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eva mairiza

ABSTRAK. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: (1) pengaruh strategi pembelajaran terhadap pemahaman konsep matematika, (2) pengaruh kemampuan komunikasi matematis terhadap pemahaman konsep matematika, (3) interaksi antara strategi pembelajaran dan kemampuan komunikasi matematis terhadap pemahaman konsep matematika. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian eskperimen semu. Populasi penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VIII SMP Muhammadiyah 7 Surakarta tahun 2015/2016. Sampel dari penelitian ini dua kelas yaitu kelas VIIIC dan VIIID. Teknik pengambilan sampel dengan cluster random sampling. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan tes, angket dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis variansi dua jalan sel tak sama. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa: (1) adanya pengaruh pembelajaran dengan strategi pembelajaran terhadap pemahaman konsep matematika dengan F obs = 5.043162554 >F α = 4.04, (2) adanya pengaruh kemampuan komunikasi matematis terhadap pemahaman konsep matematika dengan F obs = 4.961960009 > F α = 3.19, (3) tidak ada interaksi antara strategi pembelajaran dan kemampuan komunikasi matematis terhadap pemahaman konsep matematika dengan F obs = 0.062722434 < F α = 3.19. Kata Kunci: creative problem solving; kemampuan komunikasi matematis; pemahaman konsep 1. PENDAHULUAN Matematika merupakan salah satu pelajaran yang sangat penting untuk diajarkan dalam setiap jenjang satuan pendidikan karena menjadi dasar bagi perkembangan ilmu yang lain. Selain itu menurut Permendiknas No 22 tahun 2006 [13] pelajaran matematika perlu diberikan kepada semua peserta didik mulai dari sekolah dasar untuk membekali peserta didik dengan kemampuan berpikir logis, analitis, sistematis, kritis, dan kreatif, serta kemampuan bekerjasama. Untuk dapat memenuhi tujuan tersebut, pembelajaran matematika tidak mungkin hanya dilaksanakan dengan latihan soal terus-menerus, hafalan atau pembelajaran biasa. Bagian pendahuluan berisi pengantar topik penelitian yang dibahas, latar belakang permasalahan, deskripsi permasalahan, rumusan tujuan penelitian serta rangkuman kajian teoritik yang berkaitan dengan masalah yang diteliti. Pada bagian ini kadang-kadang juga dimuat harapan akan hasil dan manfaat penelitian. Kemampuan memahami konsep merupakan hal yang paling mendasar dalam pembelajaran matematika dan menjadi prasyarat untuk menguasai materi atau konsep selanjutnya. Sehingga untuk dapat mempelajari matematika yang bersifat abstrak diperlukan pemahaman konsep yang mendalam. Kemampuan memahami konsep tidak hanya sebatas mengingat dan menerapkan rumus tetapi juga mengaitkan antara konsep yang satu dengan konsep yang lainnya. Sebagaimana yang diungkapkan oleh Kilpatrick [7] pemahaman konseptual mengacu pada pemahaman yang terintegrasi dengan ide-ide matematika sehingga memungkinkan mereka untuk belajar ide-ide baru dengan menghubungkan ide-ide lama yang sudah mereka ketahui. Berdasarkan survei Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) [5] diketahui bahwa prestasi matematika siswa Indonesia berada pada urutan ke

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Any Fatmawati

This study was conducted with the aim to know the influence of the use of Creative Problem solving learning model on problem solving skills and cognitive learning outcomes of grade X SMA Islam Al-Ma'arif Pandan Indah Lesson 2016/2017. Population in this research is all student of class X SMA Islam Al-Ma'arif Pandan Indah Lesson Year 2016/2017 with amount of population counted 36 person which existed in class XA and XB. Furthermore, sampling technique used is a saturated sampling technique that is sampling technique when all members of the population used as a sample. Where class XA as experiment class and XB as control class. The type of research used in this study is quasi experiment with observation and test data collection techniques. The results showed that problem solving skills in the first experimental classroom obtained an average percentage of 66% included in the good category, while in the second meeting obtained an average percentage of 79% included in the category very well. The cognitive learning outcomes of the students in the experimental class were 70.4 and the control class was 66.2. The result of hypothesis test with t test at 5% significant level shows that tcount> ttable (2,675> 2,042), meaning H0 is rejected. So it can be concluded that there is influence Creative Problem Solving learning model to problem solving skills and student cognitive learning outcomes. Abstrak: Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan model pembelajaran Creative Problem solving terhadap keterampilan pemecahan masalah dan hasil belajar kognitif siswa kelas X SMA Islam Al-Ma'arif Pandan Indah Tahun Pelajaran 2016/2017. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas X SMA Islam Al-Ma'arif Pandan Indah Tahun Pelajaran 2016/2017 dengan jumlah populasi sebanyak 36 orang yang terdapat pada kelas X A dan X B. Selanjutnya teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah teknik sampling jenuh yaitu teknik pengambilan sampel bila semua anggota populasi digunakan sebagai sampel. Dimana kelas X A sebagai kelas eksperimen dan X B sebagai kelas kontrol. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah quasi eksperimen dengan teknik pengumpulan data observasi dan tes. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa keterampilan pemecahan masalah pada kelas eksperimen pertemuan pertama memperoleh persentase rata-rata sebesar 66% termasuk dalam kategori baik, sedangkan pada pertemuan kedua memperoleh persentase rata-rata sebesar 79% termasuk dalam kategori sangat baik. Hasil belajar kognitif siswa pada kelas eksperimen sebesar 70,4 dan kelas kontrol sebesar 66,2. Hasil uji hipotesis dengan uji t pada taraf signifikan 5% menunjukan bahwa nilai thitung> ttabel (2,675 > 2,042), artinya H0 ditolak. Jadi dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada pengaruh model pembelajaran Creative Problem Solving terhadap keterampilan pemecahan masalah dan hasil belajar kognitif siswa.


