Biochemistry And Molecular Biology Education impact factor, indexing, ranking (2024)


Aim and Scope

The Biochemistry And Molecular Biology Education is a research journal that publishes research related to Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology . This journal is published by the Wiley-Blackwell. The ISSN of this journal is 15393429, 14708175 . Based on the Scopus data, the SCImago Journal Rank (SJR) of biochemistry and molecular biology education is 0.404 .

Biochemistry And Molecular Biology Education Ranking

The latest Impact Factor list (JCR) is released in June 2024.

The Impact Factor of Biochemistry And Molecular Biology Education is 1.2.

The impact factor (IF) is a measure of the frequency with which the average article in a journal has been cited in a particular year. It is used to measure the importance or rank of a journal by calculating the times its articles are cited.

The impact factor was devised by Eugene Garfield, the founder of the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) in Philadelphia. Impact factors began to be calculated yearly starting from 1975 for journals listed in the Journal Citation Reports (JCR). ISI was acquired by Thomson Scientific & Healthcare in 1992, and became known as Thomson ISI. In 2018, Thomson-Reuters spun off and sold ISI to Onex Corporation and Baring Private Equity Asia. They founded a new corporation, Clarivate , which is now the publisher of the JCR.

Important Metrics

Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education
15393429, 14708175
Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology
United States
Biochemistry (Q3); Molecular Biology (Q4)

biochemistry and molecular biology education Indexing

The biochemistry and molecular biology education is indexed in:

  • Web of Science (SCIE)

An indexed journal means that the journal has gone through and passed a review process of certain requirements done by a journal indexer.

The Web of Science Core Collection includes the Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE), Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI), Arts & Humanities Citation Index (AHCI), and Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI).

Biochemistry And Molecular Biology Education Impact Factor 2024

The latest impact factor of biochemistry and molecular biology education is 1.2 which is recently updated in June, 2024.

The impact factor (IF) is a measure of the frequency with which the average article in a journal has been cited in a particular year. It is used to measure the importance or rank of a journal by calculating the times it's articles are cited.

Note: Every year, The Clarivate releases the Journal Citation Report (JCR). The JCR provides information about academic journals including impact factor. The latest JCR was released in June, 2023. The JCR 2024 will be released in the June 2024.

Biochemistry And Molecular Biology Education Quartile

The latest Quartile of biochemistry and molecular biology education is Q3 .

Each subject category of journals is divided into four quartiles: Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4. Q1 is occupied by the top 25% of journals in the list; Q2 is occupied by journals in the 25 to 50% group; Q3 is occupied by journals in the 50 to 75% group and Q4 is occupied by journals in the 75 to 100% group.

Journal Publication Time

The publication time may vary depending on factors such as the complexity of the research and the current workload of the editorial team. Journals typically request reviewers to submit their reviews within 3-4 weeks. However, some journals lack mechanisms to enforce this deadline, making it difficult to predict the duration of the peer review process.

The review time also depends upon the quality of the research paper.

Call for Papers

Visit to the official website of the journal/ conference to check the details about call for papers.

How to publish in Biochemistry And Molecular Biology Education?

If your research is related to Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology, then visit the official website of biochemistry and molecular biology education and send your manuscript.

Tips for publishing in Biochemistry And Molecular Biology Education:

  • Selection of research problem.
  • Presenting a solution.
  • Designing the paper.
  • Make your manuscript publication worthy.
  • Write an effective results section.
  • Mind your references.

Acceptance Rate

Final summary.

  • The impact factor of biochemistry and molecular biology education is 1.2.
  • The biochemistry and molecular biology education is a reputed research journal.
  • It is published by Wiley-Blackwell .
  • The journal is indexed in UGC CARE, Scopus, SCIE, PubMed .
  • The (SJR) SCImago Journal Rank is 0.404 .











  • Agricultural & Biological Sciences
  • Arts & Humanities
  • Business, Management and Accounting
  • Computer Science
  • Engineering
  • Mathematics
  • Social Sciences

BIOCHEMISTRY AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY Education Impact Factor & Key Scientometrics

Biochemistry and molecular biology education overview, impact factor, i. basic journal info, journal issn: na, publisher: na, history: na, journal hompage: link, how to get published:, research categories, scope/description:, ii. science citation report (scr), biochemistry and molecular biology education scr impact factor, biochemistry and molecular biology education scr journal ranking, biochemistry and molecular biology education scimago sjr rank, biochemistry and molecular biology education scopus 2-year impact factor trend, biochemistry and molecular biology education scopus 3-year impact factor trend, biochemistry and molecular biology education scopus 4-year impact factor trend, biochemistry and molecular biology education impact factor history, iii. other science influence indicators, biochemistry and molecular biology education h-index, biochemistry and molecular biology education h-index history.

