in networking events can help you maintain and develop your skills as a real estate professional. Committing to continuous learning and professional development is essential to ensure your long-term success in the real estate business.

business plan for an estate agent

A well-structured business plan is essential for success as a new real estate agent. With a solid plan, you can set your goals, identify your target market, and analyze your competition. A comprehensive business plan lets you plan your marketing strategies, map your operating expenses, and create revenue projections.

To get started, consider using a business plan template tailored to real estate agents’ needs. This will give you a framework to follow as you develop your plan.

Developing a business plan is just the first step in the process. You need to take action and implement your strategies to realize your goals and achieve success. Revise your plan regularly, adapting and updating it as needed. This will ensure you stay on track with your goals and remain competitive in the ever-changing real estate market.

As a new real estate agent, taking bold steps toward your objectives may feel intimidating. However, trust your plan, apply your outlined strategies, and stay persistent. Your dedication will pay off in the long run.

Starting a career in real estate can be challenging, but you don’t have to face the journey alone. There are numerous resources and support networks available to help new real estate agents excel:

  • Professional networks : Join local real estate associations and online forums to connect with experienced agents, ask questions, and expand your knowledge.
  • Mentors : Seek accomplished real estate agents who can offer guidance, share valuable experiences, and provide personalized advice.
  • Training and education : Keep your skills fresh by attending workshops, participating in webinars, and pursuing continuing education courses relevant to your field.

By leveraging these resources and committing to your business plan, you are setting yourself up for a successful career in real estate. Don’t forget to celebrate your achievements along the way and take pride in your progress. Now is the time to take action; you will surely achieve your goals with determination and hard work.

Kyle Handy

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Blog Business 5 Real Estate Business Plan Examples & How to Create One?

5 Real Estate Business Plan Examples & How to Create One?

Written by: Danesh Ramuthi Nov 28, 2023

Real Estate Business Plan Examples

Crafting a business plan is essential for any business and the real estate sector is no exception. In real estate, a comprehensive business plan serves as a roadmap, delineating a clear path towards business growth. 

It guides owners, agents and brokers through various critical aspects such as identifying target markets, devising effective marketing strategies, planning finances and managing client relationships.

For real estate businesses, a well-written plan is crucial in attracting potential investors, showcasing the company’s mission statement, business model and long-term income goals.

So, how can you write one?

Leveraging tools like Venngage Business Plan Make r with their Business Plan Templates to create your own real estate business plan can be transformative.

They offer a lot of real estate business plan examples and templates, streamlining the process of crafting a comprehensive plan.

Click to jump ahead: 

  • 5 real estate business plan examples

How to write a real estate business plan?

  • Wrapping Up

5 Real estate business plan examples

As I have said before, a well-crafted business plan is a key to success. Whether you’re a seasoned agent or just starting out, examples of effective real estate business plans can offer invaluable insights.

These examples showcase a range of strategies and approaches tailored to various aspects of the real estate market. They serve as guides to structuring a plan that addresses key components like market analysis, marketing strategies, financial planning and client management, ensuring a solid foundation for any real estate venture.

Real estate business plan example

There are various elements in a real estate business plan that must be integrated. Incorporating these elements into a real estate business plan ensures a comprehensive approach to launching and growing a successful real estate business. 

Real Estate Business Plan Template

What are they?

  • Executive summary: The executive summary is a concise overview of the real estate business plan. It highlights the mission statement, outlines the business goals and provides a snapshot of the overall strategy. 
  • Company overview: An overview on the history and structure of the real estate business. It includes the company’s mission and vision statements, information about the founding team and the legal structure of the business. 
  • Service: Here, the business plan details the specific services offered by the real estate agency. This could range from residential property sales and leasing to commercial real estate services. The section should clearly articulate how these services meet the needs of the target client and how they stand out from competitors.
  • Strategies: A very crucial part of the plan outlines the strategies for achieving business goals. It covers marketing strategies to generate leads, pricing strategies for services, and tactics for effective client relationship management. Strategies for navigating market shifts, identifying key market trends and leveraging online resources for property listings and real estate listing presentations to help with lead generation are also included.
  • Financial plan: The financial plan is a comprehensive section detailing the financial projections of the business. It includes income statements, cash flow statements, break-even analysis and financial goals. Besides, a financial plan section also outlines how resources will be allocated to different areas of the business and the approach to managing the financial aspects of the real estate market, such as average sales price and housing market trends.

Real Estate Marketing Plan Template

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Real estate investment business plan example

A real estate investment business plan is a comprehensive blueprint that outlines the goals and strategies of a real estate investment venture. It serves as a roadmap, ensuring that all facets of real estate investment are meticulously considered.

Real Estate Investment Business Plan Template

Creating a business plan for real estate investment is a critical step for any investor, regardless of their experience level Typically, these plans span one to five years, offering a detailed strategy for future company objectives and the steps required to achieve them.

Key components:

  • Executive summary: Snapshot of the business, outlining its mission statement, target market, and core strategies. It should be compelling enough to attract potential investors and partners.
  • Market analysis: A thorough analysis of the real estate market, including current trends, average sales prices and potential market shifts.
  • Financial projections: Detailed financial plans, including income statements, cash flow analysis, and break-even analysis.
  • Strategy & implementation: Outlines how the business plans to achieve its goals. This includes marketing efforts to generate leads, pricing strategies and client relationship management techniques.
  • Legal structure & resource allocation: Details the legal structure of the business and how resources will be allocated across various operations, including property acquisitions, renovations and management.

Real estate agent business plan example

A real estate agent business plan is a strategic document that outlines the operations and goals of a real estate agent or agency. It is a crucial tool for communicating with potential lenders, partners or shareholders about the nature of the business and its potential for profitability.

Real Estate Agent Business Plan Templa

A well-crafted real estate agent business plan will include

  • Where you are today: A clear understanding of your current position in the market, including strengths, weaknesses and market standing.
  • Where you aim to be: Sets specific, measurable goals for future growth, whether it’s expanding the client base, entering new markets or increasing sales.
  • How can you get there: Outlines the strategies and action plans to achieve these goals, including marketing campaigns, client acquisition strategies and business development initiatives.
  • Measuring your performance: Defines the key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics to assess progress towards the set goals, such as sales figures, client satisfaction rates and market share.
  • Course correction: Establishes a process for regular review and adjustment of the plan, ensuring flexibility to adapt to market changes, shifts in client needs and other external factors.

For real estate agents, a comprehensive business plan is not just a roadmap to success; it is a dynamic tool that keeps them accountable and adaptable to market changes.

Realtor business plan example

A realtor business plan is a comprehensive document that outlines the strategic direction and goals of a real estate business. It’s an essential tool for realtors looking to either launch or expand their business in the competitive real estate market. The plan typically includes details about the company’s mission, objectives, target market and strategies for achieving its goals.

Realtor Business Plan Template

Benefits of a realtor business plan and applications:

  • For launching or expanding businesses: The plan helps real estate agents to structure their approach to entering new markets or growing in existing ones, providing a clear path to follow.
  • Securing loans and investments: A well-drafted business plan is crucial for securing financing for real estate projects, such as purchasing new properties or renovating existing ones.
  • Guideline for goal achievement: The plan serves as a guideline to stay on track with sales and profitability goals, allowing realtors to make informed decisions and adjust strategies as needed.
  • Valuable for real estate investors: Investors can use the template to evaluate potential real estate businesses and properties for purchase, ensuring they align with their investment goals.
  • Improving business performance: By filling out a realtor business plan template , realtors can gain insights into the strengths and weaknesses of their business, using this information to enhance profitability and operational efficiency.

A realtor business plan is more than just a document; it’s a roadmap for success in the real estate industry. 

Writing a real estate business plan is a comprehensive process that involves several key steps. Here’s a detailed guide to help you craft an effective business plan :

  • Tell your story : Start with a self-evaluation. Define who you are as a real estate agent, why you are in this business and what you do. Develop your mission statement, vision statement and an executive summary​​.
  • Analyze your target real estate market : Focus on local market trends rather than national or state-wide levels. Examine general trends, market opportunities, saturations, and local competition. This step requires thorough research into the real estate market you plan to operate in​​.
  • Identify your target client : After understanding your market, identify the niche you aim to serve and the type of clients you want to target. Create a client persona that reflects their specific needs and concerns​​.
  • Conduct a SWOT analysis : Analyze your business’s Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. This should reflect a combination of personal attributes and external market conditions​​​​.
  • Establish your SMART goals : Set specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely goals. These goals could be financial, expansion-related or based on other business metrics​​​​.
  • Create your financial plan : Account for all operating expenses, including marketing and lead generation costs. Calculate the number of transactions needed to meet your financial goals. Remember to separate personal and business finances​​.
  • Revisit your business plan to monitor & evaluate : Treat your business plan as a living document. Plan periodic reviews (quarterly, semi-annually or annually) to check if your strategies are advancing you toward your goals​​​​.
  • Defining your mission & vision : Include a clear mission and vision statement. Describe your business type, location, founding principles and what sets you apart from competitors​​.
  • Creating a marketing plan : Develop a marketing plan that addresses the product, price, place and promotion of your services. Determine your pricing strategy, promotional methods and marketing channels​​.
  • Forming a team : Ensure the cooperation of colleagues, supervisors and supervisees involved in your plan. Clarify their roles and how their participation will be evaluated​​.

Related: 15+ Business Plan Examples to Win Your Next Round of Funding

Wrapping up

The journey to a successful real estate venture is intricately linked to the quality and depth of your business plan. From understanding the nuances of the real estate market to setting strategic goals, a well-crafted business plan acts as the backbone of any thriving real estate business. Whether you’re developing a general real estate business plan, focusing on investment, working as an agent, or operating as a realtor, each plan type serves its unique purpose and addresses specific aspects of the real estate world.

The examples and insights provided in this article serve as a guide to help you navigate the complexities of the real estate industry. Remember, a real estate business plan is not a static document but a dynamic blueprint that evolves with your business and the ever-changing market trends.

Crafting a strategic real estate business plan is a crucial step towards achieving your business goals. So, start shaping your vision today with Venngage.

Explore venngage business plan maker & our business plan templates and begin your journey to a successful real estate business now!

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Create a Real Estate Business Plan: Template, Tips & More

Real Estate Business Plan Strategies

A real estate agent business plan is a document that outlines your comprehensive strategy to grow your real estate business. It outlines important milestones of your approach, identifying what your goals are and how you will achieve them.

Because of the nature of the real estate business, you can construct plans as a broker, agent, etc. There are several ways to focus your goals and tactics when you are writing a real estate business plan, and each specific role you have will change what you’re trying to achieve and how you will do it.

It’s fundamentally important to remember that in real estate, there are two things to keep on the top of your mind:

  • You are your own boss and manage your own business.
  • Being busy doesn’t always mean that you’re making money.

Combining these two important thoughts leads us to one conclusion — that having a written-out plan will help determine what you’re trying to accomplish and will help keep you committed to a specific plan of action. A business plan for real estate agents is sure to help you identify measurable goals while helping you stay on a predetermined route to reach your ambitions.

Additionally, a plan will identify prospective issues you expect to run into and how you plan to overcome them. The plan will assign roles and responsibilities, and allow you to measure your success as your business progresses.

It’s important to know that you’re not in this alone – we have an experienced team of coaches who can help you  create a real estate business plan that makes it simple and easy.