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Widget html #1, model pembelajaran creative problem solving (cps).

Model pembelajaran Creative Problem Solving (CPS) adalah suatu metode pembelajaran yang pemusatannya tertuju pada keterampilan pemecahan masalah melalui teknik sistematik dalam mengorganisasian gagasan-gagasan kreatif. Siswa tidak hanya diajarkan cara menghafal tanpa berpikir, namun dituntut untuk memilih dan mengembangkan suatu tanggapan untuk memperluas proses berpikir.

Model Pembelajaran Creative Problem Solving

Creative problem solving merupakan teknik pembelajaran dalam penyelesaian suatu permasalahan berkaitan dengan pemecahan masalah yang melalui teknik sistematik dan mengorganisasikan gagasan kreatif. Melalui model pembelajaran creative problem solving, siswa dapat memilih dan mengembangkan ide dan pemikirannya. Munculnya solusi kreatif sebagai upaya pemecahan masalah akan menumbuhkan kepercayaan diri, keberanian menyampaikan pendapat, berpikir devergen, dan fleksibel dalam upaya pemecahan masalah.

Creative problem solving dibangun atas tiga macam komponen, yaitu; ketekunan, masalah dan tantangan. Komponen tersebut dapat diimplementasikan secara sistematik dengan berbagai komponen pembelajaran. Model pembelajaran creative problem solving berusaha mengembangkan pemikiran divergen, berusaha mencapai berbagai alternatif dalam memecahkan suatu masalah.

Berikut definisi dan pengertian model pembelajaran creative problem solving dari beberapa sumber buku: 

  • Menurut Shoimin (2014), creative problem solving adalah model pembelajaran yang pemusatannya pada pengajaran dan keterampilan dalam memecahkan masalah. Ketika dihadapkan dengan suatu pernyataan, siswa dapat melakukan keterampilan dalam memecahkan masalah untuk memilih dan mengembangkan tanggapannya. Tidak hanya dengan cara menghafal tanpa berpikir, keterampilan memecahkan masalah dapat memperluas proses berpikir. 
  • Menurut Baharudin (2010), creative problem solving adalah variasi dari pembelajaran dengan pemecahan masalah melalui teknik sistematik dalam mengorganisasikan gagasan kreatif untuk menyelesaikan suatu permasalahan.
  • Menurut Cahyono (2009), creative problem solving adalah suatu metode pembelajaran yang melakukan pemusatan pada pengajaran dan ketrampilan memecahkan masalah, yang diikuti dengan penguatan ketrampilan.

Karakteristik Model Pembelajaran Creative Problem Solving 

Menurut Imam (2010), model pembelajaran creative problem solving memiliki tiga karakteristik yang menjadi prosedur dalam proses pembelajarannya, yaitu sebagai berikut: 

  • Menemukan fakta, melibatkan penggambaran masalah, mengumpulkan, dan meneliti data dan informasi yang bersangkutan. 
  • Menentukan gagasan, berkaitan dengan memunculkan dan memodifikasi gagasan tentang strategi pemecahan masalah. 
  • Menemukan solusi, yaitu proses evaluasi sebagai puncak pemecahan masalah.

Menurut Menurut Suryosubroto (2009), karakteristik dari model pembelajaran creative problem solving adalah sebagai berikut: 

  • Melatih siswa untuk berpikir divergen dalam memecahkan masalah dengan berbagai cara, mampu memberikan berbagai alternatif pemecahan atas sebuah masalah dan kemampuan mengemukakan berbagai gagasan baru, dengan cara-cara baru yang jarang dilakukan oleh orang lain.
  • Peran pendidik lebih banyak menempatkan diri sebagai fasilitator, motivator dan dinamisator belajar bagi peserta didik.

Tujuan Metode Creative Problem Solving 

Menurut Shoimin (2014), melalui model pembelajaran creative problem solving siswa diharapkan mampu:

  • Menyatakan urutan langkah-langkah pemecahan masalah dalam creative problem solving. 
  • Menemukan kemungkinan-kemungkinan strategi pembelajaran.
  • Mengevaluasi dan menyeleksi kemungkinan-kemungkinan tersebut kaitannya dengan kriteria-kriteria yang ada. 
  • Memilih suatu pilihan solusi yang optimal. 
  • Mengembangkan suatu rencana dalam mengimplementasikan strategi pemecahan masalah. 
  • Mengartikulasikan bagaimana creative problem solving dapat digunakan dalam berbagai bidang/situasi.

