Grain is the harvested seed of grasses such as wheat, oats, rice, and corn. Other important grains include sorghum, millet, rye, and barley.

Biology, Experiential Learning, Geography, Human Geography, Physical Geography

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Grain is the harvested seed of grasses such as wheat , oats , rice , and corn . Other important grains include sorghum , millet , rye , and barley . Around the globe, grains , also called cereals , are the most important staple food . Humans get an average of 48 percent of their calories , or food energy , from grains . Grains are also used to feed livestock and to manufacture some cooking oils , fuels , cosmetics , and alcohols . Almost half of the grains grown around the world are harvested for people to eat directly. People turn wheat flour into bread, steam rice , and make corn tortillas . Grains are a food staple in almost every culture on Earth. A food staple is food that is eaten frequently , often at every meal. Staple foods can be eaten fresh or stored for use all year. Rice , corn , and wheat are the most common staple foods on Earth. Grains are so important because they are a good source of important nutrients called carbohydrates . Carbohydrates are a type of sugar that provides energy for organisms to function. Grains have carbohydrates as well as other important nutrients , such as vitamins . While grains fill many nutritional needs, they often lack some important proteins . In many cultures , grains are part of a staple diet when combined with protein -rich  legumes , such as beans . Together, grains and legumes make a healthy diet : corn and beans , rice and tofu , wheat bread and peanut butter. A third of the world’s grain supply is fed to animals. Most domestic animals , from cattle to dogs, are fed food rich in grains and grain products. The rest of the world’s grain supply is used in the manufacture of industrial products. Biodiesel is a fuel used for vehicles . One type of biodiesel is ethanol , which can be made from corn . Grains are annual plants. This means they have only one growing season per year, yielding one crop. Every growing season , grasses grow, reach maturity, produce seeds , and then die. Grains are harvested from dead, or dry, grasses . Some grains are winter grains , such as rye . They are able to withstand cold, wet climates . Others are summer grains , such as corn . Corn usually grows best in warm weather . Grains can grow in almost any climate . Rice is the most important grain in many tropical areas, where it is hot and humid year-round. Rice is especially common in Asia. In Southeast Asia, rice is grown and harvested in flooded fields called paddies. Rice paddies can be flat or terraced . Terraced rice paddies look like steps on a green hill. This type of grain agriculture has been used for centuries. Unlike rice , sorghum does not grow well in a wet climate . Sorghum favors an arid climate . The nations of West Africa, including Senegal, the Gambia, Burkina Faso, and Cape Verde, are the world’s largest producers of sorghum . In temperate areas—those with warm summers and cold winters— wheat is the most common grain . Wheat fields are common in the Great Plains of the United States and Canada, for instance. Corn , which is native to the Americas, is now grown in many temperate areas throughout the world. Oats , another grain that grows in temperate areas, are also used as a livestock feed .

Harvesting Grain People first began eating grains about 75,000 years ago in western Asia. These grains , including einkorn and emmer , were ancestors of today’s wheat . Einkorn and emmer grew wild near the banks of rivers . People harvested the grasses that grew naturally near their communities. People began cultivating, or growing, grain more recently. In 2009, scientists announced that they had discovered the world’s oldest known grain silos at Dhra in what is now the nation of Jordan. The silos, which date back 11,000 years, contained remnants of barley and an early type of wheat . Ancient people ate grains in much the same way we do today. Wheat grains were made into flour and used in breads. Rice was steamed and eaten hot or cold. Oats were mashed with water or milk to make oatmeal . Beer , one of the oldest manufactured beverages in the world, is made from grain such as barley . Ancient beers had a very low alcohol content, but were good sources of carbohydrates . In some ancient civilizations , grain products served as wages or forms of currency . Many of the workers who built Egypt’s pyramids at Giza, for instance, were often paid in bread and beer . Today, grain silos are a familiar sight to many people in the developed world. Harvesting is done almost entirely with enormous , expensive machinery . The most important piece of agricultural machinery for grain crops is the combine harvester . This remarkable machine does three jobs: it cuts the grain , threshes the grain , and winnows the grain . Cutting, of course, is removing the grain from the stalk of grass . Threshing is loosening the edible grain from its casing , called the chaff . ( Chaff is inedible ; organisms cannot digest it.) Winnowing is the process of removing the grain from the chaff . Combine harvesters help farmers expand the amount of grains they can harvest by combining three activities into one. In the developing world , few farmers have the huge fields of grain that agribusinesses in the developed world do. Farmers in the developing world typically have a few acres , and provide grain for their local community. These farmers usually thresh and winnow with separate machines ( threshers and winnowers ) after harvesting the field. In many places, harvesting is still done with hand tools such as the sickle , a long, curved blade used for cutting many stalks of grain at once.

Grain Elevator A grain elevator is just what it sounds like. It's a large storage facility for grain that is equipped with lifting mechanisms, so large amounts of grain can be lifted and poured into trucks, railroad cars, or other storage facilities.

Grain A grain (gr) is a unit of measurement based on the mass of a typical grain, such as wheat. A grain is 64.8 milligrams.

Maize In most countries, the grain of the Zea mays plant is called maize. In the United States, it's called corn.

Rice is Life Rice is a staple food in much of Asia. The average person eats it two or three times a day. In Myanmar, the average person eats 195 kilograms (430 pounds) of rice each year. That's a lot more than the average American, who eats just 7 kilograms (15 pounds) or the average European, who eats only 3 kilograms (7 pounds).

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Essay on Food Problems in India

food grain essay

In this essay we will discuss about the Food Problems in India. After reading this essay you will learn about: 1. Introduction to Food Problems in India 2. Food Problem and Food Policy in India since Independence 3 . Different Aspects 4. Factors Responsible 5. Policy Measures Adopted by the Government.

  • Essay on the Policy Measures Adopted by the Government to Solve the Food Problem

Essay # 1. Introduction to Food Problems in India:

India has been facing food problems since long period. During Second World War India experienced a severe food crisis leading to a phenomenal increase in the prices of foodgrains. Again in 1943, Bengal faced a serious Agriculture and its Development in India famine where nearly 3.5 million people died out of starvation.

In order to meet the situations, the rationing system was introduced and about 45 million people were covered by this rationing system. But due to corrupt and inefficient administrative structure, the entire system failed leading to a widespread hoarding and speculation of foodgrains causing huge suffering of millions of people of the country.


The partition of India in 1947 again aggravated the food crisis as after partition the country received about 82 per cent of the population but had to manage with nearly 45 per cent of the total cultivated area under cereals and with 69 per cent of the irrigated area. The country had to forego the surplus area of West Punjab and Sind.

Thus, while the separation of Burma aggravated the situation and forced the country to import rice but the partition of the country again forced the country to import wheat from foreign countries.

Essay # 2. Food Problem and Food Policy in India since Independence:

India had to face a serious food crisis at the time of independence.

To meet the deficiency in the supply of foodgrains in the short run, the Government made the following provisions:

(a) Extension of the rationing system to cover both urban and rural areas;

(b) Import of foodgrains to make easy the situation and the amount of import reached the level of 2.7 million tonnes in 1947; and

(c) Introduction of subsidy for the distribution of imported food grains as it was expensive as compared to indigenously produced foodgrains. But the public distribution system which was mostly maintained in the urban areas primarily had been suffering from huge degree of inefficiency and corruption. .

To meet the situation, the First Five Year Plan accorded highest priority to agriculture. During the First Plan period, the country experienced a series of good harvests leading to an improvement in the food supply situation, curtailment of imports and a consequent fall in the prices of food grains by 23 per cent.

Considering the situation the planners became very much optimistic and an impression was created that the food problem was finally solved. But the situation was short-lived because whatever improvement in food situation was achieved that was mainly due to better climatic conditions and timely arrival of monsoons.

PL-480 Agreement, 1956:

Soon after, the Second Plan again experienced a serious food crisis especially in 1958-59, in various parts of the country due to drought, floods and cyclone. To meet the crisis the Government of India entered into an agreement in 1956 with U.S.A. to import 3.1 million tonnes of wheat and 0.19 million tonnes of rice for the next three years. This agreement was known as Public Law-480 (PL- 480) Agreement, 1956 which the government utilised to reduce and stabilise the prices of foodgrains in the country.

That marked the beginning of the present public distribution system (PDS) which was introduced to distribute cheap imported foodgrains through network of “fair price shops” at a price which was far below the prevailing market price.

Again the Third Plan set a target to raise the production of foodgrains by 100 million tonnes but the plan failed to achieve the target. Under such a situation the government had no other alternative but to import foodgrains heavily.

Thus, the volume of import of foodgrains which was a negligible 6 lakh tonnes in 1955-56 went up to 1.4 million tonnes in 1956-57 (the first year of PL-480 imports), 3.6 million tonnes in 1956-57, 6.3 million tonnes in 1963-64, 7.4 million tonnes in 1964-65 and then to 10.3 million tonnes in 1965-66.

Foodgrains Enquiry Committee, 1957:

This huge import of foodgrains was endorsed by the foodgrains Enquiry Committee appointed by the government in 1957. This committee categorically observed that, “Food problem was likely to remain with us for a long time to come, assurance of continued imports of certain quantities- of foodgrains will constitute the very basis of a successful food policy for some years to come.”

Thus, under such a situation a stable and long term food policy based on heavy imports of foodgrains emerged gradually. Accordingly, India signed an agreement with U.S.A. for importing 16 million tonnes of wheat and 1 million tonnes office for the next 4 years.

During this 10 years period (1956-66), the food policy of the Government of India was mostly based on imports (under PL-480) from U.S.A. and the country imported nearly 60 million tonnes of foodgrains or an annual average of 6 million tonnes.

About 75 to 80 per cent of foodgrains distributed through public distribution system was brought through imports which was really a humiliating dependence. Instead of all these steps, the prices of foodgrains started to rise continuously and thus the Government realised that its food policy based on imports failed to save the situation.

Integrated Food Policy, 1966:

In order to save the situation the Government set up another food-grain Policy Committee, 1966 to review the situation. This committee recommended to prepare and implement a National Food Budget involving a national plan of supply and distribution of foodgrains through (a) procurement of foodgrains (b) control of inter-state movement (c) a public distribution system and (d) building a buffer stock for difficult years.

This Policy was known as Integrated Food Policy 1966 which recommended partial procurement, partial public distribution and simultaneously permitted private trade of foodgrains with free market prices.

Impact of New Agricultural Strategy:

In the meantime, the Government adopted new agricultural strategy during the Fourth Plan and set a production target of 129 million tonnes of foodgrains at the last year (1973-74) of the Plan. But at the end of Plan,’ the production of foodgrains could be started to increase. After 1968 the government gradually reduced the volume of imports of foodgrains from nearly 8.7 million tonnes in 1967 to 0.5 million tonnes in 1972.

But the Government raised its procurement of foodgrains since 1972 and put the public distribution system on a permanent basis. Inspite of that when prices of foodgrains rose considerably; the Government took a major decision to take over the wholesale trade in wheat from April 1, 1973.

But there was considerable opposition from the wholesale traders and rich farmers leading to a huge chaos and confusion in the wheat growing states. Due to a mounting pressure from within and outside the party, the Government ultimately forced to scrap the takeover of wholesale trade in wheat.

The new agricultural strategy, popularly known as green revolution was also continued during the Fifth and Sixth Plan. At the end of Fifth Plan total production of food grains rose to about 132 million tonnes and then the same figure rose to 145.5 million tonnes at the end of Sixth Plan (1984-85).

After two years acute drought, the production of foodgrain in 1988-89 reached a record level of 169.9 million tonnes and then it further rose gradually to 146.4 million tonnes in 1990-91. But due to bad weather, the total production of foodgrains again declined to 167.1 million tonnes in 1991-92 and in 1996-97 it is likely to reach the level of 192.0 million tonnes.

In spite of this positive trend in the production of foodgrains of the country, the Government had to continue its dependence on import of foodgrains for building buffer stock in different years excepting those favourable years viz., 1972, 1978, 1979, 1980, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1990, 1991.

India imported 4.1 million tonnes of cereals in 1982-83, 2.4 million tonnes in 1983-84 and also in 1987-88. In 1993, the Government has taken a decision to import 1 million tonnes of wheat for direct sale in the market and not for replenishing its buffer stocks.

Another aspect of the food problem is that prices of foodgrains have been rising continuously causing serious difficulties to the rural poor. The index of foodgrains price (base 1970-71 = 100) rose from 103 in 1971-72 to 1985 in 1979-80 and then to 390 in 1988-89.

Under such a situation income disparities have widened and the proportion of population lying below the poverty line has also increased considerably. Demand for foodgrains of those people lying below the poverty line gradually declined because they do not have sufficient purchasing power.

Essay # 3. Different Aspects of Food Problem:

Food problem in India bas the following three different aspects:

(i) Quantitative Aspect:

Supply of foodgrains in India is totally inadequate as the per capita calorie intake in India is very low in comparison to other developing countries. The report of the Food Advisory Committee (1958) states that in India a normal working adult person requires 2300 calories and 62 grams of protein daily. But unfortunately only 35 per cent of the Indian population is provided with this minimum consumption standard.

(ii) Qualitative Aspects:

There is a deficiency in the nutrient content of the diet of average Indian and this deficiency is mostly marked in respect of sugar, fish and milk.

(iii) High Prices of Foodgrains:

In India, the prices of foodgrains have been increasing rapidly and prices were double in 1970-71 as compared to that of 1960-61. The index of food grains prices (1970-71 = 100) has increased from 108 in 1971-72 to 390 in 1988-89. Again the new index of prices of foodgrains (1981-82 = 100) again increased from 118 to 179 in 1990-91.

This continuous rise in the prices of foodgrains has eroded the purchasing capacity of the Indian people and thus aggravated the food problem severely.

Essay # 4. Factors Responsible for Food Problem in India:

Food problem in India was very much acute during 1950s and 1960s. With the adoption of new agricultural strategy, the intensity of food problem in India has declined. But as Indian agriculture is continuing its dependence upon weather conditions thus the production of foodgrains is fluctuating abruptly with the variation of weather conditions, as experienced recently in 1991-92.

Thus, even in recent years, the country had to import foodgrains from foreign countries although at a lesser quantity. Thus, India has not yet reached the level of self-sufficiency in foodgrains.

The following are some of the important factors which are responsible for this persisting food problem in the country:

(i) High Rate of Population Growth:

The population of India is increasing at a very high rate. The annual average growth rate of population in India has declined slightly from -2.5 per cent during the decade 1961-71 and 1971-81 to 2.1 percent in 1981-91 and then to 1.9 per cent in 1991-2001.

The size of population has become more than double during the post-independence period which has raised the aggregate demand for foodgrains significantly. Thus, this ever increasing size of population is responsible for the persisting food problem in the country.

(ii) High Marginal Propensity to Consume:

Due to acute poverty the marginal propensity to consume of the people of India is very high. This is mainly due to high income elasticity of demand for food articles. With the increase in money income, the demand for food articles of average Indian is increasing rapidly leading to a huge pressure in the food market.

(iii) Inadequate Increase in the Production of Foodgrains:

In the pre-green revolution period, the production of foodgrains in India was totally inadequate. It is only due to adoption of new agricultural strategy the production of foodgrains has reached the level of 233.9 million tonnes in 2008-09. But considering the high rate of growth of population to (2.5 per cent per annum) this rate of increase in foodgrains production is totally inadequate.

Thus, the per capita net availability of foodgrains has failed to increase substantially as it has increased marginally from 494.4 grams per day in 1965 to 509.9 grams per day in 1991.

(iv) Hoarding of Foodgrains:

There is a continuous tendency on the part of traders in India to hoard foodgrains and to accentuate the shortage of foodgrains in order to push up the prices for reaping extra­ordinary profit. Thus, this speculation and hoarding has created artificial crisis of foodgrains in the country.

(v) Increase in Farm Consumption:

In India the farm consumption of foodgrains is increasing with the increase in agricultural output. Thus, due to this increasing home consumption the marketable surplus of foodgrains could not increase substantially.

(vi) Corrupt Administrative Practices:

To improve the food situation in the country, the Government has imposed various measures like price controls, rationing, zoning, surprise checks etc. But as the administrative machinery in India is totally corrupt, these measures failed to provide any benefit to the general masses of the country.

Essay # 5. Policy Measures Adopted by the Government to Solve the Food Problem:

During the planning period, the Government of India adopted various measures to tackle the food situation of the country at different times. Neither the free market mechanism nor the full control was adopted by the Government rather a compromise solution consisting of partial control, food procurement, public distribution system, import of foodgrains etc. has been followed to tackle the food problem of the country.

The policy measures adopted by tile Government during the planning period can be broadly classified into following four headings:

(i) Measures to increase output,

(ii) Measures to improve the distribution system,

(iii) Import of foodgrains, and

(iv) Price incentive to agricultural producers.

(i) Measures to Increase Agricultural Output:

In order to tackle the food crisis the Government had taken following measures to increase the agricultural output:

(a) Technological measure:

In order to face the serious food crisis faced by the country; the Government adopted’ technological measures to boost the agricultural production of the country. Since 1966, the Government adopted New Agricultural strategy through the application of HYV seeds, fertilizers, pesticides etc. and adopted farm mechanisation technique through the use of tractors, oil engines, pumpsets, tubewells, threshers, harvester combines etc.

All these technological measures have helped the farmers to raise the agricultural output considerably. But this technological change was very much restricted to some particular states like Punjab, Haryana and Western Uttar Pradesh.

(b) Land reforms:

In order to raise agricultural productivity through the removal of intermediary tenure, the Government introduced various land reform measures and also adopted legislation to bring ceiling on land holding, regulation of rent, conferment of ownership to tenants etc.

But due to half hearted approach of state governments the land reforms in India could not yield much result in raising the agricultural production and productivity in the country.

(ii) Measures to Improve the Distribution System:

In order to regulate and control the distribution of foodgrains in the country the Government adopted various measures as follows:

(a) Food Zones:

In order to stabilise the prices of foodgrains and to rationalise its distribution, the government adopted zoning system where the country was divided into food deficit zones and food surplus zones. This system restricted the private movement of food from one zone to another zone and facilitated procurement of food grains for public distribution system (PDS). But due to its various evils this system was later on abolished.

(b) Buffer stock and state trading:

In order to ensure regularity and certainty in food supply throughout the country the Government advocated for building up of buffer stock of 5 million tonnes of food grains by 1973-74. In January 1965, the Food Corporation of India (FCI) was set up to undertake purchase, handling, transport, storage and distribution of foodgrains on behalf of the government. As on 1st October, 1997 total buffer stocks of foodgrains with public agencies were 15.34 million tonnes as against 19.88 million tonnes in October 1996.

(c) Procurement and Public Distribution System:

In order to supply foodgrains ‘through public distribution system FCI is allowed to undertake procurement operations in different states on a large scale. Accordingly, the volume of procurement has increased substantially from 1.4 million tonnes in 1964 to 24.8 million tonnes in 1990-91 and then it declined to 18 million tonnes in 1991-92.

Moreover, the network of Public Distribution System (PDS) was introduced to supply essential commodities at subsidised price which was an essential element of Government’s safety net to the poor. The system started to operate with fair price shops and ration shops. As on 31st March, 1992 there were over 4 lakh such outlets in the country.

At present the PDS roughly distributes about 10 to 12 per cent of the annual grain production or it meet only 12 to 15 per cent of the individual foodgrains requirement. In 1991-92, 21.72 million tonnes of foodgrains were allocated to the states for the PDS against which 18.77 million tonnes were lifted for distribution. From January 1992, a scheme to revamp the PDS has been launched in about 1700 blocks falling in drought prone desert, integrated tribal development project areas and certain designated hill areas.

In these areas, additional commodities like tea, soap, pulses and iodised salts are also envisaged to be distributed through PDS.

But the PDS in India suffers from some serious defects:

(a) the distribution system is very much restricted to wheat and rice,

(b) the system remained restricted to urban areas for a considerable period,

(c) the coverage of PDS is still inadequate as it fails to cover all those persons living below the poverty line, and

(d) the PDS has now turned into Frankenstein’s monster for the Government.

The system has become very much expensive and a burden on the public exchequer as no efforts have been made for targeting, i.e., limiting the system to the vulnerable sections of the population. Due to its wide coverage, the PDS quota of ration per household is very poor.

C.H. Hanumantha Rao, Sushanta K. Roy and K. Subbarao made an estimate that PDS in some states accounts for nearly 10 per cent of the annual plan outlay. The high cost of maintaining PDS is “threatening its long run sustainability” and the small impact of the system on the poor is reducing its effectiveness.

(d) Other Measures:

As per the recommendations of foodgrains Policy Committee made in 1957, the government took over the wholesale trade in wheat and rice in 1972-73. But as this measure was vehemently opposed by the wholesale traders and large farmers thus the government scrapped the system in March, 1974. Again the another measure to produce 50 per cent of the stocks from wholesalers also flopped miserably.

(iii) Import of Foodgrains:

In order to face severe food crisis in the economy, it is quite essential to enforce stability in the prices of foodgrains. As there was deficiency in the supply of foodgrains, thus the Government of India entered into the first PL-480 agreement with U.S.A. in 1956 to import 3.1 million tonnes in wheat and 0.19 million tonnes of rice for the next three years.

Thereafter the government resorted to continuous import of foodgrains for meeting the deficiency in the food supply as the country failed to maintain a buffer stock of foodgrains. Accordingly, the volume of import of foodgrains gradually increased from a negligible 6 lakh tonnes in 1955-56 to 1.4 million tonnes in 1956-57, 3.9 million tonnes in 1959-60, 6.3 million tonnes in 1963-64, 7.4 million tonnes in 1964-65 and then finally to 10.3 million tonnes in 1965-66.

Again inspite of significant increase in the production of foodgrains in recent years, the country had to continue its dependence on import of foodgrains for building buffer stock excepting nine years (1972, 1978, 1979, 1980, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1990, 1991).

Accordingly, India imported 4.1 million tonnes of food-grains in 1982-83, 2.4 million tonnes in 1983-84 and in 1987-88. In 1993, the Government took a decision to import 1 million tonnes of wheat for direct rate in the market and not for replenishing its buffer stock.

A recent study conducted by World Food Programme (WFP) the U.N. in consultation with the Government of India observed that India still needs external food assistance to help large sections of its population for achieving food security and self-reliance despite the country’s achievements in agricultural development and its ability to meet the market demand for foodgrains.

There is a continuing role for food assistance to India as an estimated 200 million—almost a quarter of the country’s population are undernourished and live on conditions of extreme poverty.

This import of foodgrains although had a favourable impact in the food situation in the short run but it had a bad impact on the production front in the long run. Economists like S. Chakraborty and Rosenstein Rodan also argued in the similar line. Decline in the prices of foodgrains due to import discourages farmers to increase agricultural production.

If food aid is continued in the long run then agricultural sector cannot develop itself at a sufficiently fast rate so as to attain self sufficiency in foodgrains. Similarly, B.M. Bhatia argued that Import of foodgrains under PL-480 from USA did not allow the farmers to secure remunerative prices of foodgrains.

(iv) Price Incentives to Agricultural Producers:

Price incentives are very much important to induce the farmers for further agricultural development. American experts argued that high price incentives can be considered a key to any scheme for intensive development in agriculture. Various Indian economists like Raj Krishna, V.S. Patwardhan, A.M. Khusro also argued that Indian farmers do respond to price changes in determining their marketable surplus. The Government is also of the view that there exists a close positive relation between price incentives and agricultural production both in traditional and commercial farming.

Accordingly, the Government set up an Agricultural Prices Commission (later on renamed as Commission for Agricultural Costs and Prices), which is making important decisions in connection with determining and announcing minimum support prices of agricultural produce regularly.

This commission has been recommending incentive prices policy for various agricultural crops since last 28 years. Thus, care should be taken that the pricing and procurement policy of the Government should not generate any disincentive to the expansion of agricultural production.

(v) Market Intervention Scheme (MIS):

The Market Intervention Scheme is an important ad-hoc scheme which includes horticultural commodities and other agricultural commodities, which are again perishable in nature and which are not covered under the minimum price support scheme.

In order to protect the growers of these horticultural and agricultural commodities from making distress sale in the event of bumper crop during the peak arrival period when prices fall to a very low level, Government implements the M.I.S. for a particular commodity on the request of a State Government concerned.

Losses so suffered are shared on 50: 50 basis between Central Government and the State itself. The market intervention scheme has already been implemented in various states of our country.

Thus, from the foregoing analysis we can come to conclusion that the food problem in India cannot be tackled on food front alone. Instead efforts should be undertaken to control the growth of population in order to solve the food problem of the country permanently.

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The Winners

From the hundreds of essays written, these six—on anti-Semitism, cultural identity, death row prisoners, coming out as transgender, climate change, and addiction—were chosen as essay winners.  Be sure to read the literary gems and catchy titles that caught our eye.

Middle School Winner: India Brown High School Winner: Grace Williams University Winner: Lillia Borodkin Powerful Voice Winner: Paisley Regester Powerful Voice Winner: Emma Lingo Powerful Voice Winner: Hayden Wilson

Literary Gems Clever Titles

Middle School Winner: India Brown  

A Feast for the Future

Close your eyes and imagine the not too distant future: The Statue of Liberty is up to her knees in water, the streets of lower Manhattan resemble the canals of Venice, and hurricanes arrive in the fall and stay until summer. Now, open your eyes and see the beautiful planet that we will destroy if we do not do something. Now is the time for change. Our future is in our control if we take actions, ranging from small steps, such as not using plastic straws, to large ones, such as reducing fossil fuel consumption and electing leaders who take the problem seriously.

 Hosting a dinner party is an extraordinary way to publicize what is at stake. At my potluck, I would serve linguini with clams. The clams would be sautéed in white wine sauce. The pasta tossed with a light coat of butter and topped with freshly shredded parmesan. I choose this meal because it cannot be made if global warming’s patterns persist. Soon enough, the ocean will be too warm to cultivate clams, vineyards will be too sweltering to grow grapes, and wheat fields will dry out, leaving us without pasta.

I think that giving my guests a delicious meal and then breaking the news to them that its ingredients would be unattainable if Earth continues to get hotter is a creative strategy to initiate action. Plus, on the off chance the conversation gets drastically tense, pasta is a relatively difficult food to throw.