Why Create a Real Estate Business Plan?

Studies  have shown that creating a business plan for real estate can increase your chance of success by 12%. Additionally, it can raise your chances of success by 27% when you commit to writing a real estate business plan and combine it with other things like talking to prospective customers, making marketing materials, and getting yourself ready for business.

What’s more, you will be taken more seriously by potential business partners, brokers, and banks because you have dedicated time to sit down and devise a written plan that precisely outlines the actions you plan to take. This shows that you have placed significant personal investment in your business, and gives others peace of mind that they can join you in this venture.

A real estate business plan gives you a clear direction and an operational checklist for identifying your goals. Some questions it will answer are:

  • Who is my prospective client?
  • How much do I want to earn?
  • What do my sales need to look like to reach my ideal take-home pay?
  • How will I cover the expenses of my business?

A plan is not set in stone and allows for adjustments as situations arise – but should be thoroughly devised enough to help you overcome foreseeable challenges like identifying leads and finding funding money to get started.

How to Start

Executive summary.

The executive summary of a real estate business plan establishes your hopes and dreams, a broad overview of how you plan to accomplish them, and highlights from the research used to support your decisions.

It should identify who your potential clients are, the areas you plan to focus on, and any potential sales opportunities (for example, the average house in this area is $450k). If there are any competitive assessments, those are also important to note here.

In many ways, consider this your elevator pitch. Given 30 seconds, or the amount of time you were in an elevator with someone, how would you describe your ability to  be profitable in real estate ?

Write a Detailed Business Description

If you’ve ever seen the show, “Shark Tank,” you’d be familiar with how the business owner stands in front of the investors and shares their story about why they should invest in their product. This is the detailed business description of your plan, where you tell what inspired you to get involved in real estate.

The description will highlight the opportunity and how you plan to make the most of it, while answering ‘who, what, when, where, how, and why’. Who is your prospective client? What makes you different and what is your client looking for? When are they typically looking to buy or sell their property? How do they typically start their search or process of selling their home?  Questions like these  will help shape your detailed business description to answer questions that you might not think about at first.

Perform a SWOT Analysis

If you’re unfamiliar with the term “SWOT”, it stands for (S)trengths, (W)eaknesses, (O)pportunities, (T)hreats. When applying a SWOT analysis to writing a real estate business plan, the coined term helps you identify some of the core questions that arise when planning.

Strengths address what makes you different and a better choice than your competition. Will you be more knowledgeable? Have you lived in the area you’re targeting your whole life? Are you a well-known member of the area who already has created a personal brand that will go far in real estate?

Weaknesses address the exact opposite. What things are you lacking? What things do others do better? Naturally, if you’re breaking into real estate, one of the first things you’d note is experience. Having multiple weaknesses isn’t a  bad  thing. It means you’ve identified potential issues and how to overcome them. For example, a new agent with experienced coaches can quickly overcome the example weakness.

Creating a Strategic Real Estate Business Plan

Defining your marketing strategy.

As much as you would like to be the perfect fit for all clients, the reality is that you are going to have a specific type of client that’s going to work the best with you. Maybe it’s someone from a specific area of town, first-time homebuyers, those using specific types of financing options, or those in the Armed Forces.

Identifying your market niche isn’t going to limit you to a specific clientele, but it’s going to direct your marketing and branding so that you’re not throwing lots of things and hoping that something sticks. This means saving time and money by directing your marketing efforts to the most meaningful ways, giving you the biggest bang for your buck.

Understanding the marketing strategy aspect of your real estate business plan will help you know who your target is, what their defining characteristics are, what services they are seeking, and help you understand how to grow those specific relationships.

Understanding  how you will generate leads  is incredibly important in developing your plan. If you don’t have leads, you won’t have sales — which means you won’t make money. Because of the nature of the business, you’ll need to understand how prospective clients start the process (which is usually through looking at things online).

Creating a Financial Plan

An important aspect of writing your business plan will always include money. Here you will identify your expenses, income, and estimate your sales goals. It’s important to create realistic and well-thought-out measurements in this section, to understand how your plan will come together.

When looking at your expenses, consider all things that will change for you on a licensing, personal, and business level. Licensing may seem self-explanatory, but ongoing education, covering multiple states, and other things might pop up. Personal expenses are also easily overlooked — will you need to buy different clothes, will a new smartphone be important to your work, and will your cost of gas rise? Business expenses are things like your broker fees, advertising costs, and other things often charged directly from your office.

A true financial plan is not a rough collection of estimates or guesstimates. It’s a close look at the reality of the costs you will be facing when you choose to start on the endeavor, and a true understanding of what it will take to achieve your goals. One of the basic goals you will look at financially is the ability of real estate to keep you economically profitable in consideration of your time and resources.

Analyze Your Local Competition

In-depth research into your local competition will help you beyond your SWOT analysis. When you’re looking at other offices that might be competing with you, consider what sets you apart and makes you different. Also,  use this competitive insight to grow your brand  and sharpen the services that you offer to clients.

For example, if your focus is on first-time homebuyers, are there any competitors that also have this focus? What do they do that seems to work? What can you offer that they don’t? There are generally four areas that will set you apart in regards to your competition; the product (your brand and focus), the price (your commission and price you seek for your clients), the place (your ideal market you’ve chosen to focus on), and promotion (meaning the way you’ll choose to market to generate leads).

Understand Your Ideal Customer

Understanding your customer is critical in writing a real estate business plan. Without that important link, you won’t meet your goals, your marketing dollars will be wasted, and your time will be spent without result.

The important things to know about your customer are:

  • How do you reach them? Will they respond better to emails, texts, or calls?
  • What matters to your clients? Is it more space, interior luxury, or location?
  • What brand does your client subscribe to? Will they value Walmart or Whole Foods more?
  • What matters most to your prospective buyer? Is it space, price, or something else?
  • What is your ideal demographic? This is age, sex, etc.

Having a firm grasp on these important things will help you develop your plan so that you can speak to what your market research is telling you. Perhaps your opportunity is in selling new homes in an up-and-coming area, or to military families who have been given new orders near a base. Referrals and leads will always attract outside of your ideal mindset, but this will help you focus your efforts.

Implementing Action Plans

An action plan is a carefully considered set of steps to take in  achieving a specific goal . For example, if your goal is to get ten new leads a month, an action plan will help you get there. An action plan establishes a clear goal and the different things that need to be done to reach your objective.

You might have different action plans for marketing, closing sales, ongoing education and personal development, social media goals, etc. All of these individual action plans will help carry your real estate business plan to fruition.

Evaluating and Revising Your Plan

Your business plan is sure to be a living document as time goes on. With a constantly evolving real estate market, it is critical to stay up to date with the latest news – not only for the industry, but also for the markets you specialize in. As you continue to meet and shake hands with individuals, new doors will open, offering you opportunities that you probably didn’t consider when you originally developed your plan.

For example, maybe you’ve met a developer who’s asked you to help list their properties. What you learn from your clients will be equally important to your plan – if things don’t matter, save time and resources by removing them. Additionally, if there are things missing (like virtual open houses, alternative social media focuses, etc), find a way to incorporate them into your plan.

There’s something to be said for pulling from the experience of others, and  having an experienced real estate coach look over and help develop your real estate business plan is a great way to jump past the typical pitfalls new agents face.  A new agent starting out , dreams of the financial freedom to spend more time with their family and friends. Skipping over the learning curve by having an experienced professional will only help you achieve your goals faster.

Blog Real Estate Best Practices 12 Easy Steps to Creating a Perfect Real Estate Business Plan (2024 Updated!)

12 Easy Steps to Creating a Perfect Real Estate Business Plan (2024 Updated!)

Chris Heller Headshot

To be truly successful in the world of business, you must create a solid business plan. This is the case no matter what industry you are in, and that includes real estate.

The business plan you work out must be unique. There is no cookie cutter approach. You must keep your brand image and goals in mind when creating the plan that’s perfect for you.

However, there are a few steps you can take to ensure your plan is well executed. This article will review those steps to ensure you plan is as successful as possible.

Why Create a Real Estate Business Plan?

A real estate business plan offers several benefits including the following:

  • It shows you where your business is at and outlines areas where you can make improvements.
  • It allows you to set goals and track progress.
  • It can be used to help secure funding. Most potential investors will want to see a copy of your business plan before moving forward.
  • It can be a selling point for attracting top talent.
  • It provides an outline that will help you manage day to day tasks in an organized fashion.
  • It can help you track your marketing efforts.
  • It can help you attract clients.
  • It will keep you more organized in reaching your long-term goals.

12 Steps to Create The Best Real Estate Business Plan

1. determine your business model.

There are a few ways to go when embarking on your real estate journey. You may decide you want to start or join a real estate team. Or you may decide you want to start or join a brokerage. You’ll want to decide if you need a sole proprietorship or an LLC is in your best interest. You may establish a plan early on in your career, or you may decide to change directions and create a new plan in the middle of your career.

While these are all very different paths to take, there are common elements that will need to be focused on in the plan creation process. They will be outlined in the following sections.

2. Identify Who You Are


Determining your brand identity will help you create marketing materials that reflect your image. Are you a friendly ‘people person’? Or is your main goal finding clients the best investment for their money?

Your strategies will change slightly depending on your business model. If you own or work in a team setting , you must define the role of each team member and their part in helping you reach your goals.

If you own a brokerage, your real estate business plan will help you determine what type of agents you want working for you. If you work on your own , it will all come down to your unique vision.

When putting it down on paper, your identity will consist of:

  • Your Mission Statement: Your reason for being in real estate
  • Your Executive Summary: One or two sentences that summarize what you do

3. Analyze Your Target Real Estate Market

Once you determine who you are as an agent, you will have a better idea of who you are marketing to. You may be targeting business owners, investors, families, luxury clients and so on. It’s also likely you will be working within a specific area.

After identifying your target audience, you need to figure out how your target market is doing. What are home prices like? How is inventory looking? Is it a buyer’s or seller’s market? And what are future predictions?

You will be able to glean this information by looking carefully at the MLS and staying on top of trends. Online and offline real estate resources will also provide some insight.

In general, you will want to stay on top of:

  • General Trends including how long homes are staying on the market on average, commission rates, sale prices, etc.
  • Market Opportunities based on supply and demand
  • Market Saturations based on inventory and agent services

4. Analyze Your Competition


We all know the saying, ‘keep your friends close and your enemies closer’. Stay on top of what other agents are doing by subscribing to their newsletters and following their social media pages. While you won’t want to copy their strategies outright, they may just inspire you to create a marketing plan that gives you a competitive edge.

You should also look out for underserved niches and competitive saturation.

When it comes to underserved niches, there may be plenty of agents in your area specializing in family residential properties. But how many are serving the commercial sector? Or the luxury sector?

If the city sections in your area are blowing up, consider looking into properties in a nearby suburb to avoid competitive saturation.

5. Decide What Services You Will Provide

Most real estate agents provide the expected services such as conducting open houses, finding homes for buyers, determining pricing, negotiations, and keeping transactions organized in general.