Langkah-langkah Model Pembelajaran Creative Problem Solving 

Menurut Huda (2013), sintak atau tahapan proses dalam model pembelajaran Creative Problem Solving menurut model Osborn-Parnes dikenal dengan istilah OFPISA, yaitu Objective, Finding, Fact Finding, Idea Finding, Solution Finding, dan Acceptence Finding. Adapun penjelasannya adalah sebagai berikut:

a. Objective Finding 

Siswa dibagi ke dalam kelompok-kelompok. Siswa mendiskusikan situasi permasalahan yang diajukan guru dan membrainstroming sejumlah tujuan atau sasaran yang bisa digunakan untuk kerja kreatif mereka. Sepanjang proses ini siswa diharapkan bisa membuat suatu konsensus tentang sasaran yang hendak dicapai kelompoknya.

b. Fact Finding 

Siswa membrainstroming semua fakta yang mungkin berkaitan dengan sasaran tersebut. Guru mendaftar setiap perspektif yang dihasilkan oleh siswa. Guru memberi waktu kepada siswa untuk berefleksi tentang fakta-fakta apa saja yang menurut mereka paling relevan dengan sasaran dan solusi permasalahan.

c. Problem Finding 

Salah satu aspek terpenting dari kreativitas adalah mendefinisikan kembali perihal permasalahan agar siswa bisa lebih dekat dengan masalah sehingga memungkinkannya untuk menemukan solusi yang lebih jelas. Salah satu teknik yang bisa digunakan adalah membrainstroming beragam cara yang mungkin dilakukan untuk semakin memperjelas sebuah masalah.

d. Idea Finding 

Pada langkah ini, gagasan-gagasan siswa didaftar agar siswa bisa melihat kemungkinan menjadi solusi atas situasi permasalahan. Ini merupakan langkah brainstorming yang sangat penting. Setiap usaha siswa harus diapresiasi sedemikian rupa dengan penulisan setiap gagasan, tidak peduli seberapa relevan gagasan tersebut akan menjadi solusi. Setelah gagasan-gagasan terkumpul, cobalah meluangkan beberapa saat untuk menyortir mana gagasan yang potensial dan yang tidak potensial sebagai solusi. Tekniknya adalah evaluasi cepat atas gagasan-gagasan tersebut untuk menghasilkan hasil sortir gagasan yang sekiranya bisa menjadi pertimbangan solusi lebih lanjut.

e. Solution Finding 

Pada tahap ini, gagasan-gagasan yang memiliki potensi terbesar dievaluasi bersama. Salah satu caranya adalah dengan membrainstroming kriteria-kriteria yang dapat menentukan seperti apa solusi yang terbaik itu seharusnya. Kriteria ini dievaluasi hingga ia menghasilkan penilaian yang final atas gagasan yang pantas menjadi solusi atas situasi permasalahan.

f. Acceptance Finding 

Pada tahap ini, siswa mulai mempertimbangkan isu-isu nyata dengan cara berpikir yang sudah mulai berubah. Siswa diharapkan sudah memiliki cara baru untuk menyelesaikan berbagai masalah secara kreatif. Gagasan-gagasan mereka diharapkan sudah bisa digunakan tidak hanya untuk menyelesaikan masalah, tetapi juga untuk mencapai kesuksesan.

Kelebihan dan Kekurangan Model Pembelajaran Creative Problem Solving 

Setiap model pembelajaran pada umumnya memiliki kelebihan dan kekurangan masing-masing begitu juga dengan model pembelajaran creative problem solving. Menurut Istarani dan Ridwan (2014), kelebihan dan kekurangan creative problem solving adalah sebagai berikut:

a. Kelebihan 

Kelebihan atau keunggulan model pembelajaran creative problem solving yaitu:

  • Berpikir dan bertindak kreatif.
  • Dapat membuat pendidikan sekolah lebih baik relevan dengan kehidupan, khususnya dunia kerja. 
  • Memecahkan masalah yang dihadapi secara realistis. 
  • Merangsang perkembangan kemajuan berpikir siswa untuk menyelesaikan masalah yang dihadapi dengan tepat.
  • Melatih siswa untuk mendesain suatu penemuan. 
  • Mengidentifikasikan dan melakukan penyelidikan.
  • Menafsirkan dan mengevaluasi hasil pengamatan.
  • Memilih fakta aktual sebagai dasar dan landasan untuk membahas pembelajaran.
  • Pembelajaran ini melatih dan menumbuhkan orisinalitas ide, kreativitas kognitif tinggi, kritis, komunikasi-interaksi, sharing keterbukaan, dan sosialisasi.
  • Menumbuhkan rasa kebersamaan siswa melalui diskusi akhir dari pemecahan masalah.

b. Kekurangan 

Kekurangan atau kelemahan model pembelajaran creative problem solving yaitu:

  • Memerlukan waktu yang lebih banyak dibandingkan dengan metode pembelajaran yang lain. 
  • Beberapa pokok bahasan sangat sulit dalam menerapkan sebuah metode pembelajaran ini. Sehingga menyebabkan siswa sulit untuk melihat, mengamati, dan menyimpulkan kejadian atau konsep tersebut. 
  • Sulit mencari masalah yang benar-benar aktual dalam pembelajaran.
  • Adanya masalah yang tidak relevan dengan materi pembelajaran.
  • Menentukan suatu masalah yang tingkat kesulitannya sesuai dengan tingkat berpikir siswa memerlukan kemampuan dan keterampilan guru.
  • Mengubah kebiasaan siswa belajar merupakan kesulitan tersendiri bagi siswa untuk menerima informasi dari guru.


Zahra Noor Azizah, - (2023) PENGARUH MODEL PEMBELAJARAN CREATIVE PROBLEM SOLVING (CPS) DAN PROBLEM BASED LEARNING (PBL) TERHADAP KEMAMPUAN BERPIKIR KREATIF SISWA DENGAN MINAT BELAJAR SEBAGAI VARIABEL MODERATOR: Studi Quasi Eksperimen Faktorial Siswa Kelas XI IPS di SMAN 1 Sukahaji pada Mata Pelajaran Prakarya dan Kewirausahaan. S2 thesis, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia.