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Plant Biologist Siobhan Brady Named HHMI Investigator

Siobhan Brady, a professor in the Department of Plant Biology and Genome Center, has been selected to join the prestigious Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) Investigator program. (TJ Ushing / UC Davis)

  • by Liana Wait
  • July 23, 2024

Siobhan Brady, a professor in the Department of Plant Biology and Genome Center , has been selected as a Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) Investigator . The prestigious Investigator program, which Brady describes as “life changing,” will provide her with roughly $9 million in research support over a seven-year term, with the option to renew.

Brady’s research aims to understand how plants use their roots to respond to environmental stressors, and to use this information to develop plants that are better able to respond to climate change. To do this, Brady’s lab employs a range of techniques, from genomic and cellular analysis to evolutionary comparisons. With HHMI’s support, she will be able to expand her research scope to explore roots in new and boundary-pushing ways.

“It's the kind of opportunity that will allow me to do really bold science—high-risk, high-reward research,” Brady said. “I actually couldn't believe it was real. It was only after I read it out to my husband that I was like, okay, now it's really real.”

Brady joins two other HHMI Investigators at the University of California Davis— Neil Hunter in the Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics and Jorge Dubcovsky in the Department of Plant Sciences .

The root of the problem

Brady’s research group uses a range of techniques—from genomic studies to microscopy to field experiments—to understand how plants use their roots to respond to environmental stressors. By staining cross-sections of roots like the one pictured here, they can get a glimpse of the structure and function of different types of cells within the root. (Concepcion Manzano / UC Davis)

Brady has been fascinated by plant roots since she was in graduate school, when she spent hours poring over them with a microscope. Roots are the primary mechanism by which plants obtain water and nutrients, but researchers still know relatively little about the cells, molecules, and genes that are involved in these processes outside of the most researched plant species.

“Roots are intricate and beautiful, and they have all of these secrets that we want to unlock,” Brady said. “There are so many root features that we know exist, but we still have no idea how they’re made or what they do.” 

Brady hopes to develop a toolbox of resources that will help deepen our understanding of how plants have evolved to respond to dynamic environments. These include changes in nutrients, water availability as well as the presence of other helpful and harmful organisms. Once understood, scientists can apply this information to the creation of plants that are more resilient to climate change.

“My lab focuses on systematically uncovering the genetic programs that are responsible for where, when, and how these cell types and their walls are formed, and how they function in relation to the environment,” Brady said. “Our ultimate goal is to mitigate the havoc that climate change is already wreaking on our planet.”

The opportunity to grow (and put down roots)

Unlike other sources of research funding, the HHMI Investigator program funds “people, not projects,” which means that Brady will be able to pursue multiple research avenues simultaneously, and to develop long-term projects that would be beyond the lifespan of a typical funding cycle.

Brady is eager to incorporate new techniques and technologies into her lab’s research, including engineering and biomaterials research, to grow her team, and to explore research questions and plant systems that were previously inaccessible. 

“I get to dream and put together a really great group of people who can delve into new, bold questions,” Brady said.

Being an HHMI Investigator also opens up opportunities for Brady to network and collaborate with other Investigators, who include world-renowned researchers at over 60 US institutions. Once a year, she—and one graduate or postdoctoral trainee from her lab—will have the chance to attend an HHMI research meeting.

Brady is grateful for the support and hard work of her lab members, past and present, without whom this opportunity would not have been possible. (Jeremy Koch, courtesy of Siobhan Brady)

“These meetings will be an amazing opportunity for us to have conversations and network and collaborate with a really incredible group of researchers who do very different and out-of-the-box research,” Brady said.

Brady is grateful for the support of her lab group and colleagues at UC Davis, without whom she says she would never have been granted this opportunity. 

“The work I do is only possible because of the people in my lab and their ideas and how hard they work,” said Brady. “It also wouldn’t have been possible without the university’s support and the collegial environment that I've been lucky to grow and thrive in.”