In YES! Magazine’s article, “Cooking Stirs the Pot for Social Change,” Korsha Wilson says “…beyond the narrow definition of what cooking is, you can see that cooking is and has always been an act of resistance.” I hope that my dish inspires people to be aware of what’s at stake with increasing greenhouse gas emissions and work toward creating a clean energy future.

 My guest list for the potluck would include two groups of people: local farmers, who are directly and personally affected by rising temperatures, increased carbon dioxide, drought, and flooding, and people who either do not believe in human-caused climate change or don’t think it affects anyone. I would invite the farmers or farm owners because their jobs and crops are dependent on the weather. I hope that after hearing a farmer’s perspective, climate-deniers would be awakened by the truth and more receptive to the effort to reverse these catastrophic trends.

Earth is a beautiful planet that provides everything we’ll ever need, but because of our pattern of living—wasteful consumption, fossil fuel burning, and greenhouse gas emissions— our habitat is rapidly deteriorating. Whether you are a farmer, a long-shower-taking teenager, a worker in a pollution-producing factory, or a climate-denier, the future of humankind is in our hands. The choices we make and the actions we take will forever affect planet Earth.

 India Brown is an eighth grader who lives in New York City with her parents and older brother. She enjoys spending time with her friends, walking her dog, Morty, playing volleyball and lacrosse, and swimming.

High School Winner: Grace Williams

food grain essay

Apple Pie Embrace

It’s 1:47 a.m. Thanksgiving smells fill the kitchen. The sweet aroma of sugar-covered apples and buttery dough swirls into my nostrils. Fragrant orange and rosemary permeate the room and every corner smells like a stroll past the open door of a French bakery. My eleven-year-old eyes water, red with drowsiness, and refocus on the oven timer counting down. Behind me, my mom and aunt chat to no end, fueled by the seemingly self-replenishable coffee pot stashed in the corner. Their hands work fast, mashing potatoes, crumbling cornbread, and covering finished dishes in a thin layer of plastic wrap. The most my tired body can do is sit slouched on the backless wooden footstool. I bask in the heat escaping under the oven door.

 As a child, I enjoyed Thanksgiving and the preparations that came with it, but it seemed like more of a bridge between my birthday and Christmas than an actual holiday. Now, it’s a time of year I look forward to, dedicated to family, memories, and, most importantly, food. What I realized as I grew older was that my homemade Thanksgiving apple pie was more than its flaky crust and soft-fruit center. This American food symbolized a rite of passage, my Iraqi family’s ticket to assimilation. 

 Some argue that by adopting American customs like the apple pie, we lose our culture. I would argue that while American culture influences what my family eats and celebrates, it doesn’t define our character. In my family, we eat Iraqi dishes like mesta and tahini, but we also eat Cinnamon Toast Crunch for breakfast. This doesn’t mean we favor one culture over the other; instead, we create a beautiful blend of the two, adapting traditions to make them our own.

 That said, my family has always been more than the “mashed potatoes and turkey” type.

My mom’s family immigrated to the United States in 1976. Upon their arrival, they encountered a deeply divided America. Racism thrived, even after the significant freedoms gained from the Civil Rights Movement a few years before. Here, my family was thrust into a completely unknown world: they didn’t speak the language, they didn’t dress normally, and dinners like riza maraka seemed strange in comparison to the Pop Tarts and Oreos lining grocery store shelves.

 If I were to host a dinner party, it would be like Thanksgiving with my Chaldean family. The guests, my extended family, are a diverse people, distinct ingredients in a sweet potato casserole, coming together to create a delicious dish.

In her article “Cooking Stirs the Pot for Social Change,” Korsha Wilson writes, “each ingredient that we use, every technique, every spice tells a story about our access, our privilege, our heritage, and our culture.” Voices around the room will echo off the walls into the late hours of the night while the hot apple pie steams at the table’s center.

We will play concan on the blanketed floor and I’ll try to understand my Toto, who, after forty years, still speaks broken English. I’ll listen to my elders as they tell stories about growing up in Unionville, Michigan, a predominately white town where they always felt like outsiders, stories of racism that I have the privilege not to experience. While snacking on sunflower seeds and salted pistachios, we’ll talk about the news- how thousands of people across the country are protesting for justice among immigrants. No one protested to give my family a voice.

Our Thanksgiving food is more than just sustenance, it is a physical representation of my family ’s blended and ever-changing culture, even after 40 years in the United States. No matter how the food on our plates changes, it will always symbolize our sense of family—immediate and extended—and our unbreakable bond.

Grace Williams, a student at Kirkwood High School in Kirkwood, Missouri, enjoys playing tennis, baking, and spending time with her family. Grace also enjoys her time as a writing editor for her school’s yearbook, the Pioneer. In the future, Grace hopes to continue her travels abroad, as well as live near extended family along the sunny beaches of La Jolla, California.

University Winner: Lillia Borodkin

food grain essay

Nourishing Change After Tragedy Strikes

In the Jewish community, food is paramount. We often spend our holidays gathered around a table, sharing a meal and reveling in our people’s story. On other sacred days, we fast, focusing instead on reflection, atonement, and forgiveness.

As a child, I delighted in the comfort of matzo ball soup, the sweetness of hamantaschen, and the beauty of braided challah. But as I grew older and more knowledgeable about my faith, I learned that the origins of these foods are not rooted in joy, but in sacrifice.

The matzo of matzo balls was a necessity as the Jewish people did not have time for their bread to rise as they fled slavery in Egypt. The hamantaschen was an homage to the hat of Haman, the villain of the Purim story who plotted the Jewish people’s destruction. The unbaked portion of braided challah was tithed by commandment to the kohen  or priests. Our food is an expression of our history, commemorating both our struggles and our triumphs.

As I write this, only days have passed since eleven Jews were killed at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh. These people, intending only to pray and celebrate the Sabbath with their community, were murdered simply for being Jewish. This brutal event, in a temple and city much like my own, is a reminder that anti-Semitism still exists in this country. A reminder that hatred of Jews, of me, my family, and my community, is alive and flourishing in America today. The thought that a difference in religion would make some believe that others do not have the right to exist is frightening and sickening.  

 This is why, if given the chance, I would sit down the entire Jewish American community at one giant Shabbat table. I’d serve matzo ball soup, pass around loaves of challah, and do my best to offer comfort. We would take time to remember the beautiful souls lost to anti-Semitism this October and the countless others who have been victims of such hatred in the past. I would then ask that we channel all we are feeling—all the fear, confusion, and anger —into the fight.

As suggested in Korsha Wilson’s “Cooking Stirs the Pot for Social Change,” I would urge my guests to direct our passion for justice and the comfort and care provided by the food we are eating into resisting anti-Semitism and hatred of all kinds.

We must use the courage this sustenance provides to create change and honor our people’s suffering and strength. We must remind our neighbors, both Jewish and non-Jewish, that anti-Semitism is alive and well today. We must shout and scream and vote until our elected leaders take this threat to our community seriously. And, we must stand with, support, and listen to other communities that are subjected to vengeful hate today in the same way that many of these groups have supported us in the wake of this tragedy.

This terrible shooting is not the first of its kind, and if conflict and loathing are permitted to grow, I fear it will not be the last. While political change may help, the best way to target this hate is through smaller-scale actions in our own communities.

It is critical that we as a Jewish people take time to congregate and heal together, but it is equally necessary to include those outside the Jewish community to build a powerful crusade against hatred and bigotry. While convening with these individuals, we will work to end the dangerous “otherizing” that plagues our society and seek to understand that we share far more in common than we thought. As disagreements arise during our discussions, we will learn to respect and treat each other with the fairness we each desire. Together, we shall share the comfort, strength, and courage that traditional Jewish foods provide and use them to fuel our revolution. 

We are not alone in the fight despite what extremists and anti-semites might like us to believe.  So, like any Jew would do, I invite you to join me at the Shabbat table. First, we will eat. Then, we will get to work.  

Lillia Borodkin is a senior at Kent State University majoring in Psychology with a concentration in Child Psychology. She plans to attend graduate school and become a school psychologist while continuing to pursue her passion for reading and writing. Outside of class, Lillia is involved in research in the psychology department and volunteers at the Women’s Center on campus.   

Powerful Voice Winner: Paisley Regester

food grain essay

As a kid, I remember asking my friends jokingly, ”If you were stuck on a deserted island, what single item of food would you bring?” Some of my friends answered practically and said they’d bring water. Others answered comically and said they’d bring snacks like Flamin’ Hot Cheetos or a banana. However, most of my friends answered sentimentally and listed the foods that made them happy. This seems like fun and games, but what happens if the hypothetical changes? Imagine being asked, on the eve of your death, to choose the final meal you will ever eat. What food would you pick? Something practical? Comical? Sentimental?  

This situation is the reality for the 2,747 American prisoners who are currently awaiting execution on death row. The grim ritual of “last meals,” when prisoners choose their final meal before execution, can reveal a lot about these individuals and what they valued throughout their lives.

It is difficult for us to imagine someone eating steak, lobster tail, apple pie, and vanilla ice cream one moment and being killed by state-approved lethal injection the next. The prisoner can only hope that the apple pie he requested tastes as good as his mom’s. Surprisingly, many people in prison decline the option to request a special last meal. We often think of food as something that keeps us alive, so is there really any point to eating if someone knows they are going to die?

“Controlling food is a means of controlling power,” said chef Sean Sherman in the YES! Magazine article “Cooking Stirs the Pot for Social Change,” by Korsha Wilson. There are deeper stories that lie behind the final meals of individuals on death row.

I want to bring awareness to the complex and often controversial conditions of this country’s criminal justice system and change the common perception of prisoners as inhuman. To accomplish this, I would host a potluck where I would recreate the last meals of prisoners sentenced to death.

In front of each plate, there would be a place card with the prisoner’s full name, the date of execution, and the method of execution. These meals could range from a plate of fried chicken, peas with butter, apple pie, and a Dr. Pepper, reminiscent of a Sunday dinner at Grandma’s, to a single olive.

Seeing these meals up close, meals that many may eat at their own table or feed to their own kids, would force attendees to face the reality of the death penalty. It will urge my guests to look at these individuals not just as prisoners, assigned a number and a death date, but as people, capable of love and rehabilitation.  

This potluck is not only about realizing a prisoner’s humanity, but it is also about recognizing a flawed criminal justice system. Over the years, I have become skeptical of the American judicial system, especially when only seven states have judges who ethnically represent the people they serve. I was shocked when I found out that the officers who killed Michael Brown and Anthony Lamar Smith were exonerated for their actions. How could that be possible when so many teens and adults of color have spent years in prison, some even executed, for crimes they never committed?  

Lawmakers, police officers, city officials, and young constituents, along with former prisoners and their families, would be invited to my potluck to start an honest conversation about the role and application of inequality, dehumanization, and racism in the death penalty. Food served at the potluck would represent the humanity of prisoners and push people to acknowledge that many inmates are victims of a racist and corrupt judicial system.

Recognizing these injustices is only the first step towards a more equitable society. The second step would be acting on these injustices to ensure that every voice is heard, even ones separated from us by prison walls. Let’s leave that for the next potluck, where I plan to serve humble pie.

Paisley Regester is a high school senior and devotes her life to activism, the arts, and adventure. Inspired by her experiences traveling abroad to Nicaragua, Mexico, and Scotland, Paisley hopes to someday write about the diverse people and places she has encountered and share her stories with the rest of the world.

Powerful Voice Winner: Emma Lingo

food grain essay

The Empty Seat

“If you aren’t sober, then I don’t want to see you on Christmas.”

Harsh words for my father to hear from his daughter but words he needed to hear. Words I needed him to understand and words he seemed to consider as he fiddled with his wine glass at the head of the table. Our guests, my grandma, and her neighbors remained resolutely silent. They were not about to defend my drunken father–or Charles as I call him–from my anger or my ultimatum.

This was the first dinner we had had together in a year. The last meal we shared ended with Charles slopping his drink all over my birthday presents and my mother explaining heroin addiction to me. So, I wasn’t surprised when Charles threw down some liquid valor before dinner in anticipation of my anger. If he wanted to be welcomed on Christmas, he needed to be sober—or he needed to be gone.

Countless dinners, holidays, and birthdays taught me that my demands for sobriety would fall on deaf ears. But not this time. Charles gave me a gift—a one of a kind, limited edition, absolutely awkward treat. One that I didn’t know how to deal with at all. Charles went home that night, smacked a bright red bow on my father, and hand-delivered him to me on Christmas morning.

He arrived for breakfast freshly showered and looking flustered. He would remember this day for once only because his daughter had scolded him into sobriety. Dad teetered between happiness and shame. Grandma distracted us from Dad’s presence by bringing the piping hot bacon and biscuits from the kitchen to the table, theatrically announcing their arrival. Although these foods were the alleged focus of the meal, the real spotlight shined on the unopened liquor cabinet in my grandma’s kitchen—the cabinet I know Charles was begging Dad to open.

I’ve isolated myself from Charles. My family has too. It means we don’t see Dad, but it’s the best way to avoid confrontation and heartache. Sometimes I find myself wondering what it would be like if we talked with him more or if he still lived nearby. Would he be less inclined to use? If all families with an addict tried to hang on to a relationship with the user, would there be fewer addicts in the world? Christmas breakfast with Dad was followed by Charles whisking him away to Colorado where pot had just been legalized. I haven’t talked to Dad since that Christmas.

As Korsha Wilson stated in her YES! Magazine article, “Cooking Stirs the Pot for Social Change,” “Sometimes what we don’t cook says more than what we do cook.” When it comes to addiction, what isn’t served is more important than what is. In quiet moments, I like to imagine a meal with my family–including Dad. He’d have a spot at the table in my little fantasy. No alcohol would push him out of his chair, the cigarettes would remain seated in his back pocket, and the stench of weed wouldn’t invade the dining room. Fruit salad and gumbo would fill the table—foods that Dad likes. We’d talk about trivial matters in life, like how school is going and what we watched last night on TV.

Dad would feel loved. We would connect. He would feel less alone. At the end of the night, he’d walk me to the door and promise to see me again soon. And I would believe him.

Emma Lingo spends her time working as an editor for her school paper, reading, and being vocal about social justice issues. Emma is active with many clubs such as Youth and Government, KHS Cares, and Peer Helpers. She hopes to be a journalist one day and to be able to continue helping out people by volunteering at local nonprofits.

Powerful Voice Winner: Hayden Wilson

food grain essay

Bittersweet Reunion

I close my eyes and envision a dinner of my wildest dreams. I would invite all of my relatives. Not just my sister who doesn’t ask how I am anymore. Not just my nephews who I’m told are too young to understand me. No, I would gather all of my aunts, uncles, and cousins to introduce them to the me they haven’t met.

For almost two years, I’ve gone by a different name that most of my family refuses to acknowledge. My aunt, a nun of 40 years, told me at a recent birthday dinner that she’d heard of my “nickname.” I didn’t want to start a fight, so I decided not to correct her. Even the ones who’ve adjusted to my name have yet to recognize the bigger issue.

Last year on Facebook, I announced to my friends and family that I am transgender. No one in my family has talked to me about it, but they have plenty to say to my parents. I feel as if this is about my parents more than me—that they’ve made some big parenting mistake. Maybe if I invited everyone to dinner and opened up a discussion, they would voice their concerns to me instead of my parents.

I would serve two different meals of comfort food to remind my family of our good times. For my dad’s family, I would cook heavily salted breakfast food, the kind my grandpa used to enjoy. He took all of his kids to IHOP every Sunday and ordered the least healthy option he could find, usually some combination of an overcooked omelet and a loaded Classic Burger. For my mom’s family, I would buy shakes and burgers from Hardee’s. In my grandma’s final weeks, she let aluminum tins of sympathy meals pile up on her dining table while she made my uncle take her to Hardee’s every day.

In her article on cooking and activism, food writer Korsha Wilson writes, “Everyone puts down their guard over a good meal, and in that space, change is possible.” Hopefully the same will apply to my guests.

When I first thought of this idea, my mind rushed to the endless negative possibilities. My nun-aunt and my two non-nun aunts who live like nuns would whip out their Bibles before I even finished my first sentence. My very liberal, state representative cousin would say how proud she is of the guy I’m becoming, but this would trigger my aunts to accuse her of corrupting my mind. My sister, who has never spoken to me about my genderidentity, would cover her children’s ears and rush them out of the house. My Great-Depression-raised grandparents would roll over in their graves, mumbling about how kids have it easy nowadays.

After mentally mapping out every imaginable terrible outcome this dinner could have, I realized a conversation is unavoidable if I want my family to accept who I am. I long to restore the deep connection I used to have with them. Though I often think these former relationships are out of reach, I won’t know until I try to repair them. For a year and a half, I’ve relied on Facebook and my parents to relay messages about my identity, but I need to tell my own story.

At first, I thought Korsha Wilson’s idea of a cooked meal leading the way to social change was too optimistic, but now I understand that I need to think more like her. Maybe, just maybe, my family could all gather around a table, enjoy some overpriced shakes, and be as close as we were when I was a little girl.

 Hayden Wilson is a 17-year-old high school junior from Missouri. He loves writing, making music, and painting. He’s a part of his school’s writing club, as well as the GSA and a few service clubs.

 Literary Gems

We received many outstanding essays for the Fall 2018 Writing Competition. Though not every participant can win the contest, we’d like to share some excerpts that caught our eye.

Thinking of the main staple of the dish—potatoes, the starchy vegetable that provides sustenance for people around the globe. The onion, the layers of sorrow and joy—a base for this dish served during the holidays.  The oil, symbolic of hope and perseverance. All of these elements come together to form this delicious oval pancake permeating with possibilities. I wonder about future possibilities as I flip the latkes.

—Nikki Markman, University of San Francisco, San Francisco, California

The egg is a treasure. It is a fragile heart of gold that once broken, flows over the blemishless surface of the egg white in dandelion colored streams, like ribbon unraveling from its spool.

—Kaylin Ku, West Windsor-Plainsboro High School South, Princeton Junction, New Jersey

If I were to bring one food to a potluck to create social change by addressing anti-Semitism, I would bring gefilte fish because it is different from other fish, just like the Jews are different from other people.  It looks more like a matzo ball than fish, smells extraordinarily fishy, and tastes like sweet brine with the consistency of a crab cake.

—Noah Glassman, Ethical Culture Fieldston School,  Bronx, New York

I would not only be serving them something to digest, I would serve them a one-of-a-kind taste of the past, a taste of fear that is felt in the souls of those whose home and land were taken away, a taste of ancestral power that still lives upon us, and a taste of the voices that want to be heard and that want the suffering of the Natives to end.

—Citlalic Anima Guevara, Wichita North High School, Wichita, Kansas

It’s the one thing that your parents make sure you have because they didn’t.  Food is what your mother gives you as she lies, telling you she already ate. It’s something not everybody is fortunate to have and it’s also what we throw away without hesitation.  Food is a blessing to me, but what is it to you?

—Mohamed Omar, Kirkwood High School, Kirkwood, Missouri

Filleted and fried humphead wrasse, mangrove crab with coconut milk, pounded taro, a whole roast pig, and caramelized nuts—cuisines that will not be simplified to just “food.” Because what we eat is the diligence and pride of our people—a culture that has survived and continues to thrive.

—Mayumi Remengesau, University of San Francisco, San Francisco, California

Some people automatically think I’m kosher or ask me to say prayers in Hebrew.  However, guess what? I don’t know many prayers and I eat bacon.

—Hannah Reing, Ethical Culture Fieldston School, The Bronx, New York

Everything was placed before me. Rolling up my sleeves I started cracking eggs, mixing flour, and sampling some chocolate chips, because you can never be too sure. Three separate bowls. All different sizes. Carefully, I tipped the smallest, and the medium-sized bowls into the biggest. Next, I plugged in my hand-held mixer and flicked on the switch. The beaters whirl to life. I lowered it into the bowl and witnessed the creation of something magnificent. Cookie dough.

—Cassandra Amaya, Owen Goodnight Middle School, San Marcos, Texas

Biscuits and bisexuality are both things that are in my life…My grandmother’s biscuits are the best: the good old classic Southern biscuits, crunchy on the outside, fluffy on the inside. Except it is mostly Southern people who don’t accept me.

—Jaden Huckaby, Arbor Montessori, Decatur, Georgia

We zest the bright yellow lemons and the peels of flavor fall lightly into the batter.  To make frosting, we keep adding more and more powdered sugar until it looks like fluffy clouds with raspberry seed rain.

—Jane Minus, Ethical Culture Fieldston School, Bronx, New York

Tamales for my grandma, I can still remember her skillfully spreading the perfect layer of masa on every corn husk, looking at me pitifully as my young hands fumbled with the corn wrapper, always too thick or too thin.

—Brenna Eliaz, San Marcos High School, San Marcos, Texas

Just like fry bread, MRE’s (Meals Ready to Eat) remind New Orleanians and others affected by disasters of the devastation throughout our city and the little amount of help we got afterward.

—Madeline Johnson, Spring Hill College, Mobile, Alabama

I would bring cream corn and buckeyes and have a big debate on whether marijuana should be illegal or not.

—Lillian Martinez, Miller Middle School, San Marcos, Texas

We would finish the meal off with a delicious apple strudel, topped with schlag, schlag, schlag, more schlag, and a cherry, and finally…more schlag (in case you were wondering, schlag is like whipped cream, but 10 times better because it is heavier and sweeter).

—Morgan Sheehan, Ethical Culture Fieldston School, Bronx, New York

Clever Titles

This year we decided to do something different. We were so impressed by the number of catchy titles that we decided to feature some of our favorites. 

“Eat Like a Baby: Why Shame Has No Place at a Baby’s Dinner Plate”

—Tate Miller, Wichita North High School, Wichita, Kansas 

“The Cheese in Between”

—Jedd Horowitz, Ethical Culture Fieldston School, Bronx, New York

“Harvey, Michael, Florence or Katrina? Invite Them All Because Now We Are Prepared”

—Molly Mendoza, Spring Hill College, Mobile, Alabama

“Neglecting Our Children: From Broccoli to Bullets”

—Kylie Rollings, Kirkwood High School, Kirkwood, Missouri  

“The Lasagna of Life”

—Max Williams, Wichita North High School, Wichita, Kansas

“Yum, Yum, Carbon Dioxide In Our Lungs”

—Melanie Eickmeyer, Kirkwood High School, Kirkwood, Missouri

“My Potluck, My Choice”

—Francesca Grossberg, Ethical Culture Fieldston School, Bronx, New York

“Trumping with Tacos”

—Maya Goncalves, Lincoln Middle School, Ypsilanti, Michigan

“Quiche and Climate Change”

—Bernie Waldman, Ethical Culture Fieldston School, Bronx, New York

“Biscuits and Bisexuality”


—Miles Oshan, San Marcos High School, San Marcos, Texas

“Bubula, Come Eat!”

—Jordan Fienberg, Ethical Culture Fieldston School,  Bronx, New York

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663 Interesting Food Essay Topics, Examples, and Ideas

Food essays are an excellent way to demonstrate your awareness of current nutrition and health issues. Obesity is a significant concern that is present in many people throughout the world and can lead to a variety of deadly conditions.

Obesity is often associated with eating junk food or food made with unhealthy ingredients and emphasizing taste or longevity over safety. Its opposite, healthy food, is a combination of many factors, which include food consumption patterns and monitoring your calorie intake.

As such, many ideas for innovative diets that circumvent some of the complexities have emerged, but most of them are flawed due to oversights. This article will provide you with topics about food and some tips for your essay writing process.

🏆 Best Food Topics & Essay Examples

👍 good essay topics about food, 🎓 popular nutrition and food topics to talk about, 🥇 most interesting food essay examples, 💡 simple topics related to food, 📌 good research food and nutrition topics, ❓ research questions about food.

Nutritionists generally agree on a single definition of healthy eating patterns, one that is supported by a vast body of research. They involve controlling your nutrient and calorie intake by adjusting your meat and plant intake balance as well as the portion size. You should also avoid preserved foods, as their preparation processes tend to ruin the nutrients present in the ingredients while introducing a variety of unhealthy substances.

For optimal effects, you should understand various fats and their influences on the human body as well as your need for each type and the foods that can supply it. The topic about food offers many different avenues of investigation.

However, not all people have the willpower and willingness to learn and use the knowledge to change their food patterns. As such, new fad diets, which try to circumvent some of the ideas and offer a more convenient way to lose weight, keep emerging every year.

These approaches may sometimes work for their intended purpose, but they do not contribute to health. While the person may lose weight because of new eating habits, they may become malnourished as a result. People will then have to take supplements and still risk developing issues before the imbalance is discovered and addressed. You may address the approaches described above when selecting argumentative essay topics about food.

He or she will then have to take supplements and still risk developing issues before the imbalance is discovered and addressed, something you can address in your food essay titles.

Here are some additional tips for the essay:

  • Discuss how not all natural food is equal, with different examples of vegetables or meat displaying varying nutrient amounts. Healthy eating involves choosing food that is good for your health and balancing it appropriately.
  • Follow general essay guidelines, which include using a proper structure, writing in an academic style, and separating topics with informative titles. Nutrition is a scholarly topic with a significant body of research contributing to its findings.
  • Make sure to cite recent scholarly research or statistics when stating facts about nutrition and eating patterns. The body of research is constantly expanding and discovering new information, which may show past facts or findings in a new light.
  • You should talk about the reasons why junk food is unhealthy, as it extends beyond poor nutritional values. Research shows that people are compelled to eat more when consuming unhealthy foods, regardless of their diet awareness.
  • Discuss the alternate ways of losing weight in detail and identify their advantages and flaws. With proper precautions, they can be as effective and safe as traditional healthy eating patterns, but they will require the same effort or more as a result.

Visit IvyPanda to get many different food essay examples and other useful samples!

