20 Examples Of How To Address a Cover Letter to an Unknown Recipient


Imagine sending out dozens of job applications, only to realize that you've been addressing your cover letters incorrectly. As it turns out, addressing a cover letter to an unknown recipient can be a tricky task. In this comprehensive guide, we'll provide strategies for finding the right name, using job titles as an alternative, formatting the letter, avoiding common mistakes, leveraging professional networking, and understanding the importance of personalization. By following our advice, you can increase your chances of landing that job interview and making a great first impression.

Finding the Right Name

Before you give up on finding the recipient's name, consider these research strategies:

Check the job post for a specific name. Sometimes, the name of the hiring manager or contact person is listed in the job posting. Read the post carefully to see if a name is mentioned.

Search the company website for a company directory or listing of key personnel. Many organizations have a "Meet Our Team" or "About Us" section that introduces their staff members. Look for someone with a relevant title, such as "Hiring Manager" or "Human Resources Director."

Call the company directly and ask for the appropriate contact person. If you're unable to find the name online, consider calling the company and asking for the name of the person responsible for hiring for the position you're applying for. This approach can be particularly effective for smaller organizations.

Utilize professional networking platforms like LinkedIn to find the recipient. LinkedIn is a powerful tool for job seekers. Try searching for employees at the company with relevant titles, then check their profiles for clues about their role in the hiring process. You can learn more about how to find the name of the hiring manager using LinkedIn in this helpful article.

Personalize your cover letter. Addressing your cover letter to a specific individual shows that you've done your homework and are genuinely interested in the position. This extra effort can make a big difference in how your application is perceived by the recipient.

Using a Job Title

If you're unable to find the recipient's name, consider using a job title or department head as an alternative:

Address the letter to the job title of the reader. For example, you might write "Dear Hiring Manager" or "Dear Human Resources Director." This approach is more specific and professional than using a generic greeting like "To Whom It May Concern."

Consider addressing the letter to the head of the department where you're applying to work. If you know the department your job falls under, try addressing your cover letter to the department head, such as "Dear Marketing Director" or "Dear IT Manager."

Explain why using a job title or department head can still demonstrate professionalism and personalization. Although it's not as ideal as using a specific name, addressing your letter to a relevant job title shows that you've put some thought into your application and have a clear understanding of the company's structure.

Provide examples of different job titles to use as salutations. You can find a list of different job titles to use as salutations in this resource.

Discuss the potential impact of using job titles on the success of the job application. While using a job title may not guarantee success, it can increase your chances of making a favorable impression. A personalized salutation indicates that you're genuinely interested in the position and have taken the time to research the company.

Formatting the Letter

When addressing a cover letter to an unknown recipient, follow these formatting tips:

Always use "Dear" to start the address. This is a professional and respectful way to begin a cover letter.

Use a gender-neutral title (such as Ms.) if the recipient's gender is unknown. If you're unsure of the recipient's gender, it's better to use a neutral title like "Ms." rather than making assumptions.

For non-gender-specific names, use the recipient's full name. If you can't determine the recipient's gender based on their name, address the letter using their full name, such as "Dear Taylor Smith."

Maintain a professional tone even when the name is unknown. Even if you don't know the recipient's name, it's crucial to keep your language and tone professional throughout your cover letter.

Provide examples of well-formatted cover letter salutations.

While it's always best to try and find the name of the hiring manager or recruiter, there may be times when you just can't find that information. Don't let it deter you. Below are 20 examples of how you can address your cover letter when the recipient is unknown:

1. Dear Hiring Manager, 2. To the Recruitment Team, 3. Dear Human Resources Team, 4. Attention Hiring Committee, 5. Dear [Job Title] Hiring Team, 6. To the [Company Name] Team, 7. Dear [Company Name] Recruiter, 8. To Whom It May Concern, 9. Dear Hiring Authority, 10. Attention [Company Name] Hiring Professionals, 11. Dear Talent Acquisition Team, 12. Hello [Company Name] Selection Panel, 13. Dear Recruitment Advisor, 14. To the [Industry] Professionals at [Company Name], 15. Attention [Company Name] Talent Scouts, 16. Dear Hiring Advocate, 17. To the Selection Committee for [Job Title], 18. Dear [Company Name] Staffing Team, 19. Attention [Job Title] Recruitment Panel, 20. Dear [Company Name] Hiring Panel,

Remember, the goal is to be as respectful and professional as possible in your salutation. Even if you don't know the recipient's name, demonstrating courtesy in your greeting will set a positive tone for the rest of your cover letter.

Also, avoid overly casual greetings like 'Hello' or 'Hi there,' which might seem unprofessional, and stay clear of outdated phrases such as 'Dear Sir or Madam.' Instead, opt for more modern, inclusive alternatives. Be sure to follow your greeting with a comma or a colon, then leave a space before starting the body of your letter.

Avoiding Common Mistakes

When addressing a cover letter to an unknown recipient, it's essential to avoid these common mistakes:

Using generic greetings like "To Whom It May Concern." This phrase is outdated and impersonal, and using it can make your application seem generic and unprofessional. Instead, try to find a specific name or use a job title, as discussed in previous sections.

Using incorrect titles or making assumptions about the recipient's gender. Making assumptions about someone's gender or using an inappropriate title can potentially offend the recipient and hurt your chances of landing an interview. Stick to gender-neutral titles or use the recipient's full name when in doubt.

Addressing the letter to the wrong department or job title. Be sure to double-check that you're addressing your letter to the appropriate person or department. Sending your application to the wrong person can result in your application being overlooked or discarded.

Failing to proofread the cover letter for errors, even in the salutation. Typos and other errors can make a poor impression on the recipient. Be sure to proofread your entire cover letter, including the salutation, before submitting it.

Provide examples of mistakes that could hurt the applicant's chances of landing an interview. Some examples of common errors include misspelling the recipient's name, using an informal greeting (such as "Hey"), or addressing the letter to an unrelated department (e.g., "Dear Accounting Manager" when applying for a marketing position).

Utilizing Professional Networking

Leveraging your professional network can be an effective way to find the name of the recipient for your cover letter:

Use platforms like LinkedIn to research the company and its employees. As mentioned earlier, LinkedIn is a valuable resource for job seekers. You can use the platform to find employees with relevant titles, learn more about the company culture, and even discover mutual connections who might be able to provide an introduction or additional information.

Connect with current employees or alumni of the company. Networking with people who work at the company or have worked there in the past can give you valuable insights into the hiring process and help you identify the appropriate contact person for your cover letter.

Search for the appropriate contact person within your professional network. Use your connections to find people who work at the company you're applying to, and ask if they know who the hiring manager for your desired position is.

Networking can help job seekers get noticed by potential employers. Building relationships with people at the company can increase your chances of getting noticed and potentially even lead to a referral. Learn more about how networking can help job seekers get noticed by potential employers in this article.

Offer examples of successful job seekers who found the recipient's name through networking. For instance, this cover letter that landed a job seeker a role at LinkedIn is a great example of how personalizing your cover letter and leveraging your network can help you stand out.

Importance of Personalization

Personalizing your cover letter can make a significant difference in the success of your job application:

Discuss the impact of personalization on the reader's impression of the applicant. A personalized cover letter demonstrates that you've done your research and are genuinely interested in the position, which can make a positive impression on the recipient.

Provide statistics on the success rate of personalized cover letters compared to generic ones. According to resume statistics , candidates with typos in their cover letters or resumes are 58% more likely to be dismissed, while those who do not include specific employment dates are 27% more likely to be dismissed.

Offer expert opinions on the importance of addressing cover letters to specific individuals. Many career experts agree that addressing cover letters to specific individuals can increase your chances of landing an interview.

Explain how personalization demonstrates research skills and genuine interest in the company. Taking the time to research the recipient and tailor your cover letter to the specific position and company shows that you're not only a thorough and detail-oriented candidate, but also genuinely interested in the opportunity.

Share anecdotes of successful job seekers who personalized their cover letters and landed interviews. For example, one job seeker found the recipient's name through LinkedIn and personalized his cover letter , which helped him land an interview and ultimately secure the position.

