How To Write an Email to a Teacher About Homework

Communicating effectively with educators is a key skill for students. This article provides a step-by-step guide on how to write an email to a teacher about homework . Whether you have questions, need clarification, or are facing challenges with assignments, this guide helps ensure your communication is clear and appropriate.

To write an email to a teacher about homework , include a clear subject line, a formal greeting, a brief introduction, the purpose of your email, an explanation if needed, a request for assistance or clarification, your availability, a closing thank you, and your signature.

woman in black long sleeve shirt sitting in front of silver macbook

Table of Contents

Preparing to Write the Email

Before composing your email, gather all relevant information about the homework in question. This includes the assignment’s details, deadlines, and specific areas where you need assistance. Organize your thoughts so your email is concise and to the point.

What to Include in The Email to Your Teacher About Homework

  • Subject Line : Be specific and concise, e.g., “Question About [Assignment Name] Due [Date].”
  • Greeting : Address your teacher formally, using “Mr./Ms./Mrs. [Last Name].”
  • Introduction : Start by introducing yourself, especially if it’s early in the school year. Mention your class and the period/session you are in.
  • Purpose of the Email : Clearly state the reason for your email. If you have questions or need clarification on the homework, specify what parts you are struggling with.
  • Explanation : If you’re facing challenges (e.g., illness, lack of understanding), briefly explain without making excuses.
  • Request for Assistance : Politely ask for the help or clarification you need. Be specific about what you’re asking.
  • Availability : Mention when you are available for a meeting or extra help, if necessary.
  • Closing : Thank your teacher for their time and assistance.
  • Signature : End with a polite closing, such as “Sincerely,” followed by your full name and possibly your class/section if it’s a large school.

woman in black framed eyeglasses holding pen

Email Templates – Emailing a Teacher About Homework

Template 1: seeking clarification on homework.

Subject: Clarification Needed for [Assignment Name] Due [Date]

Dear Mr./Ms./Mrs. [Teacher’s Last Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I am [Your Name] from your [Class Name, Period/Session]. I am writing to seek clarification on the [specific aspect] of our current assignment, [Assignment Name], which is due on [Due Date].

I have reviewed the instructions, but I am still unclear about [specific part you are struggling with]. Could you please provide some additional guidance or examples?

Thank you for your time and assistance. I look forward to your response.

[Your Full Name] [Your Class and Section]

Template 2: Requesting Extension Due to Illness

Subject: Extension Request for [Assignment Name] Due to Illness

My name is [Your Name], from your [Class Name, Period/Session]. I am writing to inform you that I have been unwell for the past few days and have been unable to complete the [Assignment Name] that is due on [Due Date].

I have made considerable progress on the assignment, but due to my illness, I am unable to complete it by the deadline. I respectfully request an extension until [Proposed Extended Date] to submit my work.

Thank you for considering my request. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding in this matter.

Best regards,

Template 3: Asking for Help with Difficult Homework

Subject: Assistance Needed with [Assignment Name]

Hello Mr./Ms./Mrs. [Teacher’s Last Name],

I am [Your Name] from your [Class Name, Period/Session]. I am reaching out because I am having difficulties with [specific aspect] of our homework assignment, [Assignment Name].

Despite reviewing the class notes and textbook, I am still struggling to understand [specific problem or topic]. I would appreciate any additional resources or guidance you could provide.

Could we possibly arrange a time to discuss this further, maybe during your office hours or a free period?

Thank you very much for your help.

Yours sincerely,

Writing an email to a teacher about homework requires clarity, respect, and a willingness to seek solutions. By approaching your teacher with a well-structured email, you can effectively communicate your needs and foster a positive learning environment.

woman in white tank top sitting on bed in front of laptop computer

Smart Classroom Management

A Simple, Effective Homework Plan For Teachers: Part 1

So for the next two weeks I’m going to outline a homework plan–four strategies this week, four the next–aimed at making homework a simple yet effective process.

Let’s get started.

Homework Strategies 1-4

The key to homework success is to eliminate all the obstacles—and excuses—that get in the way of students getting it done.

Add leverage and some delicately placed peer pressure to the mix, and not getting homework back from every student will be a rare occurrence.

Here is how to do it.

1. Assign what students already know.

Most teachers struggle with homework because they misunderstand the narrow purpose of homework, which is to practice what has already been learned. Meaning, you should only assign homework your students fully understand and are able to do by themselves.

Therefore, the skills needed to complete the evening’s homework must be thoroughly taught during the school day. If your students can’t prove to you that they’re able to do the work without assistance, then you shouldn’t assign it.

It isn’t fair to your students—or their parents—to have to sit at the dinner table trying to figure out what you should have taught them during the day.

2. Don’t involve parents.

Homework is an agreement between you and your students. Parents shouldn’t be involved. If parents want to sit with their child while he or she does the homework, great. But it shouldn’t be an expectation or a requirement of them. Otherwise, you hand students a ready-made excuse for not doing it.

You should tell parents at back-to-school night, “I got it covered. If ever your child doesn’t understand the homework, it’s on me. Just send me a note and I’ll take care of it.”

Holding yourself accountable is not only a reminder that your lessons need to be spot on, but parents will love you for it and be more likely to make sure homework gets done every night. And for negligent parents? It’s best for their children in particular to make homework a teacher/student-only agreement.

3. Review and then ask one important question.

Set aside a few minutes before the end of the school day to review the assigned homework. Have your students pull out the work, allow them to ask final clarifying questions, and have them check to make sure they have the materials they need.

And then ask one important question: “Is there anyone, for any reason, who will not be able to turn in their homework in the morning? I want to know now rather than find out about it in the morning.”

There are two reasons for this question.

First, the more leverage you have with students, and the more they admire and respect you , the more they’ll hate disappointing you. This alone can be a powerful incentive for students to complete homework.

Second, it’s important to eliminate every excuse so that the only answer students can give for not doing it is that they just didn’t care. This sets up the confrontation strategy you’ll be using the next morning.

4. Confront students on the spot.

One of your key routines should be entering the classroom in the morning.

As part of this routine, ask your students to place their homework in the top left-hand (or right-hand) corner of their desk before beginning a daily independent assignment—reading, bellwork , whatever it may be.

During the next five to ten minutes, walk around the room and check homework–don’t collect it. Have a copy of the answers (if applicable) with you and glance at every assignment.

You don’t have to check every answer or read every portion of the assignment. Just enough to know that it was completed as expected. If it’s math, I like to pick out three or four problems that represent the main thrust of the lesson from the day before.

It should take just seconds to check most students.

Remember, homework is the practice of something they already know how to do. Therefore, you shouldn’t find more than a small percentage of wrong answers–if any. If you see more than this, then you know your lesson was less than effective, and you’ll have to reteach

If you find an assignment that is incomplete or not completed at all, confront that student on the spot .

Call them on it.

The day before, you presented a first-class lesson and gave your students every opportunity to buzz through their homework confidently that evening. You did your part, but they didn’t do theirs. It’s an affront to the excellence you strive for as a class, and you deserve an explanation.

It doesn’t matter what he or she says in response to your pointed questions, and there is no reason to humiliate or give the student the third degree. What is important is that you make your students accountable to you, to themselves, and to their classmates.

A gentle explanation of why they don’t have their homework is a strong motivator for even the most jaded students to get their homework completed.

The personal leverage you carry–that critical trusting rapport you have with your students–combined with the always lurking peer pressure is a powerful force. Not using it is like teaching with your hands tied behind your back.

Homework Strategies 5-8

Next week we’ll cover the final four homework strategies . They’re critical to getting homework back every day in a way that is painless for you and meaningful for your students.

I hope you’ll tune in.

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What to read next:

  • A Powerful Way To Relieve Stress: Part One
  • A Simple Exercise Program For Teachers
  • The Best Time To Review Your Classroom Management Plan
  • Why Your New Classroom Management Plan Isn't Working
  • 27 Things That Make Your Classroom Management Plan Work

21 thoughts on “A Simple, Effective Homework Plan For Teachers: Part 1”

Good stuff, Michael. A lot of teachers I train and coach are surprised (and skeptical) at first when I make the same point you make about NOT involving parents. But it’s right on based on my experience as a teacher, instructional coach, and administrator the past 17 years. More important, it’s validated by Martin Haberman’s 40 years of research on what separates “star” teachers from “quitter/failure” teachers ( )

I love the articles about “homework”. in the past I feel that it is difficuty for collecting homework. I will try your plan next year.

I think you’ll be happy with it, Sendy!

How do you confront students who do not have their homework completed?

You state in your book to let consequences do their job and to never confront students, only tell them the rule broken and consequence.

I want to make sure I do not go against that rule, but also hold students accountable for not completing their work. What should I say to them?

They are two different things. Homework is not part of your classroom management plan.

Hi Michael,

I’m a first-year middle school teacher at a private school with very small class sizes (eight to fourteen students per class). While I love this homework policy, I feel discouraged about confronting middle schoolers publicly regarding incomplete homework. My motive would never be to humiliate my students, yet I can name a few who would go home thinking their lives were over if I did confront them in front of their peers. Do you have any ideas of how to best go about incomplete homework confrontation with middle school students?

The idea isn’t in any way to humiliate students, but to hold them accountable for doing their homework. Parts one and two represent my best recommendation.:)

I believe that Homework is a vital part of students learning.

I’m still a student–in a classroom management class. So I have no experience with this, but I’m having to plan a procedure for my class. What about teacher sitting at desk and calling student one at a time to bring folder while everyone is doing bellwork or whatever their procedure is? That way 1) it would be a long walk for the ones who didn’t do the work :), and 2) it would be more private. What are your thoughts on that? Thanks. 🙂

I’m not sure I understand your question. Would you mind emailing me with more detail? I’m happy to help.