Media Resources

  • Liana Wait is a freelance science writer based in Philadelphia. She has a Ph.D. in ecology and evolutionary biology and specializes in writing about the life sciences.
  • Siobhan Brady, Plant Biology, [email protected]
  • Andy Fell, News and Media Relations, 530-304-8888, [email protected]  

Primary Category

Secondary categories.

Jeffrey Spraggins named director of Vanderbilt University Mass Spectrometry Research Center

Marissa Shapiro

Marissa Shapiro

Jul 17, 2024, 11:00 AM

Jeffrey Spraggins

Jeffrey Spraggins , associate professor of cell and developmental biology, biochemistry, and chemistry, has been named director of the Mass Spectrometry Research Center . He succeeds Richard Caprioli , Stanford Moore Chair in Biochemistry, who established the MSRC in 1998 and who is retiring this summer.

Spraggins is a leading scientist in spatial biology and imaging mass spectrometry—an untargeted molecular imaging approach that enables molecular mapping at cellular resolution—a technology originated by Caprioli. Spraggins’ research lies at the intersection of technology development, data science, and biomedical research. His research group is creating integrated multi-omics pipelines that combine imaging mass spectrometry with various forms of microscopy and spatial transcriptomics to offer a systems biology view of tissues at cellular resolution. By revealing relationships between cellular organization and molecular distributions across spatial and molecular scales, they are creating a toolbox for precision medicine. This work offers novel methods for sub-typing diseases and biomarker discovery. His research group applies these advanced techniques to the study of Alzheimer’s, kidney, and infectious diseases.

“With immense gratitude to Richard for his years of leadership and mentorship, I am thrilled to have the opportunity to lead the MSRC into its next chapter. The unique combination of talented personnel and trainees, immense technical resources, and the interconnectivity between the research and development labs and core services has always made the MSRC a special place for mass spectrometry,” Spraggins said. “My research team develops integrated tools that aim to deliver biological insight, not just data. This will remain our focus as we grow the MSRC, both in terms of the R&D laboratories and the core services offered. I look forward to working with the talented mass spectrometrists at Vanderbilt and our diverse partners, collaborators, and users to identify the analytical needs of the biomedical research community and develop next-generation mass spectrometry and molecular imaging capabilities to advance our research objectives.”

Mass spectrometry is a versatile analytical technology widely used to study the physical, chemical, and biological properties of various compounds. In biomedical research, it is frequently utilized for identifying unknown compounds, conducting qualitative and quantitative analyses of biomolecules (such as proteins, oligosaccharides, lipids, and metabolites), studying protein interactions and structure, and as a tool for pharmacokinetics.

At Vanderbilt, the MSRC brings state-of-the-art mass spectrometry expertise, methodology, and instrumentation to the research and clinical infrastructure across the university and the Vanderbilt University Medical Center. Its current configuration, with three core labs and an R&D function, houses more than 40 mass spectrometers and has served over 250 users over the past 12 months, making it one of the world’s largest academic mass spectrometry centers. In 2023, Vanderbilt and Bruker Daltonics, a manufacturer of scientific instruments for molecular and materials research, established a Mass Spectrometry Center of Excellence , the first center of its kind to be established by Bruker.

biochemistry and molecular biology education scimago

“Richard Caprioli’s visionary leadership of the Mass Spectrometry Research Center led to Vanderbilt’s current position at the forefront of advanced research in imaging mass spectrometry. I am delighted that Jeff Spraggins has accepted the position of director of the MSRC, and I am confident that he will lead the center to new pinnacles of achievement in the application of imaging mass spectrometry to biological samples, including the human body,” said  John Kuriyan , dean of the School of Medicine Basic Sciences and University Distinguished Professor of Biochemistry and Chemistry.

The MSRC is among the most collaborative biomedical research entities at Vanderbilt: collaborators and users are based in nearly every center and department in VUMC and in many trans-institutional initiatives in Basic Sciences and the College of Arts and Science, including its role as a major part of the facilities available to the Vanderbilt Institute of Chemical Biology, and has many collaborative arrangements with Meharry Medical College. The MSRC also conducts sponsored research in drug metabolism for prestigious pharmaceutical companies, including Merck, Roche, Novartis, Lilly, and Schering-Plough.