But you can offer additional services that set your business apart. For example, you may provide:

  • Staging: Staging involves setting up the home, so it looks more aesthetically appealing. Once upon a time, staging was offered as an addition service. But today, many agents are rolling it into their agent fees. The agent may stage the home themselves, or they may bring in a specialized team for staging.
  • Professional Virtual Tours: Today, virtual real estate tours are the way to go. They allow clients to get the experience of being in the home without having to leave their home. If you are not offering this service, it’s time to get onboard.
  • Neighborhood Analysis: Most agents provide clients with an overview of what a neighborhood has to offer. But if you want to go that extra mile, you can provide an in-depth report that includes crime rate, types of properties, demographics, and more.
  • Relevant Discounts: Agents can offer clients relevant discounts in terms of handyman services, inspections, appraisals and more.

6. Carve Out a Niche

It’s important to carve out a niche in terms of what type of property you want to sell and who your target audience is. But you can get even more ‘niche-y’ by specializing in certain types of properties such as condos and townhouses, catering to first time buyers and so on.

It may seem like carving out a niche is limiting, but it will make people come to you first when they require expertise in your field. When choosing a niche, base it on what you are most skilled at and where you see an opportunity to grow professionally.

7. Create a Marketing Plan


The first step of your marketing plan will involve identifying your target audience and determining the best way to reach them. For example, if you are focused on first time buyers, you will be targeting a millennial crowd. In addition to emphasizing money saving goals, you may also want to advertise yourself as an agent that is environmentally friendly and gives back.

A luxury crowd may have similar concerns, but their main interests will be in finding high end properties that offer the utmost in amenities.

You must also consider the best way to reach your target audience. What social media platforms are they likely to be on? Do you think they will respond well to cold calls , door knockings , and mailings? Or is it best to keep things digital?

You must also consider race, color, origin, sexual orientations, and disabilities. Create marketing materials that are appealing and will not discriminate in any way.

8. Conduct a SWOT Analysis

SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats.

In terms of strengths and weaknesses, you must consider what you are best at and what could use improving. For example, you may find that you have superior digital skills but that you’re not so great with cold calling. If this is the case, you should focus on digital and avoid cold calls.

However, you may also consider improving weak spots. For example, if it was the other way around and digital was a weakness, you should consider building up your digital skills. This will give you a competitive advantage in today’s world of real estate.

It’s also important to be aware of opportunities and know when to pounce. This will help a lot with lead generation. For example, FSBO, near pre-foreclosure, and divorces are all ideal situations for an agent to come knocking. You may also think of opportunities in terms of underserved areas and niches in your community.

Threats can come in the form of competition and/or changes in the market. There is usually no way to keep these threats from happening, but you can take steps to be prepared when they occur. This will ensure you are in the best shape possible for taking them on and minimizing potential damage.

9. Focus on Your Specific Goals


  • Making a certain amount of money in a given time
  • Completing a certain number of transactions in a given time
  • Attaining a certain number of new clients in a given time
  • Reducing lead time
  • Growing your company by hiring new agents and employees or opening new locations
  • Determining a better work/life balance

When you set up your goals, it’s important to make them measurable and attainable. If your goals aren’t attainable, you will end up wasting time working towards goals you will never reach. You will also become frustrated by your lack of progress.

Measuring goals can be challenging. In today’s digital world, reports and analysis are provided so you can determine your ROI and figure out what’s working and what isn’t. If you are outside of the digital realm, it may be more difficult to measure your progress, but you should have some idea of how well you are doing.

10. Keep Track of Your Finances

No matter how passionate you are about your business, it won’t be a success unless you are making money. You must keep track of how much you are spending and how much you are earning. Your net profits should always be positive.

For best results, implement an online system like QuickBooks. Online bookkeeping systems will provide reports so you can see where most of your money is being spent and your main sources of income. This will help you determine what’s bringing in the most ROI, what’s generating income, and what’s not.

You may also consider hiring an accountant and/or a financial consult. Your financial team will ensure you are making smart moves at tax time and when investing in tools, software, and other business ventures.

11. Review Your Success Ratios


Your success will also be contingent on customer satisfaction. Are your customers pleased with your services? Are they referring friends and family?

If your success ratios are looking good but your finances aren’t matching up, you may be overspending on certain aspects of your business. Look at your records to see where the bulk of your money is going. Cut back if necessary.

12. Revisit Your Real Estate Business Plan Regularly

Your business plan is not set in stone. It’s a good idea to check it on a regular basis so you can revise it in accordance with your current needs. You may also want to create a new business plan if you decide to change up your business model.

A real estate business plan is a valuable tool for agents. It will keep you on course in attaining your goals. This template will help you devise a plan that is best suited to your professional needs. We wish you the best of luck in moving your company forward.

You’re a successful real estate agent, but you’d like to step to the next level. To do that, you want to create a better business plan for next year. So, how do you start? By filling out that form your manager gave you, asking for your goals for next year? Or, maybe you’re attending those trainings where seminar gurus give you 30 things to do next year. That will put you in a quandary because you don’t know how to choose! Please don’t leap to either one. Before you commit, take a look back at your last year (In the strategic planning process, it’s called the ‘ business review’.) Using the same thought process successful businesses use to create effective business plans will give you clarity.

Time To Scope Your Business Plan: Small Adjustments Pay Big Dividends

You and your business are unique.

Don’t copy someone else’s plan or commit to pie in the sky numbers until you know your three business indicators here. Armed with that information, you can pick and choose your actions and goals wisely, because you know they will work for you.

money and calculator image

Building Your Business Best: From working with agents in my business planning courses and systems, I’ve observed that many agents don’t build a business plan around their best source of business: ‘sold’ customers and clients. Marketing surveys show that it costs six to nine times as much to get a new customer as to keep an old one. So, if you spend more money on your best source, and less on your other sources, you’ll optimize your investment.


3. How ‘delighted’ are your clients? Most so-called ‘business plans’ in real estate merely are goal-setting grids. Focusing only on the end results suggests that the ends justify the means. However, the consumer sure doesn’t think so! These goal setting grids alone lead agents to miss the point of the decade: Top-flight customer service begets more business. That is, it’s not just what you do, but how you do it. What level of service are you providing? Is it just good enough to get through the transaction? Or, is it so great that your clients are thoroughly delighted ? (Delighted consumers refer business to you–less cost and more effort equals big pay-offs, right?)

Build Delight into your Business Plan

New agent meeting with clients for the first time

Don’t Worry About the Tactics

If you’ve been gathering those dozens of tactics seminar gurus have suggested you MUST do, your head is probably spinning. That’s not the way to go about creating an effective business plan. Instead, take time to use the strategic planning process, which includes your business review. Commit one hour out of your day now to assess the three areas here and plan adjustments. The bonus: With your answers, you can pick from that myriad of action plans you’ve gathered and choose the ones that support your major goals. Now you have the ‘why’ for your plan, and you’ll be inspired to create and implement your unique business plan.

Chris Heller Headshot

About the Author

Chris Heller brings 27 years of experience in real estate. Chris serves on the AgentAdvice Editorial Board and is the Chief Real Estate Officer at OJO Labs. Chris brings deep expertise having held influential industry positions including CEO of mellohome and former CEO of Keller Williams Realty International.

Last Updated: 12/29/2023

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  • Sample Business Plans
  • Real Estate & Rentals

Real Estate Business Plan

Executive summary image

People would always need to find places. Be it for offices, homes, and whatnot.

Finding the ideal place irrespective of your needs and requirements is never a cakewalk, to begin with.

You can go through a number of real estates business plan templates before you write your plan.

Industry Overview

The market size, measured by revenue, of the Real Estate Sales and brokerage industry, is $156.2bn in 2021, and the industry is expected to increase by 0.4% in 2021.

Also, the market is changing at a rapid rate and the way people use spaces is changing at a rapid rate too.

Hence, to get on or stay on the higher end of the spectrum you’ll need to upskill and change the way you do business constantly.

But that is a fair trade for the amount of growth and profitability this industry has to offer.

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Things to Consider Before Writing a Real Estate Business Plan

Be specific.

The real estate industry is broad when it comes to work and what you can do. It can either be a source of primary or passive income. At the same time, you might be involved in the industry as an investor, agent, or builder. Decide what you want to do and plan on that basis.

Do your research

The trends of the real estate business change constantly, hence doing your research and updating it constantly is a crucial part of your profession.

As your knowledge and expertise is your greatest asset in this industry, keep expanding it to stay at the top of things.

Build a team of skilled professionals

Having a team you can build your real estate business with is essential.

Select a group of individuals with a diverse set of talents ranging from good communication skills to brilliant analytical skills. Given the dynamics of the real estate business, you never know what skills might come in handy in your business journey.

Be ready for change

As we have constantly discussed, real estate is a dynamic industry. Change is the only constant you’ll have in this business.

Thus, it is important for everything from your plan and way of doing business to be change-friendly.

Sources of Funding for a Real Estate Business

Gaining funds is one of the major reasons for writing a business plan. And here are a few good funding options for your real estate business:

A traditional loan is one of the most basic options for getting funded. You can opt for this if you have a good credit score.

Non-bank mortgage lending

This is a good option if you don’t want to go through a lot of paperwork.

The asset-based mortgage

For this, the lenders look at the rental value of your property and provide a loan on that basis. It is a good option if you don’t want or can’t get a loan based on your personal assets or income.

Above all, it is essential to plan your business to figure out your funding requirements and the right way to fulfill the same.

Write Your Business Plan

If you have enough connections, and the ability to find places for people that have attributes they want and need then a real estate business can be a profitable one for you.

A business plan helps you get funded, explain your ideas to the stakeholders of your business, and make better decisions.

Hence, planning is an important aspect of starting or growing your business.

It has been created using Upmetrics online business plan software that helps you create dynamic and customizable plans anywhere and at any time.

Our sample real estate business plan can help you with writing a well-rounded business plan for your business. It can act as a guide and prevent you from getting stuck in a certain section for too long.

Real Estate Business Plan Outline

This is the standard real estate business plan outline which will cover all important sections that you should include in your business plan.

  • Market Opportunity
  • Demand for Housing
  • Financing & Investment Forecast
  • Introducing Kegan
  • Business Model
  • Short Term Goals
  • Long Term Strategies
  • Keys to Success
  • Contemporary Living for the 21″ Century
  • The Complete Package
  • Pricing Strategy
  • Implementation Strategy – Action Plan
  • Target Market Overview
  • Housing Shortage Overview in Saudi Arabia
  • Housing Shortage Overview in Riyadh
  • Housing Prices
  • Kegan Home Prices
  • Market Positioning & Brand
  • Marketing Strategies
  • Sales Strategies
  • Sales Process
  • Competitive Landscape
  • Competitive Advantages
  • Rashid Bin Said
  • Director of Construction
  • Member name
  • Chief Accountant
  • Director of Marketing & Sales
  • Other Staff
  • Independent Directors
  • Solid Balance Sheet
  • Impressive Cashflow
  • Financial Summary
  • Financial Assumptions
  • Income Statement (Five-Year Projections)
  • Balance Sheet (Five-Year Projections)
  • Cash Flow Statement (Five-Year Projection)

After getting started with Upmetrics , you can copy this sample real estate business plan into your business plan and modify the required information and download your real estate business plan pdf or doc file.

It’s the fastest and easiest way to start writing your business plan.

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Download a sample real estate business plan

Need help writing your business plan from scratch? Here you go;  download our free real estate business plan pdf  to start.

It’s a modern business plan template specifically designed for your real estate business. Use the example business plan as a guide for writing your own.