  • Genetically Modified Food Essay In spite of the perceived benefits of genetic engineering technology in the agricultural sector, the production and use of genetically modified foods has triggered a number of issues pertaining to safety and consequences of consumption.
  • Junk Food in Schools: Good or Bad for Children? One of the main advantages of junk food is that it is simple to cook and it satiates hunger. As for the main advantage of availability of junk food and its simplicity to be cooked […]
  • Fast Food Industry: Arguments for and Against For instance, those who believe that fast food industry is beneficial to them and other members of the society will expect the findings of this research to be in support of their beliefs.
  • The Food and Beverage Industry Role in the Tourism The essay begins by looking at the food and beverage industry in general, and then proceeds to look at the main sectors of the industry.
  • Filipino Food Essay However, because of the Spanish and American influence, meat, especially pork and chicken, are also served. So, Philippines is a country of festivals and a diversity of traditional dishes and beverages.
  • Food and Beverage Management The mission of the department is to provide food and beverage that meets highest standards so that they can keep a competitive edge in the hotel industry.
  • Fast Food in Campus: Advantages and Disadvantages On the other hand, a classmate mentions that fast foods lead to obesity among university students who eat from fast-food restaurants.
  • Food Insecurity and What We Can Do to Help Attention Material/Credibility Material: Imagine a day when you have little strength and energy – you feel weakness and soreness – the feelings are rather unpleasant. Now imagine that you feel this discomfort and lack of […]
  • Fast Food vs. Home Cooking: Lifestyle and Traditions The good thing with this business is that the food was from natural products hence healthy, a fact that has since changed Many people are very busy for the better part of the day and […]
  • The Future of Food The evolution and advancement of technology have influenced the methods of how people grow and consume food. The changes that people have made to nature are very traceable and their inability to predict the outcome […]
  • Food Habits and Culture: Factors Influence The food habits of a group of people/community can be described as the reasons for eating, the methods used while eating, the types of food eaten, and the mode of storage.
  • Was Food Healthier 100 Years Ago? The widespread organic farming in the twentieth century led to the production of healthy and highly nutritional foods. Some critics believe that modern-day food is much safer and healthier compared to the food consumed in […]
  • Health Effects of Junk Food Intake Notably, the consumption of junk food has become one of the major health issues that destabilize the health of individuals and groups in contemporary societies.
  • Designing a shopping centre food court outlet The design itself The food court outlet will specialize with the sale of fried potatoes, a fast food which is immensely purchased by the customers from the area.
  • Junk Food and Drinks: Ban on Advertising The reason youngsters are attracted to junk food is that they do not get the actual flavors at their home and then they are less attracted to original and healthy food as compared to junk […]
  • Globalization and Food Culture Essay The interviewee gave the examples of France, America, and China in her description of how food can affect the culture of a place and vice versa.
  • Representation of Food in the Importance of Being Earnest In a large extent, food is also used as a sign of respect and hospitality to visitors and also as a form of socializing.
  • Chipotle Company’s Food Crisis After the food poisoning occurrence, the local and federal authorities tried to ascertain the reason for the outbreak, but the tests they conducted could not confirm the ingredient that caused the illness.
  • Jamie Oliver’s TED Talk Teach Every Child About Food In his TED talk, Jamie Oliver addresses the problem of obesity and unhealthy food options offered to children at schools.
  • The Disadvantages of Canned Food From this perspective, canned food is considered to be harmful to health as the added sugar and trans fats in it can lead to the appearance of serious medical problems.
  • Determinants of Food Supply and Demand Due to high demand for vegetables and fruits, producers increase production and supply in order to fulfill the needs of consumers.
  • Food Critiques for the Three Dishes: Integral Part of French Cuisine One of the most notable things about this dish is serving the legs with a celery puree, or sauteed chestnuts or chestnut puree. This chef is regarded as one of the most notable innovators in […]
  • Hospitality Management: Food & Beverage Service The art of catering goes beyond providing food and beverages and extends to the ambience of the eating place and the quality of service received.
  • Classification of Healthy Food: Healthy Eating Habits Vegetables are good for the body since they contain minerals and vitamins. They also help keep the bloodstream clear and they are very healthy foods.
  • Chinese New Year Foods: Chinese Culture and Traditions This piece of work will give an in depth discussion of Chinese culture with the central focus being on the Chinese New Year Foods and its relationship with the changes that have been experienced in […]
  • Quality and Value of Food Preparation of food of good quality means use of ingredients of good quality thus food production by farmers affects directly the quality and value of food.
  • The Impact of Climate Change on Food Security Currently, the world is beginning to encounter the effects of the continuous warming of the Earth. Some of the heat must be reflected in space to ensure that there is a temperature balance in the […]
  • Global Food Crisis: Political Economy Perspective In effect, the loss of power to international institutions, decentralization of resources and privatization of powers are political economic factors that have worsened political and economic stability of developing countries making them more vulnerable to […]
  • The Organizational Structure in Kraft Foods Group It is imperative to note that the organization structure is the one that influences communication within the organization. One of the secrets to the organization’s success is the depth and quality of its employees.
  • Food Security Crisis Resolution To ensure the situation does not run out of hand, the global body Food and Agricultural Organization has been at the forefront since time immemorial to cater for issues related to this basic human need. […]
  • Pros and Cons of Food Dyes: Experiments With Food Ramesh and Muthuraman argue that there is a certain association between the increased use of food colorants and the elevated rates of ADHD in children.
  • The World’s Food Problems’ Solving When the population of a country increases, there are some associated problems that will automatically arise such as increase in the level of unemployment which leads to food problems in the developing countries.
  • The Egyptian Diet: Sociology of Food and Nutrition This paper compares and contrasts the concept of food and the culinary practices of the Indian and Egyptian cultures and their effect on the health outcomes of the people.
  • Food Security and Growing Population Thus, nations have to address the problem of feeding the increasing global population amid the challenges of the production of adequate food.
  • The Negative Consequences of Employing High School Students in Fast Food Restaurants In addition, high school students should be advised that education and their careers are more important as compared to working at fast food restaurants.
  • Food Analysis and Its Methods in Practice Food analysis is the field that handles the use of diagnostic processes to characterize food substances and their components. The purpose of this experiment was to conduct a food analysis of an unknown sample and […]
  • Analysis and Significance of Food Moisture Content Fish food had the least moisture content and the lowest water activity of 0. The meat had the highest moisture content and a high level of water activity of 0.
  • Food Waste Recycling Benefits Through the analysis of Gupta and Gangopadhyay, it was noted that food waste was one of the leading preventable contributors towards the sheer amount of trash that winds up in many of the today’s landfills.
  • Global Challenges Faced By Fast Food Companies For instance the price strategy is usually determined by a number of factors such as the number of competitors in the market, the availability and costs of raw materials and the existent product substitutes in […]
  • The Fast Food Industry Lots of people claim that the growth of the rate of obese people correlates with the growth of fast food chains in the region.
  • McDonald’s Corporation: Analyzing Fast Food Industry A glance of the profit margins of the major players in the US industry will provide a more clear perception of the fast food industry’s success in 2009 in global perspective: Key Competitors Profits 2009 […]
  • Food Production and The Environment So all aspects of production – the cultivation and collection of plants, the maintenance of animals, the processing of products, their packaging, and transportation, affect the environment.
  • The Consequences of Fast Food The most evident effect of fast food is obesity among others and these effects are what will be considered as the basis of discouraging the intake of fast food while encouraging other healthier options.
  • Food Contamination and Adulteration: Environmental Problems, Food Habits, Way of Cultivation The purpose of this essay is to explain reasons for different kinds of food contamination and adulteration, harmful contaminants and adulterants and the diseases caused by the usage of those substances, prevention of food contamination […]
  • Quality Management in Food Industry: PDCA and Six Sigma This cycle, which is widely used in food industry, represents the essence of realization – the so-called “general functions of management”.
  • Eco-Friendly Packaging for Food and Beverage Industry This product was chosen because of the direct impact of the quality of food products on the health of ordinary people regardless of the region of living of country of origin.
  • Chemicals in Foods: Natural Components and Their Toxic Properties In order to ensure the safety and health of the consumer upon the consumption of foods, it is important to establish procedures that are in a position to assess the types of health risks that […]
  • Ethos, Logos, Pathos in the Food, Inc. Documentary In the documentary, there are many instances of its makers providing viewers with the factual information, as to the discussed subject matter, which is supposed to convince the latter in the full legitimacy of people’s […]
  • Food Ethics Pojman notes that the government has enough resources and manpower to monitor operations of various food processors and determine the health conditions of the food they present to the public.
  • Good to Eat: Riddles of Food and Culture by Marvin Harris Good to eat is a thought provoking and intellectual journey that the author takes, in terms of the different kinds of food habits adopted by various groups of people and the reasons behind such habits.
  • McDonald’s New Strategy Toward Healthy Food The identification of current challenges faced by McDonald’s reveals that the future strategy needs to address the problem of healthy food, help to improve the public image of the company and renovate the franchising system […]
  • New Food Product Development In most cases the food may be free of pathogens but if the environment of preparation is full of normal flora, the possibility of gross contamination of food may take place and this is the […]
  • Food and Beverage Development This paper focuses on how food production and food consumption has affected the eating habits and led to the introduction of junk foods because of the production and consumption factors.
  • What Role Does Food Play in Cultural Identity? From the point of view of cultural studies, such a model of nutrition speaks more about the absence of global roots, the absence of deep moral guidelines, and not about the convenience of the process.
  • Food Service System: Overview Through the system, quality control is achieved through the quality of components, menus, and recipes chosen by the director. The rationale for ready-prepared system involves mass-generation and freezing of food items which might lower labor […]
  • Fritter’s Fast Food Restaurants: Overview Very fast and inexpensive to manufacture, Fritters can find their customers both in restaurants and kiosks, and in pre-prepared form.
  • Using Food Preservatives Ethical At present, the use of chemical food preservatives have gained prevalent use as many people have become tailored to the convenience of buying food that is already prepared, instead of preparing and preserving their food.
  • Food Products: Tomatoes and Juice Preservation This Unico package only states that tomatoes are from the Mediterranean, which reflects on such food consumption trends as gourmet convenience and cleaner labels.
  • Environmental and Industrial Analysis of UK Food Manufacturing Companies Technological Analysis The technological analysis has affected the Tasty Bake Company positively in that the global transport infrastructure has greatly improved in the recent past and this has enabled it to market its products widely.
  • Oxidative Rancidity in Lipids and Food Storing The purpose of this paper is to discuss the factors influencing oxidative rancidity in relation to food with lipids and to analyse techniques applied to storing such foods.
  • Hotpot Concept and Cultural Value The history of the Chinese hotpot goes back to the past 1000 years even though the roots of the delicacy are in Mongolia.
  • Small Mobile Food & Drinks Shop: Business Project Time constraints are often decisive in the world of business, which is a good point for healthy shops to switch to a mobile food service offering delivery as an option.
  • Checkers and Rally’s Fast-Food Chain Analysis This paper includes a brief analysis of Checkers & Rally’s, one of the leading fast-food chains in the USA. It is necessary to note that the threat of entry is quite serious as many entrepreneurs, […]
  • Food and Nutrient Security Situation in Pakistan In this respect, Pakistan needs to deepen its understanding of the scales of the food insecurity problem, highlight future problems, and define agricultural policies and food security programs that could reduce the vulnerability of rural […]
  • The Impact of Food Habits on the Environment The topic of this research is based on the issue of human-induced pollution or another environmental impact that affect the Earth and dietary approaches that can improve the situation.
  • Food Motif in Bartleby the Scrivener The food motif is also manifested in the naming of other characters in the story. The food motif is very prominent in this story.
  • Improvements of Supply Chain Processes in the Fast Food Industry: Subway The purposes of the research are to analyze the service delivery stage of the internal supply chain process typical of the Subway restaurants located in Dubai, the United Arab Emirates; identify drawbacks in these areas […]
  • The Junk Food’s Risks Junk food has high content of fat and cholesterol that leads to clogging of the heart arteries. The content of many junk foods is unhealthy and it may expose the brain to premature aging and […]
  • Molecular Gastronomy Trend: Gastronomy and Food Science The use of science and other disciplines in restaurants and home cooking is therefore having a beneficial influence in a highly public area, lending credibility to the topic as a whole. The popularity of this […]
  • Fast Food and Gender: Is There a Relation? The study was to observe the gender that formed the majority of the customer base in respect to fast foods. In this case, it was important to select a predetermined restaurant that specializes in fast […]
  • Major Reasons for Food Prices Increase Admittedly, one of the major reasons for food prices increase is the use of corns for fuel production. The increase of fuel prices created a great temptation for farmers to produce ethanol instead of corn […]
  • Wendy’s Fast Food Restaurant The design has the potential to elaborate on the cause of failures inherent in the establishment and possess the capacity to make recommendations on combating the challenges.
  • Food: How Technology Has Changed the Way We Eat? These foods could cause harm to the consumers, who in most cases are not sure of the ingredients used to prepare them, and that may pose a health risk.
  • Globalization Effects on Food Industry, Trading, Education The major benefit enjoyed by the developing nations is the capability to import the raw materials from the industrially developed countries, to facilitate the production of goods required in the country.
  • What Are the Benefits of Organic Foods? The proponents of organic foods believe that organic foods have greater benefits as compared to conventional foods, while the opponents believe they have are unsafe.
  • Making Healthy Foods Available to the Poor People Instead of giving artificially prepared and canned food, the donors should raise funds and buy whole grains in bulk to be given to the poor who in turn prepare the food in a healthy way.
  • Beef Industry: Nutrition and Food Safety Analysis The amount of saturated fat in the six leanest beef cuts is almost equal to that in the chicken’s leanest cut, the skinless chicken breast.
  • Dog Food: Pedigree Company’s Case The attractiveness of the dog food category is manifested through the intense competitive nature of the various stakeholders. The third and final phase of the segmentation is to label the category of dog food as […]
  • Dubai’s Food, Dress Code and Culture Religion is an important in aspect in Dubai because it influences the lifestyle of the people and forms the foundation of their culture.
  • Multinational Food Corporations & Eating Patterns in New Zealand In this report, the connection between eating patterns in New Zealand and the performance of multinational corporations such as Coca-Cola and McDonald’s will be investigated and disclosed.
  • The Importance of Food Safety in Live The food control system is an internationally recognized system that details various elements that are involved in food handling and to ensure safety and fitness for human consumption.
  • Chocolate Ice-Cream: Food Product Case In the case of Chocolate ice-cream, the flavouring added is normally chocolate. Chocolate ice cream is the second most common type of ice cream in the world after vanilla.
  • Fast Food Industry in the US This paper will discuss the fast food industry in the US with an emphasis on the positive as well as the negative impacts it has on American economy.
  • The Food and Beverage Sector There is no doubt that there are many substitutes to this industry and the best investors can do is to try to retain the available market by offering quality services.
  • Jamie Oliver and Leadership in the Food Industry He has a strong mastery of the market and the exact requirements of the customers to be his businesses end up matching the needs of the customers.
  • Food Culture and Obesity The marketers pass a message to the consumers that they need to eat the fast foods to experience the goodness and the refreshing memory that cannot be found in any other food.
  • Food Preferences and Nutrition Culture I gave my mother the recipe and nowadays, each time I visit her, she makes me a bowl of chicken noodle soup.
  • Inventory Control in the Food Industry To formulate a mathematical model to optimize cost in inventory control, it is critical to consider different aspects of inventory control that significantly contribute to the formulation of the model and the reorder policies.
  • Food, Eating Behavior, and Culture in Chinese Society The majority of the food and the cookies were not an actual part of the Chinese cuisine. The issue of the origin of the fortune cookies demonstrates the global intersections.
  • Food Safety and Its Application The realization that low temperatures slow down the growth of microbes and the process of food spoilage led to the invention of refrigeration.
  • Geography of Food. Restaurant Review Carino’s Italian grill was located in Doral at the center of Miami making it accessible to most people. The food was of moderate quality.
  • Fast Food Drive-throughs In this respect, the drive-through services are aimed at reducing the throughput time and serving a maximum number of clients in the minimum time compared to other similar services.s such, it is necessary to compare […]
  • Weird Chinese Foods: Cultural Practices and Eating Culture The Chinese are also known to eat crocodile meat for a number of reasons. The other fascinating Chinese cuisine is eating of private parts that are used mostly in adding aroma to whisky and wine.
  • A Food Truck Business: Project Summary Steps to be followed in starting the business will be researching local food trucks and laws, developing the business name and concept, registering, raising funds, and seeking permits and licenses. The next steps will be […]
  • Food Hygiene Inspection of a Food Premises and the Intervention Strategies The need to conduct this inspection was necessitated by the complaints that were received from the customers about the food served at this store.
  • The Governmental Role in Food Safety The government has the mandate to supervise the overall procedures that are undertaken for food to be made from the farms to the shelves.
  • HRM in the Fast Food Industry: US, Germany, and Australia It should be mentioned that the term human-resource relations refers to the programs that an organization puts in place in order to ensure that the employees receive the benefits that are guaranteed by legislation.
  • The Jungle and Fast Food Nation Though both books talk about the food industry and the ills that plague it, it is important to establish that, Eric Schlosser’s aim of writing Fast Food Nation was to make the public know the […]
  • The Fast Food Mass Production Problem Mass production was planned as a phenomenon to ensure the supply of food in sufficient quantities to cover the loss of production in the sale and, at the same time, meet the economic needs of […]
  • The Food Preservation Techniques Convenience food became the go-to as America got preoccupied with vehicles and the freedom to travel around their cities and neighborhoods and as postwar America worked. Processing the ingredients and sending them to the eateries […]
  • How Fried Foods Affect Nutrition for Young Adults The main question is the impact of these fast foods on the health of young adults and what triggers consumption of fast foods.
  • Causes and Effects of Fast Food: Reputation for Unhealthy Eating By setting this price to a low value, fast food companies can exclude traditional restaurants from the selection, improve throughput, and increase their brand equity.
  • Food Labels and Food Security It is imperative that food companies display the real food ingredients on the back of the food package because food safety is a serious problem in today’s society.
  • “Food Colombusing” and Cultural Appropriation Authenticity in cuisine defies efforts to create an all-inclusive and integrated world in which one is allowed to enjoy and feel the attributes of a culture that is not theirs.
  • Food Security: The Main Challenges The attainment of food security is a key challenge faced in the contemporary world; it is caused by industrialized agriculture, which affects the climate, problematic balancing between agriculture and the environment, and the inability of […]
  • Poverty and Global Food Crisis: Food and Agriculture Model Her innovative approach to the issue was to measure food shortages in calories as opposed to the traditional method of measuring in pounds and stones.
  • Nanotechnology in the Food Industry The presence of PEG in the copolymer makes the surface charge less negative, thus enhancing the interaction of the nanoparticles with food compounds in the process of coating the food or the food ingredients.
  • Influencing Consumer Behavior: the changing image of ‘fast food’ Some of the factors that consumers may be influenced with include the cost, what their friends and family members say, where the restaurant is located, the duration the meal takes, and by how the consumers […]
  • Food Web and Impact of Environmental Degradation In the course of this paper, ‘conservation’ refers to the preservation of natural resources that are, in any way, involved in the functioning of the food web.
  • Food Security Solutions for Kenya The purpose of this whitepaper is to discuss the topic of food insecurity in the world and Kenya in particular and propose potential technological solutions to the problem.
  • Food and Culture Links Many publications have tried to convince people that the food they eat is a product of their culture and that culture defines the different tastes they have for foods.
  • The Concept of Food as a Leisure Experience In the modern day lifestyle, the scope of leisure activity has been extended to include food with majority of the people increasingly finding it to be a new form of leisure.
  • The “In Defense of Food” Book by Michael Pollan As a nutritionist, Michael Pollan wrote the book In Defense of Food, highlighting the effects of the Western diet and providing guidance on healthy eating.
  • An Automation Business Plan in the Food Industry In this context, automation is required for the first person to plan a trip to a restaurant where everything will be ready and waiting for the person.
  • American Food Industry: Panera’s Value Chain One of its main weaknesses is that bread and bakery are the primary brands of Panera, and these products are simple carbs that are not healthy for people.
  • Why Junk Food Should Cost More Than Healthy Food In order to persuade the audience that a solution to this problem is the change of prices to make healthy food more affordable, a problem-cause-solution approach will be used. According to Elementum, to understand the […]
  • The Asian Food Industry After the COVID-19 Outbreak In addition, the closure of most manufacturing and food processing companies in Asia led to major shortage of raw materials used in the preparation of cuisine.
  • Food Security: Sustainable Development While reading this part of the chapter, I realized that the majority of the land is used to produce meat products.
  • Impact of Fast Food on Human Body Firstly, it is the economics of fast food fast food is the cheapest food on the market in terms of a calorie per dollar.
  • Food Industry: The Problems Caused by the Corona Crisis The food and beverage sector has been significantly affected by the Corona crisis, and the issue should be addressed to alleviate the collapse of the industry, especially in the most affected regions.
  • Food Insecurity in the US: The New Face of Hunger This case differs from the one mentioned above because the primary problem is not the lack of food per se but the uncertainty of the ability to have the next meal.
  • The Environment of Fast Food Chains The basic research question is based upon the fact as what is actual scenario of HK fast food industry and what marketing strategies are being used commonly by the industry?
  • Investigation of a Food Poisoning Incident This paper proposes a Departmental Policy Document in a bid to detail the accountability of the department in the investigation of a Salmonella food poisoning outbreak.
  • Personal Reflection of the Book “In Defense of Food” This means that when people eat food they are not supposed to fall sick or develop health conditions that will eventually be the cause of their death.
  • The Food of Easter Holidays: The Roots of the Easter Tradition Based on the current accounts of their research, the concept of Easter was founded on the tradition celebrating Easter, the goddess of spring, and the revival of nature.
  • The Supply and Demand for Energy Foods and Beverages One should pay attention to the following issues: 1) the growing demand for energy foods and drinks; 2) willingness of people to pay attention to the health effects of such products; 3) the increasing number […]
  • Impact of Food on Human Health and the Content of Diet People who are living in cities never get the chance to taste catfish so they even say that catfish is used by the people of low status.
  • Food and Beverage Server’s Duties and Dependencies As a food and beverage server, my relationship with the facilities department where I work would primarily consist of coordination regarding the disposal of material waste, bringing in the proper types of beverages that customers […]
  • Kuwaiti Food Industry and Its Development The main aim of the report is to show that the food industry of Kuwait has the potential to drive the country’s economy and become the leading source of income.
  • Kasih Food Company’s Export Strategy Kasih Food is a recognized high-quality producer of Mediterranean food in the Middle East that follows the principles of responsibility and transparency in its activity. Jordan is a partner of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership that is […]
  • Food Culture in Mexican Cuisine It is bordered on the north by the United States, on the south and west by the Pacific Ocean, and on the east by the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea.
  • Should All Genetically Modified Foods Be Labeled? According to this scholar, members of the public are always comfortable with the idea of not labeling the genetically modified food.
  • Fast Foods More Harm Than Good The rest of the life of such a child is upsetting as the child is ridiculed in and out of school, through his/her adolescence, and even in college.
  • Food Choices in the United States Food choices in the US are influenced by factors such as the food environment and food companies interests. Food environment and the most accessible food options are the basis of food choice.
  • Food Industry: Organic Restaurant The restaurant will capture the social environment and provide the necessary menu for this field. In the cultural environment, the chefs employed in this restaurant have been highly trained to produce several ethnic dishes to […]
  • The Culture of Fast Food Consumption Thesis Statement: The purchase of fast food is largely driven by the convenience of purchase, enjoyment of taste, and pricing. However, it is worth sorting out the reasons for consuming fast food and the main […]
  • Dietary Record of Seven Days of Food Intake This paper aims to analyze the record of seven days of food intake, with regards to the quality and quantity of the intake, the time of the day, the size and distribution of the foods […]
  • The Impact of the Food Industry on the Environment The food industry is a vital and integral part of the functioning of modern society and the economy. In addition to recognizing and combating this fact, it is necessary to identify what is the most […]
  • Food Truck Business Presentation The overall cost is $29, but most of the ingredients are sold in packages, so the expenses and the number of servings will be higher.
  • Food Safety Policy for a Music Festival Several food businesses are expected to be at the festival thus posing a threat to the health of the participants should the right measures fail to be implemented to avoid the spread of food-borne diseases.
  • Food Hygiene Legislation in the UK For comprehension purposes, the applicable food laws and powers of authorized officers who conducted the inspection are presented briefly in the first section of the report.
  • The Reasons Behind the Popularity of Fast Food in the Context of the Lebanese Market Nowadays, in Beirut, the variety of traditional dishes which can be prepared quickly and served as fast food is amazing, from the kebab, to the falafel; most dishes are represented.
  • Is Genetic Engineering an Environmentally Sound Way to Increase Food Production? According to Thomas & Earl and Barry, genetic engineering is environmentally unsound method of increasing food production because it threatens the indigenous species.
  • Functional Food: Definition, Types, Benefits Most types of food are genetically modified and allow patients to prevent illnesses functional food is based on a combination of traditional food elements and pharmaceutical ingredients.
  • Livestock Food Production Issues The failure to address animal welfare, health, and environmental concerns, as well as the intensification of livestock farming, contributes to the exasperation of challenges associated with livestock food production.
  • Gender Relationship: Food and Culture As a result, the kind of government that continues to be exercised in the region is that developed on the olden principles of leadership. There was a variation in the position given to the women […]
  • Food Scarcity Factor in French Revolution Many writings and works devoted to the investigation of European history in the 18th century have captured the chronicles of a long-term hunger that was spread across France on the eve of the Revolution.
  • Ethical Behavior as to Returned Food and Beverages One of the biggest problems is that the liberalization of the policies related to the return of the food and beverages led to the abundance of the products that should be returned.
  • The Fancy Street Foods in Japan: The Major Street Dishes and Traditions It is easy to note that the outcome is an opposite of the ordinary boiled eggs that have a firm albumen and soft yolk. The centre of the food is soft and gooey while the […]
  • Global Food Trade’s Benefits For instance, the developing nations are in a position to supplement their food products and the much needed nutritional value. On the other hand, this initiative may impede the quality of local products due to […]
  • Marketing Strategy and Competitive Positioning at the Whole Foods Market The focus of the firm to protect the environment and provide healthy natural foods in its store is tied to its vision of being the leading provider of healthy foods in the world.
  • An Analysis of Marketing Strategies of Local vs. International Brands in the Fast Food Sector This comes as no surprise, considering that the UK is one of the world’s largest economies in the world, has one of Europe’s highest populations and is the largest consumer of fast food in the […]
  • Changes in Food Production Over Time The new system of farming replaces the holistic thinking and the recycling of the nutrients through the use of crop rotation and animal rotation to produce food.
  • Foodways: Cultural Norms and Attitudes Toward Food The nomads’ society in Yakutia focuses on horses, reindeer, and cow herding because venison is the standard component of their nutrition. Compared to Americans, Yakutia’s nomads are more traditional in the gender division of labor […]
  • Analysis of a Look at the Fast-Food Industry by Eric Schlosser For the presentation of various arguments, the use of statistics involved in the employees and the increased amount of production due to division and specialization of labor and the production process improved the validity of […]
  • The Application of Arginine Pyroglutamate as a Food Additive To substantiate the claim made by Senomyx in that the compound Arginine Pyroglutamate may act as a savory flavor enhancer, it is important to note that the Pyroglutamate component delivered by this compound may be […]
  • 21st Century Guiding Principles for the Location of Foods In a Supermarket: Maximizing Profit or Maximizing Health Many organisations have been lobbying for organic foods and together with the government, this seems to be a very good strategy that will educate the general population on health and giving supermarkets the responsibility of […]
  • Food Safety Policy and Inspection Services To begin with, I would like to dwell upon the issue of food safety establishments’ attitude towards the complaints of the citizens. The friend’s story mentioned in the discussion serves as a vivid example of […]
  • Low-Calorie Frozen Food Company’s Market Structure This is a confirmation of competition in the market. In such a situation, the customer is indifferent as to the product to buy.
  • Supply and Demand Influences on Food in the Recent Years A rise in the supply of food at a constant demand causes the prices of food commodities to fall. On the other hand, a fall in the supply of food commodities at a constant demand […]
  • World Food Program
  • The Fast-Food Industry and Legal Accountability for Obesity
  • Whole Foods Market: Healthy and Natural Food
  • Agricultural Geography and the Production and Consumption of Food in British Columbia
  • Food Landscape in the Western Province, Kenya
  • Safe Food Supply System
  • Motivational Issues in the Fast Food Sector
  • The Heinz Food Processing Company’s Information
  • Food Macromolecules – Lipids, Carbohydrates, and Proteins
  • Indian Culture, Food, Temples, and Clothing
  • The Canine Health: Food, Vaccination, and Hygiene
  • Food, Music and Verbal Communication in China
  • Problem-Solution on Convenience Food in Singapore
  • Fast Food, Fat Profits: Obesity in America
  • Takeaway Food in Saudi Arabia: Business Plan
  • Whole Foods Market Strategic Analysis
  • Does Healthy Food Prevent Obesity?
  • Impact of Food Waste on Climate Change
  • The Pleasures of Eating: Food and Consumer Culture
  • Food and Farming: Urban Farming Benefits the Local Economy
  • Food Insecurity: Key Principles
  • American Fast Food in Foreign Countries
  • Food Is Dangerous: Nutrition Transition
  • The Study of the Anthropology of Food
  • Food and Water Shortage: The Negative Effects
  • World Civilization History: Food Preservation Using Conventional and Modern Methods
  • Main Reasons for Establishing Food Banks
  • Nurses’ Food Security Policy Advocacy
  • Food Security Policy Problem Analysis
  • Pathophysiology of Stress, Processed Foods, and Risky Alcohol Consumption
  • Climate Change and Food Waste Management
  • How Food Tank Solves Issue of Food Insecurities
  • Food and Beverage Brands’ Expansion and Site Selection
  • Food Waste Management: Impact on Sustainability and Climate Change
  • Poor Food Security Rates in Guatemala
  • Pandemic Effect on Texas Food Supplies
  • Can the Human Race Survive Without Genetically Modified Food?
  • An Argentinean Food Product Launch in Uruguay
  • Fast Food: What We Eat by Eric Schlosser
  • Implications of the Russia–Ukraine War for Global Food Security
  • The Entrepreneurial Journey of Foods Future Global
  • Hunger Crisis and Food Security: Research
  • Food Security, Improved Nutrition and Sustainable Agriculture
  • The Truth About Food Addiction in Society
  • Care for Real: Racism and Food Insecurity
  • On-Campus Food Services: Part-Time and Full-Time Students
  • The McDonald’s Food Sustainability Model
  • The Actuality of Issue of Food Safety
  • Food Supply Issues During Warfare
  • Safety of Food: Weaning Management Practices
  • Food Purchase Behaviors in Australia: Impact of Marketing and Ethnicity
  • The Electronic Food Processor Project Management
  • Coalition in Solving the Lack of Food Resources
  • Sustainable Development and Water-Food-Energy Nexus in Sweden
  • The Effects of Fast Food Consumption on Obesity
  • The Junk Food Issue in Australia
  • Work Experience at PH Food Inc.
  • The Gourmet Food Retail Store’s Business Plan
  • Factors Involved in Creating a Food Business
  • Food Deserts and Their Negative Effects
  • COVID-19 Vaccines: U.S. Food and Drug Administration
  • Sea Foods in the Environment Protection Context
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  • Nutrition: Preventing Food Born Diseases
  • Safe Food Handling for Optimum Nutrition
  • Obesity Prevalence and Fast Food Restaurant Prevalence
  • Regulation of the Fast Food Industry: Review
  • Nutrients and Food Guide Pyramid Recommendation
  • Brand: An Exceptional Food Experience
  • Food Stamp: Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
  • The Food Industry as a Threat to Public Health and Food Safety
  • Food Security: Limiting the Use of Antibiotics to Reduce or Slow the Antibiotic Resistance
  • Food Work in the Family and Gender Aspects of Food Choice
  • Sociology of Food and Nutrition
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  • Adverse Impacts of Food on Human Health: Toxicity, Nutritional Deficiency, and Allergenicity
  • Fast-Food and Restaurant Strategic Marketing
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  • Writing on Preservation and Distribution of Food
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  • Water Efficiency in Food Production: Food Security, and Quality of Life
  • The Analysis of the Annual Amount Spent on Organic Food Using Multiple Linear Regression
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  • Food Distribution and Water Pollution
  • Extending Existing Knowledge in the Area of Schools Foods and Their Influence on Children’s Diets
  • How Architecture Is Being Used to Meet the Challenge of Food Provision
  • Organic Food: Eco-Friendly Attitudes and Behavior
  • Understanding Genetically Modified Foods by Howard et al.
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  • Science and Grow Food Sustainability
  • Processed Food Industry
  • Processed Foods and High Fructose Corn Syrup Effects
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  • Food & Drug Administration: Federal Health Agency
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  • Emily Baumgaertner: Crop Viruses and Food Security
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  • Environmental Issues and Food Efficiency
  • The Food Company New Product Development Group
  • Advanced Food Bioanalysis
  • Conventional Food System: Justice and Security
  • Gulf Food Security and Delicate Diplomacy
  • Hong Kong Street Food in Ethnographic Studies
  • Food & Beverage Choices and Health Impacts
  • Food Anthropology and Its Research Methods
  • Low-Calorie Frozen and Microwavable Food Industry
  • Food, Customers, and Culture in the Grocery Store
  • Fast Food Restaurants and Buyers’ Responsibility
  • Food and Taste Process Issues
  • Casa Vasca Restaurant’s Food Safety and Sanitation
  • Changes in Food Preferences
  • Food Choices: Diets and Diseases
  • Healthy Foods: Behavior Change Analysis
  • International Food and Beverage Business in Africa
  • Food Inspection Procedures in Saudi Arabia
  • Food Poisoning and Hygiene Awareness in Saudi Arabia
  • Food Safety and Health Violation at Workplace
  • Genetically Modified Foods and Pesticides for Health
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  • Genetically Engineered Food Against World Hunger
  • Problem of Food Overconsumption
  • Demographic Transition Model and Food Security
  • Food Texture and Health Outcomes Association
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  • Scientists Views: Should Organic Food Be Promoted?
  • Should Organic Food Be Promoted?
  • The Organic Food Benefits
  • Globalization, Food, and Ethnic Identity in Literature
  • What Is “Organic” Food?
  • Disguised Observation: Students Food and Drink Preferences
  • Food Safety at Introducing of New Meal
  • Food Security: Opportunities in Asia
  • Food Product Risk Assessment
  • ELISA and PCR Techniques: Food Quality
  • The Effect of Food Texture on Health Outcomes
  • Chicago Food and Beverage Company: Human Resources
  • Childhood Obesity and Food Culture in Schools
  • Food Texture Research for Healthcare
  • Food Delivery Industry Drivers in the United Kingdom
  • Food Safety: Washing Contact Surfaces and Cooking
  • Common Food Preparation Methods and Their Effects
  • Technology and Communications in the Global Food Industry
  • Balogne Food Company’s Operations Management
  • East Asian Food and Its Identifying Factors
  • Do-Do Online Fresh Food Supply LLC’s Business Plan
  • The Food Angel Visiting Project
  • Visual Cameras and Inspection in Fast Food Restaurant
  • Food Industry’s Quality Function Improvement
  • Agri-Food Supply Chains Stakeholders
  • Food Allergies Management
  • Carlo’s Food Company: Information Misunderstanding
  • Genetically Modified Foods: Pros and Cons
  • Healthy Food Truck: Management Project
  • Oil-For-Food Program: International Law Issues
  • Janesville School District Food Services Leadership
  • Food Nexus Models in Abu Dhabi
  • Family Food and Meals Traditions in Dubai History
  • Schneiders Food Company and Tyson Foods Inc.
  • Food Corporations’ Damaging Influence
  • Unhealthy Food Access and Choice Ethics
  • The Science of Why You Crave Comfort Food
  • The Best Food for Consumption and Six Nutrients
  • Genetically Modified Foods: Scientific Resources
  • New York City Low Food Affordability Areas
  • Healthy You: Diets and Food
  • Food Regulations by Companies and Governments
  • Imbalance in Food Supply and Growing Demand
  • Organic Foods Consumption and Cancer Prevention
  • “How to Solve the Food Waste Problem” by Chavich
  • Genetic Engineering in Food: Development and Risks
  • Sustainability Strategies in the Food Industry
  • Food and Water Quality Testing Device
  • Popular Food as a Part of Contemporary Culture
  • American Food Industry in “Food, Inc.” Documentary
  • Food Production and Animals Suffering
  • Black Families’ Issues in the “Soul Food” Series
  • Fresh Food Provision for Low-Income Families
  • UAE Food & Clothes Retail and Restaurant Business
  • Pet Food Industry in the United States
  • Healthy Food: Lesson Plan
  • American Food, Its History and Global Distribution
  • Swordfish Restaurant and Store in Food Services
  • US Food and Drug Administration Approval System
  • Aspen Hills Inc.’s Food Safety and Quality Issues
  • Long-Term Investment Decisions in Food Industry
  • US Pet Food Delivery: Industrial Marketing
  • Cultural Studies: Aesthetics of Food and Wine
  • Australia New Zealand Food Authority Business Plan
  • Sous Vide Food Production System
  • McDonald’s Digital Campaign “Our Food. Your Questions”
  • Food Shortages in the Republic of Malawi
  • Food and Water Waste Disposal in NYC
  • Tamwal Mobile Food Trucks Business Plan
  • Food Security and Sustainable Local Food Systems
  • Fast Food Consumption in New Jersey (United States)
  • Mexican Cuisine’s Transition to Comfort Food
  • Food and Drug Administration’s Strategies
  • Employee Turnover in Fast-Food Restaurants
  • Food and Stress Relationship: Psychological Factor
  • Gluten-Free Products in the US Food Market
  • Kokubu Food Company’s Trends and Information System
  • Depressive Food Intake Disorder
  • Organic Food as a Solution of Global Food Problem
  • Glass vs. Paper/Cardboard in Food Packaging
  • Globalization and Food in Japan
  • The “Waist Banned” Article – Taxes on Junk Food
  • Food Business and Government Role in Saudi Arabia
  • Factors Contributing to Fast Food Consumption in UAE
  • Future of Food: Effects on the Planet
  • The Fast Food Danger Awareness Among the Young People
  • Organic Farming for Sustainable Food Production
  • Food Nexus Tools and Results
  • Halal Food and Terrorist Organizations in Australia
  • Food Sovereignty in United States
  • Malaysia National Agri-Food Policy: Local Food Promotion
  • Sliders Mobile Food Truck Marketing Plan
  • Food Security in the United States: The Major Lapses of the Conventional Food Systems
  • Blue Springs Fast Food Store vs. Blue Gardens Restaurant Analysis
  • Spoilage Device: Forget Expiration Dates
  • The Mass Production of Food: Food Safety Issue
  • Animal Production and Food Availability
  • Food Production Workshop Instructional Plan
  • Froma Harrop Views on Genetically Modified Food
  • Carbon Dynamics and Food Chains in Coastal Environments
  • Temperature Impacts on Food
  • Nutrition Process: Eating Healthy Foods
  • Special Food Shop for Pregnant Women
  • Traditional Medicine or Food Customs in a Chinese Culture
  • Healthy Consequences of Fast Foods
  • Food Production, Sharing, and Consumption
  • Fast Food War in Singapore: The Stiff Competition and Fight for Customers
  • Service Marketing: Food Market
  • Recent and Promising Food Allergy Treatments
  • Feeding Baby: How to Avoid Food Allergies
  • Traditional Food Culture in the Indian Religion
  • Nitrogen from Food Waste
  • Role of Food in Cultural Studies: Globalization and Exchange of Food
  • Food’ Role in International Students Interaction
  • Hinduism Religion: Food and Asceticism
  • Food as a Means of Cross-Cultural Interaction
  • Nutrition: Is Genetically Modified Food Bad or Good?
  • Should Fast Food Qualify As “Food”?
  • Fast Food Industry and Its Impacts
  • The Practice of Fast Food in the United States
  • Future of Genetic Engineering and the Concept of “Franken-Foods”
  • Food Role on Social Events
  • Optimizing Production in the Food Industry
  • Genetically Modified Foods: Should They Be Consumed?
  • Corn is Our Every Day Food
  • Analysis of the Documentary Fast Food, Fat Profits
  • Good Food That Does not Grow on Trees: Analyzing the Key Supply Chain Issues
  • Organic Foods in Australia and the USA
  • Determinants of Success in the Swedish Food and Drink Industry
  • The Economic Effect of Issuing Food Stamps to Those in Poverty
  • Obesity and Fast Food
  • Liability in Food Illness Cases
  • Expanding the Australian Food Processing Industry into the United States
  • Wegmans Food Markets v. Camden Property Trust
  • Food Security in Sydney
  • Local Food Production in Malaysia
  • Threats to Global Food Supplies
  • Food Borne Diseases of Intoxicants on MSG
  • Increasing the Consumption of Healthy Food Products
  • Operations Decisions for Krafts Foods Inc. and Manute Foods Company
  • Kraft Foods’ Diverse Brand Portfolio
  • Monaghan’s Conributions to Society Foodservice Management
  • Analysis of Whole Foods Market’s feedback loops
  • Analysis of Whole Foods Market using Nadler-Tushman Congruence Model
  • Analysis of Whole Foods Market’s inputs
  • Organizational diagnosis for Whole Foods Market
  • RFID in Food Industry and Global Trading Patterns
  • Kudler Fine Foods: Incorporating Strategic Thinking
  • Large-Scale Organic Farming and Food Supply
  • Organic Food Marketing Prospects
  • Business and economics: The organic food sector
  • Consumer Decision-Making Process on Buying Organic Foods
  • Food and Drug Administration in United States of America
  • Literature Review on Organic Food and Healthy Diet
  • Foods That Effect Children With ADHD/ ADD
  • Why Food Services Are the Most Commonly Outsourced Function in the Business Community
  • Food and Wine Tourism
  • A Typology for foodservice menu development
  • Eco-Friendly Food Product Production and Marketing
  • Food for the Hungry – Non-profit Organization
  • Effects of Food Advertising in Australian Television on Children Aged 5-12 Years
  • Sustainable Development in the Food Area
  • Food additives: Artificial sweeteners
  • Company Research: Whole Foods
  • Could Biotechnology Solve Food Shortage Problem?
  • Does Circadian Rhythm Affect Consumer Evaluation for Food Products?
  • Are China’s Grain Trade Policies Effective in the Stabilization of Domestic Food Prices?
  • Can Better Governance Improve Food Security?
  • Does Corporate Social Responsibility Matter in the Food Industry?
  • Are Female-Headed Households More Food Insecure?
  • Can Drought-Tolerant Varieties Produce More Food With Less Water?
  • What Factors Determine/Influence the Food Choice People Make?
  • Why Are Restricted Food Items Still Sold After the Implementation of the School Store Policy?
  • Are Food Safety Standards Different From Other Food Standards?
  • Can Food Monitoring and Accessible Healthy Food Help Combat Child Obesity?
  • Are Food Stamps Income or Food Supplementation?
  • Can Government-Allocated Land Contribute to Food Security?
  • Is Genetically Modified Food Safe for Consumption?
  • Can Insects Increase Food Security in Developing Countries?
  • Are Input Policies Effective to Enhance Food Security in Kenya?
  • Can Non-wood Forest Products Be Used in Promoting Household Food Security?
  • What Are Most Serious Negative Effects of Eating Fast Food?
  • Who Does Regulate Food Safety for the United States?
  • Should the Government Regulate Food More?
  • Chicago (A-D)
  • Chicago (N-B)