I think what you talked about is great. How do you feel about flipping a lesson? My school is pretty big on it, though I haven’t done it yet. Basically, for homework, the teacher assigns a video or some other kind of media of brand new instruction. Students teach themselves and take a mini quiz at the end to show they understand the new topic. Then the next day in the classroom, the teacher reinforces the lesson and the class period is spent practicing with the teacher present for clarification. I haven’t tried it yet because as a first year teacher I haven’t had enough time to make or find instructional videos and quizzes, and because I’m afraid half of my students will not do their homework and the next day in class I will have to waste the time of the students who did their homework and just reteach what the video taught.

Anyway, this year, I’m trying the “Oops, I forgot my homework” form for students to fill out every time they forget their homework. It keeps them accountable and helps me keep better track of who is missing what. Once they complete it, I cut off the bottom portion of the form and staple it to their assignment. I keep the top copy for my records and for parent/teacher conferences.

Here is an instant digital download of the form. It’s editable in case you need different fields.

Thanks again for your blog. I love the balance you strike between rapport and respect.

Your site is a godsend for a newbie teacher! Thank you for your clear, step-by-step, approach!

I G+ your articles to my PLN all the time.

You’re welcome, TeachNich! And thank you for sharing the articles.

Hi Michael, I’m going into my first year and some people have told me to try and get parents involved as much as I can – even home visits and things like that. But my gut says that negligent parents cannot be influenced by me. Still, do you see any value in having parents initial their student’s planner every night so they stay up to date on homework assignments? I could also write them notes.

Personally, no. I’ll write about this in the future, but when you hold parents accountable for what are student responsibilities, you lighten their load and miss an opportunity to improve independence.

I am teaching at a school where students constantly don’t take work home. I rarely give homework in math but when I do it is usually something small and I still have to chase at least 7 kids down to get their homework. My way of holding them accountable is to record a homework completion grade as part of their overall grade. Is this wrong to do? Do you believe homework should never be graded for a grade and just be for practice?

No, I think marking a completion grade is a good idea.

I’ve been teaching since 2014 and we need to take special care when assigning homework. If the homework assignment is too hard, is perceived as busy work, or takes too long to complete, students might tune out and resist doing it. Never send home any assignment that students cannot do. Homework should be an extension of what students have learned in class. To ensure that homework is clear and appropriate, consider the following tips for assigning homework:

Assign homework in small units. Explain the assignment clearly. Establish a routine at the beginning of the year for how homework will be assigned. Remind students of due dates periodically. And Make sure students and parents have information regarding the policy on missed and late assignments, extra credit, and available adaptations. Establish a set routine at the beginning of the year.

Thanks Nancie L Beckett

Dear Michael,

I love your approach! Do you have any ideas for homework collection for lower grades? K-3 are not so ready for independent work first thing in the morning, so I do not necessarily have time to check then; but it is vitally important to me to teach the integrity of completing work on time.

Also, I used to want parents involved in homework but my thinking has really changed, and your comments confirm it!

Hi Meredith,

I’ll be sure and write about this topic in an upcoming article (or work it into an article). 🙂

Overall, this article provides valuable insights and strategies for teachers to implement in their classrooms. I look forward to reading Part 2 and learning more about how to make homework a simple and effective process. Thanks

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Is Homework Helpful? The 5 Questions Every Teacher Should Ask

Student behind a pile of books

The Common Core State Standards ask teachers to increase rigor by diving deeper into material. Consequently, everything has been ramped up, classwork and homework no exception.  

My nephew, a fourth grader, has 40–50 minutes of homework a night, plus independent reading and projects. When you include a snack break, the distractions from his younger sister, and his fourth-grade attention span that is bound to wander, that time often gets doubled. He is hard working and conscientious, but many nights he is distracted, frustrated, and anxious.

The National PTA recommends 10–20 minutes of homework per night in the first grade, and an additional 10 minutes per grade level thereafter (i.e., 20 minutes for second grade, on up to 120 minutes for 12th). If you follow these guidelines, students will spend 137,160 minutes doing homework from first grade to 12th. That’s 2,286 hours, or 95 straight days, of homework. 

High school students in Finland rarely get more than a half-hour of homework a night. The country as a whole allows children to engage in more creative play at home. This is significant because its students score remarkably well on international test scores. It has many parents and education advocates in America questioning our practices.

So are we misguided with all this work? To answer that, one must step back and question the value of assignments. How often should they be assigned? Where is the line between too much and too little? Here are five considerations to help you determine what to assign and why. 

1. How long will it take to complete?  There are no surefire guidelines or golden rules that say how long students should work, especially since they progress at different speeds. Assignments need to lead to better learning outcomes. To achieve this, one must balance efficiency and effectiveness. The more efficient the assignment, the more material and learning that can be covered over the course of a year.

Here’s the rub: It must not be so quick that the material is not mastered, nor so long to provoke boredom. In between there is a sweet spot that everyone should seek.

2. Have all learners been considered?  Often, teachers make assumptions about the time it takes to complete an assignment based on the middle-of-the-pack kid. Struggling learners can take double or triple the time that other students need to complete an assignment. Don’t just think about the average learner, consider the needs of al students.

3. Will an assignment encourage future success?  A longer assignment can be justified if it is meaningful. Work that builds confidence and opens the door to future success is certainly worthwhile. Worthy assignments encourage participation in upcoming activities rather than discourage it. Teachers must explain the benefit of classwork and homework so that students will be sold on the benefits. Without the sales pitch, or the awareness of its purpose, students will view assignments as busy work.  

4. Will an assignment place material in a context the classroom cannot?  Homework is effective when classroom learning is transferred beyond the school walls. When teaching area, have students measure the area of a refrigerator shelf to determine what size sheet cake will fit for an upcoming party. When teaching the types of clouds, have students observe them in their own backyard. Make the learning applicable to everyday life, and it will be worth the time it takes to complete.

5. Does an assignment offer support when a teacher is not there?  Students can reduce the time it takes to complete assignments if they know where to turn for help. In the case of homework, teachers are not there at all. Assignments should not only check for understanding but also offer support when students struggle. Teachers should provide links to online tutorials, like Khan Academy, that offer instruction when students get stuck.

This post is the first of two parts. The second part is  Homework: Helping Students Manage their Time.

This piece was originally submitted to our community forums by a reader. Due to audience interest, we’ve preserved it. The opinions expressed here are the writer’s own.

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The role of homework

Homework seems to be an accepted part of teachers’ and students’ routines, but there is little mention of it in ELT literature.

when teacher ask for homework

The role of homework is hardly mentioned in the majority of general ELT texts or training courses, suggesting that there is little question as to its value even if the resulting workload is time-consuming. However, there is clearly room for discussion of homework policies and practices particularly now that technology has made so many more resources available to learners outside the classroom.

Reasons for homework

  • Attitudes to homework
  • Effective homework
  • Types of homework
  • Homework is expected by students, teachers, parents and institutions.
  • Homework reinforces and helps learners to retain information taught in the classroom as well as increasing their general understanding of the language.
  • Homework develops study habits and independent learning. It also encourages learners to acquire resources such as dictionaries and grammar reference books. Research shows that homework also benefits factual knowledge, self-discipline, attitudes to learning and problem-solving skills.
  • Homework offers opportunities for extensive activities in the receptive skills which there may not be time for in the classroom. It may also be an integral part of ongoing learning such as project work and the use of a graded reader.
  • Homework provides continuity between lessons. It may be used to consolidate classwork, but also for preparation for the next lesson.
  • Homework may be used to shift repetitive, mechanical, time-consuming tasks out of the classroom.
  • Homework bridges the gap between school and home. Students, teachers and parents can monitor progress. The institution can involve parents in the learning process.
  • Homework can be a useful assessment tool, as part of continual or portfolio assessment.

Attitudes to homework Teachers tend to have mixed feelings about homework. While recognising the advantages, they observe negative attitudes and poor performance from students. Marking and giving useful feedback on homework can take up a large proportion of a teacher’s time, often after school hours.

  • Students themselves complain that the homework they are given is boring or pointless, referring to homework tasks that consist of studying for tests, doing workbook exercises, finishing incomplete classwork, memorising lists of vocabulary and writing compositions. Where this is actually the case, the negative effects of homework can be observed, typified by loss of interest and a view of homework as a form of punishment.
  • Other negative effects of poorly managed homework include lack of necessary leisure time and an increased differential between high and low achievers. These problems are often the cause of avoidance techniques such as completing homework tasks in class, collaborating and copying or simply not doing the required tasks. In turn, conflict may arise between learners, teachers, parents and the institution.

Effective homework In order for homework to be effective, certain principles should be observed.

  • Students should see the usefulness of homework. Teachers should explain the purpose both of homework in general and of individual tasks.
  • Tasks should be relevant, interesting and varied.
  • Good classroom practice also applies to homework. Tasks should be manageable but achievable.
  • Different tasks may be assigned to different ability groups. Individual learning styles should be taken into account.
  • Homework should be manageable in terms of time as well as level of difficulty. Teachers should remember that students are often given homework in other subjects and that there is a need for coordination to avoid overload. A homework diary, kept by the learner but checked by teachers and parents is a useful tool in this respect.
  • Homework is rarely co-ordinated within the curriculum as a whole, but should at least be incorporated into an overall scheme of work and be considered in lesson planning.
  • Homework tends to focus on a written product. There is no reason why this should be the case, other than that there is visible evidence that the task has been done.
  • Learner involvement and motivation may be increased by encouraging students to contribute ideas for homework and possibly design their own tasks. The teacher also needs to know how much time the students have, what facilities they have at home, and what their preferences are. A simple questionnaire will provide this data.
  • While homework should consolidate classwork, it should not replicate it. Home is the outside world and tasks which are nearer to real-life use of language are appropriate.
  • If homework is set, it must be assessed in some way, and feedback given. While marking by the teacher is sometimes necessary, peer and self-assessment can encourage learner independence as well as reducing the teacher’s workload. Motivating students to do homework is an ongoing process, and encouragement may be given by commenting and asking questions either verbally or in written form in order to demonstrate interest on the teacher’s part, particularly in the case of self-study and project work.