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About the Author

business plan for an estate agent

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Here is a free business plan sample for a real estate agency.

real estate agency profitability

Embarking on the journey of starting your own real estate agency can be thrilling, yet daunting if you're unsure of the first steps to take.

In the content that follows, we will present to you a comprehensive sample business plan tailored for a real estate agency.

As an aspiring entrepreneur, you're likely aware that a robust business plan is crucial to the foundation of any successful venture. It serves as a roadmap, outlining your vision, objectives, and the strategies you'll employ to thrive in the competitive real estate market.

To streamline the process of crafting an effective plan, you're invited to utilize our real estate agency business plan template. Additionally, our team of professionals is available to review and refine your plan at no extra cost.

business plan real estate brokerage

How to draft a great business plan for your real estate agency?

A good business plan for a real estate agency must be tailored to the nuances of the real estate industry.

To start, it's crucial to provide a comprehensive overview of the real estate market in your area. This includes up-to-date statistics and an analysis of current trends, similar to what we've included in our real estate agency business plan template .

Your business plan should articulate your vision clearly. Define your target clientele (such as first-time homebuyers, luxury property clients, or commercial investors) and your agency's unique value proposition (local expertise, personalized service, investment advice, etc.).

Market analysis is a key component. You need to understand the competitive landscape, demographic shifts, property values, and client expectations in your region.

For a real estate agency, it's important to outline your property portfolio strategy. Describe the types of properties you will focus on - residential, commercial, rentals, or a mix - and how these choices align with market demand and your business goals.

The operational plan should detail your agency's location, the technological tools you will use for property listings and client management, your network of contacts (like mortgage brokers, home inspectors, and lawyers), and your approach to property showings and closings.

Quality of service, professional ethics, and legal compliance are critical points to emphasize for a real estate agency.

Discuss your marketing and sales strategies next. How will you attract and retain clients? Consider your approach to networking, advertising, staging homes, open houses, and leveraging online platforms.

Having a robust digital strategy, including a user-friendly website and active social media presence, is vital in the real estate industry.

The financial section is fundamental. It should cover startup costs, commission structures, cash flow projections, and your break-even analysis.

In real estate, income can be irregular, so it's essential to have a solid financial plan. For assistance, refer to our financial forecast for a real estate agency .

Compared to other business plans, a real estate agency's plan must address specific industry challenges such as market fluctuations, regulatory changes, and the importance of networking and reputation.

A well-crafted business plan will not only help you clarify your strategies and vision but also attract investors or secure loans.

Lenders and investors are looking for a thorough market analysis, realistic financial projections, and a clear plan for day-to-day operations.

By presenting a detailed and substantiated plan, you show your commitment to the success of your agency and your credibility as a business owner.

To achieve these goals while saving time, you can fill out our real estate agency business plan template .

business plan real estate agency

A free example of business plan for a real estate agency

Here, we will provide a concise and illustrative example of a business plan for a specific project.

This example aims to provide an overview of the essential components of a business plan. It is important to note that this version is only a summary. As it stands, this business plan is not sufficiently developed to support a profitability strategy or convince a bank to provide financing.

To be effective, the business plan should be significantly more detailed, including up-to-date market data, more persuasive arguments, a thorough market study, a three-year action plan, as well as detailed financial tables such as a projected income statement, projected balance sheet, cash flow budget, and break-even analysis.

All these elements have been thoroughly included by our experts in the business plan template they have designed for a real estate agency .

Here, we will follow the same structure as in our business plan template.

business plan real estate agency

Market Opportunity

Market analysis and projections.

The real estate industry is a significant component of the global economy, with a substantial impact on overall economic growth.

As of recent estimates, the global real estate market is valued at several trillion dollars, and this figure is projected to rise steadily, driven by urbanization, population growth, and the increasing demand for residential and commercial properties.

In the United States alone, there are over 2 million active real estate licensees, with the industry contributing a considerable percentage to the nation's GDP. This underscores the critical role real estate plays in the American economy and the vast opportunities it presents.

These statistics highlight the potential for growth and profitability within the real estate sector.

Industry Trends

The real estate market is experiencing a wave of transformation influenced by technological advancements and changing consumer preferences.

PropTech, or property technology, is revolutionizing the industry with innovations like virtual property tours, AI-driven property management systems, and blockchain for secure transactions. These technologies are enhancing the buying, selling, and renting experiences for consumers.

Sustainability is becoming increasingly important, with a growing demand for eco-friendly buildings and energy-efficient homes. This shift is prompting real estate agencies to prioritize properties with green certifications.

The rise of remote work has also altered the landscape, with more people seeking home offices and flexible living spaces, while commercial real estate is adapting to the demand for co-working spaces.

Moreover, the importance of data analytics in understanding market trends and consumer behavior is more pronounced than ever, enabling real estate agencies to make informed decisions and tailor their services accordingly.

These trends are shaping the future of real estate, with agencies needing to adapt to stay competitive and meet the evolving needs of their clients.

Key Success Factors

For a real estate agency to thrive, several critical factors must be considered.

First and foremost, a deep understanding of the local real estate market is essential. Agencies with comprehensive knowledge of neighborhood trends, pricing, and inventory can provide superior service to their clients.

Building a strong brand and reputation is also vital. Clients are more likely to trust and engage with agencies that have a proven track record of success and integrity.

Networking and relationships are at the heart of real estate. Agencies that cultivate strong connections with clients, other agents, and industry professionals can create opportunities and facilitate smoother transactions.

Effective marketing strategies, both online and offline, are crucial for attracting and retaining clients. Utilizing social media, search engine optimization, and traditional advertising can significantly increase visibility and lead generation.

Lastly, providing exceptional customer service is key to success. Agencies that go above and beyond to meet their clients' needs can expect higher client satisfaction, repeat business, and referrals.

By focusing on these success factors, a real estate agency can position itself for long-term growth and profitability in a competitive market.

The Project

Project presentation.

Our real estate agency project is designed to cater to the diverse needs of the modern property market. Strategically located in an area with a booming housing market, our agency will specialize in providing exceptional real estate services, including property sales, purchases, rentals, and property management. We will focus on both residential and commercial properties, ensuring a comprehensive portfolio for our clients.

We aim to leverage cutting-edge technology and market data to offer personalized and efficient services to our clients, whether they are first-time homebuyers, seasoned investors, or businesses seeking the perfect location.

Our real estate agency aspires to be a trusted advisor and partner in all property-related endeavors, facilitating smooth and successful transactions for all parties involved.

Value Proposition

The value proposition of our real estate agency lies in our commitment to providing personalized, knowledgeable, and efficient service to our clients. We understand that buying or selling property is a significant life event, and our goal is to make that process as seamless and stress-free as possible.

Our team of experienced agents brings market expertise, negotiation skills, and a vast network of contacts to ensure that our clients have access to the best opportunities and support throughout their real estate journey.

We are dedicated to upholding the highest standards of integrity and professionalism, and we strive to build lasting relationships with our clients based on trust and mutual respect.

Our agency is not just about transactions; it's about helping people find their perfect home or investment and supporting the growth and vitality of our community through smart and sustainable real estate practices.

Project Owner

The project owner is a seasoned real estate professional with a passion for the industry and a deep understanding of the property market's complexities.

With years of experience in real estate sales, property management, and customer service, the owner brings a wealth of knowledge and a track record of success to the agency. Their expertise is complemented by a commitment to staying abreast of market trends and continuing education in the field.

The owner's vision is to establish an agency that stands out for its dedication to clients, its innovative use of technology, and its contribution to the community's economic well-being.

Driven by a desire to exceed expectations and a belief in the transformative power of real estate, the project owner is the guiding force behind the agency, dedicated to making it a beacon of excellence in the real estate sector.

The Market Study

Market segments.

The market segments for this real estate agency are diverse and cater to various client needs.

Firstly, there are first-time homebuyers who require guidance and education throughout the purchasing process.

Next, we have property investors looking for profitable real estate opportunities and market insights.

Another segment includes individuals or families seeking to upsize or downsize, requiring assistance in selling their current property and finding a new home.

Lastly, corporate clients and relocation services form a segment that needs efficient and professional handling of employee relocations and property management.

SWOT Analysis

A SWOT analysis of this real estate agency project highlights several key factors.

Strengths include a knowledgeable team with expertise in local markets, a strong network of contacts, and a reputation for excellent customer service.

Weaknesses might encompass a limited presence in certain geographical areas or a smaller portfolio compared to larger franchises.

Opportunities can be found in leveraging technology for virtual showings, expanding into new markets, and capitalizing on emerging real estate trends.

Threats may include economic downturns affecting the housing market, regulatory changes, and intense competition from other agencies and online platforms.

Competitor Analysis

Competitor analysis in the real estate sector indicates a highly competitive landscape.

Direct competitors include other local and national real estate agencies, as well as online property listing services.

These competitors strive to offer comprehensive services, market knowledge, and technological tools to attract clients.

Potential competitive advantages for our agency include personalized customer service, specialized local market expertise, and a strong track record of successful transactions.

Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of competitors is crucial for carving out a unique value proposition and retaining clients.

Competitive Advantages

Our real estate agency's competitive edge lies in our personalized approach to client service and our deep understanding of the local real estate market.

We offer tailored buying, selling, and investment strategies to meet the unique needs of each client, supported by a team of experienced agents.

Additionally, our commitment to leveraging the latest technology for virtual tours and efficient communication sets us apart in providing a convenient and modern experience for our clients.

We pride ourselves on our integrity, transparency in transactions, and our ability to build lasting relationships with our clients, ensuring they feel confident and supported at every step.

You can also read our articles about: - the customer segments of a real estate agency - the competition study for a real estate agency

The Strategy

Development plan.

Our three-year development plan for the real estate agency is designed to establish us as a leader in the local property market.

In the first year, we will concentrate on building a strong client base by offering personalized services and establishing trust within the community.

The second year will focus on expanding our services to include property management and commercial real estate, thereby diversifying our portfolio.

In the third year, we aim to leverage technology to improve our services, such as virtual property tours and an advanced CRM system, to enhance client engagement and satisfaction.

Throughout this period, we will prioritize customer service, market knowledge, and ethical practices to differentiate ourselves in a competitive market.

Business Model Canvas

The Business Model Canvas for our real estate agency targets individuals looking to buy, sell, or rent properties, as well as investors seeking real estate opportunities.

Our value proposition is centered on providing expert local market knowledge, personalized customer service, and a seamless property transaction experience.

We offer our services through our physical office, online platforms, and through personalized client meetings, utilizing our key resources such as our experienced agents and robust property listings.

Key activities include property listings, client consultations, market analysis, and transaction facilitation.

Our revenue streams are generated from commissions on property sales and rentals, as well as fees for additional services such as property management.

Access a complete and editable real Business Model Canvas in our business plan template .

Marketing Strategy

Our marketing strategy is built on reputation and referrals.

We aim to establish ourselves as the go-to agency for local real estate by providing exceptional service that encourages word-of-mouth recommendations.

Our approach includes targeted online advertising, open houses, and community involvement to increase visibility.

We will also develop partnerships with local businesses and organizations to expand our network.

Finally, we will utilize social media and content marketing to showcase our properties and share market insights, positioning ourselves as thought leaders in the real estate industry.

Risk Policy

The risk policy for our real estate agency is focused on mitigating risks associated with market fluctuations, regulatory compliance, and client satisfaction.

We will stay informed of market trends and adjust our strategies accordingly to remain competitive.

