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What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Studying Abroad?

April 17, 2024

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@cieestudyabroad These are the pros and cons of studying abroad! #cieestudyabroad #studyabroad #studyabroadadvice #studyabroadprograms #wheretostudyabroad #howtostudyabroad #college Sunshine - WIRA

Studying abroad is a big decision. On one hand, studying abroad has endless advantages and is a life-changing opportunity that only comes around during your college years. On the other hand, it can feel like a total leap of faith. 

If you’re on the fence about taking the next step with CIEE Study Abroad , keep reading! W e’ve created the ultimate list of the advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad . Why? So, you can make an informed decision about whether studying abroad is the right choice for YOU.

1. You will learn to think more broadly.1. Studying abroad can be expensive.
2. You will make lifelong connections.2. There will be language barriers.
3. You will gain a competitive edge.3. You may experience culture shock.
4. You will build your language skills.4. You might get homesick.
5. You will step out of your comfort zone.5. Re-integration can be hard.
6. You will be better for it. 


Read More: Is Studying Abroad Worth It? 10 Outcomes of Studying Abroad  

The Pros  of Study Abroad

Studying abroad opens the door to a world of new possibilities. We couldn't be more passionate about that. The benefits of living and learning in a new culture will impact all parts of your life, from the day you enroll to every day thereafter.  

You will be surprised at the impact this one experience will have on you. And you will be so glad you took that leap of faith, after all. 

The Top 6 Advantages of Studying Abroad  

As you weigh the pros of studying abroad , add these to your list:  

1. You will learn to think more broadly.    

By immersing yourself in a new culture, you will be exposed to a new language, new perspectives, foreign foods, and life-changing experiences. All of this will change the way you see the world and your role in it. 

2. You will make lifelong connections.    

By sharing new experiences, you can’t help but connect deeply with other students in your cohort and at your partner institutions. And trust us, you will share many new experiences while studying abroad. These are the kind of friendships that last a lifetime. 

ciee study abroad excursion in the middle east

3. You will gain a competitive edge.    

Ninety-seven percent of students who study abroad find employment within 12 months of graduation and 25 percent earn higher salaries than their peers. How’s that for standing out in today’s competitive job market?  

Bonus : You can even boost your resume by gaining real-world experience through a global internship ! We offer full- and part-time international internship opportunities across a wide variety of industries. So, if it’s a competitive edge you want, then a competitive edge is exactly what you’ll get. 

Read more: How to Put Study Abroad on Your Resume: 4 Steps

4. You will build your language skills.    

Whether your goal is to master a new language or just get by with a conversational understanding of the local language, studying abroad will help you do it. There is nothing quite like cultural immersion for optimal language learning.  

Do note , however, that most CIEE programs are delivered in English unless you’re in a language class or program for advanced speakers, like our Summer Intensive Spanish Language program in Alicante or our Advanced Arabic Language program in Amman.   

student learning chinese from a language tutor abroad with ciee

5. You will step out of your comfort zone.    

Trying new things helps you learn how to adapt to new situations. A key life skill for our rapidly changing world.  

Just think, you will be working with new professors, new peers, a new currency, a new language, a new transit system, new food, and more – you get the idea. And just know, CIEE will be there to support you every step of the way, 24/7. Our program is a truly great way to safely take that leap of faith. 

6. You will be better for it.    

We hear it all the time : “study abroad changed my life.” And it’s so true. Studying abroad teaches you leadership, cross-cultural communication, adaptability, and so much more. Mark this down as a key advantage to studying abroad.  

advantages and disadvantages of study abroad

The Cons  of Study Abroad

Charting new territory is not in everyone’s comfort zone. And studying abroad, for many students, is definitely classified as uncharted territory. We know the unknown can be intimidating, and we also know studying abroad comes with a bit of sacrifice.  

This is why we’re sharing some of the disadvantages of studying abroad so you can make the most informed decision possible.  

The Top 5 Disadvantages of Studying Abroad  

Here are the cons of studying abroad you should address when weighing your decision:  

1. Studying abroad can be expensive.    

It can be . But there are scholarships and grants available to help you make studying abroad a reality . Your college or university may offer their own scholarship and grant options. Others you can apply for at CIEE directly in your CIEE Study Abroad application . We offer millions each year for students with demonstrated financial need, proven academic merit, or who’ve enrolled in specific programs as well.  

On average, a semester with CIEE costs $18,861 . A little less when studying abroad in Latin America ($17,291) . A little more when heading to Europe ($19,968) .   

Our Open Campus Block program option, in which you can choose one, two, or three consecutive six-week study abroad sessions, costs about $18,750 but drops significantly to a little over $6,000 for students who choose to pursue only one block (6 weeks) or about $12,000 for two blocks (12 weeks).  

Bear in mind, too, that CIEE tuition provides a high level of student support. Not every program can say the same. Our program fee covers most of the essentials, outside of airfare and meals, and typically includes: 

  • Tuition  
  • Housing  
  • Pre-departure advising  
  • Orientation  
  • On-site staff + 24/7 emergency on-site support  
  • Cultural + co-curricular activities  
  • Travel protection  

students on cultural excursion at throne hall korea

Read More: How Much Does it Cost to Study Abroad in 2024?  

2. There will be language barriers.   

Even for the most advanced speakers, immersion into a new culture will stretch your language capabilities. We see that as a really good thing. And we believe that if you go abroad with us, you will, too.  

But there’s no getting around the fact that there will be a steep language learning curve as you make your way through the program. We bet you’re up for the challenge. Plus, most of our classes are taught in English, so you will still make big gains academically. 

3. You may experience culture shock.   

The food will be different. The language will be different. The architecture will be different. The style of communication will be different. The local customs and social norms will be different, too. You will have to adjust. But isn’t that at least some of the point? You will return home with a new perspective! 

Read more: What is Culture Shock? 4 Examples and Tips to Adjust

4. You might get homesick.  

Most of our students are traveling for the first time without their family or friends. And that’s a huge step that may cause homesickness . 

Just know that CIEE offers a ton of support, including around-the-clock on-site staff. So, we’re always available. Plus, you’ll have a cohort of new friends to keep you company when those homesick feeling begin creeping up.  

And remember , you can always call home when you need to hear a familiar voice. Our students love to FaceTime, Skype, Zoom, and so on to virtually connect with their loved ones whenever they want. 

cape town dorm student meeting

5. Re-integration can be hard.    

This is an adjustment most students don’t anticipate.   

Often, when the study abroad experience is really great and there’s a ton of personal growth, students have a hard time adjusting back into their typical routine back home. You may experience this, too. It’s a sort of homesickness for the study abroad culture.  

Just know it will get better once you’ve had time to adjust to your routine again. And, for those who just can’t shake the feeling, there’s the opportunity to apply to join CIEE’s Student Ambassador Program to get paid to talk about your study abroad experience! 

Learn More: Become a CIEE Student Ambassador  

The Choice is Yours  

Thinking through the advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad is an important first step in your study abroad experience. If you have any questions or want to talk through your personal list of studying abroad pros and cons, we ’re happy to connect .   

In the meantime, check out t he 170+ incredible programs we have to offer to begin planning your perfect study abroad experience! 


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What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Studying Abroad

What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Studying Abroad? IELTS Writing Task 2 Essay

The IELTS writing task 2 requires an individual to present their views on a topic that has been assigned to them. They are required to go through the topic and present their side of the argument. One such example of it could be: “What are the advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad?”

So, whenever you are presented with such topics, all you are required to do is present your side of the argument. There is no right or wrong in these answers – all an individual is required to do is to let the examiner know their understanding of the topic that they are provided with.

So, let’s move forward to learn a little about this topic and present an amazing essay answer afterwards to let you know how it’s done.


What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Studying Abroad? 

The decision to study abroad depends solely on the different advantages and disadvantages of that thing.

So, let’s move forward to know all about them.

What are the Advantages of Studying in a Foreign Country? 

Studying abroad has today become the new normal, every other child wishes to move out of their resident country to enjoy among a bunch of completely new people to study between them and to gain as much knowledge as possible with the help of this.

Given below are a few advantages of studying abroad:

#1. Improved Language 

The greatest benefit of studying abroad is that it helps you to improve your language skills to a great extent. you get to learn some new words each day and among a bunch of people who speak this language on a regular basis, you get to enjoy the benefits of learning a language completely.

Talking to your friends on a daily basis in the same language helps you to have that fluency in the language which you were not able to achieve before.

#2. New Friends and Career Opportunities

Another benefit that one gets to enjoy after studying abroad is that it really helps an individual to expand his/her network and have some really good friends which can also turn into friends for life. One gets to enjoy their time with people they have not known before and have a great time in their company.

It also helps one to expand their network for some great business or job opportunities overseas. A wider network helps one to connect to some really amazing people and have the benefits of so many new opportunities in life.

#3. Confidence Booster

When you enjoy time among people from a different country and culture altogether, you get to learn so many new things from them on a regular basis. Along with this, it helps one to practice the language on a daily basis which helps in boosting their confidence.

With a great and built-up confidence level, it’s easy to then achieve the heights that you want to.

Also Read: Important Points to Keep in Mind while Answering IELTS Writing Task 2

#4. Explore the World

Moving out of your resident country provides you with an opportunity to live in a new city altogether which also comes with the benefit of exploring a new city and a place never seen before.

When you live in a completely new place, you get to enjoy the scenic beauty of that place, the unexplored yet the most famous places at the same time which serves as an amazing experience.

Now, let’s move forward to learn some of the disadvantages of studying abroad.

What are the Disadvantages of Studying Abroad?

Everything that has some advantages comes with some disadvantages too. So, while there are many advantages of studying abroad, there are many disadvantages of the same too.

So, let’s check them out.

#1. Highly-Priced

Studying abroad might look fascinating to you but it is extremely expensive. Bearing all the expenses of studying abroad for an individual can be quite expensive and tiring at the same time.

The expenses of studying abroad depend solely on the place that you have chosen for yourself and the university that you’re going to get your degree from. The more advanced the country, the higher the expenses.

Also Read: Guide to Ace The Advantages & Disadvantages Essay Questions in IELTS Writing Task 2

#2.   Language as a Barrier

One of the biggest problems that many students face while studying abroad is the language that they are not fluent in. It is extremely important for one to learn the official language of the country that you have decided to move to in order to enjoy the benefits of having meaningful conversations.

Many times students have a lot of difficulty in speaking the native language or even understanding it. There are many cases in which teachers prefer to teach the entire lessons in the local language of the city. Therefore, it’s extremely important to have a good grasp of the language.

#3.   You’re Dependent on Your Own

Living in a foreign country means you are completely on your own. All the work that you need to do, right from washing your clothes to doing all the household chores, all need to be done by yourself.