Types of homework There are a number of categories of useful and practicable homework tasks.

  • Workbook-based tasks Most published course materials include a workbook or practice book, mainly including consolidation exercises, short reading texts and an answer key. Most workbooks claim to be suitable for both class and self-study use, but are better used at home in order to achieve a separation of what is done in class and at home. Mechanical practice is thus shifted out of class hours, while this kind of exercise is particularly suited to peer- or self-checking and correction.
  • Preparation tasks Rarely do teachers ask learners to read through the next unit of a coursebook, though there are advantages in involving students in the lesson plan and having them know what is coming. More motivating, however, is asking students to find and bring materials such as photographs and pictures, magazine articles and realia which are relevant to the next topic, particularly where personalisation or relevance to the local context requires adaptation of course materials.
  • Extensive tasks Much can be gained from the use of graded readers, which now often have accompanying audio material, radio and TV broadcasts, podcasts and songs. Sometimes tasks need to be set as guidance, but learners also need to be encouraged to read, listen and watch for pleasure. What is important is that learners share their experiences in class. Extensive reading and listening may be accompanied by dictionary work and a thematic or personalised vocabulary notebook, whereby learners can collect language which they feel is useful.
  • Guided discovery tasks Whereas classroom teaching often involves eliciting language patterns and rules from learners, there is also the option of asking learners to notice language and make deductions for themselves at home. This leads to the sharing of knowledge and even peer teaching in the classroom.
  • Real-world tasks These involve seeing, hearing and putting language to use in realistic contexts. Reading magazines, watching TV, going to the cinema and listening to songs are obvious examples, offering the option of writing summaries and reviews as follow-up activities. Technology facilitates chat and friendship networks, while even in monolingual environments, walking down a shopping street noticing shop and brand names will reveal a lot of language. As with extensive tasks, it is important for learners to share their experiences, and perhaps to collect them in a formal or informal portfolio.
  • Project work It is a good idea to have a class or individual projects running over a period of time. Projects may be based on topics from a coursebook, the locality, interests and hobbies or selected individually. Project work needs to be guided in terms of where to find resources and monitored regularly, the outcome being a substantial piece of work at the end of a course or term of which the learner can claim ownership.

Conclusion Finally, a word about the Internet. The Web appears to offer a wealth of opportunity for self-study. Certainly reference resources make project work easier and more enjoyable, but cutting and pasting can also be seen as an easy option, requiring little originality or understanding. Conferring over homework tasks by email can be positive or negative, though chatting with an English-speaking friend is to be encouraged, as is searching for visual materials. Both teachers and learners are guilty of trawling the Net for practice exercises, some of which are untried, untested and dubious in terms of quality. Learners need guidance, and a starting point is to provide a short list of reliable sites such as the British Council's  LearnEnglish  and the BBC's Learning English  which provide a huge variety of exercises and activities as well as links to other reliable sources. Further reading Cooper, H. Synthesis of Research on Homework . Educational Leadership 47/3, 1989 North, S. and Pillay, H. Homework: re-examining the routin e. ELT Journal 56/2, April 2002 Painter, L. Homework . English Teaching Professional, Issue 10, 1999 Painter, L. Homework . OUP Resource Books for Teachers, 2003

First published in October 2007

Mr. Steve Darn I liked your…

Mr. Steve Darn I liked your method of the role of the homework . Well, I am one of those laggard people. Unfortunately, when it comes to homework, I definitely do it. Because, a student or pupil who understands new topics, of course, does his homework to know how much he understands the new topic. I also completely agree with all of Steve Darn's points above. However, sometimes teachers give a lot of riff-raff homework, just like homework is a human obligation. This is a plus. But in my opinion, first of all, it is necessary to divide the time properly, and then to do many tasks at home. Only then will you become an "excellent student" in the eyes of the teacher. Although we live in the age of technology, there are still some people who do not know how to send homework via email. Some foreign teachers ask to send tasks by email. Constant email updates require time and, in rare cases, a fee. My above points have been the cause of constant discussions.

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Designing Effective Homework

Best practices for creating homework that raises student achievement

Claire Rivero

Homework. It can be challenging…and not just for students. For teachers, designing homework can be a daunting task with lots of unanswered questions: How much should I assign? What type of content should I cover? Why aren’t students doing the work I assign? Homework can be a powerful opportunity to reinforce the Shifts in your instruction and promote standards-aligned learning, but how do we avoid the pitfalls that make key learning opportunities sources of stress and antipathy?

The nonprofit Instruction Partners recently set out to answer some of these questions, looking at what research says about what works when it comes to homework. You can view their original presentation here , but I’ve summarized some of the key findings you can put to use with your students immediately.

Does homework help?

Consistent homework completion has been shown to increase student achievement rates—but frequency matters. Students who are given homework regularly show greater gains than those who only receive homework sporadically. Researchers hypothesize that this is due to improved study skills and routines practiced through homework that allow students to perform better academically.

Average gains on unit tests for students who completed homework were six percentile points in grades 4–6, 12 percentile points in grades 7–9, and an impressive 24 percentile points in grades 10–12; so yes, homework (done well) does work. [i]

What should homework cover?

While there is little research about exactly what types of homework content lead to the biggest achievement gains, there are some general rules of thumb about how homework should change gradually over time.

In grades 1–5, homework should:

  • Reinforce and allow students to practice skills learned in the classroom
  • Help students develop good study habits and routines
  • Foster positive feelings about school

In grades 6–12, homework should:

  • Prepare students for engagement and discussion during the next lesson
  • Allow students to apply their skills in new and more challenging ways

The most often-heard criticism of homework assignments is that they simply take too long. So how much homework should you assign in order to see results for students? Not surprisingly, it varies by grade. Assign 10-20 minutes of homework per night total, starting in first grade, and then add 10 minutes for each additional grade. [ii] Doing more can result in student stress, frustration, and disengagement, particularly in the early grades.

Why are some students not doing the homework?

There are any number of reasons why students may not complete homework, from lack of motivation to lack of content knowledge, but one issue to watch out for as a teacher is the impact of economic disparities on the ability to complete homework.

Multiple studies [iii] have shown that low-income students complete homework less often than students who come from wealthier families. This can lead to increased achievement gaps between students. Students from low-income families may face additional challenges when it comes to completing homework such as lack of access to the internet, lack of access to outside tutors or assistance, and additional jobs or family responsibilities.

While you can’t erase these challenges for your students, you can design homework that takes those issues into account by creating homework that can be done offline, independently, and in a reasonable timeframe. With those design principles in mind, you increase the opportunity for all your students to complete and benefit from the homework you assign.

The Big Picture

Perhaps most importantly, students benefit from receiving feedback from you, their teacher, on their assignments. Praise or rewards simply for homework completion have little effect on student achievement, but feedback that helps them improve or reinforces strong performance does. Consider keeping this mini-table handy as you design homework:

The act of assigning homework doesn’t automatically raise student achievement, so be a critical consumer of the homework products that come as part of your curriculum. If they assign too much (or too little!) work or reflect some of these common pitfalls, take action to make assignments that better serve your students.

[i] Cooper, H. (2007). The battle over homework (3rd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.

[ii] Cooper, H. (1989a). Homework .White Plains, NY: Longman.

[iii] Horrigan, T. (2015). The numbers behind the broadband ‘homework gap’ and Miami Dade Public Schools. (2009). Literature Review: Homework.

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About the Author: Claire Rivero is the Digital Strategy Manager for Student Achievement Partners. Claire leads the organization’s communications and digital promotion work across various channels including email, Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest, always seeking new ways to reach educators. She also manages Achieve the Core’s blog, Aligned. Prior to joining Student Achievement Partners, Claire worked in the Communications department for the American Red Cross and as a literacy instructor in a London pilot program. Claire holds bachelor’s degrees in English and Public Policy from Duke University and a master’s degree in Social Policy (with a concentration on Education Policy) from the London School of Economics and Political Science.

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› A Proactive Approach to Your Child’s Education: Top 10 Questions to Ask Your Child’s Teacher

A Proactive Approach to Your Child’s Education: Top 10 Questions to Ask Your Child’s Teacher

posted by Karen Quinn, The Testing Mom - August 29th, 2023

Navigating your child’s academic journey is no easy task. It requires continuous effort, open dialogue with educators, and a keen understanding of your child’s learning process. The start of the school year is an excellent opportunity to lay the foundation for your child’s educational success. Here are ten key questions to ask your child’s elementary school teacher, plus some bonus tips for activities to do at home and over the weekends.

when teacher ask for homework

Top 10 Questions to Ask Your Child’s Teacher at Beginning of School Year

  • What are the learning objectives for this year? Begin by understanding the academic roadmap for the year. Knowing the learning objectives can help you anticipate the skills your child will need to master, enabling you to better support them.
  • How do you accommodate different learning styles? Every child is unique in how they process and understand information. It’s crucial to know how the teacher caters to diverse learning styles and if they will be able to address your child’s specific needs.
  • How is progress measured and communicated? Understanding the teacher’s evaluation methods gives insight into your child’s academic performance. Regular updates on your child’s progress can help you identify areas of strength and whose needing improvement.
  • How can I support learning at home? Home is where the foundation for learning is built. Ask the teacher for recommendations on how you can extend the learning process beyond the classroom, reinforcing concepts and enhancing understanding.
  • What are the expectations for homework? Homework can be a hot topic for parents and teachers. Gain clarity about the purpose, frequency, and expected time commitment for homework to help your child manage their time effectively.
  • How do you handle behavioral issues? Knowing the teacher’s approach to discipline will help you reinforce those principles at home, ensuring consistency in managing behavior.
  • How can my child develop social skills? Elementary school is a critical period for social development. Ask about opportunities for social interaction in the classroom and strategies to cultivate positive friendships.
  • What resources are available if my child needs extra help? Understand the support system in place for students who might struggle. Knowing that help is available can alleviate concerns and ensure your child has the necessary support.
  • What are the ways I can be involved in my child’s education? Your involvement in your child’s education can enhance their academic experience. Ask about volunteer opportunities, parent-teacher organizations, and other ways to get involved.
  •  How can we maintain open communication? Consistent communication is key to resolving any issues promptly. Find out the best way to reach the teacher and the frequency of communication you should expect.