Conclusion and Final Thoughts

In summary, addressing a cover letter to an unknown recipient can be challenging, but by following our tips and strategies, you can make a strong impression on potential employers. Remember to:

  • Research the recipient's name or use a relevant job title.
  • Personalize your cover letter to demonstrate genuine interest in the position.
  • Maintain a professional tone and formatting throughout your cover letter.
  • Avoid common mistakes that can hurt your chances of landing an interview.
  • Leverage your professional network to find the appropriate contact person.

By applying these tips to your job search, you'll increase your chances of success and make a lasting impression on potential employers. Good luck with your job applications!

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10 Best Ways To Address A Cover Letter Without A Name

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Cover letters consume a fair amount of time in the application process, as the more personalized they are, the better. With the majority of the application process being automated and online now, the hiring manager ’s name can end up being an unknown quantity. If you don’t know the hiring manager’s name and don’t know what to do, then this article will help you.

If the hiring manager’s name is unknown, then you have a few options. The best, of course, is to find out what their name is and address the letter to them. But if that all fails, then there are proper ways to address a cover letter to an unknown recipient.

Key Takeaways:

Try to find the name of the person you are addressing using the job listing, company website, or contacting the company.

Don’t assume someone’s martial status and avoid using “Miss” and “Mrs.” whenever possible.

Avoid assuming gender, even if you do know the person’s name.

Use a professional and appropriate greeting and avoid sounding like you would when addressing your friend.

Who to Address Cover Letter To if Unknown

How to address a cover letter if you don’t know the recipient’s name

Why is addressing a cover letter correctly important, how to find out who to address your cover letter to, example cover letter, addressing a cover letter faq, final thoughts, expert opinion.

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There are a few rules to follow when addressing a cover letter: be professional, polite, and concise. That means that even if you don’t know the recipient’s name, you want to maintain the same professional tone in the letter and avoid overly stilted language or being too informal.

Here are some guidelines to follow when addressing a cover letter:

If you can find out the hiring manager’s name, do so. That means that you should spend time looking over the company website, checking LinkedIn profiles, or even calling the company.

Don’t assume the hiring manager’s gender. This is especially true when you don’t know their name. But even if you do find out the person’s name, avoid gendered language until you’re sure how they identify. Some people will put preferred pronouns in email signatures or on their LinkedIn profiles, so it might be a good idea to check.

Maintain a professional tone. There’s a common style and formality to business letters. Make sure that your cover letter has that tone. it’s different than a letter you’d write to a friend, and being too familiar with your writing can be off-putting to hiring managers.

Avoid assuming the person’s title. This applies to both marital status, such as using Mrs. or Miss, but also whether they have a doctorate. In general, unless this is someone you know, avoid using either Mrs. or Miss, because it can cause offense, even if used correctly.

Make sure you include a salutation. Even if you don’t know who you’re addressing, leaving one off entirely can end up either looking like a mistake or that you didn’t personalize the letter at all.

Be as specific as possible. Even if you can’t find out exactly who the hiring manager is, make sure to be specific in your greeting. Use Dear Marketing Hiring Manager rather than just Dear Hiring Manager if you’re applying for a marketing position.

Also, while HR is most often in charge of hiring, it’s best not to just address the HR department unless you know that they’re the ones who’ll be in charge of your application. Not every business has HR take care of all hiring tasks, especially if it’s a smaller company.

Examples of how to address a cover letter:

Dear Sir or Madam

Dear Hiring Manager

Dear Talent Acquisition Team

Dear [Company Name] HR Department

Dear [Company name] Hiring Manager

Dear Human Resources Manager

Dear Human Resources Department

Dear [Company Name] Recruiter

Dear [Department Name] Hiring Manager

Dear [Department Name] Hiring Team

Here are some examples of how NOT to address a cover letter:

Good Morning

To Whom It May Concern

Dear Mrs. Smith

Hi Sebastian!

Hey Sales Team

Addressing a cover letter correctly shows professionalism, diligence, and politeness. All of these are good for an employee to have and show you to be someone that’s worth investing further time in. While finding the proper person to address can be a chore, it helps you in several ways because:

Hiring managers get myriad applications. Remember that you aren’t the only one applying for a job. While you want to make your application stand out from the crowd if you can, you don’t want to stand out in a negative way — that’ll ensure you don’t get the job.

Individual people ultimately decide who gets hired. While the application process can feel faceless, formless, and impersonal, there are actual people at these companies that sort through resumes . And people form first impressions.

It shows that you’re willing to go the extra mile. Think about what the admired traits are in employees. If you’re willing to put in the additional effort or work to get a superior result, then that’s the sort of employee companies want to have to work for them.

It’s less impersonal. Of course the hiring process is somewhat impersonal. You’re petitioning people you don’t know and that don’t know you. But if you address a letter to Dear Hiring Manager, it doesn’t have the same effect as addressing it directly to the person.

Despite the importance of properly addressing a cover letter, not every company makes it easy for applicants to do. If the hiring manager’s name isn’t immediately apparent, then there are some other options open to you before addressing the cover letter to an unknown recipient.

Check the job listing. One simple way is to look at the application and double-check that the hiring manager’s name isn’t on the main listing. Sometimes the information isn’t on the application, but rather on the job listing. If it isn’t there you will then have to start doing a little bit more investigative work.

Check LinkedIn. You can check on LinkedIn and on the company’s website to find the hiring manager’s name. If nothing shows up, then you will have to start contacting someone at the company to find out.

Contact the company. Now, this does not mean you should contact some random person at the company who lists the company’s name on their profile. Find the contact information for the HR department, for someone who works in HR, or for the head of the department you are trying to work in and ask them if they know the name of the hiring manager for your application.

Sometimes, they will not give this information, simply so that the hiring manager can stay anonymous and not get a billion emails from applicants. This situation is more likely to happen with massive companies like Google or Apple.

If they give you a name, use it. If they don’t, then you will have to then move on to the next step of figuring out how to address a cover letter to an unknown person.

How to write a cover letter

Dear Sales Team Hiring Manager, As a fan of XYZ Inc.’s impressive technology products, I was ecstatic to see an opening for a Junior Sales Representative . After reading the job description, I am confident that I’m the right person for the job. With 4 years of experience selling cloud computing products and services, I would bring a unique perspective to the role. In my current role as a Sales Representative at ABC Corp., I’ve created technology presentations for all my clients, driving interest in new product sales and subscriptions by 84% year-over-year. Additionally, I’ve reduced the cost of customer acquisition by over 15% and consistently topped sales quotas by over 20% since starting at ABC. I know XYZ has amazing products and services that I would be honored to promote and sell. With my background in cloud computing, I would be able to hit the ground running and communicate your product’s benefits to customers. Please contact me if you have any further questions about my application or resume. I look forward to speaking with the Sales Team more about the role in an interview. Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely, Malia Freeman [email protected] 555-777-9999

How do you address a cover letter to an unknown recipient?

Address your cover letter to “Hiring Manager” or “[Department Name] Hiring Manager.” Always do whatever you can to try to find the name of the person you’re addressing, but if you can’t, address it to the generic position or team you’re trying to get in contact with.

Is To Whom It May Concern rude?

Yes, To Whom It May Concern can be considered rude. Not everyone will agree that it’s rude, but many people do find it rude, or at least impersonal and lazy on a cover letter, so it’s best to avoid this greeting

Is it okay to use Dear Hiring Manager?

Yes, it is okay to use Dear Hiring Manager as a cover letter greeting. It’s always best to address your cover letter to someone by name if you can find it, but many times you can’t. In this case, “Dear Hiring Manager,” is an appropriate greeting.

Who is the best person to address a cover letter to?

The best person to address a cover letter to would be the hiring manager. This should be their first and last name if you know it, but “dear hiring manager” is acceptable if you are unsure of their name.

The rule of thumb was to use titles such as Mr. or Ms. However, it’s also important not to assume the hiring manager’s gender. If you don’t know the person’s preferred pronouns, then it’s best to just use their full name.

If you don’t know the recipient’s name, how would you close the letter?

Sincerely or Regards are considered formal, professional closings for letters. If you’re writing a cover letter to someone you don’t know, it’s best to remain professional and polite. A sign-off such as best wishes will likely come off as too familiar.