IvyPanda. (2024, February 25). 663 Interesting Food Essay Topics, Examples, and Ideas. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/food-essay-examples/

"663 Interesting Food Essay Topics, Examples, and Ideas." IvyPanda , 25 Feb. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/food-essay-examples/.

IvyPanda . (2024) '663 Interesting Food Essay Topics, Examples, and Ideas'. 25 February.

IvyPanda . 2024. "663 Interesting Food Essay Topics, Examples, and Ideas." February 25, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/food-essay-examples/.

1. IvyPanda . "663 Interesting Food Essay Topics, Examples, and Ideas." February 25, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/food-essay-examples/.


IvyPanda . "663 Interesting Food Essay Topics, Examples, and Ideas." February 25, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/food-essay-examples/.

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Healthy Food Essay for Students and Children

500+ words essay on healthy food.

Healthy food refers to food that contains the right amount of nutrients to keep our body fit. We need healthy food to keep ourselves fit.

Furthermore, healthy food is also very delicious as opposed to popular thinking. Nowadays, kids need to eat healthy food more than ever. We must encourage good eating habits so that our future generations will be healthy and fit.

Most importantly, the harmful effects of junk food and the positive impact of healthy food must be stressed upon. People should teach kids from an early age about the same.

Healthy Food Essay

Benefits of Healthy Food

Healthy food does not have merely one but numerous benefits. It helps us in various spheres of life. Healthy food does not only impact our physical health but mental health too.

When we intake healthy fruits and vegetables that are full of nutrients, we reduce the chances of diseases. For instance, green vegetables help us to maintain strength and vigor. In addition, certain healthy food items keep away long-term illnesses like diabetes and blood pressure.

Similarly, obesity is the biggest problems our country is facing now. People are falling prey to obesity faster than expected. However, this can still be controlled. Obese people usually indulge in a lot of junk food. The junk food contains sugar, salt fats and more which contribute to obesity. Healthy food can help you get rid of all this as it does not contain harmful things.

In addition, healthy food also helps you save money. It is much cheaper in comparison to junk food. Plus all that goes into the preparation of healthy food is also of low cost. Thus, you will be saving a great amount when you only consume healthy food.

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Junk food vs Healthy Food

If we look at the scenario today, we see how the fast-food market is increasing at a rapid rate. With the onset of food delivery apps and more, people now like having junk food more. In addition, junk food is also tastier and easier to prepare.

However, just to satisfy our taste buds we are risking our health. You may feel more satisfied after having junk food but that is just the feeling of fullness and nothing else. Consumption of junk food leads to poor concentration. Moreover, you may also get digestive problems as junk food does not have fiber which helps indigestion.

Similarly, irregularity of blood sugar levels happens because of junk food. It is so because it contains fewer carbohydrates and protein . Also, junk food increases levels of cholesterol and triglyceride.

On the other hand, healthy food contains a plethora of nutrients. It not only keeps your body healthy but also your mind and soul. It increases our brain’s functionality. Plus, it enhances our immunity system . Intake of whole foods with minimum or no processing is the finest for one’s health.

In short, we must recognize that though junk food may seem more tempting and appealing, it comes with a great cost. A cost which is very hard to pay. Therefore, we all must have healthy foods and strive for a longer and healthier life.

FAQs on Healthy Food

Q.1 How does healthy food benefit us?

A.1 Healthy Benefit has a lot of benefits. It keeps us healthy and fit. Moreover, it keeps away diseases like diabetes, blood pressure, cholesterol and many more. Healthy food also helps in fighting obesity and heart diseases.

Q.2 Why is junk food harmful?

A.2 Junk food is very harmful to our bodies. It contains high amounts of sugar, salt, fats, oils and more which makes us unhealthy. It also causes a lot of problems like obesity and high blood pressure. Therefore, we must not have junk food more and encourage healthy eating habits.

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Essay on “Food Grain Production in India” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Food Grain Production in India

Synopsis: Freedom from hunger and malnutrition presupposes availability of food-grains at reasonable rates all over the country. The present availability of food gain in the country is 38 gms per person per day, which is very low.  India is an agricultural country and the monsoon plays a very vital role here. We had nine successive good monsoons and this year 1997 too it has been good and the target has been fixed to 193 MT for 1997-98.  In 1994-95 India had the highest food-grain production ever achieved but it went down in 1995-96 and food-grain had to be imported.  India is still a country of malnourished people and self-sufficiency in food-grains is still a far cry.  The rapid increase in population has outpaced our food-production growth and there is an urgent need of a new thrust of food production.  We need more and more technology and research in agriculture.  Besides food-production, there are other problems like distribution, storage, subsidies etc. to be tackled. 

Food is one of the basic human needs.  It is the chief means of subsistence.  Therefore, agricultural development is as important as industrial development.  They are interrelated and interdependent. Development means providing means of sustenance to the people.  Adequate availability of food-grains at reasonable prices ensures freedom from hunger and malnutrition.  Availability and entitlement of food both are important.  Food should be within the easy reach of the masses. India’s population is increasing at the rate of over 2 percent per annum. Therefore, the production of food-grains, procurement, storage, distribution and timely movement to the deficient regions are to be given top priority.  The per capita availability of food-grains in India is nearly 38 gms per day.

            India is basically an agricultural country and in this sector monsoon plays an important role.  The southwest monsoon starts in June and lasts till October and causes rains in various parts of the country in various degrees.   Rains play a vital role in agriculture.  The kharif crop depends chiefly on the south-west monsoon and the Rabi crop on north-east monsoon which blows from November to May.  It brings rain mainly to the peninsular India and here the main crop is paddy.

            India had good monsoon for successive nine years since 1989 and is now poised to have the tenth successive good monsoon. It is expected that this year’s food production will be around 190 million tones which had declined to 180 million tons in 1996.  In the expectation of good and normal monsoon, the target of food production has been fixed at 193 MT for 1997-98.  But in spite of good monsoon last year, food-grain production slumped to 185 Mt against the target monsoon and unfavorable weather conditions at the procurement time of Rabi crops.  But again the procurement of food-grains this year has been way behind that of the previous year and therefore, the experts are doubtful about the improvement over last year’s; target of 62.6 MT. 43 per cent of the total food production is that of rice and its production this year is estimated to the tune of 81 MT over 79.6 Mt for 1995-96.

            When in 1994-95 India’s food grain production went up to 191 MT from 181 MT for 1993-94, this was widely publicized and it was stressed that the country had not only achieved self-sufficiency but also gained export capability.  But the following year it came down to 185 MT.  The food-grain production in 1994-95 was the highest India ever achieved.  It meant 210 kg per person per year.  China produces 300-370kg. Per person per year and still they find insufficient and so import food-grains.  It shows how underfed are people in India.  As per the standard of nutrition norm, there should be 300 kg. Food-grain per person per year. 

            Obviously, our present food-grain production is much less than our needs and so the fact in India is a malnourished nation and about 30 crore Indians suffer from starvation and hunger.  The present rate of increase in food production is 4 MT per year but we need it to be 5.4 MT.  This increase is essential to achieve self-sufficiency in this sector. India population has been increasing at the rate 2 per cent per year.  India’s population by 2006-7 is likely to be nearly 1,100 million requiring 330 MT of food-grain but the Union Agriculture Minister has targeted the food-grain production at 285 MT by the year 2006.7, and it is still far short of the norm of 300 kg per capita per year.  Moreover, it is doubtful if even this target of 285 MT will be achieved.  Fortunately was have had good monsoons for the last ten years, but if the monsoon fails, it will be really disastrous because only 27 per cent of our cultivated land is irrigated.  As such, there is hardly any scope for complacency.  Unless there is new thrust to increase the productivity of food-grains, the gap between the requiremt5n and availability cannot be bridged. 

            The demand of food-grains in India is far less than the actual need because the people are poor and their purchasing power is absolutely low.  Therefore, the air of self-sufficiency is artificial and false in regard to food-grain production.  Actually we will need about 300 MT of food-grains by the turn of the vestry itself which is just 3 years away.  Unless we adopt a strategy of higher production and target 300 MT by the year 2000, we shall be left far behind and this is not an unrealistic target if we tighten our belt and take appropriate measures to improve the irrigation facilities, check the soil degradation, which is over a million hectares per year, and have definite programme and policy in the sphere of biological production. We need more and more technology in agriculture based on sound and fundamental research of our scientists.

            The growth rate of population in the country has declined and yet India will take over China’s position as the most populous country.  There is addiction of 45,000 new mouths to feed every day.  It means there is increase of 31 persons every minute in our population.  Thus, every year we will have 16 million more to feed, shelter, educate, clothe and find employment.  Consequently, population growth is bound to out space our food-production. Besides food production, there are other problems like distribution, marketing and storage.  The problem of subsidy is also there.  There are increased subsidies every year but then they don’t reach the poor for whom they are meant.  They are grabbed by the rich farmers, middlemen and bureaucrats who hardly need them. 

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Dikshu C. Kukreja

Agriculture 4.0: Future of Indian Agriculture

Agriculture 4.0: Future of Indian Agriculture

  • Mar 23, 2023, 14:35
  • Agriculture

Overview of Agriculture in India Agriculture plays a significant role in India’s growing economy. With around 54.6% of the total workforce involved in agriculture and allied sector activities, the sector contributes to 17.8% of the country’s gross value added (GVA). During 2021-22, the country recorded US$ 50.2 billion in total agriculture exports with a 20% increase from US$ 41.3 billion in 2020-21. It is projected that the Indian agriculture sector will grow by 3.5% in FY23.

With the use of conventional farming methods, there’s comparatively less improvement in efficiency and agricultural yields which resulted in lower productivity. Due to this concern, the government initiated the fourth wave of revolution in the agricultural sector to introduce technological advancement in these activities to improve yields and promote the involvement of the population in this sector.