After-School and Weekend Tips:

In addition to these questions, here are some tips on fostering a learning-friendly environment at home:

  • Create a study-friendly environment: Provide a quiet, clutter-free space for your child to focus on homework and studies.
  • Review Homework: Regularly review your child’s homework to understand their progress and address any difficulties early.
  • Read Together: Regular reading can significantly improve language skills. Make reading a daily habit, and discuss the books to enhance comprehension.
  • Engage in Educational Games: Learning can be fun, too! Incorporate educational games that reinforce school learning.
  • Encourage Hobbies: Encourage your child to pursue a hobby that boosts creativity, improves focus, and helps unwind.
  • Weekend Trips to Local Museums or Zoos: Such trips can supplement school learning, make education more enjoyable, and stimulate curiosity.

Remember, parents are partners in their child’s education. The questions you ask and the support you provide at home can significantly contribute to your child’s educational success. Stay involved, stay informed, and let’s create a fruitful academic year for your little one!

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25 Professional Teacher Email Examples

Examples of emails to a school teacher

Teacher Emails are necessary, sometimes. Whether it is to clarify a doubt or to ask for an extension on an assignment, sending an email to a teacher has become a common practice among students and parents. If you are not sure how to address a teacher or how to clearly state the purpose of your email, keep reading.

In this blog post, we will provide you with some examples of emails to a teacher on various topics such as school homework, sick note, a child’s progress, bullying, reporting an incident, or even a late assignment. You can modify these templates to create a personalized professional and effective email.

1. Example teacher email about homework

Dear [Teacher’s Name],

I hope this message finds you well. I had a quick question regarding the homework assigned in class yesterday. I wasn’t quite clear on the instructions for problem #3 and was hoping you could provide a bit more clarity on what is expected.

Thank you for your time and guidance.

Best regards, [Your Name]

2. Example email to a teacher about a late assignment

I apologize for submitting my assignment late. Unfortunately, unforeseen circumstances arose that prevented me from completing it on time. I understand the importance of timely submissions and take full responsibility for my actions. If possible, I would appreciate any guidance or feedback you can provide to help me improve future assignments.

Thank you for your understanding.

[Your Name]

3. Example email to a teacher about a technical issue submitting homework

I trust this email finds you well. I wanted to bring to your attention that I am experiencing some technical difficulties submitting my homework through the online platform. Every time I try to upload the file, I receive an error message and the upload fails.

I have tried different browsers and devices, but the issue persists. Is there any alternative way I can submit my homework? I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

4. Example email to a teacher about being absent due to illness

I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to let you know that I won’t be able to attend the class today due to illness. I am experiencing [symptoms] and my doctor advised me to rest at home to avoid spreading any potential sickness.

I will do my best to catch up on the missed classwork and assignments as soon as possible. Please let me know if there is any specific material or tasks that I should prioritize.

Thank you for your understanding and I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

5. Example email to a teacher about access to the class website

I hope you are doing well. I wanted to reach out because I am having trouble accessing the class website. I have tried logging in using my username and password multiple times, but I keep receiving an error message.

I was wondering if there is anything I can do to troubleshoot this issue, or if there is someone I can contact for further assistance. I don’t want to miss any important updates or assignments, so any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing back from you soon.

6. Example email to a teacher about missing class

I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to let you know that I was unable to attend class [insert date] due to [provide a reason for absence]. I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused, and I would greatly appreciate it if you could let me know what I missed during that class so I can catch up on the material.

7. Example email to a teacher about bullying

I am writing to you about an issue that has been troubling me for some time now. I have noticed that there has been a lot of bullying going on in our class lately and it’s beginning to make me feel uncomfortable and unsafe.

I believe that everyone deserves to feel respected and valued, and I think it’s important that we work together to create a safe and supportive environment for all students. I would like to request that you take action to address this issue and ensure that all students are held accountable for their actions.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Sincerely,[Your Name]

8. Example email to a teacher about child’s absence

I am writing to inform you that my child, [Child’s Name], was unable to attend school yesterday [Date] due to [Reason for Absence]. I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused and would like to request any missed assignments or classwork that needs to be completed.

Thank you for your understanding and please let me know if there are any further steps I need to take to ensure that my child stays up to date with their studies.

9. Example email to a teacher about grades

I hope this email finds you well. I was wondering if there is a chance to discuss my grades. I am eager to know where I stand and how I can improve my academic performance going forward.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

10. Example email to teacher about homework grade

I hope this email finds you well. I was hoping you could provide me with some feedback on my recent homework assignment. I received a lower grade than I was expecting and I was hoping to get some insight into what I could improve on for future assignments.

Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing from you.

11. Example email to teacher about a late assignment

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to apologize for submitting my assignment late. Unfortunately, I encountered some unforeseen circumstances that prevented me from completing it on time.

I understand that late submissions may have consequences, and I am willing to accept any penalties that may be assigned. I would also appreciate any feedback or suggestions you may have.

Thank you for your understanding, and please let me know if there are any further steps I need to take to rectify the situation.

12. Email to teacher from parent about their child’s behaviour

I wanted to touch base with you regarding my child’s behaviour in class. I have noticed some changes at home and I wanted to see if anything has been happening at school that could be contributing to this.

Can we schedule a time to chat about this further and discuss ways that we can work together to address any concerns?

Thank you for your time and attention to this matter.

13. Email to teacher about an incident in class

I wanted to bring to your attention an incident that occurred during class yesterday. [Describe the incident briefly and objectively].

I believe it’s important to address situations like this to ensure a safe and respectful learning environment for all students. Thank you for your attention to this matter.

14. Email from parent to the teacher about child being bullied

I am writing to you to express my concern about my child, [Child’s Name], who has been bullied by some of their classmates. It’s been affecting their mood and behaviour lately, and I would appreciate your help in addressing this issue.

I would like to request a meeting with you to discuss this matter further and find ways to prevent it from happening again. I believe that with your assistance, we can create a safe and inclusive environment for all students.

15. Email to teacher about child’s grades

I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to touch base with you regarding my child’s grades in your class. I have noticed that their grades have been slipping a bit and I wanted to ask if there is anything we can do to help improve their performance.

I know that my child is capable of doing well and I want to make sure that they have all the resources and support they need to succeed. Please let me know if there is anything we can do at home to reinforce the material or if there are any additional resources you can recommend.

Thank you for your time and attention in this matter.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

16. Email to teacher about child’s progress

I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to touch base regarding my child’s progress in your class. As a parent, I am eager to support my child’s education and would appreciate any insights you can offer on their academic and social development.

Could you please provide an update on how my child is doing in your class? Are there any areas where they excel or struggle? How can I best support their learning at home?

Thank you for all that you do to support my child’s education. I look forward to hearing back from you.

17. Email to teacher about child being sick

Subject: Child’s Absence Due to Illness

I wanted to inform you that my child [Child’s Name] was absent from school today due to illness. They have been experiencing [symptoms] and I believe they should stay at home and rest.

Please let me know if there is any work my child may have missed or any assignments that need to be completed.

18. Email to teacher about a child needing extra support

I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to reach out to discuss some concerns I have about my child’s progress in the class. My child has been struggling with [specific area(s) of difficulty] and I was wondering if there are any extra resources or support available to help them succeed.

I know my child is capable of doing well, but they may need some additional assistance. I would greatly appreciate any advice or guidance on how we can work together to ensure their success.

19. Email to teacher asking for something

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to kindly request [insert what you are asking for]. I believe this will greatly benefit my learning experience in your class.

Thank you for your time and consideration. Please let me know if you need any additional information from me.

20. Example email to teacher about failing grades

I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to reach out to you regarding my recent grades in your class. I have noticed that my grades have been consistently low, and I am concerned about my performance in the class.

I wanted to ask if there are any additional resources or study materials that you would recommend to help me improve my understanding of the material. I am willing to put in extra effort and time to ensure that I can succeed in your class.

21. Example email to teacher about failing grades version 2

I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to reach out to you regarding my recent grades in your class. I have noticed that I am struggling and unfortunately, my recent grades reflect that. I am disappointed in myself and I know that this is not a reflection of my abilities.

I wanted to ask if there is anything I can do to improve my performance in the class. I am willing to put in extra effort and seek additional help if necessary. I am also open to any feedback you may have to offer.

23. Email to teacher about a sick child

I am writing to let you know that my child [Child’s Name] is currently sick and will not be able to attend school for the next few days. As soon as my child is feeling better, they will return to class.

I appreciate your understanding.

24. Email to teacher from parent about new student joining

I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to inform you that my child’s friend [New Student’s Name] will be joining your class starting tomorrow. They have recently moved to the area and will be attending [School Name] from now on.