Compliance with real estate laws and ethical standards is paramount, and we will ensure all agents are well-trained and informed.

Client satisfaction is monitored through feedback and prompt resolution of any issues, and we maintain a reserve fund to manage economic downturns.

We also carry professional liability insurance to protect against potential legal claims.

Our priority is to provide reliable and ethical real estate services while safeguarding the interests of our clients and our business.

Why Our Project is Viable

We are committed to establishing a real estate agency that stands out for its customer-centric approach and local market expertise.

With a focus on service excellence and a strategic growth plan, we are poised to capture a significant share of the market.

We are enthusiastic about the opportunity to facilitate successful property transactions and to contribute to the community's development.

We are adaptable to market changes and client needs, and we look forward to the prosperous future of our real estate agency.

You can also read our articles about: - the Business Model Canvas of a real estate agency - the marketing strategy for a real estate agency

The Financial Plan

Of course, the text presented below is far from sufficient to serve as a solid and credible financial analysis for a bank or potential investor. They expect specific numbers, financial statements, and charts demonstrating the profitability of your project.

All these elements are available in our business plan template for a real estate agency and our financial plan for a real estate agency .

Initial expenses for our real estate agency include the cost of setting up a professional office environment, obtaining necessary licenses and permits, investing in high-quality real estate software and tools, training staff to be knowledgeable about the real estate market and customer service, as well as expenses related to brand development and executing targeted marketing strategies to build a strong presence in the local market.

Our revenue assumptions are based on an in-depth analysis of the local real estate market, taking into account factors such as population growth, housing demand, and economic trends.

We anticipate a steady increase in transactions, starting conservatively and expanding as our agency's reputation for reliability and expertise grows.

The projected income statement outlines expected revenues from property sales and rentals, commission income, and other services offered, minus the costs of operations (staff salaries, office maintenance, marketing expenses, etc.).

This results in a forecasted net profit that is essential for assessing the long-term viability of our real estate agency.

The projected balance sheet will display assets unique to our agency, such as office equipment, property listings, and liabilities including business loans and operational expenses.

It will provide a snapshot of the financial standing of our real estate agency at the end of each fiscal period.

Our projected cash flow statement will detail the inflows from sales and rentals and outflows for business expenses, enabling us to predict our financial needs at any point. This is crucial for maintaining a healthy cash balance and ensuring smooth operations.

The projected financing plan will identify the specific sources of funding we intend to tap into to cover our initial costs.

The working capital requirement for our real estate agency will be meticulously tracked to ensure we have sufficient funds to support day-to-day activities, such as property showings, client meetings, and staff salaries.

The break-even analysis for our agency will calculate the volume of transactions needed to cover all our costs, including initial investments, and to begin generating profits.

It will signal the point at which our business becomes financially sustainable.

Key performance indicators we will monitor include the average commission rate per transaction, the inventory turnover rate to gauge sales efficiency, and the return on investment to evaluate the profitability of the capital invested in our agency.

These metrics will assist us in measuring the financial health and overall success of our real estate agency.

If you want to know more about the financial analysis of this type of activity, please read our article about the financial plan for a real estate agency .

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ESTATE AGENT BUSINESS PLAN: How to Write an Estate Agent Business Plan

  • by Kenechukwu Muoghalu
  • August 11, 2023
  • No comments
  • 6 minute read

estate agent business plan

Table of Contents Hide

What is a real estate agent business plan, why do you need a business plan, #1. executive summary, #2. company’s corporate structure, #3. analyze your target market, #4. analyze your local competition, #5. establish your sales and marketing strategy, #6. financial plan, #7. appendix, #8. follow up, estate agent business plan template, are you having difficulties writing your real estate agent business plan, conclusion , how long should a real estate business plan be, how do i become a successful estate agent, do estate agents make good money uk.

If you are thinking of being a real estate agent in 2023, then you should consider starting with a business plan. It’s no secret that the real estate market is highly competitive, and to scale off as an agent, you need to come up armed with a business plan. A business plan can guarantee your business a great chance of success and also help you track your activities to detect when a change needs to be made. This article will further buttress the benefits of having a business plan and also guide you on how to write a plan for your real estate agent business. As a bonus, you will also be getting a current 2023 real estate agent business plan template checklist.

If this process feels overwhelming already, you can stick to our pre-made real estate agent business plan and start that business today. 

When a business plan is involved, you will get to understand that it is a document that covers the “what,” “why”, and “how” of your business. What do you want to do with this business? Why do you want to do it? How do you plan to achieve it? These questions, in general, are called “business plans.”

A proper business plan should cover your niche, business goals, target audience, and market research, among others. That is why you need to learn how to write a business plan for your real estate agent company. Understanding how it works will help you capture the strengths and shortcomings of your company so that you can set achievable and measurable goals. Starting a real estate agent business this 2023 without a plan is something you should avoid. 

Aside from helping you identify your strengths and weaknesses, a business plan will also give you an overview of where you stand in the industry and how you can make amendments. If you’re also looking to secure finance for your estate agent business in 2023, then you’ll need a robust business plan. This is because your lenders would like to analyze what your business is all about and determine if they can benefit from investing in it. 

A business plan will serve as a companion and a road map that can easily help you reach your destination. Learning how to write a plan for your real estate agent business with this tough competition will also give you an edge over other brands. With a business plan, you will be able to set goals and attain them.

How to Write a Business Plan for a Real Estate Agent

Writing a professional business plan requires some level of procedure before your goals can be achieved. For a business plan to be complete, you will need to include a detailed outline of some essential sections. 

An executive summary is the first component of a business plan. In summary, this section should contain who you are, the services you offer, who you serve, and where you currently work from. While writing, you need to start with an introduction to your business plan and its outline. 

Although this section should be the first to appear in your plan, it is advised that you complete it at the end. When you apply this method, you will find that it’s easier to draft this section after dissecting the whole plan. 

As a real estate agent, you should have a management team that you work with. In this section, you will need to make a list of all the members of your team. While doing this, they include their personal information, skills, education, experience, and different roles. If you have any extra skills that you think might improve the growth of your business, then you should mention them as well.

The essence of a target market is to begin your branding process from their perspective. And to achieve this, you will need to identify your target audience by doing in-depth research on who they are and how best to attract them. Understanding your market niche will help you decide how best to attract them with your branding and how to serve them.

Once you have an idea of what services your company would provide, identify your real estate clients. While on this, do not try to appeal to all property sellers and buyers because it will be hard to stand out from the crowd. With smaller potential customers, you will have less competition and a greater chance of making tremendous sales. 

In this section, you will research your competitors , identify your primary competition, and study what they are doing. Learning about their weaknesses and strengths will help you identify the gaps in the market so that you can set yourself apart and outperform them in the industry. 

Your next move is to actualize what your sales and marketing strategy is going to be. Marketing your business will help attract potential customers, which will lead to sales. To achieve this, you need to make a list of the real estate marketing strategies to use. You can choose to open a website, run social media ads, and engage in referrals and content marketing, among others. 

Read Also: ESTATE AGENT INSURANCE: Coverages, Quotes & General Requirements

This is the most critical part of your real estate agent business plan. You will need to assess your start-up and recurring financial requirements to create a budget. This section should include your cash flow statement, income statement, and balance sheet. Remember, you also need a financial reserve to cover unexpected future costs. 

This should include any additional legal documents that your readers might request. It can be a financial document or even a legal qualification. You can also show off your license and permits here.

A real estate agent’s business plan is a living and not a static document. Being a living document requires that you review it regularly and alter changes if needed. As you keep experiencing growth in your business, you should also update your plan. 

Once you have written your solid estate agent business plan, you will also need to make use of a template. A template will help keep your activities in check while reminding you of some actions that are yet to be achieved. To make full use of this estate agent business plan template, it is best to follow this guide accordingly to reach the desired result. 

  • Formulate a plan
  • Brand building
  • Getting insurance
  • Legal qualifications
  • Reviewing financials
  • Marketing and advertisement
  • Team building 

If you have spent hours trying to compose a business plan, then you should curb the stress and try out our professional pre-made Real Estate Agent business plan .

Creating a business plan can be a fun but hard task, especially when you are a first-timer. At BusinessYield Consult, we have succeeded in creating professional business plans for startup entrepreneurs like you. Rather than wasting hours and days trying to write a business plan, you can easily get this ready-made plan here and spice up those ideas. 

The real estate agent market in the UK is highly competitive and disruptive and starting up a business comes with its challenges. However, with the right attitude and support of a business plan, any new estate agent can stand out from the crowd and be successful. It is also important to note that for a business plan to spice up your business ideas, it needs to be well-written and planned. If you know you are not capable of creating a plan that will meet these standards, you should go for this premade real estate agent business plan . 

A business plan does not have a specific number of words or length of content because most of the time, the length can vary from one another. The only common ground in a real estate business plan is that they are generally outlined between one and five years. It is from this factor that you will be able to detect the length that works for any year. 

Before you start on this new venture of yours, there are some basic skills you must have. You should have marketing, communication, and negotiating skills. You should also start with a growth mindset while understanding that your business requires hard work. Always put your customers first by getting sellers the best deal and funding buyers a perfect home. 

A normal trainee estate agent earns £14,000 to £20,000, while an estate agent with experience can earn up to £25,000 to £60,000 plus commission. A well-experienced and successful agent can earn up to £50,000 to £100,000. Considering these values an average estate agent will earn £42,392. 

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Kenechukwu Muoghalu

Kenny, an accomplished business writer with a decade of experience, excels in translating intricate industry insights into engaging articles. Her passion revolves around distilling the latest trends, offering actionable advice, and nurturing a comprehensive understanding of the business landscape. With a proven track record of delivering insightful content, Kenny is dedicated to empowering her readers with the knowledge needed to thrive in the dynamic and ever-evolving world of business.

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Real Estate Agency Business Plan Sample

Published Jul.10, 2013

Updated Apr.23, 2024

By: Noor Muhammad

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Real Estate Agency Business Plan Sample

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Every investor would want to succeed, and they might even be aware of how to do that, but being successful requires adherence to a thoughtful and deliberate process without room for guesswork or chance. All businesses need a business plan to succeed, and real estate is not an exception.

Why you need a Real Estate Business Plan

Getting into the real estate business can be daunting but also rewarding. Our startup real estate business plan is an excellent way to start you off in this business. A business plan is a document that fully analyze and describes a particular business with detailed and complete information about the short and long-term objectives of the firm. When you take a road trip to an area that you have never been before, you will not trust your guts by just heading to the direction of your destination, but you will most likely get a GPS, a smart phone or a roadmap.

This is because the road to your destination is unknown and unpredictable. The seemingly right track may lead to the wrong place and sometimes the wrong path may seem to point towards your goal. A roadmap will show you the pitfalls you want to avoid, unique things to see along the way, and the easiest route to take. The same principle applies to your journey into real estate investing. Therefore, carefully crafting your real estate company business plan will be an integral part of your journey.

We know that real estate business planning is vital to building a sustainable and healthy real estate business, measuring and defining your sales objectives, and expanding your business proactively and holistically. Our experts can help you create a robust real estate management business plan that will assist you with organizing and growing your company.