There are many students who have never lived out of their home for a long period of time and studying abroad requires them to have such experiences for the first time. While this may have a lot of benefits like you learn so many new things, it can also have some serious demerits too. Many times it has been noticed that students who live alone tend to suffer from loneliness or in some cases, even depression.

IELTS Advantage Disadvantage Model Essay 

So, let’s move ahead to discuss one such advantage disadvantage essay in order to know how to present an answer while in the examination hall.

The question for today is: With more and more people moving out of their own country to study abroad, it has been a trend these days. What do you think are the advantages or disadvantages of the same? Share your opinions with us.

Also Read: Want Band 9? Check These Previous IELTS Writing Task 2 Exam Questions and Answers

Advantages and Disadvantages of Studying Abroad – IELTS Model Essay

With changing times, more and more students wish to move out of their native country to a completely new place where they can study among a bunch of students who are new to them. And this has certainly given a rise to the number of students moving abroad to study among them. While the idea of going out seems fun, is it actually true in real scenarios?

Elaborate – IELTS Model Essay Answer

There are many benefits of studying abroad but according to me, I believe the number of demerits of studying abroad is more than its advantages. Starting with knowing about its benefits, it feels great to study abroad. When one starts studying abroad, they become more independent as a person. This is because everything, right from all the household chores to outdoor things needs to be done on one’s own and this helps an individual to become a better version of himself/herself. They learn to be better and dependent on themselves. Living abroad allows an individual to learn different foreign languages in order to converse with their peers and fellow classmates. This further helps them to broaden their horizon, that by learning new languages and living for a period of 2-3 years in a foreign country, they tend to learn new cultures and how things are done differently in their country. They learn about their customs, traditions, and values.

Talk about the Disadvantages

But despite having so many advantages, the number of disadvantages succeed them. Though it is true that students get to learn new languages while living in a foreign country, with that comes the possibility of isolation and loneliness. There are many students who face difficulty while speaking in languages other than their native ones and while learning these languages, there are times when they are not able to converse fluently and swiftly as other students. And this leads to the different language barriers that arise among them. Thus, these children tend to spend most of their time alone without anyone’s company which can further lead to failure in examination and also depression.

Move towards Conclusion of the IELTS Essay Model Answer

Another demerit of studying abroad is that one has to do all of their work on their own which can be quite tiring at times and can lead to fatigue. This can also affect the students psychologically and they can suffer from various mental illnesses. Further, living abroad for a long time alone without being with anyone from your family or loved one can lead to homesickness and even lead to depression among many students. Along with this, studying abroad can be extremely expensive as compared to the cost one bears when he/she decided to study in their native country.

In conclusion, I believe it’s always better to study in one’s own country while being in the company of your loved ones and it should be encouraged more than moving out to study.

Hopefully, you must have found this article useful and if you have any doubts regarding the same, feel free to comment down below and let us know about the same.

For more such information, check out our amazing blogs on our site.


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About the Author

Sakshi bachani.

Sakshi Bachani is a freelance Content Writer and Teacher. She has completed her Bachelor's degree from Delhi University.. She has been a freelance teacher for the past five years and has worked towards helping young kids achieve their dreams. She had also worked as an Intern teacher with an NGO. Apart from writing and teaching, she really enjoys music, animals, and plants. She even has her own little garden which she loves very dearly and can be sometimes seen buying more plants for herself.

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What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Studying Abroad- IELTS Writing Task 2

Janice Thompson

Updated On Dec 19, 2023


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What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Studying Abroad- IELTS Writing Task 2

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Achieving proficiency in the Essay Writing section of the IELTS Writing module poses a difficulty for numerous test-takers. Hence, it is essential to enhance your essay writing abilities before undertaking the IELTS to ensure success.

The  IELTS Writing Task 2  is a crucial part of both the General Training and Academic versions of the IELTS exam. It assesses your ability to write a well-structured and cohesive essay in response to a given topic.

This is an Advantages and Disadvantages essay that assesses a writer’s ability to evaluate both the positive and negative aspects of a particular issue. To effectively prepare for the IELTS Writing Task 2, it is highly recommended to practice with a variety of sample essays. IELTSMaterial.com offers a comprehensive collection of  IELTS writing task 2 practice tests , that can help you hone your essay writing skills and achieve a high score in the exam.

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. What are the advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. You should write at least 250 words.

Structure Breakdown

Band 7 Sample Answer for Advantages and Disadvantages of Studying Abroad – Writing Task 2


Studying abroad has become much more prevalent in this current day and age than it was before. Today, nearly every student considers studying abroad for higher education, especially for their Master’s degree. Since travelling to a foreign country has become relatively straightforward, people are availing themselves of the best of opportunities. However, there are both pros and cons to studying abroad, making it a challenging decision to take. In the following paragraphs, I will go through the advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad.

Body Paragraph 1:

The present-day economy is known to be competitive and demanding. Today, if an individual is not decorated with impressive degrees and accolades, they are bound to miss out on various profitable opportunities. Amidst such relentless competition, an individual will inevitably choose to be educated at a reputable academic institution. Since the quality of education is often not superlative in developing countries, people from such nations tend to move abroad for better alternatives. Also, the amount of time a student spends studying abroad and adapting to the foreign environment significantly increases their interpersonal skills and facilitates their overall development.

Body Paragraph 2:

On the contrary, there are numerous limitations to choosing a foreign university for higher education. First and foremost, we must acknowledge that studying and living abroad is an exceedingly costly affair. Most students have to give up on their ambition of studying abroad due to financial hindrances. Moreover, staying away from one’s family and native place is an onerous ordeal. There are also several cases of discrimination and social exclusion against non-native students, which makes it difficult for such individuals to adopt the lifestyle of the host country.


Finally, I would like to end by saying that, like any other course of action, studying abroad has both benefits and drawbacks. It is upon the individual who needs to weigh their options and make a prudent decision.

Band 7 Vocabulary

Meaning: widespread in a particular area or at a particular time.

Example: There are many social obstacles still prevalent in today’s society.

  • Challenging

Meaning: testing one’s abilities; demanding.

Example : The journey was lengthy and challenging.

Meaning: make (something) look more attractive by adding extra items or images to it.

Example: The building was decorated with lights during Diwali.

Meaning: an award or privilege granted as a special honour or as an acknowledgement of merit.

Example: The army officer was presented with numerous accolades.

Meaning: unceasingly intense.

Example: His relentless efforts finally resulted in his success.

  • Superlative

Meaning: of the highest quality or degree.

Example : She possessed a superlative skill in dancing.

  • Exceedingly

Meaning: extremely.

Example: The Taj Mahal is an exceedingly beautiful monument.

Meaning: a thing that provides resistance, delay, or obstruction to something or someone.

Example: There were many hindrances during the execution of the plan.

Meaning: (of a task or responsibility) involving a great deal of effort, trouble, or difficulty.

Example: The duty of raising a child is an onerous task.

Meaning: acting with or showing care and thought for the future.

Example: He made a prudent decision in the end.

Practice & Prepare with  IELTS Advantages and Disadvantages Essay Sample Questions and Answers

Band 8 Sample Answer for Advantages and Disadvantages of Studying Abroad – Writing Task 2

Studying abroad has become increasingly popular in recent years, with students from all over the world opting to pursue their higher education in foreign countries. There are many advantages to studying abroad, including a better learning experience, international exposure, and enhanced employment opportunities. However, there are also some disadvantages to consider, such as the high cost of living and education, the challenges of adapting to a new culture, and the potential for homesickness.

One of the biggest advantages of studying abroad is that it provides students with a better learning experience. Foreign universities often offer more specialized programs and cutting-edge research facilities than their domestic counterparts. Additionally, students are able to learn from world-renowned professors and interact with classmates from diverse backgrounds. This can lead to a more well-rounded education and a deeper understanding of the world.

For example, students who study engineering at a top university in Germany may have access to state-of-the-art laboratories and equipment, as well as the opportunity to work on research projects with leading experts in the field. Similarly, students who study business at a prestigious university in the United States may have the chance to learn from experienced entrepreneurs and business leaders.

Another advantage of studying abroad is that it exposes students to new cultures and perspectives. This can help them to become more open-minded and tolerant individuals. It can also give them a competitive edge in the global job market, as employers increasingly value candidates with international experience.

For example, a student who studies abroad in Japan may learn about Japanese culture and values, such as the importance of hard work and respect for elders. This knowledge can be invaluable when applying for jobs in Japanese companies. Similarly, a student who studies abroad in France may learn about French business culture and etiquette. This can be helpful when working with French clients or colleagues.

Body Paragraph 3:

Finally, studying abroad can enhance students’ employment opportunities. Many employers are looking for candidates with international experience and intercultural skills. Students who have studied abroad can demonstrate these skills through their resumes, cover letters, and job interviews.

For example, a student who has studied abroad in China may have the opportunity to work for a Chinese multinational company. A student who has studied abroad in India may be able to land a job in a tech company in Bangalore. In both cases, the student’s international experience will give them an advantage over other candidates.

Overall, the advantages of studying abroad outweigh the disadvantages. While the cost of studying abroad can be high, there are many scholarships and financial aid options available. Additionally, the challenges of adapting to a new culture can be overcome with careful planning and preparation. For students who are willing to put in the effort, studying abroad can be a life-changing experience.

Band 8 Vocabulary

  • Opting (verb)

Meaning: choosing, selecting.

Example : Students from various countries are opting to study abroad for a more comprehensive educational experience.

  • Cutting-edge (adjective)

Meaning: innovative, advanced.

Example : Foreign universities often provide students with access to cutting-edge technology and research facilities.

  • Well-rounded (adjective)

Meaning: comprehensive, balanced.

Example : Interacting with diverse classmates contributes to a student’s well-rounded educational experience.

  • Invaluable (adjective)

Meaning: extremely useful or valuable.

Example : The knowledge of local culture and customs can be invaluable for students seeking employment in foreign countries.

  • Etiquette (noun)

Meaning : the customary code of polite behavior in society or among members of a particular profession or group.

Example : Understanding French business etiquette can be crucial for effective communication in a professional setting.

  • Overcome (verb)

Meaning: succeed in dealing with a problem or difficulty.

Example : With proper preparation, students can overcome the challenges of adjusting to a new culture.

  • Comprehensive (adjective)

Meaning: complete, including all or nearly all elements or aspects of something.

Example : The comprehensive educational experience provided by foreign universities benefits students in various ways.

  • Multinational (adjective)

Meaning: involving or operating in several nations or countries.

Example : Students with international experience have an edge when applying to multinational companies.

  • Tolerant (adjective)

Meaning: showing willingness to allow the existence of opinions or behaviors that one does not necessarily agree with.

Example : Exposure to different cultures fosters a tolerant attitude among students studying abroad.

  • Life-changing (adjective)

Meaning: having such a strong effect that it changes one’s life.

Example : For many students, the experience of studying abroad is truly life-changing, shaping their perspectives and future opportunities.