If you are applying for a job and writing a cover letter, make sure you take the time to look over all the details in the cover letter. Not taking the time to look for the recipient of a cover letter or using a professional greeting will look lazy. ​ Your greeting is a small part of the cover letter. However, it’s one of the most important pieces because it’s the first thing the hiring managers will read. Using an appropriate generic greeting will set the tone for your cover letter, making you sound professional and willing to put in the effort to make your cover letter flawless. ​ Now that you know how to address a cover letter if the reader is the recipient is unknown, check out our other articles about cover letters and the job application process.

Applying for jobs can be stressful and tedious, but taking the time to learn tips on how to improve your application will help put you one step closer to landing your dream job .

Georgetown – Writing Cover Letters for Government

  • Who To Address Cover Letter To If Unknown

address cover letter unknown recipient

Vimari Roman Career Strategist Coach Be Productive Coaching

My recommendation is to always send a customized cover letter when applying for any job and when in doubt, address your letter to the hiring team using “Dear Hiring Team.” In most cases the application will end up on a recruiter’s or an HR Business Partner’s desk, and if they like your cover letter and resume, then they will pass it on to the hiring manager or the hiring team. By addressing your letter to the “team” you’ve got everyone covered and they will all feel as if the letter was written directly to them.

Expert Tip To Find Contact Infoformation

address cover letter unknown recipient

Sally Mikhail Founder of Recruit Petra LLC

Use LinkedIn to find out who to address your cover letter to you with a search of company personnel on the company careers page . However, if you are sending out a cover letter to an unknown hiring influence, you can address it to “Dear Hiring Team” or “Dear Hiring Manager.”

Who To Address Cover Letter To If Unknown Tip

address cover letter unknown recipient

Chelsea Jay Certified Resume Writer and Career Coach

Make sure that you review the company’s “About Me” or “Staff” to view their leaders which often lists direct managers, HR professionals, and executive leadership staff. If you know what department you’ll be working for, I recommend addressing the leader of that department. If the website is for a larger organization and does not list individual staff, I recommend utilizing LinkedIn. You can do a quick company search and find employees who are currently working there. You may even find the original posting with the hiring manager’s name attached.

If you cannot find the hiring manager’s name based on the posting, I recommend taking time to learn more about the specific department you’ll be working in. For example, if you discover that you’ll be working in the Communications department, the next step would be to learn about the specific team you’ll be part of. If you find out that it is the Public Affairs team, I encourage you to address “Public Affairs Team” at the beginning of your cover letter.

If you’re up for a bolder approach that is sure to get attention, address someone on the executive leadership team. I recommend addressing the President or Vice President of the organization (they should be easy to find since they are often the “face” of the organization). Of course, address them with a salutation along with their first name, last name, and title. In the beginning of the cover letter make sure to distinguish what department and position you are applying for. For example, Dear Mr. John Smith, President.

As an applicant, your goal is to stand out and showcase that you are informed and willing to go the extra mile (by doing research!).

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Heidi Cope is a former writer for the Zippia Career Advice blog. Her writing focused primarily on Zippia's suite of rankings and general career advice. After leaving Zippia, Heidi joined The Mighty as a writer and editor, among other positions. She received her BS from UNC Charlotte in German Studies.

Matt Warzel a President of a resume writing firm (MJW Careers, LLC) with 15+ years of recruitment, outplacement, career coaching and resume writing experience. Matt is also a Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW) and Certified Internet Recruiter (CIR) with a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (Marketing Focus) from John Carroll University.

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6 Examples: How To Address a Cover Letter Without a Name

By Status.net Editorial Team on December 25, 2023 — 11 minutes to read

Addressing the recipient without knowing their name might seem complicated, but there are ways to navigate this situation. Let’s take a look at a few strategies to make your cover letter feel personalized even when you don’t have a specific name to address.

Be Professional and Engaging

Using general salutations like “To Whom It May Concern” or “Dear Sir/Madam” can make your cover letter feel impersonal. Instead, opt for a more engaging opener such as “Dear Hiring Manager” or “Dear [Company Name] Team.” This type of greeting acknowledges the company and shows that you have researched the team you are addressing.

Focus on the Position and Company

Make sure to tailor the content of your cover letter to the job you are applying for by highlighting relevant qualifications, experience, and skills. Share specific examples of your successes that align with the responsibilities of the position. Mention the company’s values, goals, or recent successes to demonstrate how your values align with theirs. This can effectively showcase your interest and commitment to the role.

Use LinkedIn and Company Website Research

If you cannot find the hiring manager’s name in the job posting, you can turn to LinkedIn or the company website for clues. Search for professionals working in human resources or hiring roles at the company. If you find a specific contact, address your letter to that person while using their full name and title. Otherwise, continue with a professional and engaging salutation as mentioned earlier.

Here are two examples of how to start a cover letter without a name:

Dear Hiring Manager, As a passionate marketer with five years of experience, I am excited to apply for the Marketing Manager position at (…) Company. Achieving a 30% increase in leads generated through my previous campaigns, I am eager to contribute to the growth of your marketing department.
Dear ABC Inc. Team, With a strong background in project management and a proven track record of implementing cost-saving strategies, I am confident in my ability to excel as the Senior Project Manager at ABC Inc. Your company’s commitment to sustainable practices aligns with my values and I am thrilled to be considered for this opportunity.

By applying these strategies, you can create an impactful and personalized cover letter, even without knowing the recipient’s name. This attention to detail can set you apart from other applicants and leave a positive impression with your prospective employer.

How to Find the Hiring Manager’s Name

Sometimes locating the hiring manager’s name can be tricky, but there are several ways to find it. Let’s go through a few methods to help you address your cover letter without a name.

Using LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a great resource for finding the hiring manager’s name. Here’s how you can use it:

  • Visit the company’s LinkedIn page.
  • Click on the “People” tab to browse through the employees.
  • Use the search bar and enter keywords such as “recruiter,” “hiring manager,” or the department you’re applying to.
  • Check the found profiles, and try to identify the right person responsible for hiring in your desired role.

Make sure to double-check that the person is currently working in the company to avoid using outdated information.

Checking Company Website

Another way to find the hiring manager’s name is by checking the company website:

  • Locate the “About Us” or “Team” page, where you might find a list of employees along with their titles and roles.
  • Look for a person who has a recruiting or hiring-related title within the department you’re targeting with your application.
  • If you cannot find the necessary information on the website, try checking a company’s press releases or blog. Sometimes they include names of important team members.

Making a Phone Call

When all else fails, you’re left with one more option – making a phone call.

  • Call the company’s main line and politely ask the receptionist for the name of the hiring manager or the person responsible for recruitment in the department you’re interested in.
  • Be prepared to provide the job title and a job reference number (if available) to help the receptionist find the right person.

Finding the hiring manager’s name isn’t always possible. If you cannot locate it, don’t worry. Addressing your cover letter as “Dear Hiring Manager” or “To Whom It May Concern” is still better than not sending a cover letter at all.

How To Address a Cover Letter Without a Name: Sample Phrases

Starting with job title.

When you cannot find the recipient’s name, use their job title to address the cover letter. This shows that you can connect and direct your message to the relevant person. Here are some examples:

  • Dear Hiring Manager, – This is a common and universally understood phrase for addressing a cover letter without a name.
  • Dear [Job Title], – Use the specific job position that the recipient holds, for instance, Dear Marketing Director .
  • To the [Job Title] Selection Committee, – This approach can be useful when applying for a role advertised by a team or committee that will handle the hiring process, such as To the Scholarship Selection Committee .

Referring to Department

Another approach is to address the cover letter to the department that the position is within. This helps to direct your message to the appropriate team or group. Here are some examples:

  • Dear [Department] Team, – Mention the department you are applying for, such as Dear HR Team, or Dear Sales Team .
  • Greetings, [Department] Department, – Use the department name to address the letter, like Greetings, IT Department .
  • To Whom It May Concern in the [Department], – This is a formal alternative when you don’t know the recipient or department’s name, for example, To Whom It May Concern in the Finance Department .

Using these approaches will ensure that your cover letter appears professional and well-directed, even when you don’t have the exact name of the recipient. Focus on the content and the skills you bring to the position to make the best impression on the reader.

Crafting Content for Cover Letters

When you’re unsure of the recipient’s name, you might feel a little lost on how to address your cover letter. Don’t worry. You can still create an engaging and professional cover letter that gets the job done. Here are some tips and examples to help you craft the perfect content for an anonymous cover letter.