We understand that it is vital for real estate entrepreneurs’ to undertake their duties as a business so as to set and achieve their objectives. A real estate investment business plan will allow a real estate investor to identify targets, and also develop the necessary action plans towards attaining them. Our real estate investment company business plan will allow an investor to see the bigger picture, and focus on the business objectives more than on minor setbacks. Investing in real estate can be demanding and complicated, but a solid roadmap will keep an investor organized.

Starting a new career as a real estate agent is exciting, and you want to hit the ground running. Although your long term success depends on many things, a good new real estate agent business plan is critical. A real estate agent business plan written by our professionals will not only excite and give you enthusiasm as you meet your first client, but it will set you off armed with adequate knowledge and preparation to deal with what may come your way as you build your career.

Real estate business success should not be guesswork thinking. When you create a business plan as real estate agent, you will understand how to compete in your market and the issues that may affect your business growth. Our business plans for real estate agents provide precise measures for business growth and how to implement the measures.

Although real estate schools provide agents with the education needed to understand real estate law and contracts, they do not cover the aspects of running the business. Real estate agents are associated with brokerages but operate as self-employed salespeople. A business plan for real estate agents, who particularly work independently, will help them keep track of their growth while making the necessary adjustments to succeed.

Why Create a Business Plan for Real Estate Company?

Get help when you need it.

Investing in real estate is not easy and requires much expertise to run the business profitably. We know that learning the legal procedures necessary and understanding the business may be challenging to someone attempting to do things on their own. Successful real estate investors often attribute part of their success to others whether a consultant, mentor, a supportive friend, a lawyer, accountant, etc. Rather than struggle on your own, you can hire us to write you a commercial real estate business plan, and you will realize it worth to embrace other peoples’ expertise and the additional cost to get help when you need it.

Develop a Niche or Focus

We can help you develop your niche and gain a deeper understanding that is necessary to become successful. Concisely, developing a niche involve in-depth learning about a particular type of business in the real estate industry, whether it is real estate agency or wholesaling and become grounded in that area. Through experience over the years in writing real estate business plans we know that you better be an expert in one thing than to be a jack of all trades but a master of none. Once you learn a particular market, we can help you move to another area using a similarly comprehensive approach.

Understand the Risks Involved

While writing a plan for you, we include a real estate financial model that explains how your business will make money. We just don’t tell you how it will be easy for your real estate business to make money. As prudent partners, we advise you on the risks associated with the business not only regarding the legal consequences involved but also the real estate deals and help you structure your business to reduce/avoid the risks. The costs associated with a valuable partner can be negligible compared to the savings he can bring to your real estate business.

Upholding High Ethical Standards

Our promise is not only a professional business plan for real estate investors but also helping you comply with the prevailing standards of practice, policies, and code of ethics. Unless they belong to membership organizations, real estate investors are not bound by ethics in their practices so long as they operate within the law. However, real estate agents are bound by a specific State’s real estate commission rules and standards. A real savvy investor who wants to remain in the business for the long haul understands the value of conducting legitimate business and upholding high ethical standards. Reputation is vital in this business because you deal actively with people.

Why We Should Hire Us to Write a Business Plan for your Real Estate Company

  • Our expert writers are the most qualified in the industry
  • Our experience with business estate planning spans the following areas; commercial real estate development, real estate agency, residential real estate development, residential real estate investment, etc.
  • We invest in research and planning to compile all the information in a meaningful way that is easy to understand
  • We have served many customers who always come back to us for our services
  • We deliver what we promise

Direct Benefits of a Real Estate Investing Business Plan

Preparing a plan will help you identify the specific resources and skills that you already have in hand and those which you must develop further for you to be successful in your real estate business.

A business plan is a comprehensive guide for achieving your business objectives. How much should be your marketing budget, the number of sales you need to break even, how much you expect to earn, etc. Our robust real estate development business plan will help you in answering these and more questions. In the process of your business growth, it will let you know your position concerning those goals.

Both the very act of helping you prepare the document and the end product – the business plan itself – will help you decide whether the venture is essentially sound or whether it will work. Real estate financial modeling that is included in our plans will gauge your expected income against the invested capital to give you an answer on whether the venture is profitable or not.

A business plan will not only help you think more deeply into your real estate investing business from varying angles, but it is also a great sales tool. We can assist you in writing your business plan for real estate development in a compelling style that will make banks, other lenders, and business associates feel the urge of working with you.

Download Real Estate Agency Business Plan Sample in pdf

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Talent agency founder, wife buy Palm Beach house for $8.9M. It came with a bonus.

James e. and tanja dixon bought for a 1950s-era house from m2b properties. the north end deal included town-approved plans for a new home..

James E. Dixon, who built a New York City-based talent agency with clients including Jimmy Kimmel, Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert, is the new co-owner of a 1950s-era house on the North End of Palm Beach . 

Dixon and his wife, Tanja, paid a recorded $8.9 million for the house at 256 Mockingbird Trail. Measuring about a half-acre, the property was being marketed with town-approved architectural plans for a new residence, the sales listing said. 

The Dixons are still finalizing their plans for the property, said agent Gary Pohrer , who acted on their behalf in the sale with his Douglas Elliman Real Estate colleague Chris Leavitt . The buyers might tweak the already-approved plans or start fresh, Pohrer said.

James Dixon founded and was president and CEO of Dixon Talent Inc. when he sold the boutique agency in 2015 to WME-IMG, with the understanding it would continue to operate independently under the same name, according to published reports at the time of the sale. 

Built in 1951, the three-bedroom house the Dixons bought stands midway between the Palm Beach Country Club and the northern tip of the island. With 4,292 square feet of living space, inside and out, the house is the second one east of North Lake Way on the south side of Mockingbird Trail. 

The seller was M2B Properties LLC , a Georgia-based limited liability company controlled by Mary Frances Garrett, who has bought and sold other properties in Palm Beach beginning in 2020.

M2B Properties paid a recorded $3.195 million for the property on Mockingbird Trail in August 2020, just as the real estate boom sparked by the coronavirus pandemic got underway in Palm Beach.

The architectural plans already approved for the lot call for a house with six-bedrooms and 5,683 total square feet, according to the sales description prepared by listing agent Elizabeth DeWoody of Compass Florida. The proposed house was designed architect Gregory L. Palmer of Harrison Design, who has drawn up plans for other projects spearheaded by M2B Properties.

DeWoody’s listing said the buyer could “enjoy the existing home, renovate, lease or build new.” It mentioned the lot’s location “on the sunny south side of the street,” its proximity to the Lake Trail walking-and-biking path and its access to a private beach cabana for use by neighborhood residents. 

DeWoody listed the house in November at $11.9 million and within a month had dropped the price by $1 million, the multiple listing service shows. The property underwent another price cut in February to $9.9 million.

DeWoody and Garrett declined to comment about the sale.

The deed recorded June 26 lists the Dixons with a mailing address in Manhasset, New York. They also have owned a vacation home in the Bear’s Club golf-course community in Jupiter since 2014, property records show. Leavitt and Pohrer have co-listed the Jupiter house — a seven-bedroom waterfront home at 131 Bear’s Club Drive — at $18.5 million, the MLS shows.

Leavitt declined to comment.

DeWoody and agent Bill Yahn of the Corcoran Group acted on behalf of M2B Properties when it bought the house on Mockingbird Trail in 2020. At that time, the property was co-listed by agents Dana Koch and Paulette Koch of Corcoran for seller Curtis D. Emmer. 

Among Garrett’s Palm Beach real estate deals, the largest closed in March 2022. In that sale, DeWoody represented M2B Properties when it paid a recorded $23.53 million for two adjacent North End houses at 1285 N. Ocean Blvd. and 1287 N. Ocean Way. Those two houses had been listed by agent Lilly Leas Ferreira of Brown Harris Stevens. 

In May 2023, M2B Properties sold — for a recorded $11.5 million — a property the company had purchased for $6.5 million in 2021 in a private transaction at 225 Wells Road. After buying the house, Garrett razed it and won the town’s approval for a new home there designed by Palmer. DeWoody acted for the seller in the deal last year on Wells Road, with Leavitt and his Elliman colleague Ashley McIntosh on the buyer’s side. The sale include the house plans.

M2B Property’s first residential purchase in Palm Beach closed in June 2020, when the company paid a recorded $3.667 million for property in Midtown at 165 Seapray Ave. and made plans to build a house on speculation there. Shortly after breaking ground, the company sold the Seaspray property with the house plans for a recorded $9 million in April 2021. In the 2021 transaction, DeWoody represented the seller, while agents Jack Elkins and Bunny Hiatt of William Raveis South Florida acted for the buyers. After the sale, Garrett shepherded the construction of the house to completion for the new owners.

In the 2020 transaction on Seaspray, DeWoody represented M2B Properties, negotiating opposite agents Todd and Frances Peter of Sotheby’s International Realty.

Darrell Hofheinz is a USA TODAY Network of Florida journalist who writes about Palm Beach real estate in his weekly “Beyond the Hedges” column. He welcomes tips about real estate news on the island. Email [email protected], call 561-820-3831 or tweet @PBDN_Hofheinz.

  • Learning Center

How to Hire a Buyer’s Real Estate Agent

Buyers agent meeting with buyers outside of a home

Buying a home can be a complicated and confusing process, even for seasoned home buyers. That’s why nearly nine out of 10 buyers work with a professional real estate agent at some point during their home purchase process, according to Zillow Research. Here’s how to hire a buyer’s agent — and why it’s usually a good idea.

What is a buyer’s real estate agent?

A buyer’s agent is a licensed, professional real estate agent working on behalf of a home buyer. They officially represent the buyer in all aspects of their home purchase.

How does a real estate agent for buyers differ from a real estate agent for sellers?

A buyer’s agent represents the home buyer in a transaction, while a seller’s agent, also commonly called a listing agent, represents the seller. Both buyer’s agents and listing agents are licensed professionals who have a legal obligation to represent their client’s best interests.

Can one real estate agent represent both the buyer and seller?

It depends — in eight states, (Wyoming, Alaska, Vermont, Colorado, Florida, Maryland, Texas, and Kansas), it’s illegal for one real estate agent to represent both the buyer and the seller. At Zillow, we believe buyers and sellers deserve to work with an agent who is committed to their best interests and only represents them.

When the same agent represents both the buyer and the seller in the same transaction, it’s called “dual agency.” Dual agency could present a conflict of interest. It would be akin to a lawyer representing both the plaintiff and the defendant in the same case — that lawyer couldn’t reasonably advocate for both sides fairly and to the fullest extent. This is why it’s important that, when hiring a real estate agent, you look for an agent whose job it is to solely represent you in the transaction — and make sure that this arrangement is spelled out in your buyer agreement (see below for more).

Why hire a buyer’s real estate agent?

Buyer’s agents can help you navigate the entire home-buying process, from your initial search through closing. Here are the key benefits to using a buyer’s agent :

Support and advocacy: Buyer’s agents have a strong grasp on the local market and will be your partner in guiding you toward homes that fit your budget and priorities. You can share your saved homes with your agent or share feedback after you take a tour , and they'll be able to recommend potential compromises, which can be especially useful if you have a very specific list of priorities.

Skilled negotiations: Your agent will help you determine a fair market value for a home before you make an offer and give their expert input on a strategic offer based on market conditions. Then, they’ll negotiate with the seller’s agent on your behalf, helping you come to an agreement on price and terms.