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Band 9 Sample Answer for Advantages and Disadvantages of Studying Abroad – Writing Task 2

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The landscape of international education has expanded significantly, attracting a growing number of students pursuing higher degrees abroad. While studying abroad offers diverse cultural exposure and personal development, it comes with financial and socio-cultural challenges. This essay contends that the advantages, such as enhanced career prospects and personal growth, are balanced by significant disadvantages, including financial burdens and potential difficulties in adapting to new environments.

One major advantage of studying abroad is the unparalleled exposure to superior educational opportunities. As competition intensifies globally, students seek admission to prestigious institutions, aiming for degrees from renowned universities. This exposure not only broadens their academic horizons but also positions them for better career opportunities. For instance, students often lack access to state-of-the-art facilities in their home countries, compelling them to explore education abroad.

Conversely, a noteworthy disadvantage is the financial strain associated with studying overseas. The costs involved, encompassing tuition fees and travel expenditures, pose a significant barrier for many students. Consequently, dreams and aspirations may be surrendered due to the inability to manage these expenses. The financial burden extends to the challenges of relocating far from home, creating additional hurdles for those unfamiliar with such separation.

In conclusion, the decision to study abroad entails a careful consideration of its advantages and disadvantages. While the exposure to diverse cultures and superior education is advantageous, the financial and socio-cultural challenges cannot be overlooked. Prospective students must weigh these factors diligently to make informed decisions aligned with their academic and personal goals. Ultimately, the benefits and drawbacks are intrinsic to the pursuit of international education, demanding thoughtful reflection before embarking on this transformative journey.

Band 9 Vocabulary

  • Consequential (adjective):

Meaning: Resulting from or having important consequences.

Example : The decision to study abroad is consequential, impacting both academic and personal aspects of a student’s life.

  • Landscape (noun):

Meaning : The overall look or view of a particular subject or situation.

Example : The educational landscape has evolved, with more students considering international studies.

  • Prestigious (adjective):

Meaning: Having a high reputation or honor.

Example : Students aspire to gain admission to prestigious institutions for a quality education.

  • Horizons (noun):

Meaning: The range of one’s knowledge, experience, or interest.

Example : Studying abroad broadens students’ academic horizons, exposing them to diverse subjects and cultures.

  • Intrinsic (adjective):

Meaning: Belonging naturally; essential.

Example : The benefits and drawbacks are intrinsic to the pursuit of international education.

  • Conducive (adjective):

Meaning : Making a certain situation or outcome likely or possible.

Example : The exposure to diverse cultures is conducive to personal development.

  • Diligently (adverb):

Meaning: With careful and conscientious effort.

Example : Prospective students must diligently weigh the advantages and disadvantages before deciding to study abroad.

  • Encompass (verb):

Meaning: To include or contain something.

Example : The costs of studying abroad encompass tuition fees, travel expenses, and living costs.

  • Harbor (verb):

Meaning: To shelter or provide a home for.

Example : Students may harbor concerns about adapting to new environments when studying abroad.

  • Reiterate (verb):

Meaning : To say or do something again, usually for emphasis.

Example : In the conclusion, the essay reiterates the importance of weighing the advantages and disadvantages before making a decision.

Connectors Used in the Above Sample Answers

Connectors, also known as connectives or transition words, are words or phrases that link ideas or parts of a sentence or paragraph together. Here are some of the connectors used in the above sample answers:

  • For instance
  • Consequently
  • In conclusion
  • For example
  • IELTS Essay Topics
  • IELTS Sample essays
  • IELTS Writing task 2 Tips
  • Tips to Improve IELTS Writing Skills
  • IELTS Writing recent actual test
  • IELTS Writing Answer sheet

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Janice Thompson

Janice Thompson

Soon after graduating with a Master’s in Literature from Southern Arkansas University, she joined an institute as an English language trainer. She has had innumerous student interactions and has produced a couple of research papers on English language teaching. She soon found that non-native speakers struggled to meet the English language requirements set by foreign universities. It was when she decided to jump ship into IELTS training. From then on, she has been mentoring IELTS aspirants. She joined IELTSMaterial about a year ago, and her contributions have been exceptional. Her essay ideas and vocabulary have taken many students to a band 9.

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14 Pros and Cons of Studying Abroad in College (from a Study Abroad Expert)

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One of the biggest decisions college students have to make is whether or not to study abroad.

Like any major life decision, there are both pros and cons of studying abroad. On one hand, studying abroad is an amazing opportunity to see the world and learn about new cultures.

On the other hand, studying abroad can be expensive. And, depending on your degree, it might be difficult to meet your requirements abroad.

I was lucky enough to study abroad four times while completing my undergraduate degree. You could say that I’m kind of an expert when it comes to studying abroad.

I studied intercultural communication in Dublin , explored Cuba’s healthcare system in Havana, assisted a non-profit organization with water sample testing in Ecuador , and learned about the pros and cons of China’s education system.

All four programs were very different, and each one provided me with valuable educational and professional experience. They also sparked my love for travel !

There were definitely advantages and disadvantages to studying abroad that I considered when planning my programs (and experienced while being overseas), but for me, the advantages outweighed the disadvantages.

To help you decide if studying abroad is right for you, I’ve put together this list of pros and cons of studying abroad.

These are all based on my personal experiences that I had during my four study abroad programs, and hopefully, they will help give you a realistic look at all of the studying abroad pros and cons!

Table of Contents

Pros of Studying Abroad

There are SO many advantages to studying abroad. Study abroad isn’t only beneficial during your time in college. It can pave the way for countless experiences throughout your life.

Here are some of the biggest pros of studying abroad!

1. You’ll be able to get out of your comfort zone.

The first time I left the United States was when I studied abroad for the first time in Dublin, Ireland .

I had only been on a plane three times before that trip, and while traveling internationally was always a dream of mine, it was never a possibility for me until I was able to study abroad.

Even though Ireland isn’t too different from the United States, traveling somewhere out of the country was definitely out of my comfort zone.

I was a first-generation college student who spent my entire pre-college life in a tiny town. None of my family (and few of my friends) had ever even considered traveling abroad, so I didn’t really know what to expect when I applied for the study abroad program.

Tourists visiting the Old Library at Trinity College Dublin

Seven years later, I am SO glad I decided to fill out that application. That first big step of getting out of my comfort zone has opened me up to so many exciting opportunities throughout the years, from traveling independently to trying new foods.

Studying abroad is the perfect stepping stone to getting out of your comfort zone – in a big way. Once you make that big step, you’ll be prepped to take on so many wonderful opportunities in the future.

2. You’ll have the opportunity to travel and see new places.

For as long as I can remember, I’ve dreamed of seeing the world.

Before studying abroad, I was able to explore quite a bit of my home country, but I always longed for more.

After spending two weeks in Ireland, seeing everything from the Book of Kells to the Cliffs of Moher, I was hooked. Since, I’ve had a craving for seeing the monuments, landmarks, historic artifacts, and natural beauties that I once dreamed of.

Thanks to studying abroad, I’ve been able to explore the Old Town of Havana, Cuba, haggle at markets in Ecuador, explore the charming city of Dublin, climb the Great Wall of China, and so much more.

I’m so grateful that studying abroad afforded me these opportunities. Also, thanks to getting out of my comfort zone, I’ve explored even more places independently, like London, Paris, and Tokyo.

Tourists walking on the Mutianyu section of the Great Wall of China

If you spend a longer amount of time abroad, like a full semester, you’ll have even more time for traveling and exploring! Many of my friends who spent semesters abroad traveled to a new place every weekend.

There are also programs like Semester at Sea that visit around a dozen countries over the semester, allowing you to experience a host of different places and cultures.

3. Studying abroad is the perfect opportunity to learn a new language.

If language learning is of any interest to you, studying abroad is one of the best ways to brush up on your skills.

Most universities offer study abroad programs for different foreign languages. Some immersive programs are tailored for advanced speakers who have a good grasp of the language already, while others are great for beginners. So, no worries if you aren’t already fluent in another language!

None of my programs were language-focused, but I was able to expand on my novice Spanish skills in Cuba and Ecuador and pick up a bit of Mandarin in China.

Even if you don’t take language classes while abroad, you can definitely start the language learning process during your program.

4. You’ll be able to experience different cultures first-hand.

Have you ever read a book or watched a movie taking place in a different country and thought, “Wow, I’d love to experience this culture for myself!”

By studying abroad, you can!

If a certain country’s culture is appealing to you, why not consider studying abroad there? There is no better way to immerse yourself in a culture than by actually being there.

You’ll have the opportunity to take part in local holidays or ceremonies, experience local traditions, try new foods, meet locals, and learn more about what life is like in that country.

Three students and a teacher taking a cooking class in Europe

5. Studying abroad allows you to gain unique experience in your field of study.

For most of my study abroad programs, I chose them because they covered unique topics within my field of study.

As a public health major, I was able to learn more about one of the most unique healthcare systems in the world in Cuba and gain practical experience working with a public health-related non-profit in Ecuador.

Though not specifically public health-related, learning about Intercultural Communication in Ireland was helpful in many ways, from collaborating with colleagues from different countries and cultures than my own to understanding different methods for communicating between cultures.

Completing an internship abroad is another option, as is student teaching abroad. I even have friends in professional schools (Physician Assistant, Pharmacy, and Medical schools) who completed some of their required rotations abroad!

Most American universities have dedicated Study Abroad or International Education offices, with advisors who can help find a program that is specifically tailored towards your career interests. If you want to find a study abroad program that is in line with your future career goals, set up a meeting with your school’s office to explore possible programs.

6. Studying abroad is a great resume booster.

Similar to my last point, studying abroad is a great way to boost your resume and potential job prospects.

Every time I applied for a study abroad program or attended an informational session, there was one statement that was echoed: employers love when employees have studied abroad!

Study abroad experience shows that you are able to quickly adapt to new environments and situations, which is a highly sought-after quality in the professional world. Knowing a second language is another impressive skill that can be elevated when studying abroad.

Plus, gaining unique professional experience while abroad (like working on water testing or interning at an international marketing firm) is a huge resume booster that will set you apart from other applicants!

Studying abroad is also a great way to connect with professors and mentors. All of my study abroad programs were taught by professors from my university.

I was able to make deeper connections than I would have in a traditional classroom, and those professors served as wonderful mentors for graduate school. They even wrote letters of recommendation when I applied for my Master’s program!

7. You’ll have the opportunity to make new friends from all over the world!

Making new friends is a huge pro of studying abroad. Thanks to my study abroad experiences, I’ve made a few lifelong friends from all over the world.

Many study abroad programs involve being essentially an exchange student at a foreign university, meaning that you’ll be taking classes alongside local students. This is a great way to meet new people, as there’s a decent chance that you won’t know anyone else there!

All of my programs were official university-sponsored programs, meaning that I went abroad with fellow students and faculty from my school. For most of the programs, I didn’t know any of the other students going, but I came home with a great group of friends.