Start with a professional, yet friendly, greeting. If you don’t know the hiring manager’s name, use a general opening line such as “Dear Hiring Manager” or “To Whom It May Concern” . These greetings are widely accepted and show respect towards the person receiving the letter.

Next, dive into your strengths, skills, and achievements. Mention the qualifications that make you a strong candidate for the position. Share relevant accomplishments from your previous roles, such as leading a successful project or boosting sales. Be specific when describing your skills and use quantifiable results when possible. For example:

“During my time at Company (…), I managed a team of 10 and successfully increased sales by 25% within six months.”

Show enthusiasm for the job and demonstrate your knowledge of the company. Research the organization’s goals, values, and recent projects, then incorporate this information into your cover letter. This will help you tailor your letter to the company’s needs and show that you’d be a good fit for their culture. You could say something like:

“As a long-time admirer of your company’s commitment to sustainability, I’m excited about the opportunity to contribute to the upcoming eco-conscious product line.”

Close your cover letter with a strong call-to-action. Express your interest in further discussing your qualifications and offer your availability for an interview. Thank the hiring manager for considering your application and include your contact information. A sample closing paragraph could look like this:

“I’m eager to discuss how my expertise in digital marketing could contribute to the success of your team. Thank you for considering my application. You can reach me at (555) 555-5555 or [email protected] to schedule a conversation.”

Keep your cover letter concise and focused on your unique selling points. Even without knowing the recipient’s name, following these guidelines will allow you to create a memorable and attention-grabbing cover letter that leaves a lasting impression on potential employers.

Tips on Prefix Usage

When you’re addressing a cover letter without a specific name, it’s good to think about the appropriate prefix to use. Here are some tips to help you choose the right one:

First, consider using a general and gender-neutral prefix like Dear Hiring Manager . It will work well if you don’t know the recipient’s name or aren’t aware of their gender. This is a widely accepted way to address a cover letter without a specific name.

Dear Hiring Manager, I came across your job posting for a Graphic Designer, and I am excited to apply for the role.

If you happen to know the job title of the person who will read your cover letter, you can use it. This shows that you have put effort into researching the company and position.

Dear Marketing Director, I am writing to express my interest in the open Digital Marketing Specialist position at your company.

In some cases, you might know the name of the department that the job is in. In this case, you can address your cover letter to the entire department.

Dear Finance Team, I was thrilled to see an opening for a Financial Analyst at your company and would like to apply for the position.

When you’re unable to find any specific details or when addressing a larger company, you can opt for a broad salutation like To Whom It May Concern . Just be aware that it may come off as impersonal, so it’s best to use this as a last resort.

To Whom It May Concern, I am submitting my application for the Content Writer position posted on your careers website.

The key is to maintain a professional tone throughout your cover letter. Regardless of which prefix you choose, always customize your content to suit the specific job and company you’re applying to. By doing so, you demonstrate a genuine interest in the role and leave a positive impression on the hiring manager.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Sending a cover letter without addressing it to a specific person can be a pitfall. It might make the recipient feel unimportant or signal that you didn’t do your research. To make your application stand out, be mindful of these common mistakes:

  • Not being specific about the role: Your cover letter should not only address the person but also the specific role you’re applying for. Tailor your letter according to the job and the company. For instance, instead of writing “I wish to apply for the marketing position”, be more specific like “I am interested in applying for the Digital Marketing Specialist role at [CompanyName].”
  • Focusing too much on yourself: Although your achievements are important, the cover letter should focus on how your skills can benefit the company. Frame your accomplishments in a way that highlights the value you can bring to the organization.
  • Being overly formal or stiff: While it’s important to maintain a professional tone, being too formal might come across as insincere or impersonal. Use a friendly tone and avoid jargon or buzzwords to keep your cover letter genuine and relatable.
  • Spelling errors and typos: Even the smallest of typos can create a negative impression. Double-check your cover letter to make sure there are no mistakes. Keep an eye out for incorrect spellings, especially when addressing the recipient.

The goal of your cover letter is to make a personal connection and showcase how you are a great fit for the company. Taking the time to address your letter properly, proofread for errors, and customize your content demonstrates your attention to detail and commitment to the position.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can i properly address a cover letter when the recipient’s name is unknown.

If you don’t know the recipient’s name, consider using a general salutation instead. For example, “Dear Hiring Manager” or “Dear Recruitment Team” acknowledges the recipient without using a specific name. You can also research the company’s website or LinkedIn to try to find the appropriate contact person.

What alternatives are there to ‘To Whom It May Concern’?

There are several alternatives to ‘To Whom It May Concern’ that can help make your cover letter stand out:

  • Dear Hiring Manager
  • Dear [Company] Team
  • Dear [Department or Job Title] Hiring Team
  • Dear [Company] Recruitment Team

How do I determine the appropriate salutation for my cover letter?

To determine the right salutation for your cover letter, do a bit of research on the company or organization you’re targeting. This may help you uncover the specific department or hiring manager’s name. If not, use one of the general salutations mentioned earlier to address your cover letter in a more personalized manner.

What are examples of cover letter openings without using names?

Here are some examples of cover letter openings without using specific names:

  • “Dear Hiring Manager, I am excited to submit my application for the [Job Title] position at [Company].”
  • “Dear [Department or Job Title] Hiring Team, As a passionate professional with experience in [Industry], I am eager to contribute to [Company] as a [Job Title].”
  • “Dear [Company] Team, I recently came across the [Job Title] opening at [Company], and I am confident that my skills and experience make me a strong candidate.”

How can I avoid common mistakes when addressing cover letters without names?

To avoid mistakes when addressing cover letters without names, follow these tips:

  • Do thorough research on the company and the job posting
  • Be concise and professional in your language
  • Use an appropriate general salutation if you can’t find a specific name
  • Double-check for spelling and grammatical errors before sending the cover letter
  • Avoid using outdated or overused phrases, such as ‘To Whom It May Concern’ or ‘Dear Sir/Madam’

By following these guidelines, you can create a strong and effective cover letter that stands out to hiring managers, even if you don’t have a specific name to address.

  • How to Send an Email Cover Letter (Examples)
  • Resume vs. Cover Letter (Thoughtful Tips)
  • Administrative Assistant Cover Letter Examples (Guide)
  • How To Write a Cover Letter [Inspiring Examples]
  • Cover Letter vs. Letter of Interest vs. Letter of Intent
  • 2 Smart Examples: Executive Assistant Cover Letter

Who to address cover letter to if the recipient is unknown

Imagine that you’ve found a position you want to apply for and are working through your cover letter. There’s just one problem — you’re not sure how to address your cover letter. Unknown recipients can complicate the application process, especially when you want to set a great first impression. If you’re wondering who to address cover letter to if unknown, it’s important to find an alternative solution that is professional and respectful. Here’s what you need to know.

What you can do about it

Chances are that you’ve been searching “who to address cover letter to if unknown” or “unknown recipient cover letter” after encountering this scenario. The good news is that there are multiple solutions to this conundrum. 

If you need to write a cover letter to an unknown party, you should: 

Research the company

You should be researching any prospective employer before submitting an application so that you can learn more about their values, organizational structure, and culture. By digging a little deeper, you can usually find some basic information about the head of HR or the appropriate contact person. 

This information is usually located on the company’s website or the hiring manager’s LinkedIn. If you search the company, their account should be associated with it. 

If necessary, call the business. Give them your name, let the person who answers know that you are submitting an application, and ask who to address the documents to. 

Customizing your resume and cover letter for each job application will help you stand out and may increase your odds of landing an interview. Doing the legwork and finding out the name of the hiring manager is a great way of customizing your application, and it shows that you are a self-starter.

Use generic salutations

You will also want to consider how to address a cover letter without a name. If you can’t track down contact information for the person in charge of hiring, use a generic salutation. A few favorites include:

  • Dear Hiring Manager
  • Dear Recruiting Team
  • To Whom It May Concern

However, be careful not to overuse these phrases, as doing so can make your letter feel generic. Instead, use one of these phrases at the opening of your cover letter and keep your sentence phrasing focused on you and the business as a whole throughout the rest of the document. 