Experience: An experienced agent can be invaluable in all phases of the process, whether it’s knowing when to expect a counteroffer or red flags in an inspection report. They are a trusted advisor who can give you honest guidance that could save you time, money and stress. Tip: We recommend checking out your agent’s profile to see their past sales and to get a sense of their experience. 

Professional recommendations: An experienced agent can recommend lenders, real estate attorneys, escrow officers and home inspectors they trust. If your agent and these professionals have a strong working relationship, they can often work together to streamline processes and keep the transaction moving forward.

Expert guidance: From offer paperwork to contingencies to closing documents, buying a home means juggling a lot of complex forms and managing timelines. Your agent will gather documents, explain your rights and obligations under the contract terms, ensure nothing is missing, and walk you through everything that needs to be signed.

How much does hiring a buyer’s real estate agent cost?

All home buyers deserve transparency regarding agent fees (who is paying them and how much), and should understand those fees are negotiable. At the same time, agents should be fairly compensated for their services. Historically, agent commissions have been between 3% to 6% of a home’s sale price, usually split between the buyer's agent and the seller’s agent. However, it’s important to talk with your agent early on in the process on how much the commission is, how it will be paid, and who will pay it — which should all be outlined in a signed agreement. It’s also important to know that agent commissions are negotiable and are not set by law. 

When you work with an agent, you’ll typically sign a buyer agreement (sometimes called a buyer’s agency agreement), which will outline the terms of agent compensation, including how much your agent will be paid, how they’ll be paid, and what services you can expect in return. Commonly, this will involve the buyer’s agent receiving a percentage of the purchase price or a flat fee as agreed upon by the parties.

Before you sign an agreement, make sure you have an understanding of how commissions are paid, the scope of services provided, and the fees applicable to your transaction.

How to find and hire a buyer’s agent

As with any professional you hire, you want to find an agent who is a good fit for your needs, communication styles and goals. Follow these steps to find a great agent.

1. Connect with a local agent on Zillow

Connect directly to a buyer’s agent in your local market, or perform a custom search for agents by neighborhood, name or specialty. You’ll find bios, reviews, ratings and a list of past sales they’ve facilitated. It’s a great way to get a feel for an agent’s reputation. Additionally, you can contact an agent directly in the Zillow app to set up an in-person home tour.

2. Check your compatibility

Talk to the agent you’re working with to make sure it’s a good fit for you to work together. Here are some important questions to ask:

  • How many buyers in this area have you represented in the past three years?
  • Do you work full time in real estate?
  • How quickly do you respond to client requests? What are your working hours?
  • Do you have any buyer’s agent credentials, such as Accredited Buyer Representative (ABR) or Certified Buyer Representative (CBR)?

3. Sign an agreement

At some point within the home buying process, you’ll sign an agreement. There are a few types of buyer’s agent agreements, depending on where you are in your home buying journey, and the type of agent that you work with:

Limited services agreement: If you’re just starting to look for a home, you might use a limited services agreement or a touring agreement, which outlines that you will work with the agent to tour homes. This arrangement allows you to evaluate an agent before deciding to enter into a more comprehensive buyer’s agency agreement. Zillow’s Touring Agreement , in particular, just covers touring activities and expires seven days after signing. The agreement does not require a fee, and it doesn’t bind you to work with this agent in the purchase of a home. If you want to keep working with that agent, you’ll be asked to sign a buyer agreement that specifies the terms and compensation for the additional services.

Exclusive buyer’s agent agreement: This type of contract means you’re agreeing to work only with that agent for a certain period, commonly 6-12 months. Typically, the agent will be owed a commission for any home you purchase during that time, and your agreement should spell out how and how much your agent will be paid. If the seller of the home you buy does not offer a buyer’s agent commission, you might be responsible for paying your agent’s commission, so read your agreement carefully and ask questions if anything is unclear. Again, know that compensation terms are not set by law, and it’s your right to be able to negotiate any terms of the agreement with your agent.

Non-exclusive buyer’s agent agreement: This agreement means you’re working with your agent, but you are also welcome to work with another agent as long as you let both agents know, and you haven’t signed an exclusive agreement with any agent. This might happen if, for example, you’re searching for homes in two different cities. 

Agreement requirements vary by state, so ask your agent for information on what documentation is necessary for your situation.

What to look for in a buyer’s agent

Your agent is not only your advocate for one of the biggest purchases of your lifetime, but will likely be working with you for months through the ups and downs of the home-buying process . This is why it’s important that you partner with someone with a complementary communication style and work ethic. In addition to a good personality match, here are some key attributes you should look for in a real estate agent.

Hyperlocal expertise

Every real estate market is different. Home prices , demand and housing types can vary by state, city and even neighborhood. Look for an agent who is experienced in the specific area where you’re interested in buying. You can look up their past sales on Zillow and map the addresses, or simply ask how much business they’ve done in the neighborhood recently.

Strong communication skills

Your agent should be a skilled communicator both with you and with other key parties involved in a real estate transaction, so they can successfully communicate your offer and negotiate contingencies with the seller’s agent. They should also be adept at working with your lender, home inspector and attorney/escrow officer. Ask them how quickly they reply to client requests or questions and what their “off hours” are. Most good real estate agents make themselves available evenings and weekends in order to help keep your purchase moving forward.

Years in business and reputation

Usually, an agent who has been in the industry for at least three years has a good handle on the process and a number of closings under their belts. If you choose to go with a newer agent, ask whether they have completed closings already, and whether they’re being guided by a more experienced agent. You can also read reviews to see how their clients rate them.

Ready to begin your search for a new home?  Search Zillow’s available listings or connect with a buyer’s agent in your area that can help you find the property of your dreams.

Jessica Rapp

A local agent can help you stay competitive on a budget.

They’ll help you get an edge without stretching your finances.

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Money blog: 'We have never seen such a spike': Popular coffee brand issues price warning

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Wednesday 10 July 2024 22:59, UK

  • 'We have never seen such a spike': Popular coffee brand issues price warning
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Essential reads

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The Danish capital might not be what comes to mind when you think of a cheap holiday - but if you're willing to help the community, you can earn yourself freebies and discounts. 

Under a new scheme being trialled, visitors to Copenhagen can claim anything from a free lunch or glass or wine to a free kayak rental. 

They can earn these freebies by completing tasks such as litter picking, travelling by public transport, cycling or volunteering in an urban garden. 

The CopenPay scheme is being trialled from 15 July until 11 August. 

Twenty-four attractions in the city are signed up to take part, including the Museum of Copenhagen - where you can claim a free coffee if you've walked there, travelled by bike or used public transport. 

On certain dates, you can earn a free one-hour GoBoat cruise around the city, or a 45-minute free bike ride with Donkey Republic. 

Officials have said if the trial is deemed a success, CopenPay could be rolled out throughout the year.

Yesterday it was the cost of tea that was on the rise, now it seems coffee isn't safe from imminent price hikes either... 

Caffeine lovers have been warned that the price of a cup of coffee could keep increasing for at least another year. 

Industry giant Lavazza said "very challenging headwinds" meant UK prices will not drop until the middle of 2025 at the earliest.

Poor harvests in Brazil and Vietnam, geopolitical conflict and supply chain disruption have all contributed to costs reaching record levels, said the group's chairman, Giuseppe Lavazza.

On Monday, prices reached an all-time high of £3,356 a tonne.

"We have never seen such a spike in price as the trend right now," said Mr Lavazza.

For consumers, this has meant the price of a 1kg bag of beans has already risen by 15% in a year. 

Mr Lavazza said this could increase by 20% to 25% over the next 12 months.

Meanwhile, a flat white at the firm's flagship cafe in London now costs £3.50 to take away or £5.50 to have in.

"We have faced very, very strong headwinds. I don't see any reason why coffee prices will go down," Mr Lavazza added. 

The UK retail coffee market is worth £1.3bn, growing by 3.9% year-on-year and driven by price inflation of 3.8%, according to Nielsen figures. 

Yesterday, the Indian Tea Board warned average tea prices could rise by up to 20% after extreme weather caused poor harvests. 

In the last week of June, the typical price of Indian tea leaves rose to more than £2 per kg, it said. 

You can read more about that here ... 

The UK's biggest supermarket chain has told customers its Express stores across England will close at 7.30pm instead of the usual 10pm or 11pm if the Three Lions reach the final of the Euros. 

It said the decision had been taken to allow its staff to get home or to the pub in time for kick-off at 8pm. 

Employees who do not want to watch the match will be paid as normal, it said. 

Stores will be open as normal the following morning. 

England are playing the Netherlands this evening in the semi-finals. 

If they get through, they will face Spain in the final - and will have the chance to become the first England men's team to win a major tournament since the World Cup in 1966. 

HSBC is increasing the amount it will lend for most mortgages.

At the same time, the bank is ditching its 65% and 80% loan-to-value offers.

The maximum amount of money that can be borrowed on an 85% LTV has risen the most, ballooning by 150%.

Here are the changes in full:

  • 95% LTV: From £500,000 to £570,000
  • 90% LTV: From £550,000 to £750,000
  • 85% LTV: From £750,000 to £2m (or £1m for flats)
  • 75% LTV: From £2m to £3m
  • 70% LTV: Increased to lending over £3m

"This could make the difference between someone being able to buy the property they want or need, or having to compromise by buying a smaller property with fewer bedrooms, or maybe in an area that is outside the catchment area of their preferred school for their children," said Chris Pearson, HSBC UK's head of intermediary mortgages.

Campaigners are launching a major new four-day working week trial in the hopes of winning over the new government.

Participating companies will begin the scheme in November before the findings are presented to the government next summer.

Some 54 of the 61 companies that took part in the first 4 Day Week Campaign pilot continued to use it after the study finished.

Director Joe Ryle told  The Guardian he was optimistic a Labour government would be more receptive than the Conservatives.

"Change is in the air and we hope to see employers embracing this change by signing up to our pilot," he said. 

"The nine-to-five, five-day working week was invented 100 years ago and is no longer fit for purpose. We are long overdue an update."

You may remember we reported on the success of the first trial here...

The quality of customer service is deteriorating across the UK's biggest companies, according to a new report.

A survey of 60,000 people about 275 major firms found satisfaction levels were at their lowest since 2010.

Customers reported a decline in complaints handling, as well as worse customer experience and a more negative view of company ethics, the Institute of Customer Service found.

"The current outlook isn't where we need it to be, despite our research showing that higher levels of customer satisfaction correlate with financial stability and growth," said Jo Causon, chief executive of the Institute of Customer Service.

"Business leaders need to understand the evolving needs and expectations of their customers, developing their organisations' approach accordingly to unlock the sustainable growth the economy needs."

The ICS's Customer Satisfaction Index rates satisfaction on a scale out of 100, with the overall score across all 275 companies standing at 75.8, a drop of 0.8 points on a year ago and 2.6 points below its high of 78.4 in July 2022.

Utility providers were the worst offenders, with a satisfaction rating of 69.8 out of 100 - though it was the only industry to see a slight uptick (0.3 points).

Digging into the data further, and water companies - plagued by sewage spills and rising bills - were the most disappointing among utilities, dropping to 69.5 points.

Tourism, leisure, retail, banks, automotives, insurance, public services and transport industries all saw a decline.

Satisfaction fell fastest over the last year in the telecommunications and media sector, down 2.1 points to 73.3/100.

On the other end of the scale, Timpson, Nationwide and John Lewis scored highest among individual companies - between 85 and 86 points.