I was also still able to meet locals – one of the girls I went abroad with is now married to a guy she met in Dublin!

There are so many opportunities to make connections and meet new people while studying abroad, whether those people are locals in the destination you’re studying or fellow students from your home school.

8. You’ll never run out of stories to tell your friends and family.

I am a self-admitted annoying study abroad girl.

I love sharing my stories from studying abroad with my friends, family, co-workers, and really anyone who will listen. That’s why I started this blog!

Studying abroad will give you SO MANY amazing stories to tell, from crazy travel mishaps to incredible experiences. I love telling people about my experience of nearly getting robbed in Ecuador just as much as I love telling them about how people were running a marathon on the Great Wall of China on the day of my visit (seriously, how much crazy does it take to run a marathon on the steep-AF Great Wall of China?!)

If you study abroad, you’ll come home with enough stories from your experience to write a memoir.

Standing on the equator at the Intiñan museum in Ecuador

Cons of Studying Abroad

With any major decision in life, there will always be some disadvantages. Study abroad included – while the vast majority of experiences surrounding your study abroad journey will likely be positive, there are some downsides, too.

Here are a few of the cons of studying abroad.

1. Studying abroad can be expensive.

Not going to lie, there is definitely a financial burden that can come with studying abroad.

Typically, the fees for your study abroad program will vary depending on the length and type of the program.

Overall, semester-long programs tend to be more costly than short-term programs when you take into account all of the expenses associated with the program: tuition, required program fees, airfare, daily expenses, visas, etc.

However, many universities have agreements with partner schools that keep the tuition fees at the university abroad the same as what you’d be paying for tuition at your home school. With programs like these, your expenses for studying abroad might not be significantly more than staying home!

Sometimes, tuition at schools abroad is even less than at your home school. I could’ve spent an entire semester in Quito, Ecuador for half of what I paid in the USA.

In most cases, you can also apply any scholarships or financial aid that you receive to your study abroad program.

Short-term programs, while cheaper than semester-long ones, can often have a higher financial burden than semester-long programs.

My Dublin study abroad program was for two weeks over the summer, and I paid over $7000 after scholarships. I could have studied for a semester for cheaper because I would have been able to apply my regular scholarships and financial aid towards the tuition for the semester.

I don’t regret doing that program, but I do wish that I had done more research into financial aid and scholarships. There were fewer options available since it was a short-term program, but I likely could have knocked a few thousand dollars off the cost had I applied for more scholarships.

Speaking of scholarships, there are often study abroad scholarships offered by universities to specifically assist with study abroad costs. Check with your university’s study abroad office for more details!

Also, once you’re abroad, simply being a student can save you money on things like museum admission fees, restaurants, and more! Make sure to bring along your student ID and apply for an ISIC (International Student Identity Card) before you leave home!

2. Depending on your degree, it may be hard to fulfill degree requirements while studying abroad.

Some degrees, especially those in STEM, have a strict schedule of classes that must be taken at certain times in order to graduate on time.

Because of this, many students may feel that studying abroad isn’t an option for them, since it could make it harder to meet requirements in order to graduate on time.

If this sounds like the case for you, I highly recommend meeting with a study abroad advisor at your university as well as your academic advisor to go over possible study abroad options.

While a semester-long program might not work for you, summer or winter programs could be perfect! My university even had specific summer programs designed for majors with a strict course load, like Engineering and Nursing.

Another option is to look into taking your core classes abroad. Studying abroad early in your college career can allow you to knock these required classes out, and it is typically easy to find equivalents for those core classes.

Need an art class? What’s better than taking an art class in Florence, Italy ? Required to take an English class? Why not take English lit in London?

3. Adjusting to a new culture while taking classes can be difficult.

Culture shock is a real thing, and having to take classes while experiencing culture shock can be difficult.

It can manifest in many different ways, such as feeling overwhelmed, homesickness, or even depression.

It’s totally normal to feel culture shock when experiencing a culture that’s different from your own. When I first landed in Havana, Cuba, I was immediately overwhelmed. The sights, smells, and foods were so different than anything I had ever experienced before – and I was ready to go home soon after I arrived.

Things changed though. I slowly became acclimated and soon, the excitement of experiencing the unknown was way higher than the shock of experiencing such a different place. By the end of my time there, I didn’t want to leave!

If culture shock hits you while studying abroad, don’t stress. Here are a few ways to overcome culture shock:

  • Give yourself time to adjust. It takes time to get used to a new culture, so don’t expect to feel comfortable right away. If you need to spend some time doing activities that are comfortable to you, like watching Netflix in bed, do it. But don’t do it for too long, because there is an amazing destination out there that’s ready to be explored.
  • Learn about the culture before you go. This is especially important if you’re traveling somewhere that’s significantly different culturally from your home. Research some of the local customs so that you know what to expect when you arrive.
  • Be open-minded. Don’t expect everything to be the same as it is at home. Be open to new experiences and you’ll find that studying abroad is an amazing opportunity to learn and grow!

Pink classic Car in Cuba

4. Language barriers can be tricky.

Planning on studying abroad in a country that speaks a language you don’t know?

Language barriers can be tricky when studying abroad. They can make everything harder, from big things like understanding what you’re learning in class to small things like ordering at a coffee shop.

The best way you can prepare for language barriers is to do a bit of language learning before leaving home. You don’t have to be fluent (or anywhere close), but learning a few key phrases can make a world of a difference.

For starters, learning basic greetings (like hello and goodbye), how to ask “Do you speak English?”, how to order at a restaurant, and how to ask where the bathroom is makes for a good start.

I also recommend learning food words, like words for different meats and vegetables. Being able to know what you’re ordering when looking at a foreign menu makes a huge difference! It’s also really helpful if you have any food allergies so that you can alert the waitstaff before ordering.

5. Homesickness happens.

People love to say that it won’t happen to them. Me included – I swore up and down that I wouldn’t get homesick while studying abroad. They were all short term programs. Surely I could handle being away for a couple of weeks, right?

Spoiler alert: I was wrong.

Homesickness can manifest in a lot of ways. Sometimes you might miss people, like your family, friends, or your dog. Other times, you might miss comforts from home, like your bed. And sometimes, you miss random things like your favorite Mexican restaurant.

If you find yourself feeling homesick, make a list of things that make you feel at home. This could be things like your favorite foods, movies, or activities. Try to find local equivalents so you can still enjoy these things while you’re away.

When I was missing Mexican food in Ecuador, I went to a Mexican restaurant in Quito. It wasn’t as good as my favorite spot back home, but eating some of the similar flavors was comforting.

And if you find yourself missing your family or your bestie, carve out some time to Facetime them and show them what you’re up to. Trust me, your mom would LOVE it if you Facetimed her with a view of the Eiffel Tower or Big Ben!

6. If you study abroad, you might feel like you’re missing out on traditional college experiences.

When I asked some of my friends why they didn’t study abroad, there was an answer that was common among all of them.

They were afraid that they’d miss out on common US college experiences like going to football and basketball games or attending frat parties.

Sure, if you’re spending a full semester abroad, you might miss out on some of these things for a semester.

But, if you just spend one semester abroad, you’ll still have around 7 more to get all of those traditional college experiences in!

Plus, what sounds more fun – attending a frat party back home or bar hopping in Europe? I think you know the answer!

Overall Study Abroad Pros and Cons

As you can see, there are both pros and cons to studying abroad. However, even for the disadvantages, there are work-arounds and ways to manage.

Studying abroad was the best thing I could have ever done, and I’m a firm believer that any college student who has the ability should do it.

Thanks to studying abroad, I’ve become a much more confident and culturally competent student, traveler, and now, a working professional.

Making the decision to study abroad is a big one, but it can pay off big time in the future.

Hopefully, I’ve inspired you to study abroad and expand your horizons as a college student!

Want to read more about studying abroad? Check out these posts:

  • Study Abroad in Florence, Italy
  • The Ultimate Guide to Studying Abroad in Croatia

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After traveling outside of the US for the first time while studying abroad, I quickly developed a love for travel and an obsession for exploring as much of the world as possible. Now, I'm on a mission to teach college students, young adults, and anyone else who wants to see the world how to travel while minimizing their expenses and maximizing their experiences.

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Pros and Cons of Studying Abroad

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Published: Jan 28, 2021

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Works Cited

  • Dolby, Nadine. ‘Encountering an American self: Study abroad and national identity.’ Comparative Education Review 48.2 (2004): 150-173.
  • Evans, Alun, and Caroline Wilson. ‘Linking attainment to interculturalism and global citizenship.’ Student Attainment in Higher Education: Issues, Controversies and Debates (2016): 54.
  • Lewin, Ross, ed. The handbook of practice and research in study abroad: Higher education and the quest for global citizenship. Routledge, 2010.
  • Perry, Lane, et al. ‘The importance of global citizenship to higher education: The role of short-term study abroad.’ Cambridge Journal of Education and Science (2016): 754.

Image of Dr. Charlotte Jacobson

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the disadvantages of studying abroad essay


The Benefits of Studying Abroad

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Studying abroad is an exciting opportunity for students to explore new cultures, gain new experiences, and broaden their perspectives. It is a chance to step out of your comfort zone and into a new world, and the benefits of studying abroad are endless.

In this article, we will explore the reasons why studying abroad is a life-changing experience and examine the pros and cons, and considerations that should be taken before making the decision.

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Why studying abroad is a life-changing experience?

Studying overseas presents a multitude of advantages that go beyond pure academic education. There are numerous reasons why studying abroad is beneficial, such as gaining exposure to diverse cultures, acquiring new language skills or improving existing ones, personal growth and development, and expanding career opportunities.

By studying abroad, individuals have the opportunity to fully immerse themselves in a new culture, gain insights into different customs and ways of life and encounter novel ways of living. Moreover, this type of experience provides a chance for students to practise the local language regularly, which can be advantageous for future job prospects.

In addition, studying abroad can help students cultivate independence, self-assurance, adaptability, and problem-solving skills while providing them with a global perspective on various issues.

Finally, studying abroad can bolster a student’s CV and job prospects, demonstrating their willingness to take risks, adapt to new surroundings, and acquire new proficiencies.

A group of international students

Why study abroad?

Studying abroad presents a unique opportunity for students to reap several benefits, such as:

  • Discovering new adventures: Studying abroad opens up avenues for students to explore new destinations and engage in exciting adventures. 
  • Improving language proficiency: Studying abroad can help students hone their language skills, acquire new languages, and enhance their future job prospects.
  • Gaining insight into diverse educational systems: Studying abroad gives students a chance to gain insights into diverse educational systems, which can broaden their outlook and comprehension of various teaching methodologies.

Pros and cons of studying abroad

Studying abroad is an exciting opportunity for students to explore new cultures, gain new experiences, and broaden their perspectives. It is a chance to step out of your comfort zone and into a new world, but like any decision, studying abroad comes with both pros and cons.