I wanted to reach out and provide any necessary information you might need about [New Student’s Name]. They are a diligent student who enjoys math and science. They are also very involved in sports and love to play soccer.

Please let me know if there is anything else you need from me or if there are any adjustments that need to be made to accommodate the new student. We are looking forward to an exciting school year.

Thank you for your attention.

Best regards, [Parent’s Name]

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  • Positive Email to Parents from Teacher: 15 Example Emails
  • Missing Assignment Email to Teacher: 25 Example Emails

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Teaching approaches: First lessons

  • 1 Teaching approaches: First lessons
  • 2 Teaching approaches: checking-homework Challenge
  • 3 Teaching approaches: computer assisted language learning
  • 4 Teaching approaches: content-based teaching
  • 5 Teaching approaches: functional approaches in EFL/ ESOL
  • 6 Teaching approaches: task-based learning
  • 7 Teaching approaches: the communicative classroom
  • 8 Teaching approaches: the grammar-translation method
  • 9 Teaching approaches: the negotiated syllabus
  • 10 Teaching approaches: total physical response
  • 11 Teaching approaches: translation as a language learning tool
  • 12 Teaching approaches: using L1 in class
  • 13 Teaching approaches: What is "suggestopedia"?
  • 14 Teaching approaches: what is audiolingualism?
  • 15 Teaching approaches: what is the silent way?

Teaching approaches: checking-homework Challenge

By Jane Sjoberg

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These are just a few ideas of how to make the whole-class correction of homework less of a chore and more of an active challenge. The suggestions given are specifically geared to be used when correcting exercises set from a workbook or worksheet as homework but some ideas may also be used when giving feedback for tasks set in class.

  • Give students a chance to compare their answers in pairs. Students can then correct/ change/ complete their own answers before a whole class check. This puts students at the centre of the correction process from the start and asks them to reflect upon their own and each other’s answers with a greater degree of learner autonomy.
  • Take names out of a hat at random to nominate the students who are to supply answers (make sure this is done in a ‘fun’ way, explaining to students that they have an opportunity to PASS if their name is called).
  • Use a ball or a scrunched up ball of newspaper weighted with a thick rubber band (lightweight balls that don’t bounce are best – bouncy balls have a tendency to get lost in the darkest corners of the classroom) to throw at random around the class to see who gets to give their answer to questions. Whoever gets the ball throws it to the next student. Again, give students an opportunity to pass if necessary.
  • Alternate between asking for answers to be volunteered and calling on specific students to answer questions. Where the teacher is unfamiliar with the various ability groups in a class, nominating students can be a nightmare, especially if weaker or less confident learners are inadvertently asked to provide their answer to more complex questions. However, nominating is a way of ensuring the participation of those who are less likely to volunteer. Alternating between volunteers and nominated students solves this problem in part, but nominees should always be given the chance to pass if they prefer.
  • To ensure that all students participate in the correction process, pre-prepare a grid that includes the question numbers for the various exercises that are to be corrected. Leave a space next to each question number. At the beginning of the lesson, get students to put their name down to answer the various questions. Tell students that, even if they did not do the homework they can still try to answer a question of their choice but do not force students to put their names down. When all the students who wish to participate have put their names down for at least one question, take the list in and use it to call on the students to answer the questions in turn. This ensures that the students called upon will be answering questions they themselves feel confident about (or else questions for which they would prefer individual feedback). If this process is repeated over several lessons, it also gives the teacher a chance to see whether there are students who repeatedly prefer not to be involved in the homework correction process. These students and their individual problems regarding homework can then be dealt with on a one-to-one basis.
  • For fill-in-the-gaps exercises or simple one- or two-word answers present feedback in power point or on an OHP. Go through answers one by one giving time for students to check their own work. At the end of each exercise, stop and give students a chance to query, provide alternatives, or request further information regarding specific answers.
  • Ask the class to do a quick survey in groups ranking exercises from the most to least difficult, the most to least interesting, the most to least useful etc.. Use student feedback to decide which exercise to correct together first and then give exercises ranked by the majority as the least interesting/difficult on OHP/power point as above to speed up the correction process. This ensures that students will be more alert during the correction of what they perceived to be the most problematic areas of their homework. Homework ranking tasks also provide important feedback to the teacher who may use the data provided to check on the cause of problems areas at a later date. Students may perceive certain exercises as difficult for different reasons – length, typology, unclear instructions, vocabulary density of exercise, grammatical problems, uninteresting topic etc.. A further analysis of these issues may help the teacher to decide which exercises to set or dedicate more time to in the future. Remember to check your students’ ranking of difficult exercises after correction – what students may have originally perceived as problematic may not actually correspond to their own performance. This again may be something that can be discussed and analyzed further at a later date.
  • For teachers in a hurry to get correcting out of the way – simply vary the order in which exercises are corrected. This ensures that students are alert and are following the correction process.
  • Get students to check through answers in pairs by photocopying the key (readymade or produced by the teacher) or displaying answers on an OHP. Set aside time at the end of the lesson for individual students to discuss problem areas or organize a tutorial session where students can come and discuss problems individually with the teacher while the group works on another task/project work.
  • Change the time of the lesson in which homework is corrected. Most students expect homework corrections to come right at the beginning of a lesson and, let’s face it, it’s not the best or most enjoyable way to start off! Try checking homework as a way of ‘calming down’ after a boisterous group-work session or leave it till the end of the lesson. Incidentally, this also works with setting homework. Try varying the point of the lesson at which homework is set to ensure that all the students are paying attention!
  • Take in students’ workbooks occasionally or provide photocopies of exercises that can be handed in. Though this does add to the teacher’s workload, it is worth taking a look at how students deal with more mechanical exercises that differ from extended written work which necessarily requires individual marking and feedback. Taking a look at a workbook can provide an idea of problem areas for individual students, again with a view to diagnosing problem areas in structures/ vocabulary or assessing difficulties that may be based on other factors such as lack of interest in the topic, unclear instructions etc.. It may also allow the teacher to gain insight into how much (or how little) homework an individual student is regularly putting in. Following the teacher’s appraisal of the students’ workbooks individual tutorials may be arranged to discuss issues as appropriate.
  • Provide mini keys of individual exercises to distribute to pairs. Students then take it in turns to ‘play the teacher’ and check each other’s answers. Where more than two exercises need checking pairs can exchange keys and repeat the process as many times as necessary. The teacher can circulate and deal with queries as pairs are checking. However, remember to provide an opportunity for the discussion of problem areas at the end of the pair-work session or at the end of the lesson.
  • Most workbook exercises that need to be checked are not specifically designed to practise pronunciation. Where pronunciation exercises are set make sure that adequate time is given to teacher modelling and student production of target items. In the majority of cases, i.e. where structures, vocabulary and functions are being practised, vary the correction procedure by taking time out along the way to focus on pronunciation/ intonation issues. Even the most boring feedback sessions can be livened up by a rousing choral repetition session!
  • Spot check on lexis by occasionally eliciting synonyms/ antonyms/ similar expressions/ analogous idioms of items taken from the exercises being corrected. This also provides an added opportunity for those who did not do the homework to participate in the correction process and allows those who did not necessarily provide a correct answer in an exercise to regain their confidence in being able to answer extra questions. This technique is also useful for involving more competent or confident students. Spot check questions should therefore be carefully gauged to include the whole ability range. Extra questions can also include pronunciation issues by eliciting word stress, number of syllables, homophones etc. The teacher is obviously free to ask spot check questions at any point during the correction process. However, it may be worth just taking a quick look at the exercises that are to be corrected beforehand so that appropriate extra questions may be devised in advance.
  • Using photocopies or an OHP transparency, create a multiple choice answer key for a few exercises where three possible answers to each question are provided, only one of which is correct. Students then compare their own answers with the alternatives given. They then choose the answer that they consider correct (which may or may not correspond with their own original answer). This activity gives students a chance to rethink their own answers before the teacher finally provides the key. It also gives less confident students and those who may not have completed the task an opportunity to take part in the correction process.
  • Play the ‘Who wants to be a millionaire?’ game when correcting. In this case, students are placed in two teams. Students from each team are called upon alternately to provide answers to each question. Each team has a set number of ‘ask a friend’, ‘fifty-fifty’ and ‘pass’ cards which they can use at their discretion. (Numbers can be decided on the basis of how many students there are in each team. For a class of 12 students with teams of 6 players each, one card of each type should be ample. The ‘cards’ do not have to be made as such. They may be simply registered on the board for each team and rubbed off as they are used). For ‘ask-a-friend’ a student may ask another member of his/her team to provide the answer. For ‘fifty-fifty’ the teacher gives two alternative answers and the student must choose which he/she considers correct. (This may need some prior preparation, depending on the teacher’s ability to come up with sneaky alternatives!) If the student passes, the answer is given by the teacher and no points are scored. One word of warning – as this game has a strong competitive element, please make sure that an equal number of questions is given to each team and that a variety of exercises is ensured. It is a good idea to split individual exercises into two halves and give teams an equal number of questions each. If an exercise has an odd number of answers, the teacher can simply provide the answer to the first question as an example.
  • Finally, be upbeat about homework correction. Camp up the performance if necessary with a round of applause for correct answers. Sound effects for applause can be recorded or included in power point presentations or the students themselves can be encouraged to clap when correct answers are given. With younger students, take care that clapping does not turn to booing wrong answers, however. If this is a risk, you might consider a collective round of applause at the end of each exercise corrected. Also remember that homework feedback which involves student participation may be an intense source of satisfaction when students are able to provide the right answer but it can also be a source of embarrassment for those who are unable to do so. Make sure lots of praise and encouragement is given for answers that are even partly correct and, where possible, give positive feedback for areas that are not necessarily the focus of the exercise (such as good pronunciation in the case of grammatical errors or wrong answers in comprehension exercises).