Spraggins is the director of the VU Biomolecular Multimodal Imaging Center grant, funded by the National Institutes of Health to build a platform to construct comprehensive 3D molecular atlases of human tissues using integrated imaging and molecular analysis technologies. BIOMIC is part of the Human Biomolecular Atlas Program  (HuBMAP) , the Kidney Precision Medicine Project (KPMP) , and the Human Tumor Atlas Network (HTAN) . BIOMIC works with researchers across Vanderbilt and VUMC and the Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands. He is also the principal investigator on multiple research grants from the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, the National Institute on Aging, and the National Eye Institute.

“We are so thrilled that Dr. Spraggins is the new director of the MSRC! Richard Caprioli built a center that was always on an upward trajectory, supported by his own lab members, by the highly complementary research of Professor Kevin Schey and his lab, and by the staff of the MSRC,” said Charles Sanders , the Aileen M. Lange & Annie Mary Lyle Professor of Cardiovascular Research, vice dean of Basic Sciences, and professor of biochemistry. “We believe Jeff is uniquely qualified to step in to lead the MSRC team to an even higher level scientific of accomplishment and visibility.”

To select the new MSRC director, Dean Kuriyan convened an advisory committee of the four department chairs, led by David Cortez , the Richard N. Armstrong Professor of Innovation in Biochemistry and chair of biochemistry. The committee recognized Spraggins’ growing international reputation, ability to manage large interdisciplinary research teams, and his vision for the future of the MSRC. “Jeff impressed the committee with his plans to unite mass spectrometry research across campus under a common purpose and vision,” Cortez said. Spraggins joined the MSRC in 2009 as a postdoctoral fellow and transitioned to a research faculty position in the biochemistry department in 2013. In 2021, he joined the department of cell and developmental biology as a tenure-track faculty member. He was promoted to associate professor and named a 2024 Chancellor Faculty Fellow in 2023.

Spraggins is a member of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Society of Mass Spectrometry, the Imaging Mass Spectrometry Society, the Human Proteome Organization, and the American Society of Nephrology. In addition, he is a volunteer mentor for Females in Mass Spectrometry, and his laboratory is a host for the HuBMAP Underrepresented Student Internship Program. He received his bachelor’s degree from the College of Wooster in 2003 and his Ph.D. in analytical chemistry from the University of Delaware in 2009.

biochemistry and molecular biology education scimago

Explore Story Topics

  • Research, News & Discoveries
  • American Association for the Advancement of Science
  • American Society of Mass Spectrometry
  • American Society of Nephrology
  • Cell and Developmental Biology
  • Human Proteome Organization
  • Imaging Mass Spectrometry Society
  • Jeffrey Spraggins
  • Mass Spectrometry Research Center
  • National Eye Institute
  • National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
  • National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases
  • National Institute on Aging
  • National Institutes of Health
  • School of Medicine Basic Sciences
  • Vanderbilt Institute of Chemical Biology
  • VU Biomolecular Multimodal Imaging Center

biochemistry and molecular biology education scimago

Subject Area and Category

  • Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous)
  • Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous)
  • Immunology and Microbiology (miscellaneous)

Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)

Publication type


How to publish in this journal

[email protected]

biochemistry and molecular biology education scimago

The set of journals have been ranked according to their SJR and divided into four equal groups, four quartiles. Q1 (green) comprises the quarter of the journals with the highest values, Q2 (yellow) the second highest values, Q3 (orange) the third highest values and Q4 (red) the lowest values.

Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous)2013Q2
Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous)2014Q1
Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous)2015Q1
Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous)2016Q1
Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous)2017Q1
Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous)2018Q1
Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous)2019Q1
Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous)2020Q1
Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous)2021Q1
Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous)2022Q1
Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous)2023Q1
Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous)2013Q2
Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous)2014Q1
Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous)2015Q1
Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous)2016Q1
Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous)2017Q1
Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous)2018Q1
Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous)2019Q1
Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous)2020Q1
Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous)2021Q1
Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous)2022Q2
Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous)2023Q2
Immunology and Microbiology (miscellaneous) 2013Q3
Immunology and Microbiology (miscellaneous) 2014Q2
Immunology and Microbiology (miscellaneous) 2015Q2
Immunology and Microbiology (miscellaneous) 2016Q2
Immunology and Microbiology (miscellaneous) 2017Q2
Immunology and Microbiology (miscellaneous) 2018Q2
Immunology and Microbiology (miscellaneous) 2019Q1
Immunology and Microbiology (miscellaneous) 2020Q1
Immunology and Microbiology (miscellaneous) 2021Q2
Immunology and Microbiology (miscellaneous) 2022Q2
Immunology and Microbiology (miscellaneous) 2023Q2

The SJR is a size-independent prestige indicator that ranks journals by their 'average prestige per article'. It is based on the idea that 'all citations are not created equal'. SJR is a measure of scientific influence of journals that accounts for both the number of citations received by a journal and the importance or prestige of the journals where such citations come from It measures the scientific influence of the average article in a journal, it expresses how central to the global scientific discussion an average article of the journal is.