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ABSTRAK PENGARUH MODEL PEMBELAJARAN CREATIVE PROBLEM SOLVING DAN PROBLEM BASED LEARNING TERHADAP KEMAMPUAN BERPIKIR KREATIF SISWA DENGAN MINAT BELAJAR SEBAGAI VARIABEL MODERATOR (Studi Quasi Eksperimen Faktorial pada Siswa Kelas XI IPS di SMAN 1 Sukahaji Mata Pelajaran Prakarya dan Kewirausahaan) Dibimbing oleh: Prof. Dr. H. Eeng Ahman, M.S. dan Dr. Budi Santoso, M.Si. Oleh Zahra Noor Azizah Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh revolusi industri 4.0 pada dunia pendidikan dan keterampilan yang harus dikuasai dalam pembelajaran abad 21 yang difokuskan pada kemampuan berpikir kreatif. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk menguji teori konstruktivisme dengan cara menguji penggunaan metode pembelajaran creative problem solving dan problem based learning mempengaruhi tingkat kemampuan berpikir kreatif siswa, tingkat minat belajar siswa mempengaruhi tingkat kemampuan berpikir kreatif siswa, pengaruh interaksi antara model pembelajaran dengan minat belajar siswa terhadap kemampuan berpikir kreatif siswa. Penelitian ini dilakukan mengingat pentingnya kemampuan berpikir kreatif yang harus dikuasai siswa, karena itu guru dirasa perlu menggunakan model pembelajaran yang tepat dan juga perlu mengetahui tingkat minat belajar siswa karena memiliki kontribusi baik pada proses pembelajaran. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu quasi eksperimen, dengan desain penelitian faktorial 2 x 2. Penelitian dilakukan pada siswa SMA Negeri 1 Sukahaji dengan menggunakan instrumen soal dan angket. Analisis data akan menggunakan Two-Ways ANOVA dengan bantuan SPSS 24. Temuan penelitian ini: 1) Penggunaan model pembelajaran creative problem solving dan problem based learning berpengaruh terhadap tingkat kemampuan berpikir kreatif siswa dalam mata pelajaran prakarya dan kewirausahaan. 2) Tingkat minat belajar siswa berpengaruh terhadap tingkat kemampuan berpikir kreatif siswa dalam mata pelajaran prakarya dan kewirausahaan. 3) Tidak ada pengaruh interaksi antara metode pembelajaran dengan minat belajar siswa terhadap tingkat kemampuan berpikir kreatif siswa dalam mata pelajaran prakarya dan kewirausahaan. Kata kunci: Model pembelajaran, creative problem solving, problem based learning, minat belajar, kemampuan berpikir kreatif ABSTRACK THE INFLUENCE OF CREATIVE PROBLEM SOLVING AND PROBLEM BASED LEARNING MODELS ON STUDENTS CREATIVE THINKING ABILITY WITH LEARNING INTEREST AS A MODERATOR VARIABLE (Factorial Quasi Experimental Study on Class XI IPS Students at SMAN 1 Sukahaji in the Subject of Craft and Entrepreneurship) Under guidance of : Prof. Dr. H. Eeng Ahman, M.S. dan Dr. Budi Santoso, M.Si. By Zahra Noor Azizah This research is motivated by the industrial revolution 4.0 in the world of education and the skills that must be mastered in 21st century learning which are focused on the ability to think creatively. The purpose of this research is to test constructivism theory by examining the use of creative problem solving and problem based learning learning methods that affect the level of students' creative thinking abilities, the level of students' interest in learning affects the level of students' creative thinking abilities, the effect of interaction between learning methods and students' learning interests on students' abilities. students' creative thinking. This research was conducted bearing in mind the importance of creative thinking skills that must be mastered by students, therefore the teacher feels the need to use appropriate learning methods and also needs to know the level of student interest in learning because it has a good contribution to the learning process. The research method used was quasi-experimental, with a 2 x 2 factorial research design. The research was conducted on students of SMA Negeri 1 Sukahaji using questions and questionnaires as instruments. Data analysis will use Two-Ways ANOVA with the help of SPSS 24. The findings of this study: 1) The use of creative problem solving and problem-based learning methods influences the level of students' creative thinking abilities in craft and entrepreneurship subjects. 2) The level of student interest in learning affects the level of students' creative thinking abilities in craft and entrepreneurship subjects. 3) There is no interaction effect between learning methods and students' learning interest on the level of students' creative thinking abilities in crafts and entrepreneurship subjects. Keywords: Learning models, creative problem solving, problem based learning, interest in learning, ability to think creatively.

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What’s creative thinking?

Creative thinking versus critical thinking

Creative thinking skills

How to develop creative thinking skills

4 creative thinking examples to include on your resume

Sharpen your creativity

Creative thinking is the key to unlocking innovation and problem-solving excellence. 

In the whirlwind of everyday professional challenges, we’ve all encountered moments when fresh ideas feel elusive. If you’ve found yourself struggling to inspire your team or spinning out during a brainstorming session , it may be a sign you need to develop your creative skills. Plus, creative problem solving looks excellent on a resume .

As a leader or team member, your ability to think outside the box can ignite a spark of ingenuity that propels your team to new heights. Fan the flames of growth and learn how to improve your creative thinking (and highlight your new skills in your next job application).

What’s creative thinking? 

Creative thinking is the dynamic process of transforming your ideas into actions. The skillset equips you to think differently and approach challenges from innovative angles.

At its core, creative thinking empowers you to break free from the constraints of the status quo and dream up fresh, original ideas. It breathes life into your decisions, encouraging you to embrace your imaginative instincts. 

By daring to challenge traditional approaches, your creativity opens doors to uncharted innovations and groundbreaking solutions.

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Creative thinking versus critical thinking 

Although creative and critical thinking are both used in problem-solving , the two skills are marked by key differences. 