Remember: students quickly tune in to the mood of their teacher. If the teacher presents homework correction as a valid and interesting part of the learning process it will be infectious and homework corrections need never be boring again!

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How to talk to your child’s teacher about opting out of homework

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Alexander Dummer | Pexels

Conversations with neighborhood acquaintances often leave me with a lot to think about . And a recent conversation about homework left me thinking that the topic might be significant to a lot of families.

One of my neighbors has a daughter the same age as mine, and our girls enjoy playing together when we run into each other. Recently, I saw her at the playground and asked how her daughter’s kindergarten year had gone at our local public school. 

She said she liked the school alright, but the homework was a real drag. Her daughter brought home 5 to 10 pages of homework, and getting it all done ate up their evenings as a family.

As she described it, I realized that she spent more time doing homework with her daughter than I spent in formal lessons to homeschool my daughter for the same level in school.

To be clear, the little girl was in kindergarten . This mountain of homework was being assigned to 5-year-olds.

Call me crazy, but homework in kindergarten seems excessive. This unnecessary busywork takes away time that could be spent on things that are much more important for young children, such as playing, reading aloud, getting outside , and spending time as a family.

But parents have options, and often a lot more say over their children’s education than they may realize. I was inspired by the example of my friend Candace, who encountered a similar homework situation at her son’s kindergarten and took a head-on and genius approach.

Candace learned that experts agree that playtime and outdoor time are very important for children’s development, while there’s no evidence of an academic benefit of homework in elementary school. 

So she sat down and had a friendly conversation with her son’s kindergarten teacher explaining that her son would not be doing any homework that year.

I told his teacher, “We prefer that he spend his afternoons on outdoor time, family time, and free time at this age, so we don’t plan to do homework.  If there’s any specific subject you think he needs more time on or projects the class is working on, please let me know; we can be flexible.” I followed it up with a note in his folder that said the same thing. 

I think this is such a wonderful way to handle the issue. Hopefully if you take a similar approach, you might inspire a few other parents to jump on the no-homework bandwagon with you.

Candace had a few tips for parents who want to take the same approach:

It helps to approach the teacher with friendliness and confidence, rather than feeling defensive or contentious. For our family, the main benefit was time spent outside or on other interests instead of on worksheets.  An added bonus was zero time spent arguing over homework. 

Ultimately, every family has a unique situation. But she’s so glad she took the no-homework route. It was the right decision for her family.

“You know your child best,” she said. “I know my son thrives when he has plenty of play and movement and fresh air in his day.”

As do all children, honestly. So if you find yourself spending all evening on homework for a young child, I hope Candace’s example can inspire you to opt out completely. I don’t think you’ll regret it for a minute.


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How to Reduce Homework Stress

If homework is a source of frustration and stress in your home, it doesn’t have to be that way! Read on to learn effective strategies to reduce your child’s homework stress.

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Author Katie Wickliff

when teacher ask for homework

Published March 2024

when teacher ask for homework

 If homework is a source of frustration and stress in your home, it doesn’t have to be that way! Read on to learn effective strategies to reduce your child’s homework stress.

  • Key takeaways
  • Homework stress can be a significant problem for children and their families
  • An appropriate amount of quality homework can be beneficial for students
  • Parents can help reduce homework stress in several key ways

Table of contents

  • Homework stress effects
  • How to reduce homework stress

As a parent who has felt the frustration of watching my child be reduced to tears because of her homework each night, I’ve often wondered: do these math worksheets and reading trackers really make a difference to a child’s academic success? Or does homework cause stress without having a positive impact on learning? 

If your child experiences a significant amount of homework stress, you may feel at a loss to help. However, there are several things you can do at home to minimize the negative effects of this stress on your child–and you! We’ve put together a list of research-based practices that can help your child better handle their homework load.

The Effects of Homework Stress on Students

Does homework cause stress? Short answer: Yes. It’s been well documented that too much homework can cause stress and anxiety for students–and their parents. However, do the benefits of homework outweigh the costs? Is homework “worth” the frustration and exhaustion that our children experience? 

Findings on the benefits of homework at the elementary school level are mixed, with studies showing that homework appears to have more positive effects under certain conditions for certain groups of students.

After examining decades of studies on the relationship between homework and academic achievement, leading homework researcher Harris M. Cooper has proposed the “10-minute rule,” suggesting that homework be limited to 10 minutes per grade level. For example, children in 3rd grade should do no more than 30 minutes of homework daily, while a 1st grader should do no more than 10 minutes of homework. The National Parent Teacher Association and the National Education Association both endorse this guideline as a general rule of thumb. 

Because of these research findings, Doodle believes that an appropriate amount of quality homework can help students feel more positive about learning and can provide parents with a critical connection to their child’s school experience . But to keep learning positive, we need to reduce the amount of stress both students and parents feel about homework.

1. Routine, Routine, Routine

Creating an after-school routine and sticking to it helps children feel organized, but with sports, tutoring, or music lessons, many children have varying weekday schedules. As a former classroom teacher and private tutor, I suggest that families post a weekly schedule somewhere visible and communicate that schedule with their child. 

At our house, we have a dry-erase calendar posted on the wall. Every Sunday evening, I write both of my children’s schedules for the following week–including homework time. We go through the calendar together, and they reference it often throughout the week. I can tell both my son and daughter feel better when they know when they’ll get their homework done.

2. Create a Homework Space

Ideally, your child should have a dedicated homework space. It doesn’t matter if that space is a desk, a dining room table, or a kitchen countertop. What does matter is that the homework area is tidy, because an unorganized homework area is very distracting.

3. Start Homework Early

Encourage your child to start their homework as early as possible. Help them review their assignments, make a plan for what needs to be completed, and then dive in. Naturally, children are more tired later in the evening which can lead to more stress.

4. Encourage Breaks

If you can see your child becoming frustrated or overwhelmed by their homework, encourage them to take a breather and come back to it later. As a teacher and tutor, I called this a “brain break” and believe these breaks are essential. Taking a short break will give your child a chance to step away from a frustrating problem or assignment.

5. It’s Okay to Ask for Help

Sometimes, homework can become just too stressful and overwhelming. In that case, it really is okay to stop. Children can learn to advocate for themselves by making a list of questions for their teacher and asking for help the next day. Depending on their age, you might need to help role-play how to approach their teacher with their frustrations. 

Additionally, parents should never feel afraid to contact their child’s teacher to talk about homework issues. When I was teaching elementary school, I always wanted parents to feel comfortable reaching out about any issues, including homework stress.

6. Get Plenty of Rest

Sleep is critical to a child’s overall wellbeing , which includes their academic performance. Tired kids can’t concentrate as well, which can lead to feeling more overwhelmed about homework assignments. According to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, kids aged 6-12 should get at least 9 hours of sleep each night.

7. Consider a Homework Group

Organizing a homework group a few times a week is another way for your child to view homework more positively. Working as a group encourages collaboration, while discussions can solidify concepts learned in class.

8. Encourage Positivity

No matter what your school experience was like, it’s important to model a growth mindset for your child. A growth mindset is the belief that your abilities can develop and improve over time. So if your child says something like “ I can’t do this! ” first acknowledge their frustration. Then, encourage them to say, “ I may not understand this yet, but I will figure it out. ” Speaking positively about tough experiences takes practice, but it will go a long way in reducing homework stress for your child.

9. Develop Skills With Fun Games

Feeling stressed about homework is no fun. Completing worksheets and memorizing facts is necessary, but playing games is a great way to inject some excitement into learning. Doodle’s interactive math app is filled with interactive exercises, engaging math games, and unique rewards that help kids develop their skills while having fun.

Lower Math Anxiety with DoodleMath

Does your child struggle with math anxiety? DoodleMath is an award-winning math app f illed with fun, interactive math questions aligned to state standards. Doodle creates a unique work program tailored to each child’s skill level to boost confidence and reduce math anxiety. Try it free  today!

for families

FAQs About Homework Stress

when teacher ask for homework

Many studies have shown that homework and stress often go hand-in-hand, often because many children feel pressure to perform perfectly or they have trouble managing their emotions–they get overwhelmed or flooded easily.

You can help your child reduce homework stress in several ways, including by establishing a routine, creating a homework space, encouraging breaks, and making homework fun with online games or math apps.

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Lesson credits

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Katie Wickliff

Katie holds a master’s degree in Education from the University of Colorado and a bachelor’s degree in both Journalism and English from The University of Iowa. She has over 15 years of education experience as a K-12 classroom teacher and Orton-Gillingham certified tutor. Most importantly, Katie is the mother of two elementary students, ages 8 and 11. She is passionate about math education and firmly believes that the right tools and support will help every student reach their full potential.

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How to Ask a Teacher for Help

Last Updated: April 1, 2024 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Jessica Villegas . Jessica Villegas is a Certified Academic Life Coach and the Founder of Hi-Lite Coaching + Consulting in Winter Garden, Florida. Jessica has over 20 years of leadership experience, and she and her team serve teens and young adults through private coaching, group coaching, workshops, and speaking engagements. She uses workbook exercises, coaching planners, and regular check-ins to support young adults in achieving their academic and personal goals. Jessica received her Bachelor’s in Organizational Communications and Leadership Studies from the University of Central Florida and her Professional Coaching certification through Coach Training EDU, an ICF Accredited Institution, as an Academic Life Coach. There are 7 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 160,703 times.

It can sometimes be scary or intimidating to ask a teacher for help. Whether you or a student or a parent, you may not know the right way to approach the teacher or even what to say. However, if you use strategies like talking to the teacher at the right time and being clear about what help you need you can ask a teacher for help.