Evolution of the number of published documents. All types of documents are considered, including citable and non citable documents.


This indicator counts the number of citations received by documents from a journal and divides them by the total number of documents published in that journal. The chart shows the evolution of the average number of times documents published in a journal in the past two, three and four years have been cited in the current year. The two years line is equivalent to journal impact factor ™ (Thomson Reuters) metric.

Cites per documentYearValue
Cites / Doc. (4 years)20120.000
Cites / Doc. (4 years)20131.100
Cites / Doc. (4 years)20142.034
Cites / Doc. (4 years)20153.081
Cites / Doc. (4 years)20163.295
Cites / Doc. (4 years)20173.826
Cites / Doc. (4 years)20184.510
Cites / Doc. (4 years)20194.599
Cites / Doc. (4 years)20205.788
Cites / Doc. (4 years)20215.387
Cites / Doc. (4 years)20224.465
Cites / Doc. (4 years)20234.108
Cites / Doc. (3 years)20120.000
Cites / Doc. (3 years)20131.100
Cites / Doc. (3 years)20142.034
Cites / Doc. (3 years)20153.081
Cites / Doc. (3 years)20163.288
Cites / Doc. (3 years)20173.728
Cites / Doc. (3 years)20184.537
Cites / Doc. (3 years)20194.784
Cites / Doc. (3 years)20205.590
Cites / Doc. (3 years)20215.163
Cites / Doc. (3 years)20224.454
Cites / Doc. (3 years)20234.011
Cites / Doc. (2 years)20120.000
Cites / Doc. (2 years)20131.100
Cites / Doc. (2 years)20142.034
Cites / Doc. (2 years)20153.081
Cites / Doc. (2 years)20163.138
Cites / Doc. (2 years)20173.480
Cites / Doc. (2 years)20184.880
Cites / Doc. (2 years)20194.326
Cites / Doc. (2 years)20205.064
Cites / Doc. (2 years)20215.165
Cites / Doc. (2 years)20224.273
Cites / Doc. (2 years)20233.801

Evolution of the total number of citations and journal's self-citations received by a journal's published documents during the three previous years. Journal Self-citation is defined as the number of citation from a journal citing article to articles published by the same journal.

Self Cites20120
Self Cites20131
Self Cites20143
Self Cites20151
Self Cites201616
Self Cites201712
Self Cites20184
Self Cites20196
Self Cites202014
Self Cites2021132
Self Cites2022358
Self Cites2023436
Total Cites20120
Total Cites201355
Total Cites2014236
Total Cites2015496
Total Cites2016526
Total Cites2017548
Total Cites2018676
Total Cites2019708
Total Cites20201051
Total Cites20213222
Total Cites20228566
Total Cites202314709

Evolution of the number of total citation per document and external citation per document (i.e. journal self-citations removed) received by a journal's published documents during the three previous years. External citations are calculated by subtracting the number of self-citations from the total number of citations received by the journal’s documents.

External Cites per document20120
External Cites per document20131.080
External Cites per document20142.009
External Cites per document20153.075
External Cites per document20163.188
External Cites per document20173.646
External Cites per document20184.510
External Cites per document20194.743
External Cites per document20205.516
External Cites per document20214.952
External Cites per document20224.268
External Cites per document20233.892
Cites per document20120.000
Cites per document20131.100
Cites per document20142.034
Cites per document20153.081
Cites per document20163.288
Cites per document20173.728
Cites per document20184.537
Cites per document20194.784
Cites per document20205.590
Cites per document20215.163
Cites per document20224.454
Cites per document20234.011

International Collaboration accounts for the articles that have been produced by researchers from several countries. The chart shows the ratio of a journal's documents signed by researchers from more than one country; that is including more than one country address.

YearInternational Collaboration

Not every article in a journal is considered primary research and therefore "citable", this chart shows the ratio of a journal's articles including substantial research (research articles, conference papers and reviews) in three year windows vs. those documents other than research articles, reviews and conference papers.