Pros of studying abroad

  • Exposure to new cultures: Studying abroad allows students to immerse themselves in a new culture, learn about different customs and lifestyles, and experience new ways of living.
  • Language skills: Studying abroad can be an opportunity to learn a new language or improve existing language skills. It offers an immersive experience, allowing students to practise the language daily, which can be beneficial for future job opportunities.
  • Global perspective: Studying abroad offers a global perspective, providing students with the opportunity to learn about global issues, understand cultural differences and similarities, and gain insight into international relations.
  • Personal growth: Studying abroad is a chance for students to develop independence, confidence, adaptability, and problem-solving skills. It can also foster a sense of self-awareness and broaden one’s understanding of themselves and the world around them.
  • Career prospects: Studying abroad can enhance students’ resumes and job prospects, demonstrating their willingness to take risks, adapt to new environments, and learn new skills.

A woman studying abroad on a street with a map

Cons of studying abroad

  • Culture shock: Studying abroad can be challenging for students who experience culture shock. It can take time to adapt to a new culture, and students may feel homesick, isolated, or overwhelmed.
  • Financial considerations: Studying abroad can be expensive, and you may need to cover tuition fees, travel, accommodation, and daily living expenses, which in some cases may be higher than they would be in your home country.
  • Academic challenges: Studying abroad may involve adapting to a new educational system, which can be challenging. Students may struggle with language barriers, different teaching methods, or academic expectations.
  • Distance from family and friends: Studying abroad can be emotionally challenging for students who are far away from their family and friends. They may miss important events, birthdays, or holidays, and feel isolated or disconnected from their support networks.
  • Visa and immigration issues: Depending on where you are from and where you will be studying in, you may need to deal with visa and immigration issues, such as obtaining the necessary student visa.

Students should weigh the pros and cons before deciding to study abroad, consider their personal goals and priorities, and explore the available support and resources. Studying abroad is an opportunity for personal growth and development, and by taking the time to make an informed decision, students can have a fulfilling and rewarding experience.

Should I study abroad?

When considering whether to study abroad, students should reflect on their goals and priorities. Personal and academic aspirations are an important factor. You should consider your academic goals and how studying abroad might impact your academic progress.  

Financial factors are also important. You should carefully consider the costs associated with studying abroad. Think about if you are able to afford it, and make sure to look into possible scholarships and grant opportunities that may help cover some or all of your expenses.

Also make sure to look into available support and resources you could use. Organisations such as study abroad offices, local embassies, and student associations are used to dealing with exchange students and they may be able to offer you valuable insights and ideas you might not have thought of yourself.

Two international students at graduation

Final thoughts

  Studying abroad can be a transformative experience that brings various advantages like acquiring a global perspective, immersing oneself in diverse cultures, enhancing language skills, personal growth through adventure and making lifelong friendships. However, it also comes with potential difficulties such as culture shock and financial constraints.

Therefore, students should weigh the benefits and drawbacks and evaluate their personal aspirations to make an informed decision about studying abroad. Pursuing education overseas is a chance to expand one’s outlook and encounter life-changing experiences that can have lasting impacts.

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What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Studying Abroad?

The most crucial aspect of everyone's life is now education. It is claimed to improve one's quality of life and foster deep regard for society.

College students who have the opportunity of studying abroad can immerse themselves in a new culture, improve their language skills, and enrol in courses with an international focus. Where should you go to study abroad, though?

There are several options, including France, Italy, Australia, and Japan . Where should you go, though? What if you are unable to travel as frequently as you would like? Will it be possible for you to adapt to residing in a nation where English isn't the official language? This essay will examine all the advantages and potential drawbacks of studying abroad.

Students studying abroad can interact with people from different cultures and experience new cultures firsthand. You gain a better knowledge of regional cultures, norms, and values. Additionally, it opens new doors and widens your perspectives.

While there are many advantages, there are also some disadvantages of studying abroad. Let's take a look at:

The Ultimate List of the Pros and Cons of Studying Abroad

Advantages of studying abroad.

1. Language skills are Improved by Studying Abroad

Studying abroad is a fantastic opportunity to develop your language abilities. You'll be surrounded by as many individuals who speak that particular language as you can, so eventually, it will rub off on you. Additionally, you'll be able to observe how other cultures and societies function, which can broaden your overall knowledge.

2. Experience a Different Teaching Method

Studying abroad can be an incredible experience. You will interact with new people, observe how other cultures approach education and experience a different teaching method. Many students never get the chance to learn about themselves or develop confidence in their talents while at home, so studying abroad is a fantastic opportunity.

3. Improve your Network

Studying abroad is a fantastic way to expand your network and meet people you probably wouldn't have otherwise. Travelling with learning about other cultures and lifestyles will help you discover more about who you are. It can be simpler to adjust to a new environment and try new things without feeling overwhelmed with the support of other students who are experiencing the same thing.

4. Enhances Resume

Although studying abroad may not seem like a big thing to some, it is an essential consideration when applying for jobs. It demonstrates your willingness to take chances and give up something to accomplish your objectives. Studying abroad is an experience that will only help you understand what career path to choose in the future, whether or not you receive the job you applied for.

5. Gain Self-assurance

Studying abroad is a once-in-a-lifetime chance to step outside your comfort zone. Gaining this confidence will be of immeasurable value to you and will enable you to handle any challenging circumstances that may happen in the future. They allow you to interact with people from around the world with various viewpoints. Studying abroad will broaden your worldview and improve your readiness for whatever is ahead.

6. Increased Professional Opportunities

Studying abroad offers countless opportunities. When you return home, your thoughts on the same job prospects you formerly perceived as inaccessible to you may have changed entirely. Because you will have been exposed to so many diverse cultures and job paths outside of your own, you will also have additional alternatives for work.

7. Creating an Independent Lifestyle

Studying abroad helps students create an independent lifestyle by improving their self-reliance and highlighting their learning curve. For instance, a student who attends school in their hometown will not have the opportunity to learn how to live independently. Their dependence will cause them to feel most at ease in their immediate social circle. Thanks to their international studies, they will learn how to adapt and live freely in this fashion.

8. Payscale is Significantly Greater than Local Educational Standards

 There is a significant disparity between the wage scales of graduates from abroad and graduates from the same hometown. Organizations think hiring students from overseas with a decent pay scale is worthwhile due to other countries' practical expertise and better learning methodologies. These factors undoubtedly increase the benefits of studying abroad.

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Disadvantages of Studying Abroad

1. More Severe Home Soreness

Studying away from home can be challenging, even if you have relocated across the country or to another state. So consider how much harder it might be to study in a location far from your home and in a nation that is very different from what you are used to. Going home for the holidays or the weekend will be more challenging when you're halfway around the world. But don't stress too much about being homesick; it will pass.

2. Chances of Being Exposed to Unethical Practices

Studying abroad generally causes many culture shocks. This is due to the mixture of cultures and varied lifestyles present. This may not be suitable for everyone, and students occasionally tend to embrace unethical customs from people in other nations. This is another reason why some students decide against studying abroad.

3. Communication Problems

 Communication is one of the biggest obstacles for most students studying abroad. It's not just about problems among friends; occasionally, students may struggle to understand what lecturers say despite their best efforts. This may sometimes cause pupils' dismay over the entire educational process.

4. Potential for Racism-based Harassment

This drawback may or may not be widespread. However, it is still common in many regions of the world. Few students worldwide still experience racism-based abuse at their universities or lodgings. Because racism cannot be tolerated lightly, many students have been discouraged from opting to study abroad.

5. Excessive Expectations

Once they discover that you graduated from a foreign university, organizations or society have a natural propensity to raise their standards. This can occasionally result in pressure, which may cause the kid to do better academically than they can. As a result of increased expectations and social anxiety, students hesitate to choose to study abroad.

6. Non-Consistent Frequency of Transportation Around the World

It may be difficult for students studying abroad to return home due to commitments or emergencies. Some nations still lack frequent air service, and arranging a trip right away might be very expensive. Parents and students often hesitate to study abroad because of this.

7. High Investment

The cost of tuition is frequently more significant for international students. Additionally, you might not be eligible for the same student loans as at home. In addition, if you decide to study abroad, you will need to save for significant relocating expenses.

8. Rise in risk

You will have spent much more time, effort, and money than if you had decided to study at home if you are unfortunate enough to despise your course or if you run into personal problems and must leave early.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q.1) What are the disadvantages of studying abroad?

Studying abroad has benefits and drawbacks, but the drawbacks are typically the worst-case circumstances or are readily remedied. So don't let the disadvantages of studying abroad deter you from making a crucial life choice that will provide you with many advantages.

Q.2) What are the benefits of studying abroad?

Studying abroad has both advantages and disadvantages; many benefits are learning a new language, building your resume, building a better network, and experiencing new things.

Q.3) What are the disadvantages of living abroad?

Before choosing to study abroad, one must consider the positive and negative aspects. Negative aspects or disadvantages include high expectations, homesickness, a chance of facing racism, and language barriers. 

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63 Study Abroad Essay Examples & Topics

Looking for study abroad topics to write about? Studying in another country is one of the most beneficial experiences for students.

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❓ Questions About Studying Abroad

In your studying abroad essay, you might want to write about advantages and disadvantages of being an international student. Another option is to describe the process of making application for a scholarship. One more idea is to share your personal experience. Whether you’re planning to write an argumentative, descriptive, or persuasive essay, our article will be helpful. Here we’ve collected top studying abroad essay samples and research titles ‍‍‍‍for scholarship papers.

🏆 Best Studying Abroad Essay Examples

  • Why Studying Abroad Results in Better Education For most people, especially in developing nations, the only way to gain an education that will satisfy the demands of the international job market is by studying abroad.
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📌 Research Titles about Studying Abroad

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  • Should Students Spend Lots Of Money For Study Abroad

🗺 Study Abroad Topics to Write about

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Benefits and Drawbacks of Studying Abroad Essay

What are the benefits and drawbacks of studying abroad for students themselves and the countries involved? Lately, with the help of globalization, studying abroad is a new trend among young people. It is a very preferable way to gain new unforgettable experiences, friendships, and also relationships. Besides new experiences and friends, studying abroad may make people gain a lot more things. For example, spending time in a country you don't know may increase your confidence, make you a stronger person. Moreover, you can learn a new language and learn about a new culture that could be desirable. However, this trend has drawbacks as well as benefits. One potential drawback is that the syllabus you are studying in your home country may not be the same in your host country. This can bring some problems like extending your instruction time more than how it should be. Furthermore, it is a new atmosphere, new people, and a new home. Thus adapting yourself to a new country may be difficult for people who have never left the home before. Another drawback for countries may be the phenomenon of "brain drain". Many people prior to leaving home may be fully committed to returning. Nevertheless, there may be people who choose to remain in the host country to complete their studies or to get a job. From the experience I had in Italy last year, I can say that studying abroad is a particular, desirable, and unique experience that a person can obtain in his life. Hence, despite the drawbacks, studying abroad is a worth living experience. All things considered, the drawbacks do not outweigh the benefits.