Getting Help with Schoolwork

Step 1 Try problem-solving first.

  • Try to use your resources. For example, see if the answer to your question is in your textbook or notes.
  • Some teachers tell students to “phone a friend” or ask another student for help before asking the teacher.

Step 2 Be brave.

  • Take a deep breath and remind yourself that asking your teacher for help is a mature thing to do.
  • Say to yourself, “Asking for help means I’m mature. It’s what I should do when I don’t understand.”
  • You can also remind yourself, “There’s probably someone else that has the same question, but is afraid to ask. So I’ll be brave and ask.”

Step 3 Get your teacher’s attention the right way.

  • For example, your teacher might have taught you to hold up an American Sign Language ‘a’ to silently signal that you want to ask a question.
  • Sometimes you may need to approach your teacher to get their attention. If you do, politely say “Excuse me.”
  • For example, your Math teacher is at his desk looking over papers and doesn’t see your raised hand. You could walk up and say, “Excuse me, Mr. Jenkins.”

Step 4 Tell your teacher what you need help with.

  • You can start by saying something like, “Mr. Golden, could you help me with the fourth discussion question?”
  • Then you can be more specific. For example, “I don’t understand what the second part of the question is asking.”

Step 5 Don’t ask your teacher for the answers.

  • This will help you figure out similar questions and show your teacher that you want to be a good problem-solver.
  • For example, instead of asking, “What’s the main topic of this passage?” You could ask, “How do I find the main topic of a passage?”
  • Alternatively, you might say, "How do I multiple two-digit numbers?" instead of, "What is 30 times 15?"

Step 6 Listen to the response.

  • Don’t get impatient, if their answer turns into a mini-lesson. Your teacher is just trying to help you and make sure you understand.
  • Their answer to your question might answer another question you have or teach you something else.
  • Ask more questions if you don’t understand. For example, you could say, “And how do I know if it’s a right angle?”

Asking for Help with Personal Problems

Step 1 Ask to talk to the teacher in private.

  • For example, you could say, “When you have time later today, could we talk about a problem I’m having?”
  • If you’re afraid to approach your teacher, put a note on their chair. The note could say, “Can we talk later about something personal? Thanks, Mark.”
  • You could also send your teacher an email or message letting them know you would like to ask their help with a personal issue.

Step 2 Tell your teacher what kind of help you need.

  • Think about what kind of help you want. Ask yourself, “Do I want her to listen, to give me advice, or to do something about the problem?”
  • Tell your teacher how they can help. For example, “Can you help me come up with ways to make more friends?”
  • If you don’t know how you want your teacher to help, you it’s okay for you to say that, too.
  • Try saying, “I need your help with a problem, but I don’t know what kind of help I need.”

Step 3 Be honest.

  • The more truthful information your teacher has about what is going on, the more they will be able to help.
  • If you are afraid you will get in trouble, then say that. You could say, “I need your help with something but I’m scared I’ll get in trouble.”
  • If you are asking for help, but also trying not to get someone else in trouble, you could leave out names, but still be honest about what is going on.
  • For example, “My friend is thinking about cheating on a test and I need advice on how to stop them from doing something so stupid.”

Asking for Help as a Parent

Step 1 Don’t be afraid.

  • Most schools have interpreters and some teachers speak multiple languages.
  • If you don’t have time to go to the school, then give the teacher a call or send the teacher a note, email, or text.
  • Remind yourself, “Parent-teacher communication is good and I can’t get help if I don’t ask for it.”
  • Tell yourself, “This teacher wants what’s best for my child. She won’t look down on me for asking for help. She’ll know I’m trying to be a good parent.”

Step 2 Contact the teacher as soon as you realize you need help.

  • Don’t wait until report cards or progress reports come home.
  • If you notice that your child is struggling with homework or their grades are falling, you should ask the teacher for help immediately.
  • If your family is dealing with major stress like death, divorce, financial issues, or even moving you should ask the teacher for help supporting your child through it.

Step 3 Figure out what type of help you need.

  • You might need advice. For instance, you might need to ask for advice about encouraging your child to make better choices in friends.
  • Some parents need assistance. For example, you may need to ask for help paying for the upcoming field trip.
  • You may want information. You might, for example, want to ask for help becoming more active at your child’s school.

Step 4 Contact the teacher at the right time.

  • Before school and after school may seem like good times to call or go see a teacher to ask for help, but teachers are often very busy at these times.
  • If possible, contact the teacher ahead of time via note, phone, text, or email to schedule a time for you all to talk.
  • For example, you could send an email that says, “Greetings! I would like to ask your help with something. When is a good day and time for us to talk?”

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Jessica Villegas

While it can feel scary or intimidating to ask your teacher for help, remember that it’s the mature and responsible thing to do. Start by saying something like, “Excuse me Mr. Golden, but could you help me with the fourth discussion question? I don’t understand what the second part is asking.” Be prepared to listen carefully to your teacher’s response. If you still don’t understand, ask more questions or for clarification. Alternatively, if you want to ask your teacher for help with a personal problem, find a time when you can talk privately by asking them, “When you have time later today, could we talk about a problem I’m having?” If you’re too scared to approach them, send them an email or message instead. Then, tell your teacher what kind of help you need, like advice or simply someone to listen. To learn how to ask a teacher for help if you’re a parent, keep reading! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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Jessica Grose

Screens are everywhere in schools. do they actually help kids learn.

An illustration of a young student holding a pen and a digital device while looking at school lessons on the screens of several other digital devices.

By Jessica Grose

Opinion Writer

A few weeks ago, a parent who lives in Texas asked me how much my kids were using screens to do schoolwork in their classrooms. She wasn’t talking about personal devices. (Smartwatches and smartphones are banned in my children’s schools during the school day, which I’m very happy about; I find any argument for allowing these devices in the classroom to be risible.) No, this parent was talking about screens that are school sanctioned, like iPads and Chromebooks issued to children individually for educational activities.

I’m embarrassed to say that I couldn’t answer her question because I had never asked or even thought about asking. Partly because the Covid-19 era made screens imperative in an instant — as one ed-tech executive told my colleague Natasha Singer in 2021, the pandemic “sped the adoption of technology in education by easily five to 10 years.” In the early Covid years, when my older daughter started using a Chromebook to do assignments for second and third grade, I was mostly just relieved that she had great teachers and seemed to be learning what she needed to know. By the time she was in fifth grade and the world was mostly back to normal, I knew she took her laptop to school for in-class assignments, but I never asked for specifics about how devices were being used. I trusted her teachers and her school implicitly.

In New York State, ed tech is often discussed as an equity problem — with good reason: At home, less privileged children might not have access to personal devices and high-speed internet that would allow them to complete digital assignments. But in our learn-to-code society, in which computer skills are seen as a meal ticket and the humanities as a ticket to the unemployment line, there seems to be less chatter about whether there are too many screens in our kids’ day-to-day educational environment beyond the classes that are specifically tech focused. I rarely heard details about what these screens are adding to our children’s literacy, math, science or history skills.

And screens truly are everywhere. For example, according to 2022 data from the National Assessment of Educational Progress, only about 8 percent of eighth graders in public schools said their math teachers “never or hardly ever” used computers or digital devices to teach math, 37 percent said their math teachers used this technology half or more than half the time, and 44 percent said their math teachers used this technology all or most of the time.

As is often the case with rapid change, “the speed at which new technologies and intervention models are reaching the market has far outpaced the ability of policy researchers to keep up with evaluating them,” according to a dazzlingly thorough review of the research on education technology by Maya Escueta, Andre Joshua Nickow, Philip Oreopoulos and Vincent Quan published in The Journal of Economic Literature in 2020.

Despite the relative paucity of research, particularly on in-class use of tech, Escueta and her co-authors put together “a comprehensive list of all publicly available studies on technology-based education interventions that report findings from studies following either of two research designs, randomized controlled trials or regression discontinuity designs.”

They found that increasing access to devices didn’t always lead to positive academic outcomes. In a couple of cases, it just increased the amount of time kids were spending on devices playing games. They wrote, “We found that simply providing students with access to technology yields largely mixed results. At the K-12 level, much of the experimental evidence suggests that giving a child a computer may have limited impacts on learning outcomes but generally improves computer proficiency and other cognitive outcomes.”

Some of the most promising research is around computer-assisted learning, which the researchers defined as “computer programs and other software applications designed to improve academic skills.” They cited a 2016 randomized study of 2,850 seventh-grade math students in Maine who used an online homework tool. The authors of that study “found that the program improved math scores for treatment students by 0.18 standard deviations. This impact is particularly noteworthy, given that treatment students used the program, on average, for less than 10 minutes per night, three to four nights per week,” according to Escueta and her co-authors.

They also explained that in the classroom, computer programs may help teachers meet the needs of students who are at different levels, since “when confronted with a wide range of student ability, teachers often end up teaching the core curriculum and tailoring instruction to the middle of the class.” A good program, they found, could help provide individual attention and skill building for kids at the bottom and the top, as well. There are computer programs for reading comprehension that have shown similar positive results in the research. Anecdotally: My older daughter practices her Spanish language skills using an app, and she hand-writes Spanish vocabulary words on index cards. The combination seems to be working well for her.

Though their review was published in 2020, before the data was out on our grand remote-learning experiment, Escueta and her co-authors found that fully online remote learning did not work as well as hybrid or in-person school. I called Thomas Dee, a professor at Stanford’s Graduate School of Education, who said that in light of earlier studies “and what we’re coming to understand about the long-lived effects of the pandemic on learning, it underscores for me that there’s a social dimension to learning that we ignore at our peril. And I think technology can often strip that away.”