Non-citable documents20120
Non-citable documents20130
Non-citable documents20140
Non-citable documents20151
Non-citable documents20163
Non-citable documents20175
Non-citable documents20186
Non-citable documents20194
Non-citable documents20202
Non-citable documents20216
Non-citable documents202223
Non-citable documents202340
Citable documents20120
Citable documents201350
Citable documents2014116
Citable documents2015160
Citable documents2016157
Citable documents2017142
Citable documents2018143
Citable documents2019144
Citable documents2020186
Citable documents2021618
Citable documents20221900
Citable documents20233627

Ratio of a journal's items, grouped in three years windows, that have been cited at least once vs. those not cited during the following year.

Uncited documents20120
Uncited documents201324
Uncited documents201437
Uncited documents201534
Uncited documents201639
Uncited documents201726
Uncited documents201834
Uncited documents201929
Uncited documents202023
Uncited documents202189
Uncited documents2022276
Uncited documents2023597
Cited documents20120
Cited documents201326
Cited documents201479
Cited documents2015127
Cited documents2016121
Cited documents2017121
Cited documents2018115
Cited documents2019119
Cited documents2020165
Cited documents2021535
Cited documents20221647
Cited documents20233070

Evolution of the percentage of female authors.

YearFemale Percent

Evolution of the number of documents cited by public policy documents according to Overton database.


Evoution of the number of documents related to Sustainable Development Goals defined by United Nations. Available from 2018 onwards.


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  1. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education

    The aim of BAMBED is to enhance teacher preparation and student learning in Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, and related sciences such as Biophysics and Cell Biology, by promoting the world-wide dissemination of educational materials. BAMBED seeks and communicates articles on many topics, including: Innovative techniques in teaching and learning.

  2. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education

    Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education is a journal aimed to enhance teacher preparation and student learning in biochemistry, molecular biology, and related sciences such as biophysics and cell biology, by promoting the worldwide dissemination of educational materials. We seek to communicate articles on a broad range of topics including innovative techniques in teaching and learning ...

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  4. Journal Rankings on Molecular Biology

    SCImago Journal Country & Rank SCImago Institutions Rankings SCImago Media Rankings SCImago Iber SCImago Research Centers Ranking SCImago Graphica ... Education; E-learning; Electrical and Electronic Engineering; ... Critical Reviews in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology: journal: 2.772 Q1: 124: 8: 88: 1276: 638: 88: 6.14: 159.50: 23.53: 41 ...

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    Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education is an international journal aimed to enhance teacher preparation and student learning in Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, and related sciences such as Biophysics and Cell Biology, by promoting the world-wide dissemination of educational materials. ... Another significant challenge comes from the lack ...

  6. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education

    Electrophoretic transfer technique to detect and identify amylases in polyacrylamide gels. V.H. Mulimani, S. Thippeswamy. November 2001 View PDF. More opportunities to publish your research: Browse open Calls for Papers beta. Read the latest articles of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education at, Elsevier's leading ...



  8. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education

    The Impact IF 2022 of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education is 1.54, which is computed in 2023 as per its definition. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education IF is increased by a factor of 0.07 and approximate percentage change is 4.76% when compared to preceding year 2021, which shows a rising trend. The impact IF, also denoted as Journal impact score (JIS), of an academic journal ...

  9. University Overall Rankings

    University Overall Rankings - Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology 2024. ... >> Education >> Gender Studies >> Geography, Planning and Development >> Law ... Scimago Institutions Rankings© has been developed by Data source: "Only Ranks, far more than raw data" ...

  10. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education

    SCOPUS (Elsevier) Web of Science (Thomson Reuters) Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education is an international journal aimed to enhance teacher preparation and student learning in Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, and related sciences such as Biophysics and Cell Biology, by promoting the world-wide dissemination of educational materials.

  11. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education

    2000 — Volume 28. Formerly known as Biochemical Education; Transferred to Wiley as of 2002; ISSN: 1470-8175. Read the latest articles of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education at, Elsevier's leading platform of peer-reviewed scholarly literature.

  12. Journal Rankings on Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology

    Journal Rankings on Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous) Display journals with at least. Citable Docs. (3years) Apply. Download data. 1 - 50 of 304. Title. Type. SJR.

  13. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education

    Discover the latest ranking, metrics and journal information for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education. ... SCIMAGO SJR: 0.404. SCIMAGO H-index: 43. Research Ranking (Biology and Biochemistry) 678. Research Ranking (Biology and Biochemistry) 689. Number of Best scientists*: 20.