Creative thinking is the catalyst for generating innovative ideas and crafting novel approaches to the challenges around them. With an open mind and a wild imagination, creative thinkers produce and explore unconventional solutions to the problems that stand in their way.

Critical thinking analyzes available information with an unbiased and rational approach. It involves questioning perceptions, ensuring that decisions are devoid of bias and reasoning remains grounded in sound judgment. 

Creative thinking skills 

When you look at creative thinking as a set of particular abilities, it becomes easier to develop and perfect. These creative skill examples can help you thrive inside and outside of the workplace:

1. Open-mindedness

When you’re open-minded, you can readily adapt to new information and look for fresh problem-solving approaches. You’re receptive to the opinions and ideas of others because you view them as constructive rather than criticizing . This openness also encourages you to freely share your creative ideas without fearing judgement.

2. Curiosity

You might find that you tap into creative potential the most when you’re challenging convention and posing new ways of thinking. Analyzing processes and asking yourself how you can improve them is an exciting way to make more efficient systems.

Whether you’re new to a job or have worked at the company for years, you may wonder why procedures are what they are — lean into this curiosity to develop new and better ways to work. 


3. Ability to brainstorm

There are numerous ways to solve a problem, and brainstorming helps to get them onto paper so you can weigh their pros and cons. This way of lateral thinking encourages you to view solutions as multifaceted rather than a single, straightforward answer.

4. Experimentation

Creative people experiment with various ways of solving a problem before deciding on the best way to take action. Emulate this mindset in your projects and tasks. For instance, if you work in web design, you might try several page layouts before deciding on a final visual identity for your client.

5. Networking

Speaking with people from different professional backgrounds is an excellent way to stimulate creative thinking and develop new perspectives. When you network with professionals with diverse skill sets and experiences, they might influence you to look at the world differently or suggest an innovative way to tackle a problem.

6. Observation

It’s important to know when to take the backseat and listen in. Observing how others tackle complex issues might inspire you to make changes within your team. Always keep an eye out for opportunities to learn from more experienced peers and innovative colleagues.

7. Organization

Although some individuals claim to thrive in clutter, keeping your work organized creates an environment where you can work freely without distraction. This involves keeping your workspace tidy, creating clear to-do lists, and using visual maps to express your plans and processes.

8. Communication

Proper communication empowers you to share valuable insight and ideas with your teammates. You need strong verbal and written skills to pitch and describe your thoughts and actively listen to others’ feedback and advice.


9. Analysis

Before you can dream up a creative approach to an obstacle, you must fully understand the problem at hand. Without proper analysis, your solution may contain flaws, or you could miss important details of your problem. Practice sifting through every detail of the issue and pinpointing the causes. 

10. Problem-solving

No matter your industry, problem-solving is always a valuable skill. Consider how to tackle a problem without asking the advice of others to see what creative solutions arise. This way, you can see what inventive ideas you can come up with before external opinions influence you.

Although some of your coworkers may seem to have a natural talent for creativity and creative thinking, it’s a skill anyone can develop and improve. Here are seven ways to advance your innovative problem-solving:

Reading is an effective way to exercise your mind, increase your vocabulary, and expose yourself to new ways of thinking. Whether your book is on a problem you’re facing at work or a new and exciting subject, reading is an excellent opportunity to learn. That’s right: simply cracking open a book can help you grow . 

Keep a notepad nearby and write down thoughts and ideas as they arise. Writing helps you to process information, and you can revisit your musing whenever you need to get your creative juices flowing. If you’ve never tried journaling before, it’s an excellent way to process your thoughts and feelings in a safe and private space. 

3. Exercise

Exercising improves your sleep and ability to cope with stress, making it easier to stay alert and contribute fresh ideas at work. 


4. Listen to music

Music can affect your mood and place you in the mindset to solve problems. If you’re struggling with creative writing or creating a visual piece of work, listening to music could push you toward expressing yourself more meaningfully. 

5. Ask for feedback

Collaboration and teamwork are key when developing creative solutions in the workplace. You can ask teammates or superiors for feedback on your ideas to gain insight into potential flaws in your reasoning and streamline your solutions.

6. Find a mentor or coach

Having an experienced person to bounce ideas off is a catalyst for creativity. A mentor or coach who’s dealt with similar obstacles can provide insight into what worked and what didn’t, saving you valuable brainstorming time. 

7. Change your approach

If you’ve been approaching your tasks the same way, adjusting your processes may bring a fresh perspective and stimulate change. Ask yourself why you tackle work from a similar angle each time and consider more creative ways to conduct your day-to-day operations.


4 creative thinking examples to include on your resume 

Employers want to add creative people to their teams because solving problems takes a lot of ingenuity. Use these four examples and bullet points for inspiration when listing creative thinking skills on your resume.

On a graphic designer’s resume:

  • Collaborated on rebranding [company’s] visual identity and social media content strategy
  • Developed unique and innovative branding material for [company A] , [company B] , and [company C]

On a copywriter’s resume:

  • Revised [company’s] website and blog content to be more engaging, exciting, and SEO-focused
  • Contributed original and innovative articles on [topic] to [publication A] and [publication B]

On a public relations specialist’s resume:

  • Increased [company’s] brand awareness by planning [event] to launch [product]
  • Collaborated with [brand] on [product’s] creative marketing strategy to reach a wider audience

On a teacher’s resume:

  • Developed a novel approach to teaching [subject or class] to students with various learning styles and needs
  • Introduced [extracurricular] , the first of its kind in [the school board] , to engage students in [activity]

Sharpen your creativity 

Critical and creative thinking broaden your perspective and allow you to devise unique solutions to everyday problems. You can develop your creative skills by changing your environment, learning from others, and adjusting your approach to work. 