Still, Dee summarized the entire topic of ed tech to me this way: “I don’t want to be black and white about this. I think there are really positive things coming from technology.” But he said that they are “meaningful supports on the margins, not fundamental changes in the modality of how people learn.”

I’d add that the implementation of any technology also matters a great deal; any educational tool can be great or awful, depending on how it’s used.

I’m neither a tech evangelist nor a Luddite. (Though I haven’t even touched on the potential implications of classroom teaching with artificial intelligence, a technology that, in other contexts, has so much destructive potential .) What I do want is the most effective educational experience for all kids.

Because there’s such a lag in the data and a lack of granularity to the information we do have, I want to hear from my readers: If you’re a teacher or a parent of a current K-12 student, I want to know how you and they are using technology — the good and the bad. Please complete the questionnaire below and let me know. I may reach out to you for further conversation.

Do your children or your students use technology in the classroom?

If you’re a parent, an educator or both, I want to hear from you.

Jessica Grose is an Opinion writer for The Times, covering family, religion, education, culture and the way we live now.

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Get the facts: what's on the milwaukee ballot.

Milwaukee voters have a lot of decisions to make Tuesday, and election officials encourage people to do their homework before going to the polls

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Stay up to speed on all the latest local and national political news.

Polls open at 7 a.m. Tuesday for Wisconsin's spring election and 2024 presidential primary. WISN 12 News is Getting the Facts for Milwaukee voters about what's on the ballot.

Perhaps the biggest issue on the ballot is a $252 million ask for Milwaukee Public Schools.

"Voting yes for MPS absolutely is very important to me. That is my main reason for voting tomorrow," said Rhiannon, a Milwaukee voter who did not want to reveal her last name.

Milwaukee Public Schools

Election officials encourage people to do their homework before going to the polls. The executive director of the Milwaukee Election Commission explains what's up for grabs.

"All 15 Common Council seats, city attorney, city treasurer, city comptroller, and of course, the mayor is on the ballot," Claire Woodall said.

"County executive, county comptroller, county supervisor," she added, about the Milwaukee County races.

City of Milwaukee reside Alexandra Ellis talked about what she's most concerned about on the ballot.

"I would probably say my aldermanic district," she said.

Geoffrey Pearson of West Allis has a plan.

"I'm going to personally be voting more for Democrats, and that's straight down the ticket," he said.

Voters will also have to say yes or no to two questions regarding how state elections are conducted.

Election funding ballot question

"The two statewide referendums are binding. They will be amending the state constitution," Woodall said.

Don't forget to bring a photo ID. Polls are open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m., and you can register to vote at your polling place.

"Voting is the foundation of being civically engaged. It's the simplest way we can get engaged in our local community," Woodall said.

A reminder, poll workers are prohibited from answering questions about referenda. For more information about what's on the ballot, visit the 1 2 News Voter Guide .


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  6. When the teacher ask what you wanna become


  1. How To Write an Email to a Teacher About Homework

    What to Include in The Email to Your Teacher About Homework. Subject Line: Be specific and concise, e.g., "Question About [Assignment Name] Due [Date].". Greeting: Address your teacher formally, using "Mr./Ms./Mrs. [Last Name].". Introduction: Start by introducing yourself, especially if it's early in the school year.

  2. How to talk with your child's teacher about too much homework

    Communicate clearly. Keep the focus on what your child is doing, not on what the teacher is doing or what the homework policies are. Be specific about what you're noticing at home, but don't be critical of the teacher. For instance, saying "You're giving so much homework that my child is spending hours trying to get it done" can sound ...

  3. A Simple, Effective Homework Plan For Teachers: Part 1

    Dealing with homework can be the source of great stress for teachers; it's a rare week that I don't receive at least one email asking for advice. So for the next two weeks I'm going to outline a homework plan-four strategies this week, four the next-aimed at making homework a simple yet effective process. Let's get started.

  4. How to Improve Homework for This Year—and Beyond

    A schoolwide effort to reduce homework has led to a renewed focus on ensuring that all work assigned really aids students' learning. I used to pride myself on my high expectations, including my firm commitment to accountability for regular homework completion among my students. But the trauma of Covid-19 has prompted me to both reflect and adapt.

  5. PDF Homework: A Guide for Parents

    minimally parents can ask them about homework and plans for completing it. ''What do you have to do and ... homework. Chicago: National Parent-Teacher Association. Van Voorhis, F. L. (2003). Interactive homework in middle schools: Effects on family involvement and science achievement. Journal of Educational Research,

  6. How to Email Teachers (with Pictures)

    8. End the email. There are many ways to end most emails, but you should always end emails to teachers with some variation of "Thank you," on its own line and then your name on a separate line. Possible substitutions for "Thank you" include "Sincerely", "Regards", and "Best".

  7. Is Homework Helpful? The 5 Questions Every Teacher Should Ask

    Make the learning applicable to everyday life, and it will be worth the time it takes to complete. 5. Does an assignment offer support when a teacher is not there? Students can reduce the time it takes to complete assignments if they know where to turn for help. In the case of homework, teachers are not there at all.

  8. Key Lessons: What Research Says About the Value of Homework

    Most teachers assign homework to reinforce what was presented in class or to prepare students for new material. Less commonly, homework is assigned to extend student learning to different contexts or to integrate learning by applying multiple skills around a project. Little research exists on the effects of these different kinds of homework on ...

  9. How to Help with Homework: Talk with Teachers to Resolve Problems

    Work with the Teacher. Continuing communication with teachers is very important in solving homework problems. As you work with your child's teacher, here are some important things to remember: Ask the teacher, school guidance counselor or principal if there are mentor programs in your community. Mentor programs pair a child with an adult ...

  10. Homework is hard for my child. How can the teacher help?

    Q. My 11-year-old son is having trouble finishing his homework on his own. Is there anything I can ask his teacher to do to help? A. Homework can create different hurdles for different kids.I've seen so many different homework strategies over the years in my own classroom, in my work with hundreds of teachers, and as a parent.

  11. The role of homework

    Homework provides continuity between lessons. It may be used to consolidate classwork, but also for preparation for the next lesson. Homework may be used to shift repetitive, mechanical, time-consuming tasks out of the classroom. Homework bridges the gap between school and home. Students, teachers and parents can monitor progress.

  12. How to Write a Clear, Polite Email to a Teacher

    Learning how to write an email to a teacher can be an intimidating task. Gain insight from our clear guide to writing an appropriate (and polite) email. ... An email titled "Homework question" could be about anything and from anyone, but an email titled "Marie Kingsley - Question About Research Paper" helps a teacher immediately know ...

  13. Designing Effective Homework

    In grades 1-5, homework should: Reinforce and allow students to practice skills learned in the classroom. Help students develop good study habits and routines. Foster positive feelings about school. In grades 6-12, homework should: Reinforce and allow students to practice skills learned in the classroom. Prepare students for engagement and ...

  14. A Proactive Approach to Your Child's Education: Top 10 Questions to Ask

    Ask the teacher for recommendations on how you can extend the learning process beyond the classroom, reinforcing concepts and enhancing understanding. What are the expectations for homework? Homework can be a hot topic for parents and teachers. Gain clarity about the purpose, frequency, and expected time commitment for homework to help your ...

  15. Homework challenges and strategies

    Using a homework contract can help your child set realistic goals. Encourage "thinking out loud." Get tips for helping grade-schoolers do schoolwork on their own. Sometimes, homework challenges don't go away despite your best efforts. Look for signs that kids may have too much homework. And learn how to talk with teachers about concerns.

  16. 25 Professional Teacher Email Examples

    2. Example email to a teacher about a late assignment. Dear [Teacher's Name], I apologize for submitting my assignment late. Unfortunately, unforeseen circumstances arose that prevented me from completing it on time. I understand the importance of timely submissions and take full responsibility for my actions.

  17. How to Help Kids With Homework

    Here are some homework tips for parents: Know their teacher. Attending parent-teacher conferences, getting involved in school events, and knowing how to get in touch with your child's teacher ...

  18. Teaching approaches: checking-homework Challenge

    Ask the class to do a quick survey in groups ranking exercises from the most to least difficult, the most to least interesting, the most to least useful etc.. ... Remember: students quickly tune in to the mood of their teacher. If the teacher presents homework correction as a valid and interesting part of the learning process it will be ...

  19. How to Do Homework (with Pictures)

    However, many teachers find this annoying and ask students to at least try. Asking for help with your homework isn't a sign that you're bad at the subject or that you're "stupid." Every teacher on the planet will respect a student that takes their homework seriously enough to ask for help.

  20. How to talk to your child's teacher about opting out of homework

    Ultimately, every family has a unique situation. But she's so glad she took the no-homework route. It was the right decision for her family. "You know your child best," she said. "I know ...

  21. How to Reduce Homework Stress

    Sometimes, homework can become just too stressful and overwhelming. In that case, it really is okay to stop. Children can learn to advocate for themselves by making a list of questions for their teacher and asking for help the next day. Depending on their age, you might need to help role-play how to approach their teacher with their frustrations.

  22. 3 Ways to Ask a Teacher for Help

    3. Get your teacher's attention the right way. Yelling "I need help" or just blurting out your question while your teacher is talking is not the best way to get their attention. To respect your teacher, raise your hand or use the signal they taught you when asking for help.

  23. Screens Are Everywhere in Schools. Do They Actually Help Kids Learn?

    We need to start asking better questions about what kinds work for teachers and students. ... They cited a 2016 randomized study of 2,850 seventh-grade math students in Maine who used an online ...

  24. Get The Facts: What's on the Milwaukee ballot?

    Polls open at 7 a.m. Tuesday for Wisconsin's spring election and 2024 presidential primary. WISN 12 News is Getting the Facts for Milwaukee voters about what's on the ballot.