  14. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education

    Pages: 601-729. November/December 2023. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education is an international journal aimed to enhance teacher preparation and student learning in Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, and related sciences such as Biophysics and Cell Biology, by promoting the world-wide dissemination of educational materials.


    The impact factor of BIOCHEMISTRY AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY EDUCATION is 1.369. The BIOCHEMISTRY AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY EDUCATION is a reputed research journal. It is published by Wiley-Blackwell. The journal is indexed in UGC CARE, Scopus, SCIE. The (SJR) SCImago Journal Rank is 0.404.

  16. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education: List of Issues

    About the Editor. Marilee Benore. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education is an international journal aimed to enhance teacher preparation and student learning in Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, and related sciences such as Biophysics and Cell Biology, by promoting the world-wide dissemination of educational materials.

  17. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education

    Read the latest articles of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education at, Elsevier's leading platform of peer-reviewed scholarly literature. Skip to main content. ... Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (Second Edition): W.H. Elliott, D.C. Elliott, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2001, 586pp., £22.99, ISBN -19-870045-8.


    BIOCHEMISTRY AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY EducationSCImago SJR Rank. SCImago Journal Rank (SJR indicator) is a measure of scientific influence of scholarly journals that accounts for both the number of citations received by a journal and the importance or prestige of the journals where such citations come from. NA.

  19. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education

    The ISSN (Online) of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education is 1539-3429 . An ISSN is an 8-digit code used to identify newspapers, journals, magazines and periodicals of all kinds and on all media-print and electronic. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education Key Factor Analysis

  20. Journal of Microbiology and Biology Education

    The scope of the JMBE is rooted in the biological sciences and branches to other disciplines. JMBE publishes articles addressing such topics as good pedagogy and design, student interest and motivation, recruitment and retention, citizen science, and institutional transformation. JMBE may also choose to accept manuscripts for publication in ...

  21. Issue Information

    Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education is an international journal aimed to enhance teacher preparation and student learning in Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, and related sciences such as Biophysics and Cell Biology, by promoting the world-wide dissemination of educational materials.

  22. Plant Biologist Siobhan Brady Named HHMI Investigator

    Siobhan Brady, a professor in the Department of Plant Biology and Genome Center, has been selected as a Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) Investigator. The prestigious Investigator program, which Brady describes as "life changing," will provide her with roughly $9 million in research support over a seven-year term, with the option to renew.

  23. Biochemistry

    Scope. Biochemistry provides an international forum for publishing exceptional, rigorous, high-impact research across all of biological chemistry. This broad scope includes studies on the chemical, physical, mechanistic, and/or structural basis of biological or cell function, and encompasses the fields of chemical biology, synthetic biology ...

  24. Jeffrey Spraggins named director of Vanderbilt University Mass

    Jeffrey Spraggins. Jeffrey Spraggins, associate professor of cell and developmental biology, biochemistry, and chemistry, has been named director of the Mass Spectrometry Research Center.He succeeds Richard Caprioli, Stanford Moore Chair in Biochemistry, who established the MSRC in 1998 and who is retiring this summer.. Spraggins is a leading scientist in spatial biology and imaging mass ...

  25. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education: Vol 50, No 1

    Journal Metrics. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education is an international journal aimed to enhance teacher preparation and student learning in Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, and related sciences such as Biophysics and Cell Biology, by promoting the world-wide dissemination of educational materials.

  26. Biology

    Biology (ISSN 2079-7737) is an international, peer-reviewed, quick-refereeing open access journal of Biological Science published by MDPI online. It publishes reviews, research papers and communications in all areas of biology and at the interface of related disciplines. Our aim is to encourage scientists to publish their experimental and ...

  27. Transforming undergraduate education: Meeting report from the 2023

    Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education is an international journal aimed to enhance teacher preparation and student learning in Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, and related sciences such as Biophysics and Cell Biology, by promoting the world-wide dissemination of educational materials.

  28. Editorial

    Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education is an international journal aimed to enhance teacher preparation and student learning in Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, and related sciences such as Biophysics and Cell Biology, by promoting the world-wide dissemination of educational materials.

  29. A primer for junior trainees: Recognition of RNA modifications by RNA

    Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education is an international journal aimed to enhance teacher preparation and student learning in Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, and related sciences such as Biophysics and Cell Biology, by promoting the world-wide dissemination of educational materials.