Need some more inspiration for creating a great introduction? Check out our cover letter examples and resume examples . These free resources can jumpstart your job search efforts and help you land an interview. 

Personalize your greeting

When deciding who to address cover letter to if unknown, it’s vital to get creative with your personalization. Do your best to track down an HR department head or hiring manager’s contact information. If you simply cannot, personalize your content by referencing recent company news or mutual connections. 

You can still create a great cover letter without a personalized greeting. However, you need to make at least some aspects of your document feel tailored to the job and organization you are applying to. You don’t want hiring personnel to believe that you submitted an identical document to multiple businesses. 

For more detailed tips and tricks, check out our growing library of cover letter articles . You’ll find everything from resume templates to job-specific cover letter examples, as well as best practices, dos and don’ts, and more!

Expert Tip:

Creating a cover letter with unknown recipients will not be a barrier to getting the job, provided you adhere to established best practices, research the business you are applying for, and personalize your documents to demonstrate your desire to join the organization.

Avoid common mistakes

Creating a cover letter without knowing the recipient’s name can be challenging, but it’s crucial to avoid common pitfalls that could undermine your application. Here are some common mistakes to avoid:

Using outdated or incorrect titles

One of the most common errors in addressing a cover letter involves using outdated or incorrect titles. Avoid using generic titles like “Dear Sir/Madam.” Instead, take the time to research the company or department structure to determine the appropriate title to use. Using the wrong title can convey a lack of attention to detail and professionalism.

If you can’t find the person’s name, it’s acceptable to use a generalized title, such as “Hiring Manager” or “Human Resources Manager.” Tailor the title you use based on the size and structure of the company. 

Misspelling names or titles

Another common mistake is misspelling names or titles. Double-check the spelling of the recipient’s name and any titles before sending your cover letter. 

Misspelling a name can make a negative impression and suggest carelessness. If you’re unsure of the correct spelling, consider reaching out to the company or using a neutral salutation like “Dear Hiring Manager.” 

Remember, the recipients are going to draw several conclusions about you based on your cover letter and resume. In addition to running spell checks, consider using matching resume and cover letter templates to ensure consistency across both documents. 

Our resume articles offer additional insights that can assist with preventing mishaps and making your application more impactful.  

Making assumptions about the recipient’s gender

Assuming the gender of a recipient based on their name can also be a mistake. In today’s diverse workplaces, it’s essential to avoid making assumptions about gender. 

Instead of using salutations like “Dear Sir” or “Dear Madam,” opt for gender-neutral alternatives like “Dear Hiring Manager” or “Dear [Company Name] Team.” This demonstrates respect for all individuals and avoids potential offense.

More importantly, using gender-neutral language demonstrates that you are an emotionally intelligent and considerate person. Hiring teams are considering more than just your skill set. They want to make sure you will have good chemistry with existing employees. 

Failing to research the company

Failing to research the company before addressing your cover letter is one of the worst mistakes you can make. Take the time to learn about the company’s culture, values, and organizational structure. This information can help you tailor your cover and demonstrate your genuine interest in the company. 

Neglecting to customize the cover letter

Failing to customize your cover letter for each job application is another common mistake. Employers can easily spot a generic cover letter.

Take the time to customize your cover letter for each application, highlighting relevant skills and experiences that match the job requirements. This demonstrates your genuine interest in the position and increases your chances of progressing in the hiring process. 

“Remember, the recipients are going to draw several conclusions about you based on your cover letter and resume”

In today’s hiring market, you don’t want to simply submit your cover letter and wait around for businesses to contact you. Be proactive and follow up with the human resources department a few days after you apply. Call the company directly, or reach out via email. 

When you do reach out, be direct. Consider saying something like, “I am reaching out about the status of my application, which was submitted on [Date of Submission]. I look forward to continuing the hiring process and participating in an interview.” This reply demonstrates confidence and genuine interest without overplaying your hand. 

If you speak to someone on the phone, use a similar approach. However, it’s best not to be rigid. Aim to be kind and personable, as the person you speak to may be directly involved in the interview and vetting process. If it is a smaller business, you may even end up speaking directly to the person in charge of hiring. 

Keep in mind that it’s acceptable to follow up multiple times. Generally, you should reach out two to three days after your initial application and roughly a week later if you still haven’t heard anything definitive. 

Crafting a compelling letter for an unknown recipient

Many applicants wonder who to address cover letter to if unknown recipient. But no matter who the intended recipient is, creating a dynamic cover letter requires diligence and discipline. Be willing to research your prospective employer so that you can learn more about the organization and who will be involved in your interview process. 

Doing some extra work to make your application stand out can mean the difference between getting an interview or having your letter get lost among other job seekers.

If you’d like to learn more about how to create a more appealing application, Jobseeker can help. We provide free resources, useful templates, and personalized support designed to help you achieve your career goals. Connect with us today!

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Including Salary Requirements in Cover Letters

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How to address a cover letter when the name is unknown.

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Most advice about cover letters instructs job applicants to personalize these documents, but that can be tricky when you don’t know exactly who you are sending the letter to. With a little bit of research, though, you can often find a specific name, along with additional information that will help you land the interview.


If the job listing doesn’t provide a specific name to address applications to, do some research to find a name. In some cases, companies might deliberately leave a name off the listing as a test of an applicants’ resourcefulness and willingness to learn about the company. The easiest way to get a name is to pick up the phone. Call the company directly, and say something like, “I am applying for a position in the ABC department. Can you please tell me who to whom I should address my cover letter ?” If you do not get a name, search the company website for a company directory or listing of key personnel.

If your research doesn’t reveal a specific name, the next best option is to address your letter to the general “hiring team.” Very rarely are hiring decisions made by one person, so addressing the hiring team, rather than the more specific “hiring manager,” ensures that you cover your bases. You could also use the generic “Dear Recruiter” or “Dear Recruiting Team.” Don’t address your letter to any variation of human resources, because not all companies have HR departments, and it’s likely that your resume will be reviewed by a department other than HR.

Greetings to Avoid

Never begin your cover letter with “To Whom It May Concern.” Most HR and recruitment professionals note that this is the fastest way to get your resume tossed in the trash, as it tells the employer that you don’t care enough about the job or the company to do even a little bit of research or attempt to personalize the letter. Not to mention, it’s overly formal and doesn’t convey your personality.

Also avoid beginning letters with “Dear Sir or Madam,” or worse, choosing one or the other. Not only does it sound too formal, especially when you are applying for work in a creative field or a startup, but you run the risk of offending someone. At the other end of the spectrum, beginning with “Hello” or even worse, “Hi!” is too informal, and again, shows that you haven’t done any research at all to customize the letter.

Going the Extra Mile

The research you do for the correct name can reveal additional information you can use to customize and personalize your cover letter and application. For example, you might discover that the person doing the hiring went to your alma mater, or shares the same hobby. Even if you can’t find specifics about an individual, researching the company and its mission, vision, goals and priorities can give you some ideas on how to write a better cover letter that gets you noticed.

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An adjunct instructor at Central Maine Community College, Kristen Hamlin is also a freelance writer and editor, specializing in careers, business, education, and lifestyle topics. The author of Graduate! Everything You Need to Succeed After College (Capital Books), which covers everything from career and financial advice to furnishing your first apartment, her work has also appeared in Young Money, Lewiston Auburn Magazine, USA Today, and a variety of online outlets. She's also been quoted as a career expert in many newspapers and magazines, including Cosmopolitan and Parade. She has a B.A. in Communication from Stonehill College, and a Master of Liberal Studies in Creative Writing from the University of Denver.


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How to Address a Cover Letter With Examples

address cover letter unknown recipient

Options for Addressing a Cover Letter

  • Letter Without a Contact Person
  • Non-Gender-Specific Names

What Title to Use

  • Address an Email Cover Letter
  • Review a Sample Cover Letter

Before You Send Your Letter

One of the trickiest parts of writing a cover letter comes at the very beginning. Much of the time, you won’t know exactly who will read your letter. How do you address your cover letter when you don’t have the contact person’s name and/or gender ?

First of all, try to find out the name of the contact person. Some employers will think poorly of an applicant who does not take the time to learn the hiring manager’s name. Also, take care not to assume that you know the gender of the recipient based on the name. Many names are gender-neutral, and some hiring managers may identify as a gender other than male or female.