Agriculture 4.0 is a considerably advanced version of precision farming methods. It has the potential to transform the existing methods of farming. Precision farming focuses on a comprehensive approach towards maintaining the field and soil well-being with a focus on improving the quality and quantity of yield with minimum environmental harm. The idea of revolution in agriculture involves the use of the Internet of Things (IoT), big data, artificial intelligence, and robotics to accelerate and improve the efficiency of activities throughout the entire production chain. It has the potential to transform the conventional farming industry. Conventional farming practices control crop watering and spraying pesticides or fertilisers uniformly across the field. Instead, the farmers will need to be more targeted and data-driven in the context of farming. Future farms will be more productive owing to the employment of robotics, temperature and moisture sensors, aerial photos, and GPS technology. These cutting-edge methods will improve farm profitability, efficiency, safety, and environmental friendliness. They are together referred to as advanced or high-tech precision farming.

Around one-third of food produced for consumption which is worth over US$ 1 trillion is lost or wasted in transit. This leads to millions of people sleeping hungry every night. The UN World Food Programme reports state that the primary cause of rising hunger around the globe is food wastage or loss due to uneven handling of food.

The concern about food wastage gave rise to the involvement of technology in agriculture to improve productivity and reduce wastage by proper handling of food. The data analytics and AI will help farmers to monitor the activities of seeds to the final crop. This will result in better yield and as a result, people will be involved in agriculture and eventually, the nation will target the least hunger issues. These challenges led to the introduction of Agriculture 4.0 wherein farmers won’t be dependent on water facilities, fertilizers, and pesticides uniformly across entire fields. Instead, farmers will be suggested to use minimum quantities and target specific areas for different crops to get better productivity.

Prospects of Indian Agriculture The continuous technological innovation in the Indian agriculture sector plays a critical role in the growth and development of the Indian agriculture system. It will be crucial for ensuring agricultural production, generating employment, and reducing poverty to promoting equitable and sustainable growth. Constraints include diminishing and degraded land and water resources, drought, flooding, and global warming generating unpredictable weather patterns that present a significant barrier for India's agriculture to grow sustainably and profitably. The future of agriculture seems to involve much-developed technologies like robotics, temperature and moisture sensors, aerial images, and GPS technology. Farms will be able to be more productive, efficient, safe, and environmentally sustainable owing to this cutting-edge equipment, robotic systems, and precision agriculture. 

Various factors such as data analysis matrix and technological advancement in the existing agricultural machinery contribute to the production of food grains for consumption and commercial needs. The production of commercial food grain support the economy and improves the GDP.

Hence, the future growth of Indian agriculture appears to be growing with an upward graph which is backed by technological advancements and government initiatives.

Recent Trends in Agriculture India’s agriculture mainly depends on nature, however changing climate and global warming are making farming unpredictable. The need to use modern technologies to increase productivity and profitability led to the emergence of Agriculture 4.0 in India. There have been significant changes in India in the context of agriculture over the decades and many new technologies have been developed. Several new-age farmers are using soil mapping software as well to determine the optimum level of fertilizers used in the farms. These emerging technologies in farming and agriculture pave the way for more opportunities. The aggrotech start-ups and traditional farmers are also using the latest solutions and trends to improve production in the food value chain. It includes the adoption of new technologies such as cloud-based solutions and other relevant advanced agricultural management techniques to increase farmer efficiency and produce more crops.

  • Grape farmers in India who have begun spotting and geo-locating crop diseases or pestilence, allowing them to control infestations earlier and in a more precise manner. This also leads to lower use of harmful pesticides on the crop. Soil mapping software is used by several new farmers to determine the optimum level of fertiliser use in their farms. They are also using drones which allow spraying pesticides in a more targeted manner.
  • Sugarcane farmers in India have started using technology to gauge the most appropriate time to harvest their crops, which allows them to better plan their harvest and maximise output. Several Indian farmers have also begun to use AI/ML-powered technologies to forecast crop yield, weather conditions and price trends in mandis. A few farmers have also begun testing self-driving tractors and seed-planting robots to free their farms from the vagaries of labour shortages.

Emerging trends in the agricultural sector that are quite prominent in the post-liberalization era include increased production, increased investment, diversification of the sector, use of modern techniques, development of horticulture and floriculture, increasing volume of exports and development of the food processing industry.

Some of the recent trends in agricultural technology:

  • Agricultural Drone Technology-

Drones are used widely for medical delivery to protection assistance and are used in agriculture to improve the growth of crops, maintenance, and cultivation methods. For example, these ariel carriers are used to access crop conditions and execute better fertilization strategies for more yields. Even the accessibility of hovering robots help farmers through a survey of large areas and data collection to generate better insights about their farms. Using drones in agriculture has provided more frequent, cost-effective remote monitoring of crops and livestock. It also helps analyse field conditions and determine appropriate interventions such as fertilizers, nutrients, and pesticides.

  • Diversification of Agriculture-

The agricultural sector produces generic consumption needs as well as crops like fruits, vegetables, spices, cashews, areca nuts, coconuts, and floral products such as flowers, orchids, etc. With the increasing demand for these products, there’s a huge potential in terms of production and trade of these products. This shows how the agricultural sector is being transformed into a dynamic and commercial sector by shifting the mix of traditional agricultural products towards higher quality products, with a high potential to accelerate production rates.

The diversification in agriculture is being supported by changes in technology or consumer demand, trade or government policy, transportation, irrigation, and other infrastructure developments.

  • Increasing Trend in Horticulture Production-

The availability of diverse physiographic, climatic, and soil characteristics enables India to grow various horticulture crops. It includes fruits, vegetables, spices, cashew, coconut, cocoa, areca etc. The total horticulture production in FY22 is estimated at 342.333 million tonnes which is an increase of about 7.03 million tonnes (2.10% increase) from 2020-21. 

  • Development of Agriculture in Backward Areas-

In the post-green revolution era, the introduction of new agricultural strategies, research, and technology was mostly limited to producing specific food grains, i.e., wheat and rice. However, under the wave of liberalization, with the growing demand for agricultural exports, many new sectors of agricultural activities have become favourable and profitable.

In some agriculturally backward areas with no irrigation system and access to fewer resources, dryland farming has been introduced. Other activities were also encouraged such as horticulture, floriculture, animal husbandry, fisheries, etc. To support the development in those areas, various modern techniques have been installed in the backward areas.

  • Ariel Imaging-

Ariel imaging involves the use of geographic information system (GIS) technology to analyse the potential of irrigation projects and their impact on land degradation, erosion, and drainage. The visuals of this technology allow assessment of an individual plant’s foliage. These visuals are actively used to detect pests and diseases to protect crops from environmental threats. It mostly helps farmers to monitor the soil conditions of farms and is useful in the summer season when there is the least availability of water.

  • Hydroponics and Vertical Farming

The concept of hydroponics farming focus towards better yields, texture, and taste of the final product with less water consumption. Plants which are grown hydroponically do not need extensive root systems and it allows them to contribute more energy towards the production of leaves and fruits. Because of indoor cultivation, these plants mature quickly and possess better immunity against pests and other diseases. In the context of sustainability, vertical farming allows farms to be located near or within areas of high population density which reduces the need for transportation and any harmful emissions. Vertical farming provides the ability to grow crops in urban environments and contributes to the availability of fresh foods conveniently. This farming significantly reduces the amount of land space required to grow crops compared to conventional farming methods.

  • Various farm sensors such as autonomous vehicles, wearables, button cameras, robotics, control systems, etc help in the collection of data to analyse the performance of the farm.
  • Use of aerial and ground-based drones for crop health assessment, irrigation, monitoring and field analysis.
  • Use of tools to predict rainfall, temperature, soil, humidity, and other forecasted natural calamities.

Government Initiatives The government has taken various initiatives to enable the potential digitalization of the agricultural sector in India. It focuses on promoting Agri-tech businesses which are working towards boosting productivity.

  • The government has finalised an India Digital Ecosystem of Agriculture (IDEA) framework that will establish the architecture for the federated database of farmers. This database is being built by taking the publicly available data as existing in various schemes and linking them with the digitalized land records. The IDEA would serve as a foundation to build innovative Agri-focused solutions leveraging emerging technologies to contribute effectively to creating a better Ecosystem for Agriculture in India. This Ecosystem shall help the Government in effective planning towards increasing the income of farmers and improving the efficiency of the agriculture sector.
  • To facilitate agricultural engineering research, operations, and technology diffusion, the Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Bhopal (ICAR-CIAE) of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) has created the Krishi Yantra App. A web portal has been made available by ICAR-CIAE on their website to guarantee that businesses choose the proper mechanisation technology. This aids current and potential business owners in choosing machines and purchasing options. The portal also offers the option of user and specialist engagement.
  • Farm Safety app was developed by ICAR-CIAE which provides information about safety guidelines and Safety Gadgets to avoid accidents while using different types of agricultural machinery.
  • A smartphone app called Water Balance Simulation Model for Roof Water Harvesting assists decision-makers in recommending design criteria. It provides that where the implementation of a roof water harvesting system may result in water savings and water security.

Conclusion Agriculture is an important sector of the country. It is one of the market-driven industries that employ a large segment of the country’s population. The new changes over the last few years have been enormously helpful to contribute more towards economic growth. Recent advancements such as drones, and data-driven facilities help to monitor the process of farming. It has been supporting farmers to increase productivity and contribute more towards the agricultural economy.

The future of Indian agriculture seems bright and promising with the advent of new technologies. The government has increased its focus on the sector, implementing various policies and initiatives to boost productivity and growth. India’s vast and diverse agricultural landscape, coupled with advancements in technology, provides immense opportunities for farmers to harness their potential and increase yield. In addition, start-ups in the agricultural sector are working towards providing innovative solutions to farmers in terms of supporting them with better productivity, measuring tools and other data-driven strategies.

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Foodgrain production in India (Economics)

January 24, 2021 by studymumbai Leave a Comment

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ASSIGNMENT Take a table of foodgrains production in India from any textbook on Indian economy or any other secondary source such as the Internet. Interpret the changes in the production over a given period of time.

1. The best secondary source for the required data is Economic Survey of the Government of India. For example. Table 1.15 on page A35 of Statistical Table given at the end of Economic Survey 2017-18 gives data on production of major crops from 1980-81 to 2015-16. 2. You may also use Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare: Pocket Book of Agricultural Statistics, 2017, Section 4 and 5 of Statistical Tables. You may use these data to find out the long-term trend in the production of foodgrains as well as the yearly fluctuations (for the last 6 years) in the foodgrains production. You may identify the factors for the long-term increase in foodgrains production such as use of fertilisers. HYS, etc. You may also explain yearly fluctuations in terms of the nature of the monsoon–excessive rain or shortfall of rain. You may conduct such a study for the foodgrains production as a whole as well as for production of specific foodgrains like rice, wheat, pulses etc.


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While agriculture’s share in India’s economy has progressively declined to less than 15% due to the high growth rates of the industrial and services sectors, the sector is still vital to India’s economic and social fabric.

First, nearly three-quarters of India’s families depend on rural incomes. Second, the majority of India’s poor are found in rural areas. And third, India’s food security depends on producing cereal crops, as well as increasing its production of fruits, vegetables and milk to meet the demands of a growing population with rising incomes.

This is why, agriculture is still considered to be the backbone of India’s economy.

One often sees news headlines in India that claim that food grain production India is at an all-time high for certain crops. While India’s foodgrain production is definitely growing, India’s population is also growing rapidly, which means the government is always under pressure to provide food security to its population.

There is a need to provide food security for the growing population, for which India will need a more productive and competitive agricultural sector that can grow at a faster pace.

Here we take a look at the performance of food grain production in India and try to analyse the growth for self-sufficiency, the factors affecting the growth, the fluctuations in productions, and also take a look at the challenges facing agriculture in India.

Long term trend in food grain production in India

The data presented in the table shows the long-term trend in food-grain production in India.

As per the data depicted in the table, food-grain production in India in the last fifty years has increased by over three times. The increase in the production of rice was four times while it was over nine times in respect of wheat. So variations also exist in the production of food-grains.

Factors for long-term increase in food grain production in India

Factors that impact agriculture.

  • Physical Factors such as climate, soil and topography.
  • Economic Factors such as location of market, development of transport facilities, supply of labour, availability of capital for buying machinery, fertilizers, pesticides, high yielding variety seeds. Government policies also impact food production.

Factors that have helped food grain production in India.

  • Increase in area available for crop production due to Land reforms
  • Usage of better-quality manure and balanced use fertilizers
  • Availability of HYVs (High Yield Variety seeds)
  • Efficient dispersal of technology and seeds to farmers across India
  • Better knowledge of choice of crop varieties to be grown
  • Better irrigation methods and water management
  • Government initiatives to boost crop production

So, the increase in agricultural production in India can be attributed to several factors such as Area of cultivation, Productivity of land, Use of Fertilizers, Irrigation methods, use of High-Yielding Variety (HYS) seeds and other factors.

Also, the Government of India has implemented several schemes for raising investments in agriculture. Notable among them are Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY); National Food Security Mission (NFSM); National Horticulture Mission (NHM); Gramin Bhandaran Yojana; Integrated Scheme of Oilseeds, Pulses, Oil palm, and Maize (ISOPOM), etc.

The following figure shows the agriculture GDP of India over the years. All food crops, oilseeds, fiber, condiment & spices, fruits and vegetables are sub-sector of agriculture that provides contribution into agriculture GDP.

The crops that are grown in India have remain more or less the same over the decades. However, several high-yielding field crop varieties and hybrids with good tolerance to various biotic and abiotic stresses are released for cultivation in different agro-ecosystems of the country. These include various varieties of rice, wheat, barley, maize, millets, oilseeds, and pulses.

Also, increase in agricultural production during the last decade was largely a result of growth in productivity. The central government and the state government have also initiated several agricultural schemes and projects. The government is also adopting a fresh thinking on the development of the agriculture sector. In addition to agricultural development, Indian government is also focusing on farmers welfare.

Despite the improvement in productivity, India still has a long way to go in order to catch up with some of the advanced countries. The table shows that the per hectare productivity of rice, wheat and cotton during 2000-01 in India is much lower compared to other advanced countries.

Fluctuations in Food grain production due to monsoon

Rainfall occurring over India during summer monsoon season significantly affects the agricultural production of the country by providing water for the crop growing seasons.

Foodgrain yield in India, during Kharif (summer) season in particular, is directly affected by variations in the summer monsoons (June–September). An increase (decrease) in rainfall is generally associated with an increase (decrease) in foodgrain yield. However, a similar correspondence during the Rabi (winter) foodgrain yield is not clearly evident.

Though the reduction of rainfall leads to reduction in crop yields, excess rainfall also causes adverse effect on the crop production resulting in reduced crop yields. So, fluctuations in grain production can be caused due to erratic rainfall, be it excess rain or shortfall of rain.

Monsoon in India has been erratic in recent years, which has led to growing emphasis on irrigation, water conservation and land management.

Production of crop production seems to have reached a plateau. The agriculture sector in India requires a comprehensive reexamination, as the growth in crop production has not been increasing at a much faster rate, compared to the growth in population.

This fatigue has been attributed to the steady decrease of the fertility (nutrient availability) of the lands and general decline in soil health due to intensive agriculture in the last two or three decades. So, even to maintain the same levels of production, larger inputs will be required, more fertilizer nutrient will be required. Infestation of pests/diseases has increased, several pests have developed resistance, so plant protection is becoming more difficult and requires more use of pesticides. The productivity of the rainfed belt, unlike the irrigated area, has also not increased substantially over the past few decades.

India is vulnerable to monsoonal rains, and currently lags in investments in fertilizer capacity, in modern methods of water exploitation and management, in road construction, in transport, and in storage.

Even as India has made large strides in increasing food production and achieving food security, the sector remains constrained by low productivity, excessive dependence on monsoon and weather conditions, and continuing fragmentation of land. A combination of these factors has led to sporadic periods of agricultural distress which have been widely reported. As a result, Government has engaged in fresh thinking on the development of the agriculture sector. The multi-pronged strategy for agricultural development now comprises focusing on agricultural growth through sustainable use of natural resources such as soil and water and at the same time taking steps for improving the socio-economic conditions of agriculturists.

Innovative approaches are being adopted for better management of the farming sector. Emphasis is being placed on improved institutions and better organisation so that farmers’ welfare is built into the system. Numerous steps are being taken to strengthen diverse aspects of the agricultural system. The government also understands that India’s credit structure will need to become flexible as per the needs of the farmers.

India’s population will continue to grow and demand food as their right as Indian citizens. Going ahead, India will need to modernize a major part of its farming, if it has to substantially increase its food output for the huge population. India will need to adopt a policy aimed at sustaining a higher growth of crop production in its quest for a secure food supply.


Trends in Food grains Production and Self Sufficiency https://shodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in/bitstream/10603/105551/12/12_chapter%205.pdf

Resource use efficiency and productivity: An analysis of India’s food grain sector https://www.orfonline.org/research/resource-use-efficiency-and-productivity-an-analysis-of-indias-food-grain-sector-59894/

Food Production in India – IDRC Digital Libraryidl-bnc-idrc.dspacedirect.org › bitstream › handle › IDL-88 https://idl-bnc-idrc.dspacedirect.org/bitstream/handle/10625/88/IDL-88.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y

On growth and fluctuation of Indian foodgrain production http://www.iisc.ernet.in/currsci/feb25/articles21.htm

India: Issues and Priorities for Agriculture https://www.worldbank.org/en/news/feature/2012/05/17/india-agriculture-issues-priorities 

9 Major Factors Affecting the Productivity of a Land | Economics http://www.yourarticlelibrary.com/land/9-major-factors-affecting-the-productivity-of-a-land-economics/10817

Agricultural Production Trends in India: An Overview http://www.economicsdiscussion.net/agriculture/agricultural-production-trends-in-india-an-overview/13211


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India’s foodgrain mountain is rising and it is proving to be expensive

The current holding is about three times higher than the stocking norms for the central pool for the quarter beginning july 1..

Grains and Beans Groceries in Bulk Bags at Market (Source:  ShutterStock)

Grains and Beans Groceries in Bulk Bags at Market (Source: ShutterStock)

The central pool of foodgrain stocks held by the Food Corporation of India (FCI) climbed to a record high after a very aggressive procurement of rice and wheat in the past kharif and rabi season involving a payout of Rs 2.5 lakh crore as the minimum support price (MSP) to the farmers. The FCI and state agencies acting on its behalf procured a record 128.67 million metric tonnes of wheat and rice during the recent kharif and rabi seasons, taking its holding net of issuances for public distribution to 119.65 million metric tonnes by June 1, 2021.

The current holding is about three times higher than the stocking norms for the central pool for the quarter beginning July 1. So much so, that the FCI has enough stock to provide every individual in the population of India with more than 85 kilos of foodgrain. The average annual per capita consumption of grains is estimated at 125 kilos by the consumer expenditure surveys, and that includes cereals in all forms including bakery products.

The FCI held about 29.92 million metric tonnes of rice as of June 1 and 60.29 million tonnes of wheat. It had another 28.7 million tonnes of unmilled paddy in stock. Procurement continued through June and an estimated 8 million tonnes of foodgrain were added to the stocks.

Thus, net holding at the end of the month, after allocating a portion to states for the public distribution system and free distribution to poor and vulnerable households, was at about the same level as at the beginning of the month. A press release of the ministry of food and consumer affairs on June 29 estimated the stockpile at 29.5 million metric tonnes of rice and 59.1 million metric tonnes of wheat.

The Union government has announced that 27.78 million metric tonnes of this hoard would be distributed free under the Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Anna Yojna (PMGKAY). In the first tranche, the government allocated 7.9 million metric tonnes for distribution during May and June and the second tranche, 19.88 million metric tonnes is proposed to be distributed between July and November 2021.

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Another 54.48 million tonnes of the two foodgrain—24.13 million metric tonnes of wheat and 30.25 million metric tonnes of rice—from the central pool were allocated to states and union territories for various schemes covered by the National Food Security Programme. The offtake will happen in multiple instalments spread through the year. A small quantity of foodgrain is also allocated for other welfare schemes such as mid-day meal schemes and for distribution to the defence personnel.

These allocations will however not drastically draw down the hoard. As some quantities are picked up by states, a new kharif crop of paddy will be available for procurement.

Foodgrain holding in the central pool typically peaks in June every year by when procurement of rabi crops, chiefly wheat, is completed. Some quantity of rice grown during the rabi season is also procured during April-June every year. The government agency’s holding this June was about 15% more than the holding in June 2020.

Incidentally, holding in June 2020 had increased by a sharp 21% from the previous year. Stock holding data published by FCI show that its June holding has been rising in double digits since 2018. As a result, June 2021 holding was about 82% higher than the holding in the same month of 2017.

Procuring and holding a large stock of foodgrain involves a considerable amount of taxpayers’ money.  Procurement by the FCI and state agencies on behalf of FCI is made at the minimum support price (MSP) announced at the beginning of the sowing season.

The ministry of food and civil supplies has estimated the MSP value of 43.28 million metric tonnes of wheat procured over the last few months at Rs 85,483.25 crore. The MSP value of 85.39 million metric tonnes of rice procured after the kharif and rabi season was estimated at Rs 1,61,213.98 crore.

This is not the only cost involved in hoarding foodgrain for public distribution and welfare schemes. More important than the procurement costs is the economic cost of procuring and holding a large hoard of rice and wheat.

Economic cost includes procurement incidentals such as labour, transportation, commissions and taxes, and distribution costs such as freight and handling, besides the pooled cost of grains, storage and interest costs. The pooled cost of grain is linked to the MSP and is the biggest component of the economic cost.

Government documents show the estimated economic cost of a quintal of wheat sold at about Rs 2,994 for 2021-22 while the MSP was Rs 1,975 and the pooled cost of the grain at Rs 1,921. For rice, the economic cost per quintal was estimated at Rs 4,294 against the MSP of Rs 1,940 and pooled cost of Rs 2,790.

It is this economic cost that is used to calculate the subsidy on foodgrain sold through the public distribution system. Subsidy on foodgrain has been rising as the issue price of wheat and rice hasn’t been revised since July 2002 while the economic cost has been climbing.

Thus, larger procurement leads to a rise in all costs associated with procurement, storage and distribution. Often, poor storage conditions lead to rotting and infestation of grains, making them inedible. Such grain is then sold cheap to makers of ethanol.

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Essays About Food: Top 5 Examples and 6 Writing Prompts

Food is one of the greatest joys of life; it is both necessary to live and able to lift our spirits. If you are writing essays about food, read our guide.

Many people live and die by food. While its primary purpose is to provide us with the necessary nutrients to carry out bodily functions, the satisfaction food can give a person is beyond compare. For people of many occupations, such as chefs, waiters, bakers, and food critics, food has become a way of life.

Why do so many people enjoy food? It can provide us with the sensory pleasure we need to escape from the trials of daily life. From the moist tenderness of a good-quality steak to the sweet, rich decadence of a hot fudge sundae, food is truly magical. Instead of eating to stay alive, many even joke that they “live to eat.” In good food, every bite is like heaven.

5 Top Essay Examples

1. food essay by evelin tapia, 2. why japanese home cooking makes healthy feel effortless by kaki okumura, 3. why i love food by shuge luo.

  • 4.  My Favorite Food by Jayasurya Mayilsamy 
  • 5. ​​Osteria Francescana: does the world’s best restaurant live up to the hype? by Tanya Gold

6 Prompts for Essays About Food

1. what is your favorite dish, 2. what is your favorite cuisine, 3. is a vegan diet sustainable, 4. the dangers of fast food, 5. a special food memory, 6. the food of your home country.

“Food has so many things in them such as calories and fat. Eating healthy is important for everyone to live a healthy life. You can eat it, but eating it daily is bad for you stay healthy and eat the right foods. Deep fried foods hurt your health in many ways. Eat healthy and exercise to reduce the chances of any health problems.”

In this essay, Tapia writes about deep-fried foods and their effects on people’s health. She says they are high in trans fat, which is detrimental to one’s health. On the other hand, she notes reasons why people still eat foods such as potato chips and french fries, including exercise and simply “making the most of life.” Despite this, Tapia asserts her position that these foods should not be eaten in excess and can lead to a variety of health issues. She encourages people to live healthy lives by enjoying food but not overeating. 

“Because while a goal of many vegetables a day is admirable, in the beginning it’s much more sustainable to start with something as little as two. I learned that with an approach of two-vegetable dishes at a time, I would be a lot more consistent, and over time a large variety would become very natural. In fact, now following that framework and cooking a few simple dishes a day, I often find that it’s almost difficult to not reach at least several kinds of vegetables a day.”

Okumura discusses simple, healthy cooking in the Japanese tradition. While many tend to include as many vegetables as possible in their dishes for “health,” Okumura writes that just a few vegetables are necessary to make healthy but delicious dishes. With the help of Japanese pantry staples like miso and soy sauce, she makes a variety of traditional Japanese side dishes. She shows the wonders of food, even when executed in its simplest form. 

“I make pesto out of kale stems, toast the squash seeds for salad and repurpose my leftovers into brand new dishes. I love cooking because it’s an exercise in play. Cooking is forgiving in improvisation, and it can often surprise you. For example, did you know that adding ginger juice to your fried rice adds a surprisingly refreshing flavor that whets your appetite? Neither did I, until my housemate showed me their experiment.”

In her essay, Luo writes about her love for food and cooking, specifically how she can combine different ingredients from different cuisines to make delicious dishes. She recalls experiences with her native Chinese food and Italian, Singaporean, and Japanese Cuisine. The beauty of food, she says, is the way one can improvise a dish and create something magical. 

4.   My Favorite Food by Jayasurya Mayilsamy 

“There is no better feeling in the world than a warm pizza box on your lap. My love for Pizza is very high. I am always hungry for pizza, be it any time of the day. Cheese is the secret ingredient of any food it makes any food taste yummy. Nearly any ingredient can be put on pizza. Those diced vegetables, jalapenos, tomato sauce, cheese and mushrooms make me eat more and more like a unique work of art.”

Mayilsamy writes about pizza, a food he can’t get enough of, and why he enjoys it as much as he does. He explains the different elements of a good pizza, such as cheese, tomato sauce, other toppings, and the crust. He also briefly discusses the different types of pizzas, such as thin crust and deep dish. Finally, he gives readers an excellent description of a mouthwatering pizza, reminding them of the feeling of eating their favorite food. 