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the disadvantages of studying abroad essay

Advantages and Disadvantages of Studying Abroad IELTS Writing Task 2

Rishav Gangopadhyay

Dec 26, 2022

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Topic: What are the advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad?

Band 8 IELTS Essay

The field of studying in abroad is now more comprehensive than it was regarded before. Nearly all the students from their own countries trying to opt for studying in abroad, mainly the students who are pursuing their masters degree. Keeping that in mind it can be said that there are both the advantages and disadvantages of opting to study in abroad. Prior to going for abroad, the students should keep certain things in their minds. Nowdays the competitions reached at its peak. Each and every students wants to get admitted in the best to best institutions to obtain degree from the renowned universities, that will flourish their ways into the better career opportunities. Students will struggle to achieve better educational services despite this competition. They frequently leave their home nations in search of improved and best educational opportunities because they lack superior educational facilities in their own countries. The diversity of culture and a completely different society may implement a good impact for the students so that they can nourish their personality and skills, which would bring a great benefit for their career in future. However, it can also be a matter of profanity for some students. There are many students who may not be able to cope up with the new surroundings and culture of abroad. The students could experience both physical and psychological symptoms and consequences. Furthermore, puruing or studying in overseas is not at all cheap or less expensive. Even travelling abroad requires significant expenditure. Due to all such hindrances, the students were unable to manage the expenses of studying abroad and as a result they became bound to surrender their dreams and aspirations. The students are relocating far from their homes and place of origin. For students who have never spent the night outside or away from home, this is a fantastic offer. Due to their non-native status, individuals may experience harrasments like racism. Due to this, the students may find their way of living to be in peril causing psychotic and nervous instabillity. The might get defocused from their academics. Studying in abroad alike other things comes with its merits and demerits. Each and every aspirants who were trying to move in other cities from their own city must keep these points in their mind forever. 

Band 6 IELTS Essay

Students dream of studying abroad in renowned universities. In today’s world, which is full of competition, getting a degree from one reputed university can build a student's career. There are many students who go abroad to study only because the faculty in their country is not the best in the world. Everyone wants to give their best shot so that they can secure a future for them. Studying abroad has multiple advantages. Students get to study with the best professors and classmates. This increases their skills and mental development. They learn new cultures and how to adjust to a different culture. This develops them as a human being. They get a degree which will definitely land them in the most reputed jobs. However, there are disadvantages also. Students go out of the country away from their home and family. They get a new culture, weather and society. Students might face difficulty in adjusting to the new rules.Students get new friends at college and a whole new life without the limitations of their parents. This might encourage a few students to get astray from what they have come for. This leads to bad results at the university exams. They return back to the country without achieving great success. The language can sometimes be difficult for the students. Everyone who visits is non-native English speaker. The native students and professors speak a different dialect and tone. Students might face hindrance in understanding notes. These are a few advantages and disadvantages that the students might face while studying abroad. They should keep in mind about these before opting for abroad studies.

Band 6.5 IELTS Essay

Studying abroad has become a trend for many students. Students go abroad to study various subjects which are not available in universities of their country. A degree from a reputed foreign university gets them a reputed job at top companies in the world. Abroad studies offer facilities which many local universities are unable to. Students get taught from top faculties and learn new cultures. This helps them develop as a person. Their skills increase and a new environment develops them as a human being. There are advantages of studying abroad but students must keep in mind the disadvantages also. While a top university will provide great education, it will cost the student a lot of money to stay abroad. Many students who are unable to afford, get their dreams shattered. Studying abroad and staying alone far from native and family might have a severe effect on the students. The students do not get the same environment and culture. The food habits are different. These might cause an impact on their physical health. They will not be able to focus on studies. Hence, they need to consider the disadvantages before opting for abroad studies. Students have to learn to adapt to the social, cultural and the physical habits of the new place. Most students cannot bear the expenses and give up studies. They end up working there and return home once the visa expires. This might ruin a few years of their life. Like any other course or studies, studying abroad has its advantages and disadvantages. The students as an individual need to make a decision about their life.

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Ielts writing task 2 sample 362 - what are the benefits and drawbacks of studying abroad, ielts writing task 2/ ielts essay:, many students decide to further their study abroad. what are the benefits and drawbacks of studying abroad.

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What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Studying Abroad?

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Fully explain your ideas

To get an excellent score in the IELTS Task 2 writing section, one of the easiest and most effective tips is structuring your writing in the most solid format. A great argument essay structure may be divided to four paragraphs, in which comprises of four sentences (excluding the conclusion paragraph, which comprises of three sentences).

For we to consider an essay structure a great one, it should be looking like this:

  • Paragraph 1 - Introduction
  • Sentence 1 - Background statement
  • Sentence 2 - Detailed background statement
  • Sentence 3 - Thesis
  • Sentence 4 - Outline sentence
  • Paragraph 2 - First supporting paragraph
  • Sentence 1 - Topic sentence
  • Sentence 2 - Example
  • Sentence 3 - Discussion
  • Sentence 4 - Conclusion
  • Paragraph 3 - Second supporting paragraph
  • Paragraph 4 - Conclusion
  • Sentence 1 - Summary
  • Sentence 2 - Restatement of thesis
  • Sentence 3 - Prediction or recommendation

Our recommended essay structure above comprises of fifteen (15) sentences, which will make your essay approximately 250 to 275 words.

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Studying Abroad: Pros and Cons (Essay Example)

Studying abroad essay: introduction, benefits of studying abroad: essay body paragraphs, challenges of studying abroad: essay body, pros and cons of studying abroad: essay conclusion.

On the outside, it may seem extraordinarily strange that some individuals choose to journey hundreds, perhaps thousands of miles to study abroad when they could just easily register for a similar course in their home country. But on the inside, there are many valid reasons why individuals may choose to cross borders in the pursuit of a degree, diploma or certificate program that is readily available at home.

In the 21st century, many students are convinced that it is seldom enough to graduate from any learning institution. Rather, students want to study in internationally recognized institutions, which offer better opportunities and exposure towards preparing them for future career undertakings. However, there exists a myriad of challenges and problems associated with studying abroad. This paper purposes to look at the pros and cons of studying abroad.

As already mentioned, the advantages of studying abroad are many. First, international institutions offer a wide variety of courses, some of which may not be available at home. The wide variety gives the students an upper hand in selecting courses that are tailored to meet their preferences and the needs of the market.

Indeed, many students from less developed countries choose to study abroad since many of the courses offered at home have become irrelevant to the needs and requirements of the job market. In this respective, students who study abroad are assured of having a competitive advantage over their counterparts who wish to study at home since they will have a chance to select courses that are tailored to meet the specific needs of the job market.

Second, the exposure one gets while studying abroad goes a long way to assist individuals in the social and work life later on in life. By studying abroad, students get to experience and feel life in a foreign country that may be practicing different values and way of living from their home countries.

The knowledge and experience received from interacting with individuals from diverse ethnic and cultural orientations make an individual develop balanced perceptions regarding other people.

This is especially important in the job market as multinational corporations, the main employers, are always on the lookout for dynamic employees who can fit in any ethnic or cultural group. What’s more, the experience received from interacting with diverse cultures while studying abroad assist individuals to gain a well-informed perspective of how the world works.

Studying abroad also comes with many opportunities that may be hard to find in home countries. Students are offered the opportunity to learn new and exiting languages while studying in modern institutions equipped with state-of-the-art laboratories, contemporary library services and best computer facilities one could think of. This may be a tall order to request from local institutions of learning.

These opportunities assure the students of excelling in life due to the simple yet weighty reason for studying in accredited learning institutions. It is imperative to note that knowledge of different kinds of languages is an important asset in the job market.

Students in countries such as the UK, Japan, and the US have the opportunity to work during the course of their study. Such an opportunity may be severely limited in many other countries where graduates struggle to find cleaning jobs — as such, studying abroad may also come with a good prospect of finding a job.

There exist several disadvantages of studying abroad. One of the most challenging disadvantages relates to culture shock. Some students find it extremely hard to adopt or get assimilated to the cultures of foreign countries. As such, their stay in such countries is full of difficulties.

For instance, some forms of foodstuffs that are viewed as delicacies in foreign counties may be a taboo to eat in local countries. Some religious and cultural dogmas also worsen the problem of culture shock. Culture shock is a leading cause of suicide among students studying abroad.

Apart from culture shock, many students suffer from acute spasms of homesickness while studying abroad. This actively serves to deter them from achieving their long-held dreams since many are unable to cope or adjust to the fast pace of life in foreign countries. Difficulties in communication have also been mentioned as a disadvantage in studying abroad.

Students will be inarguably faced with the problem of contact if they cannot speak the official language of the host country. What’s more, studying abroad is thought to be a very expensive affair due to high tuition fees and other charges related to air travel and upkeep. As such, it is seen as beyond the reach of many students who would otherwise want to study abroad.

All in all, there exist many more pros and cons of studying abroad. However, the bottom line is that students wishing to study abroad must prepare themselves thoroughly before jumping into the next plane to take them abroad. As discussed in the essay, studying abroad brings immense opportunities that may be unachievable locally.

However, some of the consequences of studying abroad may be potentially fatal if adequate preparation is not factored in. Students wishing to study abroad must, therefore, do their best to collect information relating to a broad spectrum of issues practiced in host countries. There are established agencies that can assist the students in knowing a thing or two about countries they may wish to visit for study purposes.

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StudyCorgi. (2020, April 4). Studying Abroad: Pros and Cons (Essay Example). https://studycorgi.com/studying-abroad-pros-and-cons/

"Studying Abroad: Pros and Cons (Essay Example)." StudyCorgi , 4 Apr. 2020, studycorgi.com/studying-abroad-pros-and-cons/.

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StudyCorgi . "Studying Abroad: Pros and Cons (Essay Example)." April 4, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/studying-abroad-pros-and-cons/.

StudyCorgi . 2020. "Studying Abroad: Pros and Cons (Essay Example)." April 4, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/studying-abroad-pros-and-cons/.

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What are the advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad

  • IELTS Writing Task 2

IELTS Writing Task 2 with sample answer.

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

In the past, when students did a university degree, they tended to study in their own country. Nowadays, they have more opportunity to study abroad. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this development?

You should use your own ideas, knowledge and experience and support arguments with example and relevant evidence.

Write at least 250 words.

Sample Answer: Today, more and more students tend to go overseas for study compared to the past. Students enroll at foreign universities in order to have the edge over their competitors. However, the trend has both benefits and drawbacks.