Regardless of how you choose to spark creativity at work, don’t be afraid to step outside your comfort zone and confidently contribute your ideas. You never know — you might just come up with the next big company innovation.

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Book cover

The Palgrave Encyclopedia of the Possible pp 298–313 Cite as

  • Creative Problem-Solving
  • Gerard J. Puccio 2 ,
  • Barry Klarman 2 &
  • Pamela A. Szalay 2  
  • Reference work entry
  • First Online: 01 January 2023

107 Accesses

Life and work in the beginning of the twenty-first century has been described as volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous. In this fast changing, innovation-driven environment, Creative Problem-Solving has been identified as a fundamental skill for success. In contrast to routine problem-solving, with straightforward and repeatable solution paths, today’s problems are described as being complex and wicked. To generate the possibilities that can effectively address complex problems, individuals need to draw on the highest level of human thought – creativity. Creative Problem-Solving explicitly draws on, and promotes, effective creative thinking. The purpose of this entry is to describe and distinguish Creative Problem-Solving from other forms of problems-solving. Moreover, as Creative Problem-Solving is a deliberate creativity methodology, this chapter also provides a description of the more specific thinking skills that are embodied by the higher-order skill of creative thinking and are explicitly called on in Creative Problem-Solving. Complex problems require complex thinking, and Creative Problem-Solving provides a structured process that allows individuals to more easily and efficiently deploy their creative thinking skills.

  • Complex problem-solving
  • Creative thinking
  • Solution path

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International Center for Studies in Creativity, The State University of New York, Buffalo, NY, USA

Gerard J. Puccio, Barry Klarman & Pamela A. Szalay

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Puccio, G.J., Klarman, B., Szalay, P.A. (2022). Creative Problem-Solving. In: Glăveanu, V.P. (eds) The Palgrave Encyclopedia of the Possible. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.

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Published : 26 January 2023

Publisher Name : Palgrave Macmillan, Cham

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Creative problem-solving is defined as a way to find solutions when conventional thinking has failed to come up with useful options. It encourages you to think about problems in new ways, or from different perspectives. It also allows you to think about solutions without necessarily fully defining the problem—an essential step in conventional problem-solving approaches.

It is therefore particularly helpful for big, intractable or complex problems, or times when you may get ‘stuck’ in definitions. However, techniques from creative problem-solving can also be useful in other circumstances. This page provides some information about the background and principles of creative problem-solving, and suggests some techniques you might try.

What Is Creative Problem-Solving?

Creative problem-solving is a term used for a model of problem-solving that does not follow a conventional approach.

Our page on Problem-Solving outlines the conventional approach, including identifying and structuring the problem, looking for possible solutions, making a decision, implementing it, and then seeking feedback.

Creative problem-solving takes a different approach. It does not require the problem to be precisely defined and structured before solutions can be identified. Instead, you simply need to understand the basic causes and issues that you are trying to address. This may be particularly helpful for large and complex problems, where groups can get bogged down in definitions, and never move onto ideas and solutions.

The origins of creative problem-solving

The concept of creative problem-solving was first developed by Alex Osborn in the 1940s.

Interestingly, Osborn was also allegedly the person who coined the term ‘brainstorming’. He and Sid Parnes developed the Osborn–Parnes Creative Problem-Solving Model. This is a relatively simple model, and other academics have developed it further more recently. The basic model is still widely used despite its age because of its sheer applicability.

Principles of Creative Problem-Solving

Most models of creative problem-solving use four key principles:

1. Balancing Divergent and Convergent Thinking

The key to creative problem-solving is understanding two key types of thinking: divergent and convergent thinking.

Divergent thinking is generating ideas, the more the better

It uses techniques such as brainstorming. It also involves looking at issues from different perspectives as a way to shake up your thinking.

You can find out more about divergent thinking in our page on Problem-solving: Investigating Ideas and Solutions . You may also find it helpful to visit our page on Brainstorming Techniques for some useful ways to generate ideas.

Convergent thinking is narrowing down those ideas to find a suitable solution.

It involves analysing and assessing ideas to see which ones may be most useful or suitable, or which may be most easily implemented. It may also require some testing of ideas through approaches such as prototyping or customer focus groups.

There is more about convergent thinking in our pages on the Creative Process and Idea Validation .

Good creative problem-solving needs both divergent and convergent thinking.

You need first to have lots of ideas, and then you need to evaluate them, and narrow them down, so that you can turn your ideas into a shortlist of genuinely practical possible solutions. It is certainly no good stopping at the first idea—but it is also unhelpful if you never implement any of your ideas because you simply don’t know where to start.

2. Reframe Problems as Questions

The second principle is to reframe problems as questions (see box).

Examples of Reframing

Some examples of reframing problems include:

“Nobody wants to buy our products” becomes “How can we persuade customers to buy our products?”

“Staff don’t want to work here” becomes “How can we attract staff to this location?”

“Nobody wants to attend our events” becomes “How can we develop events that people will want to attend?”

In carrying out this process of reframing, you shift your focus away from barriers, towards how to address those obstacles.

This makes it easier to come up with ideas to solve the issues, and get past the barriers. All the issues in the box look much less tricky when framed as ‘ How can we...? ’ Effectively, this technique forces you to see everything as a solvable, and nothing as intractable.

3. Defer Judgement of Ideas

This is a key rule in any brainstorming session: defer judgement.