5. ​​ Osteria Francescana: does the world’s best restaurant live up to the hype? by Tanya Gold

“After three hours, I am exhausted from eating Bottura’s dreams, and perhaps that is the point. If some of it is delicious, it is also consuming. That is the shadow cast by the award in the hallway, next to the one of a man strangled by food. I do not know if this is the best restaurant on Earth, or even if such a claim is possible. I suspect such lists are designed largely for marketing purposes: when else does Restaurant magazine, which runs the competition, get global coverage for itself and its sponsors?”

Gold reviews the dishes at Osteria Francescana, which is regarded by many as the #1 restaurant in the world. She describes the calm, formal ambiance and the polished interiors of the restaurants. Most importantly, she goes course by course, describing each dish in detail, from risotto inspired by the lake to parmesan cheese in different textures and temperatures. Gold concludes that while a good experience, a meal at the restaurant is time-consuming, and her experience is inconclusive as to whether or not this is the best restaurant in the world. 

Essays About Food: What is your favorite dish?

Everyone has a favorite food; in your essay, write about a dish you enjoy. You can discuss the recipe’s history by researching where it comes from, the famous chefs who created it, or which restaurants specialize in this dish. Provide your readers with an ingredients list, and describe how each ingredient is used in the recipe. Conclude your essay with a review of your experience recreating this recipe at home, discuss how challenging the recipe is, and if you enjoyed the experience.

Aside from a favorite dish, everyone prefers one type of cuisine. Discuss your favorite cuisine and give examples of typical dishes, preparations for food, and factors that influence your chosen cuisine. For example, you could choose Italian cuisine and discuss pasta, pizza, gelato, and other famous food items typically associated with Italian food.

Many people choose to adopt a vegan diet that consists of only plant-based food. For your essay, you can discuss this diet and explain why some people choose it. Then, research the sustainability of a plant-based diet and if a person can maintain a vegan diet while remaining healthy and energized. Provide as much evidence as possible by conducting interviews, referencing online sources, and including survey data. 

Essays About Food: The dangers of fast food

Fast food is a staple part of diets worldwide; children are often raised on salty bites of chicken, fries, and burgers. However, it has been linked to many health complications, including cancer and obesity . Research the dangers of fast food, describe each in your essay, and give examples of how it can affect you mentally and physically. 

Is there a memory involving food that you treasure? Perhaps it could be a holiday celebration, a birthday, or a regular day when went to a restaurant. Reflect on this memory, retelling your story in detail, and describe the meal you ate and why you remember it so fondly.

Every country has a rich culture, a big component of which is food. Research the history of food in your native country, writing about common native dishes and ingredients used in cooking. If there are religious influences on your country’s cuisine, note them as well. Share a few of these recipes in your essay for an engaging piece of writing.

Tip: If writing an essay sounds like a lot of work, simplify it. Write a simple 5 paragraph essay instead.

For help picking your next essay topic, check out the best essay topics about social media .

food grain essay

Martin is an avid writer specializing in editing and proofreading. He also enjoys literary analysis and writing about food and travel.

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  • Open access
  • Published: 21 June 2022

The impact of macroeconomic factors on food price inflation: an evidence from India

  • Asharani Samal   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0001-8275-0267 1 ,
  • Mallesh Ummalla 2 &
  • Phanindra Goyari 1  

Future Business Journal volume  8 , Article number:  15 ( 2022 ) Cite this article

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4 Citations

Metrics details

The present study investigates the impact of macroeconomic factors on food price inflation in India utilizing the monthly time series during January 2006–March 2019. The long-run relationship is confirmed among the variables using the ARDL bounds testing approach to cointegration. The coefficients of long-run estimates show that per capita income, money supply, global food prices, and agricultural wages are positively and significantly impacted food price inflation in both the short and long-run. While food grain availability has a negative and significant impact on food price inflation in both the short-run and long run. Further, the short-run estimates revealed that real exchange rate positively impacts food price inflation. However, the coefficient is insignificant in the short-run. The Granger causality estimates show that a short-run bidirectional causality is confirmed among per capita income, the exchange rate, per capita net availability of food grain and food price inflation. Further, there is evidence of unidirectional causality running from global food prices to food price inflation. However, there is no causal relationship running from money supply and agricultural wages to food price inflation in the short-run.


The main objective of monetary policy in any economy is to maintain price stability. However, high food price inflation affects not only macroeconomic stability but also small farmers and poor consumers of the developing country where poor people spend their massive portion of income on food consumption. Agricultural commodity price volatility negatively impacts all societies by causing macroeconomic instability; specifically, it affects the impoverished that spend a large portion of their resources on food and fuel [ 47 ]. Therefore, high food price inflation has become a significant concern among the researchers and policymakers in determining responsible factors to surge in food price inflation. The high food price inflation has been experienced in the recent period due to increasing demand for biofuels in many developed countries, increasing demand for various diets among newly prosperous populations as compared to the production of such foodstuff, rise in minimum support prices, rapid regional economic growth, increasing the cost of fertilizers and other inputs, rising oil prices, etc.

Agriculture is very competitive in producing homogenous goods, given its vulnerability and high dependence on monsoon. It also contributes 17% of gross domestic product and employs more than 50% of the population. However, the contribution of the agricultural sector to GDP has been declining substantially since 2014, and the growth of agriculture is likely to increase by 2.1% in 2018–19 [ 23 ]. Further, price of agricultural products is more volatile than the non-agricultural sector due to high dependence on climate change. Therefore, attention should be given to the agricultural sector and the behavior of agriculture prices, especially for developing countries like India, where the majority of the population depends on agriculture. The persistent and high food price inflation over the period has gained more extensive attention in India by the researchers and policymakers as food price inflation has been the major contributor behind the increase in overall Wholesale Price Index (WPI) inflation in India [ 2 ]. Further, agricultural price is susceptible to relative changes in input prices, supply factors, etc.

Theoretically, rising food prices are basically due to two factors in the literature, i.e., real and monetary shocks. These are explained by structuralist and monetarist approaches, respectively. According to structuralists, the money supply is passive, and the real shocks in a particular sector tend to upsurge in food price inflation. Hence, inflation occurs in the prices of other goods. However, monetarists argued that inflation could arise through an autonomous increase in money supply via generating aggregate demand, which increases the relative price of commodities. Therefore, an increase in money supply is a cause for inflation, not necessarily by real shocks.

However, the developing countries like India are not exceptional from higher food prices and macro-economic instability. Since the 1991 economic reforms, the Indian economy has maintained a single-digit economic growth rate and moderate inflation. However, in recent years, one of the major problems that the Indian economy is facing is higher food price inflation. The WPI food price inflation was documented 10.20% during January 2008–July 2010 [ 33 ]. Further, CPI-IW for food was experienced at 8.05% during 2006–2019 while it was recorded at 13%, especially in 2013. However, the growth rate of gross food grain production was 2.66% during this period. The demand for food commodities increases at a higher rate due to the high economic growth rate (7–9%) per annum. In contrast, the annual growth of agriculture is relatively low (1.5%) compared to the service sector and GDP growth [ 40 ]. The total investment in agriculture has been reduced from 2.43 to 1.28% during 1979–80 to 2007–08 period [ 28 ]. The expenditure on subsidies, maintenance of existing projects, the relatively lower allocation for irrigation, rural infrastructure and research, lack of adequate credit support, and credit infrastructure in rural areas are the drivers of slow growth in public investment in agriculture [ 43 ]. Given this high food price inflation, researchers and policymakers have raised severe concern about reducing the food price inflation because most of the population spend half of the income on food expenditure, and food containing a larger share in the CPI basket. Therefore, it is necessary to find the causes and suitable majors to reduce food price inflation.

The present study contributes to food price inflation literature in several ways. First, a wide range of studies has investigated the drivers of food price inflation in India. The various demand and supply-side factors, namely, per capita income, growth of money supply, changing patterns of the consumer's dietary habits, high agricultural wages, speculations, and low growth of agricultural productions, are accountable for high food inflation. However, the results are ambiguous and vary considerably across countries due to different data periods and econometric methodologies applied in their studies. Second, the change in macroeconomic factors may have a substantial effect on food price inflation. For instance, if the food prices positively impact money supply, the consumer suffers from welfare loss. If it negatively effects on food prices, the producer suffers from welfare loss. However, this relationship of macroeconomic factors has not empirically analyzed significantly with respect to food price inflation in India. Third, various studies have explored the impact of macroeconomic factors on food price inflation across the world. For example, Kargbo [ 24 ] for Eastern and Southern Africa, Kargbo [ 25 ] for West Africa, Reziti [ 38 ] for Greek, Kargbo [ 26 ] for South Africa, Yu [ 46 ] for China and Sasmal [ 40 ]. Nevertheless, few studies have empirically examined the impact of selected macroeconomic factors on food price inflation by incorporating a control variable like per capita net availability of food grain into account. To the best of my knowledge, there is no study existing in the context of India. Fourth, most of the studies have taken WPI food indices, food items from only primary food articles or some of the index of selected food items, such as cereals and pulses, fruits and vegetables, milk and milk products, egg, meat, and fish as a measure of food price inflation. However, the present study has used the combined price index for industrial worker food (CPI-IW-F). Fifth, numerous studies have concluded that food price inflation is triggered by supply-side factors (see, [ 11 , 17 , 33 ]). However, to examine the rise in food price inflation, we have included both demand and supply-side factors in our study. Six, the present study also considered that food price inflation is not only influenced by domestic factors but also by global factors. More specifically, changes in global food prices and the exchange rate might positively and significantly impact food price inflation. However, the effect of these external factors on food price inflation does not explain the extent of food price inflation driven by domestic supply-side factors. For this purpose, we have included the per capita net availability of food grain as a control variable in the model. Suppose the demand for agricultural food items rises remarkably owing to a surge in macroeconomic factors. However, the supply of food items failed to meet the demand proportionately, then food items prices will go up. Therefore, the goal of the present study is to analyze the long-run and short-run impact of macroeconomic factors on food price inflation and verify the causal relationship aspect of these variables in the case of India over the period January 2006–March 2019.

The remaining of the paper is structured as follows. “ Literature review ” section follows the review of the literature on the relationship between macroeconomic factors and food price inflation. “ Methods ” section represents data and methodology. “ Results and discussion ” section discusses the results of the study. “ Conclusions ” section provides conclusive remarks and policy implications.

Literature review

This paper aims to examine the impact of macroeconomic factors on food price inflation. This section provides a review of the literature to establish the empirical basis of the link between macroeconomic factors and food price inflation.

Per capita income and food price inflation

Per capita income has a positive impact on food price inflation via increasing purchasing power of the money in the hands of the people, which leads to a surge in demand for food items resulting in a rise in food prices. Carrasco and Mukhopadhyay [ 10 ] argued that per capita income is positively affected food prices in three South Asian economies. However, the decline in agricultural production increases food prices up, and magnitudes are varying across countries. Agrawal and Kumarasamy [ 1 ] documented that food price inflation rose with the response to increases in India’s per capita income. They also suggested a 1% surge in per capita income upsurges the demand for fruits, vegetables, milk, and edible oil by 0.55–0.65%, and animal products by 0.38%. However, it reduces the demand for cereals and pulses by 0.05% and 0.20%, respectively. Joiya and Shahzad [ 22 ] and Sasmal [ 40 ] reported the same findings in Pakistan and India, respectively. In contrast, the study also found a negative association between food price inflation and per capita income. Kargbo [ 24 ] in Ethiopia and Malawi among Eastern and Southern African countries, Kargbo [ 25 ] for Cote d'Ivoire of West African countries.

Money supply and food price inflation

An increase in the money supply positively affects food price inflation through market credit facility by generating aggregate demand. However, it reduces food prices by creating investment via availing credit to the producer. Numerous studies have investigated the impact of money supply on food price inflation across the world. For example, Mellor and Dar [ 29 ] found that the expansion of money supply largely determines upward pressure on food grains prices. Barnett et al. [ 5 ] found that money supply positively affects food inflation and agricultural commodity prices in the U.S. Similar results were found by Kargbo [ 26 ] and Asfaha and Jooste [ 3 ] for South Africa. Further, Bhattacharya and Jain [ 8 ] concluded that an unexpected monetary tightening induces food price inflation in emerging and developed countries. However, a negative relationship is established between money supply and food prices for Kargbo [ 24 ], Kargbo [ 25 ], and Yu [ 46 ] for Eastern and Southern African countries and West African countries and China.

Exchange rate and food price inflation

The depreciation of the real exchange rate increases food price inflation by expanding the cost of importing petroleum products, fertilizer, and other finished products relating to agricultural commodities, leading to rising domestic market prices. In other words, depreciation of the exchange rate directly affects the agricultural sectors vi changing the prices of tradable and non-tradable goods resulting in a change in the prices of agricultural products in favor of the farmer. Taylor and Spriggs [ 45 ] showed that the exchange rate has a greater influence on volatility of agricultural prices in Canada. Similarly, Mitchell [ 30 ] and Mushtaq et al. [ 32 ] and Iddrisua and Alagidede [ 19 ] also concluded that the depreciation of the exchange rate is positively affected food prices in the U.S., Pakistan and South Africa, respectively. In contrast to this, Cho et al. [ 12 ] confirmed that change in the exchange rate has a negative impact on relative agricultural prices. However, Sasmal [ 40 ] found no significant relationship between the exchange rate and food price inflation in India during 1971–2012.

Global food price and food price inflation

The increase in the global food price of the commodity can influence the domestic price via international trade mechanism. The export increases as the global food price increases resulting in a decrease in domestic market supply followed by a hike in prices. On the contrary, the rise in import raises the domestic substitute food item’s price followed by a surge in domestic market price. Robles [ 39 ] indicated that the international prices transmission has a positive impact on the domestic agricultural market in Asian and Latin American countries. Gulati and Saini [ 16 ] revealed that the global food price index is positively impacted food price inflation in India. Similarly, Baltzer [ 4 ] states that an increase in international prices promotes domestic prices in the case of Brazil and South Africa. However, the price.

transmission is very limited in China and India. Lee and Park [ 27 ] confirmed that the lagged values of global food price inflation are positively impacted food price inflation in 72 countries. Selliah et al. [ 41 ] revealed that an increase in global food price increases domestic food prices in both the short and long run in Sri Lanka. Similarly, Holtemöller and Mallick [ 17 ], Bhattacharya and Sen Gupta [ 6 ], and Huria and Pathania [ 18 ] also documented that global food price shocks have a significant and positive inflationary trend on food inflation in India. However, Rajmal and Mishra [ 37 ] pointed out a limited transmission of prices from international food prices to domestic prices in India.

Agricultural wage and food price inflation

One of the significant public work programs is the National Rural Employment Guarantee (NREG), which promotes the real daily agricultural wage rates. On the one hand, an increase in rural wages can induce food prices by increasing production costs. On the other hand, it raises food prices via higher purchasing power, resulting in higher wages, which boosts the demand for food items. Gulati and Saini [ 16 ] revealed that domestic farm wages are positively associated with food price inflation in India. Goyal and Baikar [ 15 ] showed that the rapid increase in MGNREGA wages when it merged with inflation boosts agricultural wages rather than the implementation of MGNREGA across India. Bhattacharya and Sen Gupta [ 6 , 7 ] examined the drivers of food price inflation in India over the period 2006–2013. The structural vector error correction model (SVECM) showed that agricultural wage inflation promotes food price inflation after the implementation of MNGREGS.

The above literature review shows that both demand and supply-side factors have contributed to food price inflation. Many studies have investigated the impact of macroeconomic factors on food price inflation across the globe. However, only a few studies have been directed, which empirically examined the effect of macroeconomic factors on food price inflation by incorporating per capita net availability of food grain and agricultural wages in a multivariate framework. So far as we know, there is no study available in the case of India in this regard employing monthly data over the period January 2006–March 2019. Hence, our study attempts to fill this gap.

The present study makes use of monthly time series data on per capita GDP (Y), real exchange rate (EX), money supply (M3), global food price index (GF), per capita net availability of food grain (NFG), agricultural wages (AW) and combined price index-industrial workers for food (CPI-IW-F) indices as a proxy for food price index (FP) during January 2006–March 2019. The data on per capita GDP, real exchange rate, money supply is collected from the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), whereas combined price index-industrial workers for food and agricultural wages are retrieved from the Ministry of Labor Bureau, Government of India. The data on per capita net availability of food grain and real global food price index are obtained from the Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Department of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Government of India, and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, respectively. Monthly data on per capita net availability of food grain and per capita GDP is not available in the case of India. Therefore, we have used the linear interpolation method to get the monthly data for this variable. Footnote 1 The selection of the data period has been considered based on the availability of uniform and consistent monthly data over a period of time. We use high-frequency data while working on macroeconomic variables to capture the true impact of it [ 31 ]. Further, data on food price inflation is volatile, measuring the impact of macroeconomic factors on food inflation using high-frequency data, namely, weekly and monthly, provides accurate estimates rather than annual series. Since, data on a targeted variable i.e., food inflation is not available on a weekly basis for a longer period in the case of India. Therefore, we have used monthly data for this purpose.

The real exchange rate (EX) is measured as the real effective exchange rate which is trade based weighted average value of Indian currency against 36-currency bilateral weights, per capita income (Y) is measured as the percentage change in per capita gross domestic product, money supply (MS) is measured as broad money (MS), global food prices (GF) are measured as a real global food price index, and agricultural wages (AW) is measured as average daily wage rates from agricultural occupations; per capita net availability of food grain (NFG) is measured as gross production plus net imports plus stocks. Finally, food price inflation (FP) is measured as combined price index-industrial workers for food index (CPI-IW-F). The food inflation was experienced in India from 2006 onwards. However, the CPI-combined series is used and available from 2014 onwards to measure the official inflation rate. To get a more extended frequency of data on food inflation series, we have used consumer price index-industrial workers for food (CPI-IW-F) as a proxy for food inflation measures. We select to use CPI-IW-F because Bicchal and Durai [ 9 ] and Goyal [ 14 ] established that CPI-IW and CPI-combined have similar properties with CPI-IW is available for a more extended period. All the variables are seasonally adjusted using CENSUS X13 and converted into the natural logarithm form except per capita GDP.

Unit root tests

One should necessarily check the properties of all the variables before commencing any econometric techniques as it gives spurious and invalid results. The ARDL technique requires to check the integration properties of the selected variables to confirm that none of the variables should follow I (2) process, which seems to be invalid and unsuitable for applying the ARDL approach. Therefore, we use the ADF and PP tests to check the order of integration of the variables.

ARDL bounds testing approach to cointegration

We employ the ARDL bounds testing approach to cointegration propounded by Pesaran and Shin [ 35 ] and Pesaran et al. [ 36 ] in order to examine the long-run and short-run association between macroeconomic factors and food price inflation in India. This method is superior over other traditional approaches of Johansen and Juselius [ 21 ] and Johansen [ 20 ] cointegration on the following grounds. First, it is one of the most popular and flexible methods. It does not impose any restriction on any nature of data and can be applied irrespective of all the order of integration I (1) or I (0) or both mix. Second, as noted by Pesaran and Shin [ 35 ] that ARDL estimators give the true parameters, and coefficients are super consistent as compared to other long-run estimates, especially when the sample size is small. Third, it also helps to eradicate the problem of the endogeneity that appears in the model. Fourth, it is even able to capture both short-run and long-run estimates simultaneously. The unrestricted error correction models (UECM) of the ARDL model can be represented as follows:

where ∆ denotes first difference operator; \({\varepsilon}_{t}\) is the error term; \({\alpha }_{1}\) , \({\alpha }_{2}\) , \({\alpha }_{3}\) , \({\alpha }_{4}\) , \({\alpha }_{5}\) , \({\alpha }_{6}\) , and \({\alpha }_{7}\) are the constant; \({\alpha }_{F}\) , \({\alpha }_{Y}\) , \({\alpha }_{M}\) , \({\alpha }_{E}\) , \({\alpha }_{G}\) , \({\alpha }_{NF}\) , and \({\alpha }_{A}\) are the long-run coefficients; \({\beta }_{h}\) , \({\beta }_{i}\) , \({\beta }_{j}\) , \({\beta }_{k},{\beta }_{l}, {\beta }_{m}\) and \({\beta }_{n}\) are the short-run coefficients.

The optimal lag selection has been made based on the Akaike Information Criteria (AIC). The primary step in the ARDL model is to estimate the Eqs. ( 1 – 7 ) by ordinary least squares (OLS). The long-run relationship is determined based on the F test or Wald test for the coefficient of the lagged levels of the variables. The null hypothesis of no long-run relationship, \({H}_{0}:{\alpha }_{F}={\alpha }_{Y}={\alpha }_{M}={\alpha }_{E}={\alpha }_{G}={\alpha }_{NF}={\alpha }_{A}=0\) against the alternative hypothesis of the long-run, \({H}_{1}:{\alpha }_{F}\ne {\alpha }_{Y}\ne {\alpha }_{M}\ne {\alpha }_{E}\ne {\alpha }_{G}\ne {\alpha }_{NF}\ne {\alpha }_{A}=0\) referred to the equation follows as (FP/Y, MS, EX, GF, NFG, AW). According to Pesaran et al. [ 37 ], the null hypothesis of no long-run association can be rejected if F -statistics is greater than the upper critical bound (UCB). It suggests that there is a long-run association among the variables. While, test statistics falls below the lower critical bound (LCB), null hypothesis cannot be rejected. It suggests that there is no long-run association among the variables. If the calculated value falls between the lower and upper critical points, the result is inconclusive. Because the two asymptotic critical values bound lower value (assuming the regressors are I (0)) and upper (assuming purely I (1) regressors) provide a test for cointegration.

After identifying the long-run relationship among the variables, our next step is to apply the vector error correction model to examine the directions of causality among the variables in both the short-run and long-run. The model of VECM can be written as follows.

where \(\Delta\) is the difference operator; \({ECM}_{t-1}\) is the lagged error correction term, which is derived from the long-run cointegration relationship; \({\varepsilon}_{1t}\) , \({\varepsilon}_{2t}\) , \({\varepsilon}_{3t}, {{\varepsilon}_{4t}, \varepsilon}_{5t}, {\varepsilon}_{6t}\) and \({\varepsilon}_{7t}\) are the random errors; \({\gamma }_{1}\) , \({\gamma }_{2}\) , \({\gamma }_{3, }{\gamma }_{4, }{\gamma }_{5, }{ \gamma }_{6}\) and \({\gamma }_{7}\) are the speed of adjustments. The long-run relationship among the variables indicates that there is a presence of Granger-causality at least one direction, which is determined by F -statistics and lagged error correction term. The short-run causal relationship is represented by F- statistics on the explanatory variables while long-run causal relationship is represented by t-statistics on the coefficient of the lagged error correction term. The error correction term ( \({ECT}_{t-1}\) ) is negative and statistically significant (t-statistic) at the 1% significance level.

Results and discussion

Preliminary analysis.

A preliminary analysis is conducted using commonly used descriptive statistics. We also reported the summary of descriptive statistics of all the considered variables during the study period in Table 1 . The results revealed that the average food price index and the real exchange rate is 5.375% and 4.687% during the study period. However, the average money supply and real global food price index is 11.185% and 4.619%. The per capita net availability of food grain and agricultural wages is 5.130% and 6.931% whereas, per capita income is 0.445%, which is lower than other variables across the sample period. The results of the correlation matrix are represented in Table 2 . The correlation analysis results revealed that per capita income, money supply, real exchange rate, real global food price index, per capita net availability of food grain and agricultural wages are positively associated with food price inflation. For instance, food price inflation is highly correlated with per capita income, money supply, real exchange rate, per capita net availability of food grain, and agricultural wages. It suggests that macroeconomic factors might be promoting food price inflation in India. Similarly, per capita income is positively correlated with money supply, exchange rate, and per capita net availability of food grain, and agricultural wages. Further, there is a high positive correlation between agricultural wages and per capita net availability of food grain.

Results of unit root tests

To avoid spurious and invalid results of all the non-stationary data, we have checked the integration properties of all the variables and confirm that none of the variables follows the I (2) process. Therefore, the ADF and PP unit root tests are used to check the order of integrations of the variables. The results of unit root tests are reported in Table 3 . It indicates that food price inflation (FP), per capita income (Y), money supply (MS), real exchange rate (EX), real global food price index (GF), per capita net availability of food grain (FG) and agricultural wages (AW) are integrated of order I (1).

Results of ARDL cointegration tests

The above unit root test results show that all variables follow a same order of integration, i.e., I (1). Therefore, we apply the ARDL technique to check the long-run relationship among the variables using Eqs. ( 1 )-( 7 ) during January 2006–March 2019. Here, the optimal lag length is 2, according to VAR lag order selection criteria. The results of the ARDL model are presented in Table 4 . The result shows that calculated F -statistics (4.155) is larger than UCB at the 5% level of significance when food price inflation is considered a dependent variable (FP/Y, MS, EX, GF, NFG, WA). It indicates that there is a long-run relationship among food price inflation (FP) and per capita income (Y), money supply (MS), real exchange rate (EX)), global food prices (GF), per capita net availability of food grain (NFG), and agricultural wages (WA). Likewise, calculated F- statistics (11.043) is also larger than UCB at the 5% level of significance when per capita income is considered a dependent variable and integrated order (1). Therefore, UCB is applied to establish a long-run relationship among the variables. Likewise, calculated F- statistics (10.239) is also larger than UCB at the 5% level of significance when money supply (MS) is considered a dependent variable. Similarly, calculated F- statistics (3.335) is also larger than UCB at the 10% level of significance when global food price (GF) is considered a dependent variable. However, calculated F -statistics is lower than UCB when the exchange rate (EX), per capita net availability of food grain (NFG), and agricultural wages (AW) serve as dependent variables. It suggests a there is no long-run relationship among the variables when the exchange rate, per capita net availability of food grain and agricultural wages are the dependent variables.