To commence with, studying abroad has immense advantages. First of all, it will unveil a new horizon offering a new culture to the students who enroll at overseas universities. By studying abroad, the students get the opportunity to be acquainted with a foreign nation and culture, which by consequence broadens their perspectives. As a result, it will help them overcome racial or any other prejudice. Secondly, studying abroad can advance academic and career trajectory. That is to say, students get the chance to experience different styles of learning and researching methods that provide the students with the knowledge and skills required to excel in the ever-expanding global workplace. Last but not the least, studying abroad helps hone the students’ language skills quickly.

On the flip side, studying abroad has also some disadvantages. Sometimes, students find it difficult to cope with the new culture and surrounding. On the top of that, they feel sad and homesick which might hamper their academic performance. In addition to this, studying abroad is usually expensive. It ranges moderately expensive to very expensive. Furthermore, when international students are not allowed to engage in part-time job, it might become nightmare for them.

To conclude, every coin has two sides: opportunities and limitations. Studying abroad has both the advantages and disadvantages. So, students should mull over the benefits and drawbacks before leaving the homeland to study abroad.

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Advantages of Studying Abroad

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Disadvantages of Studying Abroad

Advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad. (2016, Apr 24). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/advantages-and-disadvantages-of-studying-abroad-essay

"Advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad." StudyMoose , 24 Apr 2016, https://studymoose.com/advantages-and-disadvantages-of-studying-abroad-essay

StudyMoose. (2016). Advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad . [Online]. Available at: https://studymoose.com/advantages-and-disadvantages-of-studying-abroad-essay [Accessed: 1 Jul. 2024]

"Advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad." StudyMoose, Apr 24, 2016. Accessed July 1, 2024. https://studymoose.com/advantages-and-disadvantages-of-studying-abroad-essay

"Advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad," StudyMoose , 24-Apr-2016. [Online]. Available: https://studymoose.com/advantages-and-disadvantages-of-studying-abroad-essay. [Accessed: 1-Jul-2024]

StudyMoose. (2016). Advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad . [Online]. Available at: https://studymoose.com/advantages-and-disadvantages-of-studying-abroad-essay [Accessed: 1-Jul-2024]

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Advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad essay

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Advantages of Studying Abroad Essay Example

Last updated by rubayet al sami on june 14, 2021.

There are numerous personal advantages of studying abroad , as well as opportunities to develop professionally and personally. In reality, going overseas to study can be one of the most rewarding, exciting, exciting, and educationally exposure times of your life. In today’s globe, practically every country offers a range of study abroad programs, making studying in your favorite country easier than it has ever been. Let’s read the advantages of studying abroad essay.

Advantages of Studying Abroad Essay

Advantages of Studying Abroad Essay

Students will have the opportunity to enhance their academic studies in a foreign country while studying abroad . There are indeed a number of programs to select from: some immerse you directly in a foreign culture and language, while the others help students deal with the culture shock by providing essential services tailored to attend university students. With many various programs can choose from, you must be able to choose one that reflects your style and ambitions.

Take advantage of this opportunity to expand your views. Broaden your knowledge by learning about other locations, cultures, and people. Not only may you expand your global network of acquaintances, but you could also discover more about yourself by partaking in a new and fascinating lifestyle. Globalization can help you comprehend your place in the world as an individual.

It’s easy to have a narrow perspective of the world we live in, but international travel can help you broaden your perspective. You’ll understand how your native country fits within mankind, and you’ll be able to reflect on your own culture more precisely through the eyes of another society.

You will see the importance of keeping your own traditions alive while sharing them with others after learning about the traditions of another culture. You may be given the option to travel about your host nation or nearby countries during your time abroad; take advantage of it. Putting your ideas into action and witnessing remarkable sites might help you see the world in new ways.

Studying abroad does have its own set of problems which are inextricably linked towards the advantages of studying abroad. Regardless of where you end up, you’ll be out of your comfort zone as you deal with issues like homesickness, foreign currency spending and budgeting, and simply living in a new, strange environment.

These may appear to be minor achievements at the time, but you will be proud of your successes in the long run. You’ll almost certainly return home smarter and better prepared to meet any future obstacles.

Employers frequently seek pupils who are willing to take risks and learn from their mistakes. The experiences and wisdom you gain while overseas can provide you with a plethora of examples and real-life scenarios to use in an interview to further demonstrate your talents and work ethic.

As you enter America’s increasingly varied workforce, your newly gained personal growth and worldly knowledge will boost your cover letter. Remember to include your international experience in your resume and cover letter.

The opportunities you take advantage of while abroad can have a long-term impact on your career ambitions. You’ll almost certainly discover a new interest that will impact your degree or career choice, or you may opt to work overseas or learn a new language.

Continuing your further education outside of the United States is one strategy to keep your competitive edge in the workplace. Perhaps you’ll opt to pursue a master’s or doctorate degree in another country.

Employers may be interested in your personal development and interpersonal abilities, so don’t write off your international experience just because it wasn’t in a professional situation. Working on any multi-cultural team in the professional world could benefit from your skill in cross-cultural and interpersonal communication. Employers will notice that you can adjust to different situations and aren’t afraid of change if you study abroad.

Advantages of Studying Abroad Essay Summary

  • Globalize Yourself
  • Broaden Your Experience
  • Take the Challenge
  • Look Great in an Interview
  • Discover a New Career Path
  • Gain Interpersonal Skills

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Rubayet Al Sami

Rubayet Al Sami is the founder of StudyConnexion. He loves to write about higher education and study abroad. You’ll often find him helping others study abroad.

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👋 Nhắn cho DOL để tìm hiểu chi tiết về các khóa học IELTS nhé!

IELTS Writing Task 2: Advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad

Studying abroad IELTS essay là một dạng bài bất hủ của kỳ thi này có lẽ một phần cũng vì một trong những mục tiêu lớn nhất khi thi IELTS là đi du học. Vì thế, đây là dạng bài bạn nên bỏ túi cấu trúc bài, một số vocabulary cũng như cấu trúc ngữ pháp xịn xò nha. Cùng DOL đi qua cấu trúc bài Advantages and Disadvantages of studying abroad essay IELTS nhé.


Đề bài sử dụng làm mẫu cho bài advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad essay IELTS lần này sẽ là:

More and more students are choosing to study at colleges and universities in a foreign country. Do the benefits of studying abroad outweigh the drawbacks?

the disadvantages of studying abroad essay

1. Outline tham khảo Advantages and Disadvantages of studying abroad

the disadvantages of studying abroad essay

Cùng đến với outline nào. Trong outline mẫu này, DOL sẽ viết nghiêng về disadvantage của việc du học. Trong lúc


Paraphrase the topic

Thesis: Although this (doing this) has several advantages, the drawbacks may be far more significant.

BODY 1 (Advantage)

Topic sentence 1: There can be some minor benefits to N/Ving.

Firstly, S + V. / One advantage could be that S V.

Explanation | Cause-Effect | Example

In addition, S V. / Another advantage worth mentioning is that S V.

BODY 1 (Disadvantage)

Topic sentence 2: Nevertheless, N/Ving can have serious downsides which overshadow these positive impacts.

One major drawback is that S+V

Moreover, S + V

Paraphrase the Answer: In conclusion, despite the potential benefits that N/V-ing can bring, they pale in comparison to the drawbacks involved.

2. Gợi ý idea viết Advantages and Disadvantages of studying abroad

Sau khi chốt xong cấu trúc, DOL sử dụng Linearthinking để xác định các từ khóa chính để lên ý tưởng viết bài như sau:

Advantages of studying abroad

the disadvantages of studying abroad essay

Thesis : From my perspective, the benefits of this trend outweigh its negatives, as it greatly improves foreign language fluency and opens a wide range of job opportunities.

Body 1 - Disadvantage

Foreign country -> loneliness -> living somewhere far away seems to be impossible

Overseas colleges and universities -> academic difficulties -> only used foreign language -> language barrier -> can’t understand -> delaying in completing assignments

impossible -> insurmountable

loneliness -> homesickness -> extremity

living somewhere far away -> remaining somewhere far away/Living thousands of miles from friends and family

only used foreign language -> exclusively foreign language-oriented

can’t understand -> obstacles in comprehension

Body 2 - Advantage

Foreign country -> increasing foreign language proficiency -> native environment -> important to improve the way we use languages as we use them actively

Overseas colleges and universities -> gaining access to high-quality work options -> land a high-paid job -> valued certification

important to improve the way we use languages as we use them actively -> establishing fluency through active usage

Disadvantages of studying abroad

the disadvantages of studying abroad essay

Thesis : Personally, the benefits of this trend are outweighed by its negatives, since the costs of abroad education and cultural differences might be substantial.

Body 1 - Advantage

Overseas colleges and universities -> good way to develop oneself -> immerse oneself in new lifestyles and be challenged on a daily basis -> improve personal development -> become more independent and have a sense of commitment.

Foreign country -> learn about new cultures -> fresh view of life -> broaden one’s horizon.

good way to develop oneself -> excellent way to advance oneself

immerse oneself in new lifestyles and be challenged on a daily basis -> encountering diverse lifestyles and responses to everyday challenges

become more independent and have a sense of commitment -> forces people to rely on themselves and become more self-reliant, emphasizing the need for self-discipline and commitment to the objective they have set for themselves.

fresh view of life -> fresh perspectives on life

Body 2 - Disadvantage

Overseas colleges and universities -> increased living costs -> cost of studying abroad can increase quickly -> huge costs of accommodation/food/transportation/

Foreign country -> cultural barriers -> prevent oneself from getting used to norms and practices -> minor irritations but get worse -> isolation and loneliness.

cost of studying abroad can increase quickly ->cost of studying abroad can quickly accumulate

prevent oneself from getting used to norms and practices -> make it harder to acclimatize due to the host country's various norms and practices.

minor irritations but get worse -> Although they may appear to be minor annoyances, different cultural values might aggravate

Khi gặp dạng câu hỏi "những lợi thế có lớn hơn những bất lợi không?" thí sinh phải trả lời bằng quan điểm của bản thân. Một trong những sai lầm phổ biến nhất mà thi sinh mắc phải là không trả lời được câu hỏi này. https://www.kanan.co/ielts/writing/task-2/advantages-and-disadvantages-essay/

3. Bài mẫu topic Advantages and Disadvantages of studying abroad

Cùng xem kết quả từ nhà DOL sau khi xác định cấu trúc và lên ý tưởng cho advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad essay IELTS như thế nào nhé.


Today, an increasing number of students are opting to study at higher education institutions in other countries. Personally, the benefits of this trend are outweighed by its negatives, since the costs of abroad education and cultural differences might be substantial.