In other words, don’t be tempted to start to analyse your possible solutions immediately—either positively or negatively. Instead, keep going on the idea generation. This is because moving to judge and analyse uses a different part of your brain. You want to keep the creative side going for longer, and then apply logic later.

Balancing convergence and divergence?

This ‘suspending judgement’ process is a key example of balancing convergent and divergent thinking. Idea generation is divergent. Analysis and judgement is convergent. There is a time and place for both—but you cannot do them at the same time, and you need sufficient time to do each one in turn.

4. Use Positive Language and Thinking

The classic example of this is to ban the use of the phrase ‘No, but...’, and focus instead on ‘Yes, and...’

Why does this matter? Because using ‘Yes, and...’ encourages people to build on each other’s contributions, rather than rushing to judgement. There is also some evidence that using negative words (like ‘no’ and ‘but’) discourages creative thinking. Using more positive language encourages it.

Models of Creative Problem-Solving

Broadly speaking, most models of creative problem-solving have several phases, which usually include:

Clarifying the problem , which may need techniques like the ‘five whys’, an approach based on root cause analysis (you can find out more about this technique in our page on Brainstorming Techniques ).

Coming up with ideas to solve the problem , for example, by using brainstorming techniques, or other creative thinking techniques .

Developing those ideas into a solution , which includes narrowing down your full list of ideas into a shortlist, and carrying out some prototyping and other testing (our pages on Design Thinking and Idea Validation explain more about this part of the process).

Implementing the solution , which includes consideration of who will be responsible for this part of the process, and the practical steps that need to be taken. You may find our pages on Project Planning and Project Management are helpful here.

The original creative problem-solving model of Osborn and Parnes, and some of its later adaptations, used the terms ‘clarify, ideate, develop, implement’. The Center for Creative Learning uses a three-phase approach of ‘understanding the challenge, generating ideas, and preparing for action’. This therefore combines ‘developing the ideas’ and ‘implementing the solution’ into a single ‘preparing for action’.

A Final Thought: Does the Precise Model Matter?

In creative problem-solving, the issue is probably not the precise terms that you use to describe each phase.

Instead, it is about finding a process that will help you to understand your problem better, come up with ideas, and then narrow down those ideas and find a way of implementing your chosen solution. Separating convergent and divergent thinking (also known as ‘not rushing to judge’) is probably the most important part of this because it allows sufficient time for the creative process to occur.

Continue to: Strategic Thinking Skills Creative Thinking Skills Self-Assessment

See also: Innovation Skills Decision Making Understanding Design Thinking

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What Is Creative Problem-Solving & Why Is It Important?

Business team using creative problem-solving

  • 01 Feb 2022

One of the biggest hindrances to innovation is complacency—it can be more comfortable to do what you know than venture into the unknown. Business leaders can overcome this barrier by mobilizing creative team members and providing space to innovate.

There are several tools you can use to encourage creativity in the workplace. Creative problem-solving is one of them, which facilitates the development of innovative solutions to difficult problems.

Here’s an overview of creative problem-solving and why it’s important in business.

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What Is Creative Problem-Solving?

Research is necessary when solving a problem. But there are situations where a problem’s specific cause is difficult to pinpoint. This can occur when there’s not enough time to narrow down the problem’s source or there are differing opinions about its root cause.

In such cases, you can use creative problem-solving , which allows you to explore potential solutions regardless of whether a problem has been defined.

Creative problem-solving is less structured than other innovation processes and encourages exploring open-ended solutions. It also focuses on developing new perspectives and fostering creativity in the workplace . Its benefits include:

  • Finding creative solutions to complex problems : User research can insufficiently illustrate a situation’s complexity. While other innovation processes rely on this information, creative problem-solving can yield solutions without it.
  • Adapting to change : Business is constantly changing, and business leaders need to adapt. Creative problem-solving helps overcome unforeseen challenges and find solutions to unconventional problems.
  • Fueling innovation and growth : In addition to solutions, creative problem-solving can spark innovative ideas that drive company growth. These ideas can lead to new product lines, services, or a modified operations structure that improves efficiency.

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Creative problem-solving is traditionally based on the following key principles :

1. Balance Divergent and Convergent Thinking

Creative problem-solving uses two primary tools to find solutions: divergence and convergence. Divergence generates ideas in response to a problem, while convergence narrows them down to a shortlist. It balances these two practices and turns ideas into concrete solutions.

2. Reframe Problems as Questions

By framing problems as questions, you shift from focusing on obstacles to solutions. This provides the freedom to brainstorm potential ideas.

3. Defer Judgment of Ideas

When brainstorming, it can be natural to reject or accept ideas right away. Yet, immediate judgments interfere with the idea generation process. Even ideas that seem implausible can turn into outstanding innovations upon further exploration and development.

4. Focus on "Yes, And" Instead of "No, But"

Using negative words like "no" discourages creative thinking. Instead, use positive language to build and maintain an environment that fosters the development of creative and innovative ideas.

Creative Problem-Solving and Design Thinking

Whereas creative problem-solving facilitates developing innovative ideas through a less structured workflow, design thinking takes a far more organized approach.

Design thinking is a human-centered, solutions-based process that fosters the ideation and development of solutions. In the online course Design Thinking and Innovation , Harvard Business School Dean Srikant Datar leverages a four-phase framework to explain design thinking.

The four stages are:

The four stages of design thinking: clarify, ideate, develop, and implement

  • Clarify: The clarification stage allows you to empathize with the user and identify problems. Observations and insights are informed by thorough research. Findings are then reframed as problem statements or questions.
  • Ideate: Ideation is the process of coming up with innovative ideas. The divergence of ideas involved with creative problem-solving is a major focus.
  • Develop: In the development stage, ideas evolve into experiments and tests. Ideas converge and are explored through prototyping and open critique.
  • Implement: Implementation involves continuing to test and experiment to refine the solution and encourage its adoption.