Results of long-run and short-run estimates

The cointegration test results based on the ARDL model revealed the long-run equilibrium relationship among the variables. However, these results do not explain the cause-and-effect association among the food price inflation and macroeconomic factors, namely, per capita income, money supply, exchange rate, global food prices, per capita net availability of food grains, and agricultural wages. Hence, we have investigated the impact of macroeconomic factors on food price inflation in this part. It is better to check the long-run effect of macroeconomic factors on food price inflation after confirming the cointegration relationship among the variables when food price inflation is considered the dependent variable. The results of the long-run analysis are reported in Table 5 in panel-I. The long-run results illustrate that per capita income is positively and significantly impacted food price inflation. It implies that a one unit increase in per capita income induces food price inflation by 0.14 unit. The rise in per capita income raises the purchasing power of the money, which leads to a surge in demand for food items resulting in a hike in food prices. The results of our study similar to Carrasco and Mukhopadhyay [ 10 ] in three South Asian economies, Agrawal and Kumarasamy [ 1 ] in India, Joiya and Shahzad [ 22 ] in Pakistan and Sasmal [ 40 ] in India. However, our result is inconsistent with Kargbo [ 24 ] and Kargbo [ 25 ], who revealed a negative relation between the variables in Ethiopia and Malawi, and in Cote d'Ivoire, respectively.

Similarly, a 1% increase in money supply increases food price inflation by 0.36%. It implies that the rise in money supply puts upward pressure on food price inflation and is significant at the 1% level of significance. Money supply is positively affecting food price inflation by generating aggregate demand in the market, which pushes the food prices up. This finding is consistent with Kargbo [ 24 ] for Kenya, Sudan, and Tanzania among the Eastern and Southern African countries and contradictory with Sasmal [ 40 ] who did not find any long-run relationship between money supply and food price inflation in India and Yu [ 46 ] for China who confirmed that monetary policy expansion has a negative impact on prices of seven major food products in the long-run. Similarly, a rise in the real exchange rate has a downward pressure on food price inflation. It indicates that a 1% increase in the real exchange rate will have a negative impact on food price inflation by 0.30%. The increase in the real exchange rate reduces food prices by lowering the import of petroleum products, fertilizer, and other products relating to agricultural commodities in the long run. Hence, organic fertilizers can be used to produce commercial food products to reduce the dependency on fertilizers, which may maintain price stability and reduce the negative welfare impact on food prices. This outcome is consistent with Cho et al. [ 12 ] and is inconsistent with Iddrisua and Alagidede [ 19 ] in South Africa, Durevall et al. [ 13 ] in Ethiopia. Further, per capita net availability of food grain has a negative impact on food price inflation. In other words, there is an inverse relationship between per capita net availability of food grains and food price inflation in India. It suggests that a 1% increase in per capita net availability of food grains reduces food price inflation by 0.69%. The increase in the supply of net food availability in the domestic market by increasing food production can reduce food price inflation. On the other hand, if the supply of food grain availability declines due to crop failure, it increases food price inflation. Therefore, the government should increase domestic food production and reduce the exports of commodities at the time of food inflation to maintain stability in prices. Further, agricultural production is seasonal, and it is highly correlated to the month of food harvest. The stock of food grain during harvest season can avoid the off seasonal food price inflation. Increasing the stock of food items by establishing a larger cold storage system and strengthen and widening the existing warehouses can also help to control food inflation in India. This result is similar to Kargbo [ 25 ] in Cote d’Ivoire and Nigeria and Carrasco and Mukhopadhyay [ 10 ] in three South Asian economies and inconsistent with Sasmal [ 40 ], who failed to establish a significant relationship between agricultural food production and food price inflation in India in the long-run. Furthermore, our results revealed that food price inflation rose with the response to increases in global food prices. It suggests that a 1% surge in global food price upsurges food price inflation by 0.13%. This result is consistent with Selliah et al. [ 41 ] for Sri Lanka, Holtemöller and Mallick [ 17 ] for India, and Huria and Pathania [ 18 ] for India. However, Rajmal and Mishra [ 37 ] and Baltzer [ 4 ] pointed out a limited transmission of prices from international food prices to domestic prices in India. The extent of transmission of global food prices on price hike in the domestic market depends on at which magnitudes commodity’s international trade takes place. Finally, our study results also found that agricultural wages have a positive and significant impact on food price inflation at the 1% level of significance. It implies that a 1% surge in agricultural wages increases the food price inflation by 0.31% in the long-run. The rise in wage rate via welfare-oriented-schemes like MNGREGS increases the bargaining and purchasing power of money, increasing in demand for food items followed by increased food inflation. The increase in the agricultural wage rate should be substituted with food price inflation by increasing productivity. Hence, the increase in demand for food originated by a hike in the agricultural wage rate can be substituted by raising the productivity of each worker. A similar result is found by Bhattacharya and Sen Gupta [ 7 ] for India.

After having discussed long-run results, we shall move in to discuss with reference to the short-run. The results of the short-run analysis are reported in Table 5 in panel-II. The short-run analysis indicates an increase in per capita income and money supply is positively related to food price inflation in the short-run as the coefficients of these variables are statistically significant. Similarly, food price inflation rises with the increase in global food prices. Further, the real exchange rate has a positive impact on food price inflation in the short-run. However, the result is not significant. Moreover, agricultural wages have a positive impact on food price inflation. It implies that an increase in agricultural wages raises food price inflation in the short run. The outcome is consistent with Huria and Pathania [ 18 ] for India. However, per capita net availability of food grain is negatively and significantly impacted food price inflation. It suggests that a 1% increase in food grain availability decreases food price inflation by 0.11% in the short-run. In contrast, a decrease in the growth rate of food grain availability increases food price inflation. This finding is similar to Kargbo [ 25 ] in Cote d’Ivoire and Senegal among West African countries. Finally, the results also documented lagged food price inflation positively impacts present food price inflation. It suggests that a 1% increase in lagged food price upsurges food price inflation by 0.36% in the short run.

The sign of lagged ECT is negative and significant at the 1% level, which implies that short-run deviation from food prices can be restored toward the long-run equilibrium with a 16.8% speed. The model has satisfied all the diagnostic tests. This model is free from autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity; the functional form of the model is well specified, which is represented by the Ramsey RESET coefficient.

Results of VECM Granger causality test

After identifying the long-run association between macroeconomic factors and food price inflation, we have employed the VECM Granger causality test to examine the directions of causality among the variables in both the short-run and long-run. The Granger causality results are represented in Table 6 . The outcomes of the short-run causality tests are obtained from the F -statistics of lagged independent variables, while the results of long-run causality are obtained from the negative and significant coefficients of t-statistics of lagged error correction term. The results are reported in Table 6 and show that a short-run bidirectional causality is confirmed between per capita income, exchange rate, and food price inflation at a 1% level. This finding is opposite of Sasmal [ 40 ], who reported a unidirectional causality running from per capita income to food price inflation in India. Similarly, a bidirectional causality is existed between percapita net availability of food grain and food price inflation in the short run. It implies that the increase in food grain availability reduces food price inflation by increasing domestic food grain production on the one hand. Whereas on the other hand, an increase in food price inflation also leads to a rise in food grain availability by rising demand for food products. Further, there is a unidirectional causality running from global food prices to food price inflation. It suggests that an increase in global price attracts exporters to increase their supply of food items to the global market to get high profit, which eventually decreases the domestic market supply, resulting an in a price increase. However, there is no causal relationship running from money supply and agricultural wages to food price inflation in the short run.

There is an existence of a bidirectional causal relationship between global food prices and per capita income. However, no causality runs from money supply, exchange rate, per capita net availability of food grain, and agricultural wages to per capita income. A short run unidirectional causality is established from food price inflation, exchange rate, global food prices, and per capita net availability of food grain to money supply. A bidirectional causality has existed between agricultural wages and money supply in the short run. Further, unidirectional causality is running from per capita income, the exchange rate to global food prices. A unidirectional causal relationship is found from per capita income, money supply, the exchange rate, and global food prices to per capita net availability of food grain in the short run. Moreover, short-run unidirectional causality is confirmed from food price inflation, per capita income, the exchange rate and global food prices to agricultural wages.

Moving to the long-run causality, the coefficients of \({ECM}_{t-1}\) are negative and statistically significant in Eq. ( 8 ), where money supply, global food prices, and per capita net availability of food grain are the dependent variables. Therefore, results revealed a bidirectional causality among the money supply, global food prices, and per capita net availability of food grain production in the long-run.


This study aimed to examine the impact of macroeconomic factors on food price inflation in India during January 2006–March 2019. To consider the short-run dynamics and the long-run analysis and directions of causality among the variables, we have applied the ARDL model and Granger causality test in our study. The ARDL results have shown evidence of the long-run association among the macroeconomic factors and food price inflation. The long-run result show that percapita income, money supply, global food price, and agricultural wages have a positive and significant impact on food price inflation of India in both the long-run and short run. However, the per capita net availability of food grain negatively impacts food price inflation. It implies that an increase in food grain availability reduces food price inflation in both the short and long run. Further, the real exchange rate is positively affecting food price inflation. However, it is insignificant in the short-run. The Granger causality estimates show that a short-run bidirectional causality is confirmed among per capita income, the exchange rate, per capita net availability of food grain, and food price inflation. Further, there is evidence of unidirectional causality running from global food prices to food price inflation. However, there is no causal relationship running from money supply and agricultural wages to food price inflation in the short run. The long-run results revealed a bidirectional causality among the money supply, global food prices and per capita net availability of food grain.

Given these results, the paper makes important contribution to the macroeconomic factors and food price inflation in India. The significant policy suggestions are that the growth in money supply promotes food price inflation in the long-run, which affects the welfare of the poor consumer as the majority of the people depend on agriculture. It also positively affects market credit facility by generating aggregate demand followed by changes in relative prices across commodities, which push the food prices up. Therefore, the government should adopt effective policy measures to protect consumers from higher food prices. These are the effectively implementation of public distribution systems, policies for food security, and reducing the money supply via adopting a contractionary monetary policy, which eventually reduces food price inflation by reducing demand for food items. Further, the increase in global food inflation triggers food price inflation by international trade channels. However, the influence of global food inflation on food price inflation can be moderated by introducing a flexible tariff structure. Hence, the government should introduce stable and liberal trade policies that reduce food price inflation without compromising farmers remuneration values.

Moreover, our result also revealed that an increase in the net availability of food grain reduces food price inflation in both the short and long run. Therefore, the government should take necessary steps in favor of an increase in domestic food production. The high yielding variety (HYV) seeds, easily accessible credit facilities should be available to the farmer, increasing the domestic agricultural food production, thereby reducing the import of agricultural goods through the exchange rate and their adverse impact on food inflation. The stock of food grain during harvest season can avoid off seasonal food inflation. The increasing the stock of food items by establishing an extensive cold storage system and strengthening large warehouses can control food inflation in India. Furthermore, the rise in agricultural wages boosts food price inflation. The increase in the agricultural wage rate should be substituted with food price inflation by increasing labor productivity. Hence, the increase in demand originated by a hike in the agricultural wage rate can be substituted by raising each workers productivity.

Our results also found that per capita income Granger causes food price inflation both in the short-run. In this respect, we can say that there is a huge sectoral imbalance among the sectors. The government should be more focused on the agricultural sector and its growth and productivity by allocating massive funds in the irrigation, agricultural research, and innovation of modern technology and its adaptation in agriculture instead of spending on the name of social security and welfare of the poor. Therefore, balanced and sustainable growth and stability can be achieved for a developing country like India. The real exchange rate and food price inflation Granger causes to each other. The depreciation of the real exchange rate increases the food price inflation via expanding the import of petroleum products, fertilizer, and other finished products relating to agricultural commodities, which are very expensive. The increasing import of these products promotes food price inflation by raising domestic prices. Hence, to reduce the food price inflation, the government should increase the domestic agricultural production to meet our demand for food items rather than importing from other countries.

Availability of data and materials

Data used in the study are available in the Reserve Bank of India, Ministry of Labor Bureau, Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Department of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Government of India, and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.

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Samal, A., Ummalla, M. & Goyari, P. The impact of macroeconomic factors on food price inflation: an evidence from India. Futur Bus J 8 , 15 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1186/s43093-022-00127-7

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Received : 02 July 2021

Accepted : 15 May 2022

Published : 21 June 2022

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1186/s43093-022-00127-7

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  • Food price inflation
  • Macroeconomic factors
  • ARDL bounds testing approach
  • Causality test

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food grain essay


IELTS Essay: Food Shortage and Solution

05/25/2022 11:27 AM

Agree or Disagree

In this essay type, you have to agree or disagree. Often times students make the mistake to write about both, where you shouldn't. Pick ONE side ( agree or disagree ) and stick to it in the whole essay .

You are supposed to have a strong opinion defending or being against the idea. Provide logical ideas and creative examples on why you have that strong opinion.

What is a GMF?

Genetically modified food (GMF) is food that has changes in its DNA using the method of genetic engineering . Thanks to this method, new traits can be introduced to a type of plant or animal to control its growth, shape, size, smell, taste, appearance, etc.

For example:

Naturally grown apples look different, have a weak yellow coloring, the taste may be sweet or sour, their size is definitely smaller than commercial apples, the shape is oftentimes distorted , etc.

Commercial apples (GM apples)  are perfectly round, perfectly red on every side, taste only sweet, and can be grown in very large sizes.

All of this change was done thanks to generic modifications of the apple. The main reason for the change is mass production of the same product and eventually higher profits for the corporation or farmer. People would most often buy only "perfect apples" instead of the other "leftover" food.

This can be applied to every other fruit or vegetable, as all of them have been modified in one way or another.

Food Shortage: Why?

 There are many reasons why we might have a food shortage in certain areas around the world, and those can include geography , economic conditions , corruption of governments , wars ,  worldwide distribution , and many more. Before we answer the question above, we should learn about the whole problem of food shortage, what causes it and what can be done about it.

Let's take a look at a few reasons and then discuss solutions.

Reason 1: Distribution

One of the biggest reasons for food shortage is probably distribution or moving resources from one place to another. As the world transportation system is controlled tightly by a few global transportation monopolies , they oftentimes would straight up refuse to ship food around the world, simply because they won't be able to make a profit on that transportation. This creates a bottleneck system where food remains stuck at certain places in the world and has to be consumed only there.

Reason 2: Overconsumption and Waste

This is a huge problem in developed countries . In countries like the USA , China , or some developed European nations , people overconsume food to a huge extent . There is a growing problem with obesity , which comes directly from huge portions , a vast amount of fast food, snacks , and sweet delights . Food waste is a ridiculous problem as well , where restaurants and huge fast food chains throw out tons and tons of food daily , as they are unable to sell or do anything with it. 

Reason 3: Geography and Climate Change

It is a non-debatable fact that climate change is here and it is affecting agriculture all around the world. The countries hit the hardest will be the ones along the equator , but the effect will be felt all around the world. This will affect heavily crops yield and reduce the number of food resources available in the world. With the weather changing constantly , we might not be able to engineer crops quickly enough for them to grow well in those changing conditions .

Reason 4: Capitalism and Profit

This problem is somewhat related to the first one about distribution. The main issue that creates world hunger is greed , monopolies , and unchecked capitalism . As wealthy countries and individuals control the means of production for food, they keep prices high and this keeps poor nations or societies hungry. It is so bad that in many cases large producers of meat or vegetables are willing to destroy their production, only to keep prices high or keep selling entirely  to wealthy nations .

Solution 1: Distribution

The problems with distribution are linked directly to capitalism and globalization . The world should have never allowed for huge monopolies to control the flow of goods in and out of countries. What can be done is perhaps treating these huge transportation companies with either incentive (rewards) for shipping food or punishing them heavily for refusal. They are supposed to be a public good , and there should be strong government action against all sorts of monopolies , no matter where they come from.

Solution 2: Overconsumption and Waste

A solution for this is again government control . It sounds like a loss of freedom or loss of independence , but there should be strict and dramatic control of diet and food in the developed nations . Restaurants and food chains should not be allowed to make huge portions that could in any normal time feed a whole family, and sell that to a single person. All of that is done because of greed and carelessness for human health . Moreover , food waste should be fought vigorously , and all types of wasteful companies should be held accountable . Those resources of food can go and should go to other people, instead of being wasted and destroyed .

Solution 3: Geography and Climate Change

This is going to be one of the toughest challenges . Fertile soil naturally occurs in only some areas around the world, while other areas have scarce or non-existent . The solution is obviously international cooperation . Countries that are unlucky to have low-yielding soil or shifting climate patterns , have to receive generous help from luckier nations. This whole process should be transparent , cheap , and effective , in order to support those nations' development and avoid mass migrations .

Solution 4: Capitalism and Profit

This is a very tough problem to solve, as power is absolutely in the hands of the rich and powerful . There should be a system , or an international institution that is neutral from governments and corruption , and has the power to block , ban , control , or persuade companies and producers in any nation, no matter if they are in a powerful or weak nation, to change their attitude and prices . This type of organization should be profit free , focusing on securing equal nutrition across all nations of the world. It is a long shot , and probably will never happen, but it is one type of solution.

These are a few ideas in general when writing about food shortages and starvation . In our case here, the topic discusses " gene-modified food " and whether it is an adequate solution . If you agree with the statement, then you need to provide the benefits of GM food. Some benefits can be:

Mass Production - gene-modified food allows mass production of one type one style "uniform" crops that can yield more than traditional crops. ( Example: Corn being mass-produced in the USA and used as anything from biofuel, sweetener, staple food, etc.)

Adaptability - changing the gene of foods improves their durability, their ability to grow in unfriendly environments, and their ability to adapt to changing climates. ( example: rice being modified in china and being planted in all sorts of environments including flooded humid areas in the south, dry and hot locations in the north, mountainous regions, and even in salty seawater)., appeal - although that's not in their interest, humans like perfection and are willing to spend more to buy perfectly looking vegetables and fruit, rather than the naturally-grown imperfect variants. ( example: think perfectly looking apples, bananas, watermelons, huge cucumbers, perfectly round and red tomatoes, etc.).

However, if you disagree , you can use the reasons and solutions above. You can say that even though gene-modified foods are on the rise , massive companies still hold monopoly rights to these foods and technology which will prevent the food to reach the people that need it the most. The technology is definitely good, but it won't change geography , capitalism , or human greed , which is the underlined problem in this case. It is not that the world doesn't have food, it is that we don't want to share it at affordable prices with everyone.

food grain essay

Example Essay:

"One of the most important issues facing the world today is a shortage of food and some think genetically modified foods are a possible solution"

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Vocabulary related to the topic

Sentence starters and linking words, idioms and phrases, introduction.

The idea of a food shortage seems somewhat alien to people from the developed world , especially those living in large megacities . However, predominantly in the last decade , big forces like climate change , international conflicts , economic failure , and income disparities have brought up the topic into the mainstream again. Some believe that genetically modified crops are the solution to this crisis , and although being a net benefit to society , I’d have to disagree, as this innovation does not solve the overarching issues of distribution and human greed . I will provide a few reasons in this essay supporting my decision.


the developed world  - wealthy, rich countries like the USA, Canada, Australia, Germany, France, the UK, and more.

large megacities - cities with huge populations like Shanghai, New York, Los Angelis, Berlin, London, etc.

a decade - 10 years

a big force - something strong and powerful that affects the world

climate change - the change and rise of temperatures in the world

international conflict - fights, arguments, and misunderstandings between countries

economic failure - having problems with the economy, having economic crises

income disparity - income gap, large differences between the top earners and the bottom earners

mainstream - popular, in the spotlight , being discussed by many people 

crops - food that grows on the ground, vegetables and grains

a crisis - a big problem with a country or the world

*IDIOM* - a net benefit - an absolute benefit, a positive development

innovation - improvement of something, making something better, more efficient, cheaper, and so on.

overarching - above all, the most important, the top

distribution - the spread, transportation, delivery, and sharing of resources

greed - the constant need for financial gain, that can never be satisfied

Linking Phrases / Sentence Beginners:

The idea of __________ seems   __________  ,especially __________.

However, predominantly _________, have brought up the topic into _________.

Some believe that __________, and although __________, I'd have to disagree, as __________. 

I will provide a few reasons in this essay supporting my decision.

Paragraph 1

Initially, it may seem that genetically modified crops can be an easy solution to the crisis . After all , they can grow quickly, they can be mass-produced easily, they can yield more than traditional crops and that means we can feed everyone around the world with ease . This whole picture is wrong, as simply producing a lot does not mean that that food can be shared evenly across the world. It is a well-known fact that most rich and wealthy nations like the US , Canada , France , or Germany hold monopoly power on many new technologies. Not only that, but they protect that monopoly power of their mega-corporations and that means that this technology cannot and will not be shared with the rest of the world. What good is creating these amazing technologies, if they are not shared with any nation that actually needs them? In this case , wealthy nations overproduce and hoard resources , including food, and develop huge problems with rising obesity , while other nations suffer from malnutrition . It is an unjust system that needs to be changed, in order to help feed the world and not just the rich part of it.

solution - a way to fix something, a way to solve something

*IDIOM* - with ease - very easy, effortlessly

mass-produced  - something that can be made quickly and on a large scale, making thousands or hundreds of thousands of things quickly

yield - the amount of produced crops (vegetables, fruit, grain)

traditional crops - non-gene-modified crops, organic crops

*IDIOM* -to hold monopoly power - to have full control of a system and to try to keep that control for yourself 

mega-corporations  - a multinational corporation (company), a company that has unlimited resources and power

to overproduce  - to make more than needed

to hoard resources  - to collect and keep resources only for yourself, without sharing, to pile up

obesity - becoming unhealthily fat

malnutrition  - to consume very less nutrients because of a lack of good quality food

unjust system - a system that is unfair or lacks fairness for everyone

Initially,it may seem that _________.

After all  _________.

This whole picture is wrong as ,  _________.

It is a well-known fact that _________.

Not only that but _________ and that means that _________.

What good is  _________, if they are not _________.

In this case _________ , while _________.

It is __________, in order to _________ and not just _________.

Paragraph 2

Secondly, the problem with genetically-modified food is that of distribution . There is a massive waste of food happening in the developed world which is clearly presented by the fast-food industry . Daily, millions of tons of actually edible , quality food are being trashed , fed to animals , burned , destroyed , or used for biofuel , instead of feeding people. This is a problem with monopolies and distribution . Often times shipping monopolies refuse to ship food from one country to another, as there is low or no profit on those shipments. Food monopolies produce a lot, however , they would prefer to destroy their own production , rather than drop the price , as profits and making money is always above feeding those in need . In a way , the food distribution and supply system are absolutely broken and unjust , and that solidifies the case that genetically-modified food won’t save the world. In fact, it might create a larger problem with waste , rather than feeding everyone in need.

distribution  - the sharing, shipping, and transportation of resources

waste of food - inefficient use of food

the fast-food industry - the big companies in the fast-food industry like KFC, Mcdonald's, Burger King, etc.

edible - able to eat, good for eating

to be trashed - to be destroyed or thrown in the trash

biofuel - fuel made of plants like corn or other grains

shipping monopolies - companies that control the shipping industry

to ship - to send something by sea

to profit - to gain money out of something

to drop the price - to reduce the price, to lower the price

profits - financial gain, money

a supply - the making and bringing of goods to the  goods market

Secondly, the problem with  _________.

There is a massive _________.

Daily, millions of tons of _________, instead of _________.

This is a problem with   __________.

Often times __________, as  __________,

__________,  however they would prefer to  _________, rather than __________, as _________ is always above _________.

In a way __________, and that solidifies the case that __________.

In fact, it might __________, rather than __________.

In a word , the world suffers from unjust , corrupt systems of food supply, and that is one of the main reasons for a food shortage. As climate change and global conflicts build up steam , we are faced with this unparallel challenge – should we feed the needy , or simply close down and focus on our own. The world needs a better system of international cooperation and understanding , that fights  monopolies  rigorously , shares technology with kindness , and utilizes genetically-modified foods, in order to lift up nations all around the globe . Hopefully, we can achieve that in the foreseeable future .

*This essay was written in 30 minutes . It is quite long but gives a deep and thoughtful discussion on the problems of food supply and production. 

unjust - unfair, not normally right

corrupt system -dishonest behavior by the people operating the system, seeking large amounts of money in order to function or making favors

unparallel challenge  - unmatched, inconceivable, unprecedented challenge

*IDIOM* - to build up steam - to increase speed (from steam trains), to accelerate, to grow quickly

the needy - the poor, those in need

international cooperation - countries working together hand in hand , helping and supporting each other

a monopoly  - a company or few companies that have full control over one industry and control the price, production, and everything else

*IDIOM* - to lift (people) up  - to improve the lives of people

rigorous  - hard and strong, without any rest

to utilize  - to use effectively and efficiently

nations - countries

the globe - the world, Earth

foreseeable - predictable, one that can be seen, near or close to our time (future) (10-20 years)

In a word  _________, and that is one of the main reasons for _________.

As _________, we are faced with  __________.

Hopefully, we can achieve _________.

How did the Russia-Ukraine war trigger a global food crisis?

Russia and Ukraine export nearly a third of the world’s wheat and barley and more than 70 percent of its sunflower oil.

Wheat is seen in a field near the southern Ukranian city of Nikolaev [File Photo: REUTERS/Vincent Mundy]

Russia’s war in Ukraine is preventing grain from leaving the “breadbasket of the world” and making food more expensive across the globe, threatening to worsen shortages, hunger, and political instability in developing countries.

Together, Russia and Ukraine export nearly a third of the world’s wheat and barley, more than 70 percent of its sunflower oil and are big suppliers of corn.

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Russia is the top global fertiliser producer.

World food prices were already climbing, and the war has made things worse, preventing some 20 million tonnes of Ukrainian grain from getting to the Middle East, North Africa, and parts of Asia.

Weeks of negotiations on safe corridors to get grain out of Ukraine’s Black Sea ports have made little progress, with urgency rising as the summer harvest season arrives.

“This needs to happen in the next couple of months [or] it’s going to be horrific,” said Anna Nagurney, who studies crisis management at the University of Massachusetts Amherst and is on the board of the Kyiv School of Economics.

She says 400 million people worldwide rely on Ukrainian food supplies. The UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) projects up to 181 million people in 41 countries could face a food crisis or worse levels of hunger this year.

Here’s a look at the global food crisis:

What’s the situation?

Typically, 90 percent of wheat and other grain from Ukraine’s fields are shipped to world markets by sea but have been held up by Russian blockades of the Black Sea coast.

Some grain is being rerouted through Europe by rail, road and river, but the amount is a drop in the bucket compared with sea routes. The shipments also are backed up because Ukraine’s rail gauges don’t match those of its neighbours to the west.

Ukraine’s deputy agriculture minister, Markian Dmytrasevych, asked European Union lawmakers for help exporting more grain, including expanding the use of a Romanian port on the Black Sea, building more cargo terminals on the Danube River, and cutting red tape for freight crossing at the Polish border.

But that means food is even farther from those that need it.