Taylor Swift, Elon Musk and Martin Lewis are among celebrities whose identities are commonly misused by scammers, data suggests.

Martin Lewis's face and name have been used to steal £20m over the last two years, MoneySavingExpert found after analysing Action Fraud figures.

Some £500,000 was reported lost to one scam featuring Mr Lewis.

"It's likely that the criminals pumping out these scam ads effectively use their own in-house dark web digital marketing teams, researching which celebrities and advert types get the best click through rates, and honing the way they work to be able to attract more victims," said Mr Lewis.

"If it's an ad with me in, it's always a scam, as I don't do adverts."

The King, Jeremy Clarkson and Rishi Sunak have also been used by scammers. 

MoneySavingExpert asked Action Fraud to supply the data based on a list of celebrities it had created after asking people on social media who they had seen in scam ads. 

"Topping this list is about the worst compliment I've ever had," said Mr Lewis.

Below are the top 10 high-profile figures whose identities have been misused, with the percentage of total mentions in scams:

Ticket scams are rife as criminals seek to cash in on the popularity of Swift's Era's tour.

Fans have lost out on an estimated £1m since UK tickets for her tour went on sale last July, according to data published by Lloyds Bank.

Mentions of cryptocurrency, investing, retirement planning and promises to get rich quick are also particular warning signs to look out for in scam ads, MoneySavingExpert warned.

Every Wednesday we ask Michelin chefs to pick their favourite Cheap Eats where they live and when they cook at home. This week we speak to Benjamin Ferra Y Castell from one-starred  Pavyllon in London.

Hi Benjamin, can you tell us your favourite places in London where you can get a meal for two for less than £40?

1. Saint George Cafe

This is a French bakery offering delicious sandwiches made with high-quality products. Their bread is made by a French baker with a specially selected flour. 

The pastries are also amazing - using high-quality butter and the chocolate used in the pain au chocolate makes it one of my best sweet treats in the city. On top of all of this, their coffee is some of the best in London.

2. Tachbrook Street Market  in Pimlico

This market is really affordable and convenient and away from the hustle and bustle of Victoria Station. 

I used to go with my wife who loves spicy food, especially to a Thai food stand on the left part of the market which is a must-try. 

If you come back often enough as I do, they sometimes give a nice discount! 

Authentic Thai food made with love, available for less than £10 for a substantial portion.

3. Bar Italia in Soho

Offers great Italian coffee with authentic products from different regions of Italy. 

You can try different sandwiches and they have an excellent burrata. They serve real coffee, how it should be made.

What is your "go-to" cheap eat to cook at home when you have a night in?

I would suggest a nice vegetable appetiser, something fresh and flavourful which is cheap and tasty as long as it's seasonal. 

At home, when the first heirloom tomatoes come into season, I slice them and season with olive oil, fresh herbs and some anchovies on top - seasoning generously is a must! 

Try to buy smart, local and according to the season - that's one of my favourite tips.

I also recommend a nice pasta when cooking at home, using a brand called Rummo (note from Money team: their range is available from Ocado for around £2), served alongside delicious seafood. 

Go early to Billingsgate fish market, to buy quality seafood direct from fisherman. It's also usually cheaper and always fresher. Plus, you can negotiate a bit!

We've spoken to lots of top chefs and bloggers - check out their cheap eats from around the country here...

By  James Sillars , business news reporter  

A stronger open for the FTSE 100 today after financial and energy stocks dragged yesterday. 

The index was 0.3% up at 8,161 following the 0.7% hit of the previous session.

Part of that decline was a double-edged sword as it was linked to lower oil prices.

In better news for drivers, Brent crude touched $84 a barrel and was a further 0.7% down as some market concerns over tight supplies eased.

Chinese economic data was also seen as pouring cold water on prospects for higher demand in the world's second-biggest economy.

Weaker profit estimates from BP also led the market down.

Companies reporting on their progress today included JD Wetherspoon.

The pub giant reported a 5.8% rise in comparable sales over the 10 weeks to 7 July.

It was likely aided by Euro 2024 and in spite of unseasonably wet weather, which has been blamed for hitting consumer spending more widely.

Its shares were 0.1% down in response.

The performance likely reflected the fact that the sales growth figure was lower than the 11% rise achieved in the same period last year.

Wetherspoons also highlighted cost pressures from wages and some products.

By Emily Mee, Money reporter

If TikTok is anything to go by, many of us are seeking that Sabrina Carpenter bronzed look this summer (me included). 

But without a pop star's team of make-up artists and the bank account to boot, how can the rest of us get that perfect glow? 

We've asked four beauty experts to give us their top affordable dupes for high-end products. Here's what they said (before one of them reveals the product you should never skimp on)... 

Suzanne Baum , freelance beauty editor

For Suzanne, affordable make-up brand e.l.f. can't be beaten for its dupes: "Super affordable, long-lasting and provides a perfect finish for a summer glow." 

These are her picks from the brand... 

e.l.f. Bronzing Drops, £12 

It's a dupe for... Drunk Elephant's D-Bronzi drops, £34

"A nourishing tinted serum for a sun-kissed glow," she says. 

Just add one to three drops to your moisturiser, face oil or body cream.

e.l.f. Halo Glow Liquid Filter, £15 

It's a dupe for...  Charlotte Tilbury Flawless Filter, at £39

"A multi-purpose, liquid glow booster that gives your complexion a soft-focus social filter effect IRL," says Suzanne. 

Wear on its own for sheer coverage, under foundation as a luminous base, as a highlighter or mixed with foundation for a dewy glow.

e.l.f. Power Grip Primer, £10 

It's a dupe for...  Milk Makeup Hydro Grip Primer, £35 

"A gel-based, hydrating face primer that smooths skin while gripping your make-up," Suzanne says. 

e.l.f. Halo Glow Contour Beauty Wand, £9 

It's a dupe for...  Charlotte Tilbury Beauty Light Wand, £30 

"A liquid contour wand with a cushion-tip applicator for a naturally sculpted complexion," the beauty expert says. 

Apply to your hairline, temples, sides of your nose, hollows of your cheeks and jawline, then blend with a brush. 

e.l.f. Camo Liquid Blush, £7

It's a dupe for.... Rare Beauty Soft Pink Liquid Blush, £24

"A long-lasting liquid blush that delivers a high pigment pop of colour to cheeks with a dewy finish," says Suzanne. 

e.l.f. Glow Reviver Lip Oil, £8 

It's a dupe for... Dior Lip Glow Oil, £32 

"An ultra-glossy tinted lip oil that nourishes, hydrates and enhances your lips' natural colour," Suzanne says. 

Joyce Connor , make-up artist  

For Joyce, she'll often go for the high-end brands over dupes - but there was one product that she thought was even better than the original. 

Here are her picks... 

Revolution Pro CC Perfecting Skin Enhancer, £10

It's a dupe for... IT Cosmetics CC+ Nude Glow, £37

The IT Cosmetics product is Joyce's go-to, but she says the Revolution version makes for a "very good" dupe. 

She says it gives a "nice glow without being shiny, because in the summer we don't want to be caked in make-up". 

It is worth noting that the IT Cosmetics version includes SPF 40, whereas the Revolution one does not. 

Apply before foundation for an added glow. 

Boots Glow Essence Serum, £5 

It's a dupe for... Glossier Future Dew Facial Oil Serum Hybrid, £30

There's quite a difference in price here, and Joyce says the Boots version gives a "nice sheen" under your foundation. 

However, she notes the Glossier product has a more golden tint. 

Massage two to three drops onto your skin before moisturising. 

Avon Radiance Ritual Touch Of Gold Body Oil, £5

It's a dupe for... Sol De Janeiro GlowMotions Glow Body Oil, £35

For added glow, massage into the skin and do not rinse - or you can use it as a bath oil. 

NYX Professional Makeup Fat Oil Lip Drip Lip Gloss, £7.99

It's a dupe for... Dior Addict Lip Glow Oil, £32

"To be honest, I prefer the Fat Oil to the Dior one," says Joyce, picking it out as her favourite dupe. 

"It lasted longer on my lips. I didn't have to top it up as quickly. I like the sheen of it. The colour was lovely," she raves. 

Sue Moxley , beauty expert  

Sue believes you don't have to spend a fortune to get quality products - and she's a fan of "good old" Revlon and L'Oreal. 

Revolution Fix and Glow Setting Spray, £8.99

It's a dupe for... Charlotte Tilbury Hollywood Flawless Filter, £39

Okay, this isn't a direct dupe as it's a setting spray rather than a foundation. But Sue says if you pair this with your favourite foundation, it should give you that "wonderful flawless glow" similar to Flawless Filter. 

She recommends spraying it about 10 inches from your face all over and allowing it to dry for a few minutes. 

NYX Bare With Me Blur Tint Foundation, £9.99

It's a dupe for... Jones Road What the Foundation, £42

A good alternative to the trending Jones Road foundation is NYX's Bare With Me, which Sue says "smoothes pores but looks really light and natural". 

"Apply with a make-up brush all over your face for a professional finish," she says. 

Lacura Luminous Filter Foundation, £5

It's a dupe for... Clinique Even Better SPF15 Foundation, £34.50

TikTok went wild for this Aldi dupe, which Sue says is an alternative to the "high end glossy foundations". 

"It's such a bargain - it's definitely up there," she says. 

She recommends applying all over with a sponge, pressing rather than rubbing into the skin. 

Rimmel Natural Bronzer, £6.99 

It's a dupe for... Iconic London Kissed By the Sun Bronzer, £25

Sue says this is a light bronzer that "glides on easily with a blusher brush". 

Swirl it on the hollows of your cheeks, up to your temples, down underneath your jawline and on the bridge of your nose. 

So, how much difference is there between the dupes and the high-end products? 

You might be wondering just how noticeable the difference is if you go for the cheaper alternative. 

It's a difficult question to answer as it can vary from product to product - and not all the experts we spoke to were in total agreement. 

Sue Moxley says a lot of the lower end budget brands use similar ingredients to their more expensive counterparts. 

"You can get better packaging or the quality of the packaging is better, but it's also the brand name that is putting the prices up," she says. 

The high-end brands do put extra ingredients in, she says, but "they don't warrant the amount of difference in price". 

"It's still lovely to go and buy a Chanel lipstick or something and have it in your bag and it makes you feel wonderful. You get it out and it's gorgeous packaging and you put it on in the restaurant," she says.

"It does make you feel good, but I do believe that there are products out there that are equivalent in quality and ingredients wise." 

But Joyce Connor says the high-end brands are often worth it - although she does say you can "mix and match". 

More expensive brands rarely sell single-ingredient products, she says, and this can make a difference in terms of what you're getting. 

For example, she says an own-brand hyaluronic acid cream will often have that single ingredient but a similar product from a high-end brand will likely include peptides and ceramides - all providing extra value. 

One item not to skimp on

Joyce says if you're going to spend money on anything, it should be your moisturiser so you can get a perfect base for your make-up. 

"There are plenty of dupes out there that that are going to be effective as long as you are moisturising," she says. 

Her pick is the Goldfaden MD Vital Boost Even Skintone Daily Moisturiser - but at £60 for 50ml, that might be a bit much for some. 

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  2. How to Write a Real Estate Business Plan (+ Free Template)

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  3. 7 Steps to Writing a Real Estate Business Plan (+ Template)

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  6. Real Estate Agent Business Plan Template (2024)

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