It’s also possible that you’ll do your research and still be unable to figure out to whom you are addressing your letter. In that case, it's better to be safe and use a generic greeting . It's also acceptable to start a letter without a greeting and start with the first paragraph of your letter .

You have a lot of options when addressing your letter. Learn more about the possibilities before you make your choice.

How to Address a Cover Letter Without a Contact Person

There are a variety of general cover letter salutations you can use to address your letter. These general cover letter salutations do not require you to know the name of the hiring manager.

In a survey of more than 2,000 companies, Saddleback College found that employers preferred the following greetings:  

  • Dear Sir/Madam (27%)
  • To Whom It May Concern  (17%)
  • Dear Human Resources Director (6%)
  • Leave it blank (8%)

Do keep in mind that terms like "To Whom It May Concern" may seem dated, so the best options may be either to use "Dear Hiring Manager" or not to include a greeting at all. Simply start with the first paragraph of your letter.

How to Address a Cover Letter for a Non-Gender-Specific Name

If you do have a name but aren't sure of the person's gender, one option is to include both the first name and the last name in your salutation, without a title that reveals gender:

  • Dear Sydney Doe
  • Dear Taylor Smith
  • Dear Jamie Brown

With these types of gender-ambiguous names,  LinkedIn  can be a helpful resource. Since many people include a photo with their profile, a simple search of the person's name and company within LinkedIn could potentially turn up the contact's photograph.

Again, you can also check the company website or call the company’s administrative assistant to get more information as well.

Even if you know the name and gender of the person to whom you are writing, think carefully about what title you will use in your salutation.

For example, if the person is a doctor or holds a Ph.D., you might want to address your letter to “Dr. Lastname” rather than “Ms. Lastname” or “Mr. Lastname.” Other titles might be “Prof.,” “Rev.,” or “Sgt.,” among others.

When you address a letter to a female employer, use the title “Ms.” unless you know for certain that she prefers another title (such as “Miss” or “Mrs.”).

“Ms.” is a general title that does not denote marital status, so it works for any female employer.

How to Address an Email Cover Letter

Hiring managers get a lot of emails each day. Make it easy for them to scan your email and follow up by including a clear subject line and a signature with your contact information. It's important to address the email cover letter correctly, including the name of the person hiring for the position if you have a contact, to ensure that your letter gets noticed.

Subject Line of Email Message

Never leave the subject line blank. There is a good chance that if a hiring manager receives an email with no subject line, they’ll delete it without even bothering to open it, or it could end up in their spam mailbox. Instead, write a clear subject indicating your intentions.

List the job you are applying for in the  subject line of your email message , so the employer knows what job you are interested in. They may be hiring for multiple positions, and you will want them to identify the position you’re interested in easily.

How to Address the Contact Person

There are a variety of  cover letter salutations  you can use to address your email message. If you have a contact person at the company, address the letter to Ms. or Mr. Lastname. If you aren’t given a contact person, check to see if you can  determine the email recipient's name .

If you can’t find a contact person at the company, you can either leave off the salutation from your cover letter and  start with the first paragraph  of your letter or use a  general salutation .

How to Format the Salutation

Once you have chosen a salutation, follow it with a colon or comma, a space, and then start the first paragraph of your letter. For example:

Dear Hiring Manager:

First paragraph of the letter.

Body of Email Cover Letter

The body of your cover letter  lets the employer know what position you are applying for, and why the employer should select you for an interview. This is where you'll sell yourself as a candidate. Review the job posting and include examples of your attributes that closely match the ones they are looking for.

When you're sending an  email cover letter , it's important to follow the employer's instructions on how to submit your cover letter and resume.

Make sure that your email cover letters are as well-written as any other documents you send.

If you have attached your resume, mention this as part of your conclusion. Then finish your cover letter by thanking the employer for considering you for the position. Include information on how you will follow up. Include a closing, then list your name and your  email signature .

Your email signature should include your name, full address, phone number, email address, and  LinkedIn Profile URL  (if you have one) so it is easy for hiring managers to get in touch.

Firstname Lastname  Street Address  (optional) City, State Zip Code  Email  Phone  LinkedIn

Sample Cover Letter

This is a cover letter example. Download the cover letter template (compatible with Google Docs and Word Online) or see below for more examples.

Sample Cover Letter (Text Version)

Mary Garcia 12 Rogers Avenue Townville, New Hampshire 03060 555-555-5555 mary.garcia@email.com

February 17, 2021

Franklin Lee

CBI Industries 39 Main Street Townville, New Hampshire 03060

Dear Mr. Lee:

I was excited to see your ad for the operations assistant position in your Townville offices.

I have five years of experience as an operations assistant/associate. In my most recent role at ABC Corp., I fulfilled orders, resolved customer issues, ordered supplies, and prepared reports. In previous roles, I’ve done bookkeeping, data entry, and sales support. Basically, anything your department needs to run smoothly, I can do – and most likely, I already have experience doing it.

My other skills include:

  • Strong communication skills, in person, in writing, and on the phone
  • Excellent attention to detail and organization skills
  • Top-notch customer service
  • Experience in the industry and passion for the product
  • Adept at all the usual professional software, including Microsoft Office Suite

I’ve included my resume for your review. Please contact me if you have questions or would like to schedule an interview. Thank you for your consideration.

Signature (hard copy letter)

Mary Garcia

Review Cover Letter Samples: It’s hard to write cover letters from scratch. To make life easier – and to make sure you don’t forget any of those pesky formatting rules —start by reviewing cover letter samples . Sending an email version instead? Look at a few examples of email cover letters to get started.

Customize Your Cover Letter: Why personalize your cover letter every time you apply for a job? Because even similar job titles have different requirements. The goal of a cover letter is to show the hiring manager that you’re the best candidate for this particular job. Customizing your cover letter will help you emphasize your skills and experience and how they fit with the job requirements .

Spell-Check Names: Before sending your cover letter, make absolutely sure that you have spelled the hiring manager’s name correctly. That is the kind of small error that can cost you a job interview.

Carefully Proofread Your Letter: Whether you're sending an email or uploading or attaching a printable cover letter, it's important to make sure that your cover letter and resume are written as well as any other business correspondence. If you can, have a friend proofread before you hit send, to pick up any typos or grammatical errors.

Saddleback College. " Your Resume is Your 1st Interview ," Page 14. Accessed Feb. 17, 2021.

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How To Address A Cover Letter To An Unknown Person

how to address a cover letter to an unknown person

Cover letter personalization shows that you’ve done your homework and are genuinely interested in the position and the company.

However, lacking a name doesn’t mean your cover letter can’t shine. Here’s how to adapt and address a cover letter when you don’t have a name.

Navigating the task of addressing a cover letter when the recipient’s name isn’t provided can be challenging. Here are some reliable strategies to consider:

Research Is Key

Start by putting on your detective hat and doing some digging. Research the company website, LinkedIn, or even call the company directly to find out the hiring manager’s name. This level of initiative can impress potential employers.

General Salutations

Opt for a general yet professional salutation if your research hits a dead end. Some safe bets include:

  • “Dear Hiring Manager,”
  • “Dear [Department] Team,”
  • “To Whom It May Concern,”
  • Avoid overly generic and impersonal salutations like “Dear Sir/Madam.”

Specific Job Titles

Another effective strategy is to use a specific job title. For example, if you’re applying for a content editor role, you could write, “Dear Content Editor Selection Team,”

Crafting the Rest of Your Cover Letter

Remember, the salutation is just the first step. The content that follows is what will truly set you apart from the crowd.

Make it Engaging

Capture the reader’s attention from the get-go. Instead of a bland introduction, aim for an engaging opener highlighting why you’re excited about the role and what makes you a good fit.

Tailor Your Content

Avoid generic praise for the company. Instead, talk about specific projects, values, or aspects of the company culture that resonate with you. This shows that you have a genuine interest in the company.

Show Your Value

Instead of focusing on what the company can do for you, focus on what you can bring to the table. Talk about your achievements and how your unique skills could benefit the company.

Close It Out Professionally

End your cover letter on a professional note. “Sincerely,” “Best Regards,” or “Kind Regards,” followed by your name and contact details, is a safe and professional sign-off.