“Now you have to go all the way around Europe to come back into the Mediterranean. It really has added an incredible amount of cost to Ukrainian grain,” said Joseph Glauber, senior research fellow at the International Food Policy Research Institute in Washington.

Ukraine has only been able to export 1.5 million to 2 million tonnes of grain a month since the war started, down from more than 6 million tonnes, Glauber said.

Russian grain isn’t getting out, either.

Moscow argues that Western sanctions on its banking and shipping industries make it impossible for Russia to export food and fertiliser and are scaring off foreign shipping companies from carrying it. Russian officials insist sanctions be lifted to get grain to global markets.

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and other Western leaders say, however, that sanctions don’t touch food.

A Ukrainian farmer wears body armour and helmet while working fields in the Zaporizhzhia region, Ukraine in April 2022 [File photo: Ueslei Marcelino]

What are the sides saying?

Ukraine has accused Russia of shelling agricultural infrastructure, burning fields, stealing grain and trying to sell it to Syria after Lebanon and Egypt refused to buy it.

Satellite images taken in late May by Maxar Technologies show Russian-flagged ships in a port in Crimea being loaded with grain and then days later docked in Syria with their hatches open.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy says Russia has provoked a global food crisis. The West agrees, with officials, such as European Council President Charles Michel and US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, saying Russia is weaponising food.

Russia says exports can resume once Ukraine removes mines in the Black Sea and arriving ships can be checked for weapons.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov promised that Moscow would not “abuse” its naval advantage and would “take all necessary steps to ensure that the ships can leave there freely.”

Ukrainian and Western officials doubt the pledge.

Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said this week that it may be possible to create secure corridors without the need to clear sea mines because the location of the explosive devices is known.

But other questions would remain, such as whether insurers would provide coverage for ships.

Dmytrasevych told the EU agriculture ministers this week that the only solution is defeating Russia and unblocking ports: “No other temporary measures, such as humanitarian corridors, will address the issue.”

How did we get here?

Food prices were rising before the invasion, stemming from factors including bad weather and poor harvests cutting supplies, while global demand rebounded strongly from the COVID-19 pandemic.

Glauber cited poor wheat harvests last year in the US and Canada and a drought that hurt soybean yields in Brazil.

Also exacerbated by climate change, the Horn of Africa is facing one of its worst droughts in four decades, while a record-shattering heat wave in India in March reduced wheat yields.

That, along with soaring costs for fuel and fertiliser, has prevented other big grain-producing countries from filling in the gaps.

Who is hardest hit?

Ukraine and Russia mainly export staples to developing countries that are most vulnerable to cost hikes and shortages.

Countries, such as Somalia, Libya, Lebanon, Egypt and Sudan, are heavily reliant on wheat, corn and sunflower oil from the two warring nations.

“The burden is being shouldered by the very poor,” Glauber said. “That’s a humanitarian crisis, no question.”

Besides the threat of hunger, spiralling food prices risk political instability in such countries. They were one of the causes of the Arab Spring, and there are worries of a repeat.

The governments of developing countries must either let food prices rise or subsidise costs, Glauber said. A moderately prosperous country like Egypt, the world’s top wheat importer, can afford to absorb higher food costs, he said.

“For poor countries like Yemen or countries in the Horn of Africa – they’re really going to need humanitarian aid,” he said.

Starvation and famine are stalking that part of Africa . Prices for staples such as wheat and cooking oil in some cases are more than doubling, while millions of livestock that families use for milk and meat have died. In Sudan and Yemen, the Russia-Ukraine conflict came on top of years of domestic crises.

UNICEF warned about an “explosion of child deaths” if the world focuses only on the war in Ukraine and doesn’t act.

UN agencies estimated that more than 200,000 people in Somalia face “catastrophic hunger and starvation”, roughly 18 million Sudanese could experience acute hunger by September and 19 million Yemenis face food insecurity this year.

Wheat prices have risen in some of those countries by as much as 750 percent.

“Generally, everything has become expensive. Be it water, be it food, it’s almost becoming quite impossible,” said Justus Liku, a food security adviser with the aid group CARE, who recently visited Somalia.

In Lebanon, bakeries that used to have many types of flat bread now only sell basic white pita bread to conserve flour.

What’s being done?

For weeks, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has been trying to secure an agreement to unblock Russian exports of grain and fertiliser and allow Ukraine to ship commodities from the key port of Odesa. But progress has been slow.

A vast amount of grain is stuck in Ukrainian silos or on farms in the meantime. And there’s more coming – Ukraine’s harvest of winter wheat is getting under way soon, putting more stress on storage facilities even as some fields are likely to go unharvested because of the fighting.

Serhiy Hrebtsov can’t sell the mountain of grain at his farm in the Donbas region because transport links have been cut off. Scarce buyers mean prices are so low that farming is unsustainable.

“There are some options to sell, but it is just like throwing it away,” he said.

US President Joe Biden says he’s working with European partners on a plan to build temporary silos on Ukraine’s borders, including with Poland — a solution that would also address the different rail gauges between Ukraine and Europe.

The idea is that grain can be transferred into the silos, and then “into cars in Europe and get it out to the ocean and get it across the world. But it’s taking time”, he said in a speech on Tuesday.

What’s costing more?

Wheat prices are up 45 percent in the first three months of the year compared with the previous year, according to the FAO’s wheat price index . Vegetable oil has jumped 41 percent, while sugar, meat, milk and fish prices also have risen by double digits.

The increases are fuelling faster inflation worldwide, making groceries more expensive and raising costs for restaurant owners, who have been forced to increase prices.

Some countries are reacting by trying to protect domestic supplies. India has restricted sugar and wheat exports, while Malaysia halted exports of live chickens, alarming Singapore, which gets a third of its poultry from its neighbour.

The International Food Policy Research Institute says if food shortages grow more acute as the war drags on, that could lead to more export restrictions that further push up prices.

Another threat is scarce and costly fertiliser, meaning fields could be less productive as farmers skimp, said Steve Mathews of Gro Intelligence, an agriculture data and analytics company.

There are especially big shortfalls in two of the main chemicals in fertiliser, of which Russia is a big supplier.

“If we continue to have the shortage of potassium and phosphate that we have right now, we will see falling yields,” Mathews said. “No question about it in the coming years.”

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Essay on Food Grain Production in India | 1050 Words

  • December 3, 2022

Essay on Food Grain Production in India Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Flash Education essay writing

Synopsis: Freedom from hunger and malnutrition presupposes availability of food-grains at reasonable rates all over the country. The present availability of food gain in the country is 38 gms per person per day, which is very low. India is an agricultural country and the monsoon plays a very vital role here. We had nine successive good monsoons and this year 1997 too it has been good and the target has been fixed to 193 MT for 1997-98. In 1994-95 India had the highest food-grain production ever achieved but it went down in 1995-96 and food-grain had to be imported. India is still a country of malnourished people and self-sufficiency in food-grains is still a far cry. The rapid increase in population has outpaced our food-production growth and there is an urgent need of a new thrust of food production. We need more and more technology and research in agriculture. Besides food-production, there are other problems like distribution, storage, subsidies etc. to be tackled.

Food is one of the basic human needs. It is the chief means of subsistence. Therefore, agricultural development is as important as industrial development. They are interrelated and interdependent. Development means providing means of sustenance to the people. Adequate availability of food-grains at reasonable prices ensures freedom from hunger and malnutrition. Availability and entitlement of food both are important. Food should be within the easy reach of the masses. India’s population is increasing at the rate of over 2 percent per annum. Therefore, the production of food-grains, procurement, storage, distribution and timely movement to the deficient regions are to be given top priority. The per capita availability of food-grains in India is nearly 38 gms per day.

India is basically an agricultural country and in this sector monsoon plays an important role. The southwest monsoon starts in June and lasts till October and causes rains in various parts of the country in various degrees. Rains play a vital role in agriculture. The kharif crop depends chiefly on the south-west monsoon and the Rabi crop on north-east monsoon which blows from November to May. It brings rain mainly to the peninsular India and here the main crop is paddy. India had good monsoon for successive nine years since 1989 and is now poised to have the tenth successive good monsoon. It is expected that this year’s food production will be around 190 million tones which had declined to 180 million tons in 1996. In the expectation of good and normal monsoon, the target of food production has been fixed at 193 MT for 1997-98. But in spite of good monsoon last year, food-grain production slumped to 185 Mt against the target monsoon and unfavorable weather conditions at the procurement time of Rabi crops. But again the procurement of food-grains this year has been way behind that of the previous year and therefore, the experts are doubtful about the improvement over last year’s; target of 62.6 MT. 43 per cent of the total food production is that of rice and its production this year is estimated to the tune of 81 MT over 79.6 Mt for 1995-96.

When in 1994-95 India’s food grain production went up to 191 MT from 181 MT for 1993-94, this was widely publicized and it was stressed that the country had not only achieved self-sufficiency but also gained export capability. But the following year it came down to 185 MT. The food-grain production in 1994-95 was the highest India ever achieved. It meant 210 kg per person per year. China produces 300-370kg. Per person per year and still they find insufficient and so import food-grains. It shows how underfed are people in India. As per the standard of nutrition norm, there should be 300 kg. Food-grain per person per year.

Obviously, our present food-grain production is much less than our needs and so the fact in India is a malnourished nation and about 30 crore Indians suffer from starvation and hunger. The present rate of increase in food production is 4 MT per year but we need it to be 5.4 MT. This increase is essential to achieve self-sufficiency in this sector. India population has been increasing at the rate 2 per cent per year. India’s population by 2006-7 is likely to be nearly 1,100 million requiring 330 MT of food-grain but the Union Agriculture Minister has targeted the food-grain production at 285 MT by the year 2006.7, and it is still far short of the norm of 300 kg per capita per year. Moreover, it is doubtful if even this target of 285 MT will be achieved. Fortunately was have had good monsoons for the last ten years, but if the monsoon fails, it will be really disastrous because only 27 per cent of our cultivated land is irrigated. As such, there is hardly any scope for complacency. Unless there is new thrust to increase the productivity of food-grains, the gap between the requiremt5n and availability cannot be bridged.

The demand of food-grains in India is far less than the actual need because the people are poor and their purchasing power is absolutely low. Therefore, the air of self-sufficiency is artificial and false in regard to food-grain production. Actually we will need about 300 MT of food-grains by the turn of the vestry itself which is just 3 years away. Unless we adopt a strategy of higher production and target 300 MT by the year 2000, we shall be left far behind and this is not an unrealistic target if we tighten our belt and take appropriate measures to improve the irrigation facilities, check the soil degradation, which is over a million hectares per year, and have definite programme and policy in the sphere of biological production. We need more and more technology in agriculture based on sound and fundamental research of our scientists.

The growth rate of population in the country has declined and yet India will take over China’s position as the most populous country. There is addiction of 45,000 new mouths to feed every day. It means there is increase of 31 persons every minute in our population. Thus, every year we will have 16 million more to feed, shelter, educate, clothe and find employment. Consequently, population growth is bound to out space our food-production. Besides food production, there are other problems like distribution, marketing and storage. The problem of subsidy is also there. There are increased subsidies every year but then they don’t reach the poor for whom they are meant. They are grabbed by the rich farmers, middlemen and bureaucrats who hardly need them.

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Millets crops available in India include bajra ragi (finger millet), jowar (sorghum), sama (small millet), bajra (pearl millet) and variga (proso millet).  Millets are rich in all kinds of nutrients, and are capable of keeping the body free from diseases. In India, the evidence of millet plants was first found from the Indus Valley Civilization. 

Millets are mainly of two types, which include coarse grains and minor coarse grains (Major and Minor Millets).  Millets are cultivated in 131 countries of the world.  Out of which India is the main producer of millet.  This type of grain keeps the body’s immunity and away from many types of diseases occurring in them.  This type of food is also being promoted by our Prime Minister so that the people of India can remain healthy.

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Essay on Millets its Nutritional Benefits 200 Words

Millet has recently begun to gain popularity due to its numerous advantages for both physical and mental health, as well as its ease of cultivation and drought resistance. India is among the top 5 exporters of millets worldwide and one of the largest producers of millets worldwide.To encourage the production and consumption of millets, the Government of India designated 2018 as the National Year of Millets. An Indian-sponsored resolution designating 2023 as the “International Year of Millet” was unanimously approved by the UN General Assembly. Indian farmers are increasingly growing millet as a drought-resistant crop, and millet production has increased recently.

“Millets are a powerhouse of nutrients,” Diksha Dayal, Head of Nutrition and Dietetics at Sanar International Hospital, told The Sunday Guardian. In the more health-conscious person’s kitchen, they have reclaimed their space. Due to their rough texture, millets used to be regarded as a coarse-grain cereal. Millets are higher in protein, dietary fibre, iron, and calcium than rice or wheat, though all cereals are high in carbohydrates. Due to their low glycemic index, millets have been dubbed a nutrient powerhouse by the Indian government, and research has demonstrated their efficacy in treating diabetes. The government renamed millets Nutri cereals to further their promotion.

Essay on Millets for Food and Nutrition 300 Words

There are numerous diets that have gained popularity in recent years and are now being marketed to the general public as being healthful. Some of them have received the endorsement of nutritionists, while others have simply been exposed as diet fads. Although many people are still unaware of the numerous health benefits of millet, they have enjoyed some fame similar to other such foods.

The Indian diet once included millet, which has recently come to light as a lesser-known superfood. This is due to the fact that millets contain traces of minerals and vitamins in addition to macronutrients like protein and fibre. Iron, vitamin B6, which helps regulate high prolactin levels, and magnesium, which is crucial for bone health, are all found in abundance in millet.

why millets are called superfoods?

  • They are a great source of vitamins, macro- and micro-minerals, fiber, proteins, antioxidants, and antioxidants.
  • For those who are gluten intolerant or have celiac disease, they are a wonderful alternative source of carbohydrates because they are gluten free.
  • It is a great food for diabetic patients because of its low glycemic index value, which also prevents cardiovascular diseases.
  • manages weight, combats obesity, and maintains gut health.

Production of millets

The majority of millets are grown worldwide in tropical and subtropical regions, primarily in Asian and African nations. It is grown in nearly 93 nations. The world’s largest producer of millets is India, which will account for 20% of global production in 2020, followed by China and Nigeria. Rajasthan, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, and Uttarakhand are the major millet-producing states in India.

Essay on Millets in English 500 Words


Millets are a group of grasses with small seeds and coarse grains that are high in proteins, fibre, and carbohydrates. Common millets like Jowar (sorghum), Ragi (finger millet), and Bajra (pearl millet) are fairly well known in Indian households. Because they can be grown without chemical fertilisers and in unfavourable climatic conditions, millets, with their wealth of nutritional benefits, also support sustainable farming. India’s version is the kharif crop. Millets were the first crops to be domesticated, and there is evidence that the Indus Valley civilization consumed them.

Importance of Millet

As per the Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, in 2016–17, the area under the cultivation of millet declined with 60% less coverage area (14.72 million hectares). This decline was attributed to changes in consumption patterns, the conversion of irrigated land for the cultivation of wheat and rice, the lack of millet availability, low yield, dietary habits, and less demand. This caused the levels of vitamins A, protein, iron, and iodine in women and children to drop, which resulted in malnutrition. 

Millets contain a number of phytochemicals, including antioxidants, polyphenols, tannins, and phytosterols, but they also have some antinutritional elements that can be diminished through specific processing techniques. Millets can grow anywhere from Andhra Pradesh’s coastal regions to the moderately high altitudes of the Northeastern states and the hilly regions of Uttarakhand, demonstrating their broad capacity for adaptation. Millets can withstand changes in moisture, temperature, and soil types, from sandy infertile lands to heavy lands.

International Year of Millets

The International Year of Millets (IYM 2023) was declared by the United Nations General Assembly at its 75th session in March 2021. FAO serves as the main organising body for the New Year’s celebration in collaboration with other important stakeholders. Millets can be grown on arid lands with few inputs and are tolerant of climatic changes. They are thus the ideal means for countries to increase their level of independence and reduce their reliance on imported cereal grains. 

Millets a superfood or a diet fad

Millets can legitimately be referred to as a healthy food because they aid in blood sugar regulation. Millets must, however, be properly prepared and consumed in order to be of maximum benefit. Millets also assist in controlling weight. Millets have a plethora of health advantages, according to the Indian Institute of Millet Research (IIMR). Millets are anti-acidic and gluten-free, and they also help the body detoxify. Millets contain niacin, a vitamin B3 that may help lower cholesterol. Millets also aid in the prevention of type 2 diabetes and breast cancer. They work well at lowering blood pressure and preventing heart diseases.

Millet Harvesting

Millets can be harvested when the seeds in the panicle’s upper half are fully developed. Although the lower half of the panicle’s seeds may still be in the dough stage, they must no longer be green. The leaves and stems may still be green at this point. In order to allow the straw to dry out before combining, millet is typically harvested by swathing. Early soaking lowers yield, test weight, and colour quality. Shattering and lodging are made worse by harvesting too late. Proso-millet can be damaged by rodents and birds as it ripens.

Millets can grow well in harsh environments like drought, and some wild varieties can even survive in flooded fields and marshy environments. The inclusion of millets in processed or packaged foods will entice farmers to grow millets, provide them with new opportunities, and re-energize them. 

Millets are Superfood Essay in English 1000 Words

What are millets.

Millets are a kind of whole grain that are frequently used in bird seed but also have a lot of advantages for people. In addition to fibre, vitamins, and minerals, millets are very nutrient-dense foods. In addition to replacing rice or other grains, they are a good source of protein. You can prepare millets in a variety of ways and they have a nutty flavour.

Millets a superfood

Millets’ numerous health advantages, sustainability, and adaptability have led to their designation as a superfood in recent years. Dietary fibre, which is abundant in millet and helps to control blood sugar and lower cholesterol levels. Additionally, they are a good source of complex carbohydrates, which give you long-lasting energy and help you feel fuller for longer.

Millets are also a good source of antioxidants, which guard the body against harm from free radicals. Additionally adaptable, millets can be used in a variety of recipes. Millets are a more sustainable crop because they are simple to grow and use less water than other grains. They are also resistant to drought, which makes them a perfect crop for farmers in regions with little rainfall. Additionally, millets are less prone to pests and diseases, making it simpler to grow them without the use of pesticides.

Millet Production in India

  • Currently, jowar (sorghum), bajra (pearl millet), and ragi (finger millet) are the three most important millet crops grown in India.
  • Additionally, India cultivates a wide variety of indigenous “small millets” like kodo, kutki, chenna, and sanwa that are bio-genetically diverse and varied in their genetic makeup.
  • Rajasthan, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Gujarat, and Haryana are among the states with the largest production.

How millets are good for our health?

Millets have higher protein content and a more balanced amino acid profile than wheat and rice, making them nutritionally superior. Millets also contain a number of phytochemicals that have medicinal effects because of their anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidative qualities. Additionally, millet grains are a good source of nutrients like carbohydrates, protein, dietary fibre, good-quality fat, minerals like calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, manganese, zinc, and B complex vitamins, in addition to being climate resilient. Most significantly, millet cultivation does not require the application of chemical fertilisers.

Benefits of Millets

 There are many benefits of eating millet.

  •  It works on blood sugar, besides controlling blood pressure.
  • Relieves problems like diarrhea, constipation, indigestion, stomach diseases, ulcers.  At the same time, nutrients are found in it to fight against dangerous diseases like cancer.
  • By including millets grain in your diet, your body gets more nutrition in less quantity.
  • Many elements like fiber, potassium, magnesium, iron calcium are found in abundance in millets grains, which keep our body strong and our internal organs healthy.
  • The body weight remains balanced by the use of these coarse grains.  Apart from this, the antioxidant properties present in them remove the toxic substances from inside the body.

Millet Importance

When it comes to these nutrients, as well as the amino acid profile, millets beat wheat and rice. 

An alternative that’s healthier: Bajra (pearl millet), which is gluten-free and higher in fibre than wheat, has iron, zinc, and protein levels that are comparable to those of wheat while also being higher in fibre and lacking in gluten. 

  • Because bajra rotis digest more slowly and do not significantly raise blood sugar levels, they help people feel fuller for longer.
  • Can easily address the “hidden hunger” problem brought on by consumption of energy-dense but micronutrient-deficient foods: this nutritionally superior trait can easily address the “hidden hunger” problem.
  • Millets are hardy, drought-resistant crops, making them effective in battling the negative effects of climate change. 
  • It so happens that they have a shorter life cycle (70–100 days as opposed to 115–150 days for rice and wheat), require less water (350–500 mm as opposed to 600–1,250 mm), and can thrive in arid and hilly environments.

Millets were a mainstay in India for many years, but after the green revolution [GR], the focus shifted to higher food grain production & productivity using high yielding varieties of wheat & rice in the identified GR geographies. As a result, millets were gradually pushed to the side and marginalised.  Typically, a member country submits a proposal to the UN through a relevant organisation, in millets’ case, the FAO. Prior to being presented to the UN General Assembly and receiving the support of 71 nations, India’s FAO proposal was internally approved. 

Because millets fall under food and agriculture, even though this is a UN-wide event, the FAO is the appropriate implementing agency, working in coordination with relevant technical experts, several UN member countries and representatives from all regions, as well as stakeholders like the academic community, the private sector, and civil society. The IYM2023 unifies and encourages international collaboration to promote millet in a number of ways.

Current Perspective

 On 6 December 2022, the opening ceremony of the International Year of Millets 2023 was organized by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in Rome, Italy.  On March 18, 2023, Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated the two-day Global Coarse Cereals / Millets (Shri Anna) conference at the Subrahmanyam Hall of Indian Agricultural Science Complex (NASC), Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi.  inaugurated.  At this conference, the Prime Minister released a commemorative postage stamp and a commemorative coin on coarse grains (Shri Anna).  Also released Compeudium of Indian Millet Startups and Book of Millet Standard.

 Apart from this, an exhibition cum buyer-seller meet pavilion was also inaugurated.  The Indian Institute of Millet Research (IIMR) of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) has been declared a ‘Global Center of Excellence’.  In this conference, Guyana has announced that it will produce exclusively coarse cereals on 200 acres of land under the technology and technical guidance of India.  Indian Institute of Millet Research It was established in the year 1958 and is located in Hyderabad, Telangana.  It is the nodal agency of the Government of India for research on millets.

Theme of 2023 International Year of Millets

“Harnessing the untapped potential of millets for food security, nutrition, and sustainable agriculture” is the focus of the 2023 International Year of Millets (IYM). The initiative’s goals to increase consumer awareness of millets as a nutritious and environmentally friendly substitute for other grains, support sustainable farming methods, and encourage millets consumption are all reflected in the theme. The theme also draws attention to millets’ potential to improve nutrition and food security, particularly in areas where they are regarded as culturally significant and deeply ingrained in the customs and culture of Indigenous Peoples. 

The promotion of the production and consumption of nutri-cereals appears to be a policy shift in the right direction as the government works to achieve its agenda of a malnutrition-free India and doubling farmers’ incomes.

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Food Aid Program for Mothers and Children Will Provide More Fruits and Vegetables

The Agriculture Department updated the WIC program to more closely align with nutrition guidelines. The changes also reduce assistance for milk and juice.

A man standing in front of shelves of produce reaches for vegetables under signs that read “organic.”

By Linda Qiu

Reporting from Washington

The Agriculture Department said on Tuesday that low-income women and children eligible for a food aid program would receive more cash for purchases of fruits and vegetables, with less assistance available for milk.

The final rule by the department puts the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children, a federally funded program known as WIC, more in line with the government’s current dietary guidelines. It is the first update to the program in a decade and will take effect in two years.

“These improvements to our food packages have the potential to make positive, lifelong impacts on health and well-being,” Cindy Long, the administrator for the Agriculture Department’s Food and Nutrition Service, said in a statement.

About 6.6 million mothers and children participated in WIC in the 2023 fiscal year , with an average monthly cost of $56 per person. To be eligible, a participant’s family income cannot exceed more than 185 percent of the federal poverty level, or about $37,800 for a family of two . The Agriculture Department estimates that about half of those eligible make use of the program.

The new rule makes permanent changes enacted during the pandemic. Participants used to receive a cash voucher that they could redeem for fruits and vegetables: $9 monthly for children and $11 for mothers. But those amounts, after adjusting for inflation, increased under legislation passed during the pandemic to $26 a month for children, $47 for pregnant and postpartum women and $52 for breastfeeding mothers.

Those updates align with findings from a survey released on Tuesday from the National WIC Association , a nonprofit that advocates on behalf of recipients. Of 22,000 participants in WIC, 93 percent said the cash voucher for fruit and vegetables was the top reason they enrolled and more than 90 percent said the value of those vouchers was just right or not enough.

Under the new rule, the program will also reduce the amount of milk it provides to four gallons for fully breastfeeding women, from a monthly maximum of six gallons; to 3.5 gallons for children ages 2 to 4 from four gallons; and to three gallons for toddlers from four gallons. At the same time, participants can now substitute plant-based and lactose-free products for dairy or increase the amount of yogurt.

After the Agriculture Department proposed the rule change in November 2022, the cuts to milk elicited backlash from the dairy industry and members of Congress .

The department, in explaining the change , contended that the previous amounts of milk equated to 128 percent of the daily amount recommended by nutrition guidelines, while the updated amounts equated to 71 to 96 percent of the recommended amount.

The International Dairy Foods Association and the National Milk Producers Federation, groups that represent the industry and dairy farmers, expressed disapproval at the final reductions but voiced support for the expansion in substitutions.

Gregg Doud, the federation’s president, said in a statement that it was “disturbed by the decision to reduce access to the essential nutrients dairy adds to the diet.”

Georgia Machell, the interim president and chief executive of the National WIC Association, welcomed the overall changes.

The group “applauds U.S.D.A. for adhering to an independent, science-based review process that led to these stronger standards,” she said in a statement.

The new rule also requires breakfast cereals containing 75 percent whole grain — a reduction from the proposed rule’s requirement that it adhere to dietary guidelines’ recommendation of 100 percent whole grain. It also reduced the amount of juice provided.

An earlier version of this article misstated the group that Gregg Doud is affiliated with. He is the president of the National Milk Producers Federation, not the International Dairy Foods Association.

How we handle corrections

Linda Qiu is a reporter who specializes in fact-checking statements made by politicians and public figures. She has been reporting and fact-checking public figures for nearly a decade. More about Linda Qiu

A Guide to Better Nutrition

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