On the one hand, education in another country is an excellent way to advance oneself and learn about new cultures. Regarding the former, encountering diverse lifestyles and responses to everyday challenges can assist individuals in developing character as well as habits that are essential for success in life, thus improving their personal development. Moreover, living abroad forces people to rely on themselves and become more self-reliant , emphasizing the need for self-discipline and commitment to the objective they have set for themselves. Furthermore, cultural diversity might provide fresh perspectives on life. Studying abroad is a fantastic opportunity to interact with new people, learn about different ethnicity, and widen one's horizons .

On the other hand, living abroad has drawbacks such as increased living costs and cultural barriers . Firstly, the cost of studying abroad can quickly accumulate . Although tuition and living expenses might vary based on location, these costs are often considerable since the most desirable places for study are often first-world countries. Furthermore, expenditures, such as food and transportation, are unavoidable to live comfortably. Another downside involves cultural differences, which might make it harder to acclimatize due to the host country's various norms and practices. Although they may appear to be minor annoyances , different cultural values might aggravate a foreigner. For instance, a misinterpretation of friendliness and a sense of rejection can lead to isolation and loneliness.

In conclusion, I feel the drawbacks of studying overseas exceed the benefits, considering the expensive costs of international education and the large cultural gaps.

Đang chọn làm điều gì

colleges and universities

độc lập

mở rộng chân trời (kiến thức) của ai

rào cản văn hóa

tích tụ

thích nghi

điều khó chịu

làm tệ hơn

sự hiểu sai lệch

the disadvantages of studying abroad essay

Today, more and more students are choosing to attend higher education programs abroad. From my perspective, the benefits of this trend outweigh its negatives, living in another country provides a wider perspective of the world which leads to improved confidence.

On the one hand, studying overseas brings drawbacks such as culture shock and its reverse effect. First and foremost, because of the host country's diverse norms and practices, culture shock can make it difficult for newcomers to adapt to the unfamiliar way of life. Unless students have already mastered the host country's language proficiency, they might not be able to comprehend or communicate with locals and could experience difficulty speaking with other students. Furthermore, reverse culture shock also exists. Returning home after adjusting to their study abroad place might still be difficult. As students and their home countries both change when living overseas, this makes it challenging for them to readjust to their new surroundings when they return home.

Overseas education, on the other hand, is an excellent way to boost one's self-esteem and perspective on the world. To begin with, acquiring a global perspective is a vital aspect of the educational journey. Individuals who study abroad have the opportunity to learn about other cultures and subjects in completely different settings. Students will also be able to experience everything that the new culture has to offer, giving them a deeper understanding of what it is like to live there. Secondly, studying abroad is a once-in-a-lifetime chance to live life outside of one's comfort zone. The confidence gained will be invaluable in dealing with any challenging situations that may be encountered in the future.

In conclusion, the benefits of this phenomenon, in my opinion, outweigh the drawbacks because living in another country provides a larger perspective of the world, which leads to improved confidence.

sốc văn hóa ngược


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góc nhìn quốc tế (tân tiến)

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Nếu có bất kỳ thắc mắc gì về IELTS Speaking hay các kỹ năng, đừng ngần ngại mà liên hệ DOL qua các kênh sau bạn nhé: website , Facebook .

Chúc bạn thành công.

Câu hỏi thường gặp:

Gợi ý trả lời câu hỏi: What are the advantage and disadvantage of studying abroad?


Build a better network

Learn about new cultures

Develops confidence

Provides a wider perspective

Disadvantages: Unforeseen circumstances can cut short your studies

Gợi ý trả lời câu hỏi: What are the main problems of studying abroad?

Accommodation problems

Time zone annoyances

Financial/Monetary problems

Overcoming the language barrier

Living an independent lifestyle

Gợi ý trả lời câu hỏi: Why is studying abroad is better?

With study abroad, you can experience new places and cultures, make friends from around the world, and gain a global perspective–while earning credits towards your degree. It will allow you to develop highly-valued skills such as intercultural communication, foreign languages, adaptability, and problem-solving.

Những từ vựng tiếng Anh về chủ đề Studying Abroad

Achievement: giải thưởng; Academic record: thành tích học tập; Application form: đơn xin nhập học; Boarding school: trường nội trú; Bachelor degree: bằng cử nhân; Bursary: học bổng; Brochure: sách giới thiệu về trường; Boarding school: trường nội trú; Comprehensive school: trường tổng hợp; Class, class hour, contact hour: tiết học

Candidate: thí sinh; Consultant/ Education adviser: chuyên viên tư vấn du học; College: đại học chuyên ngành/ Trường cao đẳng; Complementary education: bổ túc văn hóa; Candidate-doctor of science : Phó Tiến sĩ; Certificate of graduation: bằng tốt nghiệp; Day school: trường bán trú; Degree/qualification: bằng cấp, chứng nhận tốt nghiệp; Director of studies: trưởng phòng đào tạo

Director of studies : trưởng phòng đào tạo; Design/Develop/ plan a course/ curriculum/program/syllabus: thiết kế/phát triển/ lên kế hoạch cho khóa học/ chương trình giảng dạy/ chương trình học/giáo trình; Education agent: trung tâm tư vấn du học; Elective: tự chọn bắt buộc; Extracurricular activity: hoạt động ngoại khóa; Education fair: triển lãm giáo dục; Financial aid: hỗ trợ tài chính; Final exam: thi tốt nghiệp; Fail (an exam): trượt; Letter of admission: thư đồng ý nhập học

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Cách dùng QuillBot tự học IELTS Writing hiệu quả

QuillBot là một công cụ trực tuyến, giúp bạn viết lại câu hoặc đoạn văn bản tiếng Anh một cách sáng tạo và tự nhiên, mà vẫn giữ nguyên nghĩa gốc. Không chỉ vậy, QuillBot còn cung cấp nhiều tính năng hữu ích khác như. 1. Tóm tắt nội dung: Giúp bạn rút gọn văn bản dài thành những ý chính ngắn gọn, dễ hiểu. 2. Kiểm tra ngữ pháp: Phát hiện và sửa lỗi ngữ pháp, giúp bạn viết tiếng Anh chính xác hơn. 3. Gợi ý từ vựng: Đề xuất những từ vựng phù hợp để thay thế từ ngữ hiện có, giúp bài viết phong phú và đa dạng hơn. Với những tính năng mạnh mẽ này, QuillBot sẽ hỗ trợ bạn đắc lực trong việc nâng cao kỹ năng viết tiếng Anh và luyện thi IELTS Writing hiệu quả. Hãy cùng DOL khám phá cách dùng QuillBot học IELTS Writing và trải nghiệm những lợi ích tuyệt vời mà công cụ này mang lại!

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Essay on Fit India for Students in 150 and 250 Words

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  • Jun 26, 2024

essay on fit India

Essay on Fit India: On 29 August 2019, the Indian Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi launched the Fit India Movement to make fitness an integral part of our lifestyle. This flagship scheme aims to make Indians more active and conscious about their physical health by indulging in physical activities. It has been almost 5 years since the launch of this movement and has successfully inspired millions of people to follow a healthy lifestyle. Today, we will discuss sample essays on Fit India and will try to cover all the dimensions of this national movement.

the disadvantages of studying abroad essay

Table of Contents

  • 1 Essay on Fit India in 150 Words
  • 2 Essay on Fit India in 250 Words
  • 3 The Objective of Fit India 

Essay on Fit India in 150 Words

The Fit India Movement, launched by the Government of India, aims to inspire citizens to lead physically active and healthy lives. Inaugurated on National Sports Day, August 29th, by Prime Minister Narendra Modi at the Indira Gandhi Stadium, the event featured performances of martial arts, cultural dances, and yoga sessions. The movement addresses health issues arising from sedentary lifestyles, such as diabetes, hypertension, and obesity, by promoting regular physical activity.
Prime Minister Modi emphasized that fitness has always been integral to India’s culture, yet modern lifestyles have led to increased health problems. He encouraged incorporating yoga into daily routines and highlighted the role of young sports personalities in representing a fit and confident India.
A committee led by Sports Minister Kiren Rijiju is tasked with advancing the movement. The Fit India Movement calls for regular exercise, recreational sports, and yoga to foster a healthier, more active nation.

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Essay on Fit India in 250 Words

The Fit India Movement, launched by the Government of India, is a public initiative aimed at encouraging citizens to adopt a more physically active and healthy lifestyle. Conceptualized to address the rising health issues caused by a sedentary lifestyle, the movement was inaugurated on National Sports Day, August 29th, by Prime Minister Narendra Modi at the Indira Gandhi Stadium in New Delhi. The event featured a large gathering of politicians, bureaucrats, sports personalities, and the general public, and included performances of India’s native martial arts, cultural dances, and yoga sessions.

Prime Minister Modi emphasized that fitness has always been integral to India’s culture, but has been neglected in recent times, leading to an increase in lifestyle diseases such as obesity, diabetes, and hypertension. He highlighted that regular physical activity, including sports and walking, can help prevent these diseases and promote overall well-being. Modi also stressed the importance of incorporating yoga into daily routines due to its numerous physical benefits.

The movement was widely broadcast, reaching many schools and colleges, and resonated with the message that technology has made people lazy and physically inactive. Modi pointed out that successful individuals are often those who maintain a high level of physical fitness, and he thanked the young sports personalities of India for setting an example for the nation.

To ensure the movement’s success, a committee headed by Sports Minister Kiren Rijiju has been formed. This 28-member committee includes representatives from various departments, National Sports Federations, the Indian Olympic Association, private bodies, and fitness promoters. Rijiju expressed confidence in advancing the movement with the support of fellow Indians.

The Fit India Movement encourages people to exercise regularly, engage in recreational sports, and practice yoga to stay fit and healthy. By promoting an active lifestyle, the movement aims to create a healthier and more confident India, free from the ailments of a sedentary lifestyle.

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The Objective of Fit India 

  • Enhance National Health: Promote a healthier lifestyle across the nation.
  • Encourage Physical Activity: Inspire people to engage in regular exercise, such as yoga and walking.
  • Promote Sports: Instill the habit of playing sports among all age groups.
  • Nationwide Reach: Ensure the campaign reaches people all over the country.
  • Inclusivity: Provide suitable fitness activities for people of all ages and abilities.
  • Affordability: Make fitness activities accessible to everyone.
  • Cultural Integration: Reinforce fitness as an integral part of India’s culture.
  • Sustainable Habits: Encourage the development of long-term healthy living habits.

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A.1 The Fit India Movement is a campaign launched by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi to encourage Indians to become more active and healthy. The campaign focuses on promoting fitness and healthy living habits and encourages people to get involved.

A.2 The Fit India Movement was launched by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi in 2019 to encourage people to adopt a healthy lifestyle. The movement has since gained immense popularity across India, with a variety of initiatives and programs being rolled out to promote physical activity and healthy habits.

A.3 Hon’ble Prime Minister launched the “Fit India Movement” on 29th August 2019 to make physical fitness a way of life. Fit India Movement aims at behavioural changes- from a sedentary lifestyle to a physically active way of day-to-day living.

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