Creative problem-solving primarily operates in the ideate phase of design thinking but can be applied to others. This is because design thinking is an iterative process that moves between the stages as ideas are generated and pursued. This is normal and encouraged, as innovation requires exploring multiple ideas.

Creative Problem-Solving Tools

While there are many useful tools in the creative problem-solving process, here are three you should know:

Creating a Problem Story

One way to innovate is by creating a story about a problem to understand how it affects users and what solutions best fit their needs. Here are the steps you need to take to use this tool properly.

1. Identify a UDP

Create a problem story to identify the undesired phenomena (UDP). For example, consider a company that produces printers that overheat. In this case, the UDP is "our printers overheat."

2. Move Forward in Time

To move forward in time, ask: “Why is this a problem?” For example, minor damage could be one result of the machines overheating. In more extreme cases, printers may catch fire. Don't be afraid to create multiple problem stories if you think of more than one UDP.

3. Move Backward in Time

To move backward in time, ask: “What caused this UDP?” If you can't identify the root problem, think about what typically causes the UDP to occur. For the overheating printers, overuse could be a cause.

Following the three-step framework above helps illustrate a clear problem story:

  • The printer is overused.
  • The printer overheats.
  • The printer breaks down.

You can extend the problem story in either direction if you think of additional cause-and-effect relationships.

4. Break the Chains

By this point, you’ll have multiple UDP storylines. Take two that are similar and focus on breaking the chains connecting them. This can be accomplished through inversion or neutralization.

  • Inversion: Inversion changes the relationship between two UDPs so the cause is the same but the effect is the opposite. For example, if the UDP is "the more X happens, the more likely Y is to happen," inversion changes the equation to "the more X happens, the less likely Y is to happen." Using the printer example, inversion would consider: "What if the more a printer is used, the less likely it’s going to overheat?" Innovation requires an open mind. Just because a solution initially seems unlikely doesn't mean it can't be pursued further or spark additional ideas.
  • Neutralization: Neutralization completely eliminates the cause-and-effect relationship between X and Y. This changes the above equation to "the more or less X happens has no effect on Y." In the case of the printers, neutralization would rephrase the relationship to "the more or less a printer is used has no effect on whether it overheats."

Even if creating a problem story doesn't provide a solution, it can offer useful context to users’ problems and additional ideas to be explored. Given that divergence is one of the fundamental practices of creative problem-solving, it’s a good idea to incorporate it into each tool you use.


Brainstorming is a tool that can be highly effective when guided by the iterative qualities of the design thinking process. It involves openly discussing and debating ideas and topics in a group setting. This facilitates idea generation and exploration as different team members consider the same concept from multiple perspectives.

Hosting brainstorming sessions can result in problems, such as groupthink or social loafing. To combat this, leverage a three-step brainstorming method involving divergence and convergence :

  • Have each group member come up with as many ideas as possible and write them down to ensure the brainstorming session is productive.
  • Continue the divergence of ideas by collectively sharing and exploring each idea as a group. The goal is to create a setting where new ideas are inspired by open discussion.
  • Begin the convergence of ideas by narrowing them down to a few explorable options. There’s no "right number of ideas." Don't be afraid to consider exploring all of them, as long as you have the resources to do so.

Alternate Worlds

The alternate worlds tool is an empathetic approach to creative problem-solving. It encourages you to consider how someone in another world would approach your situation.

For example, if you’re concerned that the printers you produce overheat and catch fire, consider how a different industry would approach the problem. How would an automotive expert solve it? How would a firefighter?

Be creative as you consider and research alternate worlds. The purpose is not to nail down a solution right away but to continue the ideation process through diverging and exploring ideas.

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Continue Developing Your Skills

Whether you’re an entrepreneur, marketer, or business leader, learning the ropes of design thinking can be an effective way to build your skills and foster creativity and innovation in any setting.

If you're ready to develop your design thinking and creative problem-solving skills, explore Design Thinking and Innovation , one of our online entrepreneurship and innovation courses. If you aren't sure which course is the right fit, download our free course flowchart to determine which best aligns with your goals.

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About the Author


Taurus Horoscope for March 22, 2024

You may feel resourceful and creative in your problem solving skills today.

You may feel resourceful and creative in your problem solving skills today. Solutions to longstanding dilemmas may suddenly appear in your mind, or you may relish the challenge of working through obstacles that previously would have intimidated you. This mindset can be applied to any area of your life that doesn't match the ideal vision you hold for it. By setting aside a short period of time to be alone today, you can examine the various aspects of your life and determine whether you are satisfied with them. With any situation you wish to improve, simply take a sheet of paper and begin jotting notes about the ideal circumstances you would like to create. As you write, allow your mind to relax, tap into your creative genius, and let the perfect solutions flow effortlessly onto the page.

With clear and relaxed minds, we invite divine inspiration to co-create the most beneficial solutions to all obstacles. It is often our attempt to control or force solutions that ends up creating more blockages in our lives. If we instead learn to relax and open our minds to creative inspiration, problem solving becomes a simple and effortless process. By first getting clear about the circumstances we wish to create and then inviting the perfect solutions to materialize, we put forth a powerful intention that begins to attract corresponding energy. Our circumstances then shift, and eventually match the inner visions we hold for our lives. By opening your mind to creative inspiration today, you can transform any obstacle into a joyful solution.

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Today's Taurus Horoscope

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