Wrapping Up

Addressing a cover letter to an unknown person can feel daunting, but with the right strategies, you can still create a powerful, personalized cover letter that leaves a lasting impression.

Your goal is to stand out from the crowd, and a well-crafted cover letter is your ticket to doing just that. So, get out there, and start making an impression!

Best of luck with your job search!

Title: how to address a cover letter to an unknown person

Category: Job Search

Author : Becky  is a contributor for  theJub . She’s a writing and talent acquisition specialist who loves to apply her skills through creative writing and editing.

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No Name? No Company Address? Here’s How to Address Your Cover Letter

Cover letter.

You were almost done with your application, but approaching the finish line, you hit a snag. How are you supposed to write a cover letter without the company address? How about a cover letter without the name of the hiring manager? You don’t want to make a bad first impression, and you don’t want your application to be misplaced. Fortunately, there are a few ways around this.

Addressing a Cover Letter with No Name

Letters are a type of social interaction, so it’s best to address letters to their recipient. But, if you don’t know the name of the person receiving your resume and cover letter, you do have options:

  • Do some light research. Before addressing a letter to an unknown recipient, start by searching the company websites for the name of hiring managers, recruiters, and HR employees. You can also search through LinkedIn, or by using GlassDoor’s interview section. For many smaller organizations, it’s also possible to email and ask.  
  • Keep it professional. Sometimes your research won’t turn up anything and you’ll be left without a name to address. In that case, instead of addressing the letter to an individual, you can address the letter to the job title of the reader. For example, “Dear Hiring Manager of [Company].” If you can’t narrow down a job title, there’s always “To whom it may concern.”

Addressing a Cover Letter without a Company Address

Companies with several locations may have multiple addresses. Companies involved with remote work may have no address at all. When writing a cover letter without an address, you have several options:

  • Double-check for an address online. You may not have found it immediately, but diligent research can often turn up results. Consider checking the contact/about section of a company’s website, or searching for a Google My Business listing. Beyond that, you may also consider contacting the Department of Revenue to learn their state location, and follow up with their local chamber of commerce.  
  • Use the address of the company headquarters. It’s descriptive, professional, and better than leaving the address blank. This approach often makes sense for remote work, and for larger organizations where applications are passed through an HR department.  
  • Use their P.O. box number. If you can’t find a headquarters address, using a P.O. box number is the next best thing. Like with a headquarters address, it shows you made an effort.  
  • Leave the address blank. While an address can help prevent busy HR departments from misplacing your letter, outside of those circumstances, going without an address on your cover letter is not a grievous mistake. Hiring managers usually have more important things to worry about.

Find More Interview Advice on the MyPath Blog

Taking these kinds of small steps can help probably won’t define you as a candidate, but they can fine-tune your application for success. For your next step, you’ll want to learn how to Describing Yourself in an Interview , master the “Strengths and Weaknesses” Question , and then Crafting a Post-Interview Follow-Up Email .

There’s always more you can learn to set yourself on the path for career success. If you’re still searching for the right career path, try our Career Wizard Tool to see how your abilities and interests may align with a career in risk management.

Cover Letter to Unknown Recipient

In the intricate dance of job applications, there comes a moment when addressing a cover letter to an unknown recipient becomes a puzzle to solve. What is this mysterious practice, and why does it matter? Let’s unravel the purpose and power behind crafting a cover letter when the recipient’s identity is a secret.

The cover letter to an unknown recipient is a strategic masterpiece designed for situations where you’re unsure about the person who will be reading your application. Its purpose is to convey your enthusiasm and qualifications while maintaining a professional tone, ensuring that your application reaches the right hands within the organization.

Embarking on the quest of writing a cover letter to an unknown recipient need not be a daunting journey. In the depths of this article, we will unveil a treasure trove of templates, examples, and samples. These gems are crafted to empower you, providing a map to navigate the uncharted waters of addressing an elusive audience. Let the templates be your guide, making the process of writing any letter, regardless of the recipient’s identity, as easy as a stroll in the park.

This article isn’t just a guide; it’s an art gallery showcasing the brushstrokes of effective communication. We believe in the power of simplicity and clarity. So, join us as we unravel the art of letter writing, demystifying the process, and equipping you with the tools to create a masterpiece that will leave a lasting impression, even when the recipient remains a splendid mystery. Let the journey begin!

Sample of Cover Letter to Unknown Recipient

[Your Name]

[Your Address]

[City, State, ZIP Code]

[Email Address]

[Phone Number]

[Company Name]

[Company Address]

Dear Hiring Manager,

I am writing to express my strong interest in the [Job Title] position at [Company Name], as advertised on your company’s website. As an accomplished professional with a proven track record in [relevant field], I am confident in my ability to contribute effectively to your team.

In my previous role at [Previous Company], I successfully [mention a significant achievement or responsibility]. This experience equipped me with a solid foundation in [key skills or qualifications relevant to the job]. I am particularly drawn to [Company Name] due to its reputation for [mention a specific aspect or value of the company].

One of my strengths is [mention a key strength or skill], which I believe aligns well with the requirements of the [Job Title] position. I am eager to bring my unique blend of skills and experiences to your dynamic team.

Enclosed is my resume, which provides further details about my professional background. I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to [Company Name]’s continued success and would welcome the chance to discuss how my skills can meet the needs of your organization.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the possibility of discussing my candidacy further.

How to Write a Cover Letter to Unknown Recipient

Demystifying the art of addressing the unseen.

In the vast landscape of job applications, encountering the enigma of an unknown recipient in a cover letter can be perplexing. Fear not, for we embark on a journey to decode this puzzle and empower you with the skills to compose an impactful cover letter, even when the addressee remains a mystery.

1. Decoding the Unseen: Strategies for Unearthing Information

Unravel the veil of anonymity by employing ingenious strategies to uncover the elusive recipient’s identity. From perusing company websites to utilizing professional networking platforms, we unveil the art of investigative research.

2. Crafting the Opening Gambit: A Salutation that Resonates

In the absence of a specific name, the salutation becomes a critical focal point. Navigate the intricacies of this challenge, employing eloquent alternatives that strike the right chord and set the tone for a compelling cover letter.

3. Pioneering Personalization: Tailoring Your Letter with Precision

Elevate your cover letter game by injecting personalization. Delve into the nuances of aligning your skills and experiences with the company’s ethos, demonstrating a bespoke approach that resonates with even the most elusive hiring manager.

4. The Power of Prose: Writing with Flair and Finesse

Master the art of writing with flair, ensuring your prose is captivating and conveys your professional narrative effectively. From dynamic language to impactful achievements, we explore how to make your cover letter a compelling read.

5. Navigating the Uncharted Waters: Body of the Cover Letter

Dive into the body of your cover letter with finesse, seamlessly navigating through your experiences, skills, and accomplishments. Employ persuasive language to articulate why you are the ideal candidate, even without a specific addressee in mind.

6. The Artful Closure: Concluding on a Memorable Note

Conclude your cover letter artfully, leaving a lasting impression. Explore techniques for a memorable sign-off that emphasizes your enthusiasm for the role and opens the door for further dialogue.

7. The Revealing Signature: Signing Off with Professionalism

Discover the nuances of a professional sign-off, ensuring your closing statement reflects your gratitude, confidence, and eagerness to contribute to the organization.

Embark on your letter-writing odyssey equipped with these strategies, turning the challenge of addressing an unknown recipient into an opportunity to showcase your adaptability and creativity. Happy writing!

FAQs about a Cover Letter to Unknown Recipient

In the realm of cover letters, the uncertainty of addressing an unknown recipient often sparks a barrage of questions. Let’s demystify the complexities surrounding this topic and provide concise, insightful answers to the most frequently asked questions.

1. How do I start a cover letter when I don’t know the recipient’s name?

In situations where the addressee remains elusive, begin your cover letter with a polite and generic salutation such as “To Whom It May Concern” or opt for alternatives like “Dear Hiring Manager.” This sets a respectful tone while addressing the anonymity.

2. Is it acceptable to address a cover letter to a job title?

Yes, addressing your cover letter to a specific job title, such as “Dear Marketing Manager” or “Dear Human Resources,” can be an appropriate alternative. Ensure the chosen title aligns with the department responsible for hiring.

3. How can I tailor my cover letter without knowing the recipient?

Even in the absence of a specific name, tailor your cover letter by focusing on the company’s values, mission, and the skills relevant to the position. Mention specific achievements and align them with the company’s goals, showcasing a tailored and informed approach.

4. What’s the best way to express enthusiasm in a cover letter without knowing who will read it?

Express your enthusiasm by highlighting what excites you about the company, its projects, or its commitment to a particular cause. Showcase your passion for contributing to the organization’s success, creating a genuine connection beyond the unknown recipient.

5. Can I follow up on a cover letter addressed to an unknown recipient?

Absolutely. In your closing statement, express your eagerness for the opportunity to discuss your application further. Mention your intention to follow up and inquire about the appropriate contact person or department during the interview process.

Navigate the challenges of crafting a cover letter to an unknown recipient with these succinct answers to commonly asked questions. Empower yourself to communicate effectively, even when the addressee remains shrouded in anonymity.

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  1. 20 Examples Of How To Address a Cover Letter to an Unknown Recipient

    Even if you don't know the recipient's name, it's crucial to keep your language and tone professional throughout your cover letter. Provide examples of well-formatted cover letter salutations. Example 1: "Dear Hiring Manager," Example 2: "Dear IT Director," Example 3: "Dear Ms. Taylor Smith,"

  2. How To Address a Cover Letter Without a Name in 5 Steps

    Here are five steps on how to address a cover letter without a name: 1. Remain gender neutral. The first step to addressing a cover letter without a name is to use gender-neutral identifiers. Deepti Sharma spent several years in the corporate world before following her entrepreneurial spirit and starting her business as a human resources (HR ...

  3. 10 Best Ways To Address A Cover Letter Without A Name

    Not every business has HR take care of all hiring tasks, especially if it's a smaller company. Examples of how to address a cover letter: Dear Sir or Madam. Dear Hiring Manager. Dear Talent Acquisition Team. Dear [Company Name] HR Department. Dear [Company name] Hiring Manager. Dear Human Resources Manager.

  4. 6 Examples: How To Address a Cover Letter Without a Name

    Here are some examples: Dear Hiring Manager, - This is a common and universally understood phrase for addressing a cover letter without a name. Dear [Job Title], - Use the specific job position that the recipient holds, for instance, Dear Marketing Director. To the [Job Title] Selection Committee, - This approach can be useful when ...

  5. How to Address a Cover Letter Without a Name

    Who to address your cover letter to if the recipient is unknown. Opening your cover letter by addressing the hiring manager by name is always preferable to a generic greeting.It's worth spending a bit of extra time trying to find the name of a contact person, because this shows that you've done your research and signals to employers that you're serious about the job.

  6. How to Address a Cover Letter Without a Name

    1 Do some research. The first step is to try to find out the name and title of the person who will be reading your cover letter. You can start by checking the job posting, the company website ...

  7. How to Address a Cover Letter Without a Name

    Address your letter to "Dear Hiring Manager.". This works as a last resort, as will the salutation "Dear Hiring Team.". Reserve these greetings for when you have no idea who the recipient of the letter will be. Whatever you do, don't skip writing a cover letter just because you can't find the name of the right person.

  8. How to Address a Cover Letter in 2024: Complete Guide

    Using a person's name in direct communication helps to establish a connection. So it's no wonder you should use it in the cover letter address! Start with Dear + recipient's first name or their first and last name. Use honorific titles such as Mr. or Ms. only if you're 100% certain of the recipient's gender identity.

  9. How to Address a Cover Letter (and Who to Address)

    Here are the most common ways to address a cover letter without a name: To Whom It May Concern. Dear Human Resources Director. Dear Hiring Manager. Dear Recruitment Manager. Additionally, if you want to add a personal touch, address your cover letter to your prospective department or manager.

  10. How to Address a Cover Letter in 2024 (with Examples)

    Here's how to address a cover letter—. There's a right and wrong way. Way #1: The employer thinks, "This applicant's got a brain.". Way #2: She thinks, "Yuck. Another dud.". It's not rocket science. Just pick the right salutation and the right address cover letter format. In this guide, you'll learn: Who to address a cover ...

  11. Who to address cover letter to if unknown

    Many applicants wonder who to address cover letter to if unknown recipient. But no matter who the intended recipient is, creating a dynamic cover letter requires diligence and discipline. Be willing to research your prospective employer so that you can learn more about the organization and who will be involved in your interview process.

  12. How to Address a Cover Letter When the Name Is Unknown

    Go General. If your research doesn't reveal a specific name, the next best option is to address your letter to the general "hiring team.". Very rarely are hiring decisions made by one person, so addressing the hiring team, rather than the more specific "hiring manager," ensures that you cover your bases. You could also use the generic ...

  13. How to Address and End a Cover Letter: 25 Examples & Tips

    3 Key Tips for Addressing Your Cover Letter 1) Don't Address Your Cover Letter to the Recruiter. For many job openings, the first person you need to impress is a corporate recruiter. That doesn't mean you should address your cover letter to them. "Recruiters do not read cover letters," a long-time healthcare recruiter told Jobscan ...

  14. How To Address a Cover Letter

    For example, 'Dear Austen Myers' is acceptable and considered a professional way to address a cover letter. If you know their gender and wish to use a title in the address, use either 'Ms.' or 'Mr.' to avoid inaccurately describing the recipient's marital status. For example, you'd write 'Dear Ms. Myers' rather than 'Dear ...

  15. How to Address a Cover Letter With Examples

    Mary Garcia 12 Rogers Avenue Townville, New Hampshire 03060 555-555-5555 [email protected]. February 17, 2021. Franklin Lee. CBI Industries 39 Main Street Townville, New Hampshire 03060. Dear Mr. Lee: I was excited to see your ad for the operations assistant position in your Townville offices.

  16. How to Address Your Cover Letter in 2023

    Rule #1: Address your cover letter to the hiring manager using a formal, full-name salutation (if possible). For a cover letter, you should always default to addressing it to the hiring manager for the position you're applying to. Unless you know for sure that the culture of the company is more casual, use the hiring manager's first and ...

  17. How To Address A Cover Letter To An Unknown Person

    Addressing a cover letter to an unknown person can feel daunting, but with the right strategies, you can still create a powerful, personalized cover letter that leaves a lasting impression. Your goal is to stand out from the crowd, and a well-crafted cover letter is your ticket to doing just that. So, get out there, and start making an impression!

  18. How to Address a Cover Letter (With Examples)

    The headline on the image says, "Cover letter format" A woman sits at a table writing on a piece of paper. There's a simple cover letter represented by lines. On one side of the cover letter, there are labels for the sections of the cover letter. The labels are: 1. Date and contact information 2. Salutation/greeting 3. First, introduce yourself 4.

  19. How to Address Cover Letters with No Name or Address

    Keep it professional. Sometimes your research won't turn up anything and you'll be left without a name to address. In that case, instead of addressing the letter to an individual, you can address the letter to the job title of the reader. For example, "Dear Hiring Manager of [Company].". If you can't narrow down a job title, there's ...

  20. How To Address A Cover Letter (With Examples)

    In the body. The first line of your email should address the recipient, which differs slightly from paper cover letters. In cover letters, you usually add a header that includes your name and contact information, the date, and the recipient's name and contact information. After addressing the recipient, you can add your full cover letter in the ...

  21. Cover Letter to Unknown Recipient

    The cover letter to an unknown recipient is a strategic masterpiece designed for situations where you're unsure about the person who will be reading your application. Its purpose is to convey your enthusiasm and qualifications while maintaining a professional tone, ensuring that your application reaches the right hands within the organization.

  22. A Guide on Addressing a Cover Letter Appropriately

    The following guide explains how to address a cover letter to an unknown recipient: 1. Gather some research Before you write your cover letter, do some research on the company and its recruitment team to get a better idea of whom to address your cover letter to and what would interest them about your skills and qualifications. Here are some tips:

  23. How to Address a Cover Letter (2024 Examples)

    Adding titles when addressing a cover letter. It is acceptable to use a title and the recipient's surname when addressing a cover letter. You could write "Dear Mr Nelson" instead of "Dear Chris Nelson.". You might do this if you do not know your recipient's first name. Call females Ms, unless you know they prefer Miss or Mrs.